How You Can Save Money With Temporary Staffing Solutions

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How you can save money with temporary staffing solutions?

There can be situations where there are sudden surge in demands for work needing
to get done and you find yourself scrambling to get more manpower and help.
However, your teammates are packed to the brim and are on the verge of a burn-
out. Where do you turn to now?

If your company experiences such cyclical periods of being busy and slow all year
round, it can be difficult to manage your workforce and productivity. In certain
cases, you just don't know if you want to add more permanent headcount as the
increase in cost would not be able to justify the return-on-investment.

This is when many people and businesses turn to temporary staffing as an ideal
solution. One misconception many might have would be that temporary staffing is
only applicable to positions such as receptionists or office assistants. However,
what they fail to realise is that many other roles can also be fitted with temporary
staffings when the need arise. Such examples would be event coordinators, event
managers, customer service officers, temperature scanners, roadshow support,
field research officers, warehouse crew as well as crew and airport staffing.

Here are three reasons why hiring temporary staffing through Manpower Agencies
in Singapore can save you both, time and money:

1. Huge time and budgets go into the hiring process; Costs such as advertisements,
interviews, benefit schemes and the whole employee's package. By using a
manpower agency in Singapore, onboarding is made much easier and cheaper, as
the agency would be able to take care of the recruitment, screening and
administrative issues that come with the new hire- especially for staffing that
comes and goes!

With a temporary staffing agency, you will also be able to find qualified candidates
faster as they already have a local talent pool. When you Hire Temporary Staffing
Singapore, they agency will also manage all contract extensions and terminations
for you if needed, so that you and your team can concentrate on the more
important tasks at hand.

2. You get to cut cost when it comes to benefit packages; people typically expect
less benefits when they work under a manpower recruitment agency in Singapore.
Traditionally, incentives also include sick days, annual leaves, insurances, and so
on. All these will be parked under the recruitment agency’s schemes and you can
will notice less annual leave benefits for example, as the temporary staffing would
be parked under their headcount, not yours. An recent example of this would be
when an organization or company Hire Temperature Screeners Singapore during
the COVID-19 period.

3. When using a manpower agency in Singapore, you also need not worry about
complying with the different manpower rules and regulations as these would be
taken care of for you by the agency. This would also help with audit preparations
when it is time for the yearly audits, should you come from a bigger organization.

Hiring temporary manpower is a wonderful way of finding supervisors, managers

and leaders with the expertise necessary to carry out crucial roles in a short period
of time. It is often safer to have this outsourced than to have an internal employee
take up a new role that he or she may not initially be familiar with. This not only
saves a company precious resources and time, but also ensures that the job is
carried out by someone who best fits the role.

What you need to make sure of, though, is that you engage the right manpower
staffing company for your needs. A reliable, efficient and responsive agency that
understands your needs like In D Grey in Singapore for example, will definitely be
your right-hand man and a true partner for your company for the long-term.


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