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Lingang Area

The low carbon satellite city of Lingang is located in the south-eastern part. Shanghai and is intended
to house 800,000 people. The city is X. As a result of this, even in the earliest stages of urban
development, energy was accounted for. Three primary considerations were made:

1. Reduction of energy demands through urban design. This included new technology to reduce
thermal losses, and following Chinas green building standards.

2. Implementation of a suitable local energy mix through optimisation of local renewable energy
sources whilst minimising fossil fuel use

3. Design of the local energy system to optimise efficiency with coupled heating and cooling

This was estimated to reduced CO2 emissions and electricity peak load by 50% and residents energy
bills by 10%

A quick summary of the Current Energy Sources in Lingang

1. Distributed Solar Power

Utilises roof-top solar photovoltaic power technology with a capacity of 100 MW. The project was
split into more than 30 sub-projects each of which is at a different stage of development. Upon
completion, this project is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 73,000 tons per year; gas
consumption by 23,000 tons per year and coal consumption by about 32,000 tons per year.

2. Shanghai Lingang Wind Farm

The project is split into two phases (Shanghai Lingang Demonstration I and II) with a total of 53
turbines in two offshore windfarms: 25 in farm 1 and 28 in farm 2. The combined capacity for these
windfarms is 200 MW.

3. LNG Power Station

A natural-gas-fired power plant to meet rising demand for clean energy. LNG is imported from
Malaysia. The power station is said to have a capacity of 1400 MW.

Our proposed energy source in Lingang is Hydrogen

Hydrogen has the long-term potential as a new low carbon energy alternative. As energy leaders
seek solutions to decarbonise energy, hydrogen is quickly gaining momentum.

There are several applications for hydrogen in various sectors. Those we will investigate are:

Transportation/Mobility; Power; Heat

The maturity of these applications differs greatly. Several projects are currently being underwent
and vary greatly in terms of scale and readiness to switch to hydrogen. Some key projects will be
outlined here.

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