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Database Management Systems

Q1. Discuss three level architecture of DBMS and explain how it leads to data independence?

Q2. What are the various types of attributes? Explain with one example each?

Q3. Explain the various Data models with example?

Q4. What is relational Algebra? Explain Relational Algebra operations with examples.

Q5. What are the types of integrity constraints? Explain with examples.

Q6. Explain the different types of joins by giving appropriate SQL commands for each type of joins.

Q7. Explain the different types of relational calculus?

Q8. State the purpose of query optimization?

Q9.What is meant by term heuristic optimization? Discuss the main heuristic that is applied during
query optimization. What is cost based optimization?
Q10. Explain functional dependencies and its types with example?
Q11. Define BCNF. How does it differ from 3NF? Explain briefly.
Q12. Explain the concept of generalization and aggregation?
Q13. Explain canonical cover and extraneous attributes with example?
Q14. Explain Closure of set of functional dependency and closure of attribute sets?
Q15. What is 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF?

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