Court Case Joseph Crussiah in Federal Court Washington DC, What Is Judge Contreras Talking About?

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9701 Cottrell Terrace *
Silver Spring, MD 20903 * Civil Case No.
v. *


Ongoing violations, Emergency Preliminary Injunctive Relief Motion; also filed

Motion to Expedite IFP Request:

1. Joseph Crussiah [Plaintiff] submits this case with substantial transactions in

Wisconsin, Virginia, Maryland, Michigan, Massachusetts, The District of Columbia, and likely

substantial transactions other states and in foreign countries. More than 100 persons are

expected to be named as defendants, for participation in a commercial sex act by force venture,

where Plaintiff is the victim. Additionally; Plaintiff seeks to add up to 200,000 co-plaintiffs.

Facts and circumstances call for Emergency Preliminary Injunctive Relief, focused on the lone

Defendant United States of America [USA] and on a limited number of the total available

claims, primarily The 13th Amendment and 18USC 1595; et seq: private cause of action for

violation of 13th Amendment, Slavery and violation of 18USC 1591. Violations of The Due

Process Clause of The 5th Amendment, and violations of Maryland's Constitution.

2. Whites used the federal government and governments within USA to carry out

Slavery of Blacks, then to carry out Segregation of Blacks; all by brutal, unlawful,

Unconstitutional means. Facts do show that the lynching of Emmett Till was instigated by a 18

year old woman. Today; as demonstrated by the Jeffrey Epstein case, the NXIVM case, and in

the exponentially growing cases of females assaulting their own toddlers and sending video to

men; White females

are stirring the pot and throwing gas into the fire of a myriad of fetishes, that in past, men

secretly and harmlessly, harbored.

3. U.S. Government officials, employees, agencies; lead and participate is one giant

BDSM sex crime ring [The Ring]. The Jeffrey Epstein case does have some degree of BDSM,

in that it's taboo sex having underage prostitutes and with talk of "sex slaves". Highly probable

that it's part of The Ring when considering how Epstein died while in Federal custody. The Ring

has a history and continuing pattern of sexual conduct that involves great injury and death, and

the conduct of assassinations.

4. Many of the crimes of The Ring occur in the Healthcare setting. Many of these crimes

are similar to the crush-fetish, where men want to watch women who show that they are aroused

by torturing animals; or the large number of crimes where men are aroused by women, either

doing sex assault against toddlers or showing that they are aroused viewing such images.

Plaintiff is victim of a crime-in-progress by this Ring; ongoing since February, 2013.

5. Pornhub is the largest provider of pornography. It's analytics show that for Western

nations; "lesbian" is a top search term. This is because, many men don't want to see men in their

fantasy. Other top search terms and search terms that are increasing in popularity; "stepmother"

"mother" "giantess". This dispels the myth Whites promote that the dominatrix type fantasies are

some obscure fetish. And it's apparent from all these female victim MeToo cases of Harvey

Weinstein, TV executives as Les Moonves and Matt Lauer, the Esptein case, the NXVIM sex

cult, female Olympic gymnasts; that "The Old Boy Network" is not what facilitated these

activities. Nearly all the aiders, abettors, enablers are female. White women have fallen so far

from being the gatekeepers and the conscience against the perversions and evils of men.

6. This Ring was already doing crimes, such as; being the cause of the great surge in

strokes in White females aged 10's-40's; so what is occurring is that in place of a simple injection

into a vein, a catheter is inserted into an artery, then threaded up to the neck and water is sent

into the brain. This produces immediate unconsciousness, during which sex acts are done,

followed by recovery. But an erosive process is underway, and months later, massive brain

injury, as brought about by a gunshot occurs; this is what they call the stroke.

7. There is hard evidence on Plaintiff's body and in his medical records; of this distinct

pattern of injuries. There is a finding from The U.S. District Court of Maryland, that under

suspicious circumstances, and with evidence including timestamps from the data recorder of a

MRI machine, medical evidence, statements from experts; show that Plaintiff's "brain was

deprived of oxygen for 1 hour".

8. Then to solve another mystery, this one from outside Healthcare; that prominent

authorities as Dr. Phil, a sheriff of a large Wisconsin county, multiple former law enforcement

and Senator Sensenbrenner say is a crime ring: the disappearances of White college males from

nightclubs and bars in very White areas as WI and MA; weeks later their bodies are found in

waterways, Smiley Face Killer Theory. The research in "Case Studies in Drowning Forensics"

reveals that many of the bodies are in pristine condition, and with no evidence of drowning. The

conclusion is that the victims are weakened, but also taken care of. Logic dictates that as in the

Anthrax attacks; this isn't a Regular Joe, Do It Yourself Project. This requires doctors, hospitals

and nurses. Since February 15, 2020, there have been no new disappearances, and five of

previously missing men have been found in waterways that had previously been searched. The

timing coincides, perfectly, with Coronavirus response of lockdowns of medical facilities.

9. Facts, including: 50000 thinly veiled taunting emails sent to Plaintiff that tell the

whole thing, with 1000's of domain addresses and 100s of UPS mailboxes; purchased. And the

$200,000 Mercedes given to the ex-con in Plaintiff's neighborhood, whose employment is

picking litter for Metrorail; to torture small animals, as done with the crush-fetish; leave no doubt

about what's going on.

10. In February, 2013; Plaintiff, an Asian-Indian man, 42 at the time, was sent by a

doctor Sonalee Kulkarni,MD of an Inova Health System medical practice in Fairfax, VA, for a

harmless medical test, a MRI at 4747 Auburn Av, Bethesda. The technician lied that the

injection failed; so Plaintiff submitted to another injection. The technician would go on to

secretly insert a catheter into an artery; and not a vein. Antonio Macayavong Papel was trained

to perform this unlawful act at GW University Medical School by Dr. Jeff Jacobson, on that

same week.

11. While Plaintiff was sealed inside the machine; Dr. Jeff Jacobson who has nothing to

do with the test; and Plaintiff to this day, has never seen this individual; entered the room. He's

the brain surgeon made famous for removing the build-up of fluid in James Brady's brain. He

did just the opposite to Plaintiff. Water sent into the brain produced unconsciousness, at which

time; sex acts were done to Plaintiff by hooker/rapist White women. Men watched for

gratification. The group includes doctors, officials from Medstar, Inova, Johns Hopkins,

Adventist (these are also Church officials), Police Chief Tom Manger who ejaculated onto

Plaintiff's shirt. The women had been at a spa and received hair and body treatments. One of

these women is Michelle Carter, the receptionist and lone employee, at the time, other than Mr.

Papel. Plaintiff visited Capital Imaging in December, 2015 and he couldn't recognize Ms. Miller

because in addition to being the furthest thing from attractive, it doesn't appear that she bathes

and along with her clothing looks like a homeless person on the street. There is an audio

recording. It's clear Ms. Miller gets very uncomfortable and catches on early that Plaintiff is

shocked by her appearance, and that he gets it, that she had a massive makeover on February 15,

2013. This demonstrates the operational style of The Ring. A small group designs and

implements a long-term scheme, and it is marketed to the whole of The Ring, and to others.
12. Obsession with long-term dungeon; adding more women for their role, more men for

their role, and anything and everything. Plaintiff wasn't working but in an active job search

process. And he was paying for his own medical care. Catastrophic brain injuries would mean

great expense plus he wouldn't be able to handle own affairs. He would fall into Medicaid, for

his region contracted to Medstar, care at it's Washington Hospital Center and rehab campus,

2 miles north of U.S. Capitol. Jacobson increased water, but miraculously it drained from the

brain, and something else like damaged kidneys would cause death; so sickos let him walk out,

but certain of a ticking timebomb. They predicted no more than hours. They would use

Medicaid funds of DC and MD, and patient care dollars of Washington Hospital Center;

thus nearly all of the stolen dollars comes from that meant for life-saving medical care of African

Americans. Then recruit White women in WI to be employed as Medstar DC and MD

Medicaid employees; but really there, to fly to DC and do sex acts to Plaintiff body, when his

medical status is alike to Mr. Warmbier, returned from North Korea. It is well established by

courts, including The U.S. Fourth Circuit that Medicaid Managed Care Organizations are state

agents. Whenever a corporation with a national presence has taken on this role; it opens local

offices and hires, locally. Medstar, having no national presence, and limited to Washington, DC

and Maryland for all it's business activity which is mainly hospitals, oddly; moves substantial

parts of the Maryland and DC Medicaid operations to Wisconsin.

13. Miraculously over 7 years the catastrophic ends haven't come about. Horrible

injuries were inside his body, but more miracles; the timebomb fizzled, minuscule increase in

noticeable problems over prexisting condition, all stable. No one would be none the wiser.

Plaintiff's doctor, Sonalee Kulkarni of Inova, was compensated for her role in the scheme. She's

the one who sent him for the unneeded MRI, and a contrast test was even more unneeded.

Though doing well in med school and residency, she was a career failure as a neurologist for 20
years. Immediately, she went from the cellar to the top; a high level position at the VCU Med

School, a state institution and federally funded. This loser as a physician was made head of a

program that mentors med school students to specialize in neurology.

14. The Ring didn't want to give up; it got Dr. Kulkarni to give a sham diagnosis, gave

drugs that; kick-started timebomb with worsening impairment, disfigurement, suffering. They

spent taxpayer and healthcare dollars; to hide crime from Plaintiff, block Plaintiff from ending

crime, bribing, leveraging, blocked everything; doctors, lawyers, jobs, Social Security disability.

Additionally like post-slavery; unlawful use of police to block medical care, simultaneously

police won't allow him to file reports of crimes.

15. Had it been a cover-up; they would have been doing everything to heal the injuries;

as to take away much of the evidence of the crime. And Plaintiff would be employed and focused

on other things. But they make him sicker and sicker and poorer and poorer.

16. Social Security [a federal agency] hearing office in DC lied that they didn't

receive Plaintiff's mailing that USPS confirms they did. There went his Due Process Rights

that included subpoena requests. When he calls; they hang up, then say they don't

understand his 6 voicemails, and say that their phone doesn't work. All of this and

everything, Plaintiff has recordings, and on YouTube.

17. At DC Superior Court [a federal city with federal oversight]; those stolen $billions

at work. It got well established that Judge John Mott was bribed. Plaintiff' put this on

YouTube, first page of a Google Search of his name. He dismissed the case, and his sole

rationale was Statute of Limitations, though the bulk of the complaint and subsequent filings;

showed and focused on continuing and ongoing violations beyond February15, 2013.

Additionally, one of the four defendants, Shannon McMahon, Maryland's Medicaid Director, did

not even enter the picture until 2015, and the case, as with the instant case, was focused on
preliminary injunctive relief; in that case, even a temporary restraining order. Everything

demonstrated contemporaneous matters. If Judge Mott thinks it was right, why is he afraid of

review by the DC Court of Appeals? Plaintiff filed a “notice of appeal” on 5/29/2018; but the

clerks' office refused to accept it. He got them to at least scan it into their computer, but they

have not “filed” it. Plaintiff made a recording, it wasn't audible. Plaintiff phoned in, days later,

and they admit what they did; lawfully recorded and on YouTube. Plaintiff paid his filing fee

when he opened his lower court case. During the course of that case; Plaintiff filed an IFP

motion. Then, for his appeal; he filed a fee waiver request, yet again. The Clerk's Office

repeatedly lies, on the audio recording, insists on the existence of a Catch 22. That, oftentimes,

the Superior Court judge delays ruling on the IFP request, to a date beyond the deadline for filing

the Notice of Appeal. Coupled with; the Notice of Appeal will not be filed, until the decision on

the IFP request. This conduct isn't within the scope for which a court enjoys immunity.

Exhibit 1 is 86 pages. This is the evidence submitted in the DC Superior Court Case in

November, 2017. The first section is some of the thinly veiled emails. The second section is

some of the medical evidence, along with several letters; all of which are explained in 4 pages

that precede these items. The final section is 20 pages that explain each video on the "Joe

Crussiah" YouTube Channel. For several of the videos; Plaintiff has created his own transcript.

Plaintiff has these videos, which are mainly audio recordings on several other YouTube

channel, using different titles. The 4 recordings that involve SSA are titles SSA1, SSA2, SSA3

and SSA4 on the "Police Chief Tom Manger" channel.

18. The stolen $Billions at work at U.S. District Court of Maryland [a federal court];

mainly judges Chuang, Xinis, Messite, but likely virtually the entire court and staff. Plaintiff

appealed denial of an emergency motion by Judge Xinis to the Fourth Circuit. The appeals court,
in 2017, threw out her ruling and instructed her on the basics. And the appeals court has no

supervisory power; so Judge Xinis ignored the Fourth Circuit ruling. 50 days later; Judge Xinis

scheduled hearings; not to belatedly get around to Plaintiff's emergency motion, but instead; to

intimidate Plaintiff into removing his online postings. Earlier in that case, Judge Chuang, in an

order, denied the motion of a party to be added as an intervenor. Then did a computer crime; and

added that party as an intervenor. This allowed that party, Medstar, the agent of Maryland's

Medicaid program and others related; to run the hoax of misleading Congressional Offices and

others who Plaintiff may turn to, into believing that a federal court adjudicated and settled

Plaintiff's controversy with them.

19. Block everything; but give him one thing, unlawfully; Medicaid. Early 2014,

Plaintiff was still paying for his own medical care and he was getting some answers from some

doctors. To stop this, these offenders bribed some Maryland State employee and got Plaintiff

enrolled into the new Obamacare Medicaid for which he would qualify based on income alone.

This is an opt-in system, and thus unlawful without Plaintiff's permission.

20. The Ring works feverishly to block Social Security disability, because it comes

with Medicare, which gives choice and Plaintiff can see a doctor out of the region. But

Medicaid is run by Maryland govt and Medstar. So the sickos have complete control of his

medical care. Plaintiff's medical condition qualifies as an emergency for the federal law

EMTALA. This means he can get treated by going to the ER, without payment or insurance, but

they have computers that will show enrollment in Medicaid; so there's no escape!

"With treatment, I would have been mainly okay. But the sickos are tied into their fantasy. So
they blocked all my medical care, and all sources of money. And today, I'm in horrible shape,
great damage to heart and brain. The lungs which had been compensating for the heart injury,
now; has it's own great injuries, and this only occurred in 2018. Everything; disability, suffering,
disfigurement; grew over these years. My muscles were fine, but just shrank in 2019. There's
100 pounds of fluid accumulated throughout the body, and it was 50 lbs until 2018. The injury to
the pituitary gland caused my skin to burn, but because I'm not White; the skin just got a dark
tan; but now; there's damage to the skin and the burning is also felt in the flesh below.

I received a $Million campaign of taunting thinly veiled emails that admit the whole thing. The
federal governments' involvement is conveyed in multiple messages, including; sending "word of
the day", with words as "Plutocracy" and "Laicism". Carol Attia, an executive level official, of
Medstar Health phoned me 3 different times, to tell me that top officials at DOJ and other federal
agencies are directly involved, that I cannot do anything about it, that no one's going to do their
duties, no one's going to help me; that everyone is awaiting the catastrophic ends and looking
forward to doing the sex acts to my body. That they're not doing anything so bad because they're
only doing what turns them on, have a right to sexual satisfaction as everyone else. They not
only need the Feds to get all this done; they get sexual arousal from controlling Federal power.

And they have killed or injured so many others as a temporary substitute means to get arousal;
deadly gas explosions in Silver Spring, MD, in WI and in MA, deadly wildfires in California;
many killed during their medical care, as was done to Senator John McCain; and he was targeted
because he did some things to help me. I posted online that these sickos killed the American
tourists in The Dominican Republic; instantly; those deaths stopped."

"I began writing out this Complaint in March, 2019. In comparison, with much less experience
in filing a case; in December, 2014; I was able to put together a large complaint and exhibits
against Inova Health System in under 30 days. Nowhere has any expert or government official
demonstrated that Covid 19 is anything more than an internal hospital safety issue, or that The
Public wearing masks has saved a single life. I have posted on The CDC, Maryland Health, DC
Mayor's and other social media websites that the mandatory mask laws don't work as voodoo to
cure what is hospital misdeeds. Additionally, I have posted many times that with the masks, my
medical condition, which these same government agencies, as part of The Ring, caused; has
become much worse. And all this would have been reasonably expected when the way my
injured heart works is in large part by inhaling and exhaling by the mouth. Defendant USA has
easily seen all of this, and chooses to ignore".

One motive for these unlawful acts is to cause Plaintiff to be held in Maryland. The crime

would end if Plaintiff could establish residency away from Maryland, consequently; Plaintiff

asserts: he is a resident of all 50 states and The District.

21. Plaintiff received 50000 thinly veiled obscene taunting emails, mainly from WI.

$1M campaign of 2000 domain names, UPS mailboxes, mainly from MA; the sickos [The Ring]

admit the whole thing; including the criminal and Unconstitutional conduct of USA. This

includes transactions [all criminal] that have occurred in The District of Columbia,

commencing in January, 2013; with the worst yet to come, and then to persist for decades.

22. The emails are a part of multiple crimes, stalking; that are temporary substitutions to
provide sexual gratification. Ex-con in Plaintiff's neighborhood, Gregory Lucas, whose most

recent job was picking trash for DC Metrorail was given several things of value, including; not a

$60,000 drug dealer car, but a 2018 $200000 Mercedes SClass AMG; to torture squirrels, as in

crush fetish. His wife is from Dominican Republic. All the strange tourist deaths, there, and in

Mexico and Costa Rica, the near assassination of baseball star David Ortiz, deadly gas

explosions in Silver Spring, MD, in WI and in MA, the two 2018 massive deadly wildfires in

California, the deaths of Senator John McCain and Baltimore County Executive and Maryland

Gubernatorial candidate Ken Kamenetz, and many other evil acts; are part of the set of

temporary substitution.

23. The Ring is heavily weighted with the very same Healthcare “cabal of charlatans”

that do unneeded surgeries for money, and cause harm, as talked about by Dr. Martin Makary of

Johns Hopkins. They literally weaponize the medical care process.

24. Freud said Whites are sickos, suffer anxiety and suffer sexual dysfunction such as

erectile dysfunction from inability to carry out bizarre sexual fantasies. The research of Dr. Park

Dietz shows that White men rarely have thoughts of sex with a pretty White female. The

thoughts, are instead; that of BDSM bondage sadism dominance masochism. Attractive White

females feature prominently in many of these fantasies that include torture, bondage and

humiliation; many females are the victims of these crimes. Additionally, there are fantasies as

the crush-fetish, where men want to watch women harming animals; and as seen in some child

pornography cases, men wanting women to enjoy sex abuse of children.

25. USA is in ongoing violation of every law on the books; in gross violation of The

13th Amendment. USA has re-instituted Slavery. Whereas in the historical version, the goal

was to get rich off the labor of Blacks; in the present version, the goal is to "get off" [sexual

gratification]. Additionally, the present version incorporates all the Post-Slavery features of dark
conspiracies; nexus of government and private actors as KKK working together, and lynchings.


26. USA taxes, borrows and prints, such that it obtains $Trillions. USA misuses this

money, and USA leads, aids, abets, supports, finances a giant BSDM sex crime ring (The Ring).

The Ring is comprised of White individuals in positions of power, such as; government officials,

doctors, hospital executives, university leadership, police chiefs, news media. They do a myriad

of sick sex crimes; and similar to that seen in child-porn rings; it's a potluck, sharing system.

27. With USA, itself, doing the crimes; it deliberately fails to investigate, prosecute and

punish these White perpetrators. All the while, USA hands out lengthy sentences to Blacks who

are drug dealers or pimps. USA and The Ring won't even cease and desist from further crime.

USA and The Ring are driven by a deviant sexual addiction. There is the utter absence of

deterrence. Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, John Hinckley and the Las Vegas shooter had to do

their sick crimes by defeating the mighty USA and local and state governments. This heightened

the sexual gratification they experienced. The Ring, on the other hand; has the wind at it's back,

the Mighty USA is working for it's benefit. This also heightens gratification. Whereas the

former gained gratification from defeating Power; the latter, The Ring gains gratification,

knowing that they control Power. All in all; entirely owed to malfeasance of USA, The Ring

does more crimes, and it does worse crimes.

28. NY Times Maureen Dowd writes about her niece in Maryland, suffering a mystery

stroke in 2015. CDC reports unexplained surge of young women getting strokes. Timing shows

that doctors got ideas from Jeffrey Dahmer, and able to succeed, where he failed: injure brain to

produce. If victim walks out and things seem normal, there's a timebomb that soon goes off.

When stroke materializes, an effort to delay care, such that the full effect takes hold. Scheme to

resume sex acts when permanently debilitated. The individual stories reported; for most of these

women, the so-called stroke is more like a gunshot. These are massive brain injuries, bursting
blood vessels and swelling of the brain, language as “so explosive that the brain shifted”.


Condition, similar to that being seen right now with a pitcher for The White Sox.

29. In many of these cases, injury is found with the large arteries leading into the brain.

CDC doesn't accept the doctors' theory that those injuries caused strokes. And the doctors theory

of how the injury occurred is even more absurd, that it came by bending the neck.

30. 2010: Delaware AG Beau Biden announces he'll not run for U.S. Senate, instead;

work to prosecute Dr. Earl Bradley, pediatrician; raping hundred of girls average age 3, angrily

yelling at his victims, sodomizing to the point of losing consciousness, making video, many

victims from Maryland. Within months Biden suffers a stroke. 2013: dies of worst form of

brain cancer.

31. Feb 2013: At precisely the same time crime against Plaintiff, commenced; in

Baltimore, a long-lived sex crime, at an OBGYN facility was brought to an end. Johns Hopkins

issued a $190 million settlement, the new world's record for a single perpetrator. Payment made

to every single patient, whether or not she is a victim. Who the victims are, and what's going on,

in the images; never revealed. Great effort to give distance to the female assistants of the

OBGYN. It' clear, these women were doing the same sex acts as the Michigan Olympics doctor.

The doctor was said to have done suicide inhaling helium. They have all these unusual weapons,

owing to their knowledge and skill. Hopkins says a spy camera was also found in the employee

restroom; but there are no money claims by the supposed employee victims. When police were

asked if the doctor sent images to others, replied they don't “believe” that occurred. Hopkins

must have written a script for police. “Believe” is not a word used by police; it's a word used by

medical boards to dismiss a complaint without an investigation.

32. In California, Dr. Robicheaux and girlfriend going on dates with 1000 women: using

drugs and raping and made videos. Dr Kohut brain surgeon along with nurses, one from
Arizona, raping the nurses' own very young kids. A text message shows one of these nurses say


that the physician “like to watch women molest kids”. In Arizona; a comatose woman found

pregnant after multiple rapes. Former employee says she was stopped in trying to report sex

abuse of male patient by female nurses 20 years earlier. Other employees say sexual harassment

of female employees by the male director, was a regular occurrence. In addition, they say that

employees who complained would disappear.

33. Outcomes with these cases is: when some guilt has to be found, then focus on one

individual as the Olympics doctor, and ignore the larger ring. In rural Minnesota, a case of 8

young women from the local high school, also employed at a nursing home. From the outset, the

concept makes no sense, unless they were recruited to do unlawful acts. All 8 would go into

rooms with patients in their 80's who had couple of years of life left. They do physical and

sexual abuse, including things as spitting into the mouths of the victims. Setting aside the issue

of the abuse of patients; there is no way any employer allows 8 employees to be on the clock

while not working. Conduct clearly matches a crush-fetish type situation.

34. Hundreds of miles away in some other rural part of Minnesota, a 18 year old high

school senior suffers one these unexplained massive strokes. She's transferred to the Mayo

Clinic. She recovers, but the prestigious hospital engages in abuse of process with authorities, in

order to take guardianship of the patient. CNN reports, her family helped her break out of the

hospital. Despite all of Mayo Clinic's schemes CNN doesn't retract the story. Mayo, in an act of

vindictiveness, does more abuse of process, and has the family's other kids taken away.

35. The Honorable Janet Neff of The Western District of Michigan said Dr. Larry Nassar

had magnitude of images of young girls, toddlers, raped, like nothing she's ever seen. These were

not his teenage patients. All, including Dr Nassar, say he didn't get it from Dark Web. So he got

it from other doctors: a RING. Dr. Earl Bradley of Delaware made this type of images. And
many of Dr. Nassar's sex abuse victims report that he made video. Which means other doctors


obtain sexual gratification from Dr. Nassar's abuse. With his victims alleging that he “openly

flaunted” and alleging that Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics were doing more

than turning a blind eye, feeding victims to a shark; fair to conclude that they all were getting


36. It is always said that Dr. Nassar is some great physician. But facts show that he was

a great athletic trainer, who was part-time in grad school at the somewhat lowly Wayne State

University. Then like magic; he was recruited into med school and dropped his graduate studies.

And there's no record of any accomplishments in med school and in residency. It appears that, as

part of a sex crime scheme; Nassar was given passing marks in med school and residency. His

career as a physician shows nothing more than him using the skills of an athletic trainer.

37. The history of Jeffrey Epstein shows that he was a school teacher, then recruited into

a Wall Street firm, then said to have made nearly $1Billion. It could be that payments were

made to him as a commission for some purported financial transaction; but were in reality;

payment of sex trafficking services.

38. 2009: the Delaware crime, for a supposed lone wolf, the hospitals and other

physicians put together a $130 million settlement; largest ever for a single perpetrator. And there

is an older doctor as in the Michigan case. Dr. Marvel recruited Dr. Bradley, knowing his sex

abuse history from Philadelphia. Then after the complaints began pouring in, even from his own

sister; Dr. Bradley was voted to be head of pediatrics by his peers, and Dr. Marvel was already

the head of the state's medical society The police chief of Milford comments that powers

obstructed his “small case”, that the “Blue wall of silence” is nothing in comparison.

39. Common sense dictates the way you help your buddy, is to arrange things that he

cannot re-offend and even if he does, it would be in a fresh new place as was seen in the clergy
scandal. Here, though, things are different; as with the Olympics doctor, others are enjoying


these crimes and don't want to end.

40. California case where a brain surgeon, who was recruited from Arkansas and 2

nurses doing sex crimes to the nurses' own very young children, with crimes occurring in

Arizona, as well. The crime got exposed when the husband of one of the women found a

camcorder with the videos. The police, to allay the fears of The Public, gave the hospital, a clean

bill of health, without ever investigating within the hospital walls. Police and FBI searched the

houses. After family was told they could remove items, the brother of one of the nurses found a

GoPro camera with more videos, which authorities missed.

41. Neurologist in NYC area who was abusing female patients with pysch conditions,

was recruited to Drexel University and made head of neurology, though fully unqualified; no

research, no teaching, and experience is at the doctors' office, not with complex surgeries. NY,

NJ prosecute; but Philadelphia DA won't, because there; as my theory goes, at Drexel, it's more

than the doctor. One victim had to make a surprise visit to the DA's office, simply to file a

police report. Another, a producer for the CBS crime documentary 48 Hours, no less; has to

resort to calling a rape crisis hotline, to get her report, submitted.

42. The sickos, own, emails tell the whole story, a sampling :“Word of the day ”

Immure: to make walls around or put in a dungeon, Encephalon : this is the brain, Hydra : water.

Pulverulent crumbling to dust, same as crush. Shivoo : boisterous partyor celebration, Hedonism,

Zugzwang : being trapped and any move comes only with loss, not even an English word.

Plutocracy, Laicism : secular control of political and social institutions,Tittivism, Venial .

Emails sending “Bible verse of the day”, “Joseph, God's wisdom for you” portion of a Bible

verse“Likewise, ye younger, submit yourself unto the elder”. “Let ye without sin, cast the first

stone”, [Plaintiff am boy toyer] But then many emails for dentures, hair loss,
senior dating, funeral insurance,bathtubs for frail people. No contradiction; on one end is more


normal sexual attraction, then with crush fetish, it’s also about crushing and destroying, bringing

about the other end. Some of the disfigurement is in the form of lost teeth, hair loss, and

appearance of more advanced age. Emails for oxygen and Plaintiff has difficulty breathing., giant women, and they’re White.; a skin color

sexual inneundo.,,, foot references., “ hemlockharpoon .com” and

“”. “ Readyforanyandall. com” and “” were bought

few days prior to bribing Judge Mott.“3 ways you can get screwed buying a retail mattress”, the

“you can get screwed” part is highlighted in red. “are your loved ones protected if you suddenly

pass away”, “Joseph if you died tomorrow”. Links to funeral expense insurance plans, but no

plan would want their product marketed with this crass language, just like a business selling a

mattress would not use words such as “screwed.

Email shows a large decorated egg, with the title “Will you be the next winner? Crack the Egg,

Amazon , Reward inside, crack”. The egg is Plaintiff's brain . “joke of the day”. The title of the

joke is “ Dead again” . This means that Plaintiff was dead on February 15, 2013, and will be

dead again. One cannot die twice, so what it means is that Plaintiff was near-dead once, and will

be near-dead again. All the facts keep supporting the conclusion that the acts of February 15,

2013, were a downpayment, for long-lived, serial acts, and adding new offenders;as the wording

“ next winner , suggests”. Mavourneen: dear, darling. “mavourneen, when you come back to me,

you will not be alive ”.

There is an image that comes from Shutterstock, titled “confident young woman painting a

room”, a perfectly innocent image. But these sickos use it because she has one hand on her

crotch and the other holding up a paintbrush. The crush-fetish videos with small animals have a
woman with one hand masturbating and the other sometimes used to inflict sadistic injuries to


the animal. It comes from the “boytoyer” domain address, the product advertised is a credit

card with an address in Beaver ton, OR.

The emails also show that these offenders have gathered personal info about my family in an

unlawful manner. One of my sisters went to the Galapagos Islands a few months ago, and

these offenders send emails for vacations to Galapagos, a very uncommon vacation

destination. Then what is greatly dangerous and threatening is that my niece had a 7 th grade

class trip to Costa Rica in April. These offenders now send emails for Costa Rica vacations.

The Las Vegas Shooting, sexually-caused, and directed at White couples, and the sickos in

Plaintiff's case, connected themselves to Las Vegas. Couple of days following the shooting, these

sickos sent an email advertising Las Vegas, and as with the other emails they themselves created

this one. “Time to let you hair down! Break the daily rut and take a trip with your better half”.

And there's an image of a White couple, 30's. In no way would anyone connected to Las Vegas

be running this type of ad.

Riddle me this? Plaintiff am useless when together but useful when Plaintiff am broken apart.

What am I? An egg. What they mean is that Plaintiff's useless to them, when healthy; but when

his brain is broken; then Plaintiff am useful to them. Another one “32 white horses on a red hill.

First chomping, then stomping, then standing still”. This is a large number of White women,

close to 32, doing the crush-fetish. They have a new domain name that starts with “vr6k”. This is

like reading vanity plates v r sixk. We are sick

Emails are from some fake company named “Otter Travel”. At the bottom of these messages, it

says “Sea otters hold each others hands as they sleep to keep from drifting away from

each other ”. This means that they are all going to stick together for their common design crime.

And they admit their conspiracy. That each one fully shares in the conduct of all. Plaintiff served
the civil case papers using certified mail; a method the court says has worked well. Some very


strange things occurred with the delivery process, and with the return of the confirmation. They

bribed postal employees. Some fake thing called “Factbee” is sent in an email. The fact they

teach is “The Postmaster General of the United States is the second highest paid government

official after the President”.

43. The obscene sermon. The Seventhday Adventist Church, a major player in the

perverted, sadistic crime. Plaintiff emailed the senior pastor, Charles Tapp at Sligo Adventist

Church,asked for a recommendation for an ethical cardiologist. He had already prepared for this

request; months earlier. He preached an entire sermon, giving the message that cardiovascular

conditions come from anxiety and that anxiety comes from not having faith in God. When

Plaintiff criticized his actions and put it on YouTube; the church got rid of videos, and switched

to a greatly edited podcast; with “ulcers” replacing “cardiovascular”. But this was indeed,

incredibly malicious, having secret facts about that crime, which in no way a non-physician

could have guessed and then to direct Plaintiff to not pursue medical care. “Sermon notes”

bulletin showed key points. “cardiovascular” and not “ulcers” is noted. There is also an anti-

Quixotic quote about “not taking on the Alps”. So this is how they saw themselves; as an

impenetrable mighty mountain. There was also the veiled threat by saying that Plaintiff's

condition would get worse, by going up “against the Alps”. This is precisely that which occurred,

not some psych issue, taking on The Alps; but the outcome of exacerbating brain injuries that

control hormones and the heart.

He should have used the tried and true “windmill” and not a “mountain”, after all; the Christian

belief is that God can move “mountains”. But the mountain quote has a very disgusting

purpose. What was going on is that the offenders who did the crime, needed their crush-fetish

theme to be stoked along. This would later be done in those spam emails. The emails, started
in December, 2015, would have its themes match ,those of this sermon, delivered in August,


2014 and written at the beginning of 2014. The ending of the Alps quote is that men will perish

at its foothills. A frequent component of the crush fetish is that of being crushed by feet, and here

“foothills” appears. In some variants of the crush fetish, as in that psychology article states is for

men wanting to be crushed by giant women. So the Alps could also be the White women. This

pastor normally, is all business, no jokes, no foolishness. Another thing he said is that while

gardening one day, and on his knees and in the mud, the neighbor’s huge dog got loose and when

he looked up, was menacing him. Again the crush theme appears. Then he says that this was no

little dog. He makes a whimpering little dog impersonation, saying that’s not what was menacing

him, but a huge dog. And oddly, he doesn’t do an impersonation of the huge dog. So what you

have left is the whimpering little dog that is killed sometimes in the crush fantasy. He then says

that he prayed and that being on the ground was the best place to be; although there’s nothing in

the Christian belief system, proscribing the physical posture for prayer. The other person on the

platform is Allan Manuel, who at the time was a science adviser to President Obama. The bizarre

thing that he does is that he announces that there is a spider on the ground. He conveniently has a

huge white bib-like cloth napkin, proceeds to use it to grab non-existent spider, crush it and then

fold and put the whole thing in his pocket. Somehow Plaintiff knew that the pastor was up to no

good, so Plaintiff didn’t go to that church, but viewed it later, online. Likely, there was no spider.

The FBI website, lists the kinds of animals upon which it is unlawful to commit the crush fetish.

Then when describing the crush fetish, insects are listed, though not unlawful. At the time, there

was no way that Plaintiff could have been clued into any of this. It would only be meaningful to

the the perverts who wanted to be “tided over”. That huge white cloth, as with the Alps would

symbolize the White women.

44. Non-exhaustive list of the problems that have come about and all getting worse are:
Great injury to the heart, deadly arrhythmias with astronomical values appearing on treadmill


test, the brain swollen and pushing skull outward [had skull not expanded, Plaintiff wouldn’t be

around], teeth getting crushed, cannot do anything about toothache and loss of at least 8 teeth

because local anesthetic enters brain via the damaged barriers, blurred vision when tilting head

downward, cannot drive at night, numbness in fingers, pain in hands, sensation of electric shock

going from hands to elbow, regularly loosing footing and twisting ankles when not fully focused

on the act of walking, sweating with exertion and at the same time much of the body is cold,

pressure from the brain pressing down on the spine and producing great damage to the upper

spine, 50 (100 today) pounds of fluid accumulating in the upper torso, greatly dehydrated and

have to wake up at night frequently to drink water, very thirsty and sick at night, an unusual hair

loss in the first year limited to the left half of the head which later resolved, recently rapid

occurring male pattern baldness, having to sleep throughout the day total of 18 hours. Appear

20 years older than age and sickly looking and short of breath; disfigurement. List compiled in

2016. Prior to 2016; if Plaintiff were resting, Plaintiff had no discomfort. Today, there is

discomfort, suffering, all the time. Dehydration is very severe, and occurs all day. Everywhere

there are mucus membranes, dry and painful. It comes from injury to the pituitary gland. Even

without treating the underlying brain injury, there are meds, that control hormones, which can

give relief from many of these problems. Plaintiff's leaving many things out because these White

sickos are aroused by the injuries.

45. Even cutting trees; part of this bizarre sex crime. Montgomery County had already

cut down all the trees near the street on Plaintiff's block, in the last 2 years claiming disease, but

those trees were healthy, a neighbor who is politically active and trees are one of her causes,

could not get anywhere with the officials, who at other times, she’s had substantial contact with.

The County agreed to leave one tree, and Plaintiff never figured out that they were cutting the
trees to take away shade for his house. They monitored the progression of the injuries, knowing


he feels very hot by several mechanisms.

46. The faux spam emails picked up on this theme. In one that was sent 100 times, the

heading is “your house is already too hot”, and reading further it says “why turn on the stove”,

and gives a link for recipes using a crock pot. In another, “you’re really dehydrated”, and then a

link for bottled water. A daily email for a suntan product. The

domain address, they bought it years ago, but only began using at this time.

47. Prior to Judge Chuang being bribed, he found: the existence of “death panel”, a

group holding meetings at Inova medical offices, plotting out the next scheme to deprive

Plaintiff of medical care. In addition to doctors and Inova's officials, there were others there,

“some people I don't know” to the staff, people like Tom Manger. On 12/2013, Plaintiff went to

the doctors' office to get records. At that early stage of revelation of facts, Plaintiff complained to

the Virginia board of physicians that Dr. Kulkarni, was dodging him.

48. With the little bit Plaintiff submitted, those physicians and nurses figured out

everything. This goes to show that the mystery stroke is hardly a mystery. Owing to deference

for physicians, even for that board which in that time and place wanted to help the patient,

allowed Kulkarni the absurd claim that the patient got into a consensual sex scheme at the MRI

facility. That Plaintiff arranged the whole thing; and presenting him in the same way as a

prescription drug addict, who fights with doctors and won't take doctors' orders. The state board

ordered Dr. Kulkarni to: phone her patient, discuss the injuries, tell him to rush to the ER. Dr.

Kulkarni defied the order and lied to the board that she did as ordered.

49. Judge Chuang said that when the employee was about to print his records, she

noticed and read “a large defamatory statement” and she had visible “astonishment”. So for all

the 1000s of pages accumulated in this case thus far; this single page would have told Plaintiff
nearly everything, and the person who read it could have told him the same. Manger is the


former police chief in Fairfax County. Judge Chuang said that police came in a deceitful way;

lying that they came for something in the back, later adding that they merely “arrived and

appeared”. Police put whiteout on the page numbers of the records, and they were so bad at it,

didn't know that they had to run the page through the copier. Police gave a no trespass order.

50. Senator Benjamin Cardin's [a federal official] conduct: Judge Chuang's nomination

was opposed by several Senators, including John McCain for his stonewalling as the after action

attorney for the Benghazi Scandal. But seeing Chuang's full character and activities; it's apparent

that he was the leader at the earliest stage. Chuang even betrays his own side. He made a

misrepresentation on his Senate Questionnaire. He stated that he participated in a conference of

a local chamber of commerce. Chuang was heading a House investigative committee, that was

to investigate Iraq war contractors for human rights abuses. The conference was sold-out to the

very same contractors that he was to be investigating; then the investigation fizzled.

51. Judge Xinis has a history of penalizing cops who did nothing wrong. It's apparent

that she colluded with a federal judge in New Jersey in one such case. Today, she is allowing a

case to go forward against Officer Pierelli, U.S. Park Police, that seeks $1million for an arrest in

the highest crime neighborhood in the DC area, caused by misleading info in a database, and the

total loss of liberty lasted 2 hours. After Plaintiff post this online; Judge Xinis, with no new

facts; does a complete 180 and dismisses that frivolous case.

52. During her confirmation hearing, to show she helps police, the case of Officer

Schmidt, Baltimore Police is brought up; but does not say what case was about; accused of

felony animal cruelty by fellow officers; for strangling and slitting the throat of a dog. Xinis’

partner from the powerful law firm was elected to be the Baltimore State’s Attorney. Same day

of her inauguration, she dropped the charges. Oddly, prosecution against Schmidt’s partner,
defended by another firm, went ahead.


53. April, 2016; Senator McCain requested Senator Cardin's Office help Plaintiff with

Maryland's officials. But Senator Cardin [a federal official] was scheming to save Judge Chuang

and aid The Ring. At the time, Democrats were aggressively working to get Judge Garland

confirmed to The Supreme Court. But Senator Cardin redirected all his efforts to get one lone

lower court nominee, confirmed; Paula Xinis. One of several dishonest things done by Senator

Cardin is to complain to his colleagues of a “Judicial Emergency”, meaning that 40 percent of

the seats are not staffed, at the federal court in the DC suburbs. But the Greenbelt court is a mere

branch office of the main court in Baltimore. Such a calculation is not allowed and if there was a

shortage, it was because the chief judge in Baltimore, didn't assign judges properly.

54. Senator Cardin nominated Xinis, with no expectation of her ever being confirmed; a

favor to the high powered law firm where she was a partner. Senator Cardin also gets great

support from police unions. He wasn't going to cross that special interest. On Senator Cardin's

YouTube channel are speeches he gave pushing for immediate confirmation of Xinis. He talks

about; himself being close to Xinis and others close to Xinis always asking him why Xinis has

not yet been confirmed. But Senator Cardin never ever figured out the correct pronunciation of

Xinis' name. It is “Zee nees” not “Zin is”. Senator Cardin's Office did not call Plaintiff right

away in late April, 2016. They waited until June, 2016, until after Xinis was confirmed, and

Xinis would take over Chuang's mess. Senator Cardin can hardly claim some knowledge issue,

being that his career includes being chief prosecutor of Baltimore County.

55. Some instances of how sickos leveraged and bribed to harm those who helped

Plaintiff. The first 6 months of 2014, could, relatively said to be a “good period”. Plaintiff

gained some facts, without having had to experience more injury. He was able to order his own

blood test. Though not a physician, with the aid of the internet, some facts were gained. The
physicians' lobby is so powerful in Maryland, that Maryland is one of three states where patients


cannot make use of the online lab testing companies; even reaching into DC to restrict a

Marylander from getting such a lab test at a lab in DC. The rule that these companies follow is

that if the patient or consumer uses a DC contact address, he can utilize a lab in The District.

After the perpetrators found out that Plaintiff acquired a test in this manner, where no

wrongdoing occurred; in a demonstration of their power and viciousness; they bullied Labcorp,

the large national lab testing firm, to discontinue providing it's service, altogether, to the small

Louisiana company.

56. It was reported that an associate of Dr. Jacobson had been running a theft scheme out

of the MRI facility, defrauding physicians and veterinarians, including one in Honduras.

Plaintiff contacted 2 of the victims; Dr. Yale Shulman, a surgeon in NY and Dr. Jeff LaHuis a

veterinarian in Michigan and a captain in the Army. They, both wrote back, with statements that

suggest that crimes occurred to me, that it was beyond the skills of the MRI tech, and that

multiple persons are involved. These offenders tried to harm the professional licenses of LaHuis

and Shulman. LaHuis, DVM emailed Plaintiff on July 10, 2014 and it suggested that he may

offer additional assistance upon request. Plaintiff likely would have been able to have the

injuries cured by physicians in Michigan.

57. The medical board of Michigan, LARA, is run by the state's AG and regulates

veterinarians, as well. LARA waited until January, 2017, after a month had passed since Dr.

Larry Nassar was free; to finally suspend his license, providing zero benefit to patients in

Michigan. LARA, in 2010, refused to investigate very strong case brought by an expert nurse

that accused Dr. Farid Fata of treating even patients without cancer with high doses of

chemotherapy agents. Great bodily injury and some deaths, resulted.

58. LARA did prosecute one case. Within 6 days of Dr. LaHuis' email to Plaintiff,
LARA conducted a witch-hunt, searching all of his records. All they could find is that he did a


favor for a dog owner with chronic epilepsy, and gave scripts without costly visits. Dr. LaHuis

was prosecuted for this, and a bad mark left in his public records.

59. The unlawful acts in states outside the DC Area were used to have a chilling effect

upon doctors in the DC Area who in 2014 had provided Plaintiff with partial information.

60. In 2013, just after February 15, Dr. Jacobson whose entire career had been having a

back surgery practice and doing those lucrative unneeded back surgeries was given mutiple

hospital positions, such that when Plaintiff suffered catastrophic ends; Dr. Jacobson could

control events. The 2 firstline hospitals: Washington Adventist is part of the sickos and is

actually run by Inova by was of a cardiology practice that is owned by Inova. Jacobson made

part of stroke team at Holy Cross Hospital. The 2 trauma centers: Jacobson becomes head of

Suburban Hospital trauma unit. And given lead position at Medstar Washington Hospital Center,

with his practice inside the hospital, itself, and not the buildings with the doctors' offices.

61. Inova neurology has 7 doctors. 3 are White men, naturally all perverts involved in

this crime. Dr. Kulkarni is from India, and is part of the crime for things of value. The 3 other

doctors were from India, Bangladesh and the third born in the U.S. but from parents from

Pakistan. All 3 resigned together with no notice, abandoning both patients and the med school

students; and moved far from the DC area. A clear sign of their understanding of the nature of

the crime. That it is a crime that consumes every second of the day. These White men, in

order to; perform one time at night with their wives, need the all day stimulation of talking

about these criminal sex acts with these White semi-hookers from Wisconsin.

62. Larry Hogan had zero chance to be elected Governor of Maryland. The venture

commencing in January 2013, dubbed “Deliverance on The Potomac” [ref to movie with sick sex

crimes] would gain another film reference “Ultimate Indecent Proposal” in late 2014. The
Healthcare Industry combined with Washington Post, Baltimore Sun and top Democrats in this


One-party state; succeeded in a scheme, where as if a switch were flipped; they bad-mouthed Lt.

Gov Anthony Brown, the mixed race clone of Barack Obama and talked up the fat old White

Republican, one not having ever held an elected office, who had the nomination because other

Republicans saw futility. Brown held a huge lead in polls, prior to the reversal. And it's

reasonable to suspect that even the ballots may have been tampered with.

63. In addition to the office, Hogan was allowed to create a business that would make

$Billions by getting govt approvals for real-estate developers. Additionally, Hogan who is Gay

and in the closet was supplied with Gay Sex, and all this was held as secret by The Post, The Sun

and top Democrats. Temporal proximity occurs with great frequency in this case. Within

months of becoming governor, Hogan has cancer in throat and groin. He is cast as a heroic

victim of cancer “Hogan Strong”; without anyone pointing out that Gay men get HPV in the

throat and penis, which leads to cancer.

64. Hogan had zero chance to become governor. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

called this the greatest upset win in modern day American elections. At the time of his reelection,

Slate published “Washington Post Love Affair with Larry Hogan” odd; the Post loves

Democrats? The outcome of the ultimate indecent proposal. Noridian, a subsidiary of Blue

Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota, the Health IT firm in charge of Maryland Obamacare health

exchange computers, sabotaged the system. Post and Baltimore Sun lied; blamed Lt. Gov

Anthony Brown.

65. Hogan diverted billions towards the commercial sex act venture of the instant case.

This caused floods from poor flood control, opioid crisis got worse, bad schools, a workplace

shooting in state police turf but a response by FBI and ATF, death of University of MD football

player Jordan McNair in a scheme by institutions and agencies under Hogan to deny medical
care and overwork athletes, etc.


66. Washington Post, in all these matters, acted no different than state controlled media

of an oppressive foreign regime. This paper has a long history of like conduct. Virginia is part of

it's local beat; yet it deliberately missed the scandals of that state's governor, lieutenant governor

and attorney general. In a case that involved Health care and the victim was a fellow journalist,

and an elite one at that, David Rosenbaum of The NY Times; The Post promoted multiple

falsehoods, in direct contradiction to The District's IG and to a medical journal article. The Post

failed to report and failed to advocate for the award-winning photojournalist Manny Garcia, who

was a victim of police abuse, including having his video evidence taken by Montgomery County

Police for taking video of them abusing Hispanic men.

67. The Post, The Balt Sun and other local media support the police killing of an

unarmed Black man in Montgomery County. They allowed Police Chief Tom Manger to get

away with releasing a doctored video that showed 6pm for the 2pm event.

68. There is the story reported in the news, chiefly a AP story, but entirely missed by

The Post, that of Debra Van Putten, a retiree visiting the DC Area, from Florida. It started with a

situation, similar to angering the chef and he spits in the soup. Looks like the Inova ER was

right, when it refused to do back surgery for the patient. Her family fought and got surgery. She

became a quadriplegic, looks like that they deliberately botched the surgery. The family got

Medicare to investigate subsequent events, ending with death from a very aggressive cancer.

Medicare contracted to the Virginia Board of Physicians, which gave the family a version saying

no wrongdoing, but AP with a FOIA request found the real version: she got horrible care over 4

months at Inova and at Medstar's DC rehab hospital; no food for weeks, nothing for pain. She

got an aggressive cancer during that time and the diagnosis was kept secret. Logic dictates that

doctors produced cancer as it is done in lab animals.

69. Some instances of others harmed in the instant case; Medstar ran it's Washington


Hospital Center into the ground to fund crime. Filthy conditions caused repeated deadly

infections to Congressman Scalise and resignations forced upon top surgeons; both stories

reported by USA Today, but not The Post. Not spending on cybersecurity caused ransomware

attack. DC dropped Medstar from Medicaid for denying sickest enrollees drugs, and unneeded

hospitalizations. Medicaid funds became the primary source of ready cash; money primarily for

poor African Americans in DC and MD, being used by more than 100 White perverts, against

this one Asian-Indian man. And a massive scheme to defraud Medicare, the other large federal

health program. Deliberately causing stokes and cancer in several Plaintiff's neighbors. Another

neighbor is a Central American family. A work vehicle for a masonry business is parked. They

always had lot of work, and all of a sudden, very little work. It's either magic, or these sickos,

likely via Maryland regulatory agencies crippled that business.

70. 2015, 2 weeks after Hogan's inauguration: Plaintiff lawfully made audio recordings

and posted on YouTube, of the Medstar Medicaid program and its doctors giving the runaround,

and sometimes tripping up and admitting facts. To shut this down Manger produced search and

arrest warrant applications with lies. First thing in the morning submitted to a state court judge.

Manger did not want to waste a single second. Simultaneously, he placed 2 police officers in

front of my house. These officers were not from the district station. They had driven 20 miles

from headquarters in rush hour. They sat idling for an hour, awaiting the ruling, wasting even

more public resources. Even with all the lies; the judge found in Plaintiff's favor.

71. These unlawful acts succeed, in that interference and harm succeed. But in every

single one, the effort to disguise the acts as lawful falls apart. 11/2016: because they tested the

recording law and failed; Plaintiff is always recording. At the Medicaid doctors' office for

medical visit and precisely when Plaintiff says MRI, their scheme to have the doctor call 911 to
say Plaintiff is out of control. As the tape reveals, owing to the medical condition; Plaintiff


couldn't be out of control,even if Plaintiff wanted to. And here they're admitting the legal

standard; they have to show “out of control” for police action to be lawful. Then another

unlawful no-trespass order. More egg on their faces: owing to the dramatic call; a mutual aid call

went to the sheriff's office, and the deputy wasn't in the loop of the wrongdoers. Everything he

did was opposite to Manger's cops. He even gave Plaintiff his business card and invitation to file

a sex assault complaint at his office.

72. In Plaintiff's quiet neighborhood with little police activity; all of a sudden Manger's

cops are everywhere. One neighbor is always in trouble for starting fights and domestic violence.

All of a sudden, simple court hearing notices are replaced with police dogs and lockdowns of the

neighborhood, including one time the Plaintiff was blocked from going to church. With all this

sound and fury, they arrest him, take him to the psych unit, and he's back home in a couple of

hours. And by way of some deliberate harm during care, he died a year later. Then for this big

supporter of Hispanics, he targeted several for arrests because they don't know their rights.

73. When Plaintiff hadn't gone to a doctors' office for months and had reported new

symptoms to SSA, to show how these offenders, including USA act in concert; one of these

doctors called Plaintiff saying he would get treatment. It gets old! Plaintiff's recording shows the

scheme got quickly unraveled. The doctor came to the waiting room with the pretense of talking

to another patient, when he was making observations of the progression of injuries. Then another

employee called Plaintiff into an office and told him that the receptionist doesn't know anything,

and by error had called Plaintiff to come, and so Plaintiff must leave. Plaintiff pointed out that it

was the doctor who called, and she had no answer. Plaintiff left, drove around the building and

saw the police were ready.

74. Republican Hogan's reelection coronation owed to Democratic leaders and local news
Maryland AG Frosh, a Democrat, who took office the same time as Hogan, also joined the crime.


Then ran the Emoluments suit against President Trump, a suit that argues that The President is a

Maryland official, subject to Maryland's constitution; when those charges are actually fitting

against Hogan. None of the leading Democrats, including Frosh, ran against Hogan.

75. Owing to wanting to help The Chesapeake Bay, natural methods of flood control

replaced engineering. It takes more care, wasn't a problem until Hogan, because he stole funds to

run the crime against me. The same Suburban Baltimore area had massive flooding in 2016, and

a repeat in 2018. And it was Hogan who told people and insurers to rebuild. President Bush

would get the blame for a bridge collapse, and here; Hogan gets to play the hero.

76. Hogan's Appointments Secretary Dennis Schrader and the deputy health secretary,

head of Medicaid Shannon McMahon, also joined the crime. Health secretary, Van Mitchell,

abruptly resigned, not because he was the worst one in the bunch, but because he didn't want to

aid further in the crimes. Schrader became the acting Secretary of Health. McMahon resigned

several months later, as to play a game, wanting to show that the unlawful conduct occurred even

beyond her tenure. Schrader was appointed to this position as well; that's 3 top positions, talk

about covering bases. Whereas prior to 2015 misuse of Medicaid funds occurred at the level of

the contractor, Medstar; now: all of Maryland's funds is misused. Maryland's opioid crisis

increasing at a rate greater than any other state.

77. Recall how big DC and Baltimore papers trashed now Congressman Brown for some

IT issue. These papers give fake news to explain the turmoil at the state health agency: the cause

attributed to a state court ordering this agency to create more psychiatric beds. But that issue is

being falsely presented. All that's going on is that Maryland, like some other states, allows for

some violent criminals who are not insane, and would otherwise be in jail, to allow themselves to

be medicated and treated as psych cases. The judges who issue such orders find that the health
agency in not keeping up with demand. Nothing antagonistic; these judges see the agency is


having problems, agency-wide, and is trying to work with the agency. This has nothing to do

with someone suing the agency; in all those cases, these judges found in favor of the agency.

Such an absurdity these papers advance, when that tiny function of this agency, much less than

1% is said to be the cause of high level staffing changes, and staffing changes focused on the

Medicaid program, which is 95% of the budget, billions, mainly federal dollars. This beds issue

is a lack of spending issue, so it's caused by the instant issue. Huge IT problems, connected to

motor-voter caused problems for 2018 elections; no one blamed Hogan. So strange, the

comptroller, a top state official, a Democrat and from very Liberal Montgomery County refuses

to endorse Ben Jealous,his party's nominee to face Hogan. Illegal aliens are allowed to get

drivers' licenses. Auditors found more than 600 were issued for those without the alternate

documentation for the program, meaning those using it for criminal purposes. Washington Post

reports the story, but uses a large statement from a Republican from the legislature, to present

Hogan in a good light. Saying that this problem must have existed long before Hogan. Such a lie,

because this law came into being just a couple of months before Hogan was elected. Then they

go to say Hogan is so good at solving problems that the problem is solved before actually taking

any action, it's in the bank.

78. The dehydration caused by the brain injury, gets worse and worse. In January, 2018,

Plaintiff was attending church service at Takoma Adventist Church. What happened, shows that

the sickos were spying on him while in church. The first thing Plaintiff does after the service is

to drink water from the water fountain. These sickos know every part of the nature of the

medical condition. With a hearing in DC Superior Court a few days away, to literally silence

Plaintiff; the same water fountain he used 80 minutes before, was suddenly out of service. He

drank water, elsewhere an hour later, but the damage was done. Within hours the dry lungs
problem became much worse, causing great difficulty in breathing, non-stop coughing, loud


noises with breathing, could not sleep. An email that they would repeat many more times in the

days to follow has the title “Oil up”, shows image of fresh motor oil pouring out. Then writing

“keep your engine running quiet”, mocking reference to the injuries.

79. The venture includes evil crimes that don't directly harm Plaintiff, as the gas

explosions. These hooker-rapist White witches from Wisconsin rub their vagina and say they're

aroused by the crimes, so these dysfunctional White men get these crimes done. Plaintiff's April

1, 2019 action of the Twitter posting that woke up the Commissioner of SSA from her slumber is

the type of action from Plaintiff, that distresses these perverts; so they do retaliation. Plaintiff's

older sister owns a rental condo in a high-rise in Kensington, MD. Six hours after the posting, a

fire started in an unit above the one owned by Plaintiff's sister, a massive 3-alarm fire. Maryland

govt is part of these crimes, so fire officials just say “likely accidental” without saying what the

accident was. With regard to the 2016 explosion at the apartment in Silver Spring, MD; expert

firefighters are very critical of Montgomery County (MD) FD because there was a huge gas leak

from the same utility room that exploded 2 weeks later. There was a strange story of building

management having changed the locks, so firemen just left without breaking down the door to

investigate. On April 1 there was a strange occurrence in Laurel, MD. A woman in her 60's

was reported missing, few days later reported that she was found unharmed, then a few days after

that they said she was dead and the funeral already occurred. Neighbors are very puzzled, but

officials don't proivde answers. Then 2 weeks later in Takoma Park, MD a condo building

where Plaintiff's father resides, there was massive police activity over 2 days. Oddly, there was a

huge presence of Laurel Police, though the 2 small cities in MD have no connection to each

other. Takoma Park is just outside Washington, DC and Laurel is 16 miles away. Rumors were

heard that the person on the 9th floor killed someone. Police later called it “a woman in distress”
and that she jumped out of a 9th floor window 2 days later, though no one in this highrise noticed


such as event. The woman is Janet Leak Garcia, age 55, with no past mental issues. She has a

doctorate and a high level GS-13 job with USDA. In May, the case of the man of Indian descent

from Bethesda, MD who sets himself on fire near the Washington Monument. Seeing the video,

he appears to be in no distress from the fire. The medical doctors, psychiatrists do some some

ability, likely with drugs, to command their patients to do crazy things.

80. The strange deaths of American tourists in Dominican Republic. The ex-con

neighbor of Plaintiff Gregory Lucas in 2013 had been in great financial trouble. Then he's on

Easy-Street after he begins to do the crimes involving the small animals. This includes a top tier

financial company, Bank of America, refinance of his home loan. The huge step up from there

in 2018, with the $200,000 Mercedes came just after, Plaintiff confronted him and he came to

know how big and how much money is in this sex crime venture. His wife is from Dominican

Republic and her mother who was visiting came out of the house with the commotion. In 2018,

there were the gas explosions in Wisconsin on July 10, the birthday of Plaintiff''s mother and

oldest sister. A large set of explosions in Massachusetts on September 13, Plaintiff's birthday.

The First incident in Domincan Republic occurred on June 23, 2018, the death of a tourist from

Glenside, PA. Glenside is also the name of Plaintiff's aunt's street in Takoma Park, MD. The

funeral was completed on July 11. Within this period is Plaintiff's cousin “Tania's” birthday on

June 28, her sister Julia's birthday on July 3, her mother's birthday on June 28, and Plaintiff's

mother and older sister's birthday of July 10. The second death was to a man from Charles

County, MD a suburb of DC, on July 14. This is the birthday of Plaintiff's aunt who lives on

Glenside Drive. A case of a woman from Wilmington, DE badly beaten in late January, 2019.

Plaintiff's other sister's birthday is January 17. The odd traffic accident deaths of a couple from

NY occurred at the end of March, 2019, just days prior to Plaintiff's April 1 Tweet. And
circumstances of accident as reported by Domincan authorities are being viewed as suspicious by


Americans. There's no certainty about the exact date. In April, the death of a California man. In

May, the deaths of a couple from Prince Georges County, MD, a DC suburb, and the death of a

woman from Allentown, PA. One of Plaintiff's sisters lives in PA. And a hospital in Allentown

is a prime subject of complaints by persons on Twitter that Plaintiff associates with. Plaintiff's

cousin 6/28 (born 1978, David Ortiz hitman from Eastern PA paid $7800 to kill Ortiz in DR).

About 1/17, has tourist death in Mexico, woman from DE, badly beaten in DR. About 1/17 also

had death of young woman from WI and near death of her brother,in Mexico hotel pool in 2017.

WI gas explosions (2 firefighters dead) on Plaintiff's birthday. Same time, 2 tourists deaths in

Costa Rica (Plaintiff's niece just had a class trip there), one tourist dead in Mexico. MA

explosions (5 dead) on shared birthday of Plaintiff's mother and one of his sisters. Gas

explosion (7 dead) near Plaintiff's house in Silver Spring, MD in 2016, right after Senator

McCain tried to help Plaintiff. Great uptick in DR deaths are not linked to birthdays, but right

after a Tweet about Larry Hogan on April 1, 2019. Looks like DR crimes stopped after Plaintiff

discussed DR deaths in Tweets around June 12. Then there was the death of a 15 yr old girl in

Mexico on 6/28, Plaintiff's cousin's birthday. Story says van stopped for gas, and tree fell onto

van, a very strange event. There was no storm.

81. The offenders don't want the sensation they're losing; those as Tom Manger would be

dysfunctional with his wife. Another dysfunctional White sicko like Manger, the Las Vegas mass

killer, targeted happy, young White couples. But there's no long term value, unless they can get

away with it for a long time. With Plaintiff's recent success of getting evidence to place online,

and they're inability to stop speech; they're limitless to how they strike; having endless access to

public funds. The prank calls Plaintiff's mother gets are disguised as telemarketing for student

loans. They purport to be selling restructuring of these loans, the type that includes forgiveness
of a portion. Of late, they make calls to say that she is no longer eligible for forgiveness; if really


telemarketing why bother with calls that don't make money? At the same time, a good friend of

Plaintiff's mother's is stricken with a stroke, with swelling of brain, left paralyzed on one side, in

hospice, and dead 6 months, later. Certainly, these sickos did this. One has got to see the number

of people in Plaintiff's neighborhood with strokes, some never come back home; houses and cars

left behind.

82. How persistent and obsessed these sickos are; and with a blank check from USA

dollars. Months ago when Plaintiff confronted the ex-con injuring squirrels, he made a threat of

telling to "watch your back" but he was mainly civil. And it's no wonder that detectives make

surprise visits and lawyers say to stay silent. Plaintiff' easily knocked out all his lame excuses.

He said squirrels were digging in his yard. Plaintiff showed him that there aren't any holes, and

entire yard is baited with food. Plaintiff went by the house again, months later, to understand

some new emails and odd sightings. They send emails copying the website of

Plaintiff never heard of it, it's a very popular online educational program for young kids. At the

same time, The Ring placed a large number of rats into the neighborhood. This time the excuse

he gave is that he's doing pest control of rats. Plaintiff pointed out that he doesn't see any rats

he's shot, and that he and his friends are the ones who placed the rats. Lucas's response of threats

of violence and obscenities including gestures.

83. Most recently, as soon as Plaintiff posted on Twitter that gas explosions in The U.S.

and deaths of U.S. tourists abroad, mainly in The Dominican Republic were part of this same sex

crime venture; those events ceased. This means that Plaintiff's actions did much more than the

special teams of The ATF and FBI deployed to investigate these events. In response; The Ring

released a large number of rats into Plaintiff's neighborhood; giving huge problems for Plaintiff's

neighbors. All this, in the entire Complaint; is a non-exhaustive listing

84. There are physicians just beyond Plaintiff's most immediate family. Some of those


emails and 5 years of circumstances, convince Plaintiff that his cousin Dr. Tania Crussiah joined

this crime at the early stage; in exchange for benefits to mainly her sister Julia's husband, Agi

Mathew. It doesn't look like Julia and Agi were unaware, thinking that Tania had connections to

pull strings; but certainly becoming knowledgeable of late. Agi, it looks like in India has a high

school degree. Later he got some sort of a bachelors and MBA, from TASCAM, a school known

for sham degrees, which have little value even in India, and certainly no value in The U.S.

85. By a miracle, Plaintiff walked out in February, 2013; but the plan was for Plaintiff to

end up with a massive stroke. There is a major difference in the plan for Plaintiff and that with

all those young women and their strokes. In those cases, though the families don't know what's

going on; they know what comes after a stroke for young patients. That with aggressive rehab;

there can be great recovery over the course of 1 year, certainly after 2 months; the patient would

not be so debilitated and incompetent that someone could keep doing sex offenses to them, and

keep doing it to them for even 10 years as was the venture against Plaintiff. By all insurance

rules; the patient has to go home, and get care as an outpatient. Scheme to deliberately give poor

care, keep Plaintiff in bad shape for years, have offenders always in and out of the room. Then

Tania actively convincing Plaintiff's family that it's all normal.

86. Agi's job at a medical entity, Antech Labs, for 5 years is some low level data entry

work related to surveys taken on a computer. Temporal proximity: Agi gave his notice and quit.

A promotion was given, listing him as a supervisor to 8 employees; but he never worked this

position. His coworkers would be alarmed. So it was just on paper to build his resume.

87. Then he was given a supervisory job, “test lead” at NIH in the Office of Extramural

Research; This federal job needs both a masters and computer science training. All of a sudden,

in April, 2013, Agi has this well paying job at NIH, physically next door to the MRI facility.
This would also mean that some qualified individual was cheated out of this job. This NIH


office hands out $50 Billion in grants anually. A whistleblower suit from a researcher at Duke

University showed that Duke, including it's health system was obtaining funds for fraudulent

research projects and NIH is also complicit.

88. Julia is a registered dietitian, and when she had her only child in September, 2010.

She didn't like her work environment; yet she kept working. Then oddly, in 2013, she quit her

job, when her son is already into preschool. A well-known problem with quitting a job is that

they don't hire you back. Dietitian jobs in the DC area are all run by Sodexho. This means that

she would have to relocate. And then very conveniently, in late 2015 when her son was enrolled

in school for the full day at a private school, and the only commercial enterprise within miles is

Medstar Montgomery Hospital; she gets rehired by Sodexho and a job at this hospital. A

specialty dietitian, working with the gastric surgery program.

These White semi-hookers from Wisconsin are the most critical component of this venture. The

actions from February, 2013 in the DC Area was the spark. There doesn't appear to be any sign

of women from the DC Area, not even the 2 that did the sex acts on February 15, 2013 being the

permanent instruments of these sick thoughts of these White men.

89. One of these women is Michelle Miller, the receptionist and the only employee other

than the tech Antonio Macayavong Papel at this tiny facility, that exists to conduct fraud

schemes. Plaintiff made a return visit in July, 2016 and confirmed analysis that she is not

attractive. She has the appearance of a homeless person, with drabby clothes and being

unbathed. There cleary must be an award for the spa that got her looking a little attractive.

90. Miller implicated herself in several recorded phone calls on YouTube. A statement

of great significance is her angrily saying “you walked out of our office”. She's expressing the

distress of all these offenders that Plaintiff was physically capable of walking. This is because
the primary sign of hydrocephalus is poor gait, inability walk. Another of her statements is that


Plaintiff should complain to the medical board about her because she gave medical care and

caused the injuries to Plaintiff.

91. The other woman is Marzena Czemko aka; Jackson and Augustynowicz. Dr.

Jacobson gets patients with back pain from Washington, DC and does surgery at the Johns

Hopkins owned Suburban Hospital. Czemko has a high school degree from Poland, some kind

of low level receptionist or medical assistant at Jacobson's practice; an attractive woman used as

part of the scheme to convince the male patients to get these unneeded surgeries.

92. How taxpayer and healthcare dollars are abused and how those with merit are

cheated out of jobs that are instead given to participants in the venture; clear to see with Czemko.

In August, 2012 she was approved by the Montgomery County, MD Court to proceed IFP with

divorce action against Augustynowicz. Temporal proximity: February, 2013 she gets a job at the

intramuscular lab at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore. Her Linkedin

page shows nothing between her high school graduation and this job at age 27.

93. Czemko lived in Gaithersburg, MD, 20 miles north of DC and an easy commute into

DC by Metrorail. Plaintiff lives 3 miles to the northeast of DC. The favors keep coming for

Czemko. In November, 2013, she, alone, purchased a home for $300,000 with a mortgage from

Wells Fargo, a top tier financial institution. Her job is a Maryland state job that pays $30,000.

She only had the job for 6 months, and poverty prior to that. It's clear that the offenders that are

part of this venture gave her money, not their own; but from Healthcare and Public funds. And

her house is 2 blocks from Plaintiff's home. When her job is in Baltimore, 30 miles to the

northeast of Gaithersburg; she moved to Plaintiff's neighborhood, which is 20 miles to the

southeast of Gaithersburg. Indeed; the outlines of this sexual venture are this bizarre.

94. Czemko divorces Mr. Jackson in 2016. Whereas in the her 2012 divorce, she
couldn't even afford filing fees. With the one in 2016; she gets from the court, a prenuptial


agreement. As a non-lawyer; Plaintiff never knew that such a thing could be created for the first

time, at the time of divorce. And this time, Czemko also had the records sealed. Czemko is

concealing her wealth from this sex crime venture; and doesn't want to share it with Mr. Jackson.

95. Plaintiff sometimes walks near Eczema's home and in the past would speak with

some of the neighbors. In 2018, Plaintiff was asking some questions about Czemko; apparently

the new got to her. Immediately; she gets what's equal to several promotions. She gets the

position of manager of the neuromuscular lab, and this is at Temple University medical school

and hospital, a more prestigious institution.

96. This venture is like a balloon; there are many points where it can be destroyed. One

spot is boring old Social Security Disability, and this is where the offenders focus so much. This

federal agency, going all the way to the top; has aided this crime. Plaintiff got notices for

hearings, saying he has Due Process Rights to request subpoenas for witnesses and documents.

When Plaintiff called the hearing office in DC in February, 2017; they lied that they didn't

receive the mailing that USPS confirms they did. With other calls they hang up, then say they

don't understand Plaintiff's 6 voicemails, and say that their phone doesn't work. All of this and

everything, Plaintiff has recordings, and that's on YouTube.

97. Plaintiff has put The United States of America on notice that although SSA

malfeasance is massive; several other agencies have malfeasance in this venture, and more

agencies are ready to join the venture on a as-need basis. Reasonably, a single federal defendant,

USA, is appropriate.

98. In SSA Disability speak, decisions on benefits are attributed to The Commissioner,

though no one actually thinks the head of this agency is directly involved in the millions of cases.

With Plaintiff's matter; the response came directly from the Commisioners' Office. Plaintiff sent
the full facts to SSA in early December, 2018, but the response was sent on April 8, 2019. The


response even apologizes for the delay. Temporal proximity shows that SSA never had any

intention of replying. On April 1, 2019 came the revelation in the news about criminal conduct

unrelated to the instant case by the Plaintiff of Baltimore. Plaintiff on Twitter put out the facts of

the instant case and said that Hogan should be investigated for his crimes. The tweet noted the

conduct of SSA including acting in conspiracy with Hogan. It received a large number of views.

99. The Commissioner's letter is purposefully loaded with nonsense. What does come

across, clearly from SSA's own words, is that the facts and circumstances of this case doesn't fall

into the standard denial of disability benefits process. The Commissioner says that Plaintiff must

pay them exorbitant fees, merely to get records. Reasonably, any argument by USA, that

jurisdiction lies with some standard appeal of denial of disability benefits; must be unavailing.

USA is accused of Constitutional violations related to Slavery, not Due Process violations, alone;

and certainly not limited to SSA.

100. This case is abound with hypocrisy, irony. Washington Adventist Hospital in 2009

sought approval to relocate 7 miles away; the real reason being that it doesn't want to serve the

new demographic in Takoma Park, MD; Gays and Catholic undocumented aliens. The final nail

in the coffin, of never being approved, came in 2012, 2013, when Maryland said in denials that

even if many barriers could be rectified, the two main ones; feasibility, and bond rating at the

bottom forecloses the $400 million effort; why bother? The reason for the poor finances, and

low quality was outed by Dr. Kramer and several other doctors in an old news article. That;

Church officials who run the hospitals, convert funds into compensation for themselves. 2015,

like magic, with Hogan the new governor, they resubmit, get easy approval; and approval to

increase rates. That's $400 million to be stolen from patients, private insurers and Medicare,

Medicaid! And the state official who had ruled against this request died in an odd way, a “self-
inflicted hunting accident. August 25, 2019 at 8am was the grand opening of the new hospital.


At that very same time; there was a gas explosion that destroyed an office building in Columbia,

MD, 10 miles from the new hospital.

101. In recent days; elevator that was found to be tampered with caused the death of a

Wisconsin native, who's the son of a physician. The deaths by fire of 34 asleep on a boat used

by diving enthusiasts in California; owned by a Wisconsin native.

102. The experts call the propane gas explosion in Maine at a "Melwood-like" facility

for the retarded, very unusual because of how massive it was. It injured all members of the fire

department, and killed a fire captain, who is known to the governor of Maine. At the very same

time of the smell of gas and explosion; there was a veiled taunting admission to Plaintiff.

103. Gregory Lucas is the ex-con with the lowly job given many rewards, including a

$200000 car; to torture and kill animals and birds. His wife is from Dominican Republic, which

had all those deaths of American tourists. They have one child, a son who's retarded and goes to

one of that type of facilities. On that day; he didn't go. His father had him walking laps; up to

Plaintiff's house and back; at the same time the disaster in Maine was occurring.

104. The Ring, by way of packages and merchandise, Plaintiff never ordered; has alerted

that Jeff Bezos of Amazon is part of The Ring. Examining Bezos and his business; it does seem

like with Jeffrey Espstein; there isn't rationale showing how he made so much money. Bezos

says, he scrolled through a dictionary, and while at the "A's" chose "Amazon" because his

company is the world's largest bookstore. It would be reasonable to name it after Amazons, as

the mythical giant women; but he says he named it after the rainforest. Then after his company

began selling a myriad of items; he uses a Smiley Face drawing, similar to graffiti at many of the

sites where the dead young men are found along rivers.

105. Plaintiff had returned to Dr. Kulkarni in late March, 2013; alerting her that Plaintiff
found suspicious events and new symptoms, connected to the MRI. Less than 2 months later,


Bezos bought The Washington Post. The news stories say; he didn't negotiate for a lower price,

he didn't do Due Diligence, no one knows how he intends to make money. Bezos said he wanted

a nation newpaper, but then; didn't buy national assets as Slate Magazine and Kaplan Education.

Instead; he bought the local Gazette newspapers. Then he closed down The Gazette in 2015.

This would mean that Plaintiff wouldn't have The Post and he wouldn't have The Gazette to give

his story to. When The Post and The Baltimore Sun reported fake news; to bring about the

election of Hogan; the reporter from The Sun was Erin Cox. Later, Ms. Cox was hired onto The

Post, though historically, The Sun's reporters have never gotten called to the prestigious Post.

106. There's a story that The National Enquirer got hold of and published images and

writings of Bezos that show he's having a Mid-Life Crisis, having an extramarital affair, out on a

jet ski, sending "dick pics" to the woman. All the evidence shows that the items were given to

the tabloid by the brother of his mistress. Then one wonders, how her brother obtained the items.

It's apparent that Bezos is staging a sexual persona of himself and colluding with the tabloid; in a

an effort to conceal his true sexual tastes; which is similar to:

107. A news article discusses men who want to be dominated by Amazons, and so on:

"Bunny Glamazon [her last name looks like a word to convey 'glamorous amazon'] a kickboxer
and the grandmother of Amazondom, has been doing this for 20 years. She says she knows why
Amazons make such a good living: the wealthier and more powerful the man, the smaller he
wants to feel. Unlike mainstream porn, which usually puts the male in the power role, Amazon
videos cater to rich guys who are big at the office but want to feel small in the bedroom.
They almost always have money and are willing to drop it on sessions and memberships to
Amazon websites. They want to be manhandled to the point they can't get up. When I got 'em in
a fetal position".

The California case of the 57 year old neurologist brain surgeon Dr. Kohut and 2 nurses abusing

the nurse's 3 year old son, 5 year old daughter, 10 year old son:

Nurse: "Well I thought you were a daddy what kind of daddy are you. Bring things up and not
want to follow through Tease.
Doctor: "Lets all play together. When fam visits all your deepest fantasies will come true in
amazing ways Omg call me soon I want to tell you something u will find insanely erotic but I
don't want to text it. It will make you to rub like a good girl for daddy listening".
Nurse: "I usually text true, but man you are a true child when you can't get a piece of ass. Or
watch woman molest kids.

Clinical psychologist Mark Griffith in Psychology Today

"Macrophilia appears to be an increasingly popular sexual paraphilia in which individuals derive

sexual arousal from a fascination with giants and/or a sexual fantasy involving giants. The
overwhelming majority of macrophiles are thought to be heterosexual males that are sexually
attracted to female giantesses. Macrophiles can also meet their tall heroines at such gatherings as
the annual Amazon Convention.

108. There are news stories of animals, including cats that are tortured, mutilated and left

in the yards of homes in Tacoma, WA; along with taunting emails to residents. And in that case,

as well; law enforcement is protecting the crime, which, obviously is done by The Ring, when

looking at factors as proximity to Amazon and Boeing.

109. In 1990, the president of American University Dr. Richard Beredzen phoned

women in the Washington, DC Area that were offering daycare services. He wanted them to do

sex assaults on young children and so on. Although, he escaped any criminal charges; everyone

in the chain from those women, to the police to officials at this prestigious institution worked

diligently to force his resignation, force him into treatment and publicize the matter. But within

the past 15 years; it's as though there's a highly contagious virus affecting Whites. There are

several cases where to fulfill the fantasies of men, women assault their own toddler sons with

strap-on dildos. In as Wisconsin case; the judge characterized the crime as a "crime against


110. There are so many crimes that involve Whites and their weird forms of sexual

thoughts, where prosecution occurs, facts are managed; as to preserve the false good reputation

of Whites as a whole. Facts shown from an U.K. Media outlet and from the Tennessee Appeals

Court website, show that a White football player at Vanderbilt University drugged his girlfriend
and as a fantasy took her to the room of Black football players and got them to do acts as


urinating on her and inserting a bottle in her rectum. Even seeing this, the White man had to surf

porn online, and he still couldn't get an erection. He also sent video to his White friends in

California. But American news media reports that crime as a gang-rape by the Black men, with

the White man being a bystander. In a crime where a contingent of U.S. Special forces from all

branches is a stationed in Africa; several of them attempted to choke a service member and then

sexually assault him; the result was his death. This case was prosecuted; but it was whitewashed

and prosecuted as a prank gone wrong.

111. A FBI document divides pedophiles, and the ones who are "sadistic" Sadistic:

"this pattern of behavior characterizes the offender who has a sexual preference for children but
who in order to be aroused or gratified must inflict psychological or physical pain or suffering on
the child victim. He is aroused by the victim's response to the infliction of pain or suffering.
They abduct and even murder victims".

112. Plaintiff's facts were seen by Maeve Mckean, a granddaughter of Robert Kennedy

and of former Maryland Lt. Governor Kathleen Townsend. Plaintiff began receiving emails

with domain names as "island cap" and "likewise", along with images of women at the beach and

a political cartoon of Nancy Pelosi drowning and a life vest of no use to her. Three days after

this began; Mrs. McKean and her 8 year old son died of drowning. The story given is that they

got into a canoe to go after a ball, and then were blown into The Cheaseapeake Bay.

113. There's the well-known case of what's named The Long Island Serial Killer. Bodies

of scores of women who offered prostitution services via Craigslist were found. Families and

The Public beleive that the police chief of Suffolk County and a physician who lives near the

site, are to be the lead suspects. In May, 2020, the county was ordered by a judge to release the

911 calls of one of the victims, who was crying for help for an hour; yet police didn't respond.

Additionally, it's reported that Dr. Hacker inserted himself, heavily, into the response to the crash
of TWA Flight 800. It does lead Plaintiff' to notice that the disaster occurred in 1996, the same


time these killings began. It's also about the same time as the Victim Zero case of Mr. McNeil in

Brooklyn. The victim list of Flight 800 included 13 girls from a Pennsylvania high school.

114. There were two, highly suspect, accidents in Tampa Bay in 1980. First, a vessel

collided with a U.S. Coast Guard boat and killed 27. Then a few months later, a freighter

collided with the support beams of mile long bridge, causing the deaths of 38, including several

from a Greyhound bus.

115. The case of Jeffrey Esptein shows substantial links to the instant case. This

includes the lead detective, Recrarey, from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office dying of

cancer at age 50. It is now reported that Ms. Farmer, who alleges to be a victim and very vocal;

is very sick from cancer. The other lead victim, Virginia Roberts Guiffre is sick with meningitis.

116. The activities of The Ring includes such things as taunting and unlawful

surveillance. PEPCO, a division of electric utility Excelon has white boxes on poles, throughout

the region. Residents of places as Seattle, suspect that these are a combination of cameras, sound

and mobile device surveillance. Pepco, in 2019, deliberately, drew great attention to placing a

box 100 yards from Plaintiff's home by arriving in a fleet of 5 trucks, where only one was

needed. Additionally, the box appears different from the other boxes, and those are seen along

major roadways, and not in a residential area. It's apparent that sound and conversations are

being listened to. Plaintiff, sometimes listens to Ravi Zacharias, a well-known Christian

personality, on WAVA at 10 p.m. on Saturday Nights. This includes, listening to parts of the

half hour broadcasts of Pastor Tony Evans that precedes and that of Joseph Mills, that follows.

Within a couple of months; the wife of Evans got cancer and later died, and Mr. Mills died of a

heart attack. Zacharias has long had issues tied to back pain and surgery. He had a surgery on

February 20, 2020, and immediately began to report pain more severe than ever before. Cancer
was found several weeks later and he died in late May.


117. Then incredibly, as if done by God: Covid19, which has it's roots in 2013 (same time

as crimes against Plaintiff commenced) and caused by experimentation by Defendant USA and

NIH, seems to have struck first at a nursing home in Fairfax, Virginia, the home of Inova in July,

2019. Then we learned that the current situation is tied to the Wuhan, China outsourcing lab of

NIH. In late February and early March, 2020; the expert opinion of NIH and Dr. Fauci and

advanced by President Trump, Speaker Pelosi and New York Mayor Deblassio was that there

was no threat and Americans can go about their lives as usual. It was precisely, at the same time

as cancer being caused in Ravi Zacharias, that the nature of Covid 19 changed; which brought

about the lockdowns and other measures in March. Then for the one-two punch; the police

killing of Ahmaud Arbery occurred o February 23 in Georgia, the killing of the man in the

Wendy's lot occurred in Atlanta. Ravi Zacharias lived in and received medical care in Georgia.

The police killing that triggered the protests, riots and scrutiny of police was the George Floyd

case in Minnesota, a killing that looked very consistent with a sexual crush-fetish. The officer

appearing to enjoy crushing the life out of the victim. Minneapolis and St. Paul feature

prominently with the cases dubbed Smiley Face Killers. The Covid19 crisis is plague that leaves

those in places as prisons, virus, almost entirely asymptomatic, yet is deadly in hospitals and

nursing homes. The other crisis, now has police under the gun. Indeed, the two groups most

responsible for carrying out these BDSM crimes against Plaintiff and others; are the most

impacted. Additionally, the state of Washington, the home of Amazon and Boeing and New

York City, which has great links to many of these cases. Add to it, Massachusetts and Michigan.

The Law for Violation of 18USC 1595, 5th Amendment, 13th Amendment and

Violations of The Maryland Constitution

118. In Lisa Ricchio v. Clark McClean etal, a 3rd Circuit Appellate ruling authored by
retired Supreme Court Justice Souter, opined that: the medical means of drugging and the


medical means of limiting food; are within the definition of "force". Additionally, that motel

owners who had knowledge but persisted in renting a room to Mr. McClean; violate 18USC

1595. In USA v. Raniere, this is the sex cult case in the news, that involved some celebrities; the

court found that coercing a low calorie diet causes symptoms as dizziness and fatigue; thus is

"force. In Jane Doe v. Mamoun Darbagh, M.D. (2:15-cv-10724-SJM-EAS) the court found that

a physician who provided drugs that altered physical and mental states violates 18USC 1595.

119. A government party that violates 18USC 1595 does also violates The 5th

Amendment and it's Maryland Constitution analog, Article 24; depriving Plaintiff of Life,

Liberty and Property, without Due Process. Article 19 of Maryland's Constitution guarantees

Plaintiff, this very civil action; that every man for any injury done to him in his person or

property ought to have remedy by the course of the Law of the Land, and ought to have justice

and right, freely without sale, fully without denial and speedily without delay, according to the

Law of the Land. The 13th Amendment states "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except

as as punishment for crime where the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the

United States. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

120. Plaintiff hardly lacks parties to name as defendants. Injunctive relief that causes the

misdeeds of those parties to cease and desist is futile; because this powerful Defendant USA, has

shown a history of aiding these parties. Furthermore; it's well established that a party who

participated; owes the victim a duty to save the victim.

121. Had the misdeeds of USA been limited to a single agency as Social Security; SSA

would have been named. But USA has aided this commercial sex acts by force venture against

Plaintiff; by the actions of multiple individuals and agencies such as; several courts and CMS.

122. The instant case, in contrast to cases where a crime victim seeks to hold police
responsible for personal protection; features a government defendant, USA that has duties


focused on the health of Plaintiff, arising from Defendant's Medicaid obligations, in addition to;

the duty to save the victim of it's crime.

123. A recent case employing this theory occurred in Montgomery County, MD which is

where: Plaintiff lives, substantial transactions occurred and it's government and officials were

perpetrators in these acts and omissions. A 15 year old girl was charged with 1st Degree Murder

under a Duty to Save the victim Theory. She, along with a little older males used force to rob a

man alongside Georgia Avenue in Aspen Hill. The males, then pulled the victim into the woods

and beat him some more. The victim staggered onto the highway and was struck by motorists.

124. The Trafficking Law isn't exclusively a Prostitution Law. It's about money and/or

something of value having been used at least one time as part of a scheme to obtain sexual

gratification. The statute of limitations is at least 10 years. In the instant case, the initial overt

acts occurred in 2013. Additionally, should Plaintiff add claims as battery with shorter

deadlines, this is a case of ongoing violations. There's been no let up during 7 and a half years.

125. The thousands of emails, which are easily traceable via court order, show the story

from start to finish, with the "finish" still out in the future. This destroys any argument of filing

deadlines. Furthermore, it supports preliminary injunctive relief.

126. Plaintiff in no way slept on his rights. He filed suit against Inova Health System,

with a right to sue order issued by The U.S. District Court of Maryland in 2015, with jurisdiction

coming by way of Diversity. That Court memorialized facts as follows: There was no dispute to

the facts by Inova. It's lone defense was that a Maryland Court lacked jurisdiction. Plaintiff was

sent for an MRI scan to a facility in Bethesda. His brain was deprived of oxygen and he became

unconsciousness for 60 minutes. When he awoke, the technician didn't inform him. Instead, the

technician acted very suspiciously. When Plaintiff went for a follow-up visit to his physician,
Sonalee Kulkarni, MD at her Inova Fairfax doctor's office; she already knew what was wrong.


The actions starting with that of the MRI technician and continuing with Dr. Kulkarni, along

with the head of the practice Dr. John Cochran, others at Inova, physicians as cardiologists

Plaintiff had seen in Maryland, including many as part of Maryland Medicaid run by Medstar

(Medstar runs one combined program for Maryland and Washington DC); were all called

"malfeasance". Continuous cover-ups of past malfeasance.

127. Police in the Washington DC Area were arriving at Plaintiff's doctors' offices and

obstructing Plaintiff's medical care and his Rights to obtain the facts about his medical status.

Plaintiff was put into Medicaid via fraud by Maryland's Health Agency. He had not opted-in;

and furthermore, he demanded removal from Medicaid. CMS, the federal Medicaid agency,

ignored Plaintiff's complaints. SSA engaged in unlawful conduct that are well beyond the scope

of a denial of benefits federal lawsuit the Plaintiff could file at the U.S. District Court that serves

his residence in Maryland. Much of the unlawful conduct occurred in Washington, DC.

Furthermore; Plaintiff does assert that he remains a resident of Maryland, not by choice, but by

virtue of the criminal conduct, alleged in this Complaint.

128. The U.S. District Court of Maryland did things as denying Plaintiff's request to add

Medstar Health, that State of Maryland and it's officials as defendants. At the same time, that

court went against it's own order; and did the computer crime of adding Medstar as an

intervenor. Then to show how the various parties acted in concert in furtherance of the crimes

being done against Plaintiff. The Maryland Health Secretary was able to assert in a letter to

Senator Cardin that Plaintiff's grievances against Maryland, Medstar and Medicaid were

adjudicated by the federal court, when no such thing was actually permitted.

129. Plaintiff sent a single spaced 7 page letter to SSA in December, 2018, reminding

them of the sex crime venture, the substantial role of SSA employees, and Plaintiff's intent to sue
USA. SSA, responded on April 8, 2019 with an admission that the response was greatly delayed.


The timing shows that SSA and USA had no intention of ever responding. Plaintiff had posted

on Twitter, aimed at Governor Hogan, but inclusive of all the perpetrators. These posts received

much more likes, re tweets, impressions, than prior ones. Obviously, this is when SSA decided

to respond. The response was one of playing dumb. The 2 letters, follow:

To: The Commissioner of Social Security and United States of America:

Dated December 6, 2018 for next day delivery to Office of Public Inquiries 1100 West High Rise
6401 Security Blvd. Baltimore, MD 21235 7 page letter with online references

From Joseph R. Crussiah 220-04-7626 DOB 09/13/1970 240-475-7737

9701 Cottrell Terrace Silver Spring, MD 20903 or

Facts, past history; allow this multi-jurisdictional criminal matter to be placed in multiple
civil Federal Court venues within at least one half the states, several state courts, with elected
officials from several states, and internet and other publicity. Owing to involvement with other
federal agencies, my federal action can name USA as defendant, in place of SSA. In no way, am
I limited to courts in the DC area, where past malfeasance occurred in DC Superior Court and
federal court in MD.

With this matter of life and death and even things worse than death; I request and it's
reasonable, resolution within 3 business days of receipt of this letter. Additionally, that no
further collusion with other parties, on whose behalf, in exchange of things of value, SSA
employees and agents did crimes.

Telling the story is best done by proving SSA and it's agents guilt on violating 18 USC
1591, and I have a civil remedy that includes punitive damages with 18 USC 1595. The old
standby of Color of Law Section 1983 violations, also available. The instant case, when applying
the Sex Trafficking Law is most similar to much publicized Sex Cult case;Mr. Raneire, actress
Allison Mack et al.

Healthcare awash in depraved sex crimes done by groups of men and women, from officials
to the receptionist, and video sharing. In some, massive bodily injuries are caused for
incapacitation and torture. Likely, this is the cause of many mystery conditions; surge in autism,
surge in maternal deaths, polio-like, recent deaths of a FL cheerleader and a female NY police
officer. My case solves the mystery of surge in young; teens, 20's, 30's 40's getting strokes.

My pre-crime health history was of injury by medical malpractice, but not a crime. Doctors'
concealment caused both confusion and inaction by me. I hadn't been to a doctor in a long time.
A case before an ALJ in 2010, it was insufficient. I got an attorney who took care of the appeals.
During that time, found that SSA and the Maryland state agency didn't lift a finger to build my
medical evidence. With close scrutiny to my medical records, which I would have never obtained
had SSA not doing it for me, I found evidence of the brain injury, hidden in records from Johns
Hopkins. A clinical psychologist did cognitive testing and found hand-eye coordination type
issue, visuo-spatial. SSA manuals label this a mental impairment, and grouped with psychiatric
conditions. So although I had no psychiatric condition; manuals demand greater effort from SSA
in building my medical case. My lawyer, Stephen Shea's plan was to do what he does in his other
cases. When the appeals process reaches federal court; to negotiate with SSA for a do-over.

My plan with applying for disability benefits was to get money for the past, and use the
finding to get workplace accommodations. Late 2012, while the appeal was at ODAR, still not at
federal court; I sought medical care from a neurologist, to get documentation for workplace
accommodations, so that I could start working, and collect my past disability benefits, if and
when it came.

Early 2013: The crime, Venture commences and even 6 years later is in progress
See evidence, free on DC Superior Court website, search with my name and see “complaint”.
See YouTube channels: “joe crussiah” and
“police chief tom manger”: phone calls with SSA ODAR DC office: SSA1, SSA2, SSA3,

Google search my name in videos and Scribd. Search videos for “Takoma Adventist hospital”.
Twitter also @doctorsexabuse

I, 42 yr old man was sent for MRI; tech lied that injection failed, inserted into artery as trained
by Dr. Jeff Jacobson, the brain surgeon credited with reducing brain fluid in James Brady.
Jacobson did the rest, caused coma. 2 women did sex acts. Large number of men, incl Tom
Manger watched.

Obsession with long-term dungeon; adding more women for their role, more men for their role,
and anything and everything. I would fall into Medicaid, for my region contracted to Medstar,
care at it's Washington Hospital Center and rehab campus, 2 miles north of U.S. Capitol.
Jacobson's increased water, but miraculously it drained from brain, and something else like
damaged kidneys would cause death; so sickos let me walk out, but certain of timebomb. They
predicted no more than hours.

Horrible injuries were inside my body, but more miracles; the timebomb fizzled, minuscule
increase in noticeable problems over prexisting condition, all stable. No one would be none the
wiser. My doctor, Sonalee Kulkarni of Inova, was compensated for her role in the scheme. She
is the one who sent me for the unneeded MRI, and a contrast test was even more unneeded.
Though doing well in med school and residency, she was a career failure as a neurologist for 20
years. Immediately, she went from the cellar to the top; a high level position at the VCU Med
School, a state institution and federally funded.

Sickos didn't want to give up; got Dr. Kulkarni to give sham diagnosis, gave drugs that; kick-
started timebomb; worsening impairment, disfigurement, suffering. They spent Billions taxpayer
and healthcare dollars; to hide crime from me, block me from ending crime, bribing, leveraging,
blocked everything; doctors, lawyers, jobs, Social Security disability, like post-slavery; unlawful
use of police to block medical care, simultaneously police won't allow me to file report.
Had it been a cover-up; they would have been doing everything to heal the injuries; as to take
much of the evidence of the crime. And I'd be employed and focused on other things. But they
make me sicker and sicker and poorer and poorer; reasonably I'll be after them, and finding more
and more.

Bizarre things to tide sickos over, while in holding pattern. Medstar only serves DC and MD, but
moved it's Medicaid office operations to Wisconsin, recruited for new hires as “mommy jobs”,
so to get all these young White women, indoctrinated more than 30 into this crime; when the
stroke materializes, for them to fly to DC and do sex acts.

Emails using domains as “” about “no shame families”, parents having sex with
their toddlers, misusing legitimate images of parents kissing toddlers. Paired with 10 calls a day
to my mother, where these young women ask my mother if she needs help paying off her student
loan. I'm 47, old enough to be their father. My mother is 72, from India, never attended college.
The sickos deranged script is comical. If, today, these White young women, semi-hookers, get
dolled up and fly in to DC from Wisconsin; I'll have them working the streets within minutes.
But it's team-building, cult-building, gang-building activity. And they are going to fly in after
I'm in similar condition as the man returned from N. Korea, or David Rosenbaum; emails even
taunt sex acts against my dead body.

Paying ex-con, including a $200,000 Mercedes, in my neighborhood to severely injure squirrels,

crush-fetish. FBI website: “it is illegal to depict actual conduct in which one or more living non-
human mammals, birds, reptiles or amphibians is intentionally crushed, burned, drowned,
suffocated, impaled or otherwise subjected to serious bodily injury, and is obscene”. It is felony
animal cruelty for the way he did it, and hunting is not allowed in the residential suburban areas
of Maryland and its unlawful to shoot out of a house and unlawful to shoot across a road. The
neighbors were complaining Police not only did nothing, but put warning tickets on lawfully
parked cars, that obstruct the shootings.

Deliberately causing stokes in several of my neighbors. 2010: Delaware AG Beau Biden

announces he'll not run for U.S. Senate, instead; work to prosecute Dr. Earl Bradley,
pediatrician; raping girls age 3, angrily yelling at his victims, sodomizing to the point of losing
consciousness, making video, many victims from Maryland. Within months Biden suffers a
stroke. 2013: dies of worst form of brain cancer.

Mid-2016: I had a 30 page letter to Senator McCain, no expectation of response. Highlighted

U.S. Judge Theodore Chuang, who was gung-ho on my side, and abruptly flipped. At the time I
noted the strangeness. More recently found he was bribed, many fraudulent entries in electronic
court file. With so many having done wrong, there were multiple approaches, and Senator
McCain's Office started a process of having Senator Cardin's Office take it up with Maryland's
health agency. This gave the sickos many problems, including resignation of the secretary of
that agency that same year.
2017: Senator McCain has the same terminal cancer as Beau Biden

Non-exhaustive list of the problems that have come about and all getting worse are:Great injury
to the heart, deadly arrhythmias with astronomical values appearing on treadmill test, the brain
swollen and pushing skull outward [had skull not expanded, I wouldn’t be around], teeth getting
crushed, cannot do anything about toothache and loss of at least 8 teeth because local anesthetic
enters brain via the damaged barriers, blurred vision when tilting head downward, cannot drive
at night, numbness in fingers, pain in hands, sensation of electric shock going from hands to
elbow, regularly loosing footing and twisting ankles when not fully focused on the act of
walking, sweating with exertion and at the same time much of the body is cold, pressure from the
brain pressing down on the spine and producing great damage to the upper spine, 50 pounds of
fluid accumulating in the upper torso, greatly dehydrated and have to wake up at night frequently
to drink water, very thirsty and sick at night, an unusual hair loss in the first year limited to the
left half of the head which later resolved, recently rapid occurring male pattern baldness, having
to sleep throughout the day total of 18 hours. Appear 20 years older than age and sickly looking
and short of breath; disfigurement. List compiled in 2016. Prior to 2016; if I were resting, I had
no discomfort. Today, there is discomfort, suffering, all the time. Dehydration is very severe,
and occurs all day. Everywhere there are mucus membranes, dry and painful. It comes from
injury to the pituitary gland. Even without treating the underlying brain injury, there are meds,
that control hormones, which can give relief from many of these problems.

The sickos, own, emails tell the whole story, a sampling:

“Word of the day” Immure: to make walls around or put in a dungeon, Encephalon: this is the
brain, Hydra: water. Pulverulent: crumbling to dust, same as crush. Shivoo: boisterous party
or celebration, Hedonism, Zugzwang: being trapped and any move comes only with loss, not
even an English word. Plutocracy, Laicism: secular control of political and social institutions,
Tittivism, Venial.

Emails sending “Bible verse of the day”, “Joseph, God's wisdom for you” portion of a Bible
verse “Likewise, ye younger, submit yourself unto the elder”. “Let ye without sin, cast the first
stone”, But then many emails for dentures, hair loss, senior dating, funeral insurance,
bathtubs for frail people. No contradiction; on one end is more normal sexual attraction, then
with crush fetish, it’s also about crushing and destroying, bringing about the other end. Some of
the disfigurement is in the form of lost teeth, hair loss, and appearance of more advanced age., giant women, and they’re White.; a skin color
sexual inneundo.,,, foot references., “” and
“”. “” and “” were
bought few days prior to bribing Judge Mott.

“3 ways you can get screwed buying a retail mattress”, the “you can get screwed” part is
highlighted in red. “are your loved ones protected if you suddenly pass away”, “Joseph if you
died tomorrow”. Links to funeral expense insurance plans, but no plan would want their product
marketed with this crass language, just like a business selling a mattress would not use words
such as “screwed”. Email shows a large decorated egg, with the title “Will you be the next
winner? Crack the Egg, Amazon, Reward inside, crack”. The egg is my brain. “joke of the
day”. The title of the joke is “Dead again”. This means that I was dead on February 15, 2013,
and I will be dead again. One cannot die twice, so what it means is that I was near-dead once,
and that I will be near-dead again. All the facts keep supporting the conclusion that the acts of
February 15, 2013, were a downpayment, for long-lived, serial acts, and adding new offenders;
as the wording “next winner, suggests”. Mavourneen: dear, darling. “mavourneen, when you
come back to me, you will not be alive”.

There is an image that comes from Shutterstock, titled “confident young woman painting a
room”, a perfectly innocent image. But these sickos use it because she has one hand on her
crotch and the other holding up a paintbrush. The crush-fetish videos with small animals have a
woman with one hand masturbating and the other sometimes used to inflict sadistic injuries to
the animal. It comes from the “boytoyer” domain address, the product advertised is a credit card
with an address in Beaverton, OR.

The emails also show that these offenders have gathered personal info about my family in an
unlawful manner. One of my sisters went to the Galapagos Islands a few months ago, and these
offenders send emails for vacations to Galapagos, a very uncommon vacation destination.
Then what is greatly dangerous and threatening is that my niece had a 7th grade class trip to Costa
Rica in April. These offenders now send emails for Costa Rica vacations. These dangers extend
to the other children at the school, as well.

The Las Vegas Shooting, sexually-caused, and directed at White couples, and the sickos in my
case, connected themselves to Las Vegas. Couple of days following the shooting, these sickos
sent an email advertising Las Vegas, and as with the other emails they themselves created this
one. “Time to let you hair down! Break the daily rut and take a trip with your better half”. And
there's an image of a White couple, 30's. In no way would anyone connected to Las Vegas be
running this type of ad.

Riddle me this? I am useless when together but useful when I am broken apart. What am I? An
egg. What they mean is that I'm useless to them, when healthy; but when my brain is broken;
then I am useful to them. Another one “32 white horses on a red hill. First chomping, then
stomping, then standing still”. This is a large number of White women, close to 32, doing the
crush-fetish. They have a new domain name that starts with “vr6k”. This is like reading vanity
plates v r sixk.

Emails are from some fake company named “Otter Travel”. At the bottom of these messages, it
says “Sea otters hold each others hands as they sleep to keep from drifting away from each
other”. This means that they are all going to stick together for their common design crime. And
they admit their conspiracy. That each one fully shares in the conduct of all. I served the civil
case papers using certified mail; a method the court says has worked well. Some very strange
things occurred with the delivery process, and with the return of the confirmation. They bribed
postal employees. Some fake thing called “Factbee” is sent in an email. The fact they teach is
“The Postmaster General of the United States is the second highest paid government official after
the President”.

One type of phishing is to copy images of others. Many emails from companies that help with
timeshares, but sent by these sickos. In thinly veiled form; it means that I'm the timeshare.
Another riddle which sounds just like a taunt and proper assessment of the situation, and it's
being sent by doctors, so it's also a medical assessment: Police find a woman find a woman
hanging, but find nothing to show what she stood on. There was a puddle of water on the ground.
She stood on a block of ice, and died a slow excruciating death.

The Seventhday Adventist Church, a major player in the perverted, sadistic crime. I emailed the
senior pastor, Charles Tapp at Sligo Adventist Church,asked for a recommendation for an ethical
cardiologist. He had already prepared for this request; months earlier. He preached an entire
sermon, giving the message that cardiovascular conditions come from anxiety and that anxiety
comes from not having faith in God. When I criticized his actions and put it on YouTube; the
church got rid of videos, and switched to a greatly edited podcast; with “ulcers” replacing
“cardiovascular”. But this was indeed, incredibly malicious, having secret facts about that crime,
which in no way a non-physician could have guessed and then to direct me to not pursue medical

“Sermon notes” bulletin showed key points. “cardiovascular” and not “ulcers” is noted. There
is also an anti-Quixotic quote about “not taking on the Alps”. So this is how they saw
themselves; as an impenetrable mighty mountain. There was also the veiled threat by saying that
my condition would get worse, by going up “against the Alps”. This is precisely that which
occurred, not some psych issue, taking on The Alps; but the outcome of exacerbating brain
injuries that control hormones and the heart.

He should have used the tried and true “windmill” and not a “mountain”, after all; the Christian
belief is that God can move “mountains”. But the mountain quote has a very disgusting purpose.
What was going on is that the offenders who did the crime, needed their crush-fetish theme to be
stoked along. This would later be done in those spam emails. The emails, started in December,
2015, would have its themes match ,those of this sermon, delivered in August, 2014 and written
at the beginning of 2014.

The ending of the Alps quote is that men will perish at its foothills. A frequent component of the
crush fetish is that of being crushed by feet, and here “foothills” appears. In some variants of the
crush fetish, as in that psychology article states is for men wanting to be crushed by giant
women. So the Alps could also be the White women. This pastor normally, is all business, no
jokes, no foolishness. Another thing he said is that while gardening one day, and on his knees
and in the mud, the neighbor’s huge dog got loose and when he looked up, was menacing him.
Again the crush theme appears. Then he says that this was no little dog. He makes a
whimpering little dog impersonation, saying that’s not what was menacing him, but a huge dog.
And oddly, he doesn’t do an impersonation of the huge dog. So what you have left is the
whimpering little dog that is killed sometimes in the crush fantasy. He then says that he prayed
and that being on the ground was the best place to be; although there’s nothing in the Christian
belief system, proscribing the physical posture for prayer.

The other person on the platform is Allan Manuel, who at the time was a science adviser to
President Obama. The bizarre thing that he does is that he announces that there is a spider on the
ground. He conveniently has a huge white bib-like cloth napkin, proceeds to use it to grab non-
existent spider, crush it and then fold and put the whole thing in his pocket. Somehow I knew
that the pastor was up to no good, so I didn’t go to that church, but viewed it later, online.
Likely, there was no spider. The FBI website, lists the kinds of animals upon which it is
unlawful to commit the crush fetish. Then when describing the crush fetish, insects are listed,
though not unlawful. At the time, there was no way that I could have been clued into any of this.
It would only be meaningful to the the perverts who wanted to be “tided over”. That huge white
cloth, as with the Alps would symbolize the White women.

Even cutting trees; part of this bizarre sex crime. Montgomery County had already cut down all
the trees near the street on my block, in the last 2 years claiming disease, but those trees were
healthy, a neighbor who is politically active and trees are one of her causes, could not get
anywhere with the officials, who at other times, she’s had substantial contact with. The County
agreed to leave one tree, and I never figured out that they were cutting the trees to take away
shade for my house. They monitored the progression of my injuries, knowing I feel very hot by
several mechanisms. In one, with the pituitary problems, the skin would burn if it were white.
My skin gets a heavy tan, and keeps that problem at bay; but now it's gone beyond to burning the

The county came to cut this tree, and the neighbor came out to protest, but this time Manger's
police came to shoo her away and cut the tree. The video is on YouTube. I didn’t connect it to
this matter until later. Sure enough that one tree had been giving a great deal of shade to my

The faux spam emails picked up on this theme. In one that was sent 100 times, the heading is
“your house is already too hot”, and reading further it says “why turn on the stove”, and gives
a link for recipes using a crock pot. In another, “you’re really dehydrated”, and then a link for
bottled water. A daily email for a suntan product. The domain
address, they bought it years ago, but only began using at this time.

Block everything; but give me one thing, unlawfully; Medicaid

Early 2014, I was still paying for my own medical care and I was getting some answers from
some doctors. To stop this, these offenders bribed some Maryland employee and got me enrolled
into the new Obamacare Medicaid for which I would qualify based on income alone. This is an
opt-in system, and thus unlawful without my permission. Then after getting Hogan placed as
governor; year after year; they do this; ignoring even my written requests to remove me from
Medicaid. By putting me into Medicaid; doctors refuse to give me private care. The Pro-
Medicaid states like Maryland and DC punish doctors for accepting payment from Medicaid

They work feverishly to block Social Security disability, because it comes with Medicare, which
gives choice and I can see a doctor out of the region. But my Medicaid is run by Maryland govt.
So the sickos have complete control of my medical care. My medical condition qualifies as an
emergency for the federal law EMTALA. This means I can get treated by going to the ER,
without payment or insurance, but they have computers that will show I have Medicaid; so
there's no escape!

SSA plays critical role in crime

Prior to the offenders bribing Judge Chuang in 2015, he made a finding that the scheme includes
depriving me of medical care and depriving me of money. Had SSA not participated in the
crime, the very common thing of disability benefits, millions getting it; would have ended this

Following my miraculous survival, in March, 2013, I saw Dr. Kulkarni. Temporal proximity is
very strong. April, 2013, the sickos bribed my attorney, Mr. Shea. At that time the appeal had
been at federal court. Shea filed a motion to dismiss the case. And only contacted me after the
motion was granted. His misleading letter to fool me into thinking that it was all the work of the
court. I got the case reinstated, and acting pro se. And malfeasance occurred here; denial became

2014: I filed a new disability claim. SSA local office fraudulently changed the claim to SSI,
2016: state agency had a medical exam by Dr. Jerry Friedman, a neurologist. I sat in the exam
room, he took a blood pressure reading; and that was it.

2017: Everything should have been settled at the Hearing Office in DC. Recording on YouTube.
I called the office, and though the phone system labels the extension as “receptionist”; this
federal employee is equal to the clerks' office in a court. She didn't give her name, lied that
subpoena requests for documents and witnesses, were not received, though confirmed by USPS.
After depriving me of Due Process Rights, insists that I just appear at the hearing with subpoena
requests. Are my documents and witnesses going to appear in Star Trek fashion? Transferred call
to Judge Emerson's law clerk. I only got her first name, Natalie, because it's heard on her
voicemail. I made several calls asking about the documents I submitted; a few pages of the
subpoena requests along with more than 100 pages: explaining facts in advance owing to time
constraints at hearing and greatly diminished ability of speak during the hearing from severe
dehydration from the brain injury that includes the pituitary gland. I asked for a Continuance;
and that sex offender, liar who first got my call, is fully authorized to give a continuance, so
transferring my call was just criminal omission of duty. And she also pretends to be confused
about what is a “confirmation letter' though she's the one who sent it to me.

Natalie finally called me and left a vm. She lied she couldn't understand what I said on all my
vms to her, also lied that her phone wasn't working. SSA Deprived me of All my Due Process

Then to show how SSA employees act in concert with the other sickos. A doctor's office called
me to say that Dr. Jeffrey Dormu, who I had seen in 2014, will give me medical care. But the
scheme was: to find out the status of my injuries because the sickos at ODAR, including ALJ
Emerson had shared with the other sickos; my 100 pg letter, that SSA lies that it never received,
and shared my voicemails. In Dormu's waiting room, the doctor under the pretext of talking to
another patient, came out and observed me. Then a staff member told me that, the whole
appointment was an error; I will not get care because Dormu had terminated the relationship with
a letter years ago, but was unable to produce it.

2018 Your SSA employees who I had lawfully recorded, with the other sickos filed a joint
complaint with YouTube, your employees say I violated their privacy, and got the main
recording removed from the “Joe Crussiah” channel.

The letter 100+ page letter I sent to ODAR, supported my request and theory and SSA owes
Disability, not SSI benefits, dating back 12 months prior to filing the pre-crime claim in 2008.
This and removing my bodily injuries promptly through Medicare is what SSA owes.

April 8, 2019
Mr. Crussiah
This letter is in further response to your December 6, 2018 inquiry to Acting Commissioner
Berryhill. We regret the delay in responsing.
We would like to be as responsive as possible; however, the issue you raised in unclear. If what
you want is not an estimate of benefits, earnings information, or information from your file, you
will need to give us additional information. You must identify the systems you would like us to
search. (People requesting information from our records, must identify which systems we are
being asked to search and must on our request verify their identity) You may obtain a list of our
systems of records by calling our National 800 Number. In addition, they can answer questions
you may have.

Incidentally, when a claimant or representative requests a copy of the claims folder, they must
pay the full cost of supplying information where the information requested is for a purpose not
directly related to the administration of any program under the Social Security Act, the full cost
in all cases including when the request is for information about the individual himself or herself.

130. Plaintiff's case at DC Superior Court in 2018, where he was maliciously deprived of

his right to file a notice of appeal, on a case that was dismissed exclusively on statute of grounds

of statute of limitations; while Plaintiff had a 13 page emergency motion that clearly contradicted

that conclusion (Exhibit 2).

131. Plaintiff's case, filed in December, 2014 at federal court in Maryland had surviving

claims against the Virginia healthcare monopoly, Inova Health System, for tortious interference.

Inova did not even deny that it interfered with Plaintiff's subsequent medical care. Inova had

sought to handle the matter under Virginia law, because a $300,000 cap on punitive damages, as

opposed to no limits in Maryland.

132. Plaintiff's interaction with the veterinarian Dr. Jeffrey LaHuis, who practices in a

remote a town as possible, Sault Saint Marie, Michigan; demonstrates the total corruption and

participation in The Ring, and with the scheme to cause Plaintiff's injuries to worsen, such that

the sickos can complete out their depraved plans. Page 35 of Exhibit 1, is the email Dr. LaHuis

sent to Plaintiff on July 10, 2014. Then, on July 16, 2014, a mere 4 business days later; LARA,

the Michigan agency that regulates, both, physicians and veterinarians has a complaint and

investigation against him. Consequent to this intimidation and harassment; Dr. LaHuis no longer

responded to Plaintiff. The State of Michigan never took any action in several headline making

cases. Dr. Larry Nassar, belatedly had in medical license revoked after he was no longer free. A
Dr. Farid Fata, who for money gave false cancer diagnoses and sickened and killed patients with


chemotherapy wasn't disciplined when a nurse provided complaints. Dr. LaHuis was disciplined

for not crossing all the T's and dotting all the I's when he on the medical records, when he

renewed prescriptions for a dog with epilepsy.


133. Plaintiff has shown with an abundance of evidence that Defendant USA, along with

local and state governments and special interests operated as a Plutocracy; with the objective of a

myriad of depraved sex crimes superseding lawful conduct. Plaintiff is a victim of Defendant

USA's depravity. USA in violation of multiple laws, including 18USC 1591 and 1595.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dated August 24, 2020
Joseph R. Crussiah
Pro Se Plaintiff
9701 Cottrell Terrace
Silver Spring, MD 20903

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