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Number of faults: 18

In order of appearance

Bond gets rid of Blofeld, once and for all

In the teaser, Bond spears Blofeld's wheelchair with a helicopter and pulls him up in the air. In the
exact scene where he spears the wheelchair, you can notice that the stuntman (the pilot) wears
headphones. Bond didn't!

Slow motion is needed to see this really well.

When Melina sees that her parents have been shot and are lying on the deck of their ship, there is no
blood on her father's shirt. However, when she runs over to check on them a second later, there is
blood all over the shirt.

When Bond is at the club's swimming pool and escapes from the bad guys, he grabs a big umbrella
from a table. He jumps off a ledge and after he lands you can see someone shooting at him. But there
are already bullet holes in the umbrella before the guy starts shooting.

Melina Havelock

Watch closely in the scene where Bond and Melina are riding in the horse carriage in Cortina. The
scenery behind them keeps changing from mountains to a city street! When Melina says; "It was my
parents they killed, not yours", they are riding on a city street according to the background, but they
are supposed to be riding in an open landscape with mountains around it!!

In the scene where Bond is hunted by two motor-bikers, he gets rid of one of them by hanging up
one of his ski poles in a tree. When the motor-biker hits it he falls directly to the ground. In the long
shot of this, the biker does not fall off until at least 20 yards from the tree-line!!

Following the fault above, after that scene he should not have any ski poles left, but in the scene
directly after that, he has a ski pole in his hand that disappears as fast as it came up.


Bond is fighting some of Loque's accomplices in a hockey rink and one of the players tries to hit
Bond with his ice-skate but misses and makes a mark in the hockey rink that miraculously disappears
in the next scene.
When Bond meets Kristatos in the casino, Bond is playing baccarat. During this sequence, the
croupier calls out "neuf a la banque", signaling that Bond has a nine. Bond's cards are turned over to
reveal he only has five!!

After Locque leaves the beach in the dune buggy, Bond runs over to check on Lisl. When he arrives
you can notice that her left eye twitches.

When Bond and Colombo raid Kristatos' warehouse in the middle of the night, Locque manages to
escape after setting a bomb. Bond goes after Locque, who's escaping by car. Bond follows by taking
the stairs. He stops him at the top of the stairs, but then it´s broad daylight. When the chase started it
was night. Some staircase!

When Locque is stuck in his car that's hanging on to the cliff edge, Bond goes up to have a chat with
him. After that, Bond kicks the car over the edge. Then you can notice that the car has no engine.
When the car falls off the cliff, Locque falls out of it and lands under or beside the car. However,
when they show the car from above (as Bond and Colombo see it) Locque is lying in front of the car.
If Bond and Melina have to breathe a mixture of helium and oxygen when they are exploring the St.
Georges, wouldn't their voices be all squeaky because of the helium?
As Bond and Melina are exploring the ship to recover the ATAC transmitter they are supposedly
working at a great depth, enough to crush a human. Why, then, are they working without gloves on
their diving suits?!!
When the villain finds Bond and Melina in the St. Georges, he tears Bond's diving suit so that Bond
starts to bleed. Both the bleeding and the torn suit are healed and repaired by the time Bond and
Melina return to their vessel, the Neptune. However, the tear and the cut are visible again when they
climb out of the Neptune on the surface.

Waiting to attack
When Bond is climbing the mountain to reach the monastery, he encounters one of Kristatos'
henchmen who begins to hammer out the spikes that Bond's lifeline is attached to. Given the fact that
a man on foot is able to reach several of the spikes to disable them, it stands to reason that Bond
himself should have been able to safely reach the top. He basically would have gained access to the
top in order to place spikes there.

When Bond throws one of Kristatos' henchmen off the cliff, he crash-lands and Colombo and the
others roll him over to check if it's Bond. However, the guy looks barely injured, some blood is
shown. Wouldn't the guy look like a squashed grape from falling that far?!!

Blofeld suffered severe neck injuries in the end of "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" but in
"Diamonds are Forever" he was fine. However, in the beginning of this movie he appears in a
motorized wheelchair and the neck looks very injured!

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