The Impact of Online Dating Among Filipino Millenial in Manila

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The Impact of Online Dating among Filipino Millenial in Manila

A Research Proposal
Presented to the Far Eastern University High School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for Senior High School – Grade 12


Baluyot, Brenna Liana D.

Chico, Nichole D.
Doxi, Lheann Jinelle J.
Mangrubang, Marc Arthur R.
Mendoza, Dahlia Franzelle S.
Molo, Kathleen Mae N.
Punzal, George Zaira D.G.
Torres, Hazelyn L.

Grade 12 – HUMSS 7




1.0 Introduction 3

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Conventional Courtship 12

2.2 Online Dating 14
2.3 Pros and Cons 16

3.0 Methods

3.1 Design 23
3.2 Subjects and Study Site 24
3.3 Data Collecting Instruments 24
3.4 Data Gathering Procedure 25
3.5 Data Analysis 25
3.6 Ethical Considerations 26

Appendix I: Permit to Conduct Research 27
Appendix II: Informed Consent Form 31
Appendix III: Survey Questionnaire 32

References 34



Baluyot, Brenna Liana D., Chico, Nichole D., Doxi, Lheann Jinelle J., Mangrubang, Marc Arthur
R., Mendoza, Dahlia Franzelle S., Molo, Kathleen Mae N., Punzal, George Zaira D.G., Torres,
Hazelyn L.


This chapter discusses the impact of online dating in the conventional culture of courtship

in the Philippines. The background of the study mainly tackles traditional and modern dating and

the period when it started. This paper shows theories and it also explains how people

communicate and their strategies of building relationships through computer-mediated

communication settings. Researchers hypothesize that active users are not the same as their

personal self. This chapter in particular, focus on the effect of online dating to social norms and

emotional stability of an individual and explores why many Filipinos choose online dating than

courting personally.


Traditional dating in the Philippines is different from the generalized traditional dating of

westernized countries. It is a desired culture for the Filipinos because of it requires a lot of time

and effort of a man to woo his admired girl. Filipino’s traditional culture on courtship is solely

focused on the reverence of the man to the woman and her family, and rigorously adhering to the

social norms of society for pursuing a lady. It requires hard work, perseverance, enthusiasm and

love. The traditional culture focuses mainly on the approval of the woman’s family, getting their

trust and manifesting a man’s eagerness to marry the girl. Back then, when a man courts a girl, it

is with the intention of marriage. There has been series of steps and stages in the traditional

setting of the Filipino culture on courtship. In western cultures, courtship is seen as direct and

straight to the point, while on the other hand Filipinos’ culture is indirect and heedful.

“Pamamahikan” is a term in the Philippines where the man goes to the woman’s family to talk

about marriage. Indeed, the parents blessing is a must to let the man marry the woman.

In the modernized culture of courtship, dating revolves mostly on the liberalism of the

youth. Due to the influence of the western countries, courtship in the Philippines became

selectively traditional. Only few of the values of the traditional culture on courtship is still

evident nowadays. Unlike before, a woman’s “No” is respected. Today, whether the woman likes

it or not, men are still eager to pursue the woman, hence persuading the woman to let him.

Another factor is that modern courtship is unpredictable. A modernized way of meeting is from

group dates, where friends of an individual would pair them and tease them. Later on, their

friends would leave so they could talk indifferently to each other, and that leads to advanced

dating. Therefore, Filipinos in this generation tend to have a longer time to adjust and trust a

person they talk to, or like. In parental regards, modernized men do not really ask the parents

whether he is to marry the woman or not. Rather, he proposes to the woman and the decision is

solely based on the feelings of the woman to the man. Disregarding the traditional courtship

value of parental respect, modern Filipinas tend to prefer somewhere else to meet up, or some

women goes through the back of their parents and dates illicitly. This is the most evident

modernized disobedience of the traditional culture of Filipinos on courtship. (Towns Delight,

2011) These facts cannot be denied as the Philippine culture is ever changing, yet what most do

not understand is that it brings a negative impact to the culture, disregarding the authoritative

values that ancestors have bestowed upon Filipinos.

In the current generation, online social platforms, such as Facebook, Tinder and the like,

have made the pursuit of romance effortless for people. These readily available programs are

expanding every day because of its convenience, and it also helps eradicate isolation and

loneliness. Social networking sites were made to let people engage into cyber interaction to reach

anyone within a click away. Indeed, with the pursuit of these social platforms, online dating

websites have been born. The online dating communities are growing by leaps and bounds, like

other social networking websites, which makes them similar because of their function to provide

intrapersonal communication with people by means of electronic medias. (Quesnel, 2010) Back

then, others find online dating as something that individuals desperate for love would use,

however as there a huge increase of members in the online is dating community, the stigma

diminishes and it is gradually becoming socially acceptable.

Online dating blossomed way back 1990’s, and the first ever online dating website was

born. According to Lee (2016), was the first ever cyber-dating site and its primary

objective was to match people based on their likes and dislikes. Now that online dating has

evolved, filtration is popular and only specific people that suits an individual’s taste would be

presented. In 2002, it was estimated that 22.3 million people registered on the site and hence, the

online dating industry boomed. also provided a big increase of inter-racial couples.

With a doubt, the data does not necessarily prove that the increase of interracial couples are

because of the online dating site, but it has been consistent with the theory that it does. Online

dating has let individuals access more potential partners that they couldn’t have met offline. In

addition, online dating offers new means to get to know someone thoroughly before meeting in

real life. Examples would be video-chatting, or a simple voice call. In that way, when two

potential partners meet, it would be less awkward.

The researchers came up with this study because of the urge to find what makes online

dating more favorable than the traditional style of Filipino courtship. The researchers are also

eager to know how the modernized dating culture affects a community of old-fashioned

Filipinos; what are the values and norms that are still important in this era, and how people’s

standards differ due to online and offline dating.


Figure 1. Social Information Processing Theory

Adapted from: Crick, Nicki R., Dodge, Kenneth A.- Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 115 (1),


Social information processing theory (SIPT) contributes theoretical explanations as to

why the usage of human voice that leads to positive relational result during crises with social

media followers. SIPT shows the strategies of building relationship through computer-mediated

communication settings (Walther, 2008). According to SIPT, as computer-mediated interaction

lessen the cues that are applicable in face-to-face communication to guide or help make first-

impression judgments, people applies the communication system that remains., such as written

attitude, response time and language to build a relationship and make up for the lack of physical

cues (Walther, 2008).

As computer-mediated connection shortage the accessible cues in face-to-face

communication to help make first-impression judgments, individuals apply the rest of the

communication systems, such as response time, dialect or written attitude, to form up for the loss

of physical communication needed to make a good relationship. (Walther, 2008)

System or users cues influence interpersonal attraction. Van Der Heide et. Al. (2009),

found out that there had a significant impact on Facebook that are displayed as friends on social

attraction. Cues helps to lessen uncertainty (Walther, 2008; Walther & Parks, 2002) which aids

in facilitating interaction. According to Valkenburg et. Al. (2009),

social media users are getting attracted to socializing with others whom they are less

uncertain. Social Information theory explains how people communicate using computer-

mediated. This is a social adjustment framework that flows around with encoding of cues,

interpretation of cues, clarification of cues, response access, response decision and behavior

enactment. Cues or signals that will be interpreted until it construct a response and it just flows



This research aims to provide substantial declarations regarding the impact of

online dating to the Filipino's conventional culture on courtship.

The questions stated are formulated by the researchers:

1. What is the most dominant demographic of the online dating application users?

2. Why do Filipino users resort to online dating rather than the conventional way of dating?

3. What traditional dating norms are disregarded by online dating users?

4. Are Filipinos' personality and attributes the same in reality and in the online dating world


This study is conducted based on the following assumptions:

1. Since this generation is the online dating era, the researchers presume that most

respondents are 17-30 years old. It is also assumed that males are more dominant in the online

dating community, and lastly, those who're in the middle-class sector are triumphing over users

who're in the upper-class.

2. The looks of a person is more important than the behavior of a person. People use

online dating apps to find love, lust, or just for fun.

3. The biggest flouted norm would be the choice of short-term relationships rather than

having long-term or long-lasting relationships.

4. Since the use of filters, make-ups, etc. is rampant, the researchers hypothesize that

users who are actively engaging in the social media world are not the same as their personal self.


The findings of this study would be highly beneficial to the following:

1. Social Media Users – The online community have been well aware of the pros

of online dating (e.g. faster interactions, unlimited people to meet). This

research would like to be an eye-opener for social media users to be well-

aware of meeting people internet-based.

2. Introverts – This research would be also significant for proclaimed introverts.

Since some introverts are better at expressing themselves with writing than

speaking/talking, online dating websites tend to be much easier for them. With

this study, the researchers ought to help introverts realize that conventional-

modernized dating is much more efficient than meeting someone online.

3. Students – As most students are naïve and confused about how online dating

really works, the results of this study would be of help to them to know how

online dating affects their social and emotional stability.

4. Future Researchers – This research would also want to help future researchers

as a source of information, and let this be a support system to have a greater

outcome for another study.


This research mainly seeks on how online dating can impact the Philippines' conventional

culture on courtship. The researchers have chosen this topic to find out what are the various

effects of online dating to the Filipino culture on courtship.


The researchers would only tackle the social and emotional aspect of the study because

the researchers do not want to be the study to be broad and general, rather, would focus on the

impacts of online dating to social norms, emotional stability, etc. Of an individual. The

researchers would also limit the age gap by the age of teenagers/millennials (17-30). The

researchers want to focus on the generation of the millennial because currently, it is the era of

online dating.


Hereunder are terms that are stated on the paper that should be recognized and understood


Conventional Dating – The modernized way of dating, meeting each other personally

with the help of friends and opportunities.

Generation Z – Individuals born between the years 1995-2012.

Millennials – Those who are born between 1981 and 1994.

Online Dating – The practice of searching for a romantic or sexual partner on the

internet, typically via a dedicated website.

Social Media – Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or

to participate in social networking.

Traditional Dating – Described as a "far more subdued and indirect" approach compared

to Western or Westernized cultures.



Love and courtship back then was slow-paced and tedious. Today, it’s way easier and

hasty. Nevertheless, the level of satisfaction in those relationships remains constant. (Taylan,

2009) It is indeed a battle of efficiency between the two cultures on their outlooks on dating and

courtship. Though whatever may be more efficient, both still is in the Filipino culture and the

degree of satisfaction persist in being the same. Most people are used on conventional dating but

since internet is been popular lately so as online dating apps or sites has been an interest for

many people. As A survey conducted in 2013 found that 77% of people considered it “very

important” to have their smart phones with them all the time.

Conventional Courtship

Traditional courtship was defined as necessitating courage, strategic planning, and

sacrificing a big amount of pride and ego (rejection was rampant before) unlike texting, or

communicating through social networking sites. In the context of dating today, charm is

unnecessary; it’s like putting glasses to a blind man and hoping for him to see. Particularly,

traditional courtship focuses mainly on a man who is determined to pursue a relationship

with a particular woman, with the intention of marriage. (Sulloway, 2007).

According to an online article conducted by Williams (2013), an interviewee answered

that she’s seen more guys finding a movie to watch on netflix rather than composing a

comprehensible message to ask a girl out. This just marks that westernized culture on dating

has intensely changed over time. Guys who were still following the conventional way of

dating in western countries were considered to be rare. In the review of Miller (2011) In his

study, ‘ The Cultural Adaptation of Internet Dating: Attitudes towards Online Relationship

Formation’, The measure of face to face path for a couple to meet was most reliably

positioned as culturally appropriate and regularly significantly higher than other methods.

This consistency and partition demonstrate the significance that society puts on face to face

contact and all the more particularly, first impressions. These suppositions were iterated in

the open-ended questions, fortifying the discoveries that face to face interactions is

vigorously tied to cultural ideas of the initial meet while developing a relationship.

The western culture gave a very compelling influence on the Asian culture, mainly on

Filipinos’ culture. Gaspar (2009) also stated that scandals, pornographic images and

magazines were taboo before, different from today as sex education has become part of the

school’s curriculum. “Gone are the days when young Romeos would serenade their chosen

ladies. Now, one can have a girlfriend through the Internet or via text.” Gaspar added.

The Filipinos are very communal (Espiritu, 2001). The Philippine culture is heavily

influenced by westernized ideas through cyberspace and migration and has changed the

Filipinos’ outlook on sexuality and dating. (Ramiro, 2005). There is a rapid increase of

online Filipino dating users, but still rely on meeting people at social gatherings or through

‘panrereto’. The traditional norms of the Filipino culture on dating are sometimes neglected

as modernized culture on dating prevails. (Osorio & Someros, 2016).

Over time, traditional norms regarding love and courtship have developed to become

more relaxed and casual. Acop (2009) indicated that she used to hear stories about her

grandfather that literally did everything to win her grandmother. She also added that if a

woman sleeps over at a man’s house, even situational, then she’d have an instant husband the

next day. The Filipino culture indeed focuses on the formality of courtship and the buttoned-

down value of women and ought to continue it that way until the western countries made a

big influence on the evolving culture.

Youth ordinarily go to a date without the need of asking permission from their elders. At

certain times, it is even the women who go after the men. Often, boyfriends and girlfriends

act as if they are already a married couple. In short, the courtship phase appears to have been

drastically decreased to the point of insignificance. (Acop, 2009)

According to this study, guys still want to visit the house of the girl they’re courting and

face the girl’s parents. Also, the research’s findings included: sending of text messages is the

modernized way of courtship because they find themselves wanting to communicate with the

girl all the time, guys still like to court a girl in a conventional way rather than the use of

online dating, there are still courtships that ranges between 4-5 years, the modernized way of

courtship is befriending the girl first to get to know the girl better, etc. This study concluded

that men of this generation still find the traditional way of dating much sincere and efficient.

Online Dating

It stated in Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs that humans requires safety, self-actualization,

physiological, social and self-esteem in their daily life (Mazanderani, 2012). One of the basic

needs of humans is love, searching the right person is the major concern of love. Most people

tend to meet their romantic partners in their social circles, such as work and school (Rosenfield

& Thomas, 2012). However, finding potential partners in their social circles is very limited.

Internet became part of our lives; we tend to spend time on it every day. Online dating has been

common nowadays and became one of the tool to find or meet friends and romantic partner

(Olenick, 2013). The expansion of the Internet has reconstructed how we initiate and maintain

personal relationships (James, 2015). In finding their future partners 1 in 10 Americans have

reported using an online dating site or mobile application, and a whopping 66% of these online

daters have gone on an actual date with the person they met online (Paul, 2014).

Due to the modernization these days, advancement of technology has been also in use

when it comes to courtship as well. Online dating is a way of starting a romantic relationship

on the internet, by giving information about yourself or replying to someone’s information.

(Cambridge English dictionary). Since we are on the digital era, Online dating is an easier

and convenient way of courtship. You can talk to someone anywhere. It can be a huge asset

to people who have "thin dating markets," such as LGBTQ people. Overall, the Internet

offers the opportunity to meet people you would otherwise never have had the chance to

meet. And because you established what you were seeking online, you already know they're

looking for the same thing. (Stanford 2012)

Online dating is exclusive within the pursuit of romance. The bond created between

potential partners takes a unique path than traditional dating relationships. On-line dating

typically begins with a flurry of e-mail messages, every a lot of intimate than the last.

Traditional Dating relationships that may take months to develop within the universe, take

weeks or maybe days on-line. (Rosen, 2018) Results recommend that couples who met their

accomplices online will probably be associated with dating and sentimental connections than

conjugal connections contrasted with couples who met disconnected. Besides, the separation

rates for both conjugal and non-conjugal sentimental connections was observed to be higher

for couples who met online than couples who met through disconnected settings. (Aditi,


Online dating sites frequently claim that they have fundamentally altered the dating

landscape for the better (Finkel et al., 2012) Access, communication, and matching. These

are the three major services that the researches from Association for Psychological Science

have considered to fully understand how online dating basically differs from conventional

dating and the circumstances under which online dating promotes better romantic outcomes

than conventional dating. Access refers to the user’s opportunity to assess possible partners

they are otherwise unlikely to encounter. Before meeting face to face users can use various

forms of computer-mediated communication (CMC) to interact with particular possible

partners through the dating site. In matching, it refers to a site’s use of a mathematical

algorithm to pick possible partners for different users.

According to YouGov research that half of the Filipinos used online dating sites and rises

56% among millennials. Online dating in the Philippines is getting larger and became a

mainstream, it has been easy to find a romantic partner or a date with the help of internet or

online dating site. 4 out of 10 millennials would be embarrassed to confess that they use or

find their partner through online dating apps/site ( Staff, 2017).


Just as the use of technologies to facilitate romantic relationship have changed,

attitudes toward online dating have changed as well. Personal ads in magazines and

newspapers never became a widely socially acceptable way to search for a partner. The

stigma associated with personal advertisements extended initially to online dating. Online

dating was assumed to be for “nerds,” “the desperate,” and the “socially-awkward”

(Wildermuth & Vogl-Bauer, 2007). In the late 1990s and early 2000s, however, online

dating started becoming more mainstream and shedding its stigma. As online dating

matures, in any case, it is likely that an ever increasing number of individuals will benefit

themselves of these services and if improvement — and utilize — of these sites is guided

by thorough psychological science, they may turn into an all the more encouraging route

for individuals to meet their ideal partners.

According to Lawson and Leck (2006), in their study, ‘Dynamics of Internet

dating’, the study analyzed the universe of Internet dating. It investigated the inspirations

of daters, their styles of romance, and how they arranged issues of trust and double

dealing. The authors utilized inside and out meetings and member perception with people

who met on the internet. Online daters looked for fraternity, comfort after an existence

emergency, control over introduction of themselves and their surroundings, flexibility

from responsibility and stereotypic parts, experience, and sentimental dream. The authors

additionally examined the improvement of trust between daters, the dangers they accept,

and lying on the internet. Most members in the examination in the end met, which now

and then brought about unexpected dismissal and loss of face, yet different circumstances

finished in marriage.

In today's world, many people are finding online dating to be the new way to find

true love. It is now the most common way to find your partner next to meeting them in a

bar or having your friend introduce you to someone else. A research from 2015 by the

BBC showed that the dating app Tinder was the 10th most popular lifestyle app in

Canada that year and the 15th most popular one in the US. So because of technology that

used to be seen as something that was a bit ‘shady’ or a desperate last resort, became

something socially accepted and common behavior.


Through computer-mediated communication (CMC), users can interchange a

chain of electronic messages and participate in different social activities exclusively

through cyberspace. It is also stated that online dating doesn’t just initiate relationships

but going out with their partners that they met online has also resulted in committed

relationships and even marriages. In a recent study sponsored by, the

researchers have found out that one out of three marriages nowadays starts online.


Online dating sites became popular not just to the millennials but also single

adults are seeking for romantic relationship (Madden & Lenhart, 2006). People who uses

online dating sites/app especially millennials often to show the romanticized or idealized

version of their selves in social media while omitting the less acceptable of their

characteristics (Hancock & Toma, 2009). Online daters often to use their first name or

profile names only for the security of their real or offline identity. Thus, the speculation

of catfish or posers are implied. Online dating presents an effective solution to a serious

problem. One of the effects of online dating is that some users been using fake identity or

profile online, a study conducted that over 1,000 online daters in the US and UK

conducted by global research agency OpinionMatters founds some very interesting

statistics. A total of 53% of US participants admitted to having lied in their online dating

profile. Online dating can also cause the users of being picky and judgemental when it

comes to searching for partner, as a study of over 1,000 online daters in the US and UK

conducted by global research agency OpinionMatters founds some very interesting

statistics. A total of 53% of US participants admitted to having lied in their online dating

profile. (Anderson, 2016)


Being attached to someone through online dating may lead to discreet encounters,

since online dating apps can forge the status of a user without even knowing if they are

truly single or not, being attached to a married person with knowing that he or she is

already married may lead to broken family or huge conflicts, instead of finding love they

end being miserable for encountering such drama. Singapore and South Korea had

already banned such sites for it may endangered the family value according to Ashley

Madison (2015).

Marateck (2018) stated that online dating can lower the self-esteem and may

increase depression to the users, Hook-up culture on Tinder isn't what it used to be,

hence. Short-term sexual relationships over one-night stands seem to be what users crave,

according to the study published by the Norwegian University of Science and

Technology. Also, many users judge a person by his or her physical appearance than the

attitude of a person that may lead to the self-consciousness, insecurities, and can lower

self-esteem. Also, online dating users can easily reject other users. According from the

study of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2011), being turned down

or rejected stimulates the same part of the brain that processes physical pain and social

pain are both distressing. Online dating apps or site can also be addicted according, almost one in six singles (15%) reported feeling addicted to the online

process of looking for a date. Millennials were 125% more likely to say they feel

addicted to dating. Men were 97% more likely to feel addicted to dating than women, but

54% of women are addicted on online dating, this addiction can lead to a depression and

anxiety (Lleras, 2016)


The Web and different dating applications, the adoration life of Filipino singles

remains an energetic yet complex scene loaded up with potential outcomes, dashed

expectations, appalling dates and illegal connections, and also a consistent look for

conferred connections. (Pam, 2016) “One problem here is the love scam is really one

where the victim has consent. They are willing victims,” Online dating may seem like it’s

not harmful, but it’s one way on how scams start. According to inquirer, Anybody among

the 67 million Filipinos and the countless other individuals who are signed on the web at

any one time could be a suspect or a casualty in the online "love scam" — an intricate

cheat that plays on the longing for both sentiment and riches, as indicated by the

Philippine National Police Against Cybercrime Gathering. Such tricks are difficult to

unravel in light of the fact that "you don't know where to begin searching for the

individual" who had conned another, said the ACG, the organization principally in charge

of implementing the nation's cybercrime laws (Jeannette, 2018)

According to The Manila Times, Online dating can ruin lives. Online Dating

apps allows people to engage in risky sexual practices is said to be the culprit behind the

rise in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections in the Asia-Pacific region,

especially for the young demographic. A United Nations (UN) study found that mobile

dating apps increasingly allow for spontaneous casual sex and that users of these apps are

getting younger. With 10- to 19-year-olds being affected with HIV in the Asia-Pacific

region, where more than half of the world’s 1.2 billion adolescents live. The UN report

also said that the Philippines and Papua New Guinea have the highest proportion of

adolescents living with HIV, accounting for almost 10 percent of the total number people

living with HIV in each country.


In the review for the study of Finkel, Et. Al. (2012) in the research, ‘Online

Dating A Critical Analysis From the Perspective of Psychological Science’, In spite of

the fact that the authors find that online dating locales offer an unmistakably different

experience in comparison to conventional dating, the prevalence of these sites isn't as

obvious. Dating sites give access to more potential partners than do conventional dating

strategies, yet the demonstration of perusing and contrasting vast quantities of profiles

can lead people to commoditize potential partners and can diminish their eagerness to

focus on any one individual. Conveying on the internet can cultivate closeness and

friendship between strangers, however it can likewise prompt farfetched desires and

disillusionment when potential partners meet, all things considered. The authors’ larger

evaluation of online dating sites is that deductively, they simply don't measure up.


It is without a doubt a skirmish of effectiveness between the two societies on their

attitudes toward dating and romance. Especially, conventional dating spotlights for the most part

on a man who is seeking a lady, with the expectation of marriage. These suppositions were

iterated in the open-finished inquiries, bracing the disclosures that eye to eye connections is

overwhelmingly fixing to social thoughts of the underlying meet while building up a

relationship. The customary standards of the Filipino culture on dating are some of the time

ignored as a modernized culture on dating wins. The Filipino culture on conventional; dating of

romance and the fastened down estimation of ladies and should proceed with it that route until

the point that the western nations influenced a major effect on the advancing to culture.

Likewise,sending of instant messages is the modernized method for romance since they end up

needing to speak with the young lady constantly, By and large, the Web offers the chance to

meet individuals you would some way or another never have had the opportunity to meet. Online

dating in the Philippines is getting bigger and turned into a standard, it has been anything but

difficult to locate a sentimental accomplice or a date with the assistance of a online dating

website. 4 out of 10 twenty to thirty year olds admits that they found their partners through

online dating applications/website.

A research from 2015 by the BBC demonstrated that the dating application Tinder was

the tenth most well known way of life application in Canada that year and the fifteenth most

mainstream one in the US. Individuals who utilizes online dating locales/application particularly

twenty to thirty year olds regularly to demonstrate the romanticized or admired variant of

themselves in online based life while excluding the less worthy of their qualities (Hancock and

Toma, 2009). One of the impacts of online dating is that a few people been utilizing counterfeit

character or profile on the web, an examination led that more than 1,000 online daters in the US

and UK directed by worldwide research organization OpinionMatters establishes some

exceptionally fascinating insights. Internet dating can likewise cause the clients of being

meticulous and judgemental with regards to hunting down partners, as an investigation of more

than 1,000 online daters in the US and UK directed by worldwide research office

OpinionMatters establishes some exceptionally intriguing insights. Marateck 2018) expressed

that online dating can bring down the confidence and may expand despondency to the users,

Attach culture on Tinder isn't what it used to be, subsequently. Additionally, numerous users

judge a man by his or her physical appearance than the state of mind of a man that may prompt

the reluctance, instabilities, and can bring down confidence. Concurring from the investigation of

the Procedures of the National Institute of Sciences 2011), being turned down or dismissed

invigorates a similar piece of the cerebrum that procedures physical torment and social torment

are both upsetting. As indicated by inquirer, Anyone among the 67 million Filipinos and the

innumerable different people who are marked on the web at any one time could be a suspect or a

setback in the online love trick a complicated cheat that plays on the yearning for both

supposition and wealth.


The following are information required to be gathered:
* demographic information of respondents (age, gender, social status)
* respondents’ reasons for utilizing online dating applications
* traditional dating norms disregarded by online dating users
* Personality and attributes of respondents within and outside online dating platform.

* The Social Information Process Theory will be applied to the information gathered (as
enumerated on the Input box) in order to explain the building of relationship in computer-
mediated communication setting, in the context of traditional Filipino dating.

The following are intelligently guessed outcomes from respondents that could explain the
building of relationship in computer-mediated communication setting, in the context of
traditional Filipino dating.
* Respondents are within the age range 17-20 years old
* Looks are more valued by the respondent rather than personality
* short-term relationships are regarded as a norm in online dating sites
* active users are not the same as their personal selves in terms of looks

In the input, the researchers aim to know the age, reasons for utilizing the application,

personalize and attributes of the respondents, is that because since this research is tackling about

online dating and it will be beneficial to our study.

In the process, the researchers would like to know how the respondents built their

relationship in computer mediated way by gathering information from the respondents who uses

online dating apps to find a relationship. The researchers would like to know how the online

dating users adapt the conventional way of dating.

In the output, The researchers have gathered information from the respondents that can

help this study based on the respondents answers from the survey questions. Also to know if the

research hypothesis that predicted by the researchers are true or not.



This chapter defines the research methods used to conduct the study. The

researchers explains how the necessary data and information to address the research objectives

and surveys was collected, presented and this chapter shows the research design,

subject and study site, data instruments, data procedure, data analysis, and ethical consideration.


The researchers would conduct a quantitative research and use the descriptive research

design for its primary focus and aim is to indicate the impact of online dating to the traditional

culture of Filipinos on courtship. In that way, the researchers could thoroughly discuss such

impacts, both on emotional and social aspects, to the ever-growing culture of the Filipinos. With

this, the researchers ought to formulate numerical data to get new statistics regarding the said


Subjects and Study Site

The selection of the study site was chosen for a variety of specific reasons. As stated by

the Philippine Travel Site (2014), Manila is the Philippine’s second most populous city and is

still on the same rank in the 2017 Manila Population Statistics of the Philippine Statistical

Authority. The researchers believe that there are many potential people who are involved in

Online dating. Meaning, the chance of acquiring and filling the needed information and answers

to the questions in this study is high. Another reason, the researchers reside mostly around NCR,

so it will be more convenient for them to give survey questionnaires.

Quantitative research design was used in this study to answer the research questions.

Because of the methodologies that can be used in a quantitative research design, the researchers

believe that it will help deepen the understanding and analyzation of the responses of the people

using a dating app.

In order to answer specific problems in this study, the researchers will have a total of

100-300 participants to answer a survey that will be given by the researchers. The survey will not

only limit to girls, thus it will also be answered by all type of gender. Types of methodology

mentioned before will have a huge contribution in supporting details needed in this study.

Data Collecting Instruments

The researchers designed self-administered questions for the data gathering process to get

quantitative data. The research questions aims to determine the Impact of online dating in the

conventional culture of the Philippines. The researchers will use of a closed questions that

respondents will answer yes or no. Though the closed questions, the researchers are able to limit

the responses that are within the scope of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will come up with the data through homogeneous purposive sampling.

The researchers will use Likert-type scale and the quantitative research method to analyze the

gathered information. It is suggested that the researchers will consider several sources for

potential ideas, including a critical analysis for the situation. The respondents can answer

through the questionnaire given by the researchers of the study for survey.

The researchers will create an online dating app

account and use it to conduct research through

The researchers will give the questionnaires through

online and give handouts to the chosen people around
Metro Manila as respondents in person.

After that, the researchers will compile the questionnaires

then tally the answers of the respondents. The researchers
will also be using statistician tabulated to help them know the
impact of online dating to the Philippines.

Data Analysis

The researchers will be analyzed quantitatively. The researchers will use a

Descriptive Research Design which is necessitating, observing, and describing the

particular behavior of a subject. The researchers will also conduct an online random

survey or will hand out survey forms with approximately 100 to 300 participants within

Metro Manila. The researchers will be using the Likert-scale which the respondents will

put a check-mark into their precise answer from strongly agree to strongly disagree for

the researchers able to determine the impact of online dating to the Filipino conventional

culture on courtship. The researchers will also use Chi-Squared Test for the statistical

hypothesis test. This study will be gathered on the SPSS software to know the statistical

analysis of the study.

2 ( f o−f e )2
x =∑

Ethical Consideration

This study is not proposed to segregate individuals in view of sexual orientation,

religion, and/or ethnic association. The decision of the respondent is done arbitrarily

utilizing a persuasive examination system without the aim to turn any of its respondents.

This study has provided many ways to prevent other people's emotions, as for the surveys

conducted by researchers through the internet, and handing out surveys. The survey

questions that will distribute by the researchers for this study are well thought out for

assurance that nobody or anyone can be discriminated against on what the participants

answered. The researchers will also ask the respondents to know if the questions may

affect the respondent’s emotions or ask if it’s okay for the respondents to answers the

survey questions. This study was well thought out before conducting this research. Any

biases or any kind of misleading or false information especially the representation of

primary information is strictly avoided by the researchers. The researchers also ensure

that every communication in relation to the study is properly done with truthfulness and



August 21, 2018

Dear Participant,

We are students from Far Eastern University enrolled as Grade 12 of HUMSS 7.

We are inviting you to participate in a research study entitled “The impacts of Online

dating to the Philippines’ Conventional Culture on courtship”.

The enclosed questionnaire has been designed to collect information about the

impacts of online dating itself. Your participation in this research project is completely

voluntary. You may decline altogether, or leave blank any questions you don’t wish to

answer. There are no known risks to participation beyond those encountered in everyday

life. Your responses will remain confidential and anonymous. Data from this research

will be kept under lock and key and reported only as a collective combined total. No one

other than the researchers will know your individual answers to this questionnaire. If you

agree to participate in this project, please answer the questions on the questionnaire as

best you can. If you have any questions about this survey, feel free to ask for the

researchers. Thank you for your assistance in this important endeavor.


Baluyot, Brenna Liana Chico, Nichole D. Doxi, Lheann Jinelle J.

Researcher Researcher Researcher

Mangrubang, Marc Arthur R. Mendoza, Dahlia Franzelle S. Molo, Kathleen Mae N.

Researcher Researcher Researcher

Punzal, George Zaira D. G. Torres, Hazelyn L.

Researcher Researcher

Noted by: Noted by:

Mr. Glen S. Mirabete Mr. Jonald Bagasina

Research Adviser, Practical Research 2 Class Adviser, HUMSS 7

Approved by: _________________________


August 21, 2018

Dear Participant,

We are students from Far Eastern University enrolled as Grade 12 of HUMSS 7.

We are inviting you to participate in a research study entitled “The impacts of Online

dating to the Philippines’ Conventional Culture on courtship”.

The enclosed questionnaire has been designed to collect information about the

impacts of online dating itself. Your participation in this research project is completely

voluntary. You may decline altogether, or leave blank any questions you don’t wish to

answer. There are no known risks to participation beyond those encountered in everyday

life. Your responses will remain confidential and anonymous. Data from this research

will be kept under lock and key and reported only as a collective combined total. No one

other than the researchers will know your individual answers to this questionnaire. If you

agree to participate in this project, please answer the questions on the questionnaire as

best you can. If you have any questions about this survey, feel free to ask for the

researchers. Thank you for your assistance in this important endeavor.


Baluyot, Brenna Liana Chico, Nichole D. Doxi, Lheann Jinelle J.

Researcher Researcher Researcher

Mangrubang, Marc Arthur R. Mendoza, Dahlia Franzelle S. Molo, Kathleen Mae N.

Researcher Researcher Researcher

Punzal, George Zaira D. G. Torres, Hazelyn L.

Researcher Researcher

Noted by: Noted by:

Mr. Glen S. Mirabete Mr. Jonald Bagasina

Research Adviser, Practical Research 2 Class Adviser, HUMSS 7

Approved by: _________________________




The Impact of Online Dating to the Filipino Conventional Culture on Courtship

Good Day!

We, the researchers from Group 1 of Grade 12 HUMSS 7 would like to inform you about
our research regarding The Impact of Online Dating to the Filipino Conventional Culture on
Courtship. The researchers would like to hear your concern and approval for the data gathering
that will take place in Manila area.
Along with this is the approval from the Research Adviser, Class Adviser and HUMSS

Sincerely, Endorsed by: Noted by:

Mr. Glen Mirabete Mr. Jonald

Leader Research Adviser Class Adviser

Approved by:

Ms. Yolanda Lingat

HUMSS Coordinator


Good Day,

We are students from Grade 12 HUMSS 7 of Far Eastern University and we are conducting a

research about online daring with the title of “THE IMPACT OF ONLINE DATING TO THE

FILIPINOS’ CONVENTIONAL CULTURE ON COURTSHIP”. In connection with this, we would

like to ask for your time and cooperation to answer the following questions.

Name (optional): ___________________________________ Age: __________ Gender: ____________

Directions: Take the survey seriously and mark a check ( ∕ ) on the answer of your choice.

Statement Strongly Disagre
Agree Neutral Disagre
Agree e
1.) I am fond of online dating because I have self-
confidence issues.
2.) I am fond of online dating because I want to
meet new people that are not of reach at my
3.) I am fond of online dating because of
introversion issues.
4.) I am fond of online dating because someone
influenced me to use it.
5.) I am fond of online dating because I want to
immediately settle to a relationship.
6.) I am fond of online dating because I want to
enter a laid-back relationship.
7.) I am fond of online dating because it eases
finding someone with the same interest/s as me
8.) I date for love and serious relationships, than
money and guilty pleasures.

For boys, kindly answer nos. 9-13.

9.) I still consider doing huge efforts to express my

feelings to a girl.
10.) I still consider long-term courting rather than
courting within the relationship itself.
11.) I would rather choose simple dates than
extravagant dates.
12.) I still believe in the concept of impressing the
parents to date my significant other.
13.) I still believe in sex after marriage.

For girls, kindly answer nos. 14-17

14.) I make the initiative to do the first move.
15.) I still consider my parents’ preference for guys
rather than mine.
16.) My parents still restrict me to a specific dating
17.) I date to marry, not for temporary satisfaction.

18.) I still believe in sex after marriage.

19.) I post legitimate information about myself on
my online dating profile.
20.) I easily believe the information on one’s profile
21.) I blatantly display a different person to people I
talk on cyberspace.
22.) I immediately clear my intentions upon meeting
someone online.
23.) I tend to act differently on cyberspace than in
real life.


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