Pipe Flow in Circular Pipes.: VD VD

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13. Pipe Flow in Circular Pipes.

13.1. Types of questions and required skills

13.2. Handy Equations & Information

13.3. Preliminary Procedures

1 3 . 3 . 1 . How to calculate the Reynolds number in a circular pipe.

1. Locate the definition of the Reynolds number.

• In a circular pipe the Reynolds number is defined as:
• Re = =
µ ν
• Look up both the fluid density, ρ, and absolute viscosity µ, or look up the fluid kinematic viscosity ν.
• Identify the pipe diameter, D.
• Identify the superficial , or “average” velocity V = Q A .
• Insert appropriate magnitudes into the definition of the Reynolds number and calculate.

1 3 . 3 . 2 . How to determine whether flow in a pipe is laminar or turbulent.

1. Calculate the Reynolds number, Re . (see 13.3.1)
2. If the Reynolds number is less than 2100, flow is laminar. If it is greater than 2100, flow it turbulent. (see 13.3.2)
The text will provide additional discussion of the transitional region. For the purpose of this course transition occurs at Re=2100.

1 3 . 3 . 3 . How to determine if flow is fully developed at a distance L from the pipe entrance.
1. Look up the distance from the pipe entrance, L
2. Calculate the Reynolds number. (see 13.3.1)
3. Determine if flow is laminar or turbulent. (see 13.3.2)
4. Look up the relation to predict the entrance length l .
• If laminar: l D = 0.06Re
If turbulent: l D = 4.4Re 6

• l is the entrance length and D is the pipe diameter.
5. Insert values and calculate l .
6. Compare l to L. At distances L greater than l flow is fully developed. That is, if l < L flow is fully developed.

1 3 . 3 . 4 . How to write the energy equation in pipe flow problem.

Identify the upstream and downstream locations. (Fluid flows from upstream to down stream. So, the velocity vectors point from
upstream to downstream.)

Write the energy equation expressing the losses in the form you prefer. I prefer expressing losses in the form of an irreversible pressure
drop. The text prefers head losses.
˙ ˙
 1  − P 1   = Wsharf − Wloss
+ ρV + ρgz + ρV + ρgz
2 2
 downstream 2 downstream downstream  duptream  
 upnstream 2 dustream  Q Q
˙ ˙
 1  − P 1   = Wsharf − ∆P = Wsharf − ρgh
P + ρV
 downstream 2 downstream
+ ρgz + ρV 2
+ ρgz duptream 
  upnstream 2 dustream  Q

1 3 . 3 . 5 . How to determine the magnitude of the friction factor in laminar flow.

This is the most convenient way to determine the friction factor in laminar flow.
1. Calculate the Reynolds number (see 13.3.1)
2. Determine if flow is laminar. (Re<2100)
3. If it is, then f= 64/Re

You may also read f from the Moody diagram.

1 3 . 3 . 6 . How to determine the magnitude of the friction factor in turbulent flow when there is sufficient information to calculate
the Reynolds number and pipe relative roughness.
There are two methods to determine the magnitude of the friction factor, f, in turbulent flow. The first involved the Moody diagram, the
second involves the Colebrook equation. For all practical purposes, the Moody diagram is simply a plot displaying the Colebrook
equation, so the two methods should provide equivalent results. The Colebrook equation is convenient when using spread sheets or
codes to automate the solution of many problems. The Moody diagram is quicker when solving exactly 1 problem.

For both methods, the first four steps are identical. These are :

1. Calculate the Reynolds number (see 13.3.1)

2. Determine the pipe hydraulic roughness, ε.
• Identify the pipe material.
• Look up the roughness in Table 8.1 of YM&O.
3. Identify the pipe diameter, D.
4. Calculate the pipe relative roughness ε/D
5. Determine f using one of the two following methods.

Method 1: Moody diagram:

1. Obtain a Moody diagram; page 337 in YM&O.
2. Identify the magnitude of the Reynolds number you calculated on the horizontal axis.
3. Identify the curved solid line corresponding to the magnitude of the pipe relative roughness, ε/D.
• The numbers on the right-hand side of the Moody diagram are associated with the solid-black lines for pipe relative roughness.
4. Find the intersection of the vertical line corresponding to the magnitude of the Reynolds number and the curved solid black line
corresponding to the magnitude of the pipe relative roughness.
5. Follow the straight horizontal line toward the left vertical axis and read the magnitude of “f”.

Method 2: Colebrook Equation:

1. Insert values for Re, and ε/D into the Colebrook relation.
1 ε D 2.51 
  ____

 2.51 
• = −2.0log  + 
 becomes f = −2.0 log  3.7 + # f 
ε / D

f  3.7 Re f   
2. Get ready to iterate to determine f.
• Make a small table with three columns. See table under step 4.
3. Steps in one iteration
• Guess an initial value of f which will be called fold. The magnitude guessed isn’t important but a close guess will reduce the
number of iterations required. For no particularly good reason, I often guess fold = 0.02. Place this value in the appropriate
column in the first row. (A value of 0.02 is illustrated in the appropriate slot of table 3.3.1.)
• Calculate fnew using the equation in the third column of table the table after step 4.
• Fill in the next column of the table..
• At the end of this step, the first row of the table is filled with values.
• Place the calculated value for fnew in column fold of row 2. The number in row 2 column fold is identical to the number in row 1
fnew.. Both are illustrated with ### symbols.
4. Decide if the solution has converged.
• Compare fold to fnew.
• If these are close to equal, the solution has converged. (For the purpose of this class, these are equal if you would be unable to
read a more precise value of the Moody diagram on page 337 in your text.)Repeat the iteration, this time using the value of fold in
column 2 as the “guess”.
• If they are not equal, repeat step 3. This time, use the value in row 2 column fold as the initial guess.
Iteration  
 # 2.51 
number f old f new = 2.0log  + 
(Guess)   3.7 # f old 

1 0.02 ###
2 ###

1 3 . 3 . 7 . How to calculate the major losses in a pipe flow problem (both laminar or turbulent.)
The energy equation discussed in Chapter 11 includes a term describing irreversible losses in mechanical energy. As previously
discussed, the “losses” are described in many ways. One is the equivalent pressure drop in a straight horizontal pipe. The other is a
head loss; that is the equivalent loss in elevation.
The equivalent pressure drop in a horizontal pipe is given in 8.17 of YM&O.
∆Poss = f  ρV 2 
L 1
D 2 
The “head” loss is found by converting this into an equivalent height. This is equation 8.18 in YM&O.

∆Poss L V 2 
hoss = = f  
ρg D  2g 
In my opinion, it is advisable to chose one method of representing the energy equation and one compatible method of describing losses
and then understand conversions. The alternative is to guess in advance which form of the energy equation works requires the fewest
conversions. If you attempt to guess the “best” form, you will often guess incorrectly, and be required to convert anyway.

1 3 . 3 . 8 . How to calculate the minor losses in a pipe flow problem (both laminar or turbulent.)
The energy equation discussed in Chapter 11 includes a term describing irreversible losses in mechanical energy. As previously
discussed, the “losses” are described in many ways. One is the equivalent pressure drop in a straight horizontal pipe. The other is a
head loss; that is the equivalent loss in elevation.

The equivalent pressure drop in associated with a single minor component is .

∆Poss = K loss  ρV 
1 2

2 
The “head” loss is found by converting this into an equivalent height. This is equation 8.18 in YM&O.

∆Poss  V2 
hoss = = Kloss  
ρg  2g

When there are several minor components in the flow, simply add all the losses:

 1 ρV 2 
∆Pmin orlosses = ∑K
2 c 

The subscript “c” represents an individual component. You must be careful to read the definition of the loss coefficient and make sure
the correct velocity is associated with calculation of the loss for each component.
13.4. Overall Method
Before beginning a solution, it is worthwhile to making an educated guess about the answers to the following questions.
• Will flow in the final solution be laminar or turbulent?
• Is the solution iterative or not?
You can obtain an answer quickly even if you guess incorrectly, but making an educated guess often speeds the solution.

Remember: laminar flows occur when: pipe diameters are very small, fluids are very viscous, or the fluid velocity is very low.
Generally, assume that flow is turbulent, unless the fluid is extremely viscous, or the pipe is very small. In a classroom situation, you
should also guess that the flow is laminar if no information to determine the pipe roughness is given.

Determining whether the solution is iterative is simpler. First, if the flow is laminar, the solution method is not iterative. Second, if both
the Reynolds number and the pipe relative roughness can be determined in advance, the solution is not iterative.

1 3 . 4 . 1 . How to solve an obviously non-iterative pipe flow problem.

1. Draw a control volume.

• identify the upstream and downstream locations for the pipe.
2. Write the energy equation in some form you prefer. For example:
 1   1 
 Pdownstream + 2 ρVdownstream + ρ gzdownstream  −  Pupnstream + 2 ρVdustream + ρgzduptream   =
2 2

W˙ sharf
− ∆ Plost
3. Identify the knowns given in the problem. These should include at least:
• Pipe diameter, D
• pipe roughness, ε
• fluid velocity V or volumetric flow rate Q, and
• fluid properties (ρ and µ or ν).
• Insert as many knowns as possible into the energy equation.
• If one of these isn’t known, the problem is probably iterative, and should be treated as such. (Go to 13.4.2.)
• Other knows to try to identify the magnitude of the two pressures, P, the two elevations, z, and the Work done on the system.
4. Calculate the Reynolds number, Re. (see 1331)
5. If flow is turbulent, calculate the pipe relative roughness. ε/D (see 13.3.2)
6. Calculate the friction factor, f (see 13.3.5 or 13.3.6)
7. Calculate the losses and express them in the form required for your choice of the energy equation.
• I prefer expressing losses as the equivalent pressure drop in a horizontal pipe. When there are both major and minor losses, this
• ∆p =  f  L  + ∑ K  1 ρU . 2
loss   D  all componenets
 2

8. Insert the magnitude for the losses into the energy equation.
9. Solve for the unknown.

1 3 . 4 . 2 . How to solve an iterative pipe flow problem.

This is the “no tricks” method. It always works and solutions converge fairly rapidly.
It works for both laminar and turbulent flows. There many types of engineering problems that must be solved iteratively. Exactly one
type of “iterative” problem that may be solved more quickly using an alternate more “insightful” method; it can be solved this way also.

Warning: this method looks much longer than it is. It looks long because it is described to cover a large number of problems! Once
learned the solution can be performed on a 3x5 postcard!

Note: On a test: do not perform more than 3 iterations. If the system has not converged, just describe the rest of the procedure! For that
matter, do not perform more than 3 iterations on homework. If the system is not converging, check your solution procedure.

You will be making a table similar to this one.

f old U obtained from Re calculated ε/D f new
Equation I. based on U.
Guess calculateU1 calculate Re calculate calculate
ε/D f new
Better Guess: calculateU2
Set equal to fnew
from last interation!
1. Draw a control volume.
• identify the upstream and downstream locations for the pipe.
2. Write the energy equation for the system.
3. Identify the knowns given in the problem. Look for as many of these as you can find:
• Pipe diameter, D
• pipe roughness, ε
• fluid velocity V or volumetric flow rate Q, and
• fluid properties (ρ and µ or ν).
• the magnitude of the two pressure,
• the two elevations, and
• the Work done on the system.
4. Replace the pressure “loss” in the energy equation with this relation for the losses: ∆p =  f  L  + ∑ K  1 ρU . 2

  D 
loss  2
all componenets

• Identify the magnitude of ΣK, and any other already known values. (L, U, ρ etc.)
5. Identify which quantity is the “unknown”. I will call this U from now on.
• Although f is also unknown, the unknown U is not the friction factor f. Find something else!
6. Use continuity (conservation of mass) and algebra to obtain an equation that isolates the unknown U on the left hand side.
• The right hand side must contain all known values and the friction factor, f.
• Place square around this relation. This is Equation I.
• If you like, place this equation in a box on the table shown just prior to these numbered directions.
7. Obtain Equation II.
• Equation II is either the Moody diagram or the Colebrook equation.
• If you are using the Colebrook equation, insert all know values into the Colebrook equation. Place a square around this equation.
• If you are using the Moody diagram, write down the equation for the Reynolds number and insert all know values. Place a
square around this equation.
8. You now have a system of 2 equations and two unknowns. The unknowns are U and f. However, if you have sufficient
information to read the Moody diagram, the solution method is as described in 13.4.1. Go back and use that method. If not, the
solution method is iterative. The basic solution procedure is “guessing”, “checking” and “improving your guess” and then repeating
until the solution is “good enough”.
9. Organize the iterative solution to find the magnitude of the unknown, U, that solves Equations I and II simultaneously.
• Select a convergence criteria based on judgment. This step is optional.
• Make a table to organize.
• Make the first column the guess for f for that iteration. (fold)
• Column 2 will hold the results of equation I.
• Column 3 is optional, and holds the magnitude of the Reynolds number.
• Column 4 will hold ε/D. If the roughness ε and pipe diameter D are given in the problem statement, calculate ε/D immediately
and fill in the first few rows of column 4.
• Column 5 will hold the “new” guess for f. (fnew)
10. Make and educated guess for the value of “fold”.
• Place this value in the first row of column 2.
• If you can calculate ε/D, and you have no reason to believe the final solution will be a laminar flow, pick a fully “rough value” of
“f”. (That is, for you first guess assume Re is infinite and read f for the calculate value of ε/D.)
• if you think the flow is laminar, Equation II becomes f = 64/Re. (You will find that the solution is not iterative! You can simply
do the algebra and solve!)
• If you can’t calculate ε/D, make a wild guess for the initial pipe diameter and use it to calculate an initial “guess” for the first ε/D.
• After obtaining an initial guess for ε/D, determine the friction factor and described when you know ε/D.
11. Insert the guessed value of f1 into Equation I obtained in step 3 and calculate the magnitude of the unknown U.
• Place this value in column 3.
12. Insert the calculated magnitude of the unknown, U into the definition of the Reynolds number and calculate (or fRe2 if you are using
the Colebrook equation.)
• Insert the magnitude of the Reynolds number in column 4
13. If Diameter, D, or the relative roughness, was previously unknown, calculate the relative roughness, ε/D and insert into the first
row of column 4. (If it was already known, you don’t need to recalculate it!)
14. Obtain a better estimate the friction factor “f2 ”.
• Read the Moody diagram at the value of Re and e/D or
• Use the Colebrook equation to obtain the guessed value of fnew. (Hint, if you are using the Colebrook equation, just use the fold
value for this row, and solve once. You will be iterating several times, and a precise value of fnew is not expected at the end of the
first iteration!)
• Insert this value into the first row of column 5
15. Insert the value of fnew into the second row of column 1!
16. Insert f2 into Equation I and solve for the unknown U. (That is repeat step 8 using a new value of f.)
17. Test: Is the unknown calculated at step 13 close enough to the unknown value calculated at step 8?
• If no, repeat steps 9-14 until the answer converges.
• If yes, you are done.
18. Report answer.
• The solution is the final calculated magnitude of U.
• Some conversion for the quantity actually requested in the problem may be required.
13.5. Applications.

1 3 . 5 . 1 . Apply 13.4.2 Find Q (or V) when DP/L and D are known:

Suppose water drains by gravity in a very long 10 cm diameter pipe with an absolute roughness of 0.01 cm. The pipe is inclined 6
degrees from the horizontal. (When water drains by gravity, the pressure at the top of the pipe is equal to that at the bottom.)
Assume that flow is fully developed and turbulent.

Find, Q, the flow rate of water. Obtain a result within 1% of the correct answer.


L sin 60

P2 = P 1
V2 =V1
z = 0 m - L sin 60

1. Draw a control volume.

• Upstream and downstream locations are noted as “1” and “2” respectively.
2. Write the energy equation in the form you prefer.
   Wsharf
•  P2 + ρV2 2 + ρ gz2  − P1 + ρV1 2 + ρgz1   =
1 1
− ∆ Plost
 2   2  Q
3. Identify the knowns given in the problem. Look for as many of these as you can find:
• Pipe diameter, D = 0.01m
• pipe roughness, ε=0.0001m
• fluid velocity V or volumetric flow rate Q, (Both unknown.)
• Although unknown, the fluid velocity at is identical upstream and downstream. So, V1 = V2
• fluid properties (ρ and µ or ν). ρ=999 kg/m2 µ= 1.12e-3 Ns/m 2
• the magnitude of the two pressures are unknown, but when water drains by gravity, this implies P1 = P 2
• the two elevations, z1 = 0 and z2 = -Lsin60
• the Work done on the system. There are no pumps or turbines so, W=0.
4. Replace the pressure “loss” in the energy equation with this relation for the losses: ∆p =  f  L  + ∑ K  1 ρU . 2
loss   D  all componenets
 2

• Identify the magnitude of ΣK. There are no minor losses: ΣK=0.

• and any other already known values. (L, V, ρ etc.).

• Inserting all non-zero quantities using expressions: [ g sin6 ] = f

 D 2
• After some algebra. ρg [L sin6 0 ] = ∆Plost = f   ρV 2
L 1
 D 2
5. Identify the “unknown” U.
• The unknown asked for in the problem statement is the flow rate, Q.
• From now on, Q will replace the generic unknown symbol U in this discussion.
6. Use continuity (conservation of mass) and algebra to obtain an equation that isolates the unknown Q on the left hand side.
• The right hand side must contain all known values and the unknown friction factor, f.
πD 2 
• Q = V
 4 
 πD  2 g D [sin 6 ] π ( 0.01m)  2 (9.81m / s )( 0.01m)[sin 6 ]
2 0 2 2 0

• Q= =
 4  f  4  f
• Place square around this relation. This is Equation I.
7. Obtain Equation II.
• Equation II is either the Moody diagram.
• Write down the equation for the Reynolds number and insert all know values.
ρ V D ρ D 4Q 4 (999kg / m 3 ) s
• Re = = = Q = 1.13 10 7 3 Q
µ µ πD π (1.12 10 Ns / m )( 0.1m)
2 −3 2
8. You now have a system of 2 equations and two unknowns.
• The unknowns are Q and f.
3.56e− 3 m s
• To determine Q as a function of f, you use: Q =
• To determine f as a function of Q you calculate the Reynolds number:Re = 1.13 10 7 Q , and ε/D then you look up f.
9. Organize the iterative solution to find the magnitude of the unknowns, V, and f that solve Equations I and II simultaneously.
• The problem specifies a convergence criterion of : Obtain a result within 1% of the correct answer.
• The table is shown below.
• The roughness ε and pipe diameter D are given; ε/D = 0.0001/0.1 = 0.001.
• The ε/D column is filled in.
10. Make and educated guess for the value of “fold”.
• The “rough value” of “f” at a pipe relative roughness of ε/D = 0.001 is approximately f=0.02.
• I don’t bother reading more precisely for a first guess!
• This number is placed in the appropriate column.
11. Insert f1 into Equation I obtained in step 3 and calculate the magnitude of the unknown Q.
• The unknown U is the flow rate Q. (From now on Q will be written in place of U.)
3.56e− 3 m s
• Q= = 2.35e-2 m 3 /s.
• Place Q = = 2.35e-2 m 3 /s. in column 3.
12. Insert the magnitude of the unknown, Q into the definition of the Reynolds number and calculate.

m  [s
m  ]
• Re = 1.13 10 7 3 Q = 1.13 10 7 3  2.35e − 2 m s , = 2.9e5 is written in column 4
s 3
13. If Diameter, D, or the relative roughness, was previously unknown..
• This was already known ε/D = 0.001
14. Obtain a better estimate the friction factor “f2 ”.
• Read the Moody diagram at the value of Re and ε/D or
• Use the Colebrook equation to obtain the guessed value of fnew. (Hint, if you are using the Colebrook equation, just use the fold
value for this row, and solve once. You will be iterating several times, and a precise value of fnew is not expected at the end of the
first iteration!)
• I always use the Colebrook equation. I calculated the value this way:
 2.51  
 #   0.001 2.51 
• f new = 2.0log  +  =  2.0log  +  = 0.021
  3.7 # f old    3.7 2.9e5 0.021 
• The value of 0.021 is placed in the final column.
15. Insert the value of fnew into the first row of column 5!
• The value of f=0.021 is placed in the second row of column1.
16. Insert f2 into Equation I and solve for the unknown. (That is repeat step 8 using a new value of f.)
• Q = 2.47e-2 m3 /s
17. Test: Is the unknown calculated at step 13 close enough to the unknown value calculated at step 8?
• The Q=2.47 e-2 m3 /s is more than 1% different form Q=2.53e-2 m3 /s.
• Repeat steps 9-14 again
• I repeated. See the excel spread sheet for more answers. Convergence was reached at the next iteration.
18. Report answer.
• Q = 2.47e-2 m3 /s

fold 3.56e − 3 m s
s ε/D=0. fnew
Re = 1.13 10 7 Q,
Q= m3 001
0.02 Q=2.53 e-2 m3 /s Re=2.9e5 0.001 0.021
(Fully rough guess)
0.021 Q=2.47 e-2 m3 /s (More than continue 0.001
Better Guess: 1% different from last value.)
Excel spread sheet.
D Θ ρ*sin(Θ)g πD^4 dP/dL/128µ Re
Q(based on laminar) expected if laminar
1.0E-1 6.0E+0 1.0E+3 2.2E+0 2.6E+7 turbulent
µ ν g π ρ ε
1.12E-3 1.12E-6 9.81E+0 3.14E+0 9.99E+2 1.0E-4
Consts: 3.56E-03 1.14E+7
f(e/d,Re)Q RE e/D Q2-Q1
rough 2.0E-2 2.5383E-2 2.9E+5 1.0E-3
Colebrook 2.1E-2 2.4744E-2 2.8E+5 -2.58%
Colebrook 2.1E-2 2.4744E-2 2.8E+5 0.00% conv
Colebrook 2.1E-2 2.4744E-2 2.8E+5 0.00% conv
This method converges rapidly if the Reynolds number is large and the pipe is rough.

This problem is also special case which can be solved slightly faster by an alternate method.

By the way, you will notice that I initially guessed that flow was turbulent. This turned out to be correct. Had I guessed “laminar”, the
result of my first iteration would have been Q = 2.2 m3 /s. Checking the Reynolds number, I would have found Re= 2.67 107 which is
clearly turbulent. So, I would then have started the iterative solution required for turbulent flow. I saved myself time by guessing
turbulent, but I would have obtained the correct answer even if I had guessed wrong.

13.6. Example: Find D when DP/L, and Q are known: recommended method
This solution is shown more in less detail than the last one.
Suppose water is pumped at a flow rate of Q= 1 m3 /s Power L Q e (m) Ploss Ploss/L
3.00E+04 1.00E+031.00E+00 3.00E-04 W/Q
through a 1 km long horizontal circular pipe. Assume m r n 3.00E+04 3.00E+01
the absolute roughness of the pipe is 0.03cm. Assume 1.12E-03 9.99E+02 1.12E-06 3.14E+00
that flow fully developed and turbulent. If the maximum
D (m) e/D f D=Equation 1 Re fRe^5
pump power is 30 kW, find the minimum pipe current
diameter. Assume pressure at both ends of the pipe is 2.00E-2 1.50E-2 4.37E-2 1.03E+0 1.10E+6 7.00E+28
atmospheric. 1.03E+0 2.90E-4 1.53E-2 8.37E-1 1.36E+6
Step I 8.37E-1 3.58E-4 1.60E-2 8.46E-1 1.34E+6
Write energy equation to find an expression for ∆Ploss 8.46E-1 3.55E-4 1.60E-2 8.45E-1 1.34E+6
8.45E-1 3.55E-4 1.60E-2 8.45E-1 1.34E+6 converged
Problem: This method is converging, but it took 4 iterations. The large
Use the definition of f and simplify the energy equation to number of iterations is required because of the very poor first guess for D.
obtain Equation I There isn’t much you can do about this!
 fL( 4 ρQ ) 
2 3
Notice: the correct answer is the minimum diameter is 0.845m.
D= I
 2W˙ π 2 
Step II. D vs f
a Guess a diameter D0 (I guessed D0 =0.02m. I picked a
poor first guess to illustrate that the solution is not

sensitive to the guess for D.)
a Determine e/D0 based on the diameter, D0 . D eq (I)
a cont’ Assume that the Reynolds number is infinite. D eq (II) Moody

a cont’ Read or calculate f1 based on Re1 and e/D0

b Calculate D1 using equation I

c Calculate a Re1 and ε/D1 based on D1 .

Determine the friction factor f2 based on Re1 and ε/D1

e Calculate D3 using equation I 1.00E-02 1.00E-01
f Is (D2 -D1 ) sufficiently small.) f

If no repeat steps c - f starting with new D2 until the

“same” diameter is obtained twice in a row. This is the
minimum diameter!
If yes, report value.
13.7. Application: Find Q when D and dP/L are known: Faster method: Special case: No iteration required.
Suppose water drains by gravity in a very long 9 cm diameter pipe Fast way
inclined 7 degrees from the horizontal. Assume the absolute roughness D Θ ρ*sin(Θ)g fRe^2
of the pipe is 0.0002cm. (When water drains by gravity, the pressure at const
the top of the pipe is equal to that at the bottom.) Assume that flow fully 9.0E-2 7.0E+0 1.2E+3 1.4E+9 laminar
µ ν g π ρ
developed and turbulent. Find Q, the flow rate of water. 1.1E-3 1.1E-6 9.8E+0 3.1E+0 1.0E+3
ε e/D f(e/d,fRe^2) V Q RE
Procedure: 2.0E-6 2.2E-5 1.5E-2 3.84E+0 2.44E-2 3.1E+5
Obtain equation I.
Apply the energy equation to find the pressure gradient for this flow.
This alternate solution is faster than possible
Reorganize the definition of the friction factor to obtain an expression for using the “recommended” method. However, as
the pressure drop as a function of the unknown “f”. far as I can tell, there is only one category of
pipe flow problems that can be solved faster
using an “alternate” method rather than the
Determine the relative roughness ε/D. recommended method. The category is:
Equation II is the Colebrook equation Flow where pressure gradient, diameter and
roughness are known but V and Q are unknown.
iii) Recognize that equation I says fRe2 is constant for this flow. Calculate
the value.
 ∆P 
  VD  = ∆ P  2D 
2 3

f Re =2 L
L  ρν2 
 2 ρV  ν 
1 2

 D
 2( 0.09m) 
( )

= (999kg / m 2 )9.81m / s2 sin (7 o )  2  = 1.4 e9

 (999kg / m )( 1.12x10 m / s) 
2 −6 2

iv) Determine f using the Colebrook

  (0.0002/9) 2.51  
equation. f = 
2.0Log10 + =1.5 e -2
 3.7 1.49 e9  
v) Determine V using definition of f.
f = 1 L D= So V = 3.84 m/s
ρV 2
Find Q = VA =2.44 e -2 m3 /s/

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