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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad


Course Title: Electric Circuit Analysis II Course Code: EEE222 Credit Hours: 4(3,1)
Course Instructor/s: Dr. Amir Rashid Ch. Programme Name: BEE
Semester: Batch: Section: Date:
Time Allowed: 60 min Maximum Marks: 50
Student’s Name: Reg. No.
Important Instructions / Guidelines:

• All questions should be solved in the sequence as questions are given.

• Closed books and closed class notes exam.
• All questions are compulsory.
• Read the statement of each question carefully before answering.
• Use of calculator is allowed.
• Cheating is allowed but only with your own brain

Question 1: CLO1 C1 10 marks

If the current driving a series RC circuit is given by i = I sinw t, obtain the total voltage across the
two element and sketch u and i.
Question 2: CLO1 C2 10 marks

A series combination of R = 10Ω and L = 20 mH has a current i = 5.0 cos (500t + 10°) (A). Obtain the
voltages u and V, the phasor current I and sketch the phasor diagram.
Question 3: CLO 1 C3 10 marks

Find P delivered from a sinusoidal voltage source with Veff = 110 V to an impedance of Z = 10 + j8.
Find the power factor.
Question 4: CLO1 C1 20 marks

How much capacitive Q must be provided by the capacitor bank in Figure 1 in order to improve the
power factor to 0.95 lagging?
Figure 1

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