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Chapter Six Friction

FC = FB = 176.50 lb

Check: To check the assumption of equilibrium, we must compare each of the

friction forces against its maximum static value.

(FB)s = 0.4NB = 0.4(351.9) = 140.76 lb < FB = 176.50 lb not o.k.

(FC) s = 0.4NC = 0.4(651.9) = 260.8 lb > FC = 176.50 lb o.k.

We conclude that the system cannot be in equilibrium. Although there is sufficient

friction beneath C, the friction force under B exceeds its limiting value.

Example 6: Beam AB is subjected to a uniform load of 200 N/m and is supported at

B by post BC, Figure (a). If the coefficient of static friction at B and at C are B = 0.2

and C = 0.5, determine the force P needed to pull the post out from under the
beam. Neglect the weight of the members and the thickness of the beam.

Solution: The free-body diagram of the beam is shown in

Figure (b). W = wl = 200(4) = 800N

Applying MA = 0 + , NB (4) – 800 (2) = 0

NB = 400 N.

FBD of post shows that there are four unknowns verse

three equilibrium equations plus two frictional equations.
So it is Type (3) problem.

Assuming post slips at B:

This requires FC ≤ C NC and FB = B NB

Fx = 0 + ; P – FB – FC = 0 (1)

Univ. of Qadisiyah\College of Eng.\Civil Eng. Dept. (234) Mechanic\Static\1st Class

Chapter Six Friction

Fy = 0 +  NC – 400 = 0 NC = 400 N (2)

MC = 0 + ; -P(0.25) + FB(1) = 0 (3)

FB = B NB = 0.2(400) = 80 N (4)

FB 80
From Eq. (3) P   320 N
0.25 0.25

And Eq. (1) gives FC = P - FB = 320 – 80 = 240 N

Since FC = 240 N > C NC = 0.5(400) =200 N, slipping at C occurs. Thus the other case
of movement must be investigated.

Post Slips at C: Here FB ≤ B NB and FC = C NC

Fx = 0 + ; P – FB – FC = 0 (a)

Fy = 0 +  NC – 400 = 0 NC = 400 N (b)

MB = 0 + ; P(0.75) + FC(1) = 0 (c)

FC = C NC = 0.5(400) = 200 N (d)

FC 200
From Eq. (c) P   266.67 N
0.75 0.75

And Eq. (a) gives

FB = P – FC = 266.67 – 200 = 66.67 N ≤ FBB NB 0.2(400) = 80 N o.k.

Obviously, this case occurs first since it requires a smaller value for P.

So P = 266.67 N

Univ. of Qadisiyah\College of Eng.\Civil Eng. Dept. (235) Mechanic\Static\1st Class

Chapter Six Friction

Example 7: Blocks A and B have a mass of 3-kg and 9-kg, respectively, and are
connected to weightless links shown in Figure (a). Determine the largest vertical P
that can be applied at the point C without causing any movement. The coefficient
of static friction between the blocks and the connecting surface is s = 0.3.

Solution: The links are two-force members. There are seven

unknowns and six available force equilibrium equations, two
for the bin and two for each block, so that only one frictional
equation is needed. So it is Type (3) problem.

The equilibrium of pin C gives.

Fy = 0 +  FAC cos30o– P = 0 FAC = 1.155 P

Fx = 0 + ; 1.155Psin30o – FBC = 0 FBC = 0.5774 P

Using the result for FAC, for block A,

Fx = 0 + ; FA - 1.155Psin30o = 0;

FA = 0.5774 P (1)

Fy = 0 +  NA – 1.155P cos30o– 3(9.81) = 0;

NA = P + 29.43 (2)

Using the result for FAC, for block B,

Fx = 0 + ; (0.5774 P) - FB = 0;

FB = 0.5774 P (3)

Univ. of Qadisiyah\College of Eng.\Civil Eng. Dept. (236) Mechanic\Static\1st Class

Chapter Six Friction

Fy = 0 +  NB – 9(9.81) = 0; NB = 88.29 N

Movement of the system may be caused by initial slipping of either block A or

block B. If we assume that block A slips first, then

FA = s NA = 0.3 NA (4)

Substituting Eqs. 1 and 2 into Eq. (4)

0.5774 P = 0.3(P + 29.43) P = 31.8 N

Substituting this result into Eq. 3, we obtain FB = 18.4 N. Since the maximum static
friction force at B is

(FB)max = s NB = 0.3 (88.29) = 26.5 > FB,

block B will not slip. Thus, the above assumption is correct. Notice that if the
inequality were not satisfied, we would have to assume slipping of block B and
then solve for P.

Example 8: Determine the largest and smallest values of the force P for which the
system in Fig. (a) will be in static equilibrium. The homogeneous bars AB and BC
are identical, each having a mass of 100 kg. The coefficient of static friction
between the bar at C and the horizontal plane is 0.5.

Solution: It can be concluded that there are seven unknowns [Ax, Ay, Bx, By, NC, FC,
and P] verse six available equilibrium equations (three for each member) plus one
frictional force. So it is type (2) problem. However, finding the largest and
smallest values of P are two separate problems.

Univ. of Qadisiyah\College of Eng.\Civil Eng. Dept. (237) Mechanic\Static\1st Class

Chapter Six Friction

Note that the weights of the bars have a tendency to slide C to the right. Therefore,
impending sliding of C to the right corresponds to the smallest P. The largest P
occurs when sliding of C impends to the left; in this case, P must overcome both
the friction and the tendency of the weights to slide C to the right. Consequently,
the only difference between the two problems is the direction of the friction force
at C.

The FBD of the system consisting of both bars is shown in Fig. (b); the two
directions of FC are indicated by dashed lines. The weight of each bar,

W =mg =100(9.81) = 981 N,

An equation involving only NC and P is obtained by summing moments about A in

Fig. (b):

MA = 0 +

NC(6 cos 30◦) + P(1.5 sin 30◦) − 981(1.5 cos 30◦) − 981(4.5 cos 30◦) = 0 (a)

MB = 0 +

Univ. of Qadisiyah\College of Eng.\Civil Eng. Dept. (238) Mechanic\Static\1st Class

Chapter Six Friction

NC(3 cos 30◦) − 981(1.5 cos 30◦)− P(1.5 sin 30◦) ± 0.5NC(3 sin 30◦) = 0 (b)

where the positive (negative) sign on the last term corresponds to the largest
(smallest) value of P.

Solving Eqs. (a) and (b) gives

largest P = 1630 N

smallest P = 530 N

Therefore, the system is in static equilibrium for values of P in the range

530 N ≤ P ≤ 1630 N.

Example 9: The uniform 100-lb plank in Fig. (a) is resting on friction surfaces at A
and B. The coefficients of static friction are shown in the figure. If a 200-lb man
starts walking from A toward B, determine the distance x when the plank will start
to slide.

Solution: It can be shown from free-body diagram that there are five unknowns
(NA, FA, NB, FB, and x). On other side we have three equilibrium equations plus two
frictional equations. Therefore it is a Type (2) problem.

When the plank is on the verge of moving, sliding must impend at both A and B.
Impending sliding at A only, or at B only, would be physically impossible.
Because the plank is a rigid body, any movement of end A must be accompanied
by a movement of end B.

Univ. of Qadisiyah\College of Eng.\Civil Eng. Dept. (239) Mechanic\Static\1st Class

Chapter Six Friction

MA = 0 + NB sin 50◦(10) + FB sin 40◦(10) −200x − 100(5) = 0 (a)

Fx = 0 + FA − NB cos 50◦ + FB cos 40◦ = 0 (b)

Fy = 0 + NA − 200 − 100 + NB sin 50◦ + FB sin 40◦ = 0 (c)

Substituting the friction equations, FA = 0.2NA and FB = 0.5NB, and solving Eqs. (a)–
(c) give NA = 163.3 lb, NB = 125.7 lb, and x = 4.34 ft

x = 4.34 ft

Example 10: The spool in Fig. (a) weighs 25 N, and its center of gravity is located
at the geometric center. The weight of block C is 50 N. The coefficients of static
friction at the two points of contact are as shown. Determine the largest horizontal
force P that can be applied without disturbing the equilibrium of the system.

Univ. of Qadisiyah\College of Eng.\Civil Eng. Dept. (240) Mechanic\Static\1st Class

Chapter Six Friction

Solution: From the free-body diagrams it can be concluded that there are six
unknowns (FA, NA, FB, NB, NC, and P) with five equilibrium equations (three in body
A and two in body C) plus two frictional forces. So it is type (3) problem.

It is initially not known which of these possibilities represents the actual mode of
impending motion, so there are two possibilities for impending motion (both could
occur simultaneously):

Assume Impending Sliding at A

This assumption gives us the additional equation

FA = 0.3NA = 0.3(50) = 15 N.

The FBD of the spool then yields,

MB = 0 + FA(240) − P(40) = 0

which gives,

P = 6FA = 6(15) = 90.0 N

Assume impending sliding at B

This assumption gives

FB =0.4NB =0.4(75) = 30 N.

From the FBD of the spool, we now obtain

MA = 0 + − FB(240) + P(200) = 0

P = 1.2FB = 1.2(30) = 36.0 N

Choose the Correct Answer

Up to this point, the analysis has determined that sliding impends at A if P =90.0 N
and at B if P =36.0 N. Consequently, the largest force P that can be applied without
disturbing the static equilibrium of the spool is

P = 36.0 N

Univ. of Qadisiyah\College of Eng.\Civil Eng. Dept. (241) Mechanic\Static\1st Class

Chapter Six Friction

with sliding impending at B.

Note: An alternate method for solving this problem is to assume impending

sliding at one surface and then to compare the friction force at the other surface
with its limiting static value.

Univ. of Qadisiyah\College of Eng.\Civil Eng. Dept. (242) Mechanic\Static\1st Class

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