Install Guide For RPi+LabVIEW+MakerHub

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Install Guide for Raspberry Pi,

LabVIEW and MakerHub

Revision: Issue 1.0

Date: 15/09/2016

Author: Derek Murray

Revision History
Rev Description of Change Author Active Date

Issue 1.0 First Draft 15/09/2016
Install Guide: RPi, LabVIEW and MakerHub

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Required Downloads ............................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Steps Covered in this Guide ..................................................................................................... 8
2 Set Up the RPi ............................................................................................................................ 9
3 Install LabVIEW 2014 Home Bundle .......................................................................................... 14
4 Install NI-VISA .......................................................................................................................... 32
5 Install Control and Design Simulation Module ........................................................................... 40
6 Install MathScript RT Module ................................................................................................... 48
7 Install JKI VIPM......................................................................................................................... 55
8 Install the MakerHub LINX Package ........................................................................................... 61
9 Configure the RPi to use LINX.................................................................................................... 71
10 Activating LabVIEW 2014 at a Later Date ................................................................................... 83

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Install Guide: RPi, LabVIEW and MakerHub

1 Introduction
This install guide outlines a step-by-step process for installing LabVIEW 2014 Home Bundle and the
LabVIEW MakerHub LINX package for use with the Raspberry Pi (RPi). The flow has been tested on an
RPi 3 Model B, but it should also work for an RPi 2 Model B; note that these are the only two RPi models
which are supported by the MakerHub package. The following points are also important to note in using
this guide:
1. The RPi is using a MicroSD card preloaded with NOOBs, as this is the quickest way to get up and
running. Raspian Jessie is the default RPi OS in the version of NOOBS used in the guide. If you're
not using NOOBS, you will likely have to carry out additional steps which are not covered in the
2. The remote access client PuTTY will be used to interface with the RPi. If you have a
keyboard/mouse/monitor combination connected to the RPi, however, you do not need to use
3. LabVIEW 2014 32-bit is the only LabVIEW version supported for RPi, and the very good value
Home Bundle is used in this guide. In the EU, this can be sourced here; in the US it can sourced
here. Note that you will generally only be buying an activation code; the software can be
downloaded as detailed in the next section. Alternatively, engineers who already have support
accounts with National Instruments may be able to source the Home Bundle via their usual
sales channels.
4. The guide assumes that you already have the License Code for LabVIEW 2014 Home Bundle
(obtained via the sources listed in the previous point). It is also permissible to install the
program for evaluation purposes (30-days), and purchase a license code at a later date. The
program can then be officially activated using the code.
5. The license for the Home Bundle also covers the use of the Control and Simulation module and
the MathScript module. Installation of these tools is covered in the guide.
6. The MakerHub LINX package is installed via the JKI VI Package Manager, which has become the
defacto standard for installing LabVIEW addons.
7. The host PC in the guide is running Win 7 64-bit. The install steps may be different for other
operating systems. As I understand it, Mac or Linux systems are not currently supported with

1.1 Required Downloads

All the programs required to get up and running with the RPi can be downloaded from various online
locations, as detailed next. First, it is necessary to create an account with National Instruments (if you
don't already have one) as follows:
1. Go to
2. Click on MY ACCOUNT.

Figure 1.1. Go to and click on MY ACCOUNT

3. Click on "create a new user account", and follow the instructions:

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Install Guide: RPi, LabVIEW and MakerHub

Figure 1.2. Click on create a new user account

The following NI programs need to be downloaded, with specific details given below:
 LabVIEW 2014 Home Bundle
 Control Design and Simulation Package
 MathScript RT Module

To download LabVIEW 2014 Home Bundle, go to the MakerHub LabVIEW page, and click on
Download Now.

Figure 1.3. Go to the MakerHub LabVIEW page and click on Download Now

Log into your NI account if necessary and you should end up at the following dialog (figure 1.4). Save
to your desired location; note that the download can take some time depending on your network speed.

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Figure 1.4. Download the Home Bundle

Scroll down further on the LabVIEW MakerHub page to find the NI-VISA package, as well as the
Control Design and Simulation Module, and the MathScript RT Module:

Figure 1.5. Scroll down to find the additional modules

Download these three packages as well.

Next, download the JKI VI Package Manager by going to the JKI VIPM download page. The Free
version is all that is required. Note that you will be required to enter an email address.

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Figure 1.6. Download the JKI VIPM

Finally, PuTTY should be downloaded if the user intends to communicate with the RPi remotely. (This
can be skipped if a keyboard/mouse/monitor combination is used with the RPi). The PuTTY download
page can be found here:

The version to download is "putty.exe":

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Install Guide: RPi, LabVIEW and MakerHub

Figure 1.7. Download putty.exe

Save to a suitable location, e.g. C:/PuTTY.

Figure 1.8. Save to C:/PuTTY

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Install Guide: RPi, LabVIEW and MakerHub

Finally, a Desktop Shortcut can be used for easy access to the program.

Figure 1.9. Create a desktop shortcut for putty.exe

1.2 Steps Covered in this Guide

The steps covered in this guide are as follows:
1. Set up the RPi.
2. Install LabVIEW 2014 Home Bundle.
3. Install NI-VISA.
4. Install Control and Design Simulation Module.
5. Install MathScript RT Module.
6. Install JKI VIPM.
7. Add the LabVIEW MakerHub LINX package to LabVIEW using JKI VIPM.
8. Configure the RPi to use MakerHub LINX , and run a simple example where an LED connected
to the RPi can be turned on or off using LabVIEW.
9. A brief section about using the NI License Manager at a later date to activate NI software.

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Install Guide: RPi, LabVIEW and MakerHub

2 Set Up the RPi

To set up the RPi, start by inserting the MicroSD card in the card slot underneath the RPi.

Figure 2.1. Insert the MicroSD card

Next, connect a LAN cable between your router or other access point to the RPi, and connect the
power cable:

Figure 2.2. Connect LAN cable and power cable

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Install Guide: RPi, LabVIEW and MakerHub

The RPi will take about 30-60 seconds to boot up. Next, if accessing the Pi remotely, its IP address
must be found. The best method is to log in to your router using a specific IP address (e.g., although this will be router-specific) and find a page or field where the IP addresses of
connected devices are given. In my case, I found the address of

Figure 2.3. Find the RPi IP address

Run PuTTY, and enter the correct parameters as shown below for an SSH session (your IP address
may obviously be different). Click Open to start a session with the RPi.

Figure 2.4. Configure PuTTY for an SSH session with the RPi

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Install Guide: RPi, LabVIEW and MakerHub

Figure 2.5. Accept the Security Alert by clicking Yes

Enter the login details (default = "pi") and password (default = "raspberry") to login to the RPi. Try a
simple command such as "ls" to verify that you are logged in.

Figure 2.6. Log in to the RPi

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You might also want to update the RPi system using the following commands (note that this can take
a LONG time, 30 minutes or more). You can skip this and come back to it at a later stage if desired.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Figure 2.7. Update the RPi system

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Install Guide: RPi, LabVIEW and MakerHub

Some other useful commands to try are:

uname -a
cat /etc/os-release

Figure 2.8. Type commands such as uname and os-release

As can be seen, the RPi in this case is running Raspbian Jessie by default. LabVIEW-LINX is compatible
with this OS and the RPi is ready for use. The PuTTY session can be ended by typing "exit" at the shell
In the next section, LabVIEW will be installed on the user's PC.

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Install Guide: RPi, LabVIEW and MakerHub

3 Install LabVIEW 2014 Home Bundle

In this section, the install steps for LabVIEW 2014 Home bundle will be detailed, along with some
required updates; note that a couple of Windows restarts will be required. If you haven't already done
so, download the Home Bundle software as detailed in the Introduction. The downloaded file name is
"2014sp1LV-WinEng.exe". Right-click it and select "Run as administrator".

Figure 3.1. Right-click and select "Run as Administrator"

Figure 3.2. Click OK

Figure 3.3. Click Unzip to extract the package contents

Above, ensure that the option "When done unzipping open: \setup.exe" is checked, so that the
LabVIEW install procedure will start automatically.

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Figure 3.4. Click OK to finish the unzip procedure

The install dialog should appear automatically:

Figure 3.5. Click Next to continue

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Figure 3.6. Enter a user name

Figure 3.7. Enter the serial number, or leave all fields blank for evaluation mode

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Figure 3.8. Choose destination directory, and click Next

Figure 3.9. Click Next to continue

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Figure 3.10. Click Next to continue

Figure 3.11. Click Next to continue

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Figure 3.12. Accept the license agreements

Figure 3.13. Accept the license agreements

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Figure 3.14. Click Next to start the installation

Figure 3.15. The installation runs...

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Figure 3.16. Click on Decline Support

Figure 3.17. Click Next when the installation completes

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Figure 3.18. Follow the instructions to activate the software

Figure 3.19. Click Yes to check for updates

Figure 3.20. Click on Restart

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When Windows restarts, the NI Update Service will run. Click on View Updates.

Figure 3.21. Click on View Updates

Figure 3.22. Select the updates as shown and click Install

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Figure 3.23. The updates will download...

Figure 3.24. The "Preparing for installation" dialog appears...

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Figure 3.25. Accept the two license agreements and click Next

Figure 3.26. Again, accept the two license agreements and click Next

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Figure 3.27. The patch is installed

Figure 3.28. NI Microsoft Silverlight is installed

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Figure 3.29. Click Finish when the installation is complete

Figure 3.30. Click Yes to restart the PC

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Figure 3.31. Click the Update button to update the NI Update Service

For completeness, you should also update the NI Update service.

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Figure 3.32. The update downloads...

Figure 3.33. Accept the license agreements and click Next

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Figure 3.34. The update is installed...

Figure 3.35. Click Finish when the update completes

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Figure 3.36. No more critical updates required

At this point, the LabVIEW Home bundle and all necessary updates are installed. NI LabVIEW 2014
SP1 should appear in the Windows Start menu, as shown below.

Figure 3.37. NI LabVIEW 2014 SP1 (32-bit) appears in the Start menu

In the next section, NI-VISA will be installed.

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4 Install NI-VISA
In this section NI-VISA will be installed. Start by double-clicking the downloaded software
(NIVISA1400full.exe) and unzipping it as in the previous section. The installer should start automatically.

Figure 4.1. Double-click the download to unzip the software

Figure 4.2. The installer should start automatically

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Figure 4.3. destination directory, and click Next

Figure 4.4. Click Next to continue

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Figure 4.5. Click Next to continue

Figure 4.6. Click Next to continue

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Figure 4.7. Accept the license agreements

Figure 4.8. Click Next to start the installation

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Figure 4.9. The installation runs...

Figure 4.10. Click Next when the installation completes

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Figure 4.11. Click on Restart

When Windows restarts, the NI Update Service will run. Click on View Updates.

Figure 4.12. Click on View Updates

Figure 4.13. Select the update, and click Install

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Figure 4.14. Accept the license agreement and click Next to install the update

Figure 4.15. Click Finish when the update is installed

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Figure 4.16. Restart the PC

Figure 4.17. No critical updates required

At this point NI-VISA is installed. The Control and Design Simulation Module will be installed next.

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5 Install Control and Design Simulation Module

Unzip the downloaded file as before (the file-name is "2014CDSim.exe") and the installer should start

Figure 5.1. The installer should start automatically

Figure 5.2. Enter your name and LabVIEW 2014 Home Bundle serial number

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Figure 5.3. Click next to continue

Figure 5.4. Click next to continue

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Figure 5.5. Click next to continue

Figure 5.6. Accept the license agreement

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Figure 5.7. Click Next to start the installation

Figure 5.8. The installation runs...

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Figure 5.9. Click Next to launch the Activation Wizard (unless installing in evaluation mode)

Figure 5.10. Click Next to activate online

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Figure 5.11. Enter the Home Bundle serial number

Figure 5.12. Log in to your NI account

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Figure 5.13. Click Next to continue

Figure 5.14. Click Next to continue

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Figure 5.15. Click Finish when activation completes

The Control Design and Simulation Module is now installed. Next, the MathScript RT module will be

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6 Install MathScript RT Module

Unzip the downloaded file as before (the file-name is "2014MSRT-Win.exe") and the installer should
start automatically.

Figure 6.1. The installer should start automatically

Figure 6.2. Enter your name and LabVIEW 2014 Home Bundle serial number

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Figure 6.3. Click next to continue

Figure 6.4. Click next to continue

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Figure 6.5. Accept the license agreement

Figure 6.6. Click Next to start the installation

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Figure 6.7. The installation runs...

Figure 6.8. Next to launch the Activation Wizard (unless installing in evaluation mode)

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Figure 6.9. Click Next to activate online

Figure 6.10. Enter the Home Bundle serial number

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Figure 6.11. Log in to your NI account

Figure 6.12. Click Next to continue

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Figure 6.13. Click Next to continue

Figure 6.14. Click Finish when activation complet

The MathScript RT Module is now installed.

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7 Install JKI VIPM

Download the JKI VIPM installer if it has not already been done (see the Introduction). Right-click on
the download and select "Run as administrator".

Figure 7.1. Right-click the download and select "Run as administrator"

Figure 7.2. Click Next to continue

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Figure 7.3. Accept the license agreement

Figure 7.4. Select the install location (if necessary) and click Next

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Figure 7.5. Choose whether to add a Desktop shortcut and click Install

Figure 7.6. The installation runs...

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Figure 7.7. Click Finish when the installation completes

Figure 7.8. When VIPM runs, it will download package links as shown

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Figure 7.9. Change "2015" option to "2014"

The package manager window will be empty if you don't have LabVIEW 2015 installed. At this point
you must switch the LabVIEW version to "2014".

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Figure 7.10. The package windows populates correctly for LabVIEW 2014

The package window will populate correctly for LabVIEW 2014, as shown. For details on installing the
MakerHub package, go directly to the next section.

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8 Install the MakerHub LINX Package

The best approach in installing the MakerHub LINX package is to just install that package and the
MakerHub Toolbox package first. If you require any other packages, install those later. Scroll down the
package list to select the Digilent LINX package (figure 8.1). Then, scroll-down further and find the
MakerHub Toolbox package (figure 8.2); use right-ctrl when selecting it to ensure both packages are

Figure 8.1. Select the Digilent LINX package

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Figure 8.2. Select the MakerHub Toolbox package (use right-ctrl)

Figure 8.3. Click the "Install and Upgrade Package(s)" button

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Figure 8.4. VIPM confirms the packages to be installed

Figure 8.5. You may get a prompt to allow access for LabVIEW (you should allow it)

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Figure 8.6. Accept the license agreements (Click Yes)

At this point, LabVIEW 2014 will probably be running in the background, and the following dialog
may appear:

Figure 8.7. Click OK to close the "Please Reboot" dialog

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Figure 8.8. The packages are installing...

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Figure 8.9. Click Finish when the packages are installed

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Figure 8.10. You should now see the LabVIEW icon beside the installed packages

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Figure 8.11. Install the Open G Toolkit if desired

Other packages can now also be installed. Examples include Open G (see above).

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Figure 8.12. The Control Suite packages are also useful

Figure 8.13. Click in "File -> New VI"

To see that the MakerHub LINX package installed correctly, first run LabVIEW 2014 (restart if
necessary), and click in "File -> New VI".

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Figure 8.14. Find the MakerHub palette on the block diagram.

On the block diagram, search through the functions and find the MakerHub palettes (LINX and
Next the RPi must be configured to be allow it to run LabVIEW programs; this will be covered in the
next section.

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9 Configure the RPi to use LINX

In this section, the RPi is configured to use LINX. To gain an understanding of what is happening at a
hardware level, have a look at the Local I/O sections at this link.
Note that some of the steps in this section can take 60 seconds or more, in which it may appear that
the installation is 'hanged', so the user should be patient. Don't cancel or abort any steps unless you are
sure that there is indeed a problem with the installation. Note also that the steps may differ slightly in
your case.
To begin, run LabVIEW 2014, and go to Tools->MakerHub->LINX->LINX Target Configuration.

Figure 9.1. Go to Tools->MakerHub->LINX->LINX Target Configuration

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Figure 9.2. Enter RPi IP address, username and password (default = raspberry), and click Connect

Figure 9.3. Click OK when the message "Successfully connected to the target" appears

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Figure 9.4. The message "Target configuration updated" appears. Click "Target Info"

Figure 9.5. Click "Install Software"

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Figure 9.6. Click the Install button to continue

Figure 9.7. Click the "Expand Partition" option if it appears

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Figure 9.8. Wait during the "Rebooting Target..." phase

Figure 9.9. If the Enable UART option appears, choose whether to enable it or not.

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Figure 9.10. Click Continue when all issues are resolved

Figure 9.11. Wait while the package index is updated

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Figure 9.12. Wait during the "Installing LabVIEW..." phase

Figure 9.13. Wait during the "Rebooting Target..." phase

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Figure 9.14. Click Launch Example when LINX is installed

Figure 9.15. The example project launches.

Open RPi2 when the example project launches.

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Figure 9.16. Connect up LED/resistor and click the Run arrow

Before running the code, connect an LED and 220ohm series resistor to pin 7 (see also Figure 9.20).
Click the Run arrow to download the code to the RPi.

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Figure 9.17. The code is deployed...

Figure 9.18. Click Close when the code is fully downloaded. Optionally, also check "Close on successful completion"

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Figure 9.19. Click the LED button to turn the LED on

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Figure 9.20. The LED will light if everything is installed and deployed correctly

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10 Activating LabVIEW 2014 at a Later Date

In this document, it has been assumed that the user already has the required serial code for
activation. However if you install the NI software for evaluation purposes and get a code at a later date,
you can activate the software as follows. First, run the NI License Manager (Go to Programs->National
Instruments->NI License Manager).

Figure 10.1. Run the NI License Manager

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Use your code to activate the following modules under LabVIEW 2014 SP1:
 Home Edition
 Control Design and Simulation Module 2014
 MathScript RT Module

Figure 10.2. Activate the required modules

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