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Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: 3628 Lesson Plan Template         Year Level: 9    

Duration: 60 minutes 

Designed by: Jackson Bruce and Daniel Barker

What do we want students to learn?[AC2] 

Content Knowledge from the Australian Curriculum

What is the intended learning:

Physical activity, Food and Nutrition:

Relevant content descriptors:
Propose, practise and evaluate responses in situations where external influences may
impact on their ability to make healthy and safe choices (ACPPS092 - Scootle )

-       examining local fast-food options, making healthy selections and advocating healthy
choices to peers

-       evaluating the influence of personal, social, environmental and cultural factors on decisions
and actions young people take in relation to their health, safety and wellbeing

Critically analyse and apply health information from a range of sources to health
decisions and situations (ACPPS095 - Scootle)

-       critiquing and selecting the most suitable and reliable sources of health information
according to the decision that needs to be made

-       examining actions to take greater responsibility in relation to their own health

-       critiquing services that provide advice and support on health-related issues, and
investigating ways to store and share contact information of these services with other
young people

Links to Numeracy general capability Links to ICT general capability

 Plan, implement and critique
 Plan, implement and critique strategies to enhance health, safety
strategies to enhance health, and wellbeing of their communities
safety and wellbeing of their (ACPPS096 - Scootle ). 
communities. Understanding  Creating and evaluating visual
nutritional concepts and their and multimodal health
importance to people's overall campaigns in print-based and
health (ACPPS096 - Scootle ). digital environments to
promote health and wellbeing

Student Id: 2186451

in their community

Briefly describe how these areas relate:

 In Physical Education and Health Education the use of ICT and numeracy is vital. In
Physical Education the use of videoing, YouTube and an array of applications are used.
For this lesson the use of ICT is used in the form of using an online website to provide
students with nutritional information. Numeracy is incorporated through the use of numbers
in the nutritional information and finding averages and different percentages.  
Is this learning part of a broader project or context, what is it: [AC4] 
 The use of numeracy in this lesson is part of a broader context, which is using
skills such as finding averages, comparing statistics and interpreting statistics. 
Does this fit with students’ prior learning (where in a ‘sequence’ might this go)?
 This lesson builds on the student’s prior knowledge and continues to develop what they
have previously learnt in Mathematics. It also demonstrates to students how ICT can be
used in a beneficial way. It also teaches students how to plan and how they can shop
online and look up nutritional information. 

Student Id: 2186451

Why it is important:
What knowledge and skills might our students bring?

 Students will develop skills which include understanding what calories are as well
as how to construct a healthy diet. They will also develop the ability to interpret
nutritional panels. As well as learning how to use ICT as an educational tool.
Students will learn skills that will benefit them in the future.  

Specific Learning Outcome(s):

What do we want the students to be able to know, do and understand at the end of this lesson
related to the content descriptors identified above?
By the conclusion of this lesson the students will..

Know: What each carbohydrate, fats and protein are. How to understand a nutritional panel and
how to use ICT to help find nutritious foods. Different foods/products have different nutritional

Be able to: demonstrate an understanding of dietary requirements and how to effectively make
healthy decisions when planning your eating. As well as working collaboratively and independently
to develop their knowledge around nutrition. 

Understand: That different foods contain different nutritional values and have varied
impacts/effects on the human body.

What technological tools will support the learning and

What technology will be used in this lesson to expand curriculum, learning opportunities for
students in this lesson (you will go in to more detail on this below)?

The Coles website has been used in this lesson to demonstrate to the class that they can
access nutritional information online. Students can then compare many different nutritional
concepts such as carbohydrates, fats, protein and for this class calories. 
-  Coles online website.
-  The Coles online website has been selected because it is free and easily accessible. 
-  It provides nutritional information for all products.
-  If the tool does not work, catalogues can be used by the students instead. 

Student Id: 2186451


Numeracy Pedagogical Knowledge

 ‘Numeracy: Demands and Opportunities Across the Curriculum’

Identify which of the following numeracy teaching strategies you will use in this lesson. [AC5] 
·          Capturing the numeracy in the moment: Be open to the numeracy demands and
flexible in going with the students’ interests and learning needs in the experience.
·          Being aware of possible numeracy demands when planning: Consider the
numeracy demands and the range in student strategies and approaches for handling the
learning experience across the curriculum.
·          Allowing students to work it out: Provide students with both individual and
collaborative opportunities to work things out for themselves and engage with the numeracy
·          Giving Time: Be patient and flexible with time to allow students to engage with the
numeracy themselves, ask questions, fully understand the lesson and gain confidence in
themselves as learners.
·          Questioning. Facilitate discussion and support students’ deliberations by asking
questions about their handling of the task. Questioning can help students identify the numeracy
and then use their mathematics. Try to keep the questions open to encourage a willingness to
·          Motivating: Let students explore a concept driven by enthusiasm rather than teaching
the required skill prior to tackling the activity.
·          Listening purposefully: Monitor students’ numeracy knowledge and skills by asking
questions and listening purposefully as students engage with numeracy in a moment.
·          Debriefing the numeracy: Ask open questions that encourage students to reflect on the
use of mathematics in the situation and the role numeracy played in their learning,
understanding and problem solving.

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

How does technology support your pedagogy and the desired
Describe how this lesson draws together your technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge.
Briefly, describe how the identified technological ICT tool will enable students to:
Become a fluent user of mathematics in a familiar setting in relevant ways aligned with the
identified learning area and year level.
 The ICT tool selected provides students with statistics which they need to interpret. It also
displays costs so that students can work on their budgeting skills and monitor the costs of
Deliberately use mathematics in ways that develop students’ numeracy and ICT capabilities
appropriate to the identified year level
 This lesson was deliberately designed to develop the students’ knowledge about nutrition
through the use of ICT and numeracy. Providing students with different numbers and
requiring them to workout averages and percentages helps develop their numeracy skills. 
Develop a capacity to be critical of the mathematics chosen and used.
 Students are required to be critical to determine what mathematics to use in order to find
out answers to the questions on the worksheet and in the activity. Using a variety of
different mathematics skills once again helps develop their understanding of how to be

Student Id: 2186451

Describe how your TPACK might:
Expand the learning opportunities.

 This lesson provides students with many learning opportunities throughout the lesson
through the use of nutrition, numeracy and ICT. Learning and developing life skills such as
budgeting provides students with new learning opportunities. 

Relate to the ICT capability.

 Plan, implement and critique strategies to enhance health, safety and wellbeing of their
communities (ACPPS096 - Scootle ). 

lesson relates to the ICT capability, as the lesson examines healthy eating and budgeting. It uses
ICT as a strategy to enhance health through meal planning. Through the budgeting and homework
tasks students can critique things such as the costs of foods and methods of advertisement on the
Coles website which also directly links to the ICT capability for year 9 students. 

How will we know if they got it?

Planning the assessment tasks

What could the learning look like at this level:

What do we expect our students to be doing?

In this lesson students will be using technology to assess nutritional panels and are required to use
their nutritional understanding to analyse each product. Their nutritional understanding to select
foods to reach targets given on scenarios. They will need to work both individually and
collaboratively throughout the lesson. 
What are the requirements and responsibilities to successfully complete this task?

Students need to be responsible and remain focussed on the task, ensuring students are only using
their technology for the task is important. When working collaboratively students must respect each
other opinions and act respectfully and responsibly. 
Are students directing or at the centre of the learning? How?
Throughout a majority of the lesson students are at the centre of the learning. For the activity
students are directing their own learning and the lesson has been designed so students can have
flexibility and can select and food they decide. This allows the students to remain engaged
throughout the lesson. 

What evidence will enable us to assess the intended learning:

Student Id: 2186451

What will be the assessment strategies related to your identified lesson outcomes?
Explain how you will gather evidence to identify which students have achieved which outcomes
(All, Most or Some), and record their progress.

 Student progress will be monitored throughout the lesson, their learning and understanding
will be assessed through their ability to complete the task. 
 Their ability to read and understand the nutritional panels will be assessed constantly
throughout the lesson.  
 Students will also complete a homework task which will gauge their overall understanding
of the lesson

Required Resources

What tools, consumables or technology support us to execute this lesson?

In this lesson students will need access to a computer, tablet or mobile device. For the students
that do not have access to a device they can work with a partner that does or use a hard copy.
Hard copies are required in case there are any issues with the internet. 


Lesson Outline[AC6] 

Student Id: 2186451

Connect / Starter
This should be for about 5 minutes.

      5 min    Lesson introduction

Teacher will:
 Introduce the lesson content in the form of an overview
 Recap previous lesson content and reinstall key points
Students will:
 Sit and listen
 Engage by displaying their knowledge of previous key points 

    Teaching strategy: Teacher led discussion

    Equipment needed: N/A 

This part of the lesson should take 15 minutes.

  15 min
Information delivery
    Teacher will:

 Provide background information regarding health and nutrition such as

 Healthy eating
 Recommended intake
 Calories 
 Kilojoules 

Students will:

 Sit and listen 

Teaching strategy: Teacher led, explicit

Equipment needed: Slideshow of basic information regarding each topic 

Demonstrate (Assessment for Learning)

This part of the lesson should take 20 minutes.

20 mins   Activity
   Teacher will:
 Describe activity 

Student Id: 2186451

Students will receive a specific scenario to which they will need to respond appropriately. These
scenarios will each include a target calorie count as well as specific dietary requirements the
group will need to meet along with a monetary allowance. (SEE APPENDIX)
 Allocate students into groups
 Monitor and assist the students when necessary 
 Facilitate class discussion at the closure of the activity in order for groups to explain their
choices and overall experience
Students will:
 Examine their scenario in groups and discuss a possible plan by considering their new
found knowledge of calories and dietary requirements
 Students will need to use the Coles app on their phones in order to use the available
information and shop for one day’s worth of food. 
 Students should aim to arrive as close as possible to all of the goals set for the days
intake whilst remaining under the budget
 After finishing this task each group will explain to the class their situation and the
difficulties that came along with it. 

Teaching strategy: Student centred, guided discovery

Equipment needed; Laptop/phones for group members, scenario resources, internet connection 

Consolidate / Plenary
This part of the lesson should take 10 minutes.

10 mins Lesson conclusion 

Teacher will:
 Recap important points from the class
 Facilitate discussion with the students regarding how their knowledge of nutrition
and dietary requirements has developed and how this has changed their view on
food and nutritional decisions they will make going forward
 Recap the dietary limitations put on those who have lower socioeconomic status
and how this can affect their food choices
 Handout nutritional panel worksheet for homework (SEE APPENDIX)
Students will:
 Participate in discussion by providing answers to the teachers recap questions 
 Listen to the recap of key points 
 Complete a worksheet recapping some of the important information from the
lesson to check understanding

Teaching strategy: Teacher led discussion, Explicit questioning

Resources needed: N/A

This part of the lesson should take 10 minutes.

Student Id: 2186451

10  Has this lesson changed the way you view dietary decisions?
mins  What is something you learned from this lesson?
 What is one thing you believe could have been improved about this
 What is something you enjoyed about the presentation?
 What is the main lesson you will be taking home from the class?

      How will this lesson cater for the needs of all students? [AC7] 

All students must be able to: have a basic understanding of nutritional needs and what a healthy
diet looks like.  

Most students should be able to: Decode nutritional values on food packaging and create diet
plans which target certain calorie goals and dietary needs.

Some students could: Develop a deep understanding of why people consume different foods and
how this affects their bodies as well as how this is affected by their needs/available resources  

Appendix 1: Nutrition Panel Worksheet

1.   How many carbohydrates are in the product?

Student Id: 2186451


2.   How many fats are in the product?

3.   What percentage of carbohydrate intake does the product produce for one day?

4.   What percentage of protein to this product provide you with?

5.   How much sugar is in the product?

6.   In comparison to a person’s average daily intake does this provide them with adequate
amounts of fuel sources.

7.   Any comments about the label?

Appendix 2: Numeracy scenarios for activity

Numeracy scenarios

Scenario 1

Student Id: 2186451

Lilly is a single mother who is living with her two children. Although she is currently struggling
financially, she wishes to provide her children, who are 11 and 13 with good quality nutritious
food. They both require breakfast, a recess snack, lunch and dinner as they are at school.
Lilly only needs breakfast, lunch and dinner and has a food budget of $45 for the day.

The recommended calorie intake for both boys is 1800 calories

For Lilly the recommendation is 2000 calories

Scenario 2

Brayden is a 22 year old university student with a daily food budget of $25. Brayden is
lactose intolerant and extremely busy at this point because all of his assignments are due at
the same time. For this reason he tries to purchase foods that can be quickly and easily
prepared and eats whenever he can find time throughout the day. His recommended calorie
intake is 2400 calories.

Scenario 3

Anne is a 70 year old women living by herself. She tries not to spend more than $20 a day
on food and eats a limited amount. Anne still tries to intake at least 1600 calories a day so
the few meals she does have need to be nutritious. Anne is also celiac which means she
cannot process gluten and must keep it out of her diet completely.  

Scenario 4

Jack and Liz are happily married and living with their three children, an 8 year old, and two
11 year olds. Its currently school holidays so everyone is home during the day. The family is
wealthy and there are no special dietary requirements which makes shopping for everyone
at once much easier. Their budget for the day is $200.

The recommended intake for the youngest child is 1200 calories.

Intake for the twins individually is 1800 calories.

Liz’s recommendation is 2000 calories and Jack’s is 2500. 

Student Id: 2186451

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