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The Ultimate

Advertising Blueprint

Facebook ads are insanely powerful I’ve worked on hundreds of different
when used correctly. However, most ad campaigns, managing millions of
entrepreneurs get it wrong and end up pounds/dollars in advertising spend and
wasting a lot of hard-earned cash… this simple strategy is one that I use over
The biggest mistake I see entrepreneurs and over again.
make when they advertise on Facebook In fact, this exact system helped one
is asking people who don’t know them of my clients generate over £650,000
to buy something. They’ll create an ad, revenue from one campaign last year.
trying to sell their product, to someone Facebook is by no means a golden bullet
who’s shown NO interest. or the answer to all your problems, but
…I don’t want you to waste your money, if you follow the system in this guide,
hence why I’ve created this guide for you you can guarantee you’ll be on the right
to follow. path to succeeding.

To your success!

The Ultimate Facebook Advertising Blueprint

Step 1 :

In order to avoid the big Your content is the The content needs to be
mistake I mentioned, we gateaway to a easily consumable and
need to build trust with conversation. By leading needs to be as engaging
our potential customers. with content, rather than as possible.
We do that by providing a sale, you’re starting
value to them; not selling a conversation. It’s like
to them straight away. approaching someone in I typically
a bar and saying hello, recommend to:
The best way to provide
value is by creating as opposed approaching • Keep the article under
content they’ll be someone in a bar and 1,000 words
interested in. Your asking them to marry
you… • Have links to similar
content could be in the content throughout
form of blogs, videos or
podcasts. Once we’ve • Use imagery
Action steps: throughout
created it, we can start
sending people to that 1. Write down 10 • Keep it simple and
content. content ideas (your not advanced
blog/video titles
should be answering • Must be
The content you create a common question actionable advice
should do at least one of or solving pain point/ • Link to your lead
three things: problems) magnet/CTA
1. Answers a common 2. Pick 2 titles that throughout
question your potential are most relevant,
customer always asks taking the above into
2. Solves a pain point consideration
your potential 3. Write/film them and
customer has publish them on your
3. Solves a problem your site/Youtube/Facebook
customer has page

The Ultimate Facebook Advertising Blueprint

Step 2 :

Once people start to consume your content, they should hopefully start to see you
as an authority and someone they can trust. You’ve helped them in a non-evasive
way. But now we need to think about the next step...
Getting them deeper into our funnel. Creating a deeper relationship.
To do this, we want to create what’s called a lead magnet: something your
prospect downloads in return for their email address/contact details. The
blueprint you downloaded is my lead magnet ;-)

It needs to be hugely valuable and Once they download our lead magnet,
relevant to the initial content. we have their contact information and
Here’s an example of this in action: can start marketing to them via other
channels as well.
If you were a personal trainer, you might
want to write an article called
Action steps:
“5 Reasons you’re not gaining muscle”.
1. Is there a specific problem your
We then ask the people who consumed customers face? Something you solve
that to download our lead magnet, with a nice, easy to consume guide?
titled Come up with some 5 ideas.
“5 exercises to gain muscle”. 2. Decide on a lead magnet that is
easy for you to create (don’t spend
Can you see how relevant that is? a lot of time or money on creating
your initial lead magnet.)
If someone is interested in gaining
muscle, and they’ve showed us that by 3. Create the lead magnet. You can
consuming our initial content, it’s a no- use something like Fiverr to get it
brainer for them to download our lead designed.
Your lead magnet doesn’t have to be
hugely complex. It can be a simple little
guide, cheat sheet or eBook. It can
be anything you want it to be! But I
recommend creating something that
can be easily consumed in less than 5

The Ultimate Facebook Advertising Blueprint

Step 3 :

Now that we have our content and our lead magnet, we need to create a landing
page for the lead magnet. A landing page is effectively a web page designed for
the visitors to take one single action. In this case, we want people to download
our lead magnet.
Despite asking people to download our lead magnet in our original content,
most people won’t. When it comes to online marketing, most people won’t do
what you want.
The landing page I use for this blueprint converts at ~60% (you can steal the
design here if you want). I use ClickFunnels to create all my landing pages and
funnels. It’s an incredibly powerful tool and it’s super easy to use. It’s by far the best
landing page software I’ve come across.

Grab a 14-Day free

trial to ClickFunnels
by clicking here!

When you’re creating your landing

page, you want to present the solution Action steps:
quickly. You need to present the exact 1. Brainstorm 5 sets of titles & subtitles
painkiller in the title and subtitle. (this book will help!)
If you can, provide social proof :) 2. Choose the one you think best allows
someone to understand the offering
3. Build the landing page in

Once you’ve build the landing page, you

need to send people there. But who are
we sending to the landing page?
This is where to magic happens...

The Ultimate Facebook Advertising Blueprint

Step 4 :

Have you ever gone to the likes of Also, if you sell products online, you’ll
Amazon, looked at a pair of shoes know that cart abandonment is a huge
and then gone back to Facebook issue. 72% of online shoppers abandon
and been followed around by an ad their carts. Only 8% of those return to
featuring the same pair of shoes?! complete the purchase.
That’s done through retargeting. It’s But with retargeting (like the Amazon
super simple but SO powerful. You need example), 26% return to complete the
something called the Facebook Pixel purchase. I walk you through step-by-
installed on your site to be able to create step how to set up your pixel and create
these retargeting ads. your retargeting ads (plus more!) in my
Having the pixel installed on your site Funnel Academy programme.
allows you to track anyone that visits
your site. So, everytime someone visits
your website, they ‘fire the pixel’ and we
can retarget them with an advert on
That’s where the magic happens. A Action steps:
website visitor who’s been retargeted
with an ad is 70% more likely to convert 1. Set up your Facebook pixel
with you! 2. Create your first custom audience

The Ultimate Facebook Advertising Blueprint

Step 5 :

Leads are great. Every business Click Here To Sign Up For ConvertKit
requires a steady stream of leads.
But leads are no use if you’re
not converting them into paying The purpose of the email marketing is to
customers! build a relationship with the person that
downloaded your lead magnet.
In order to convert these leads into
customers, we need to provide them You can see how this approach to
with even more value. We need to Facebook marketing is much more
continue to show them that we’re an long-term. We’re not going direct for the
authority in our space. That we know sale through an ad, we’re actively trying
what we’re talking about. Building that to build relationships.
trusting relationship. Because that’s how it works in real life,
In order to do this, you want to start right? You wouldn’t stand in the middle
a dialogue. You want to continue to of the street asking people to buy from
provide them with content that is you, would you?
solving other pain points they have. Like I said, this system has worked
I highly recommend using ConvertKit over and over for me and you’ll be no
for this. I’ve used all the other email different if you get started. Can’t wait to
marketing software out there and hear about your results!
ConvertKit is my favourite. It makes
it so easy to create automated email
sequences, so you can literally set your
marketing to autopilot :)

The Ultimate Facebook Advertising Blueprint

Next steps

Now you’ve reached the end of

the blueprint, what’s the next step?
If you’re reading this, good job. 99% of the people that
download my blueprint probably won’t make
it down to here. But you have, so I salute you! You’re probably
one of the action takers. People who consume content then
go away and act upon it.
Now, if you want to continue learning, I highly recomend
joining my Funnel Academy programme. It’s an online
membership focussing on helping you build and market
your business effectively online.

This is worth thousands. But you can join today for FREE

The Ultimate Facebook Advertising Blueprint


A proven system for building your

audience and making sales

1 - Choose a traffic source

Facebook Blogging Google

Ads Adwords
E-mail YouTube
Marketing Ads SEO

2 - Valuable Content
RETARGET Answer customer questions and pain points in blogs,
THOSE videos or podcasts. Include call to actions to lead CREATE A
WHO magnet. RETURN
Create an irresistible bribe that provides a load of
value in return for the prospects contact information.

Once they’ve signed up, continue to provide value by
e-mailing the regularly. Your goal here is to build trust
and start a dialogue.

5 - SALE
Over time the prospect starts to see
you as an authority. You can offer them low-ticket
products to convert them into buyers.

The Ultimate Facebook Advertising Blueprint

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