Written Assignment For Gorn 10

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Written Assignment For Gorn Ch 10

Most historical essays take an argumentative approach.  In other

words, the author sets out to prove something.  In order to prove
an argument you need to:
 Critically Analyze (think critically about) primary source
material (see "What are Primary and Secondary Sources" in
the Historian's Tool Box on the Module Page if you need a
refresher on what primary sources are--HINT:  you have
been reading primary sources in the last several chapters
provided in PDF format! 
 Develop a research question (or) Analyze the research
question being asked.
 Develop a thesis statement.
 Create compelling (supporting) arguments, supported by
evidence from the sources to prove the thesis.
The video below gives you a step-by-step way to create a
supporting argument.
After reading Gorn Ch. 10 “The Great Depression” (PDF),
watch the video below on how to develop a strong argument.
Take notes while watching because you will use this method for
most of the written assignments for the rest of the semester (and
of course, you can always come back and rewatch this video as
much as you need to!).

Source:  composingourselvesandourworld.pressbooks.com

Note that the building block he titles "Contention" is also the

Thesis Statement!
2.)  Your assignment is to create a strong THESIS
STATEMENT to the question below.  You can rewatch the
video "How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement" in Written
Exercise 1 in the Assignment tab if you need to review.
3.) Prepare a compelling SUPPORTING ARGUMENT that
helps prove (support) your Thesis Statement.  Ask yourself what
is the most compelling reason I believe I am correct in my
assertion (my thesis statement)?  What elements in the
documents in Gorn Ch. 10 might defend your thesis?  Prepare a
list of points that favor/support your claim and ones that refute it
as you did in Written Assignment 2.  
4.) From the list you compiled, select THREE supporting pieces
of evidence from three separate documents in Gorn Ch. 10.
Briefly explain how each piece of evidence supports your
argument and subsequently proves your thesis.

Your completed assignment should look like this:

1.)  THESIS STATEMENT:  place your grammatically correct

thesis statement, in the third person, here.
2.)  SUPPORTING ARGUMENT:  place you supporting
argument here.
A.) EVIDENCE:  place the title of the first document you are
using for supporting evidence here.
i.)  RATIONALE:  state why you think this evidence supports
your argument and state what type of evidence it is: Ethos,
Pathos, or Logos.  Try to use at least two of these three types of
B.) EVIDENCE:  place the title of your second supporting
document here.
i.)  RATIONALE: state why and what type of evidence
C.) EVIDENCE:  place the title of your third supporting
document here.
i.)  RATIONALE: state why and what type of evidence


Great Depression alter people’s daily lives? Do you see
evidence that it affected women differently? Africa-
When you have completed this assignment, upload it to the
Assignment Box.  Be sure to complete and upload it
by Thursday July 23 by 11:59 PM.
This exercise is worth 40 points and counts toward "Written

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