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CS-305 Practical List of OOPM

1. WAP to show concept of object and class

2. WAP to show concept of scope resolution operator
3. WAP to show concept of static data member.
4. WAP to show concept of static member function.
5. WAP to show concept of constructor.
6. WAP to show concept of destructor.
7. WAP to show concept of copy constrictor.
8. WAP to show concept of friend function
9. WAP to show concept of friend class.
10. WAP to show concept of single inheritance.
11. WAP to show concept of multiple inheritance.
12. WAP to show concept of multi-level inheritance.
13. WAP to show concept of virtual base class.
14. WAP to implement function overloading.
15. WAP to implement operator overloading of unary operator (-)
16. WAP to implement operator overloading of binary operator (+)
17. WAP to implement run time polymorphism using virtual function.
18. WAP to implement Interface and abstract class.

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