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AÑO) 2016




Types of shops in English- Tipos de tiendas en inglés.

department store – a shop that sells many different items in different

departments. Harrods is probably the world's best known department store.
Grandes Almacenes

supermarket – a large shop that sells mostly food and household items.

grocer (UK) / grocery store (US) – a shop that sells food.Tienda de


greengrocer – sells fresh fruit and vegetables. Verdulero

butcher – sells fresh meat. Carnicero

baker – sells fresh bread and cakes. Panadero

fishmonger – sells fresh fish. Pescadería

chemist (UK) / drugstore (US) – sells medicines and toiletries. Farmacia

pharmacy (US) – sells medicines.

newsagent – sells newspapers and magazines. Vendedor de periódicos

stationer – sells paper goods. Papelero

optician – sells glasses / contact lenses.

DIY store – sells things for home improvement.

hardware shop / hardware store / ironmonger – hard goods, such as nails

and screws. Ferretería

corner shop (UK) – a shop on the corner of your street, selling a range of basic
goods – food, newspapers, sweets, bread, etc. Tienda de la esquina

delicatessen (deli) – sells specialist food not normally found in supermarkets.

For example, an Italian deli, an Asian deli.

bookshop / bookstore – books. Librería

market – market traders (people who work on a market) have stalls that sell
fruit and vegetables, clothes, household items and so on. Mercado

petshop – for pets and pet food. Tienda de animales

flea market – a group of stalls selling old furniture or clothes. Mercado de


tea shop (UK) – like a cafe, but sells tea and cakes. Tienda de té

petrol station (UK) / gas station (US) sells petrol, car products and sometimes
food. Gasolinera

Asking for things

"Do you have any…?"

"I'm looking for…"
"I wonder if you could help me…?"
What the shopkeeper says

"I'm sorry, we're out of stock."

"I'm sorry, that's the last one."
"I'm sorry, that's all we have left."

What a sales person says

"Can I help you?"

"Are you looking for anything in particular?"

Your reply

"I'm just looking, thank you."

"I'm just browsing, thank you."

Asking about things

"Do you have this in another size?"

"Do you have this in another colour?"
"Is this made of leather / silk / plastic…?"
"Does this come with a guarantee?"
"Is this fully refundable?"
"Can I bring this back if it's not the right size?"
"Can I bring this back if it doesn't fit?"

Paying – what the shopkeeper says

"Do you have anything smaller?" (If you pay with a large denomination note.)

Paying – what you say

"I'm sorry, I don't have any small change."

"I don't have anything smaller."
"Would you have change for this?"
"Can I have the receipt, please?'
"Can I pay by credit card?"
"Can I pay in cash?"
"Is this on sale?"

Después de leer y traducir lo anterior, hacemos el ejercicio, intenten pronunciar.

Speaking Exercise: What to say in a shop

1. If a shopkeeper asks you ''Can I help you?'' you can reply:
 I'm just looking, thanks
 No, not now
 Yes, I want...

2. Before you buy an item of clothing, you want to make sure it's the right size.
You ask:

 Can I try this on?

 Does this suit me?
 Do I look good in this?

3. If it's too small for you, you can ask the sales assistant:

 Do you have this in a smaller size?

 Do you have this in a bigger size?
 Do you have this in a different colour?

4. When a sales assistant gives a positive opinion, he or she says:

 That's the last one in stock!

 That looks great on you!
 That isn't the right colour for you!

5. What do you call the place where you pay?

 The cash till

 The payment terminal
 The cashier

6. If you're buying an electrical item, a good question is:

 Can I get a refund?

 Can I exchange this?
 Does this come with a guarantee?

7. If you take something back to the shop because it doesn't work, you'll need:

 your credit card details

 your identity card / passport details
 your receipt

8. If you bring something back because it doesn't work, you can ask:

 Can I get a refund on this?

 Can I get a new guarantee?
 Can I get an upgrade?

9. If you want to know if an item is specially discounted, you can ask:

 Is this cheap?
 Is this on sale?
 Is this a lower price?

10. At the cash till you can ask:

 Can I pay by credit card?

 Can I pay in coins?
 Can you give me change


Choose the correct name of the tense. Elija el tiempo verbal correcto.

1. The car stopped at the traffic light.

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous X

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future

2. She is going to the cinema.

A.       Present Simple X

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future
3. We play tennis.

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous X

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future

4. They weren't wearing uniforms.

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple X

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future

5. Was he talking on the phone?

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous X

E.       Future

6. Did she call you?

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple
D.       Past Continuous X

E.       Future

7. Peter doesn't know my friends.

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous X

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future

8. I am not going to buy a new mobile phone.

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future X

9. Are we going to travel by train?

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future X

10. We are going to see a film.

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous X

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future

11. She likes romantic comedies.

A.       Present Simple X

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future

12. She is sitting on a chair.

A.       Present Simple X

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future

13. We played football.

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous X

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future
14. We are studying English.

A.       Present Simple X

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future

15. The businesswoman didn't take a plane.

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous x

E.       Future

16. Do you paint pictures?

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous X

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future

17. They ate a lot of pasta.

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple
D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future

18. We don't go to school on Saturdays.

A.       Present Simple

B.       Present Continuous

C.       Past Simple

D.       Past Continuous

E.       Future

Mixed Tenses - Put the verbs into the correct tenses.

1. Andy is tired because he (work) _works_ all day.
2. By 1960 most of Britain’s old
colonies (become) _became_ independent.
3. David broke his leg when he (ski) _was skiing_ last
4. (you/have) ___________ a nice time in Rome?
5. (you/finish) ___________ your homework yet?
6. He (be) ___will_______ at his computer for six hours.
7. How long (she/have)  ____having______ that car?
8. How many people (die) ___died___ in the fire
9. I (not/know) _________ much about art, but I like
some artists.
10.I (wait) ____waiting______ for ages when finally the
bus arrived.
11.I (receive) __received__ a postcard from Jane
12.I (correct) __corrected__ all morning, I’m exhausted.
13.I (never/be) _________ sailing, what’s it like?
14.It was late.  Most of the shops (close)_______.
15.It (rain) ________ when I got up this morning.
16.Janet (start) ________ a new job in September.
17.Nelly (have)_________ a great time in New York at the
18.She was cooking dinner when we (arrive)______.
19.She (just/come)____________ back from a
Mediterranean cruise.
20.My husband (be)_______ free for most of the afternoon.
21.The children were tired because they
(swim)________ in the pool all afternoon.
22.They (go)___________ to spend six weeks in the USA.
23.We can use the car, I (repair)________ it.
24.We were tired because we (be) _______ to a party the
night before.
25.We (be) _______ too late for the train, it had just left.
26.When I got the airport I realized I (forget) _______ my
27.As soon as they (arrive) ______ we had dinner.
28.When they were driving home last night
they (see) ______ a terrible accident.
29.Where (Robert/live)________ now?
30.Who (Mandy/talk) _________ to?




This morning at 10 o'clock it _________.

A.       rains

B.       is raining

C.       rained

D.       was raining

E.       is going to rain


Yesterday the chef _________ a delicious pizza.

A.       makes

B.       is making

C.       made

D.       was making

E.       is going to make

I always _______ a helmet when I go cycling.

A.       wear

B.       am wearing

C.       wore

D.       was wearing

E.       am going to wear

Last night I _________ a letter to my friend.

A.       write

B.       is writing

C.       wrote
D.       was writing

E.       am going to write

Yesterday at ten to four, she _______ a book.

A.       reads

B.       is reading

C.       read

D.       was reading

E.       is going to read

He is at work. He _______ overalls at the moment.

A.       wears

B.       is wearing

C.       wore

D.       was wearing

E.       is going to wear

He usually ___________ his bike in the park.

A.       rides
B.       is riding

C.       rode

D.       was riding

E.       is going to ride

He often ____________ bowling.

A.       goes

B.       is going

C.       went

D.       was going

E.       is going to go

George ____________ some fish.

A.       cooks

B.       is cooking

C.       cooked

D.       was cooking

E.       is going to cook

I ___________ a delicious apple right now.
A.       eat

B.       am eating

C.       ate

D.       was eating

E.       am going to eat

She ___________ piano lessons every day. She is a disciplined student.

A.       has

B.       is having

C.       had

D.       was having

E.       is going to have

She ___________ the bus in two minutes.

A.       takes

B.       is taking

C.       took

D.       was taking

E.       is going to take

At the moment I ___________ my car.

A.       drive

B.       am driving

C.       drove

D.       was driving

E.       am going to drive

Alfred Nobel _____________ the Nobel Prizes.

A.       establishes

B.       is establishing

C.       established

D.       was establishing

E.       is going to establish

Jesse Owens __________ five world records in 1935.

A.       breaks

B.       is breaking

C.      broke

D.       was breaking
E.       is going to break

Yesterday at quarter past one Linda ________ to music.

A.       listens

B.       is listening

C.       listened

D.       was listening

E.       is going to listen

Fill in the blanks with "do", "does", "did", "was", "were", "will", "shall" and "are".
Llene los espacios en blanco con los verbos auxiliares que figuran arriba.

1. She __________ lazy this morning.

2. They __________ sleepy last night.

3. You ___________busy today.

4. _______ she talk with her friend every day?

5. They ___________playing on the playground now.

6. My mother ______ not cook food yesterday.

7. I ______hungry yesterday.

8. _______ we wear uniform every day?

9. _______ he work hard last week?

10. I _________swim tomorrow.

11. Mary ________ not write a letter every month.

12. Tom and Tim _______sitting at the back of the class.

13. He __________buy a new shirt tomorrow.

14. The soldier ________not carry the oun yesterday.

15. _______ the dog bark every night?

16. They ______ not like snakes.

17. Sam ________go to Phuket next week.

18. _________ Sammy ride a bicycle every Sunday?

19. ________ they eatch fish tomorrow?

20. Where _________she live?

1-My friends are going to walk in a beautiful valley.
They ______________________ in the mountain.
2-The children are standing in the middle of the street.
They _____________________________in the park.
3-She was wearing a blue skirt.
She ________________ a suit.
4-He travels abroad every year.
He _____________ abroad every month.
5-I am going to make a pizza.
I ____________a hamburger.
6-We saw a horror film.
We ________a fantasy film.
7-We were waiting for the bus.
We_____________for a taxi.
8-She had a child last year.
She ________ a child last month.
9-I am writing a message.
I _____________ a letter.
10-She broke the window.
She ____________ the door.
11-George fell in love with Lucy.
He __________ in love with Jane.
12-They got married in 2010.
They ___________ in 2009.
13-She studies science.
She ______________ history.
14-Patricia is going to learn to drive.
She __________ to dance hip hop.
15-They are going to the skate park.
They ___________ to the amusement park.
16-You were listening to pop music.
You _____________ to classical music.

Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in Present Simple,

Present Perfect, Past Simple.
1. In the afternoon I always _____until four o'clock. (work)
2. Here we ________at the station. Now we must get the porter.
3. She __________chemistry for three years. (study)
4. My brother __________home many images from China last year.
5. There ___________ something wrong with this car. Where is the
nearest garage? (be)
6. I __________English for the last two years, and now
I ___________French. (learn / study)
7. We _________to go to the mountains last month but our little
son ___________ill. (want / fall)
8. I never ________sugar with my coffee. (take)
9. He ___________abroad last week. (go)
10. This girl ___________the sea. (never see)
English Language
English is a West Germanic language originating in England, and the first
language for most people in Australia, Canada, the Commonwealth Caribbean,
Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America
(also commonly known as the Anglosphere). It is used extensively as a second
language and as an official language throughout the world, especially in
Commonwealth countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and South Africa,
and in many international organizations.

Modern English is sometimes described as the global lingua franca. English is

the dominant international language in communications, science, business,
aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy. The influence of the British
Empire is the primary reason for the initial spread of the language far beyond
the British Isles. Following World War II, the growing economic and cultural
influence of the United States has significantly accelerated the spread of the
language. On an average school day approximately one billion people are
learning English in one form or another.

A working knowledge of English is required in certain fields, professions, and

occupations. As a result over a billion people speak English at least at a basic
level. English is one of six official languages of the United Nations.

 Questions about the text

1. English is spoken in Canada.

We don't know.
2. Modern English is sometimes described as the global lingua franca.
We don't know.

3. It has become the international language in many areas.

We don't know.


Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that
follow. Refer to the text to check your answers when appropriate.

Chess is called the game of

kings. It has been around for a
long time. People have been
playing it for over 500 years.
Chess is based on an even
older game from India. The
chess we play today is from White Chess Pieces
Chess is a two-player game.
One player uses the white
pieces. The other uses the
black pieces. Each piece moves in a special way. One piece is called the
king. Each player has one. The players take turns moving their pieces. If
a player lands on a piece, he or she takes it. The game ends when a
player loses his or her king. There are a few more rules, but those are
the basics.

Some people think that chess is more than a game. They think that it
makes the mind stronger. Good chess players use their brains. They
take their time. They think about what will happen next. These skills are
useful in life and in chess. Chess is kind of like a work out for the mind.

You don't always have lots of time to think when playing chess. There is
a type of chess with short time limits. It's called blitz chess. In blitz
chess, each player gets ten minutes to use for the whole game. Your
clock runs during your turn. You hit the time clock after your move. This
stops your clock. It also starts the other player's clock. If you run out of
time, you lose. Games of blitz chess are fast-paced.  

Chess is not just for people. Computers have been playing chess since
the 1970s. At first they did not play well. They made mistakes. As time
went on they grew stronger. In 1997, a computer beat the best player
in the world for the first time. It was a computer called Deep Blue. Deep
Blue was big. It took up a whole room. By 2006 a cell phone could beat
the best players in the world. Chess sure has come a long way. Don't
you think so?

1. What is the author's purpose in writing the second paragraph?

a. To explain the rules of chess b. To compare different types of
c. To talk about game pieces d. To persuade people to play
2. Which is not a reason that chess is a good workout for the mind according to
the text?
a. Good chess players think about what will happen next.
b. Good chess players take a lot of risks.
c. Good chess players take their time.
d. Good chess players use their brains.

3. How long have people been playing chess?

a. Over 100 years b. Over 500 years
c. Over 1000 years d. Over 5000 years

4. Where did the game that chess is based on come from?

a. Europe b. America
c. India d. All of these

5. Which best describes the main idea in the fourth paragraph?

a. This paragraph argues that players should think less.
b. This paragraph explains how blitz chess is played.
c. This paragraph explains time clocks work.
d. This paragraph describes many different ways to play chess.

6. How does a game of chess end according to the text?

a. One player takes all of the other player's pieces.
b. One player makes it to the end of the board.
c. One player becomes king.
d. One player loses his or her king.

7. Which happened first?

a. Computers did not play chess
well. b. Deep Blue won
an important game.
c. Cell phones got good at
playing chess. d.
Deep Blue took up a whole

8. How is blitz chess different

from regular chess?
a. Each player has two kings. b. Players are blindfolded.
c. Players only have ten minutes to play. d. Players start from a random

9. If it's your turn in blitz chess, what happens when you hit the clock?
a. Both your clock and the other person's clock keep running.
b. The other person's clock stops running and yours starts.
c. Both clocks stop running.
d. Your clock stops running and the other person's clock begins.

10. When did a computer first beat a strong human player in chess?
a. 2006 b. 1997
c. 1970 d. 1976


Passive – Use- leer atentamente!!

We only use the passive when we are interested in the object or when we
do not know who caused the action. Solo utilizamos la voz pasiva cuando
estamos interesados en el objeto o cuando no sabemos quién causó la

Example: Appointments are required in such cases.

Passive – Form

to be + past participle

How to form a passive sentence when an active sentence is given: como formar
una oración pasiva, cuando una oración activa es dada…..

 object of the active sentence becomes subject in the passive sentence- el

objeto en una oración activa se convierte en sujeto en la pasiva.

 subject of the active sentence becomes object in the passive sentence" (or is

left out)
el sujeto de la voz activa se convierte en objeto en la voz pasiva ( o se deja fuera)

We can only form a passive sentence from an active sentence when there is
an object in the active sentence.

Solo podemos formar una oración en voz pasiva desde la voz activa
cuando hay un objeto en la oración activa.

Miremos atentamente el siguiente cuadro!

Type of sentence Subject Verb Object

Tipo de oración sujeto verbo objeto

Active sentence: Peter Builds a house.

Oración activa Peter construye Una casa

Type of sentence Subject Verb Object

Tipo de oración sujeto verbo objeto

Passive sentence: A house is built by Peter.

Oración pasiva Una casa es construida Por Peter

3. Examples

3.1. Simple Present- si la oración activa esta en presente… pasa a

voz pasiva en presente pero con el verbo en pasado.

Type of sentence Subject Verb Object

Active sentence: Peter builds a house.

Passive sentence: A house is built by Peter.

3.2. Simple Past- si la oración activa esta en pasado simple pasa

a voz pasiva también en pasado.

Type of sentence Subject Verb Object

Active sentence: Peter built a house.

Passive sentence: A house was built by Peter.

Intentemos ejercitar!!!!

Passive sentences in the Simple Present 

Reescribir las siguientes oraciones en voz pasiva.

1. Mr Jones watches films.

V.P ________________________
2. The people speak English.
V.P ____________________________
3. He reads comics.
4. We play volleyball.
V.P ____________________________
5. They sing the song.
6. I take photos.
V.P ____________________________
7. She does the housework.
V.P ____________________________
8. The policemen help the children.
V.P ____________________________
9. He writes poems.
V.P ________________________
10. Mother waters the flowers.
V.P ________________________
Passive – Sentences in the Simple Past – 
Reescribir las siguientes oraciones en voz pasiva.

1. She bought four apples.

V.P _____________________
2. We won the match.
V.P _____________________
3. The man stole the blue car.
V.P _____________________
4. The police arrested the thieves.
V.P _____________________
5. Jack swam the 200 metres.
V.P _____________________
6. The dog bit the old lady.
V.P _____________________
7. Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.
V.P _______________________
8. Oliver taught the children.
V.P _______________________
9. Victoria rode the brown horse.
V.P _______________________
10. Grandmother told good stories.
V.P _______________________

Put in the correct form of the verb in Passive into the

gaps. Use Simple Present

Tests _____ (to pass)

Tests are passed.

1. Files ____________. (to delete)

2. A party __________.  (to celebrate)
3. Forms __________.  (to return)
4. Ice cream _________. (to freeze)
5. The turkey _________.  (to roast)
6. Animals ___________.  (to kill)
7. Beds _____________. (to make)
8. Service ____________. (to include)
9. Rumours __________.  (to hear)
10. Fruits ____________.  (to sell)

Put in the correct form of the verb in Passive into the gaps. Use

Simple Past.
The mobiles_____ (to turn off)

The mobiles were turned off.

1. The meal __________.  (to cook)

2. The trees __________.  (to plant)
3. The words __________.  (to substitute)
4. The question _________. (to answer)
5. The correct answers ____________.  (to tick)
6. The apps ______________.  (to download)
7. The door ______________.  (to lock)
8. The children ____________. (to pick up)
9. The house _____________.  (to burn down)
10. He __________________. (to rob)


Exercise on Passive Voice – Simple Present

Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Simple Present.
1. He (sell) _________ cars.
2. The blue car (sell) __________.
3. In summer, more ice-cream (eat) ___________ than in winter.
4. She (call) ____________ her grandparents every Friday.
5. The letters (type) __________.
6. He (take) _____________ his medicine every day.
7. Jane (take / not) _______________ to school by her father.
8. We (go) _______________ to school by bus.
9. She (work / not) ________________ for a bank.
10. Milk (keep) ________________ in the refrigerator.

Write passive sentences in Simple Past.

1. the test / write ________________________
2. the table / set _________________________
3. the cat / feed _________________________
4. the lights / switch on  ______________________
5. the house / build ___________________________
6. dinner / serve _______________________________
7. this computer / sell / not  __________________________
8. the car / stop / not  ________________________
9. the tables / clean / not  _______________________
10. the children / pick up / not ________________________

Write passive sentences in Simple Present.

1. the documents / print  ______________________

2. the window / open ______________________
3. the shoes / buy ______________________
4. the car / wash ______________________
5. the litter / throw away ____________________
6. the letter / send _______________________
7. the book / read / not ________________________
8. the songs / sing / not __________________________
9. the food / eat / not  ___________________________
10. the shop / close / not ___________________________

Passive voice - present

use : am/ is / are

Spanish __________in many countries. (speak)

The cars _________by that man. (repair)
The kitchen _____________every day. (clean)
Many tools ______________from plastic. (produce)
Paper ________________from wood. (make)
I _________________to school by my mother. (drive)
The cows ________________every morning. (feed)
The shop _______________by the manager. (close)
I _________________to the hospital every week. (take)
The presidents ________________by the people. (elect)

Passive voice - present /past simple

use : am / is / are / was / were

Rose _______________by the snake. (scare-past)
Many cars __________________in Japan. (make-present)
The cinema _____________by the police. (close-past)
The work __________________three times a day. (do-present)
The pictures _________________by Picasso. (paint-past)
The cheese _______________by the mice. (eat-past)
These knives _______________to cut up food. (use-present)
They __________________the question two times. (ask-past)
Our house __________________in 1902. (build-past)
Computers ___________________all over the world. (use-present)
An ovation _____________________to the actors. (give-present)
A bicycle _____________________from her. (steal-past)


Listen and work!!


I want to break ______

I want to break free
I want to break free from your lies
You’re so self satisfied I don’t ____ you
I’ve got to break free
God ______, God knows I want to break free.

I’ve fallen in _____

I’ve fallen in love for the first time
And this time I know it’s ___ _____
I’ve fallen in love, yeah
God knows, God knows I’ve fallen in love.

It’s strange but it’s ___

I can’t get over the way you love me like you do
But I _____ to be sure
When I walk out that door
Oh how I want to be free, Baby
Oh how I want to be free,
Oh how I want to break _____.

But life still _____ on

I can’t get used to, living without, living without,
Living without you by my side
I don’t want to live alone, hey
God knows, got to _____ it on my own
So baby can’t you see
I’ve got to break free.

I’ve got to break free

I want to break free, Yeah
I want, I want, I want, I want to break free



Los questions TAGS son pequeñas frases o preguntas (mini-questions)

que se colocan al final de una oración afirmativa o negativa y que
generalmente tienen como objetivo confirmar o negar el contenido de la
frase misma. Es el equivalente al ¿verdad?español o al ¿no? más utilizado
en países de América.

1. Los tag questions utilizan siempre los verbos auxiliares.

2. Con oraciones afirmativas utilizamos un tag question en


3. Con oraciones negativas utilizamos un tag question en


Question Tags - Positive

Type the correct word in the boxes below.


1. He's rich, _______ he?

2. These are your glasses, _____ they?
3. You live in Fairfield, ______ you?
4. It's a lovely day, _______ it?
5. I'm late, _____ I?
6. You smoke, ______ you?
7. They walk to work, _______ they?
8. Bill likes chocolate, _____ he?
9. Those flowers are beautiful, _____ they?
10. Anna is from Sweden, ________ she?

1. He hasn't got any dogs, ________ he?

2. Marc is good at maths, ________ he?

3. Sue is a beautiful girl, _________ she?

4. They are smart, ________ they?

5. Harry and Sally are in love, _______ they?

6. Charles plays tennis, _________ he?

7. She will come to the party, ________ she?

8. We haven't seen this film, _________ we?

9. She likes thrillers, ________ she?

10. You are going to London, _______ you?

Complete each of the following sentences.

1. You don't like jazz, ______ you?

a) like
b) don't
c) do
d) will

2. Susan is American, ______ she?

a) isn't
b) does
c) can
d) is

3. They need help, ______ they?

a) doesn't
b) do
c) need
d) don't

4. Your brother is in Canada, ______ he?

a) does
b) is
c) isn't
d) doesn't

5. We will eat soon, ______ we?

a) won't
b) eat
c) do
d) will

6. You smoke, ______ you?

a) smoke
b) does
c) don't
d) are

Type the correct word in the boxes below.

wasn't did didn't have haven't hasn't

isn't aren't does doesn't will won't

Doctor, I haven't got an

infection, ______ I?
She takes her dog for a walk every
morning, ______ she?
3. You'll come, _______ you?
4. We are buying the red car, _____ we?
5. They have a cat, _______ they?
6. It's a lovely day, ______ it?
7. George doesn't know, ______ he?
The party didn't finish until 3 in the
morning, _______ it?
9. They look tired, _______ they?
10. We won't be late, _______ we?
11 She's been to Canada, ______ she?
12. He's happy, _______ he?
There were a lot of people at the
beach, ________ there?
14. I've met you before, ________ I?
15. He jumped over the fence, _____ he?

Activity nº 2 – Reading Comprehension- Lecto Comprensión.


about  Argentina             


Read the following text about Argentina and choose the

correct word for each gap

Bordered- world- country- section- upto- located- oficial- inhabitants-

undenialbly- primarly- due- influenced- famous- among- most- particularly-
national- such- since-

Argentina is the second-largest _______in South America and the

eighth-largest in the ________. It is located between the Andes
mountain range in the west and the southern Atlantic Ocean in the
east and south. It is _________by Paraguay and Bolivia in the north,
Brazil and Uruguay in the northeast, and Chile in the west and
south. It is ________at the southernmost _______of the American
Continent. Argentina is _________3,700 km long from north to
south, and 1,400 km from east to west.
At present, the total ________of the country is 36,1 million of
inhabitants and it is made up of 23 provinces and of the Federal
Capital City which is set up in the city of Buenos Aires. Spanish is
the _________language.
Argentine culture has been _______influenced by its European roots.
Buenos Aires is ________the most European city in South America
and considered by many its cultural capital, ______ both to the
prevalence of people of European descent and to conscious imitation.
Argentina has a rich history of world-________literature, including
one of 20th century's most critically acclaimed writers, Jorge Luis
Argentine food is ________by cuisine from Spain, Italy, Germany,
France and other European countries. Argentina has a wide variety of
food, which include empanadas, a stuffed pastry; locro, a mixture of
corn, beans, meat, bacon, onion, and gourd; and chorizo, a meat-
based spicy sausage. The Argentine barbecue, asado, is one of
the _________famous in the world and includes various types of
meats, among them chorizo, sweetbread, chitterlings, and blood
sausage. A common custom _______Argentines is drinking mate.
Football is the most popular sport, although the _______sport of the
country is pato. Argentina also has a number of highly-ranked polo
Argentine culture is exemplified by its music and dance, ________
tango. In modern Argentina, tango music is enjoyed, particularly
since Ástor Piazzolla redefined the music of Carlos Gardel.
_________ the 1970s, rock and roll has been widely popular in
Argentina. Rock and roll and pop music have experienced bursts of
popularity, with many new bands (________ as Soda Stereo) and
composers becoming important referents of national culture.
Argentine rock is the most listened-to music among teenagers and
young people.

Activity Nº 3 - Reading comprehension- Argentina

Activity Nº 4

We will now wor with some small quizzes about everything we

have learned with this practical work.
Do you remeber question tags??? Let`s see!!!!

1. She works in a bank, ___?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

2. She didn't eat anything, ___?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

3. She doesn't talk much, ___?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

4. She loves you, ___?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

5. She looks very beautiful today, ___?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

6. She didn't go, ___?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

7. She didn't close the door, ___?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

8. She doesn't drive, ___?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

9. She doesn't want to go, ___?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she

10.She looks tired, ___?

a. does she
b. doesn't she
c. did she



San Jose is the second ___ city in California, after Los Angeles. 
a. larger
b. large
c. largest


George Lucas has ___ a digital movie studio in Marin County north of
San Francisco called "Skywalker Ranch." 
a. building
b. built
c. build


The Golden Gate inlet into San Francisco Bay is so narrow and covered
with fog, European explorers sailed past it for many years without ___
the bay. 
a. discovering
b. discovered
c. discover

Two species of giant Sequoia redwood trees are ___ in California; one
in the Sierra Nevada mountains and one along the Pacific coast. 
a. find
b. finding
c. found


Yosemite National Park is so popular, the Park Service is planning to

require that visitors take an electric bus instead of ___ own cars into the
valley to reduce smog and congestion. 
a. there
b. their
c. they're


The towns of Santa Cruz and Huntington Beach have been ___ for
many years over which is the real "Surf City USA." 
a. argued
b. arguing
c. argue


The neoprene wet suit was ___ by a resident of Santa Cruz because the
water there is cold but the surfing is good. 
a. invented
b. invent
c. inventing


Chinese immigrants were ___ to build the Southern Pacific railroad

across the Sierra Nevada mountains because the European workers
were undisciplined. 
a. hire
b. hiring
c. hired

The San Gabriel mountains east of Los Angeles are the ___ growing
mountain range in the world, rising about five centimeters a year. 
a. fastest
b. faster
c. fast


Forest ___ and earthquakes are as natural to California as tornadoes and

snowstorms are to the Midwestern United States. 
a. fire
b. fires
c. fired


The tectonic plate Los Angeles sits on is ___ north towards San
Francisco at the rate of two centimeters a year.
a. move
b. moving
c. mover


Eighty percent of the venture capital available in the United States for
___ startup companies comes from investors in the Silicon Valley town
of Menlo Park.
a. financing
b. finance
c. finaced


Los Angeles ___ a system of aquaducts to bring snowmelt from the

mountains of northern California for its water supply.
a. uses
b. using
c. used

Silicon Valley ___ near San Francisco. Silicone Valley is near
a. is
b. was
c. can


Kenny Roberts has his own private road-racing track ___ his back yard
near Carmel, California, home of the Laguna Seca raceway.
a. on
b. in
c. into


The Monterey Aquarium has a 1 million gallon aquarium tank, thanks

to a Japanese company that ___ the world's largest and thickest window
a. building
b. builder
c. built


If California were a country, its economy would be the eighth ___ in

the world.
a. large
b. largest
c. larger


In over 500 suicides at the Golden Gate Bridge since it opened, nobody
has ever ___ facing west, towards the Pacific Ocean. Everybody jumps
facing the city of San Francisco.
a. jump
b. jumped
c. jumping

The city of Los Angeles is ___ billions of dollars to re-build a mass-
transit subway and train system that General Motors dismantled earlier
this century.
a. spent
b. spending
c. spend


The artichoke, which is ___ in great abundance near Monterey, is a

member of the thistle family.
a. grew
b. grown
c. grew


Every time it is on the ballot, a plan to split California into two or more
states gains a ___ percentage of the vote.
a. higher
b. highest
c. high


Much of the gold ___ in California during the Gold Rush of the 1850s
financed the Union Army in the Civil War. 
a. mine
b. mined
c. mining



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