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Linear Control Theory 2020 entry batch

Class Test – 1 (Time – 1 hour)

Total Marks - 30
1 0 1 3
Use Cayley Hamilton (CH) theorem to find A100, where A= [ ]
1 1
2 Prove that eigenvalues remain invariant under similarity transformation. 1
3 How an eigenvector is distinguished from other vectors? When the concept of generalized 2
eigenvector appears?
4 K 1
Assume G ( s )= 3 2 ; write the system matrix in the Jordan canonical
(s+1) (s +2) (s+ 3)
5 The controllability matrix of system is given as Q c =[ B AB A2 B . . . A n−1 B ] ; An or other 1
higher order terms are not considered. Why it is done so?
6 Nyquist plot of two systems are given as 2

Which one is relatively more stable and why?

7 Root locus of a system is given below. Comment on the stability of the system. Can this 2
system be represented as a dominant pair of poles system?
8 2

Bode plot of two systems are shown above. Which system is relatively more stable and
9 Differentiate between an eigenvector and an ordinary vector. 1

1 The integral action in a PID controller is used to eliminate the SSE. Is it true that it can 2
0 eliminate an arbitrary signal? Justify your answer.
1 −K 2
Sketch the root locus of a unity feedback system with G ( s )= and justify your
1 (s+1)
1 0 1 0 5
2 Find the similarity transformation matrix of A= 0
[ 0
−6 −11 −6
1 which will transform it

to a diagonal matrix A . Derive the relation between e At∧e A t. Find e At using e A t .
1 1
Write the state space model in the controllable canonical form for the system
3 +
characterised by the following differential equation.
⃛y +9 ÿ + 26˙ y +24=u(t )
Why this form is named as (i) canonical and (ii) controllable?

1 2
−1 2 x+ 0 u
4 The system ẋ= [
0 2 1] []

(a) Stable and controllable, (b) Stable but uncontrollable, (c)Unstable but controllable,
and (d) unstable and uncontrollable. (Justify your answer)

Presentation skill

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