Equipment Maintenance Scheduler (EMS)

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Equipment Maintenance Scheduler (EMS)

The Equipment Maintenance Scheduler (EMS) is a stand-alone Windows based program for the VLF and LF
engines. Its primary function is to notify Agfa customers to perform pre-defined maintenance tasks, via
message posting on a PC attached to the print engine. EMS can be customized, at the time of installation, to
include maintenance schedules for items such as PlateMangers, processors, or any optional equipment.

™ Note: Read the entire procedure before you begin the installation.

System Requirements
„ Windows 2000 or greater
„ Microsoft Windows Installer version 3.0 or greater (supplied on CD)
„ .Net Frameworks version 2.0 or greater (supplied on CD)


™ Microsoft Windows Installer version 3.0 and .Net Frameworks version 2.0 must be installed before
installing the EMS program. While installing these programs, there is no need to complete the update if
you get an error stating that a newer version is already installed.

™ The installation programs prompt you through the installation processes. When prompted it is
recommended to use all defaults and follow the instructions on the screen.

The following is the list of install actions that must be completed (in the order represented):
„ Microsoft Windows Installer 3.0 Installation
„ .Net Frameworks 2.0 Installation
„ EMS Program Installation
„ Agfa EMS Service
„ Configuration Form
„ EMS Customer Version Install
„ Scheduled Task

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Microsoft Windows Installer 3.0 Installation
1. Install the EMS CD.
2. Install Microsoft Windows Installer 3.0 by navigating to:
Express\CD_ROM\DiskImages\DISK1\3rd Party\MS Windows Installer 3.0.
3. Double-click WindowsInstaller-KB884016-v2-x86.exe and follow the instructions on the screen.

™ Note: There is no need to complete the update if you get an error stating that a newer version is already

.Net Frameworks 2.0 Installation

™ Note: Two files (dotnetfx.exe and NETCFSetupv2.msi) must be installed for .Net Frameworks 2.0 to
become functional.

1. Install the EMS CD.

2. Install Microsoft .Net Frameworks 2.0 by navigating to:
Express\CD_ROM\DiskImages\DISK1\3rd Party\MS .Net Frameworks 2.0.
3. Double-click the dotnetfx.exe file to install .Net Frameworks 2.0 and follow the instructions on the
4. Double-click the NETCFSetupv2.msi to install .Net Frameworks 2.0 Service Pack 2 and follow the
instructions on the screen.

EMS Program Installation

1. Install the EMS CD.
2. Navigate to the following path:
3. Double-click on the setup.exe file. The Welcome to InstallShield Wizard window appears. Click on the
Next button to continue with the installation.
4. Fill in the User Name and Organization fields and then click Next.
5. The select the destination folder (default is recommended).
6. Select Typical installation and then click the Next button.
7. Click the Install button, to begin the installation or select the Back button to make any changes.
8. When the installation is complete, click the Finish button.

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Setting up EMS
The installed EMS program actually contains two programs.
„ The first program, Agfa EMS Service, is for Field Service use only and needs to be installed to enable the
EMS program and selection of default or customized settings.
„ The second program is the EMS Customer Version that is run as a Scheduled Task. Unless a maintenance
alert is issued, this program does not require any customer interface and runs as a Windows scheduled
task in minimized mode.

Agfa EMS Service

The EMS program contains Agfa recommended default values/settings, imported from an xml file saved on
the CD. However, these are the average recommendations. Some systems may require more frequent
maintenance while others may require less. This all depends on engine use and its environment.

Service personnel should meet with the customer and get their input on their maintenance habits. Additional
maintenance procedures may need to be added while others may be disabled.

During this interview, other non-engine maintenance requirements should be discussed. As an example: The
customer may have a PlateManager and may want to be alerted each 30 days to clean the main air filter. This
can be added to the maintenance list as “Clean the PlateManager’s main air filter”.
1. Navigate to the EMS program (Field Service version), via Windows Start -> Programs ->Agfa EMS
Service a brief message displays (“Launching application. This may take a few minutes …..”)
2. A security warning box displays. Select Install.
3. The EMS (Field Service version) program launches.
4. Select the engine type (for these instruction notes VLF is used).

Engine Select Form

5. The configuration form displays. Customize the form by changing default values or adding new
maintenance schedules.

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Configuration Form
On initial load, the Configuration Form contains default values/settings, imported from an xml file, located
in the Program Files\Agfa\EMS Data directory. The specific file imported, depends on the engine type
selected (VLF or LF).
Configurable settings on this form include:
„ Enabled/disable maintenance task(s)
„ Select default or custom time interval(s)
„ Select default or custom plate count interval(s)
„ Reset all settings to their default state.
„ Clear all plate count values.
„ Add a new maintenance task.

C. Plate Count Interval E. Last Acknowledged

A. Enable Checkbox B. Time Interval D. Next Reminder Date

I. Restore All H. Next Page/ G. Exit

K. Enable/ Default Settings Previous Page F. Add New Item
Disable All J. Clear All Plate
Count Settings
VLF Configuration Form

The control settings on the Configuration Form are described as follows:

A. Enable Checkbox: Each maintenance task item can be selectively enabled or disabled.

™ Note: Adding a New Item may not preserve checkboxes that are enabled. Before clicking Exit always
ensure the checkboxes you selected are enabled.

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B. Time Interval: Used to set the time interval (in days) between maintenance alerts. If the default radio
button is selected, the adjacent text box is populated with the default time interval for that particular
maintenance task. When the custom radio button is selected, enter a time interval (in days). The allowable
range for this field is 1-999.

™ Note: If the custom radio button is selected, but no data is entered, the time interval reverts to the default

C. Plate Count Interval: Used to set the interval (plates imaged) between maintenance alerts. If the default
radio button is selected, the adjacent text box is populated with the default plate count for that particular
maintenance task. When the custom radio button is selected, enter a plate count. The allowable range for this
field is 1-99999.

™ Note: If the custom radio button is selected, but no data is entered, the plate count interval reverts to the
default value.

D. Next Reminder Date: This read-only field contains the timestamp for the next alert. This field is only
populated if the task is enabled. This field is automatically updated, on changes to the time interval field.
E. Last Acknowledged: This read-only field contains the last timestamp saved, when the user acknowledged
the task’s maintenance alert.
F. Add New Item: This selection allows additional maintenance tasks to be entered into the EMS database.
Example: PlateManager air filter cleaning.
G. Exit: When selected, posts the EMS Program Exit form.
H. Next Page / Previous Page: Enables you to navigate through the list of maintenance tasks.
I. Clear All Plate Count Settings: Clears (set to zero) all values from the plate count text boxes, for all enabled
tasks. Setting a Plate Count field to zero disables the plate count alert notifications for a maintenance task.
J. Restore All Default Settings: Sets all Time Interval and Plate Count settings back to their default values.

™ Note: if the custom radio button is re-selected, the field values for time interval and plate count revert to
their previous custom values.

K. Enable/Disable All: When this box is checked, it enables all tasks on the current form. The EMS program
only performs a maintenance alert check on enabled tasks.

™ Note: Adding a New Item may not preserve checkboxes that are enabled. Before clicking Exit always
ensure the checkboxes you selected are enabled.

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Add New Task Form
Clicking Add New Item on the Main Configuration Form opens the Add New Task Form. This form allows the
Service Engineer to add new maintenance tasks to the EMS database.

™ Note: The Task Description and Default Time Interval fields are required.

A. Task Description
B. Time Interval
C. Plate Count

D. Add E. Clear All F. Close

Add New Task Form

A. Task Description: This description is entered into the EMS database and appears as a maintenance alert.
B. Time Interval (in days): This Interval is entered into the EMS database and sets the time interval (in days)
between maintenance alerts.
C. Default Plate Count (optional): This sets the interval (plates imaged) between maintenance alerts. The
allowable range for this field is 1-99999. The plate count field is set to zero, if no value is entered for this
field. This field is optional.
D. Add: Clicking this button adds the new task to the database, closes the Add New Task form, and opens the
last page of the Configuration Form.
E. Clear All: Clears all text from the three fields.
F. Close: Closes the Add New Task form, without editing the EMS database (no new task displays during an

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Program Exit Form
When the Exit button is clicked on the Configuration form, the Program Exit Form is displayed. The EMS can
be set to enabled or disabled.

A. Enable EMS
B. Disable EMS

C. Return to the D. Cancel E. Exit

Engine Select Form
Program Exit Form

A. Enable EMS: The EMS program runs and maintenance alerts are displayed.
B. Disable EMS: The EMS program still runs, but no maintenance alerts are displayed.
C. Return to the Engine Select Form: Returns to the Engine Select Form, when the Exit button is clicked.
D. Cancel: Closes the Program Exit Form.
E. Exit: Closes the Program Exit Form and either enables or disables EMS.

EMS Customer Version

1. Navigate to Windows Start -> Programs ->Agfa EMS Customer.
2. A security warning alert box displays. Select Install at the security alert prompt.
3. Once the install is complete, the EMS program runs. If no alerts are issued, the program launches, then
4. Verify the EMS program ran successfully.
„ Open a browser session and navigate to the directory where the program is installed (the default is:
C:\Program Files\AGFA\EMS\Data.
„ Open the EMSLog.xml file. This file contains all program settings and alert notification information
that were set up in the Agfa EMS Service.

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Scheduled Task
™ Note: Additional information about Scheduled Tasks can be found by pressing F1 after selection the
Scheduled Tasks icon (step 1).

1. Open the Windows Control Panel (Start -> Settings -> Control Panel) and select the Scheduled Tasks
2. Select Add Scheduled Task. A new window appears, click the Next button.
3. Select Browse
Navigate to the directory where the Customer EMS program is located (the default is:
C:\Program Files\Agfa\EMS\Customer\setup.exe

Browse to (default) C:\Program Files\Agfa\EMS\Customer\setup.exe

4. Select setup.exe
5. Type in a name for the task (the default is setup). Schedule this task to run on a daily basis, click Next,
and select a designated run time.

Type a name and click Daily Select a run time

™ Note: You need Admin rights for the next step.

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6. Enter the username and password. Click Next and then Finish.

7. EMS now checks the maintenance schedule each day at the defined time and alerts the user to any
maintenance procedures that need to be performed.

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Using EMS

Alert Notification Form

When a maintenance alert is issued, the user must enter their Username/ID a minimum of four (4) characters
is required for this field.
The user then has the option of acknowledging the alert(s) or requesting to be reminded the next time the
EMS program is run.
„ Clicking OK, acknowledges that the alert has been addressed and it is assumed that the maintenance task
has been completed. If multiple alerts are issued, the user can scroll down the alert window, to view each
alert issued. Clicking OK for multiple alerts assumes all maintenance tasks in the window have been
completed. This data (task description, time, and user ID) is logged into the EMSLog.xml file.
„ When the Remind me later radio button is selected and OK is clicked, the EMS generates an alert for this
same maintenance task(s), the next time the program is run. Alerts continue to be generated for this
maintenance task(s), until the user acknowledges the maintenance alert(s), without selecting Remind Me
Later. If multiple alerts are issued, the user can scroll down the alert window, to view each alert issued.
The Remind Me Later option pertains to all alerts issued (i.e. the user cannot selectively choose Remind Me
Later, if multiple alerts are issued). This Remind Me Later data (task description, time, and user ID) is
logged into the EMSLog.xml file.

Maintenance Remind Me
Required later icon and
radio button

Enter user ID.

Minimum of 4
Alert Notification Form characters

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Default Settings (VLFDefaults.xml and LFDefaults.xml)
There are two default files (VLFDefaults.xml and LFDefaults.xml) that contain the maintenance tasks, default
time and plate count intervals data. These files are located in the Data directory. If a new task is appended to
this file, it is added to the EMS database. These files are also appended, when a new task is added via the Add
New Task form. A backup copy of these two files is created (.bak file extension), whenever the Service
version is run. If a reinstall of the EMS program is required, the .bak files should replace the two xml files in
the Data directory. This should be done, in the event new task items were appended to the initial default files
(as well as possible language translations).

EMS Log File

A running log file is maintained by the EMS each time the program is executed. The file is saved in the Data
folder (the default is: C:\Program Files\AGFA\EMS\Data). The file is EMSLog.xml and contains the following
„ EMS program version.
„ The user’s ID.
„ Timestamp entry when the program was run.
„ Task alert entry (either the task description for an alert or “NO Alerts Issued”).
„ The timestamp when the maintenance alert was acknowledged.
„ Current settings for all fields in the Configuration form(s). (*)
„ A log entry indicating whether the user selected the “Remind Me Later” option.

(*) Since program settings/values cannot be changed via the Customer EMS program, current setting/values are only appended to
the log file when the EMS Service program is executed.

Uninstall EMS Program

If the EMS program needs to be uninstalled, use the Windows Add/Remove programs and remove both the
Equipment Maintenance Scheduler and the Maintenance Schedule programs. If both programs are not
removed, an error during re-install is reported, indicating an EMS version is currently installed.

Language Translation
It is the responsibility of the individual service organizations to perform language translation. There are two
.xml files (one for LF and one for VLF) where translating is done. The default for these files location is:
C:\Program Files\AGFA\EMS\Data)located in the C:\Program Files\Agfa\EMS\Data folder.
The two files are:
Open the files with an xml editor and add the translation.

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