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Chapter 1


Lawaan National High School as secondary institutions of the Department

of education enjoy the School-Based Management (SBM) grants as additional

funds which it is used for the maintenance and implementing programs and

project of our school. As you can see in our school, School heads, Teachers,

students and our Stakeholders from the community joined force in whatever

activities that we have for improving our educational system through the

implementation of School – Based Management.

Lawaan NHS is willing to take active part in shaping the youth to be a

competitive individual in the year to come. Hence, the author as one of the

faculty in the said institution, trying to formulate this school improvement plan

which is anchored in the provision of the Republic Act 9155, otherwise known as

the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 in the assumption that

empowered school can improve & more effective for teaching & learning when

there is freedom in making best decisions for the learner they serve. Another

programs implemented in our school is the Philippine Education for All (EFA). It

aimed to provide the basic and quality education to all school age children for

them to become productive member in the community.

Music Art Physical Education and Health is a subject needed by the young

learners in the development of their skills so that they will develop life-long

learning skills, order to have a successful for a job in the near future. Thus, as one

of the implementers of this curriculum nurturing and imparting knowledge and

skills to the students will be the great role of proponent in order to produce

quality graduates who will develop the economic and social components of

nation building in order that this country become one of the developed countries

of the world.

This School Improvement Plan of Lawaan National High School

comprehensively discusses an analysis of the school’s current situation, its

targets and strategies for improvement as well as its action plan to realize its

objectives. A comprehensive three-year work and financial is likewise attached

for continuous guidance and tracking of the implementation phases.

The School Improvement Plan of Lawaan National High School has been

prepared and submitted by the proponent, in partial fulfillment of the

requirements in Integrating Course 3, for the purpose of review and assessment

by the School Improvement Plan Review Team of Samar State University,

College of Graduate Studies, thereby submits this for approval.






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