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your right to keep your


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Thanks to the 1974 Family
We live in an information society, where Educational Rights and
important data can be sent across the Privacy Act (known as the Buckley
globe in a matter of seconds, and where amendment), schools that receive any
one computer CD-ROM can house as federal funding must make student
much data as an entire library. Most records available for viewing by parents
people in this country agree that the and the students themselves if they are
easy flow of information makes our lives 18 or older. (When I say “parent” I of
easier – but most people also are course also mean legal guardian.) In
concerned about who gets to some states the age is less than 18: in
see and use our private Delaware, it’s 14, and in Massachusetts
information. Luckily for us, there are it’s 14, or ninth grade.
important regulations protecting personal
student records – some of the most However, there is some
personal information about you there is. information students can’t
Getting an education access at all, such as psychiatric
Think of your student record as a reports and other non-educational
isn’t just about books
short chronicle of your records possessed by a counselor,
and grades – we’re also
educational life. Schools keep doctor, social worker or the like. Your
learning how to participate records of your academic and personal parents can see these files, though.
fully in the life of this nation. progress, from kindergarten through
(Hey, we are the future, graduation. And some schools keep If you are over 18, you can designate a
right?!) student files for many years after the physician or other professional to have
person has graduated or left. access to your records. And your
But in order to really parents can request in writing that your
participate, we need to know Student records can include quantitative records be released to someone else:
our rights – otherwise we may information like test scores, intelligence a lawyer, relative, counselor or friend,
lose them. The highest law in quotients (IQs), and grades. They also for example. Finally, schools must
our land is the U.S. can include more subjective respond to your request to
Constitution, which has some information like progress reports, view records within 45 days,
psychological and psychiatric reports, and they may charge a reasonable fee
amendments, known as the
and teacher evaluations. for the copying costs.
Bill of Rights. The Bill of
Rights guarantees that the While your student record is obviously a
useful thing – it provides important
government can never deprive WHO ELSE CAN
information on how you have progressed
people in the U.S. of certain ACCESS MY RECORDS?
fundamental rights including in many areas of your education and
development – too often, schools Lots of other people may want to see
the right to freedom of
like to hang your record over your student records: other
religion and to free speech
your head like a threat or a teachers, social workers,
and the due process of law. punishment: the famous “that’s employers and the police,
Many federal and state laws going to go in your record” line. Some among others. The level of protection
give us additional rights, too. schools even try to put irrelevant but your records have from outsiders varies
The Bill of Rights applies to extremely personal information about from state to state. Generally, schools
you in your record, such as your political have the right to release information to
young people as well as
or religous beliefs and practices. New teachers and school officials who have a
adults. And what I’m going to
Hampshire is one of the few states that ‘legitimate educational interest’ in your
do right here is tell you about prohibits schools from keeping records records – if you’re transfering to a new
INFORMATION PRIVACY. on student political activity. school, for example.

We spend a big part of our life in school, so let’s make a difference. Join the student
government! Attend school meetings! Petition your school administration! Talk about your
rights with your friends! It’s up to us!
“The interest of the student must supersede
all other purposes to which records might be put.”
– The National Education Association (NEA) Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

like your score on a standardized less likely it is that your

test, a great deal of it may be school will be inaccurate or
totally subjective – such as sloppy in its record keeping.
what an educator thinks about And your parents should NEVER sign
your development or any blanket authorization to the school
behavior. And some of it permitting it to release your
may even be totally information at its discretion. That can
unrelated to your leave the door wide open for abuse of
academic and devel- your privacy.
opmental growth –
and unflatter-
ing, embar- WHAT OTHER
even harmful ME IS OUT THERE?
to have in your
official Because we live in an information
records. Educators society, chances are lots of other
can be just as biased organizations and entities have data
as anyone else. on you: from insurance companies,
banks and credit companies, to clubs
If there is information you’re in or once belonged to, and
you or your parents federal agencies like the IRS and
Students and their parents have rights consider to be others. Under the 1974 Freedom of
concerning access to the personal inaccurate, irrelevant Information Act, all people in the
information contained in student records or unfair, there United States have the right to access
are ways to try a wide variety of information compiled
If your school is subpeonaed to get it changed or by government agencies, and under
by a court order, it must try to deleted. You and your parents have the Privacy Act of 1974, you can
notify your parents first before the right to meet with school officials obtain copies of files about yourself
releasing your records. And in some to request any part of your records be compiled by government agencies. The
states, only school superintendents changed. If they refuse to do so, you ACLU publishes a useful step-by-step
are allowed to release this have the right to a formal hearing guide to filing a request under the
information. The only time a before an impartial third party where Freedom of Information Act which you
school is allowed to release you can tell your side of the story. can download from their web site at
your records without getting or purchase
Even if the decision is not to change
your parents’ permission is through your local affiliate or chapter.
the record, you and your parents
in emergency situations
have the right to place a
where the information is necessary to
statement in the record
protect your health and safety, or that
saying you find the entry
of other students.
inaccurate or unfair. This
Sometimes a school will release becomes a permanent attachment to
student information for the record, and must be released
directories: your name, address, along with any future requests for the
telephone number and academic major record itself. Some states give
and other such personal information – students and parents more
but your parents can request that you opportunities to contest student
be left off such lists. record entries than others – check
with your local ACLU to find out the
law in your state.
your local ACLU is:
WHAT IF AN ENTRY IN MY Of course, the more active
RECORDS IS WRONG? interest you and your
parents take in the accuracy
While much of the information in of your student records, the
student records is quantitative stuff,

Produced by the ACLU Department of Public Education. 125 Broad Street, NY NY 10004. For more copies of this or
any other Sybil Liberty paper, or to order the ACLU handbook The Rights of Students or other student-related
publications, call 800-775-ACLU or visit us on the internet at Illustrations by Gloria Petron.

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