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Village of the Watermills

The short film was concise and an eye opener to the millennial who are living in a
third wave of technology where everything is in our cellular phones. The theme of the
video is like about celebrating life and nature and it’s the major criticism against science
and technology as indication of pollution and misery. The video showed how different
living in a city where we rely on new technologies for convenience and in the mountains
where we rely on natural resources that the Earth provide to us. The traveller was
fascinated how everything works in the village without electricity and without machines
that will do the work with human intervention. The old man portrayed how contented he
is in his life with the resources he get that the Earth provide that they don’t need to
adapt the changes and embrace the new technologies. The old man said that we didn’t
notice that we are losing the nature while we are busy worshipping the people who
invented the electricity to have television works, to have cellphones charged or letting
the machines do the work like washing clothes. As the nature of the human being
curious and seek to understand the relationship of everything that surrounds us we
accidentally discover something that can benefit everyone. Human invented the plastics
because of its convenience and durable it is but the consequence is that it can degrade
the quality of soil we have. The only important things needed by a human being are
clean air and water, trees and plants and the old man says that everything now is dirty,
polluted air and water. We forgot that we are only part of the nature that whatever we do
in the nature it will reflect to us like.

I love how the video was made and done and the message was straightforward.
The setting in the film has a scenic view and it looks peace and away from crowded
people. It is somewhere we can meditate our self and peace of mind is something what
people need today because of the pressure and stress we get from the people around
us and the increase of temperature. I’ve learned from the short film that while some
scientists are busy discovering they forget that they also destroying the Earth. And it
would be nice if we preserved the culture of the people who protect the mountains.

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