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Ryder Anderson 11/6/2020

Personal Achievement

During the spring and summer I was working full time with my dad and one of my
friends Aiden. My Dad owns a construction company called Leading Edge Concrete
which is a concrete and framing company which means I build the scaffolding that
supports the concrete pour and I also build the framing around the building and put all
the walls up for the building. This was my first real job with my first big paycheck and I
had the biggest poop eating grin on my face when I was handed my first paycheck
because it was my first large paycheck. It's also really cool being able to work with my
friend and my dad and his crew because the work environment was very casual and
made it less stressful therefore easier to work. This job has helped me develop more
skills such as being better with my mental math and the skill to efficiently use different
power tools. I was also taught by my uncle how to build stairs which is a very important
skill as not a lot of guys in construction especially concrete and framing don't know how
to build stairs making me a more valuable member on the crew. This experience has
made me realize how hard my father works to put food on the table and has made me
more grateful for the things I have and the opportunities that I currently have. It has
made me grow as I now know that the only way to make good money is to work your
butt off and earn it, making me respect the value of the dollar. This is also a very
profitable business as construction has been here forever and is going to be here
forever meaning even after i'm gone my family business will still have more work to do
which makes me very happy because it would really suck if my dads company went
under because the company ran out of work which won’t happen because construction
will always be going on in all parts of the world. My day would start at 6 in the morning
when I would wake up, get dressed and make some breakfast, brush my teeth and grab
my tool belt and put it in the back of the truck. I would then sit in my dad's truck and wait
for him to hop in and to start to drive to work and on a slow day I would show up by my
tool belt and hard hat onto site and put my tool belt in the Sea Can. The Sea Can is a
big shipping crate where all the onsite hand tools are kept and so is the broom so I'd
grab the broom and just quickly sweep up the site before the rest of the crew would
show up. Then my dad would tell me what I'm doing for the day at the start then I’m
expected to go do whatever job I was given until it was finished then I could come ask
for a new task to start and finish. At the end of the day we grab all the extension cords
that we rolled out at the start of the day and put them back in the Sea Can then a couple
of us will grab some brooms and sweep up the site before we leave. As we leave we
walk around the site and make sure everything is locked up tight and lock the blue fence

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