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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Engineering
Sta. Mesa Manila

Computer Applications for ME – Activity 01

Name Lagman, Lance Andrew N. Signature Date 10/12/20

Section BSME 3-3 2018-028930-MN-0 Score

Instruction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space
below each question.

1. In your own words, define the meaning of computer, describe how it functions and
affects your life.

Computer came from the prefix “com” and a Latin word “putare” which can be
define as something to compute with. In reference with this definition, computer
isn’t just an electronic device that can give data in a specific span of time but it
can be a device or a tool that can compute variables or numbers like the abacus.
However, abacus is ancient tool to compute while computer are a modern tool that
can have diverse function for calculating and analyzing variables. In which, a
computer today are the electronic devices that can manipulates imported
information which can be stored, display and retrieve data to a meaningful format.
However, for a computer to function it should compose four computer hardware,
which are the input, output, processing and storage. Wherein inputs are the
devices that transfer information to the system, outputs are the device that display
or presents, processing are the manipulation of the system, and lastly storage that
stores information. By the help of this technology, it would make work much faster
and precise. The human brain is only limited to store resent memory and also
limited to basic mathematical operations. Also, information is just one click away
and computers are very useful during pandemics for the reason that it can easily
connect us with other people and the needed information are in the internet.

2. What are the differences advantage/disadvantage of a desktop computer, server,

and embedded computer with each other?
There are different types of computes but the three major ones are the Desktop
computer or personal computer or microcomputers, server, and the embedded
computer or microcontroller. For desktop computers, it is a physical computer
unit that is composed of CPU, keyboard and a mouse. It is a graphical user
workspace on software which is alike with smart phones or hand-held computers
and the workstation. However, desktop computers are larger than smartphones
and also compared with workstation it can perform more power to do more task
and less expensive to upgrade. Although desktops are family computers, it has
large footprints (components) which can be big and heavy, needed external devices
like mouse, keyboard and monitors, and couldn’t connect with a wireless internet
connection. For servers, is a data core that contains collections of data and
program. Also called a network server, this system allows all connected users or
clients to share and store electronic data and applications. It is alike with
mainframe and cloud computing but the difference is that hardware don’t make
their clients their own processing while on cloud computing needs the internet
and have an unknown serve. Servers have a great security of network and it can
also see what each computers are doing, limiting certain actions and can prevent
the spread of computer viruses. However, it is really expensive to purchase and
does not have a back-up file if the server breaks. Lastly, the embedded computer
is mini computers which are incorporated with other device rather than being
stood alone. This is a computers that can store information or data that can do the
commands with little or no user interaction. Good thing about this is that it is in
mass production, highly reliable and operates very fast. However, because of
minimal memory you can have no more room for technological improvements.

3. Explain how computer affects the life of professional engineers and student alike.
Computers are the life core for both students and professional engineers. For
students, in a positive approach it will do all the work done fast and easy. Also, it
is a modern and formal way to address their teachers and proctors when they
have concerns to their respective subjects. For the information, it is just a click
away to find what they need to use rather than going to the library and browsing
piles of encyclopedias that would eat large amount of time. For communication,
they can easily be link with their fellow classmate, instead of meeting up top finish
a certain task, they can meet online and finish their task without leaving their
homes. However computers can be a troublesome for students, for the reason of
the fast spread of information, then can get a misleading information or fake news.
Also, this can make them lazy and prone to commit a crime by plagiarizing publish
works. In the aspect of computers for professional engineers, it can be diverse
because engineering is a diverse profession. For the advantages, well computers
help engineers compute their works precisely and accurately. Computers also
lessen the actual error of the engineering projects. However, this can also be a
disadvantage for engineers also, for the reason that computers are continuously
evolving, without a proper knowledge with the new trend of technology and
computers it can lessen the skill quality of the engineers itself.

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