Surprise-Test-Neet Some Basic Concept of Chemistry

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Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

No. of Questions Maximum Marks nme
45 180 1 Hour

Thts test contains 45 MCQ's. For each question only one option is correct. Darken the correct circle/ bubble in the
Response Grid provided on each page.
You have to evaluate yrur Respanse Grids yourself with the help of sdutions provided at the end of this book.
Eadl rorred: answe" will get you 4 marks and 1 mane shall be deduced for each incorrect answer. No mark 'MIi be giV81/
deducted If no bubble is titled. Keep a timer in front of you and st� immediatety at the end of 60 min.
The sheet follows a particular syllabus. Do not attempt the sheet before you have completed your preparation for that
After completing the sheet chedc your answers with the solution booklet and complete the Result Grid. Finally spend time
to anatyse your performance and revise the areas whidl emB'ge out as weak in your evaluatioo.

I. Gi,cri thcnumOCrs: 161 cm,0.161 cm,0.0161 an.The number

J, Number ofgrams ofoxygen in 32.Zg Na2SO4• 10 H2O is
of significan1 figures for the three numbers arc (a) 20.8 (b) 224
(a) 3. 4and 5 respectively (b) 3, 3 and 4respectively (c) 224 (d) 2.�
(c) 3.3and 3rcspcc1ivcly (d) 3,4and 4rCSJ)l.,�tivcly 4. 3 gof an oxide of a mcml is convertcrl to chloride completely
l. If the lruc value for an cxpcrimcnlal result is 6.23 and 1he and it yielded 5 g ofchloride.TI1c equivalent weight of the
rcsul1s reported by three sludcncs X, Y and Z arc:
metal is
X: 6.1 8and6.28
(a) 3325 (b) 3325
Y: 6.20 and6.023
(c) 1 2 (d) 20
Z: 6.22and6.24
5. I cc.N2O at NTP con1ains:
Which of1hc following opt ion is correct :
(a) X precise, Y accura1c, 2 precise and accurate.
(a) �xl0
atcrns (b) �x !0 23 mo/ccuks
(b) X precise and accurate, Y notprecise, Z precise 224 2240 0
(c) Both X & 2 precise & accurate, Y not precise.
(d) Bolh X &Y neither precise nor accurate, 2 bc:1h precise (c) .!2.! x1 0 23 electrons (d) Alloflhc abovc
and accura1c. 224

fiiiHll4iitiiliii 1. @®@@ 2- @®@@

--------------- Spt1uforRough IYl,rk ---------------
3· @®@@ 4· @®@@ s. @®@@

C-2 w

6. One of the following oombination which illustrates the law (b) 6.023 x 1022 moleculcsofnitrogcn
of reciprocal proporlions ? {c) 0 . l g ofsilvcr
(a) N20 3, N :p4. N 205 (b) Naa, NaBr, Nal (d) 0.1 molcofoxygcn gas
(c) cs,, co,, so, (dl PH 3• r,o,. r,o, 13. IfN A isAvogadro'snu100Crthcn numlx-rofvalcnccclcctrons
7. An aqueous solu1ion of oxalic acid dihydra1c coniains i1s in 4.2 g ofnitride ions(N3-)is
6.3g in 250 mL. The volume of0.I N NaOH required to (a) 4.2N A (b) 2.4 NA
complctcly ncutralizc IO ml of this solution (c) l.6N A (d) 3.2NA
(a) 4ml (b) 20ml (c) 2ml (d) 40mL 14. The sct of numerical coeffici ents that balance<; the equation
8. l11c dcnsityof3M solution of sodium chloride is 1252 g ml 1. K2 Cr0 4+HCI----J-K 2Cr 10 7+KCl+H 20 is
Thc molalityofthc solution will�:
(a) 2,2,1.2,1 (b) 2,2,1,1,1
(molar mass, NaCl- 58. 5g m o i1- )
(c) 2,1,1,2,1 (d) 1,1,2,2,1
(a) 2Wm (b) 218m (c) 2.79m (d) 3 .00m
15. Match the columns
9. The number of:uoms in 0.1 mole ofa triatomic gas is :
Column-I Column-II
(NA •6.02xJo23 mol 1)
(Nunt>er) (Significant figures)
(a) 6.026 X !0'2 (b) l .806x 102' 2
A. 29900.
(C) 3.6()()X l<f'3 (d) l.800x 10'2 8. 290 IL
10. Match the columns. C. 1.23 X I.J31 Ill. 4
Colwnn-1 Column-II D. 20.00 IV 3
A. 8 8 g ofCO2 0.25 mole E 2.783 -I V 5
B. 6.022x 1Q23 molerulcs II. 2molc (a) A - Ill; 8 - II; C -V; D - I: E - IV
ofH,p (b) A - V; 8 - l: C - IV; D - 111: E- 11
C. 5.6 litresofO 2at STP lll. I mole (c) A - 1: B -V; C - IV; D - Ill; E - II
D. 9 6 g ofO2 IY. 6.022x 10Z3molcculcs (d) A -V; 8 - IV; C - Ill; D - II; E - I
E. l molofanygas V. 3 molc 16. The maximum numbcrofmolcculcs are present in
(a) A-11:8-lll;C-1: D-V:E-V I (a) 1 5 Loffl2 gas a1 STP (b) 5L ofN 2 gas a1 STP
(b) A-lll;B-11:C-l;D-V;E-IV (c) 0.5g ofH,gas (d) I 0 g o f 02 gas
(c) A-11;8-l;C-lll;D-V;E-IV 17. Thcnumbcrofmolcsofoxygcn inonc litrcofair containing
(d) A-ll;B -111:C-l;D -IV:E-V 21% oxygen by volume. under standard condition s are
11. The simplest formula of a compound containing 50%of (a) 0.0093 mole (b) 0.21 mole
clement X(atonic mass I0)and 50%ofclcmcnt Y (atomic (c) 2.I0molc (d) 0.186molc
mass20)is 18. Asswuing rully dccomposcd,the volumcofCO2 rclcascd at
STPoo hcating 9.85g ofBaCO3 (Atanicmass. Ba• 137)will
(a) XY (b) XY3 (c) X, Y (d) X2 Y3
12. Which one of the following is the lightest?
(a) l.l2L (b) 224L
(a) 0.2 mole ofh>drogcn gas
(c) 4.06L (d) 0.84L

5. @@©@ 6, @@©@ 7, @@©@ 8, @@©@ 9, @@©@

10.@@©@ U.@@@@ 12.@@©@ 13.@@©@ 14.@@©@
15.@@©@ 16.@@©@ 17.@@©@ 18.@@©@

C-4 w

33. Arrange the numbers in increasing no. of significant figures. 39. Arranged1efollc,..ving in the order ofincreasing mass(atanic
0.002600, 2.6000. 2.6,0260 mass: O • 16.Cu•63, N• 14)
(a) 2.6<0.260<0.002600<2.6000 L one atom of oxygen
(b) 2.6000<2.6<0.002600<0.260 II. one atom ofnitrogen
(c) 0.260<2.6<0.002600<2 .6000 Ill. Ix 10- 1 0 mole ofoxygcn
(d) 0.002600<0.260< 2.6<2.6000 1\1. Ix 10-10 mole of copper
34. Howmany molcsoflcad (11) chloride will be formed fran a (a) ll<l<lll<IV (b) l<U<lll<IV
reaction bct�n 6.5 g ofPbO and 3.2 g ofHCI? (c) Ul<ll<IV<I (d) IV<ll<Ul<I
(a) 0.014 (b) 0.333 40. When 30 litres ofH, and 301itrcs ofN2 arcreactcd NH is
(c) 0.01 I (d) 0.029 formed and the yiclcl is only 50%.The composition of d1c 3
35. Equal weights of N a Cl and KCI arc dissolved separately in gascoos mixturc will be
equal volumes of solutions. Molarity oft� two solutions (a) 5LofN2 ,5LofH,an f
d 5 LofNH .
will t:c: (b) 5LofN2 , I0Lof l2 and 10LofNH 3•
(a) equal {c) 10LofN2 , 15LofH 2 and5LofNH3 .
(b) that of NaCl will be less than tharofKCI (d) SLofN,, ISLofH ., and 10LofNH 3.
(c) that of NaCl \�ill be more than 1hat ofKC! solution 41. Howmanynlolcsofma&ncsiu m phosphate, MgiPO.J2 will
(d) that ofNaCIwill be about halfof that ofKCIsolution contain 0.25 molcofoxygcn atoms?
36. Gastric juice contains 3.0 g of HCI per litre. If a person (a) 1.25 x 10-2 (b) 2.5x 10-2
produces 2.5 litrcof gastric juice per day. How many antacid (c) 0.02 (d) J.125x 10-2
tablets each containing 400 mg of Al(OHh arc needed to 42. 1.12 ml ofa gas is produced at S.T.P. bythc action of 4.12 mg
ncucralize all the HCIproduced in one day? of alcohol ROH with methyl magnesium Iodide. The
(a) 18 (b) 14 (c) 20 (d) 17 molerular massofalcohol is
37. Which of the following is the correct empirical and (a) 16.0 (b) 412
(c) 824 (d) 156.0
molecular formulae of a comprund, if the molecular mass
43. If 224 mLofa triatomic gas has a mass of I g at 273K and
of a conpound is 80 and compound contains 60% of C, I atmospheric pressure then themass of one a1om is
5% of H and 35% of N ? (a) a�x 1 023 - g (b) 2.08x !0-23g
(a) c,tt,N ; c,11,N, (b) c,H,N, ; c,1-1,,N, (c) 5.53 x IO-" g (d) 6.24x 1 023 - g
(c) c,H,N, ; c,H,N, (d) c,H,N; c,H,N 44. A compound contains atoms ofthree clements as A , Band
38. A gas mixture ofJ litres of propane (C1H 8 ) and bu1anc C. Ifthe oxidation number ofA is+2. Bis +5 anddiat ofC is
( C4 H 10 ) on complete combustion at 25° C produced -2, the po;sible formula of the compound is
IO li1re CO2 . Find out the composition o f gas mixture (a) A 3(B,C)2 (b) A 3 (BC4 l:,
(Propane:Butane) (d) ABC, (d) A,(BCJ )2
(a) 2: I (b) I :2 45. 5 moles ofSO2 and 5 molcs ofO2react to tonn SO3. Number
(c) 1.5:1.5 (d) 0.5:2.5 of moles left in total whcn only 60%SO2 is used is
(a) 6.5 (b) 10
(c) 8 (d) 85

33.@@©@ 34.@@©@ 35.@@©@ 36.@@©@ 37. @@©@

38.@@©@ 39.@@©@ 40.@@©@ 41.@@©@ 42. @@©@
43.@@©@ 44.@@©@ 45.@@©@


Total Questions 45 Total Marks 180
Attempted Correct
Incorrect Net Score
Cut-off Score 35 Qualifying Score 55
Success Gao= Net Score - Qualifving Score
Net Score= (Correct x 4)- (Incorrect x 1)
--------------- Sp6l.,forRougl, 110rk ---------------

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