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Towell Infrastructure Projects Co.


HSE Operational Control Procedure

Road Safety Management

Document # TIPCO -OCP-02 Issue 1 Rev # 0 – Date 25.10..13

Copy No Controlled Copy

Issued To

0 HSEA HSEM HSEM Initial Issue 25.10.13

Rev Date of
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Revision Details
No. Issue
Towell Infrastructure Projects Co. LLC Road Safety Management

Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................3
2.0 SCOPE................................................................................................................................3
3.0 DEFINITION.....................................................................................................................3
4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES.......................................................................................................4
4.1 Chief Operating Officer...............................................................................................4
4.2 Business Unit head/Senior Mangers...........................................................................4
4.3 HSE Manager................................................................................................................4
4.4 Site Manager / Site in-charge /Workshop Manager..................................................4
4.5 HSE Advisor.................................................................................................................4
4.6 Journey Manager..........................................................................................................5
4.7 Vehicle maintenance supervisor/Work shop in charge.............................................5
4.8 Supervisor / Foreman / Crew Leader:........................................................................5
5.0 TRAINING.........................................................................................................................5
6.0 PROCEDURE....................................................................................................................6
6.1 General Road Safety Measures...................................................................................6
6.2 Passengers must:-.........................................................................................................8
6.3 Pedestrians must:.........................................................................................................8
6.4 Driving requirements...................................................................................................8
6.5 Driver hours and rest periods.....................................................................................9
6.6 Maximum Speed Limits...............................................................................................9
6.7 Legal Requirements....................................................................................................10
6.8 Road Safety Consequence Matrix.............................................................................10
6.9 Emergency travel........................................................................................................10
6.10 Driving in the desert...................................................................................................10
6.11 Safe Journey Management........................................................................................10
6.12 Qualifying Journeys...................................................................................................12
6.13 Journey between Locations where telephone facilities are available & Journey. .12
Managers are available at both sites......................................................................................12
6.14 Journey locations with telephone facilities...............................................................13
6.15 Journey to/from a location which does not have telephone facility...................13
6.16 Journey Plan Board....................................................................................................13
6.17 Journey Plan...............................................................................................................13
6.18 Local Journey Log......................................................................................................13
6.19 Night Driving..............................................................................................................14
7.0. SERVICING REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................15
7.1 Service Schedule Matrix............................................................................................15
7.2 Control of Servicing...................................................................................................15
7.3 Submission for Maintenance.....................................................................................15
7.4 Vehicle check...............................................................................................................16

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Towell Infrastructure Projects Co. LLC Road Safety Management


The Road Safety Management Procedure aims to guide Towell Engineering Services
Co. LLC personnel on General road safety measures & rules, Safe journey
management, Night driving, Drivers working hours and Maintenance of vehicles and


The procedure applies to all areas of TIPCO operations, its subsidiaries and sub
contractors locations. If the client procedure for Road safety in place, subsequently
client procedure will be given precedence. Every project personnel will be briefed on
the key features of this procedure as a part of safety induction /orientation training –
before they start work.


 Subcontractor :- Subcontractor means the party/parties engaged by Towell Engineering

Services Co. LLC and its subsidiaries to work for and on behalf of Towell Engineering
Services Co. LLC.

 Journey Management shall mean the actions taken by responsible persons to authorize,
plan, monitor and close-out a journey so that any risk to health, safety or the environment
are identified, assessed and controlled and that recovery measures are made available
should the journey not be completed as planned.

 Safe Journey Plan shall mean the written document, which details date, vehicle number,
name of driver, names of authorized passengers, the timings and route of the journey
including rest stops.

 The Authorizing Person is the Site/Location in-charge appointed by Project head, who
gives the permission for a journey to be undertaken and who guarantees the integrity of
the journey management system of the company or location or site.

 The Safe Journey Manager is the person who plans, monitors and closes-out the
journey. The safe Journey Manager also initiates any relevant accident or “Man Lost”
procedures in the event of an accident or vehicle becoming overdue. Responsible for the
vehicle and driver until they return to base or destination as the case, as per the Journey
Plan. Responsible for managing the return and onward journey(s). The safe Journey
Manager shall be an authorized Supervisor who has attended the safe journey
management course and appointed by authorizing person. He needs to monitor the
drivers behavioral attitude towards HSE, if found any violation, shall be report to the
HSE department.

 Night means the hours of full darkness, from fifteen minutes after sunset to fifteen
minutes before sunrise.

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Towell Infrastructure Projects Co. LLC Road Safety Management

 Blacktop means Asphalt, paved or concreted roads.

 Graded Roads:- Roads which have been prepared by grading, consisting of a solid
surface with definite road edge markings by means of fencing, windrow or other
markings and which have a safety lane. Graded roads also include construction roads
and pipeline rights-of-way.

 Driver: - Any person driving a company vehicle on company business.


4.1 Chief Operating Officer

Chief Operating Officer is responsible for over all facilitate the requirements of Road
safety management procedure at all the operations under the banner of Towell
Engineering Services Co. LLC. COO will provide administrative and financial support
to all the BH’s to implement the procedure at their respective units.

4.2 Business Unit head/Senior Mangers

Business head should be responsible for ensuring that the requirements of these
Procedures are fully implemented at Division / subsidiary level . He shall ensure
effective implementation of these requirements at Business unit level.

4.3 HSE Manager

HSE Manager is responsible for timely revisions in this procedure & for ensuring that
requirements of this procedure are known & understood to concerned parties. He shall
check the actual level of implementation of this procedure at site levels through
inspections & audits.

4.4 Site Manager / Site in-charge /Workshop Manager

The Site Manager/ Site in-charge / Workshop Manager is responsible for ensuring that
the requirements of this procedure are fully implemented at project level. He is also
responsible for ensuring that supervisors are aware of and understand the contents of
this procedure. He is responsible for the overall implementation of this Road safety
procedure his area of control. He will act as the AUTHORISING PERSON of the SAFE
JOURNEY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM shall be the only person at sites to let night
driving take place under specified circumstances. It is also his duty to ensure that the
requirement of this procedure is communicated to all supervisors who are likely to have
to work at night. He shall ensure effective implementation of these requirements at site

4.5 HSE Advisor

HSE Advisor is responsible for carrying out audits and inspections. He shall provide the
instruction and training to the current, new drivers and work force on the requirement of
this procedure and keep the record of the same. He shall bring to notice of management
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Towell Infrastructure Projects Co. LLC Road Safety Management

any violations in respect with this procedure. He is also responsible for giving general
advice to Management and supervision on the subject of Road safety management.

4.6 Journey Manager

The Safe Journey Manager is responsible for the planning, monitoring and closing out
all journeys. The Safe Journey Manager also initiates any relevant accident or man-lost
procedures in the event of an accident or the vehicle being overdue. The Journey
Manager remains responsible for the vehicle and the driver until they reach the
destination or base as the case may be. Responsible for managing the return and onward

4.7 Vehicle maintenance supervisor/Work shop in charge

He is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this procedure are followed and
that repair work under his control is safely and economically carried out. Vehicle
maintenance supervisor/work shop in charge is responsible for the technical integrity of
the vehicles under their maintenance control . He shall ensure regular inspection of
vehicles by mechanics under his control.

4.8 Supervisor / Foreman / Crew Leader:

He shall check and ensure that only the permitted number of passengers travel in the
cabin of the vehicle under his control prior to the departure of the vehicles from the
workshop / starting point. He shall also ensure that the loads are properly distributed
and secured. If, for any valid reason, the number of passengers needs to be changed at a
destination, where there is no Journey Manager, then he shall contact the Journey
Manager at the starting point, and advise him about the change (if telephone / radio is
available at destination). If telephone / radio is not available at destination, he shall
enter the change on the Journey Plan, and sign on the same. Upon return, he will ensure
that Journey Manager makes the necessary changes in the Journey Manager’s copy of
the plan. He shall instruct the driver to stop any unsafe acts and report the same to the
authorizing person and HSE Advisor. He is also responsible for give
training/Awareness to work force by way of tool talks on the subject.


All drivers should be attended the TIPCO Road safety induction prior to joining the
duty. Drivers and staff at all levels will be given appropriate training and information on
the management of Road safety in line with Towell Engineering Services Co. LLC.
HSE policy. This will come in the form of information at HSE inductions given by
HSE staff and through tool box talks from supervision. The importance of Road safety
management procedure shall be discussed in various HSE interactions platform like
HSE weekly meetings etc.

In house training or awareness sessions on road safety management shall be conducted

by HSE personal as an when the need arises. Gate meeting and informal gathering at
regular intervals to keep the workforce updated about the procedure.

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6.1 General Road Safety Measures.

The driver must:-

 Carry out pre journey or daily inspections

 Responsible for his vehicle, load and passengers and for driving safely and according
to the Journey Plan. The driver shall depart only after signing the journey plan,
having understood the plan.
 Ensure that all passengers are wearing seat belts before starting the vehicle.
 Check availability of adequate water for the journey in the vehicle.
 After obtaining the Journey Plan, if there are changes, the driver shall not proceed. He
should contact the Journey Manager and get the changes corrected in a new Journey
 Follow the route shown in the Journey Plan, and shall not take shortcuts. Use of
pipeline roads as shortcuts is strictly prohibited.
 Contact the Journey Manager if there are any problems or difficulties en-route and
when he arrives at the destination or returns to base.
 Stop the vehicle if a passenger’s continued actions endanger the vehicle and inform
the Journey Manager.
 Wear suitable sturdy footwear whilst driving. (“Flip-flops” are not permitted).
 Wear safety shoes and coveralls whilst on duty and driving.
 Turn off the engine, remove ignition keys from the vehicle and ensure the handbrake
is on when the vehicle is unattended.
 Switch dipped headlights and rear high intensity lights on as the vehicle enters a
graded road
 Switch headlights and rear high intensity lights off when leaving a graded road and
entering blacktop.
 Remain with the vehicle in case of breakdown until help arrives. Walking away from
the vehicle can endanger the driver and make it difficult to find them.
 Stop their vehicles in a safe position away from the road before using a mobile phone.
 Slow their speed and give pedestrians a wide berth when approaching them,
particularly when they are walking on the side of the road.
 Call the Journey Manager as required by the Safe Journey Management Plan.
 Wear sunglasses where required.
 Report unsafe road conditions to the Journey Manager
 After arriving at the destination, the Driver shall contact his Journey Manager
immediately by telephone. He shall hand over the journey plan to the Journey
Manager at destination or base as the case may be. The driver shall also contact the
Journey Manager when he stops driving at the end of the day. The driver may also be
required to contact the Journey Manager at certain times or places during the journey,
as agreed with the Journey Manager before departure.
 It is not permitted to carry loose items in the passenger cabins of a vehicle.

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The driver must not:

 Use Company vehicles without authorisation

 Drive unless well rested, medically fit and not under the influence of alcohol or drugs
including prescription drugs which can cause drowsiness.
 Drive unless they have a recognised and valid driving license and a valid defensive
driving permit for the specific type of vehicle to be driven.
 Drive unless they have ensured that they have a valid Safe Journey Management Plan
if required for the journey they are to take, beyond the Specified km range as per
mentioned in Ai & Client requirements.
 Drive if they do not know where they are going.
 Drive their vehicle without ensuring that the vehicle has undergone a daily pre-use
check and has been deemed safe to drive.
 Drive if they believe that the vehicle has a fault which presents a risk to their safety.
 Drive until they have positioned the seat, mirrors, seatbelt, headrest and steering
wheel so as to be comfortable and safe whilst driving.
 Drive without having and using their own IVMS Driver Merit Key when driving a
vehicle installed with an In Vehicle Monitoring System.
 Drive until all loose items have been removed from the passenger section of the
 Drive until they have ensured that any load is adequately fastened and secure as per
TIPCO & client standards.
 Drive until they have checked that all occupants, including rear seat passengers, have
fastened their seatbelts and each person in the front is secured with a 3 point inertia
reel seat belt.
 Continue to drive if an occupant removes his seatbelt or behaves in a manner so as to
endanger the safety of the vehicle and occupants. The vehicle should be stopped and
parked in a safe place until the occupant replaces the seatbelt or refrains from the
unsafe actions.
 Tamper or interfere with any safety devices or any part of the vehicle which may
cause the safety device to become ineffective
 Eat or drink while driving
 Read material in the vehicle when driving.
 Light a cigarette while driving.
 Talk, text or press any buttons on a GSM phone including “hands-free or voice
recognition” units - while driving. Phones should ideally be turned off or placed out
of reach while driving.
 Use handheld computers while the vehicle is in motion.
 Drive while using music headphones or ear phones.
 Drive while watching any TV or computer screen. Satellite navigation screens
however are allowed provided the screen is placed within the driver’s forward view
but without obstructing the driver’s vision of the road ahead.
 Drive any vehicle which does not have a valid inspection sticker as per client
 Drive with the leg on the dashboard.
 Cross wadis when the water is flowing over the red marker on the wadi marker.
 Drive in dense fog or a thick dust cloud.

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6.2 Passengers must:-

 Passengers must be in a seat and wearing a seatbelt whilst the vehicle is in motion.
 Passengers shall advise the driver if they become aware of, or observe, any unsafe
act or condition during the journey.
 Remain in their seats with their seatbelts on at all times when the vehicle is in
 Not distract the driver from his concentration on the road.
 Not behave as to endanger the safety of the vehicle or its occupants
 Alert the driver when he is driving unsafely and request that the situation be
remedied immediately.
 Report other passengers not wearing seatbelts or horse-playing on a bus.
 Vehicle shall not carry more passengers than specified.

6.3 Pedestrians must:

 Always walk so as to face the oncoming traffic

 Always walk in single file when walking on a road
 Walk off the road where ever safe and possible to do so
 Step off the road when a vehicle is approaching on the same side
of the road.
 Wear high visibility clothing or material when walking along a road at
 Night.
 Never cross the road when vehicles are approaching
 Never stand in the road
 Never walk along a roadside when using a mobile phone

6.4 Driving requirements


 Shall be an employee of Towell Engineering Services Co. LLC or seconded from

another company on a legal basis or an employee of TIPCO sub-contractor engaged
on a particular contract.
 Shall undergo the medical examination and must be found fit and having good eye
sight as confirmed by the doctor.
 Shall possess a valid (Country's License for the type of vehicle being driven).
 Shall be more than 21 years old.
 Shall have a valid 'Driving Permit' issued by Clients [PDO in Oman] (The 'Driving
Permit will be issued after successfully completing Clients approved driver training
course applicable to the vehicle class, by a Clients approved training institute).
 Any other as mandatory in the contract.
 TIPCO internal Safety Induction Program.
 Familiarization of Journey Management procedure by the Journey Manger/HSE

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6.5 Driver hours and rest periods

 LV drivers must take 15 minutes rest after every 2 hours of continuous driving.
 HGV and light and Heavy Bus drivers must take a minimum of 1 hour rest after 4
hours of continuous driving.
 Drivers must not work more than a 12 hour shift period. The shift period must
include loading, unloading, any other work, compulsory rest time, waiting and
driving time.
 Drivers must drive a maximum of 10 hours within a 12 hour shift period.
 Drivers must take a minimum of 8 hours uninterrupted off-duty rest between shifts.
 If experiencing tiredness or fatigue, drivers must take additional rest.
 Over-night rest during a journey must not be taken within the vehicle cab, unless it
is a sleeper cab, but in motel type accommodation or in the case of oilfield trucks on
rig moves/convoys in the open camping type arrangements.
 Working hours must be in line with Labour law of the country.

6.6 Maximum Speed Limits

Drivers shall:

 Reduce speed according to prevailing road, traffic and environmental/weather

 Not exceed any sign posted speed limits.
 Shall be complying with the client’s requirements.
 Not exceed the following speed limits at any time:

Vehicle Type Speed Limit (kph)

Light Vehicle LV Graded 80

Interior. Blacktop 100
Govt Blacktop120
Heavy Goods HGV Graded 80
Interior. Blacktop 80
Govt Blacktop100
Light Bus LB Graded 80
Interior. Blacktop 100
Govt Blacktop120
Heavy Bus HB Graded 80
Interior. Blacktop 100
Govt Blacktop100

 Note: The speed limits for driving at night are 80 kph for all Government and interior
blacktop roads outside the Muscat Capital Area and 50 kph for all graded roads.

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6.7 Legal Requirements

 All drivers, vehicles and equipment shall comply with the laws and regulations of
the country of work.

6.8 Road Safety Consequence Matrix

All employees of Towell Engineering Services Co. LLC are subjected to a road safety
consequence matrix given in the Annexure 1. Where a driver or passenger has been
identified as breaking the rules contained in the consequence matrix then disciplinary
action must be taken against the driver/passenger.

6.9 Emergency travel

Site in-charge must ensure that they have in place formal arrangements for transporting
employees back to their places of residence in case of an emergency. Such travel must
be complying with TIPCO and clients requirements.

6.10 Driving in the desert

Only persons who have successfully undertaken a desert- driving course are permitted
to drive in the desert. Journey management system shall be followed strictly in same

6.11 Safe Journey Management

Safe Journey Management System is to control transport movement, to minimize road

traffic accidents & to avoid man lost situation.

Authorizing Persons:

Senior Managers and Site Managers, Workshop Manager shall be authorised by Chief
Operating Officer as AUTHORISING PERSONS [AP] in Safe Journey Management
System [SJMS] & they shall perform the duties of AP as detailed below.

As authorizing persons it shall be their responsibility to appoint Supervisors as Journey

Managers subject to the requirements. The authorising person shall closely monitor the
actions of new Journey Managers until satisfied that the Journey Manager can do the
work competently. They shall be responsible for ensuring proper infrastructure at
Journey management point for journey manager to work effectively. It shall be their
responsibility to brief Supervisors and drivers on Journey Management at least every 6

Journey Manager:

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Towell Infrastructure Projects Co. LLC Road Safety Management

He is responsible for the vehicle & driver. He shall ensure that he effectively performs
his duties as specified in Appendix iii of PDO SP 2000 rev 2. He shall be a trained
person having passed the mandatory HSE courses.

The Journey Manager is responsible for the planning, monitoring and analysis of
journey. The Journey Manager remains responsible for the vehicle and the driver until
they reach the destination or base as the case may be. He shall undergo a formal
Journey Management training from any of the client approved Institute. In addition, he
shall receive an In house training from HSE Advisor on his job responsibilities. Record
of the same shall be maintained by HSE Advisor.
The Journey Manager is responsible for initiating any emergency procedures (such as
Man Lost, Accident, etc.) when he is notified of an accident or if a vehicle becomes
overdue as per man lost procedures in place. The Journey Manager shall remain 'on
duty' to assist with emergency procedures as required.

If handing over responsibility to another Supervisor, it is the responsibility of the

existing Journey Manager to inform his successor of any outstanding Journeys and to
ensure that his successor is fully aware of the journey management procedure.

The Journey Manager shall:

 Verify against the daily crew deployment plan, that the journey is necessary.

 Fill in the Journey Plan, including the names of the Driver and Passengers (for small
passenger vehicles).

 Check that the proposed journey plan does not violate the Client's policy on driver's
hours and rests, especially by checking the timing of rest stops.

 Check that the driver is licensed (ROP license) and qualified (interior driving permit
approved by PDO) to drive the vehicle and that the driver is familiar with the

 Before deploying a vehicle to Interior site the journey Manager need to obtain the
'Mechanic's Vehicle Check' report from the Plant Supervisor / foreman and shall
ensure that the vehicle is free from defects. The Journey Plan shall only be issued
after this.

 He shall ensure the driver completes the driver's daily vehicle check, if not already

 Check that the driver knows what to do if there is an accident or an emergency

during the journey.

 Provide adequate water (and food or money if required) for the journey.
 Arrange appropriate accommodation for the driver and passengers.

 Brief the driver about the route and advise him about over speeding, road signs, seat
belts and any other relevant points.

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 Attach the completed driver's checklist to the Journey Plan copy and maintain a
serial-wise file.

6.12 Qualifying Journeys

 All Journeys shall be managed according to the provision of this procedure except
Journeys within Muscat Municipality or within other towns, as long as the journey
is on blacktop road and as long as graded roads or tracks are only used for access to
buildings in built-up areas.

 Journeys within a field or within 20 kms of a work site.

All journeys at night (except those within town or within a camp area) shall have
permission of the authorizing person, who in turn shall ensure that the night driving
procedure of client is complied with, before authorizing the journey.

6.13 Journey between Locations where telephone facilities are available & Journey
Managers are available at both sites.

 Journey Manager before starting the journey shall ensure that:

 Journey is necessary and necessary permission from the authorising person, if
required, is obtained.
 Vehicle type is suitable for journey, and that the inspection certificate is still valid.
The Journey Manager shall also check that the driver has completed daily checks
and reported any defects with the vehicle or the load.
 Proposed Journey Plan will not violate requirements regarding drivers’ hours of
 Appropriate points where the driver shall call the Journey Manager are included in
the Journey Plan.
 That the driver is licensed (ROP licence) and qualified (interiors driving permit) to
drive the vehicle and that the driver is familiar with the vehicle.
 That the driver knows what to do in the event of an accident or an emergency during
the journey.
 To provide adequate food and water for the journey, or provide enough money to
the driver.
 Arrange appropriate accommodation for the driver and passengers or provide
enough money for them.
 The driver / drivers concerned shall be instructed to call journey Manager from one
of the rest stops.

All journeys are planned to finish before 1800 Hrs. The Journey Manager then fills
the journey plan form in duplicate and the driver's copy is handed over to the driver
performing the journey. He shall then give a telephone message to the Journey
Manager at the destination informing all details of the journey as per the plan. The
Journey Manager at the destination shall then write details received over phone on
the journey Plan - Board / in the Journey Log Book. On arrival of the driver at the
destination, the driver shall hand over the Journey Plan to the Journey Manager and
telephone the Journey Manager at the starting point who shall then write the actual

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date and time of arrival in his copy of the Journey Plan and sign, confirming that the
journey is closed.

6.14 Journey locations with telephone facilities

Journey between locations where telephone facilities are available but the Journey
Manager is not available at destination.
The Journey Manager shall ensure before starting the journey all the requirements as
per 6.13 are met. Journey Manager then fills the journey plan in duplicate and driver's
copy is handed over to the driver performing journey. The driver, after reaching the
destination shall telephone. The Journey Manager at the starting point who shall write
the details in his copy / and the Journey Management Board / log book. On the arrival
of the driver at starting point, the driver shall hand-over the Journey Management plan
to the Journey Manager at starting point. Journey Manager shall enter the details in
Journey Plan and shall close the journey, and file the completed Journey Plan.

6.15 Journey to/from a location which does not have telephone facility

The Journey Manager shall ensure before starting the journey that the requirements as
per 6.13 are met. Journey Manager then fills the journey plan in duplicate and driver's
copy is handed over to the driver performing journey and enter the journey details on
the Journey Plan board / log book. On return of the driver from the destination, the
actual date/time of return will be endorsed on the Journey Manager's copy of the plan,
which will be signed confirming that the journey is closed. The Journey Manager
should file the completed Journey Plan.

6.16 Journey Plan Board

The Journey Plan board shall be completed by the Journey Manager at the starting point
and destination, on receipt of the information of the journey details (Alternatively, this
information will be maintained by the Journey Manager in a log book exclusively
maintained of this purpose). As a minimum, the following details should be recorded.

Journey Plan No.

Vehicle number / Type
Driver's Name
Number of Passengers
Start Location
Departure Time
The estimated time of arrival at all staging points and at the final destination.
Actual Arrived Time

6.17 Journey Plan

Refer the TIPCO journey Plan.

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6.18 Local Journey Log

For local journeys (within 20 kms of a work site), the Journey Manager shall enter the
following information in the Local Journey Log maintained by him.

• Date

• Vehicle Number

• Driver's Name

• Destination

• Start Time

• Return Time

6.19 Night Driving

There is a significantly increased risk associated with night driving, with decreased
vision and increased tiredness resulting in more frequent collisions with camels, other
animals, unlit obstacles and other road users. Roll overs, accidents at junctions and
vehicles drifting off the road are also more prevalent due to poor visibility and tiredness
of drivers, including falling asleep at the wheel. Company and Contractors must
therefore reduce the night driving risk to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable

 Night driving shall be resorted to only in case emergency needs. These

situations shall be decided only by the Site in charge and client if it is necessary.
Site in-charge should obtain the permission of BU head or COO for any case of
night driving.
 Vehicle assigned for night journey shall be in good & comply with client
 Minimum two persons, including driver, shall be sent on night journey.
 Speed limits for night journeys shall be 80 kmph on blacktop & 60 kmph on
graded roads.
 Normal journey management procedures shall apply to night journeys but extra
care & caution shall be exercised for timely close out of journeys & compliance
to procedures.
 Snacks & tea/ coffee in a thermos, sufficient drinking water shall be made
 A powerful torchlight shall be made available.
 Driver shall be properly informed about rest places, regular communication, and
speed limits during night journey, availed approvals & safe driving behaviours.
 All steps shall be taken to reduce night driving risks to as low as reasonably
 It is not permitted to drive off the road or adjacent to pipelines during darkness.

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 A reliable mobile communication shall be ensured for the driver.

 Though all normal Safe Journey Management System procedures shall apply to
night journeys, the Journey manager shall exercise more caution & care for HSE
requirements & for timely close out of Journey plan.


7.1 Service Schedule Matrix

As many vehicles and machineries have different servicing and maintenance

requirements, as servicing schedule matrix has been prepared and attached to this
procedure this will be followed at all times. The custodian of this matrix is the
maintenance manager /Workshop-in-Charge as it is he who will add new equipment and
recommend schedules.

7.2 Control of Servicing

7.2.1 Vehicle and Equipment Checks

In order to identify when an equipment or plant is due for service, it is necessary to
have a method of verification. This will primarily be achieved by the maintenance
department attaching servicing due labels to all equipment when brought into use or
after maintenance has been carried out.

These labels will indicate at what kilometer reading, running hours or date a vehicle or
piece of equipment must be maintained. This should make it simple for supervisors,
operators and drivers to identify whether their plant or vehicle are due to be serviced.

7.2.2 The maintenance department will maintain a maintenance and service log for all vehicles
and equipment. This will not only serve as a history for the vehicles and equipment, it
will also denote when maintenance or servicing is due and allow for the department to
plan their work load accordingly.

Via this log, the maintenance manager will be aware at all times as to the status of all
equipment and vehicles with regard to maintenance and repairs.

On the weekly basis the maintenance in charge will check all vehicles and equipment
against this log to ensure that no piece of equipment has exceeded its specified service

7.3 Submission for Maintenance

When a vehicle or equipment is handed over to the maintenance department for service
or repair, the mechanic or supervisor of the maintenance department shall carry out a pre-
taken over inspection. This inspection will be to record any defects found, both parties
will sign a declaration to corroborate the results of this.

When the maintenance department has completed work of any vehicle or plant and it is
ready for return to service, the custodian and a representative of the maintenance
department will carry out a joint inspection prior to its hand over, both parties will sign a
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Towell Infrastructure Projects Co. LLC Road Safety Management

declaration to corroborate this and to confirm that the vehicle or equipment was handed
over in good order.

7.4 Vehicle check

Daily Check
Daily check of vehicle, plant and equipment shall be carried out by the mechanic and by
driver. The driver / operator shall be responsible for the state of the vehicle / plant /
equipment till the key is handed over to the Journey Manager/Transport Foreman.
The daily check shall make sure that the vehicle / plant / equipment are safe and
working correctly and the check shall be based on a check list.

If any faults are observed during daily check or during use, it shall be reported to the
Transport Foreman /Journey Manager by the driver / operator for remedial action.

Monthly Inspection
Monthly inspection of vehicles / plants / equipments is carried out to check the
condition of vehicles / plants / equipments to prevent sudden failure and to repair and
maintain it in good working condition.

The monthly inspection shall be carried out based on an TIPCO check list and shall be a
part of overall maintenance plan or schedule. A sticker must be pasted inside of
vehicle / plant / equipment after the monthly inspection by the maintenance department
showing when the next inspection is due

Random Check
Random check or spot check shall be carried out by any senior staff of Towell
Engineering Services Co. LLC. This is to check and ensure that the vehicle / plant /
equipment is in good working condition and effectiveness of the maintenance system.

Those who carry out the random check shall forward their report to the Transport
coordinatorto carry out any maintenance required.

Spot check shall be carried out based on the check list which is given as attachment.


1. Exb.268 Light Vehicle Inspection

2. Exb.269 Heavy Vehicle Inspection
3. Exb.270 HSE Inspection - Safe Journey Management System
4. Exb.271 Safe Journey Management System Authorization
5. Exb.272 Journey Plan
6. Exb.273 Driver's Daily Vehicle Checklist

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