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LEARNER: _____________________________________________________


Subject: Life Skills PSW Date:
Grade: 6 Term: 4
Examiner: J Buchler Duration: 1 Hour
Moderator: Mr M. Neff Total: 30 Marks 30
End-of-year Examination
The marking memorandum has been compiled accordingly. While alternative responses will
be given due acknowledgement, the official memorandum will be considered a priority
document to ensure uniformity of marking.
Instructions and Information

 This question paper consists of Three Sections: Section A, Section B and

Section C
 Answer all the questions on this question paper.
 Please write neat and legibly.

Section A:
Question 1: National Celebrations

Matching – Match the celebration in Column A with the correct date in

Column B. Write the letter from Column B in the spaces provided below.

Column A Column B
1. Freedom Day A) 21 March
2. Mandela Day B) 24 September
3. Heritage Day C) 16 June
4. Youth Day D) 18 July
5. South African Human Rights Day E) 27 April

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ (5)

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Question 2: National Symbols

Label each of the symbols that make up the Coat of Arms.


Total Section A: 10


QUESTION 3: Cultural Rites and Passages

Complete the table below.

Symbol Place of worship Name of religion Name of priest




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QUESTION 4: Cultural rites of passage

Answer the following questions in connection with Weddings:

4.1 In which culture does the groom pay lobola to the bride’s family?


4.2 What is the role of the Iman at Moslem weddings?


4.3 What is a Jewish marriage contract called?

__________________________________________________ (1)

4.4 What is applied to the skin of the bride and groom at a Hindu

4.5 In which religion would the bride and groom visit a monk?


3|Page Life Skills PSW

Question 5: Basic First Aid

Complete the table by filling in the first-aid required for the type of
situation of emergency.

Type of situation First-aid


Stings and bites

Cuts and bleeding



Question 6: Cuts and Abrasions

Fill in the missing words.

6.1 Cuts and abrasions are injuries that a)____________ or

b)____________ the skin.

6.2 Severe bleeding must get medical attention because blood loss can
lead to a drop in a) ____________ _______________,
b)________________ and even death.

6.3 We need to pat wounds dry with a)_____________ gauze and apply
b)__________________ ointment.

6.4 Change the a)________________ at least once a day and watch for


4|Page Life Skills PSW

Question 7: Treating Burns and Scalds

Multiple Choice – Circle the correct answer.

7.1 The first thing to do when someone has been burnt is to:

a) Move them closer to the heat.

b) Get the person away from the heat source.

c) Check how badly the person has been burnt. (1)

7.2 Always cool the burn using:

a) cool or lukewarm water.

b) iced water.

c) hot water. (1)

7.3 If blisters have formed on the skin,

a) always pop them.

b) place a plaster over them.

c) do not pop them. (1)

7.4 Which of the following burns can be treated at home?

a) 1st degree burns.

b) 2nd degree burns.

c) 3rd degree burns. (1)

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Question 8: Poisoning

8.1 Name 3 common signs or symptoms of poisoning:

a) ______________________________________________________

b) ______________________________________________________

c) ___________________________________________________ (3)

Total Section B: 35


Provide examples of the following abuse.
9.1. Sexism (1)

9.2. Gender bias. (1)


9.3. Stereotyping. (1)

Read the following then answer the questions.
Reading about communicable diseases.
Communicable diseases are caused by a virus, by bacteria or by a
fungus which is spread through human contact or through the air.
Causes, signs and symptoms of communicable diseases.

 Colds: Colds are caused by viruses or germs that are spread through
coughing, sneezing, mucus and touching someone who has a cold.
Signs and symptoms include a sore throat and possible headache
following within 24 hours by mucus in the nose or a runny nose,
sneezing, coughing and a slight temperature.

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 Flu: Flu is caused by a virus that is spread through touching
someone who has flu or sharing eating utensils, towels and
toothbrushes. Signs and symptoms include a temperature, aching or
pain in the joints and a need to sleep.
 Mumps: Mumps is caused by a virus which inflames the glands. It
causes a high temperature and tiredness. Mumps can be dangerous
for adult men because it may affect their ability to have children.
Mumps is spread by sharing eating utensils, cups, towels and
 Tuberculosis or TB: TB is short for tuberculosis. TB is a serious
sickness in the lungs that makes people cough a lot, lose weight,
have a high temperature and feel very tired. People with TB are sick
for a long time and will not get better without proper medication. TB
is easily spread in crowded conditions through coughing, sharing of
eating utensils and towels. People who have HIV and AIDS may get
TB because their bodies cannot fight off sickness. In South Africa,
31% of people with HIV and Aids also have TB.
 Measles: Measles is caused by a virus. It is a sickness that starts
off with a cough, a sore throat and a runny nose and then spots
appear inside the mouth and on the face. These spots spread
throughout the body. Measles can make you very sick and can be
dangerous if it is not treated properly. Measles can be very
dangerous for pregnant women because it can affect the
development of the baby.
 Chickenpox: This disease is caused by a virus which starts with a
few itchy sports on the body. These sports spread all over the body,
become blisters and cause extreme irritation because they are so
itchy. Signs and symptoms include flu-like symptoms such a a high
temperature, discomfort and a need to sleep.

10.1. How can you avoid catching a cold? (2)



10.2. Describe the signs and symptoms of a cold. (4)


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10.3. How is the flu virus spread? (2)

10.4. Why is mumps dangerous for adult men? (1)


10.5. How is tuberculosis treated? (1)


10.6. Why is measles dangerous for pregnant women? (1)


10.7. What is the first sign of chickenpox? (1)

Total Section C: 15

Grand Total: 60 Marks

Convert to 30 Marks

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