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Examen 2013-14


Asignatura: [538] Inglés
Profesor: María Davinia Sánchez García
Fecha: 24/04/14 Horario peninsular 13:00-14:30

Pegatina del Estudiante

Espacio para la pegatina de su hoja de etiquetas
correspondiente a la asignatura indicada en la
cabecera del examen:


Indicaciones de carácter general:

• Comprueba que el plan y la asignatura corresponden a la asignatura de la cual estás matriculado.

• No se puede abandonar el aula de examen antes de que hayan transcurrido los 15 minutos posteriores a la
hora de comienzo de la prueba.
• No debes utilizar lápiz para responder
• No se puede responder en hojas adicionales a las que se incluyen en este examen.

Indicaciones de carácter específico:

• El examen será puntuado sobre un total de 10 puntos. En cada pregunta consta el número de
puntos que contabiliza.
• No se permite ningún tipo de material de apoyo como glosarios, diccionarios, apuntes, etc.
• Las preguntas se pueden contestar en el orden que se prefiera
• Lea cuidadosamente el texto y el enunciado de las preguntas


Spanish police woman cleans up the Costa del Crime

Charged with catching the hard men of the British underworld on Spain's costas is Detective
Inspector Lizana, head of the Spanish police's Fugitives Unit. In a country where machismo is alive
and well, Lizana is one of the few women in command of an elite Spanish police unit. Smoking a
steady stream of Marlboros, she claims that “more women are getting senior jobs today”. At 39, she
leads the hunt for men who are not afraid to kill to stay one step ahead of the law.

Britain has the dubious honour of supplying Spain with its largest population of foreign criminals.
“The Germans also have a large number of wanted people here, but they are mostly for fraud and
tax avoidance. They are not as violent as the British”, she says.

In person, she is relaxed, jokey, but admits that her Argentinian mother says she is “less sensitive”
towards people because of her work. She has four women on her team of 11 and although she is the
boss they seem like equals. She arrives in jeans, trainers and a sweatshirt but changes into her
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uniform for the photos.

“Spain is the number one destination of choice for British criminals at the moment”, agrees Hank
Cole of the National Crime Agency, which works closely with Spanish police. That was until Lizana
arrived. “Spain is not a refuge any more”, she insists. “With the close help of British police, we are
catching more British criminals than ever”. Last year, the Fugitives Unit arrested 40 British
criminals and suspects, compared with 25 last year and 19 in 2011.

Her job sounds glamorous but she dismisses thoughts of getting a high from catching a big-name
crook: “I am the boss. I have to worry for 50 officers on a big operation. That's what I am thinking
about”. On the wall of her office there is a long list of wanted men. “Don't worry, we will be
spoiling their holidays in Spain very soon”, she says.
(Adapted from The Times)

Question 1 (2 points):
After reading the text, find an evidence that proves that these statements are true or false. No marks are given
for just stating “true” or “false”:

A) Most of the members of Detective Inspector Lizana's team are women

B) Despite being occasional, cooperation between the British and the Spanish police is being successful

Question 2 (2 points):
Based on the contents of the text, answer these questions with your own words.

A) Why is the writer making reference to the machismo in the Spanish society?
B) Which is the main reason Inspector Lizana alleges to be worried?

Question 3 (2 points):
Find one synonym for each of these words and expressions in the text :

a) questionable
b) safe place
c) cool
d) ruining

Question 4 (3 points):
Mark the correct answer:

4.1. Is your English ... ... to have a job interview?

a) good enough
b) enough good
c) much enough

4.2. Choose the correct option:

a) I like very much German beer
b) I like beer German very much
c) I like German beer very much

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4.3. Go ... this street, ... the bakery, ... the bridge and the post office is ... the right.
a) along / through / across / at
b) along / past / under / on
c) along / down / under / in

4.4. The fire alarm ... and everyone had to leave the building.
a) broke off
b) went off
c) took off

4.5. If the car broke down, I ... ... what to do.

a) hadn't known
b) didn't know
c) wouldn't know

4.6. Eventually, I found the books you ...

a) told me about
b) told me about them
c) told about them to me

Question 5 (1 point):
Write a brief essay (about 100 words) about one of these topics:
• Why do you think the British come to live in Spain?
• The number of women in law enforcement agencies.

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