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The hidden cost of

“low cost” calibrations

Application Note

The decision to purchase a calibration service is often

based on price alone. This price-only approach to
purchasing can be a Trojan horse, hiding unexpected
costs and a multitude of problems. This overview pres-
ents information to help you evaluate your calibration
service providers’ calibration offerings and why the lowest
cost calibration may not offer the best value.

Manufacturers’ In a perfect world, all elec-

recommended calibration tronic components would retain
procedures their original value. However,
aging components, such as
Quality manufacturers of elec- capacitors, analog integrated
tronic test equipment publish circuits and resistors all have
calibration procedures for their the capacity to change with
instruments. These procedures age, heat and contamination.
specify uncertainty levels for Humidity on PC boards inside
calibration sourcing equipment, the instrument can cause
as well as pre-calibration steps subtle-to-significant circuit
to ensure proper calibration. malfunctions throughout an
Most importantly, the proce- instrument’s analog operat-
dures specify the calibration ing range, which is why all
points selected by the instru- manufacturers specify a humid-
ment design engineers. These ity operating range. Humidity
carefully selected points are can carry with it contaminates
required to verify the operation that can remain on the PC
of the instrument throughout its board long after the humid
The decision to purchase a calibration service is often based on
price alone. This price-only approach to purchasing can be a Trojan
entire operating range. condition recedes. Often, these horse, hiding unexpected costs and a multitude of problems.
contaminates can create errant
How do operating signals that may appear as a
points shift within an non-linearity or slight oscilla- time they spend calibrating an
instrument? tions somewhere within the instrument, the less they need
The job of most measuring instrument’s signal measuring to charge and the more compet-
equipment is to transform some or sourcing range. itive they appear to be, at least
physical parameter such as volt- to the casual observer.
age, resistance, or temperature What is included (and One cost saving method
into a number that corresponds not included) in a low used in a “low cost” calibra-
to the value being measured, cost calibration? tion is to calibrate using “face
with a high degree of accuracy. Like many businesses, cali- specs,” or specifications found
In order to achieve this feat, bration houses operate and on an instrument’s data sheet
electronic instruments have a compete on margin. Investment or label. Data sheets usually
multitude of interdependent in high quality calibrators offer only high and low values,
circuits that perform various and quality personnel are not enough to enable consumers
functions, designed to reach an often high on the list of a “low to evaluate an instrument’s
accurate representation of that cost” calibration lab. The less range and performance while
parameter. making a purchasing deci-

From the Fluke Digital Library @

sion. The calibration proce- If this example Fluke 744 had which is a common method of
dures in the service manual a problem caused by some providing all measured data
for this same instrument are of the component value shift taken during the calibration. If
much more comprehensive issues mentioned earlier, the that information is not available,
and include the entire scope of chances are high that the non- you may want to reconsider the
calibration points selected by linearity would not have been value they are providing for the
the design engineers. While caught during calibration, but price and decide if the poten-
there is currently, no regula- you would still have received tial hidden costs are worth it to
tion preventing the issuance of a certificate of calibration from your company.
a calibration certificate using your provider and placed your
“face specs,” metrology profes- calibrator back into service at
sionals recognized that doing your company.
so breaches the trust of what
customers expect to receive in a The real costs
certificate of calibration. Because the Fluke 744 in this
Low cost calibration facili- example is itself a calibrator,
ties may also reduce calibration these errors will perpetuate
time and increase margins by throughout your facility and
“short cutting” manufacturers’ may well affect the quality of
procedures. The most tempting your product with resulting
procedure to bypass is warm- costs that could range from
up time. Some manufacturers’ unfortunate to astronomical.
procedures call for warm-up The effects may lead to poor
times of one hour or more market image, full product recall Fluke’s network of calibration and repair facilities spans the globe.
before performing calibration. or even litigation—all stemming
Reducing this wait time to 10 from a poorly calibrated instru-
minutes saves time but as you ment. Yet you received a “cali-
might guess, the calibration bration sticker” on your Fluke
What do you get with a
integrity suffers. 744 from a “qualified lab.” Were Fluke calibration?
To show an example of they doing something illegal Fluke Corporation operates
the potential shortfalls for the or wrong? No, they were just calibration and repair labo-
customer in a “low cost” calibra- giving you what you paid for, a ratories worldwide, spanning
tion, let us look at a calibration “low cost” calibration. multiple industries and brands.
of a Fluke 744 Documenting As the person responsible for Each Fluke Service Center is
Process Calibrator. The Fluke your company’s measurement equipped with the necessary
744 calibrator is a field docu- quality, you need to know your instruments, standards, proce-
menting process calibrator with calibration provider’s philosophy dures and qualified calibration
multiple parameters and ranges on minimum point calibrations. professionals to maintain Fluke
for both sourcing and measur- products at their peak perfor-
ing. A complete factory-recom- How do you know if you mance. All Fluke laboratories as
mended calibration requires are getting a quality well as our CalNet® network of
150 separate measurements to calibration? authorized labs in Europe are
verify proper operation of this
field calibrator. If an adjustment Talk to your calibration supplier. accredited in their respective
Ask if they measure all manu- countries and adhere to interna-
is needed during the calibra- tional 17025 standards. These
tion, the 150 points must be facturers’ recommended cali-
bration points and follow facilities are staffed by technical
rechecked before the calibration experts who know Fluke equip-
can be concluded and a certifi- manufacturer’s recommended
calibration procedures. Ask to ment inside and out and follow
cate issued.
A “low cost” calibration may see a copy of the manufacturer’s the proper procedures when
calibration instructions for calibrating your equipment.
simply skip the factory recom-
mended calibration procedure, the instrument you intend to
certifying this instrument as have calibrated. Ask if they
calibrated with as little as 10 have their own in-house qual-
“improvised” calibration points. ity assurance program. If you
want or need to have written
backup for the calibration, ask
for a “calibration with data,”

 Fluke Corporation The hidden cost of “low cost” calibrations

Broad range of services
Fluke offers a broad range of calibration and repair
services, including:
• ISO 9001:2000 facility with factory trained personnel
• Calibration services for older instruments or those not
covered under flat rate
• World class measurement uncertainties
• Calibration documentation
• 17025 accredited calibration
• Traceability to national standards
• Onsite calibration programs
• T.E.A.M. programs (Test Equipment Asset Management)
• Priority support plans for calibration and repair
• Instrument upgrade services
Visit Fluke online at to learn more
about services in your area. Or contact your local Fluke
representative for details.
For more information on our CalNet® partner network of Fluke European
Calibration Network
service labs in Europe visit

Fluke. Keeping your world

up and running.®

Fluke Corporation
PO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206
Fluke Europe B.V.
PO Box 1186, 5602 BD
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
For more information call:
In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or
Fax (425) 446-5116
In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or
Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222
In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or
Fax (905) 890-6866
From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or
Fax +1 (425) 446-5116
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©2007 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Printed in U.S.A. 3/2007 2827884 A-EN-N Rev A
Pub_ID: 11220-eng Rev 01
 Fluke Corporation The hidden cost of “low cost” calibrations

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