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2. How is VietNam government budget in 2019?

- Regarding government budget revenues:

According to the government's report, in 2019 the total Vietnam government budget revenue
reached 1,539,322 billion VND, exceeding 9.1% of the estimate. The rate of budget
mobilization reaches 25.7% of GDP, only from taxes and fees is 21.1% of GDP.
In which, domestic revenue was 1,260,500 billion VND (exceeding 7.4%, compared with the
estimate); revenue from crude oil 55,900 billion VND (exceeding 25.3% compared with the
estimate); revenue from import-export activities reaches 208,000 billion VND (increasing
18,800 billion VND compared with the estimate).
For the whole period 2016-2020, the average rate of revenue mobilization to the government
budget reached 24.7% of gross domestic product (exceeding the plan of 23.5% of total
domestic product); the central budget revenue structure accounts for 55%, the local budget
revenue accounts for 45% of the total state budget revenue. The proportion of domestic
revenue in total budget revenue increases gradually: in 2016 reached 68.9%, in 2019 reached
81.9%, by 2020 is expected to be nearly 84%.
In 2019, the Ministry of Finance focused on inspecting fields and arrested 17,300 cases of
violation in the field of customs, proposing a financial treatment of 71,700 billion VND, in
which the proposal to pay the government budget 25,100 billion VND.
Tax authorities have recovered 35,200 billion tax arrears from the previous year transferred.
Total domestic tax debt at the end of December 2019 was 80,830 billion VND (increasing by
5.9% compared to December 31, 2018), in which: receivable debts are 40,602 billion VND
(accounting for 50.2% of total tax debt, increasing 4.8% compared to December 31, 2018);
non-recoverable debt is 40,228 billion VND (accounting for 49.8%, increasing 7.1%
compared to December 31, 2018).

- Regarding government budget expenditure:

The total budget expenditure was 1,748,300 billion VND, approximately exceeding 115,000
billion VND (about 7%) compared with the estimate.
Government budget expenditure in 2019 is strictly controlled in line with the forecast and
execution schedule, continuing to restructure state budget spending, growing the proportion
of investment expenditure, minimizing recurrent expenditure, restructuring expenditure in
each sector at the same time, in combination with organizational structural reform and
streamlining pay.
The budget deficit therefore amounts to almost 203,000 billion VND in 2019. Thus, the
budget deficit in 2019 is nearly 203,000 billion VND (about 8.7 billion USD), equaling
3.36% of the realized GDP (more than 6 million billion VND). Compared to 2018, the budget
deficit in 2019 decreased by nearly 19,000 billion VND.

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