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Meeting 6

Part 1: Reading
1) Answer the questions no 7 (source: Unlock 4 Reading & Writing, page 74)
Answer the questions below. Use the information in the quiz to help you.
1. Can watching sport on TV ever be dangerous?
Yes, it can be dangerous in the health field. Because when watching sports on television,
many people will experience tension during the game like a faster heartbeat than usual. It
seems that many people with chest pain, breathing difficulties, or other symptoms of serious
problems have the potential to delay seeking treatment until after the match. Of course, there
is another possibility: the game itself - especially if the game is close and very interesting -
might cause enough pressure on the body so that a heart attack, stroke, or other dangerous
condition develops.

2. What are the advantages of investing your money in a family business?

Compared to franchising, family-owned businesses often deal with a variety of fields.
Businesses that invest in various fields have a lower risk factor compared to those who don't.
Even if one market falls, their assets in other areas are safe. Investing in a family business
provides an opportunity for higher profits with less risk. Over the past few decades, family-
owned businesses have generated far greater profit ratios than companies that don't belong to

3. What is the problem with always cutting it fine?

Cutting it fine is give yourself a very short time to do something. It means we will harm
ourselves if we do that. We can't get much time to do something. For example we do not
have time to develop ourselves if we do not provide opportunities to hone our talents.

4. Why do more people not ‘sail the seven seas’ when they go on holiday?
Because it's impossible. It can only become our dream. because instead of doing that people
will do more realistic things like holidays in Europe on weekends because that would be
more likely to happen.

5. Why might it be a bad idea to read the instructions from cover to cover?
Because if we already know how it will waste time. It can also challenge yourself to try
without the need to massage the instructions to find out our limits and can see the instructions
if we get stuck.

6. What could happen if you asked a waiter to surprise you?

The waiter will find it strange because usually a customer will ask a favorite food at the
restaurant or order directly what the customer wants. Also the customer ask for advice and
see what other visitors have ordered.
7. Why might the job of an airline check-in clerk appeal to some people?
Because it requires excellent communication skills, patience, and most importantly, an
instinctive ability to deal with difficult situations in a calm and professional manner. Also it
has a great sense of responsibility.

2) Read “A Government has a duty to protect its citizens from personal, professional and
financial risk”. Then give reasons for and against the statement and state your opinion. (source:
Unlock 4 Reading & Writing, page 76)
The government protects its citizens by calling on citizens to wear seat belts or helmets while on
the road, and manage the risk of illness by taxing or prohibiting unhealthy food or cigarettes. It
prevents the spread of disease by investing in vaccination and health education programs.
Workers are protected from harm through health and safety regulations implemented by the
government and companies and managers are responsible for the death or injury of employees.
In terms of financial protection, the government gives them access to poverty for health care,
food and shelter.
Some people felt that what the government was doing violated public freedom. They object to
paying large financial fines for example, riding a motorcycle without a helmet, even though they
can personally accept the risk. People who smoke and eat unhealthy foods argue that they are at
less risk to their health than horsemen or skiers and that is a dangerous sport that must be
banned, not food. Businesses complain that health and safety regulations mean they spend too
much time and money to protect from very low risk, and that this has a negative impact on their
business and the national economy. Others reject the government's advice about saving money
when they see an increase in state loans.
In my opinion there are positive and negative impacts on what the government is doing. From a
positive perspective, strict control can lead to a safe and peaceful state such as, can reduce
accidents, illness, and crime, and meet the basic needs of all members of the community. While
negatively speaking, overprotective laws can limit individual freedom and cause hatred.
Therefore there must be government policies to regulate in a neutral way so as not to be too
restrictive or binding.

Part 2: Writing (A for and Against Essay)

1. Do writing task no 1, 2, 3, & 4 (source: Unlock 4 Reading & Writing, page 83)
2. Writing task no 4,
Please highlight (different colors) for
a. the thesis statement ( introduction)
b. topic sentences and supporting sentences (body paragraphs)
c. restatement and your personal thought on the issue (conclusion)
‘If children are never exposed to risk, they will never be able to cope with risk.’ Give reasons for
and against this statement and give your opinion.
1. Look again at the essay on page 76. Consider the arguments for and against the essay title
above. Use the paragraph structure below.
 Paragraph 1: Introduction
“Governments of some countries see it as their responsibility to control the amount and
kind of risk that their citizens are exposed to.”
 Paragraph 2: Arguments for
“In the UK, the government protects its population from risk in a number of areas. It
makes it compulsory to wear a seatbelt or helmet while on the roads, and manages risk
of disease by taxing or prohibiting unhealthy foods or cigarettes.”
 Paragraph 3: Arguments against
“While some people believe the UK government acts in the best interests of their citizens,
others feel it infringes on the freedom of the public.”
 Paragraph 4: Conclusion
“A country with tight controls provides a pleasant and safe environment. However,
legislation needs to be carefully monitored to ensure it is appropriate, up-to-date and not
excessively restrictive.”

2. Make notes on your essay below.

Paragraph 2: Arguments that children need to be exposed to some risk
 Evidence 1: The children can know their best potential.
 Evidence 2: Through experiencing many trials and mistakes, children will be able to
determine what they want, and then, will feel that they have talent in a particular field.
 Evidence 3: The children will get the opportunity to grow and develop their character.
Paragraph 3: Arguments that children should be protected from all risk
 Evidence 1: The parents worry about the dangers that can harm their children.
 Evidence 2: The children are naturally awkward; therefore exposing them to danger can
put them in danger.
 Evidence 3: Parents cannot stand seeing their children hurt.

3. Look again at your notes for Paragraphs 2 and 3 and decide what your overall opinion is. Do
you think that children should be exposed to risk? Write a one-sentence response to this
question, providing evidence.
Basically, children have a very good chance to develop and become a better person if they
are exposed to risk.
Evidence: The children can know their best potential.

4. Write a first draft of your essay. Write 250–300 words.

Everyone knows that vulnerability provides a good opportunity for them to grow into better
people. The problem is only a few people who are willing to take risks. It is our nature as
humans who want to continue to be in the comfort zone. As a result, to avoid prospects,
people are more likely to play safe. Only when there is pressure and coercion from outside
makes us take risks. Even the environment also teaches us to play safe.

There is some logic for parents to encourage their children to expose themselves to take
risks. One of the points is that children can know their best potential. Children naturally have
a very high curiosity; thus, they will try to do something new that they want and like.
Through experiencing many trials and mistakes, children will be able to determine what they
want, and then, will feel that they have talent in a particular field. After that, children will get
the opportunity to grow and develop their character.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why parents often avoid their children who are at
risk of exposure. One of them is some parents worry about the dangers that can harm their
children. Parents cannot stand seeing their children hurt, which makes parents more
protective of their children. We know that children are naturally awkward; therefore
exposing them to danger can put them in danger.

In conclusion, we can see that fear of failure is the most significant cause why many people
don't want to take risks. If you want to succeed, you will most likely have to take and
overcome the threat. There is no other way to reach the peak of success without taking risks.

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