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Methods of Communication

Methods of Communication – Verbal and Non-Verbal


Different occasions require different types of communication. All communication

cannot be of the same type and it cannot flow through the same means. All depends
on who sends the message to whom and for what purpose.

A. Verbal Communication:

The term verbal communication means ‘words’. Human beings are the only species
gifted with the use of words that make languages.

Words are the most accurate and powerful set of symbols. Thus, the common set of
symbols are used between sender and the receiver in the process of verbal
communication. The words may be spoken or written. The spoken communication is
called oral communication. Communication conveyed through written words is called
written communication.

1. Oral Communication:

It is naturally the speech that precedes the writing. In the same way, people speak
more before committing themselves into writing. This communication plays an
important role in families and organizations and among friends, relatives,
acquaintances, neighbours, etc. Miscommunication or ineffective oral communication
can trouble the relationship and growth. It may take the form of speeches, discussions,
debates, face-to-face talk, telephonic conversation, video conferencing, interview and

It may be formal or informal. Oral communication would be effective if the principle

of brevity and conciseness is observed. Mechanical devices used for oral
communication include telephone, intercom, dictating machines, internal addressing
system, internet, etc.

Aspects of Oral Communication:

a. Positives:

i. Saving paper work

ii. Reduction of message preparation time

iii. Saving stationery

b. Negatives:

i. Lengthy message
ii. Loss of legal validity

iii. Scope for misunderstanding

iv. Limited retention.

2. Written Communication:

Messages put in black and white constitutes written communication. The written
communication is binding on the organization and it constitutes as a documentary
evidence. It can be in the form of notices, telex messages, circulars, reports, e-mail,
and manuals. The components involved in written communication include the writer,
the content, the language, purpose of communication, style adopted and the receiver.

B. Non-Verbal Communication:

It is not necessary that communication is possible only through verbal means.

Communication takes place without words, spoken or written. Many a research study
has established the efficacy of non-verbal communication. It finds expression through
gestures, postures, body movement and physical appearance. Messages are expressed
through non-linguistic means. When a person refuses to speak or write, he can
communicate non-verbally

We all know the importance of communication in our daily lives. Nothing can take
place without some method of communication being used to express ourselves for
whatever purpose.

Communication is even more valuable in a business environment as there are several

parties involved. Various stakeholders, whether they are customers, employees or the
media, are always sending important information to each other at all times.

We are therefore constantly using some form of communication or another to send a

message across. Without these different methods of communication available today, it
would take eons for us to carry out business as efficiently as it is done today and with
the same speed.

Let's try and understand what these methods of communication are.

Types of Communication

Numerous new instruments have emerged over the years to help

people communicate effectively.

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