Budget Worksheet: PART 2. September To April After Grade 12

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PART 1 .

First year post secondary costs - How will you pay for them
Tuition fees are usually due early in September. This means you will have to have a plan for pay
before you graduate Grade 12. How will you pay for the first year of post secondary? Parents? S
I've included it in the budget below. I beleive that my parents will help me pay for first year post secondary an
well. Hopefully I will also recieve a bursurie and or scholarship.

The following budget starts the September AFTER Grade 12.

The first section covers the 8 months you will be in school.
The second section covers the 4 months (April - August) you will have available to work after Spr

Budget Worksheet
PART 2. September to April after Grade 12

Income from job

Monthly Employment income (NET income after deductions)

Approx 10 hours a week with minimum wage 14.60

Other income:
Parent Contribution:
Lump sum given
Monthly amounts: Parents have resp but amount is unknown. Living at home, parents
pay for some food and other expenses

Savings (up to end of Grade 12)

Net Income from Summer Employment (after Grade 12) minus expenses
Other (specify here)
Total Income
Fixed Expenses
Living at home

Bus Pass: included in tuition, Cab money: 10 Car-include insurance, maintenance and loan
payment if applicable:

Parking: yearly pass

Tuition + Student Fees for second year (listed below)
Books for second year
Insurance on Belongings
Cell Phone
Banking Fees
Cable TV
Other Fixed Expenses - Game memberships, etc. (xbox)
Total Fixed Expenses
Variable Expenses
Personal Care
Health care (personal circumstances)
Gas (if I go out, I will borrow my parents car)
Sports/Health Clubs
Game/Music Subscriptions
Gifts and charitable donations
Other - First Year Tuition
Other - First Year Books
Total Variable Expenses

Total Expenses (fixed +variable)


PART 3. May - August

Money earned and saved:
Net Income earned for 4 months of May-August after first year post-sec
Money saved during 8 month period above (Money given from parents and RESP)
TOTAL money available

Tuition + Student Fees for second year
Books for second year
Summer expenses that you pay for (one month amount mulitplied by 4 months) Although
Other Expenses
Total expenses
Money earned May-August minus expenses:
How will you pay for them?
have to have a plan for paying for for first year even
ost secondary? Parents? Savings?
or first year post secondary and I will work to help save as

available to work after Spring term ends.

after Grade 12

Per Month 8 Month Total

Year IN
GREENwill fill automatically
cells will fill automatically
$279.13 $ 2,233.04

$ 625.00 $5,000.00

$300.00 $ 2,400.00
$ 369.80 $2,958.42
$ 169.81 $1,358.44
$ - $0.00
$1,743.74 $13,949.90
Totals will fill automatically

$0.00 $ -

$10.00 $ 80.00 If tuition/books/fees for second year

are being paid by parents or student
loans, then put the amounts in this
If you will work on summer break after
$ - $0.00 your first year to pay for your second
$ - $0.00 year tuition, then fill out the form
$ - $0.00 below.
$0.00 $ -
$0.00 $ -
$0.00 $ -

Housing Transportation
$35.00 $ 280.00
$0.00 $ -
$0.00 $ -
$5.00 $ 40.00 Housing
Personal Care Transportation
$50.00 $400.00 Tuition + Student Fees for second Books for second year
year (listed below)
care (personal circumstances) Internet
$250.00 $ 2,000.00
Banking Fees
Entertainment Cable TV
$0.00 $ - Sports/Health Clubs
Other I goYear
First out,Tuition
I will borrow my parents car)
$40.00 $ 320.00 Cell Phone Food Other Subscriptions
Game/Music Fixed Expenses - Game
Other - First Household
Books etc. (xbox)
$50.00 $ 400.00 Parking
SavingsClothing Health care (personal
$30.00 $ 240.00 circumstances)
Gifts and charitable donations
Gas (if I go out, I will borrow my Parking
$50.00 $ 400.00 parents car)
$60.00 $ 480.00 Netflix/Crave/Disney+ Game/Music Subscriptions
$20.00 $ 160.00 Travel Gifts and charitable donations
$50.00 $ 400.00 Other - First Year Tuition Other - First Year Books
$0.00 $ -
$10.35 $ 82.80
$0.00 $ -
$45.00 $ 360.00
$20.00 $ 160.00
$155.00 $ 1,240.00
$688.38 $ 5,507.02
$225.01 $ 1,800.08
$1,693.74 $13,549.90

$1,743.74 $13,949.90 The blue row must be zero to have a 'balanced' budget.
If you have a negative number, your expenses exceed
$0.00 $0.00 your income and you must reduce some expenses.

If you have a positiv

number, you have money left and this must be allocat
in your budget (savings, emergency fund or any other



$7,000.00 Remember, tuition and books only go here if it

$1,000.00 is not already listed in your 8 month budget
$2,320.00 above.

$10,320.00 Any savings during school year plus

savings from summer employment (May
- September) will be what you have left
to start second year.
Any savings during school year plus
$1,266.00 savings from summer employment (May
- September) will be what you have left
to start second year.
Transportation Parking: yearly pass
Transportation Parking: yearly pass
d Books for second year Insurance on Belongings

Internet Cell Phone

Cable TV Other Fixed Expenses - Game
memberships, etc. (xbox)
ts car)
Books etc. (xbox) Personal Care
Health care (personal Entertainment
Parking Sports/Health Clubs

Game/Music Subscriptions Pets

Gifts and charitable donations Savings
Other - First Year Books

ve a 'balanced' budget.
, your expenses exceed
ce some expenses.

If you have a positive

nd this must be allocated
gency fund or any other

here if it

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