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Module Overview

Sculpture AND Architecture

In this Module
Origin and Importance of Sculpture
Types of Sculpture and its MediumandTechniques
Definition ofArchitecture
Elements ofArchitecture
Good day to you! After learning a lot from the previous modules. This time you
will be given the opportunity to familiarize and know the different contributions of
learning the techniques and different ways of art expressions with the slogan “tatak
sariling atin!” Good luck and God bless!

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

identify famous Filipino artists in the field of sculptureandarchitecture;
trace the history of Filipinoarchitecture;
compile famous Filipino sculptures andarchitectures;and
compare Philippine architecture to Westernarchitecture.

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Ged-9: Arts Appreciation, Compostela Valley State College

Lesson 1
Origin and Importance of Sculpture


explain the importance of sculpture in realm of arts.


Hi! Welcome to our first lesson! In this module you are going to study on the
advent of sculpture and its evolution in our history. In this lesson you are highly
encourage to partake in every activity provided, and of course, to analyze and
comprehend the beauty of sculpture and how does arts affect human lives as a whole.
You are expected to accomplish all the tasks provided for this lesson.


Concept Map


Complete the map by supplying words related to sculpture.



Answer the following questions:

15. What do you think are the skills a certain sculptor must

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Ged-9: Arts Appreciation, Compostela Valley State College

16. In your own understanding how do you definesculpture?

17. How do you think sculptureoriginated?


The Origin of Sculpture

Sculpture is from the Latin word sculpere which means “to carve.” The toolsused
in sculpture are varied and is changing throughout history. It engages our sense
differently than paintings because it occupies space as a three-dimensional mass
through carving, casting modeling or assembling materials (Sheldon, 1968). It has
sought to produce artworks that areas
permanent and is working in durableand
expensive materials such as bronze
granite, limestone, marble, and stone.
More rarely, precious metals such as
chryselephantine works. More common
and less expensive materials were also
metals, ceramics, glass, andhardwoods.
The so-called lion man statue was discovered in 1939
in a German cave — the Stadel cave in Hohlenstein
The sculpture has long been one of
Mountain in the Lone valley, to be precise.
the most popular forms of fine arts and At around 30 cm tall, the statue doesn’t impress with
one of the most beautiful representations its stature, but its age is breathtaking.
of the humankind. It was also used to
represent societal concerns, such as

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Ged-9: Arts Appreciation, Compostela Valley State College

magical help to trackers, to represent gods, and to hope of making their ancient kings
Most common purpose of sculpture during the ancient time is associated with
religion. Different images like a human-made object revered for the spirit are familiar
in many cultures. One of the oldest sculptures discovered is an ivory statuette, dating
approximately 30,000 BCE from a cave at Hohlenstein-Stadel, Germany called
Löwenmensch (which means a“lion-human”). This Paleolithic period statue is about
12” tall and depicts a human figure with a feline face.
Another very iconic and famous piece of sculpture is “the Sphinx” of Egypt. This
sculpture of an image of the pharaoh Khafre and is part of a funerary complex for the
pharaoh. Egyptian sculpture and all Egyptian art were on the belief in a life after death
wherein the body of their ruler (the
pharaoh) was preserved carefully and
buried with some goods with him to
provide for his needs forever. The
Egyptians often combined features
from various creatures to symbolize
ideas. For example, the head of the
pharaoh Khafre is added to the bowing
figure of a lion to form the Great
Sphinx. This type of masterpiece
suggests the combination of human
Sphinx with Khafre's Pyramid, Giza
intelligence and animal strength. The
Great Sphinx of Egypt is an enormous The Sphinx is perhaps the most enigmatic of Egypt's
monuments, the largest free-standing sculpture of the ancient
sandstone sculpture, measuring 240’ world, carved from the living rock of the Giza plateau.
ft. Long and 65’ ft. High.
Importance of Sculpture
The sculpture is a perceptive-regeneration of reality through the use of three-
dimensional form. As a specialized work of art, its objective is to exemplify a concept
by forming a visual equivalent. Since the shape is the dominant characteristic of
sculptures, the human body and animals have been its primary subject. They are
constructed using bronze, clay, ivory as their mediums.
greatness and spiritual respect. Statues and sculptures have always been an integral
part of museums and art history. They become more popular as decoration items in
private homes and office facilities. Sculptures and miniatures have also become more
popular as decoration items, and in the long term, valuable artinvestments.

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Ged-9: Arts Appreciation, Compostela Valley State College


Instruction: Answer the following questions in not more than 10 sentences and write
your essay in your journal.

1. Explain the importance of sculpture.

2. Summarize the origin of sculpture.

Congratulations! You have just successfully finished Lesson 1! In the next lesson, you
will learn the types of culture and its medium and techniques. If you have question
and clarifications feel free to contact your instructor.

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