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Life in the Roman Empire Project

Basic Idea:
Please chose one of the options provided below to show what life was like for a citizen of the
Roman Republic (not to be confused with the Roman Empire that proceeded it). Once you have
completed the project please upload it to your classes’ assignment page on MyWCS, in the drop
box entitled ‘Life in the Roman Empire’. In addition to your submission on MyWCS, please
create a 3-5 minute Flipgrid video in which you present your project and reflect on your
experience and what new information you were able to learn. Lastly, once these two steps have
been completed please comment on two of your classmates posts, building off of or
commenting in regards to what they had to say (comments must be solely academic).
FlipGrid link:

Option 1: Write and preform a song

 Write a song that highlights 3-5 major difference between what life was like in the
Roman Republic and the Roman Empire
o Record yourself preforming the song: This can be done directly on Flipgrid or
with a third party platform.
o In addition to the song itself, please also type up the lyrics and submit them
along with the video of yourself preforming it on MyWCS.

Option 2: Create a Podcast (This option can be completed in a group of no more than 2)
 Record a 3-5 minute interview style podcast using (free podcast
generator) either by yourself or with one of your classmates in which you highlight the
differences between what it was like to live in the Roman Republic vs. what it is like to
live in the Roman Empire.
o Touch on topics such as entertainment, government, living conditions,
leadership etc…
o If you choose to complete the option with a partner, each of you will still be
responsible for submitting the podcast to MyWCS, in addition you must each still
create your own Flipgrid video reflecting on what you learned.
Option 3: Create a virtual tour

 Create a virtual tour using Google Expeditions (site is both app and web based) in which
you highlight 8-10 important locations to the development of the Roman empire
o Examples include: remains of the Roman senate, The Roman Forum, The
o If you choose to this option, please submit the link to your virtual tour to
MyWCS, in addition please present your tour in your Flipgrid video as well.

Option 4: Create a Storyboard

 Create a storyboard utilizing for a fictitious film about the fall
of the Roman Republic and the emergence of the Roman Empire.
o Please include events such as: The death of Julius Caesar, The civil war between
the conspirators and Rome as well as the outcome of these events and how they
impacted what daily life was like in the newly formed Roman Empire.
o If you choose to complete this option please submit your storyboard to MyWCS,
as well as presenting it via Flipgrid.

Option 5: Create a Glogster

 Create a virtual poster board presentation utilizing in which you
touch on several of the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic, and
ultimately what life was like in the Roman Empire that followed it.
o If you choose to complete this option, please submit a link to your poster board
to MyWCS, as well as highlighting what you included in your Flipgrid video.

Option 6: Create a Blog

 Create a blog utilizing in which you highlight the fall of the Roman
Republic, and what life was like in the Roman Empire that followed.
o If you choose this option please include a minimum of two 400 word blog entries
 One should be about the fall of the Roman Republic, the other should be
about life in the newly formed Empire.
 Organize your site in and easy to understand manner
o Submit a link to your published site to MyWCS, and make a Flipgrid video
highlighting how your site is set up as well as reading through your blog posts.

Poor Average Good Excellent

Content -Demonstrated a -Demonstrated -Demonstrated a -Demonstrated
minimal level of some level of strong complete
understanding in understanding understanding of understanding of
regards to the regarding the the transition the transition from
transition from the transition from the from the Roman Roman Republic to
Roman Republic to Roman Republic to Republic to the Roman Empire and
the Roman Empire. the Roman Empire, Roman Empire, touched upon the
However no and touched upon and touched differences between
comparisons are a few of the upon some what life was like in
made between the differences differences each.
two. between the two. between the -Included all
-Missing several -Included some of two. necessary steps for
necessary steps for the necessary -Included most of whatever option
whatever option steps for whatever the necessary was chosen.
was chosen. option was chosen steps for (project submission
whatever option and Flipgrid)
was chosen
Creativity -Project contains -Project is -Project is -Project is well
no originality. moderately original and planned out, neat
-Project appears to original. orderly. and aesthetically
be hastily thrown -Project has -Project has a pleasing.
together. average appeal. nice visual -Project shows
-Project is very -Project is appeal. originality and
disorganized, disorganized and a -Some attention to detail.
messy and difficult bit messy disorganization
to understand and may be present
Followed -Regardless of -Regardless of -Regardless of -Regardless of what
Directions what option was what option was what option was option was chosen,
chosen, few too chosen, some chosen, most all directions were
little of the directions were directions were followed.
directions were followed followed
Grammar -Project is full of -Project has some -Project has a -Project is free of
grammatical grammatical few grammatical any grammatical
errors. errors. errors. errors.
Scoring Breakdown
Content: Project submitted to MyWCS and Fliprid video: _______/30 points
Creativity / Originality / Organization: ______ /10 Points
Grammar: _______ / 5 Points
Comments on classmates Flipgrid video’s _______/ 5 Points
Total of 50 points in the Homework category

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