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exchange of goods and services

GLOSSARY between people or between other

entities of the economy.
B COMPETITOR: Companies that
offer the same goods and services,
BRAND: is a name, a term, a sign, considering quality and price.
a symbol, a design, or a
combination of any of them that
CREATE: Produce [a person] a
identifies products and services of a
certain thing from his artistic,
company and differentiates them
imaginative or intellectual capacity.
from competitors.
BUSINESS: Entity in which capital IDEAS: Way of thinking about a
and labor intervene as factors of topic or problem.
production of industrial or
INVENTION: Creation, design or
mercantile activities or for the
production of something new that
provision of services. did not exist before.

BUY: Acquiring a thing in

exchange for money.

c M
MARKET: Theoretical place
Customer: Person who buys in a where the supply and demand for
commercial or public products and services are found and
establishment, especially the one prices are determined.
who does it regularly.

COMMERCE: Economic activity OFFERINGS: It is the action of
that consists of the transfer and offering a product for sale,
especially when it is offered at a
lower price than normal. S
SALES: It includes all the
P activities necessary to provide a
customer or company with a
PRICE: The price represents the
product or service in exchange for
value of acquisition of a product or
PRODUCT: Thing produced
naturally or artificially, or the result SELLER: Person who has the task
of a job or operation. of offering and marketing a product
or service in exchange for money.
ROBOT: Programmable automatic SERVICE: Work, especially when
machine capable of carrying out done for someone else.
certain operations autonomously.

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