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PHY 151 Homework Solutions 03A

Name: _____________________

Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Vectors

1. A motorist drive south at 20.0 m/s for 3.00 min, then turns west and travels
at 25.0 m/s for 2.00 min, and finally travels northwest at 30.0 m/s for 1.00
min. Let the positive x axis point east. For this 6.00-min trip, find
(a) the total vector displacement
(b) the average speed
(c) the average velocity

The first leg of the trip places the car at x = 0 and y = -20 x 3.00 x 60 = -3600 m
The second leg of the trip places the car at x = -25 x 2 x 60 = -3000 and y = -3600 m
The third leg of the trip places the car at x = -3000 – (30 x 1 x 60 x cos 45) = -4272 m
and y = -3600 + (30 x 1 x 60 x sin 45) = -2327 m.

R = sqrt(x2 + y2) = sqrt((-4272)2 + (-2327)2) = 4865 m

 = tan-1(y/x) = tan-1(2327/4272) = 28.60

Since the x and y components are negative, the vector is in the third quadrant below the –
x axis.

average speed = total distance / total time
total distance = (20 x 3 x 60) + (25 x 2 x 60) + (30 x 1 x 60) = 8400 m
total time = (3 x 60) + (2 x 60) + (1 x 60) = 360 s
average speed = 8400 / 360 = 23.3 m/s

average velocity = displacement / time
average velocity = 4865 m / 360 s = 13.5 m/s along direction of R.

2. When the Sun is directly overhead, a hawk drives toward the ground with a
constant velocity of 5.00 m/s at 60.00 below the horizontal. Calculate the speed of
its shadow on the level ground.

The problem is asking for the x-component of the hawk’s velocity.

x-component = 5.00 m/s cos(60) = 2.50 m/s

3. A golf ball is hit off a tee at the edge of a cliff. Its x and y coordinates as functions
of time are given by x = 18.0t and y = 4.00 t – 4.90t2, where x is in meters and t is
in seconds.
(a) Write a vector expression for the ball’s position as a function of time using
the unit vectors i and j

The vector for the ball’s position is r = 18.0ti + (4.00t – 4.9t2)j

By taking derivatives, obtain expressions for

(b) the velocity vector v as a function of time
(c) the acceleration vector a as function time
(d) Next use unit-vector notation to write expressions for the positon, the
velocity, and the acceleration of the golf ball at t = 3.00 s

r = 18.0ti + (4.00t – 4.9t2)j
v = dr/dt
v = 18.0i + (4.00 – 9.8t)j

v = 18.0i + (4.00 – 9.8t)j
a = dv/dt
a = -9.8j

t = 3.00 s
r = 18.0(3)i + (4.00(3) – 4.9(3)2)j = 54.0 mi – 32.1 mj
v = 18.0i + (4.00 – 9.8(3))j = 18.0 m/si -25.4 m/sj
a = -9.80 m/s2j

Two-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration

4. The vector position of a particle varies in time according to the expression r =
3.00i – 6.00t2j, where r is in meters and t is in seconds.
(a) Find an expression for the velocity of the particle as a function of time.
(b) Determine the acceleration of the particle as a function of time
(c) Calculate the particle’s position and velocity at t = 1.00 s
r = 3.00i – 6.00t2j
v = dr/dt = -12.0tj

a = dv/dt = -12.0j

t = 1.00 s
r = 3.00i -6.00j
v = -12.0j

5. A particle initially located at the origin has an acceleration of a = 3.00j m/s2 and
an initial velocity of v = 5.00i m/s. Find
(a) the vector position of the particle at any time t.
(b) the velocity of the particle at any time t
(c) the coordinates of the particle at t = 2.00 s
(d) the speed of the particle at t = 2.00 s .

Constant acceleration
r = ri + vit _+ ½ at2
r =5.00ti +1/2(3.00)t2j

v = dr/dt = 5.00i + 3.00tj

t = 2.00 s
x = 5.00(2.00) = 10.0 m
y = 1.5(2.00)2 = 6.00 m

v = 5.00i + 3.00(2.00)j
speed = sqrt(5.002 + 6.002) = 7.81 m/s

Projectile Motion
6. A projectile is fired in such a way that its horizontal range is equal to three times
its maximum height. What is the angle of projection?

Use range and height formulas

R = 3h

vi2(sin 2i)/g = 3vi2sin2i/2g

2/3 = sin2I / sin 2i = sin2i / 2sin i cosi = tani/2

i = tan-1(4/3) = 53.10

7. To start an avalanche on a mountain slope, an artillery shell is fired with an initial

velocity of 300 m/s at 55.00 above the horizontal. It explodes on the mountainside
42.0 s after firing. What is the x and y coordinates of the shell where it explodes,
relative to its firing point?
xf = xi + vxt

xf = ? xi = 0 (our assumption)
vx = 300cos(5.0)= 172.1 m/s t = 42.0

xf = 0 + 172.1(42.0) = 7230 m

yf = yi + vyit + ½ ayt2

yf = ? yi = 0 (our assumption)
vyi = 300sin(55.0) = 245.7 m/s
ay = -9.8 m/s2
t = 42.0 s

yf = 0 + 245.7(42.0) + ½ (-9.8)(42.0)2 = 1680 m

Analysis Model: Particle in Uniform Circular Motion

8. An athlete rotates a 1.00 kg discus along a circular path of radius 1.06 m. The
maximum speed of the discuss is 20.0 m/s. Determine the magnitude of the
maximum radial acceleration of the discus.

ac = v2 / r = (20)2 /1.06 = 377 m/s2

Tangential and Radial Acceleration

9. A train slows down as it rounds a sharp horizontal turn, going from 90.0
km/h to 50.0 km/h in the 15.0 s it takes to round the bend. The radius of the
curve is 150 m. Compute the acceleration at the moment the train speed
reaches 50.0 km/h. Assume the train continues to slow down at this time at
the same rate.

Convert 50 km/h to m/s

50 km/h = 50 km(m/km) / h(s/h) = 50(1000)/3600 = 13.9 m/s
ac = v2/r = (13.9)2 / 150 m = 1.29 m/s

The tangential acceleration is constant

Instantaneous acceleration equals average acceleration

at = vt / t
v = (50.0 – 90.0) km/h = -40 km/h = -40(1000)/3600 m/s = -11.1 m/s
at = 11.1 / 15.0 = -0.741 m/s2

a = sqrt(1.292 + (-0.741)2) = 1.49 m/s2

 = tan-1(0.741/1.29) = 29.90
This assumes that the x axis direction is ac and the y axis direction is at
Because x component is positive and y component is negative. The vector is below ac.

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