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ese Zoltén, Nagy Glzla, Ormanlaky Anet: Lat’ Discuss it PRO, Angol ze ves 6s vtatechnikahaladoknak Sotkesfeervir, Elkind: 2018, Elész6 yin iméve sje hogy eye foytatsa a nagyskersLets Dicuss Lenka ad 20121 cin adnynak ugyanator ls és Hsnypio ak, Koncepcsban ee feoptesdben megegyexkaessmenyeve még mia s galas svegevel dt Find qyakriat evens ax angol ny Goes Kaaet esemecsore&sévces aga A anyibentalahats 4 jaca gadis rsadaim tatu tems problems lgocea fel. Atets curs PRO Kemet ca hogy alapostsuminyzurd eves mson a angel hye it serves ayakristba, es edefert toma koala magnon gondola tank velemenyonk helyeseshator iter er kort. en tvabb fonoe cal, hogy hatétonjan bouitseselinsanuat gondoran megilogaat igs aingsheslgstatt ‘seayan medtanulate mennyisagoseeanyogsegtsegcvel ‘ets Distt PRO elesorban a flSfka yewvizgira,»gordsigszaknye visa bs az let letben fat angel nel esameceére rte felkszitaben Kvn sepasget ‘yan de Rasen frgathata mingenk al laps mg sar snares ms best Shoot nese |esevletechnde advan dayaant jt hase vegas kink ala koa vagy yey ‘mogtia skin vasgarenat temas fedolgcot 45 tmaugyans lapsed raked atalanossgazdasagnjelvvasadkmakaretes sextl akon ser! ka Imathatanyeltzsatralges es satel are rnd felesiesben ‘Les Dust PRO tangent Kunden a Kommune ksasagek else ten mat fe eredmenyeket here ova nyelvanikat smagealara ina kk smote nyetussuk ener sem ads megbirn| edly ahateosangol yea vlemnkie {es hivisaial A Lets Discuss PRO ontor tl ogy ne cups a Use, ane saleban tr ango nye hommuniacs clisttadban es gyakoriesban ie sagtesget ryuson, és 3 {andral csoportosnylolttisbon i hasenosszerepettitheren be. clok ltt key vette stostgaaligekertnkbizostan + Aszovegekoyan atu tmshatdolgana el amalyek oavetve vagy koavetendl len 8s hatsal bak jel vagy jovSbe tines exert kelkepponerdekessk ehetnek hho hogy megvassuk azo A szovegek nem csupén temsjual hanem masfogamarulta ir gyekemek. prove Kain’ aayelvanuikat Fontosnak trtottuk hogy at wenyes tSayanos és emeledett Indulatesab, seemeyeskedbbangol nyevG megnyiokazssokat i hszen er gy Vt rindi jellemacbbek mint egy hehoanap tags, Ne fled: hemi moguk nem ‘Shnkazidevigg sural és nell fordstkkalfonton hogy etack het 2 megs LUdvarioianhifejenéseket akényvbencllaggsl(*jelk) . /Akonyytnanyaginakosselitisa sorn gondo fxdittunk tt, hogy astovege 5 ¢ fsodnoknecupin bemtasskae4jtananyagt Nana lsndsan anette end rmegtautat lenteen novel atandasfolyamateredmenyesege, Akonyrvigen szedltst ktalnka hile beitdsndokrajlemzs mondatk bolersforduatlbl ami ond tantinak ind a cikak seg reczeenns ten teniakilenbéed mondanWalia elma hisjeateket + spr" ont srempontok-érek 6 alenérvek-szimbavétele, amayek alaién a + minasaous vagys az ado a vase fldoigosis, ol emcee, lhe aznapii formazan “avaslatok az egyes foezetek feldolgoréira suk fgyelmeren sobbed ok tschatsor ea test feldogoas sxbueget 2. Asatjogyatkés sag estén ar sept tang az knee zat 2. Olasuk a dea tober 2 sabveget, maid Knog a vastagon seed kee Pilon probleme scan szasn a sxove artalmstDahettaeg seit nl tesunknah vagy tandrana 6. Axed tanta sege6géel st leds eve unk ogalmant és rng nemmenyminden oo hszlata ones 1. Tanuljkmeg a Klinbass besakdseindékokra ells svegdoborckbantlhats| eensate 9. Flytassunk it trunk az adt témsban a fete fesznléssval elds hogy {ent melslsspototkepeiel khonyvtieharnahajacehhes 12 Teter pseberrécinkt a mits lpn. Ha van kedinkhowa keresinksa ony gen talhato beszeczandekox loft amelykiika pressed! Természetesen mis médszetl i feldolgoshatuk a ejeztekt, de az ametlsne min ‘denképpen nagy lente van Ha jab jase fedaigsssibe headnk art ore texjune ez a rales hola szkinceet nol znd teat hel pedis prbe Saédeket mete t Akne van lehetstgegyakoralon ey antes ands remesok limaby dehattonyabbir lest Remajvk hogy a Lets Dicuss nye megizmertt es east, 1Okennyebbé s iményszebbe tes egy ixgalmas nha Content 1 The Ushould bea loose federation ofstts ke the USA 2 Tuthey should become fll member ofthe European Union | Theirs sbsicesand ai for developing members have or ranbucsthan beefs 4 Thesharing economy thebest thatcanhagpento sin the 2Iseertary 5 Asareslta baton mare people hve benliteout of avery than ever beer 6 High levels ofconsmpton make the wot ground 7 oof mady ightelet fmuthatoalcorpariesa ot preprd ctu ences 2 Supermarkets sould be dosed on Sundays 9 Thesocialistdeoogyefawed 0 ineres nd women should be supported by postive esrinintion 1 Pubic work sa wate ofesources 2 Wigher education doesnot provide sls necessary onthe sbour matt ‘Teminimum wage eatesmore wath “he lt taxis the fest ofall oes 16 Ther shouldbe more nla plantsn the county Sutinable development cannot be achieved without environmental awareness “There pontin joining environmental agreements ike the Kot Protocol 20 Establishing» new busines shouldbe as e352 possible 24 There has never been better invention han elie basking Noitaterun companies should be allowed to tae on the stock exchange Freeads the expotaton of poor counes ‘TonstlomicTade andinvestnient Partnership 1) iss thes to Ep Recognizing he importance of e-commerce: thes wile theft. ‘The new way of arkting have proved tobe eects Theres no negative publy The bene offre intret outweigh the drawbacks Sexi media svetsng surpasses allother marketing techniques Teleworing will everbe affective a varkng nthe fice angry should jn the eurozone 2 soon a poe Foreign dec ivesmen shouldbe gen pony Labour shortage shouldbe solve by attracting obtakes om orsign counties intelong rn BRICS countries lovertake the EU andthe USA The gep between rch and poor counties wl not apes Bret as formorecleavantages than naff all Higher education shouldbe fe Theres no polntin saving for future retement The welfaresstem should be as tong as possible ae N This sue seems tobe the most debated one among the EU member slats. There ara several opposing views, some of which I shall touch upon. Honestly speaking, have tdoubis about only showing the postive side ofthe federalsaion ofthe BU, so Lam preseatng the other sid as well Teteve ther’ no debate about the economic aspects. my opinion, the singe market has provided businesses with major Benes, fe one consumers and emplayees. Jus {ake look atone othe most important eelevements, the Schengen Area. Border control tsalimost non-existent, which has helped to speedup the movement af people and goods ‘We now see common standards for los of products, thus producing aleve playing eld for EU manufacturers, no matter where they are. 1'cerain thatthe overall effect has en to turn the EU into domestic marke forall citizens, There's reason to beleve that fede help increase progres inal these areas, bringing benefits an However Its high they dea with lea problems. Jagr that not fully understanding local tensions and probable tha the more stbority this governing body has, theless burning sues none particular area can bring rent harm othe whole federation as one spark can set ablaze much ger fe than a ederl government can ingle a Incadtion, wil sy that states ai to aim a he collective benef therefore essential delegating esponsibility to other sates, and most frequently to the mort economically _»powerfl participants, Citizens of moe prosperous states like France and Germany ma ‘complain that es well-o states do ot pay thet far share ofthe costs. Meanie, these less well-o states may claim that they are disregarded because of thee economically “end to lean toward the argument thal the EU is more heterogeneous than the USA 1» Funnlly enough, Lean already hea the opposing uew saylng that th US sa sald bow! ‘of nationalities. However, mast say that in Europe we talk about naton-states with isting cultural boundaries having commen interests, whl inthe US, there are diferent tities andclturesighting for what the Founding Fatherslad down, Coming back to the positive side, we an aso se that «united Europe will Become an slmportant negotiating and trading partner, among the bigest economies in the worl It will have a population of close to hal blion. Also i wil be the words biggest eeder and generat one quarter of global wealth. Europe atone country sands better chance of putingts message across mot eticietly than ft was usta bunch of small nation states, Last but not last, we should take a took at another aspect, and that is how the EU, manages fo contol multinational companies. federal Europe would be influential enough to demand high tendard of behavior from compares, because ony a powerful and economically significant player can dltate restrictive measures, Il coepassnceerseatamenen nese sah ane ae + There would be higher standards for companies. +A federal EU would bean economically strong power. + Monetary policy could be controled ta cet instuion + Aunited European maret has several trade benefits + Theres no politcal will forthe federation + National sovereignty would be lost. + Politica integration is more problematic than scone integrin + Susldrity i not only done in a supranational way but ca als be achieved by ation states, ‘Thats highly dabstae Pee outs youcsain that please? agree with yout Idoube hat What makesyou ‘hk that? eink that {think tha since he Unite States has ben a succes story for more than two centuries, the EU should defiaitey operate withthe very same structure Would you explain that please Why areyou saying tha! the US sa suces story? The 2 entry USA has ust proved the opposite. It sams to be on a downward path. ‘That's highly debatable. Tere are ups and downs in every conte, but the overall leur is hat the system of checks and balances works in he S What makes you think that the same system would work in the BU? Wel 1 sem: fo me that looking atthe recent economic and plea vss of tho EU, the only soliton ito havea sir system { doubt thet. The Ui banc of nation-states that wil always strongly protec thelr In that cad they have to come tan agreement on how to cooperate est Can you elaborate on that? Sure, There must be a cule of common pores such a defence, France and orig pole: Al he rest shoul be ft forthe member sates. For example, edcaton shoul be the busines ofthe member ste. The federal government would have n say a {ast in the USA, {agree with you fs the intention in the member states o parse such Tesi solution. However, just ste the oposite Not necessarily. Tete are actully more countries now tat have realized tht the present operation mechanism ofthe EU is ovcete. They are already thinking ol very Fadleal sltlons sich as having two separate groups inthe EU, sich asa mulespeed Europe. What do you near? {mean one group tht woud require being a member of he monelary union, an there. ‘That would relly burt he Interests of several Eastern Eatopeon counties Definitely, but tis adferent story then Yo knw I doubt that, According to what Ive read, SR doesnt realy pay. don't ‘tink you've persuaded me [Noprobiem, nevertheless J uggest we shoud get together soon to dg deper inthe ‘opt Pm already looking forward i Thatshighy ae ae eto zo ‘Srey son sono to sna ov wd ea efter ena edone ante ed hte ‘This ope has spurted many emotions inthe past coupe af decades. There are obviously ho sides of the coin, and several arguments arise when talking about the whys and why tots Thete are many economl, geographical, politcal and cultural arguments for and gains! the EU tnembershp of Turkey. “Looking atthe turmoil of our Himes, 1 ond oBelleve thatthe most important aspects inc econonty ofthe given country. States prove tha the Turkish economy isthe tving Its GDP growth average ie wsually around 3.5%, and it weathered the global nan capita income has grown and the average citizen snow much downturn ver well beter of than some in the EU, Adding this country tothe EU would bring m vibrant _acconomic ie Weshould not frget eke that 75 milion new consumers would beaded othe singe markt (On the other hand, compared to richer BU states, the economy of Turkey Is stil nderdeveloped fe amited Turkey, would ring about many hardships forthe est ofthe Union. 4 Honesty speaking, geography doesn't help the ease. Turkey i ota European county ‘a 7% ofits teeny les in Asi, Opponent ofthis dea beleve thatthe EU doesnt need Shared borders with Syria Iran and Iraq, Hower, there are mach more important issues than geography. The coup attempt of 2016 demoastrted that Turkey is not a mature etncrar. Human sights are routinely abused. Dozens of ouralss end up in jl There sare many fee speech sues that influence the ives of etizens. The country had lngbeen lured int believing that it could be member state of the European Union. There were several relorms, which are now belng disregarded de tothe lost hope of lning ‘wing about more incentives forte Tks toshrug of authoritarian tendencies. We shoul snot forge tat Turkey is & NATO metab ina very sensitive region. Last bunt least, one of the most sesiive tole elated to this issues the religous and cultural background of Turkey. Many argue that he economic and political sucess ofa secular Islamic country would give a hoost to sinllar nation in the region. Opponents ‘argue tat the EU should te tots rats in Cavey, and they ae aa ofa eligions wlavasion, which has heen expriened several ines thoughout the centuries. lemocraic achieverents ofthe pas. The chances for Turkey to oi are getting smaller every day. Expecatlyin the light of the 2017 referendum which strengthened presidental powers and got if aot o the + Tukey’s geostratgie postion makes i Key player inthe secuny of the EU +The country’s EU membership might cause it shragof authoritarian tendencies «Turkey hs thriving economy which would only best the economy a the EU +The growing economy of Turkey wll make tthe only country inthe EU which provides long-term contribution to Estope, of Turkey iin Aaa and we should not have borders with rogue nation ike rag, Sys ean «Turkey has bad record on torture, freedom of speech, women's rights and the treatment of thn minorities + Incase of Turkey, sie matters: owing Ito Join the EU would make the country © a Youmusefoig Beam no chanee that Tarkey willbe able o integrate into the ‘There sabcoutely rochance that There absolutly ‘Come on! You caus say that, You mst have some sense arguments to support Ofcourse, do For exam Wat, to Issues we are facing today Sure but Lam more intrested in your arguments regarding Turkey ‘i geting there hints cultura an religous su coupled with migration as we agree with you, bt I hnk tht Turkey is more secular than eligious You must be joking. know some ther reasons why they cant join the BU Look atthe recent events in tat country. Informed. What do you mean? {dont want to nvove pots, ba he 2016 coup attempt andthe 2017 referendum both prove tht the country is nota mature demecratc sat. The historically demorratc Bchleverents that charaterized the country in the 20th century are gone ‘As you have gute righty pointed ot, this might be the preset situation. However itwe lok atthe lng run and want to havea webs Europe, we must integrate all tons that ave a desire toi, wy? ‘As Ihave mentioned bore, its «serious eligious matter coupled with the issue of (Oh please, don give me that 1m serious Tukey has more inhabitants than France. How would you handle the pearance of ens of milons of Turkish people hocking on your door to find jos? {do thinithe polite and econo stuaton In Euopets ready to face sucha infix Hm, have not thought abou that. | deftly ned toJearn more on this iss. See Tr | creenhoveae Waid-g pe eveay Pl tt iting eco Wate re nt gato ‘When looking at the EU's contribution cycles for developing counties, it becomes clear ‘heal ree oa mak eynigunce that he top beneficiaries ace Poland, Hungary, Greece and some othe aster Europenn members. There are diferent uses ofthese funds inthe respective countries. These Countries are supposed to strive for development inal walks of fe nevertheless we have pe ier ee experienced widespread misuse ofthe funds and some other problems, Te centralization a — ae vet oes nnn en ios and common pele eu ite = errno cxer, befor te ans he et ugar ye were proved the economies ofthe developing members had been on the verge of cllapse. 1! has also tecome lear that vast amounts have been misuse in ferms of healthcare, eduction ot the development ofniestrcture, there were no significant investments, wile most of the resources were penton unnecessary natives i very common that due othe abundance || Seceaaema rant peta ‘itendan nue fora cunt f are the aso note may fede spening to Taras arate papery ‘money-laundering or embezrement, Also, isbouldbe noted as one fhe most ake about fares of EU ands the example of Greece, whic seme tobe botlomiess bocket as an meaormous amount of money was poured nthe county inthe fist decade of the millenium The mise ofl these funds and bow the Greeks reacted to prospective punishments by ‘he EU almost rested inthe country’s Bankruptcy had they not been baled ut. Needlese say, the efieny of developments and public procurement sna in he fous of publ courses ond autres are not eager to conrl EU spending hy 5 Onthe other hand, we can see some postive examples. We have to be honest, not every country misses the money and we ssa good desl ofthe funds are well-used, Justimagine ow these subsidies have helped the development of especially eastern and southern countries. We should ak the questo of where these counties would be without the funds ‘Telit forall the poss almost endless the constaction of roads, res, hospitals and nee energy projects [should als be mentioned hat smal enterprises have been grant Jundsin ode to operate, buy modern machinery and employ nore people am certain tha the intentions ofthe poley-makers in the EU are good, but intentions are ‘not enough as the system does no provide relevant monitoring ystems re The overall se of EU subsides inthe pst eyles hasbeen more postive than nega Decison-makersin the EU ae now experenced enough to Introduce monitoring messures and one development Is the establishment ofthe European Public Prosecutor's Of hich wll overse the use of funds as wel, 11 Wreiyorginan byes ge nt «The misuse of the funds bas been widespread de othe vast ameunt of EU «There smo tight EU monitoring onthe allocation of support packages + Subsies do not hep county to become economical independent. + Iso good helping witht the neceasary internal reforms is developing + EU mombership sin the economic interest of developing countries: itis the only ‘hance to improve th county's crumbling health care and publi education «The Unlon understands cannot slat isl from the cnoerns occurring in any European countries this long-term supports needed. «Ther need for connecting sal national businesses to the international «BU support packages erente more jos, improve infrastructure and encourage overall evelopment ofthe lca community oF the whole cout. 2 ee Ars agree th Youmight be sight. Thats alos! syistes show thet pint Bee feces : concerned, Te just heard in the news thal EU subsides won't Be allocated in our country as planed before, Seemingty, the Union has been happy about he results ofa. What [As far asm concerned, the EU i consider one of the most eale gators wich provides ato countries nen the most transparent way. However, the nay ae Ses: erhaps monitoring i at enough in this case So, must agree wth el suspicions Tn sosurprised...'m convinced that any financial ade weleome as our economy bas eon in a deep criss for ong time. We aren't ale to sabe the problems on out own How could tnt money be missed? Weil f you ask me, sutiient support is received but in some cases, the money does noted ap inthe righ place You might be right but I can't say Pm pleased about i. We can enhance economic performance oly if we know thn he recpents get the subades, wonder it vides opinion. It bolls down oly to money. Managing ed llocating EU subsiles isthe privity of any government; therefore fae development i cbnered, Srauduence ein question, The Union aims to trade our way out of poverty, bu nothing Ishappened inthe mos troubled sctrs, suchas el care or education, ‘Doyo mean support packages da reach the targeted areas? Defetely not at east in mosteases, Statistic show that her has ben wot much of 1 change regatdng the list of underdeveloped and poor regions ofthe EU Slnce we have seen EU susiies mainly targeting these recon, should at least ralse rome auctions how the esoures have been allocated Cant be the eosom behind underdeveloped areas being very EU sceptc? Expertence shows that mainly rural areas in he member tates re highly out aout te diret se of EU funds, Thats loge point. mast be CABLILARY 3 hop ne tet Sree Le tues PP cuss etee Have you ver wondered what it would be lke to start a company and share some of ts services with oters? Or share some o he services you use? Well is aleady bere and some say thai is the bes thing that can happen to businesses ofthe 21 century. Letme make the ease forthe shaving economy using the fllowing example: most small businesses, especially inthe ealy years operate on a budget that makes & shoestring ‘udget ook generous. Anything you can do to contol your eas low as business makes your survival moe likely, Tis incies both turning your unused asses into ash ow nd making te hat you're spending less money whenever possible. So, you can share 3 Dung aca park, services, ete. The sharing economy i bl round he ea that most of ws postss things we don't nee or don't need al the time and that thes things can be monelsed, AS small business, look or items or services tha yu cn offer tha can boos! ‘your bottomline. ray believe tha sing sharing serves, you can make your business more afonable, and you can save on equipment you rarely us. On top of all hat the environment also benefits, People are abet lise excess capacity rather than purchase another tem, resting in ower demand and reduced resource requirements The increase in relance workers gives businesses a great alternative to ing fal-tne, salared workers, Insteng, they can outsource work ona per-pojet basis and continne ‘working with those employees if they do well Asthe unemployment rate drops, his could result in a national labour shortage, Also, the exbilty and independence of working in athe sharing economy comes with ples Namely, one ofthe tradinal benefits uch as retirement and health care are provided for, Ps, safrelancer, thee is no pald holiday and guaranteed 8-hour workdays. Iyau already have ful-tine jo with benefits and you want to work sie gx for some extra money, then it snot really an issue. However you plan's fo make the majority of you income this way, you have to be aware that you _= willbe responsible for paying the cost of your benefits on your own, Many people argue thatthe quality of services does not mest the requirements of customers. [1 may be trae fora small numberof cases, but certainly not for the whole secor. Let us ensider the example af olin shopping. When i started 15 years go, People were understandably worried about qualty and secunty. However, after a ew succesful transactions, most people were willing to trast he system, The rise ofthe ‘sharing economy isthe next evolution of the Internet in adding value to products and There is one other aspect which nes tobe aod fo the argument and ha ithe personal ase of cera platforms such a Alrb o Uber that help onan individual level I you have |) cattattoshare ora ride that you can give, these can be the most attractive ways fo generate J, "Some esa income, we loka he ftire, the wold opens up and we wil find moe and ‘more opportunities to shar serves with eachother, thus boosting the economy. Many peopleargue thatthe quay ofservicesdoes nol meet the requirement customers may be true fora small numberof cases, bu certainly not forthe whole sector. Lous consider the example of online shopping. When It stare 15 years ago, people were understandably ‘worried about quality and security, However, after afew succesful transactions, most test the system, The ie ofthe sharing economy i the next evaution oople were willing tthe Internet in aking vale to prod and series provided for consumers. ‘There sone other aspect which neds tobe added to the argument and ha the persona uso of cera platforms suchas irhb or Uber hat help o a ndividal evel Ifyou ave scan be the most liractive ways to generate ila to share or arid tha you can giv, ome extra income f we lookat the future, the world opens up and we wl id more and ‘mote opportunites o share services with each ter thus boosting th economy. 1 eee eee + Theres always reliable feedback about the service provider. + Many ofthe jabs can be outsourced {The workforce of the ute wll requires prformance-based workday rather ‘han the toitions 40-hour weeks, «The new sharing economy opens opportunites for both consumers and workers allowing people to work on thei own terms. | ‘Theresa concer that sharing economy based companies may ty to avold {taxation and meeting regulations tha other companies are requ to observe «This way of working is very unpredletabl or the worker {Wage degradation can lea! 10 ower incomes than the minimum wage. is for freelancers, ch as heath are oF pension. 2 ‘Asthave mentioned ‘ourust be joking that. etingtho, Testy EERSTE : ° canes hat Ea ‘mo plane because fhe as dive sie They want Urbane Ofcourse, it shoud be based, Don't be ridiculous. Uber isthe best thing tht can happen to those who nee cheap : A 7AY BOK SHARING ECONOMY Why sbould he government regulate such a thing ‘Thats tho job of he government owed! It should tel me how I want to travel Butt should protect tx drivers who. wo provide more expensive services Don't interraptme please. trying oo my pain Sorry, but you se, the alternative isto use more expensive series, No. Isto prot thoe wh have been nthe transportation sis fora long pti 1s tke taking toa brick wail. Why would you protect anyone who ofers more ‘expensive services against those who can doth sie int more transparent and Because they would ose ther obs? ‘much better conditons. In many counties, tax drivers became Uber drivers as they Sav the avantages otis pp. am st not convinced Wet, just want to emphasize that ia service is more aoeplable and cheaper or the stom, te state has no reason fo regulate lan the state responsible for protecting the interest others? But not a the expense of he publi cannot support a monopoly aginst eal market decisions 1 ink Hhnow that you're talking about. Fam with youn tis now: eee eae ce |} eesti budget jst bts sheen “One dtr le order no bdr age nd cae canton en ts penton ypc th beat oot theta ne Yes eam (Corben stand foremost, Ihaveto ado hats aque difiatsse which news to essed, |, even aenty Heniarspath Sma ea Tokingat both the advntges and disadvantages belo npg any conto garding | Seapets crore owed tod pean the sateen abo, a nn pero! mnie Mary supporters argue that globalisation makes ths word a beter place and it can Drone or oven Seinen stacle unemplyient and poverty. One of the good ouleomas re rade wreements secon “0 strate etween coutles, wich actually might not be tee everywhere. It promotes global isc cane smaictiatmtnet Comma gow eetes ts, makes compares more compet, ad overs res et come haem tne 'ehat ppm gt for consumer, as snc hee no tif, gods wil be cheaper to aces. It also provides ‘Sched tat te mote om poor cunts, through intusons of forlgn cept and technology, withthe chance to cuts ate tee sodeelopeconolely, thus spreading prosper. 1s tru, ln my opinion, we look at fevomance bed ret ‘etn were some counties were before gbalttonht, nd where he re now” economiall ea sree pues Its not only trade that flourishes under globalization, bt it promotes democracies as wel inet gto ine crete 1 gree with te argument that goblizaton and democracy go hand in hand, and they age deat man ee Besides the pllcl and ecoomle advantages, there sao ctrl one. to a world ae ren aber community where dstances are conte, though itr Iterminging, people can see ae ven at There isl a pragmatic reason fr busines to promote lobaiton, and that he act 4 thatlabourcan move rom country tcounty. Howwoer, this can be one ofthe reasons why ro J people alo against hobatzatin They ae atraiofostg ers. And this wher 1 “She countr-angument come, whihsays tat onthe ch el rcher andthe oor only ge = seve etiae poorer ert aoodexzmote she United Sates, where workers face pay-cut demands Yousee eters a ae from employers who threaten to export os. Ts has rest are of fea or many There are many ches season riddle class workers who bave ite leverage in ths lobe gue, and this also resale in Imtyinstoget tomy pont ebet oor poitcal changes andthe rise of xenophobia and anti-goblst sentiments Po meres CGotaeton hasnt explo of abou, Prlcers nd hi wore ae ted HE contin to work in inhumane conditions. Salty standards are ignored to produce cheap goods. Nowe ‘Scones Thor is also an incest n human tacking. Some experts tink that globatization is leo leading to the incursion of communicable dlseases. Deadly diseases ike HIVIAIDS. are being spread by ravellers tothe remotet comer of he gob et itera circ ers ibegeiehenr er + Globallsationpromates fe re sng o global economle growth ast creates obs, mates companies more competitive, and lowers pies for consumer balisation reduces trade barr, tarts aes and other subsidies, + Wit globasation, there isa worlwide market accessble for al + Transnational companies inves in oer coutses creating job opportunites. + Lange companies exploit tax havens in oder to avo taxes. + In developed counties, workers are exploited fo work on very low wages and are ot ited out f poverty at al + Lots of multinational companies create conditions tha are unt, and reat workers a slave, + In oder to prodacecheop goods, snfety standards ar often deregarde hata mind sears, Thatmaybeso,but Let me explain Thatsthepoint, Tahal st To hel with plobsisation. I's just that veh counties want to conto the word Look at our country. They’ are ust expoting us. ‘That's uitea harsh assessment 1 don' thnk so ast consider wat has happened to our Tacos in the past two ‘ecaes, Either taken over bya matinationl company or completely gone. 11Tinnotmistaen, wos those companies were natcompettvein the gba market But at east they gave obs to many peo (on whose account? What do you meant Wo paid for thee obs? The goverment helped them mot That's te pot ot gett Let me expla fzvernment then bal out bankrupt companies. You pay Tora of Money doestt grow om tees I's your money. You pay taxes, the ‘There is no but, Also think fal the advantages of globalisation. You have aces to tne markets of the whole werd. You can order anything fom faraway places fr much ‘heap than the cst of production would be hee ‘That may be 0, ut we have to protect ou own Interests Anu close the borders othe country nthe process? Sure. What a mind-blowing idea! ‘Think of your car, you phone, yout TV and soon Which of those was produced your country? What woul I take fo make an iPhone here? Probably it would be even more expensive than now 1 don’ uppose oo ‘Wellin that case, the labour force would have fo be mach forexample reaper bere han in Asa [dot know: J havent thought about that Maybe you should Ee eae pect iron _ Consumer society has emerged as «newfangled phenomenon, mainly sprending from mantle moore “chaesthorain disadvantageous for buyers, workers and the environment, Consumerism refers to the pogmaticrasn eg an oiotok “ye could shop for newer products immediately. Repait is out of the question. No wonder, —— a enn aequsntng them with new prodets and technological aclevemens armen rafiching Warmer Westy mentee and sell more. The free market creates enterprises with more and better-paid jobs. —— nw ets tt Consumption has become a feature ofthe modern ete to sek satisfaction and ally coat mato 4 tthe ey ohana Beyond dapat i way lca or oy, Coneqent ‘ompetve nem po ne themselves ina trap dificult to escape rom. Advertisement do nat only let shoppers learn about the new products available, but often erete false desires by manipulating them nina intrusive way, People become more inclined to sequire more and more, which, of course, fuels and keeps the economy alive but, the other hand it makes consumers bind to what is significant nif, Hs efects on society and values coud led to dramatic hanges nati, and ina desiorive way. Aeeondigly, the key to happiness. firs nd mea oremost i gaining as many possessions as possible, The wealthy would have nothing nmoreto deste than they already have, as they can afro tavel the wold, or already havea dream job, bt they are not happy with that. 08 further than this, We al to realise how pervasive Its in our lives and ‘we fend to underestimate its power. Chasiog the desired items ets up our time energy and cases sires, Even geting what we wish for cannot bring ay beam of satisfaction, Moreover wand the eager purslt goes on and on, resulting ln a constant feoing of disatisaction Itmay cause impoverishinent, therefore the gap between the wellof andthe needy Is Incresing, Additionally, tomes as no surprise thata much wide ange of goods must be produced at lower price. However loend materials and products stl do a good Job in consumer societies and they are also able to keep business going. One way of _scufing back on costs is orig people o work nan inappropriate work environment, as ‘well asunder unressonable conditions, which both lead to becoming overburdened and underpaid, Health concerns als should be noes, Aitin al, going against mansteam socety and keeping an eye on what ell mater in Me may hp + Consumerism afc employment postvey as more jobs shouldbe created resulting ina lower unemployment at, + Consumariin lays benefit makes the word go rund 505 due to increased consumption: “Money / + Advertising functions as a means of promoting newly-valable products, «The ree market encourages an enterpisiag spirit esting in higher ving standards, more hardworking people and higher incomes, + Regarding the quality of products, the poorest consumers and counties must be Pleased with low-end articles which ar often cegarded as high-end goods there | + Overproduction working conditions. i overconsumption lea o poorer work enveonment and worse «The gap between the ich and he poor son thers + Teres more environment polition cut large mount of household waste and ‘he growing mmber of factories, Fale theie Makenomistake —_Wseemsobvious Swareness of. about that Consus sa global problem, I's often been on my mind since my eden werebor, "There have been conspicuous changes inthe way we lve since we entered consumer suit slowly but suey, Tenn help being aa of is consequences. What do you mean? A [mean I want my cilren tobe contented havin worthy gone thei ives a healthy personaly and setting &: Don't he 0 serous! eno tagic, We jst simply have to ral thelr uvareness of ‘what and how te choose regardless of sdvertiemens and commercials. How can you say that? You ea tur a bind eye tothe curentstuation. x deat tains he ide that shoppers are so cheessed with baying tee brand-new IPhone that they're ready o queue up al night long outside store. Doestit represent real val insociety? {party agree with you, bt ti atrity true for everyone. Every con has two sides Make no mistake, theresa postive sie o consumerism, 0. But there are fr to many negative things about it You ko, det commercials, we're always up-o-date about the latest tends and developments of products, which sindipeneableo now what golng on. Advertsing isaspar to faster development, bth technologially and educationally rong approach. But stl, we should change somehow We hae no alternative but dscovering what gives us wel-being and happiness. Think ‘over what matters o you, and how you want lve you fe. As or me, classe values Sch a familly an relationships are unqostonabe ss Fm with you And we also need to tackle environmental issues to save our planet, 50 Now it seems obvious thatthe wast viable option for changing the directions saving real values in our files and geting our eile to learn them That's the point. can't agre ore no ma anon seers Smet aeons in the age of multinational companies spreading allover the word, we are exposed f any cross-cultural diferences. Multinational companies, therefore, have a numberof business negotiations prior to setting down in another country. Along withthe benefits of expanding across borders, they have tobe prepared fr the cbstaces, which may endanger the potential deal originating rom dierences of eultues. Cross-cultural navigation Is succesful If parners are open-minded an sensitive to tural diversity. Elective communiction isa question of utmost importanes. For Instance, while Americans o Germans arefypiclly more asertiv and loud, people from Japan are more accustomed! o speaking softly and are rather onthe passive sie when smaking suggestions in business negotiations. A neutral tone ithe best to choose, which defatety hops to bul a consensus; oerwise, improper conmunlcation jeopardise business objectives. [1 alee highly recommended to study customs and raion, 88 wl as the meaning of gestures and mannerisms, of other nations beforehand. Another point worth mentianing i ime perception and ine management tha are also regarded 8 characteristic Tetures of nations. In plenty of counts time and dedlines are stely ep to, well as panetanlty expected, wile n sever] other ones the meeting time is ining apples tothe target rmorelikea suggestion, nota ard-and-fst schedule, The sm tudience, In onder tobe abet alr the product othe needs ofthe target audence empreentve mare research must be carved out The steve of marketing campaigns depends on the knowledge ofthe target market availablity. Qtoing othe Inter, immeinte contact canbe made with others workvide so, technology can aft partners However consctous effort to harmonise tine zone diferences sa ust Siesta tne after ‘unc Mediterranesn countries shoud also be taken into account, as those partners are ‘unavalable then, Others start and ish their business days mich eater than elsewhere Moreover, not ony time schedules must be taken ino consideration, but also national, taliays, when busines offi a partner county Incomparison,in several countries local employees jin foreign mukinational companies ‘coming rom across the borders snc top competitive salaries with remarkable company Dckages are provided. In expectation ofa higher Living standard, workers are wing » work under unfair culural eonitions. addition, te sensational global brands trae people who are proud when they can belong fo them, eventhough the national culture is Ignored at work sa rest, atonal characteristics are fading away o,f eas, melting. Cleary the advantages of developing cross-cultural stateges which are equally accepted J} inthe ost country where mltnational companies intend to establish subsidiaries, and in the paren company’s country, exceed the obstacles mentioned and in rtura, money is made the gota marketplace Terie soent ya Sten Chat ante ly rand cos ee yo Oot WO «Keeping an open ind and having at least some knowledge of people's cultural bckgrounds are a vial as watching nonverbal communication and maintaining a personal touch. The lack ofthese might rina business negotiation + Maltnatonl companies ily focus on galaing marketshare «Time perception alongwith meron diferencescancaut prolemsin cooperation, + The needs of an unknown tanget market must be analysed based multinational companies absorb and attract most nations which pay the ‘pe and want jon them eve i the diftesing eutural norms are dsrgarded, + AMNC can fer improved standards of living for is employes inthe host country ‘hat’ why they woul work for them wth pleasure + Ava consequence of globalisation, varios nations have been smoothly approaching ‘he eor-cltral golden mean, + Wall founded strategies work perfectly even n diferent cultures Foehew: , 2 Canyoubea bit Thatbaveyinereting Fm sorry butt dont ‘morespeclc!” _quertonbecaser nda you po ternative setae tocnot.., ERE wet are you trying mee SE you thinctnt.> RO ‘Do you know how important Is otal the products and advertisement othe host ouney’sneeds when a MING goes ecross the border? ‘That's avery interesting question because wth the spree o globalisation, the number of expanding multinational companies i 0 the 186. As for me, aopting English, = ‘global language policy i enough for thems to be integrated. highly doubt if tey fave the capt fo personalize thelr miscellaneous business projects ino variey of 1 dn'tbtieve that’s the way I goes, and an English-only policy is the key to scot ‘Altenatioey, multinationals must seduce the new target market o take king ‘wha they want to sel. You Anow, MeDonals ed hard to ientiyeltraldierence and local requirements in target markets around the word. And now, sane ofthe ros suceesfl fast-food restaurants onthe planet, &: Perhaps, bu don’ you think that the rea breakthrough was when they worke ou on ‘ng, well-bll strategy Functioning i all target markets? Then any caltures an rechints ot ean, they standardize thee products, which saves sigiiean oss Wet are you trying to say? Have you heard "Think los cea’ Is their logan ‘They spotted the aferen ny rligion, aw and customs. Don't forget abou people pou of working for them. Competitive salary is attractive 1s tue fsa good one. By the way, have you heard of Korean Ais case? Frm nots sure about that, Are you taling about he pane crashes? ‘communication. Wow. unbelievable al fst, bu then everything ls explained. Sure. Korean At hada series of crates between 1970 and 2000, The acients must have happened due to excessively deferential chaviou towards the eaptins Before the erashes, the cops and he engineers did't dave to sy no toa superior orden Evenifitscemed nonsense 1m sorry but don'tunderstand your polnt. How Ist connactod to hs tople? How? Culture can have serous impacts, even on people ofthe same cata rig. I must be stressed tha firms mus ake care ofthese elerences near and far. seer a = The statement cove ha erated heated debates in many counties. Nataraly, Sunday — posers a trading bg spermarets asa ret inact on may Wes, Some people ee benef tneargenet mae ‘en tn calle ctbers mani experiance dreebecks henge comen oo For oe thing, Sundays are diferent fom te other days ofthe wee, ving you th — ees ome ance to rest from work. Shopping-free Sundays creat a better ciate for fanules anon ta women and communtiies to fursh. There ar als religious considerations ofcourse, but even f]} crnnse vee Shea M peopl don't goto cure, belng able tela, engaging yourself hale, pursulng ae i a sports ging for nce wal or glng for akike gives you the oporunty to Sanrt ing » Secondly, economic arguments mst aso be taken into consideration, Stasis clearly || Sane — retina indeate why we sould argue agaist lg sxpermarets being open onthe lst ay of |) sey real stat the woth, dare sy epprxiaely Ue same anos of purchases ae mae Win 4 oo me meiner ‘en stows tat toa ade doesnt ie hops are open nge I merely spreads arose ea a = the other aye ofthe weeks does ai to the GDP ter, A good example fr hs — ‘on Sen te Phenomenon is he Opis in London held in 2012, During that ime Sunday trade ea re a ws over more hour and shed om sal soe lrg soe singe ames | deferential te ef “egeaines hooey ‘On the other hand, I belleve, small, local stores and mainly family-run businesses should corn wros se 3 alowed fo provide thei servces forte public on Sunday os wel Tis way, the monopoly of large supermarkets may be prevented, and small businesses would beable to survive, According fo some studs, the enhanced opening houts of bg supermarkets even have toclote down, sice thelr weekend trades dlepacedtolarge sors, Some may ‘argu, though, that people should be given the freedom to decide whether they want to Finny bat dour our Sayin deren manna sare closed, as this is their chance to attract and retain customers, They ean also enhance thelrbusines by achieving repeat business if they provide customised service that meets ‘consumers expectations. | osama Suny shopping sn mak ee one owes, hore are numerous arguments agains ts far as Iam concerned, I strongly oppose You know 'm lad the supermartts are open on Sunday. aways forget o bay some Sunday trading for large reales, while woul defintely support tin ease of fanly-an i‘ : vesen small stuf forthe weekend So [us jump int the ear and do my shopping, smalltops {sce your pont, but can't agroe with you. Pm absolutely against Sandy shopping. You knew, you ought to spend that ime with you family Fn oe re alaaagper endear hy do you say that? My fay s happy whea vig home a deticous Suny anc, eae Everybody does ther duty on Sunday moening, no cane to spend time together 2 ee eee rus prepare unc, for example. Shopping sa par of tha ques you could do your shopping during the wee ye shops is prevented and independent comer shops are n «The monopoly of allowed to survive « Workers" rights are considered and staf are abet spend more time with ther fame, Of course no. However, tational values shouldbe preserve, dm you think ‘mean, we shuld work on Sunday, but we should spend more quality tine with out loved ones or even got church, A (do, can, But I work long hours, 20 | arive home quit late Society and working hours have changed. Where do you ve? nthe 19 century? + Religious considerations are alo take nto account ‘Total trade does fall ait only spreads to diferent parts of the week Wel would vet, but my work s demanding and my family needs tobe taken are f,so haveno cholce: need todo my shopping on Sunday ite equently | 1 think you are partly right, However, let's not forget poor shop assistants who need to work at ost weekends and have no chance to stay at home, ry ‘That’ nat my problem. Everybody bs the chanoe ta decide where to work, what odo nd act accordingly + Society has changed: long opening hours are needs ® Sometimes pope ae fred odo things, 0 wouldn't sao. They need to ake ends ‘consumes find Sunday openings convenient, they can shop whenever they want a c mh ee ret so the ea deride, They ar fore o work on Sundaysbecae of ope ie ou + Ivins should te given the redo to decide whether they want to work and verte, thy era farore,nce they wok consderaly ger ours dx they? have era tcome ot Welt you are mistaken here Sone shop assistants have tl me they ae gen another + Smal shops might be fred to close down as thelr trade i sited to Inge day to stay at bome so, rouhly they cara the sme amet. On fo ofthat people | | supermartets dart buy more even if shops ae open on Sunday. Te purchases sprend over more ho. oats bt they dont spend more. It as no significant nfence on shop assistants A OK; [26 what you mean However, stil feet supermarkets ae her tobe open on Sunday, too. People expect tnt convenien and thre isa demand Sot. ia Hove you create mst {must say, ve dealt with these changes but cannot reelly accept them Wry doyous2y peat sayso. mean A Came on! You cant be serious! Everything's changing, opening hours, oo, You must that neat se with tha or vovremitten PERERREII cesce 1 May I should, shouldnt 1st fet diforenty though | eros ae oe When approaching such a fouchy issue ax this one, It might be aduisable fo make fesctn ese = {sresponsiblefr mandating production and prices. Alo, private onmeship of property suspend isan os slimited, lots of things are owned by te state. Equal is significant for socialists aa the ain wo pion system with a classless socoty where there are equal power relationships among people. tetas ie = nthe one han, tha ten boon lined that it sarelou ea tobbeve that people Sipe cl ue -woudnt want more. completely socialist society woud know how to distribute its ad rae oer ‘abou, apt land and other factors of production to the best advantage t wou ios, I would give any Information about what any worker wes actually contributing to oreee eae «Another misconception ie tha! he gop between the ich ad he poor woud be baged. isa comt — cameos fountris, thee are some who are more equal than others, jst ast was depleted in semana sme vote ‘services, As mentioned before, there are plenty of handouts by the state that help people a —— to? Ina sot aystem, you can determine the workers productive contribution, the ‘youre mistaen, Tw j»s0clety would be unable to fx their reward proportionately or know how to maximize |, Thats ot my problem. ener arn grciemam, ‘their incentives. And this is what makes us people. Opponents of socialism say that i Lets nat forget ration bby providing free services, people might not be driven to work harder and dream of Improving thei ives, Business people, on the other hand, will ot be motivated to open new businesees while innovative people wil ot be inspired fo invent now tags because for them, nothing will change and hey wil remaln stuck «+ There to ch control inthe hand of one entity + People are tld how much hey etn eta, wha they can do, thus they wil have no conto over her own ves «Socials requires higher ane + People wl lose thei motivation de tothe fack of incentives. Derr ss sae a Sea + People have access to state-sponsored education and health cae. «The gap betwen the rich and the poor can be bridged. + Iallows for progressive taxation in which those with higher income pay more in + Iteeates balance in wealth and earnings. By the sametoken youd santo sees ‘dene Iso expensive! wonder come oft important {rm going o university, bt Fhave pay aot for everything says the cast sot fal wish was fe, 1 see your pont, bu its vt feasible at all. Anja, gou dont seem fo understand something, Do youhknow what “ree” means? (Ofcourse, No question It actually means you dort hae to pay for something Not ute, Eterjthing has apie, "Free simply men someone ele pays fori. By the ‘same Yoke, Vou ak yu to pay my holiday next ine, and Fi consider te {Come of it That's iiculous. ve jst read good article on socialism. According fo Socialist eology, eduaton should be re and everybody shouldbe equal You're mistaken here. You ean be sure {know aot about socialism, There are no Aiferences among people, everybody requ and has the same eights, Whats more both eduetion and health care ae eo ness you ought to sty the tole ait more intensively t's ota easy as you tink, These are nce ees, but where's the evidence? None ofthe so-called socal systems have survived. Why? Because the theory ignores the fact hat people ned Incentives in ‘competitive environment. But who woud work harder here's no reward or chance forfurther gun? Yeumay have pont ere, but do you agree that people would benefit rom socal? “There wouldnt be unemployment. 'm conte t woul be more secure and happy “There would hidden unemployment, mean ots of people would havea workplace Bat nt everybody would have areal ob Sotalitm appears o be ony fay tein You Interpretation. In human story socials is een impracticable and it wil ben The future, too. Human nature rales out every possibility of. Di you no that in socal system there's no private property and everythingiscentvallsed and controlled ty the ste according a socialist ealogy? Totelithe th, ve never he tht, Does at mean that colt have my own car? You can a have a car, bul probably not he one you want defo the shortage economy. What's even more portant tat private enterprises ae not allowed in his syste {sve mentioned, here wouldbenoreal improvement in people'slives, ath economy an only prosper in competitive eavrenmert, So, a far ax F ean se, socialism sno feasben the long ter pre geer ceet conenonomerio ae serie Coad ‘mone pct mont toca raeomentn oat ot nema cones ‘oe Co Itnasteen controversial ese for cenurs,which doesnot seem be solvable, Poste —— ae —— tiseriminatlon bas appeared as «backlash to widespread prejudices that ae based sen ee on negative stereotypes about individual groups rau ofthe gender, telly ‘conor aes ton vat teous bello soi clas, Surprisingly evenin the 21 century wecan bd aces Segoe ged agp oa Sree theless celng aller so many hardships and ght for ea rights. Was mare, ganing ee eee ores them stl long way of Thess colng"i soil are that prevents women and ety on Senticp anand Innorites, the mos daadvantaged groups these days, fom sdvanlng nthe workplace ote 0 sows Discrimination galt them s vient several spheres of soit, sch as polis lw nana dea ecreontenty tr th amy af wel as wor, especialy within the ts indy where women cannot = pre oman ld prominent postons ia igh nb feceomiconsns vam bana) sno There’ afl to be said for afirative acon programmes in opening vp opportunites frotatrecoivdon pau tate panama forsuppressed groupe and yivig a chance for them foe ene tothe same eleges | merit evn oo "soters, Nneeles, the robles sl preset Here he question aries fe need a oe postive iscrnnation at all Under Norwegtan law, 40% of company arecors must be tetorarsni rad sone femal inthe county. They ae convinced that real des good to the economy. The Canoctncemtoment hanpeatrnaawennet! ernest {also agrees with he decison and both Brussels an the UN heep negotiating ebout Ingres oma rat dete havea ooka the advantages of arate act fr women and mints. Fst ener ee os mpeminon, ad foremost es gender dserimnation snetutnalie, postive dsrnination realy Sonoae eco pag Tew renin nae dferencenenpleynen pater, Thre are forts ond quad and talented | ‘women wen recruiting and give them fe chances at promotions, tainngs, flexible timetable and saris I they’ advancein their workplace, fey can contebute tothe amily budget to make ends meet. There's probably another good argument far the positive tiscmination of disadvantaged segments, Inedwraton,clege and unversty grants as ‘onde yest ce oon mécnerhe teitan graduate elowship programe are proved or nem. Tsay hey ar eed to nye ob Bont mote participate non-traiol lds, for intone, ergieerng or pysteal stenes. Al, |] Besmestn pune aa On the other hand, tere are many who reject hs argument entirely. For one thing WI) Samet set hey sey tony generates an ongoing bate. The main pre ett seiatory ‘ther: The most qualified or llented people may be disregarded for posts and pants or | the sake ofthe Tess competent members ofthe dicriminate group. Summing up, on the one hand, positive discrimination plays @ prominent role in op nninnasoy cena nna fucationl and ceeupationl opportunities or those who would atherwisekave no chance 1 got admited but, on the other hand, It may rest the chances of the most alent bat ‘on-diecriminted anes. The golden mean con bring re ether, sno everyone coming ‘rom minority or on-minority groupe would welcomes helping han + Iigives everyone an equal playing fel which ensures breaking the gas colin inthe workplace icing postions, salry and promotion + Positive disrimination i forced action ora way of compensaton as an answer to the oppression of many years agunst races and women + Ieensutes dlverlty at work and the chance to mest other cultures and become sore tolerant. + Women would equally contribute tothe household budget. a + The most suitable people shouldbe put into positions regards of race an gene. + Atemativ ation relafores stereotypes and racism, + Itan create stigmatization and may lend to questioning the compstence of he privilege +The discriminatory nature of positive discriination brings its negative consequences. 2 fyouwereinmy Formetisoevdert eatmakeupmy ut what ing | Syouwartmy (Oh, youte back, So the jb interviews are done for today. Whats your op the candidates forthe advertised poston? Honesty, I ean't make up my mind. The qualestions and CVs are absoiely onvinlng bit 'm not al saifed with al the performances Could ypu spot one you tked more? You arent the type oe So indelsive about tandieied.« now you've go a gut feeling about them. 1 ean towards choosing the African American woman who impressed me a ot Undoubtedly, set absolutly outstanding among the applicants, bt 20 ls another fone, white tan, Buf what f we lok tou afrmative sein poli? I aways ket Keep clear of ambiguous stations ‘evould bea sheer madness to miss the opportunity to hie the mast stale person for the positon, You have to atin favour othe company. And to top tall for me 1 postive discrimination i absolutely necessary ust think of = What do you mean? Why do you think 3? Tobegin with, lps ta create tolerant communities because employees can encountr a variety of eltures and idea tnt are diferent fom thls. f you want my opinion, time have an Alrcan American employee; weve never bad one 1's true bat dn’ forget about the fac tat afiematve ston reverse discrimination, Inthiscase agent the white appiant. What woald you do (fou were my shoes? 1 sirongiy believe that equal epportunites mast be given inthe workplace An what fathers white collegues, stigmatize and question her competence? lng? Did she mee the expectations? A her qualifications, and also the Allthings considered. Dont hesitate any more Get personal interview went wel touch with er again coroneiiie norte ts Brash oy Soret ietucoatae ra ‘ntact epresion i eon soa Ce tis ofter mentioned that by creating pubic works projets, the state can create jobs for ‘unemployed people. The argument says that the government wants o hep the par, the ‘unemployed and the homeless, this the east ean do, Puting people o work the most Important thing for those groups of people. According fo many Keynesian economists, creating these jobs can lower unemployment, increase spending and demand, soit haps the economy in genera Totelthetath, Jam quite sceptical abou such an atte owardshow taxpayers monty shouldbe spent There are many downsides ofthe sat crating jobs. Although the jobs tscignd to sme workmen, it actully deprives others of doing the same jo. As this job isfanced by the state i pald for bythe ctzens, As the famous French phlosope, Feri Bastiat says "We are deceived hy money. To demand the cooperation of al the ens In a common work, in the form of money. sin realty to demand a eancatrene fn ind for every one procares, by his on nour, the sum o which ha aed {have oat tha this measure can be accepted ona temporary basis. For example, In jase ofan emergency. There canbe some hard times, when an economically hit country needs o apt such measures, but his poly ean never be meant to run on 8 permanent any, however, regard pull works asthe mesns for snemployed people to get ack o ‘he labour marke. Ita lp them find new trades, and they might be able t lean new sills hat are needed the nbour market ble works can only be succes only coneered asa temporary form of a, unilthe worker finds his way back ta normal b, A fara I an see, the main difference in vewpotns isin the Wdeological opposition of natters Non-interventonise say that it snot the responsibilty ofthe sate to meddle with such economic mates, What isthe rol ofthe tate thei? Whose esponsibility ithe creation offs? Economists ofthe Austrian schoo elleve tha the state should encourage companies to create obs stead of levying diferent types of axes on eneepreneurs, the stale should minunise the number apd the rate of taxes, which would encourage growth In the economy, an companies would be able to save money for ereting more obs and ours. However, I would say the balance should be und between no intervention and ‘some kindof ep, as there are many peopl who are not strong enought survive without te state giving them helping hand «People on ple works often do uanecesary obs that benefit noone. + Being part ofthe publi works program means you have no chance to tain yourslf or another, let alone stung. « Puble works ereates the misconeoption th! the sat responile or ts of profet. + When politicians are dry responsible for hand cunoe of corruption ut obs, there's ager «Public works the only chance or many psople to break out of poverty +The govement noo ater what poets ar nee rhe well-being ofthe country. + PW programs foree unemployed people tobe motivated to work instead of enjoying ie on the dole. + Ie would even out the diferences betwen the development of the dierent parts of the country as poo areas can stato Boom da o some constructions 2 wath Re serge Tt was inthe news that Congress voted onan increase in the budget for public works programs. think fea great tea rm ots famitar with ths ese, Can yo expan to me? Of course. Pubic work programs can impeove the quality of fe or the surrounding e-can be bul, for example area, New school, roads and br * And who sors on these projets? Puble works programs on giving ob opportunities tothe poor and the unemployed You're right, canbe. That a why 1 belleve that stvictAnanca controls need tobe Intodued to make sure the moneys used the ight Fn stlinot convinced. Why can the government hie private em who would then ‘employ these people and would have the man to carry ou the job? Shoulda the goverment cut back on spending rather han expanding? Ijust makes Don be sly. The government shoud hep all hose inne {Just dont ae why this should work. What chaoces wil these people have Inthe future? 1 seems tome that they wil go stuck in ooe place and that seals hee fate In ‘certain unnecessary jobs, Do you want them jst to get welae without doing anything? 1 not say that. 1 ast doit se the effcency ol ineficlent and jet waste taxpayer money. ie works projects. They are fet convince you. But lat me ask you a question, What would you do with all hase people who are not willing Yo work because they get enough wolare o get by? You are hopetest rege (eye on foe Scrgetestonsiete eee ecm essa decry mney —— aoe Avatendeney, ne numberof students entering rary education on thei, buts his orcee ro ome really an improvement? i ndenlble that aningaunveraly degree haa uber aa a ts afavantages, ining tn neensed level ol qualification or higher proflency in forelgn Seton ine ioe Tnnguage sls, bu thse donot away match nour market demand. Ther te doubt that rer education and he labour market are strongly linked to each ater, but bride somamegn itis Mghty debatable universes are able to provide marketable kl, Besides the fact mesa wth awa ot ‘at youngster without special qualicationscanot fd employment easly, even newly cnrge ia Same radiates have to face such challenges at once they leave school. In th light ofthe above leon ee a Satoment, e's havea look af both sides of th argumentation, concern rot fenerliy speaking, proponents share ths opinion nuh mre than hat seed or Snes ae Gale Bete bs This sports he ean hte ax practice icantly ier rom sucloppores fet po moron at school and at work Another reason forthe sue isthe urgent ncessty fora change in sian coe tnitrnertvct repens react othe changing pattems oflabour marke deriand, suchas problem-based or polect- selene mewn cto wedeationl ress to gin pectic skills common nprofesional elds Many employers oetwetne it mato pom ntton lol that hss what they woald appreciate more. In the course of ging usa work a vanien ‘rum nstutions and employers work closely together. Tele racice-ntegrated programs Youre hops nee. ould hep graduates to launch thet sucessul carer pats “Incontrast, generally higher education alms at providing comprehensive knowledge Tmnctsotmaarah meat ich could be used creatively fr specif purposes at work ltr, With more specific Irs otconced gem ochre incentives students can be directed ito the area which ae highly demanded in he Canjoueilon tome? ra Tabour market, Adaitionally, nership programs are designed to caste graduates nto lep waters. Presumably, the more prestigious the college, the more oustanding thelr students’ performance is, ldhouph hs may be fru, employers sometimes dono really bother ith he reputation ofthe school a candidate tended Last ut not east, what matters foran employertoday? Apart from be prope uaiation, creativlly and the ably to lear area must Of ours, i depends othe aptitude a the future employee, but without spectaraarsll-enbancement, there are no carecr prospects nowadays, De. ert tener + Employers expect on-the Jo experience, «Thersamlematch between achieving results et sehool and doing wel at work so sich more business-like complesty shoud be included nthe uriulum “The edueational system should be more flexible to adapt to labour market «Te dual study system must be extended as mucha posible asa new way nthe terry education sector intending to integrate theory and practic +The purpose of higher edveation i fo edueat broadly, nt to train marowly, + Internship programs are mean to give specie knowledge and practice, not schoo + Higher education degre indicates thatthe eandidate i able to make progress end cope with new tasks, + Colleges are often chosen because of thelr good reputation but employers might no 2 Wretincmpltneyeronancasmnarncacer enna Personally Thatdoem comics speaking. et me etal disagree with No-one ansaytor EET. wearthat ro surethat eta A; Hey, longtime no see, What has happened to youslace welast met? When exactly wast? fm not mistake... when we let secondary school Are you doing wel at cllege? fA: Ob, no. dropped out. decided to end my tudes because afte the st year, realized going clloge was a waste of ine Pm surpria. Pm of a diferent opinion, Ym tl studying a college and enjoying it realy. nmy ole, is an integra par of everyday Ife. Why do you say that? A Because colle can give any useable knowledge; we studied mainly theory. Lucy, | scovered tha the aki higher educations ble to provide, apparent, don't match therequlrements ofthe labour market. Look at my brother. He chase «univers with a good reputation, yet he was unemployed for months after his graduation. And now hci stand is jo. Sorry o hear that but, personally speaking, ater the fit internship, you have todo ‘more to geta chance of succes, You mist be mativated, and your iner drive helps you fo achleve your goals too. Strong ambition Isa mst, apart from sel-eflection and sel-knowedge. No-one can say for ure that al gradates wil be dng thelr death [nb but there's a much higher probably. A [totally deagree with you. Employers are interested only in your on-the-job ‘experience, no quaifeation is portant. Tha’ why dnt want to spend any more {eas at ellege and, proved ob a billant le, Ive been working fr my fathers Sul busines or 2 years. ve gained valuable working experiences, comer o ‘Wel, sounds goods a (you ook pan an internship program. Iemight bea good tcluton current bt honestly, 'mconoinced that combined with previous tudes, you | That doesnt convince me, Having a more fexible higher edustion system is that changing edvatonal paradigms is diticul and it's always ease to flow the ee: hee esereteepy ota erat money ba cree i Tis slope that always causes me a headache ast is easy to argue both for and agains depending where you actually ace on the socal ladder. Many people bell ‘hat the minimum wage creates nore money. They claim hat fthe worker has more a the «end of each month, be can spend more on oer things Spending more on oer products or services can be beneficial oll This ight bea legitimate argument fom a layman, ut nt from an economist Is true that the rising demand can boost the economy in theory, but he incre in minimum wage can resulta ero actual growth In fat, even ages ofthe alse, Many business can aford employers can que rom the disavant topay their employees the minimum wage, which results i many peopl being fred and ‘apes the business falling altogether If people are wing o wor fo ss, hey should ave terlght odo, asing the minimum wage sa way a estetng competion. don ctl rae the eundeniabl ta the macy of pope angsingor anim wag ingleatons of. Reality peaking the minimum wages ralsed from say 361038, the people ming 86 don get pal more, te oso thir, erase they are only wort 86 por shou, Benin a prc wor nop welt after thelncease, the cry thing accomplished Isasitinthe cooomy. Aad, its increased to $8, an everyonemkesmore mone then tbe putt power ofthat $8 op once everything ut, o noting s aed ‘On the other hand, socety a8 a whole may see some positive aspects. More money and services wll bein circulation, Customers wil have a chance to buy services they never «teat of, Itean even boost parts of he economy whic is usually not accessible fo lower tla people suck as tourism and entertainment Let me have a tok atthe issue from a different angle. Think of labour as goods. you can only buy labor that is worth this much or mor.” Ata rel, workers tht are ‘worthless than the minimum wage cannot prove ther effleney. With, aworker who nay be worth $4/h would have the opportunity to work for an employer who is wiling top that much fora certain fb. Maybe instead of making someone who makes S1O/hr fle papers or makes copies, the business owner can bie the person whois worth $4/h, tllowing the $10/he person to sccomplish more significant tasks. The person making S4/he obviously doesn't have a gest qusity of e, but atleast has a job and can learn skilsand minke himself more valuable nthe lor market, Maye after few months ths ern learns how to acomlisha higher ask and ges aie, then learns more tasks. ers ar ot falen advantage o | {ttre sain wage, there neces foe es government asistance. | + Ieensres a good entry level pay bs What do you think about alsing the minim ws (ind absotelyrdtetons, But why? People willhave more money EAN pes Pe cy i + There higher unemployment inthe lbor market How come? far as Fk, the ini wage lps o boost the economy, So what ney and stl lose thelr ob? {The minimam wage creates higher aatlon you are saylng doesn't make sense, They ay more + Lower sled worker | + lis unfavourable for emplayers they have have to ook at money In wages every week The product our company produce oon every worker, you make dolar per hou. Can yu far, but you have! convinced me ye ‘Thats fn, Iw So, he minimum wage Increases to 9 ‘Tm losing you But 1d say tha people wil have more money tb Not exactly, The employer loses money actully. Exactly dolar per person. So you ave two choles 1 see you point. It the employer wants to make mony, he wil have to fre at 32 people to have the same peo Perfo point (rif Fm ot mistaken, he can icrese the price of is product which he doeatt necessary want to do, bt wil he want fo Keep his worker ‘guess twill mean thet the same workers can buy products for more mone, so the vale of thelr salary wl not nee Eu wan to ncrase the minimum wage? noire ert os ‘havea hardtine arguing foror gots! att. loro, ould ay hat ee soul taxes ata, tt his opinion mightbo regarded asan extreme one. However, there needs tobe toy kind tstaxshoue rel ft inst nett ents seer erent wen aion tothe fatacame x, Who dow hss the splot way to cet ax from teens. simply considered sigieantbeneft of his system, Athen tes only aeincome ts easier to unersandard toreprt Teas sv the fail ot flyer, eccountants ander administration cots, At taxmakes i unecessary to pay inte, viens and other asnes ax he ini lee. deftly a res remains hae etre ofthe at tx For example, taper «sho aes illo ras pays th same trate as someone wh ears 800,000, The taxpayer ieking more pays ore axes sly beens he nme ger, however, taxpayer pays ‘meal percentage othe other taxpayer, Ta sytem ds notin based on nce Jes everyone pysthe same pereentagectincme shal aso be mentioned espe with igher name wl spend mor and companis wie et provide mare bso pop Tihs fo be emphasized hat he oes heres. the re and othe aman underatand th copnmnisf te iat x conan that pore pope es ut this tre nominally: Looking ath pecening, every ly pte same percentage Soon conan the at ax penis theow-ncane segment te popeatin. Tis yo Income nid arf mst spend money an the same necestis requ by hier Ibo ope, they endo buy he sare tings stray be rue that fete neces are chase pore peopl wil ves mony ef over, coped o thos ean higher come, appre ofthe a tax syst sy the ernment es sgfeant reve, Auer xa treats and corporations iy tienes he ext by tango carers aighe refarhe everent Myporsonatenva misrecl he wosyste uly undertand the bene fb, howe | would a wat to punish eter group by lve tae nfm, leans that favour what ‘scaled hero atx, The eseneofitstal ow acetin noe, eres tx exept, ‘Ts way the poorer cases wile the opty tocatch up with the mde class and thelr al moby willbe made post, Dorie caer + Tereduces the possibility of tax frauds + More money wil eet with the workers o spend ns ert burden isle. «Businesses and individuals wil be intrested in staying the country and not leaving for tax havens. +A fat tax regards everyone equal as people pay thelr taxes at an equal rate, ae «The tax burden could shit othe middle and lower clases, + Its hard oped the government revere if atx is introdued + Thdoes not protect the taxpayer In cseof progressive taxation, when the income + Economists sugges thatthe government can expect more tax revenue If there no ‘atta, cee Youcantbeserious! Itinkyeuarewong. Whats wrong | a byand arse How outrageous! This ft x spl wot Tat. The rch should pay mach more thn someone ime, who lives ona minimm wage. Really hens noting Td ke more You cn’ be serious! Ata is mach rer than any cher versions of paying tax. No, 1 think you are rong. Ihave to pay the same tax as others with much higher Firstly, you don't Only the same percentage Is deducted from your income, not the What do you moan by that? What 1m saying I that thls sysem apples the same tax rate to every tax payer, bat the more you earn the higher amount of ax you pay even though the percentage isthe same Une the progressive tax system, tho fat fx gives incentives o work harder und earn or, What’ trong with progressive tx system? Can you bea Bf mare specie? In a progressive tax system, people with higher Income pay not ony higher amounts but also mich higher rates, Above certain income you gel nt x higher tax bracke andthe tax rte dodited i higher oo, sy, 20% intend ofthe TOR in the previous bracket. Andif yu fall ino the net fx bracket, your earnings are suber fon even higher income tx rate, say, 25% So, you are simply not motivated to eara mae. The tore you cara the more you lose, Would you be olivate fo improve, study and work harerif you were penalize or hat? (OK, 1 see what yo mean. Maybe the progressive tx sytem is nt the best. Or the other hand, Pm eonvinced st by and large providing incentives the only advantage ofa fat tax system [Not in the least! You're mistaken, Ther ave plenty of benefits of (0, then can you give me some mare examples? Sur, First promotes economic growth a It spurs ob eeaton. Secon, It eliminates Tales and tax breaks. Next, a single eae for everyone Is ease ocalcalate. What's ‘more talso closes many government loopholes a5 therecan be no special etiernents| Yes, these all ound great, no doubt. But don’? you think t woud be fale for lor ifs something the government should consider. People wth low income in it hard to gy, However iis touch and go whether we can expect hi verbal he tax nde soe, Cele tee ee I rode marejobe rover ae other jurisdictions. The other type of ofshoring covers outsourcing manufacturing work disproportionately degre po ety dead roar meen) First, companies can reduce costs due to cheap labour in the host country so the price of rene eo ear goods can decrease on the market aswell. Among many other, two remarkable examples sermtote ae Samet yare China and Ina. Ths ways an opportunity in which even geographical emote | ae err toe ‘ations can competitively take part. As a resuit, poorer countries are able to soure cenupea nee as word asa conseguenee. ich outsourcing nations on he other hand, can relocate labour | acho fk nen room or financial instabilities in the investor's homeland, To put it in a nutshell, ofshoring | ropes tation ews tse eee faclates the flow of capital towards, as wel as supports, conducting international | Site oa ak ae « However, tox havens oF OFCs generally have laws specifically designed for paper o | Pushed many wealthy Individuals and companies o make use of OPCs o tax havens sordero sigan minimize or even inate thio income and capital gens ax | ables. Ofshore corporations trust foundations have specifi tax avant ashighly secretive bank solutionsin particular usdictions. Inthe case of OFC, the most significant counter argument must be a posse connection othe underground economy ars ong ‘wang. -vevasion or even money laundering might occur. Furthermore, elie also argue thatthe Nanortwt eine words, governments of evlpe counties ae ocedderegulehelr own systems anaterpt fo prevent the oshoving of aptal. Finally, since ofshore banking solutions are far more avallabeto those on higher incomes the tax burden In developed coutees falls iproportionatly onthe sal and mda income popalaton, To sum up, although the vest maorty of offshore investments ae legal, according to ten demonized by the media, painting an publi ele they seem tobe shady. They aro image of investors hing theircaptal ia some remote, egal company orbank, However, the whole picture appears tobe far more complexin the realty. Soe eee, ‘+ OFC and fax havens ae often inked to underground economy and organized + As result ofa lac of tanspareny, tax evasion i possible as wellas interest and other incomes may be hidden + Bren money laundering might happen {Tex burden may fl dspoportonatelyon smal and mide income groups a “+ Mininlzd tax burdens, lower cout base, as well as enhanced income create an opportunity for companies to further develop ther busines by ofshoring production + Orishore investment re protected against lal politcal or inact instabilities in «The cretion of ax, banking and corporate competition i benef forthe industry + Ofishore investment can hep ost couteles find investment and eeate growth and Sovworl nance might he reiatibuted frm the developed othe developing worl om Acfrsstinon.. elven, a irrmnotmisacen, CER ERERE Forth eat on ee simpse vebeen wondering wy ti wort for tax havens to not deduct axes. Fr me that sounds Aly. fara Tat governments tain source oncom usualy comes rm aes, now looks sup forthe fret glimpse, does? But dnt wory too much about them the whale thing hard o expan, Tm just curious, you know, How do they make money? I really haven’ ace ‘tm noth ion the mos! poplous ax havens area hand of remot sands, rght? thin 0, Countries Ike the Cayran sands andthe Vig Islands come to my mind (OK. Firs gues hey mast afer ery low exes to atta investors nt her county ‘Anjwsy, taxes imposed on the population of many develope countries ace really ‘complicated and broken. They are being mode al the tne, now, We inviduals are notable to follow the constantly changing ix code, On op ofthat, authorities find newer and newer ways of levying tes -Exactiy! And so that's one of the mai reasons for companies and individuals to pen ‘ofshore Bank accounts or rei forced hy their own goveranents, these companies in fax havens In 2 wa, they ace see. This means tax havens must oe far more beneficial tax rates ono taxrate a al. Butt, how do they mike money fom thes ers? First ofa, hey ve introduced corporate reistaton fees, which ate Impose on each nowy Incorporated business, Huh Sounds tho great deo, Even if his umount ow, plenty of companies register ‘ere [read somewhere that more than sx hundred thousand ofsore companies were domed inthe Virgin Ish lone. So tis show they erate government income That's ony one way oft, Compants also have to pay a renewal fee each year to stil lv recognized as an operating company And they npase many mote anal eens fees to Brant guess understand bow they makeup forthe os derived from ow axes Thanks very mack Mypleasure. art) ch ta i ees Citee as en: am on neither side ofthis bate elleve that there should bea nisture ofboth nuclear and renewable energy Soures. Le me highlight both the pros and ‘congof thie statement, and leave you decide whichever argument ule you best startby song tha 1s common knowledge that nuclear energy is safe and clean. Ii probably the most ficient source of energy; it does not polte the air, and as long as ncler power plans 1 maintained regularly and ther operation I regulated, they ae much sale than most people tend to believe, Contrary lo popular belle, raclear plants aren't glgen tine bombs threathing to explode a ay second Ifyou research the truth behind previous cident, youl id thal the actual systems themselves were nt to blame. One must remamber that those accidents are very rare and actually lead to better maintenance Technology and saely regulations bave drastically Increased recently, making niclear ower safer than ever. algo have fo emphasise tha clear energy is fustainabl nthe Jong rn and virtually limited, Kprovidesa much better alternative to fos fuels, and in thelong term is much cheaper, aso tink th energy the future loks eve brig once you ook atthe potenti of miclear Experts say that nuclear fasion coal, potentially, tea valuable are of research tht coud provide shundant clean energy, s0ifs worth vesting Inthe technology. (On the other hand, we have seen several examples of accidents inthe past couple of ocades. The Intest known acldent e the meldown ofthe Fuushtna plant in Japan, n whlch resulted in serious consequences nol only in Japan, but also inthe whole world. ‘Another argument that proponents usually come up wit sits cleliness. Well, it may ete once you consider what alternatives are given inthe argument However, ey often to reven that comparson between mica nergy and oss tel Inthat respec, they aceight. It you compare nuclear energy wit oss ues, the diference sin cleanness obvious. Many people wold envision smoking chimneys trom the time of ‘he Industrial Revolution, but no stoke coming from a reactor. Howser, new alternatives should also be taken no consideration. Once you compare nasear energy with renewable energy resources, the pcre i fotally diferent. The renewable energy resource base Is vastand practically endless, Wind, water nd solar energy resources willbe ere along as sr Earth around. These resources ar inexhaustible, even in thelong tees To come back ‘othe point regarding the oss, the expenses of prodicing energy from renewable enengy sources is dependent onthe tout that has een spent on he infrastructure and not on the inate costof te natural resource, which leary means we ean expect much mae sable prices when the blk of our energy coming from renewable source. 1 strongly believe that reliably i also portant. As longa the Sun sss inthe eas and the Earth goes round the Sun, renewable energy resources wale wth as, and these Fesources can be tapped permanently by basally any coun’ fn the wo Veen Soper unt howe hare lng pend const yar own Wo Pr L + Compared to fossil fuels, ite the cleanest and cheapest energy resource ‘ Nuler felis unlllted an has very high energy eliclency. +The alternatives fo miler power, such as fos fel and natural ges, pollute the cnvironment mach more. + Nuclear energy as an exceponally good safety record lants are unsafe and besides endangering people’ ves, accidents an estoy the whole Nor and fauna ofan aes. +The long-term expenses incl storing Mazardous nuclear waste ad dealing with ‘cose pant, which make the overall cost huge. «Te existone of mice plants increases thors ofa muclear War. ‘There ate much beter alternatives sch as renewable energy ‘Thelen of. doesnt ie ‘eumayhaespoit. Tattnothe point ‘sfarastin Yim toying withthe Taking everthing oncered enor Into conidration. {strongly disapprove ofthe presence of ucear plans in areas wher inhabitants are indanger fom ton a dali bass, Treldeaofvingcose to amuses plant doee'tappel tome citer but Fdoubtohetior were aboto salve to prblem othe energy suply in anyother wy Howrey, the key ‘sino ands. Wet are yoy trying to say? What's the solution? We definitly ned a safer way’ of producing energy Niclen plats are tne bombs which ean go off anytime. Seay. ‘That's na the pln. 1 ot leo death. Nuclear power stations are risky only safety regulations ate not maintained propery. According to statistics, mciear energy is one Othe most efcent cures of energy. What's mare, i's eco-tendy, clean and ste You may have a point It sounds bizarre but it makes sense. Now {suppose it would eadvsable fuse nuclear energy in he long run instead of fossil fuels. Sooner or Inter well run aut of therm. What shall we do then? That’ avery nfre As ara concerned os toes st be replaced by renewable energy sources. I's perfect for crs ss wel a8 housed consumption and canbe used unlimited. That’ ‘uy Tn fying with the ide of baying an let ca, but there are ery debates over As dvantages and disadvantages enw moshing about it Tel me more While an eeticenr doesn't plat he iis battery has oe charge and when ts dead mst be lsposed somewhere. Hazardous waste must be disposed of in adiferent way, otha ky “Then if sounds like swings and roundabouts, Taking everathing into consideration, whet aifferentites te energy coming fom a powerplant from te energy produce ty renewable sources? mean wate, wind and sun acter energy tse safe and rns onthe highest eclency bu he power plants are blame for being abe to cause potentially dreadful harm to people andthe environment if theres an accident. Renewable energy is @ never-ending and an environmentally- ‘nen source of energy, bt it storage fa haze problem. ersaucesteery 0 Far oot — ———eee There has been an ongoing debate in connection with sustainable development, a well asthe sfatement above, for decades. Although many would argue agelnst Ut, alot of people aly believe ha susainabe development simply cannot be reached withoutbeing ware of environmental aspects, Let ma refer othe most widely used defation here ‘Sostainable development is development that mects the need of the resent without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own nee: According to various forums thete ate three maln pars of sustainable development trvtonmental piotecton, economic growth and social equality. These three lars seem fobe interdependent and i the long run none can exist without the others. Firs ofa the environmental lla Includes among other things climate protection, protection of resources, and biodiversity. Also, fod shouldbe grown organically, so we should ‘op using pestiedes, We must use natural resources more sparingly 100, ane of which [spetol we need for our cars, bat soner or late this tesource wil be exhausted. This is why we ae looking very hard fora green alternative so tha future generations wll have environmentally fend cars, The next lars the economy, that, business and Industry, The most important aspect tends tobe the aim of reaching growth a ll cost ‘which obviously unsustainable. One example for this thatthe marty of goods, even food rive rom along way away. However, transporting them causes aot of plato, ‘The third pillar isthe social element. Goals here include belter education, training opportunites, qual rights, gender equality and Righting poverty aswell as prosperity fr ‘he whole of ham {tte aso sald by many though that even before humans appeared the planet had gone through huge naturel changes tat siply wannot be wpa to elects of human larly, throughout human history development has constantly been performed without bein ware of is influence onthe environment. Ifa particular ‘solution did't work after & wile, a new slution appeared naturally. Consequently, in ‘competitive market economy a resources become oo costly human ingemsity wil find sterntives for problems, Whats moe, the costs of cting back industry with the alm of Protecting the environment might be grester than the bere fr the human race Considering atthe aboue, level taehlder ned to he conscious abeut their own responsibly inthis matter Many people have probably realised thatthe situation right i ow snot sustainable the lngrun, as we are exploiting our planets esources to such grea exten! hal we cealy cannot follow this path. Ae for as Jean judge, the real slution les in being able to se theese rom a human perspective, having the acumen to place 1 ourselesin where we really come rom and what we really depend on, which the planet 1 write copnt ya Stn ht ane aprons re on Wok +The organizing prineple for sustalnality Is sustlnable development which Indes interconnected domalna The Earth is a system and everything is connected: ecvironment, society and econo + Environmentally sound practices and envionmental protection ae the areas on the basis of which both economic and socal development canbe achieved, Green economy might oly be achieved bythe means of right poles, knowiedge, kis «+ Bing aware of ou oun responsibilty isa key clement of recognizing the right pa, De + Toroughout human history development has occurred witht beng eoscius about the envionment «Even tefore humans appeared the planet had gone through huge natural changes tha + Hunan ingenuty wil always ad akernatives fr problems, ‘Te costs of cting back industry with thea of protecting te envionment mh ‘greater than the bene fr the human race Pecaets Thissounds abiof Neurttety eretng nem ‘Toe jus Uistened toa presentation on how individual businesses cant rostsnabilty ound lt relly interesting. Id id you? I dn’ think nada businesses can do much They can, belleve me. The presenter give some excelent examples. He stared by phasing individual motivation to make a postve impact on the worl You know, fr me these are just ice words. But do they realy mean anything? My concern that sera people, and aso companies, ely talk aout sustainably. 1 see what you mean, m stil eonuined that every business can take some simple steps: Anyuy, customers do cae aout sustnnnblly, and expect Dsineses to el. So isinetes are supposed todo so (OK, How? Fd be happy to know, actually (Gad to her that. Fi of al businesses should produce alfordable and at the same fime sustainable product. One example fusing LED ight bulbs, Instead of tho oe fashioned Incandescent ight bulbs. You tae 85% ofthe enerpy used compared tothe ‘igh bulbs with LEDs, you know, Another eavantage stat toy have along ite el guess about 20 years (OK, [seth pont. By the way, we se LEDS at home. So do nthe ole Great. So, thats one step tao exsential fora business to take care of what raw naterals they purchase and how thoe materials ae produced. Fmean they ned to entrel thelr supply chan. Obvioaey, has ailant opportunity to recyele and aim This sounds a bit an exaggeration dont bellove ero wastecan be achieved We thes has achieve it They are realy great in sustalnabity. Really? admit, hey have an excllent reputation, ‘Absolutely. They've sso made ers to reach hundreds of thousands of farmers to tear them how f rode cotton using al the amount of water and chemical input dares the yields have intense and they ve baled the Input costs for farmers, Thee armers ar coming out of poverty now while prodcing higher quay. Wo! They've ben ble to ereate «win-win station then cee nentegan meinen zoe whic mie nor ar emough The planet incr a a ere a ‘Over the past flv decades orto envconmental conceens have inereasingly been given | ae er ss tome partcpants are offered a structured way of dealing withthe problems given, their actions | a — eee ‘are coordinated and the transparency of the process is enhanced. The Paris Agreement poste impact enn good isan excellent example of tht s well sf broad partition, Neary 200 countries oo nic poe tctely took parti the negotiations, which has dawn te atenion of the publ othe Bernpontio teow isues negotiated. On op ofall ha paripaing nations tend te ble o coopera teowete lv In some cases, neffcent Yations might be ford, and asa esu, Implementing them | poverty ost prsie ‘eWhich we have several lessons fo lear, which are worth mentioning ere. In the case of immediately take over without the significant dlsruption ofthe economy, werent always tvallable. Moreover, th science bein the Protocol was nt rm due o United avalaiy | data and knowledge at he time, As a consequence ofthese deiencls, th rhe jtienaa omneay «plementation hit rick wal, Apart from the lessons learnt rom the Kyoto Procol. concen stat nist need to point ou hat some regions can take advantage of climate change and new a sn by globe! warming: Final, thse negotiations might provide plitctans an opportanity \ ‘Based on the arguments above, believe ining environmental agreements ought to sore sone way toachieve a sustainable world However, hat commitment shou be combined with strongesprt so tha fnsbty may be giver higher priory ton the future Fi ee ee re ‘The effective ways of fighting climate change are not obvious and sometimes Inefcient solations ae Toced + Limited avatlablty of alternative technologies, knowledge and erulal data ray hinder implementation like inthe cate ofthe Kyoto Protocol + Some countries that experience the benefits of climate change may weaken the establishment of s convertion + Some plitians might only intend to increase tek popular by aking art in tha Sever countries have proven they are serous about engaging in ensionmental insues and taking thir share ofthe implementation, + By joining environmental agreements participants are oeed coordinated, transparency is enhanced + Eifclont measures and publi attention maybe reached by broad participation. se fa eommen agreeient further communication tends tobe more etletve in other ares as wel thoughtto recent see yourpoint PEI ovescwe cn agree but conthae ted In your opinion about environmental agreements ute tanty, Without doubt abe int uit frankly, Fhaven" given mach thought otha issue recently. know though, that several forts ave been made reduce humanity's footprint onthe plane, ‘That’ right. Dont you think thy ae not eet at ll? In my opinion tele targets vl ikely not be met een thin they are unnecessary in thee present oem (nthe contfary, nde goals tobe good, Without dou, we ned these agreements ell, yes. Hewove, personaly, below we've late 120 many dierent issues oto ibe climate change ager, om evromental concerns via poverty tolntrnaoal av 1808 your pnt, bt there must be away toimplement their decisions. Maybe, but according to an article Iv read recently, weve also been invoking imate ange to resave issues Tike energy, ecology, economy, equy and so forth, NO rte "bandwagon as callapse” many tins sofa. el that's happening aga {guess the solution shouldbe a step by step approach. J mean we shuld dvige ie cate change issue into m numberof consumable pars that we ean tackle. For Instance, there are several region where people don't have acces o elect. We ld pursue an agenda of energy moderlztion providing that electrical energy t tho poor Great idea! Im also convinced we mst give much higher pity to adapttin tothe climate variably that exists today 1m sure there's no other Way Hight no. You seem tobe right! We nee to recognise, we are not adequately adapted to the climate et exist today. Things lke zoning panning = well as better city planning ‘and development ean help tremendous amount Speaking of climate change, lest we forget extreme weather events, such as huge heataves, wide, tomedoes and flods. If we gave much higher pioity 10 edaptation to nate vara than we do ow, we culd save ives ad educe loss That reminds me of what Ensen once sal A far as I remember tent ke tis -Wecannot solve our problems wth the same thinking we used when wo created the {guess we can agree on hat, We need a dierent approach tht takes us Forward onvete ig Coe ‘First and foremost, lets have a look at what Corporate Social Responsibility means. Its when business integrate sell and environmental concerns in ther operations, CCR stzatopies encourage the company to make & positive impact onthe environment and stakeholders inciting consumers, employees, investors, communttes, and others Late take the postive side nt consideration fire. According to many, he concept DICSR is understood and executed appropriately it does have plenty of bene, The aim ofits toncreasdlong-erm profs and shareholder trust through positive public lations ‘and high ethical standards. That way companies ae able to reduce business and legal risk by taking esponsibility for corporate ations. Asa result of following high ethical standards companies canimprove business reputation, diferent themseves rom thet competitors win new buslneses, increase customer base and attract, tain and maintain happy workforce. 8 alo advantageous forthe socety a a whole ince businesses alm otonly to provide benefits for thei business partners bu also for al stakeholders. ACS palley improves company profitably and value. The introduction of energy and waste reyeling cals operational costs and benefits the envionment, Al in a panies ate supposed 1 operate in a responsible way. (On the other hand, erties claim that Chere is no evidenee forthe soca and corporate bene, Busineses might state and pretend they act according to CSR, but they rarely so that i reality. By misconstrung CSR asa PR instrument, hey simply want ogreen wash” thet company Tls happens when considerably more money i pet or example, ‘on advertising being green than i actually spent on environmentally sound practices. some companies even breaching the law lke contaminating sol, or polluting water and al ‘party agre with te opponents of CSR who may go even further and argue tha the eal responsibilty of busines is to make prof and no to waste ts resources on activities that are out oftheir expertise. They clam that companies are henefiia for soiety because bay purse actives they are expersin, In myapinion gnoring CSR ca also mean dng 00d tothe economy, people and the envionment Lets take a car maker a an example ‘This company invests time, energy and money in creating a campaign on recycling ve Instead, i ought to lavest in esearch o develop more ecient engines which consume tess thus reducing exhaust emission. By dng the late, al conemned woul bent most ‘Finally, smal enterprises must be mentioned as well, as most of them cannot ford to allocate substantia esouces to CSR, so disproportioatey high costs fallon them. fn ang ‘ase, and that smy pinion as well CSRs ke ootal: everyone ean exper” hut only rete oper stn shone own Wor + Companies sometimes mitcontrue CSR asa PR tol and user greenwashing Disproportionate cost ight fall on small companies {CSR shits the focas ofthe company fom the objective that made i nancial tty nthe fest pace ~ profitemaking «By enguging in CSR companies may wast thelr resources on activites tat are aut oftheir expetice, ths weakening ter businesses += CSR aa improve a companys vale and profitaity + Han contribute to competitiveness as enhances reputation among investor. + Incense environmental awareness causes less harm. «Companies applying CSR attrac and retin customers, asthe ght CSR plan provides fora whole hos of cstomer relations opportunities that lp paint your projects and your business ina wey positive ight + Companies that engage in CS are wie to rer ad mila ayy tll 2 rapccearstrmems mao stnn to tne tmncteonvncea —HEE*RIEIEY Yoyo doubt tha mincesen. EE sen ‘Tm interested n your opinion on CSR. Busines and social responsi? They area acy Hom each ther Fafa bjt ot You mus be kidding* CSR leas kindof nitive that bene everybody, nly nthe hort but also inthe lng term, Who do yourean by ember? Defy ot companies. Tel ony gol sang prot. Wel they cast have merely this goal any more. By introducing and acting according 10 CSR poly, businesses lve something beck to society, take care ol the environment ‘we making prof. This way al stakeholders galn real benef, Totellthe truth, 'mnateonoinced. The reuirement to engage in CSR lend companies to Green wast. That i, sponding more on pretending they ae scily responsible ile nthe background nothing really happens. Maybe in sore case, but f's have a look a heise fom a diferent angle. Firms sz compettive advantage by applying CSR plies, By taking ear of employees, for Instance they attract and mala beter and happier pple. Aso al firs ‘ost valuable asset its emplayes so this the way comes benef inthe ong ra {see what you mean. However, an organisation needs o be profile ist fo be ble tw spend more on CSR from the Br’ money. Sure they shouldbe, Tht’ andeniable Without making pros they would never be ale to engage in CR. Exactly. Another point f con actually help society elective der Is whether companies have the knowledge to What doyou exactly mean? {mean companies are around to produce gods and sevies ths erating Jobs Nothing more, nothing ess. AS way as that, 1 att strong belleve companies must ore about the society ad help improve t,t is ‘eight hing for them todo. way? Yowknow, many of ou soctetys problems suchas plltonenvionmental degradation and poor wages have occurred because of companies. Sos thelr esponsibility fx them. Whats more, a lot of companies, ike Starbucks and BP, are sicessful a well ts socially responsible, So CSR docs not exclde making substantial profs. On the Contrary erence a organkzatons value, Yow know, doubt that, According towhat ve read, CSR does really pay of. don’t nk you've persuaded me. Noproblem Nevers, suggest we shoul ge together som ig dpe nthe topic Tmalready ooking forwart tot acl 1) tit ‘enous eet LUndeniably, being an enteprener and having your own business an anbition, or mayo oes et i even ateceny of mary. Noto menton foe! he coon any nation ea iy sop poker mau tees o businesses. I enterprises oui everybody gains, These ate wo ofthe rain oor rms snr eperno the eae oagh pte ie — Severa further aus appear ta be on thea se Cert, making eas o eas tou vay ft number ot igh priate companies, woud as mae ale or pl who are dealt csr acon anon ate Seen loemploy ke te oes ing wih sab, oecome analy slau, It were bees esan a Senne cerandcheapt or companies to reich sles of be aka rey ecmales vou cuccmenrne —onten ten contort tho decree, Nese aay, created costs and comple as make I mortal costes Ssereserote nets io bcone an enteprenea or people wiles capt sa reo nds with = jae tor oma less understanding ofthe legal proces. The high requirements force people to pay forthe | Sewer sone noone peti togrow the business. What i more, some of those legal requirements might not make sense one at ealandare ony histor remnants of once ease demand Far foo compe aw and —_—- eae ta | regulations may be sure of coraptn and abuse f power aswel to decreasing het esunl ima ert it umber and simplifying them should help prevent more economic eines. Let us no forget cyano, eon ‘soem the proces Noto menton hse cl might no understand pate companies I eee a bureaucratic obstacles are consuming the resources o both ides, everybody would bene i © tlomanuccucdempettenwettateses nnn nvm Tn <,, from meso usomers and suppliers. Company registration allows partners to check tose if they | tt — companies, partners and ofcials have more time to investigate leregularites, decreasing ‘aweatinow Arend «the amount of fraud. Also, by imposing a cost, the process makes sure that ony people trun paar ‘who are actually serious about establishing a business attempt todo so. Naturally, a igen registration proces discourages creating ake companies while makings more ical to avold axes, At inal seems fo be more likely hat by conforming to some rules, establsed companies will benefit the whole society be benefit the advantages ‘Tosumit up, although some kind oa registation seems ot implying the proces clearly outweigh ie drawacks. Lote aso highlight the fact thatthe concep of reedom of association tell mandates that people shoul be feet act towards their common busines goals + Economy hes lies on businesses ‘The number of entrepreneurs as well as rofl businesses woud grow + Good opportunity to decrease black and grey economy + By avoiding bureaucratic obstacles ns of energy would be feed up to be ale to ‘work towards moe added value 2 + Measures must be tke to protect partners and consumer + Nore aiuto create fake companies + Registration makes ax evasion harder + By imposing cost onty people who are serious about busines establish fn — methat fry ming My riends and thavebeon hinkingot elablshingstart-upabrot, Werebrastorming ‘which European county to choose. ‘are you pling my eg! Wow! What a great idea! Watt a minute just occured ome tat te Weld Bank rans counties every year according io how easy they ae to slat and run abusnes Tl were you, [chen tat st Actually, hve. Singapore's been ranked ist or sever] years now ast i? ‘Tat’ right Unleas 17m mistaken, nine European countses ae inthe fist 18 a th moment. You sould choose from ane of those That sounds ke a good idea, thanks. run through ha ist agai, Speaking of start-ups, a fend of mine bs just established one n Estonia, He sid t ‘was plece of cake, 1 tok im half an our Are you pulling my leg? That's unbelievable! Wel, is tue Ifyou want to sara busines thee, you can dot online Realy? Tell me about i me dying fo now. Anything can be dove online. You ca easily apply for e-resdeny then estalsh and Wel, frantly speaking, someone mentioned Estonia the other day, but Udit tke him seriously. No idea why I's ell high time forme o think out ofthe bos, st? By the way, Skype was started thereto, wasn Exatiy Another famovs one is Tranter Wise, whlch especial In low-cost online Iransers. You se, over 15% ofthe GDP of Estonia comes from high ech fms. They have massive start-up community and even the government hs ther own start-ups That's the e-government and that's why they are called - Estonia, How clever! stone more thing. My concern ls that not only extabshing but eso running the business shouldbe easy and cheap How abu that? Don't wory, ve got good news. You ned neither & lawyer nor a notary public to establish and run Your compan. No capita is requied lor your start-up. And guess ‘wt! Tax mst ony be paid if prt taken ot. No wonder Estonia's go the highest number ef start-ups pe apta the word cee BL sureaicsiconoanesia sal resis oogonia as Akey starting poln contd be tha ll big companies used to be smal once, however, de toa numberof wel tuned strategies, they were abl to grow, eve into multinationals. At first glance, one might thnk tht matinainal companies kl smal businesses. Although ‘nen golng into des, thetikelnes of the statement above seems less relevant. That's tonal tie discussion i obout ‘What ae the arguments forthe statement? Why should ig ones kil smaller ones? Firstly, as formulnatiopal companies, they bear numerous advantages over small companies. For instance, mace budgets available and spent on advertising and market expansion, fy ensuring brand awareness and publ. The more castomers and busines partners they have ine higher their turnover gets, Whatmore, when buying bulk and regarding the cost advantage based on economies of scale, the discounts from the suppliers enable them to lower ther ces, generating sill more profits than the smaller businesses which an only ofr higher prices, As a mater of fac, thee higher turnover isthe ey actor. This ise great benefit whieh undermine the market epportnitesof smaller companies. Secondly, through expansion, big companies are faking marketshare away from small nes end fer products that only meet generic astes A fara employment is concerned Multinational eompaniesattaet a great deal of workers inthe Rope ofa better salary Notoniys the payment higher, but also fringe benelits ae provided for employees. AM the above mentioned facts represent the highly competve advantage of multinational companies over small businesses. ‘Even so, there ae strong points showing how small companies survive the flerce ompetition, To begin with, any of them have the potential o grow into large, powerul businesses bu to achieve this, Hs ial for them to tdopt ficient business strategies. or one thing, customer eate and custome satisfaction go hand in hand, which must be han in ease of multinational companies Smal businesses are Iypealy more customer ‘rene therefore they are espetlly ood at keeping contact and talloring tel products fospecial needs. They strive to inpress their buyers, which is certlaly absolutely appreciated by the cents, Moreover they must make ue of thet smal slae with special respec fo discovering @ market nice, Coming ot with aunigue product or service can Tea to great succes and popuarty bt only high quality & malntained. Furthermore small companies canbe earged with wrk as subeontrators fr big ns. “Last uta eas, eal competion lwtyskeeps the busines goingandismallenterpises keep an eye on wa ther strengths are, they cannot nly survive but also prosper side by side with multiatonal companies + Mulinatonal companies eapture the local marketshare of small enterprises + Recnting competent experts Is estrcted: potential employees ae hired by rmitnaonal companies therefore small companies have to raise sslris and ene packages to atact lented applicants + ultinatonaleompanteshave more competitive prices, so they havea high turnover whlch may make up for he probaly lower proft marin «Big fm can afr to spend huge amounts on advertising, which smal businesses + Multnational companies arena lmble and agile enough to make changes when the products need ore customising, ther sii thei own ene. +The comnctions wit the community is emphasised thus thelr products are often taloredt the spect cstomer neds + Working conditions andthe surroundings might be more modern and comfortable at big companies, nevertheless thay are not always employee-tiendly, such as fering day-care service or flexible schedule, «+ Small enterprises concentrate on lel market strengths aa means of suv a. You maybe ight. re youforor Yes thats quite tue bet “Have you heard tha new multinational company i bel but inthe ct cent? ust thinker Wnateleer (Oh not agaln...'m slo the everyday rat-race, igting multinational companies and now thers another one... Reerating ad retlning ne sta is harder and are or tne. sometimes fel ten worth the rouble Fy, lok atthe bright side, Atthough your business is small, If you grab a good ‘opportunity, oul hi heck. What on earth do you mean? Are you for orageina small enterprises? Let me explain, Smal enterprises can easly make changes and adapt fo new trends because theyre nimble, Small companies are the st ogo o know customers’ needs thanks tote more persona level customer care. You mist be faster and wondrous Aierent but dont et nthe crossals of large counterpart. Yes, that’s quite rue bat I ned ante personnel whom ca ofr higher payment in better perks than mination companies. I's real pain inthe nck Beyond al doubt hard work, rely, but adaptation Is the Key fo further success ake the est of your small size, Use i 10 you advantage, be special Just tink o ‘Appieot Porsche. they had a boom with a distinctive product. You maybe right. Ave you talking bout discovering a market niche? What ls? Come up with brand-new business dea ora unique servic and intrdce iat reduced price. Tats the way big glans do, oo. Give ita go! Sound good. but aed to spend a frtane onthe ads. Get with the tes! Have you heard of ger marketing? Not yet What's that? {ts ontine and cheap. I's veal marketing, spreading sl over Just ke word of mouth I attracts big crowds, Everyone uses Faebook or twiter nowadays, or you cou even launch Google campaign, caching millions a relatively low marketing costs ‘Wel, you sald Let’ ge started! bent a send The argument of having astong central bank has come vp many times in history. The sonomisofscale rigs inet geeate poe rohit eove that it can concentrate too much power inthe hand fa central government, frags bene reer Sousecice recuse would ony Took athe short-term poltical Benes and dlegard important talorsote ed capita sees pra pe peste printing an endless amount of money, which would then result in economic chaos. techage wth inte mone! {hs rule of thumb, an independent central bank ensues tht the economy s managed asl idea behind central banks isto regulate the monetary policy while the government tanages the cal pole. The objective Isto create botha check and a balance, economic aspects inthe process. perfet example i its eathoriy to print money. 1 government that wants to stick to power will disregard the consequences of raat sae reuse es ‘well as the monetary policy s eto Kep the broader economy i mind beyond government oxnin ee sare at spending. So ideally, the central bank isan independent entity providing stabi for at petconel i nea ryt aan ‘Why should the government be given so mich influence? Why should any of the branches Iavtecrthietoibe, me hemego ste given more than he res? Ijust makes the goverament prow anditcould become more oe rer ‘om cy at esl in more freedom forthe peopl. No wonder, some ofthe Founding Fathers of the economy. Moreover, it allows the government to have some Influence on the key components ofthe country’s economy. And here a key point which have fo argue with, suseplibe to mismanagement rly Belteve tal we have small government, I wontouty nn sen the United State strongly urged fora small government in onde o provide more bee Tintecrosharctig men! ete More tredom, however, does not allow forthe concen of having central banka is veda omdermnst cnn themselves? Theres alot of eldence that proves that a.cental bank ifn cose with ‘arta grea influence onthe bank, allowing only a sal nunber of peple to benefit rom shaving central bank Lastly the ental bank, while sa government nstitaton, sti vagainst he principles of capitalin because can take away the control ofthe ree market. iv also questionable whose interest central bankers represent Ist he publi ais it run by people wit busines-ke mind wwatonesah2 nat? Tota attheothersdeo te tory, Fheveto gle creo the argument hate nationally lnmeepiin ‘atmaganane recognised currency andthe implementation of an independent monetary plicy canbe ves tutsqatebue bit ir ere soo fora country, For example, the United States had had over several dozen diferent | FY) “thecnmr tnt sat bn eaten py gens sd wet eo IP) itty nig scar as toner ee cote | Atinnoscomidr ere re very ood arguments on th es, Hr ‘he correct judgement abut this issue, a r ‘+ Acentral banks anti-eaptalist as fnances are controled by a government agency rather han businesses, Private interest groups can exert large tnflence ove the cer bank, making the decisions impart Individual banks ean ake tel ow decisions without the Interference from a central goverment. 1 Inflation and deflation are contrlled + central banc looks a the public teres and not private ones, + Aceniral tank frequently undergoes audit by independent outside agents. { + Without he central bank, eeruption and baresueracy aa be higher. a just ke tosay share your view regarding. 1 strongly believe tha central bank s unecessary in ou county iow, you've eaught me off guard am not sure what would happen othe country’s fact policies there wos no central gency ke bank Fm talkng about less dependence onthe sate Weste many examples governments ‘sng central banks forthe own poi! purposes by Tor example, appointing loyal people insted of expert. Pejust te What do youneant say that does not necesaily work ie that Wet partly agre with you. share your lew regarding the dependence of he bank ‘on the state. 1m alto saying tha there shoul be zero dependence Howcan you do that? You iter depend o the government or not In fac, te hot rue, What le more, hee are couple of realy good examples of central ans with no dependence on the stat. For instance, Germany, 1am not sare fam falar with the situation a Germany. ‘The country has strong central banks however it does not depend on the government Really? What aes esponsblties? As far as {ow the Bundesbank’ core business area isthe Buro system monetary lic, The maln task it secure monetary sabi nthe monetary union Soi main involved in EU matters? It performs tasks on both he natlonal nd international eve Such as? international institutions and commites that are dedicated to stabilising the franca system, {have tacit 00 know tt. Itmeans think frst elore you express your very strong opinion on anything | | Sees ine ed ‘nas In onder or them nt to go bankrupt. But where does that money come fron? Obviously sees are mntebe cnt trom agers smaling response py rth Peeps vragen 3 coe aee ot rmany others, inching the banks Of cure tee goad inet Debi ype connony See a ct goverment intervention, a obled morgage tacked eects nod fo be insted on am rng somehow athe ee of acertany regarding hese sets haste ston together po Bow com ena withthe confidence in credit markets, bt good intention often don't ereate god polices, naostsipention net spo 30 ener aye However, there may seem to be a couple of arguments in favour of states heping out the mentee saa on banking sector lst, the issu of liguity as mentioned above, Taking the shor-term fects ofthe credit erisis ino consderation, maybe a god deat allow banks to end to each other and to consumers a wel. Once this quit i guarantee, the longterm fects that banks willbe saved together with thetrcredltos.aaddton, i ay also end | 7 Seingcost ecient and even rita forthe state i thelog un, Once these banks tart | esi aa se seni togenerate some evene, theinvested money can be repaid Fratees ett (On te other hand, one may argue that the aforementioned costs ate huge and wil justo that at hanever be repaid. Not only us, but many more generations to come wil fer fom the ws ote tsmine consequences ofa stale bail-out, As result our children and grandchildren wil have to pay forthe costs la hgher axes or exporlncig higher Inflatlon.Anothar sone de howe the ressurycan sponsor sich an endeavour, Wilt borrow money from other counties? so, woulda tbe a problem to become reliant on another nation ike Chins? Too mach s dependency on others can neve lad to good things {contrast othe previous argument, we have very postive historeal precedents that sow how good twas on the part of the sate to intervene any historians say tht doting the (Great Depression inthe USA, President Roosevelt's genius decison wast help banks that were strong enough fo survive and the country provided aio them to support the public iy that regulations are the root ofthe problem. In myopia, isthe case othe credit erisis, the main problem was no the nck of eguatlons as many tend to clan, iy but overregulation, J agreesith some economists who argue that morgage lenders dnt Just wake up one ine day deciding to nk long-held standards of cretworthnessin order to make i-advised loans to unqualifed borrowers. ¢ would beelser tothe ruth to say they woke upto find the government twlting their arms and deranding tha they doso- rele they would have to close down soon rs 1 «There shou be less regulation of banks and then this would not be an sue + Saving the banks an send avery message fr the future. No matter haw one rnismanages the savings, the state wil always be thore fo lp out. + lis questionable how a bail-out is aflordable while athe cll spending is always ct. + As analternative forthe goverament, buying stocks might be a better option. ee | +The nance was caused by free market deregulation, which proved that without the bap from goveroments, banks woud colapse « Ihelps to avo not ony the bankruptcies but ls ayo + Financ nstutions can stabilize thei ret + aks can restore confidence in the system and start lending agln, | ii a SU. bac BANKRUPTCY COURT 2 sereceserNeepeocuet intros? ‘pomntickyes, Thats ne A Lean help but eally ofa of he next final evs, ure is onthe way othe est of my {don think you should worry about tha, does hlp desi? Anyway why should Wwe beafald? We survived the last rss oo ‘We dd, How: But how? Only with tate bailouts, Do you remember? So, nothing o worry about, ve tld you. The Hansa ector wl probably be rescued ‘again. The's sa slution or everything even for mistdowns, ‘That ont stretly true In my reckoning, escing 0 many banks and pumping cash into them la huge mistake, Tat was one ofthe main reasons ofthe crisis of 2008. To the bes of my krowledg, the government didnt have te chance to do anything ‘se. Bot big and smal investors, sacha pension funds, insrance companies, loc fgoverments, bond holders, and regular depositors woud have lst ther money. Among thee, or example. A Ws estonia t know though, that was all taxpayers’ money that saved thse ‘epost. Soret a whol a o bene al the burden Correct me fm wrong, bat he goveraent mst have had very good intentions. the unk hit ental ou al he bondholders and big nvestor woud ave lst [As esl others woud have withdrawn thot Investments fom th ther banks. That right hav ease an even bigger dsstr Simpy, those banks were too igo fal [ke you to understand tat whe the bg banks on the geo bankruptcy wee ed ‘many smal nancial isittons weren't. They were ether shu down of merged And You might be righ, ut stl believe thatthe goverment was kind obi to rescue ‘hose franca isttions from bankruptey, What wold have happened they hadi? A: Well, that might have caused a short term panic fo sre. stead, i erent along term monster: Banks now assume tal the goverment wil aways bil them incase of need, 0 thelr sk mode oat of whack So, whatssems to be thesltion? How can webring sant back tothe all lndsty? |: The government must stop gueranteing the bighank loses. Then investors will have the incentive to polo the instr. Ista simple 1) re ‘od tenon — setae rkedsecrte worms en! edn ene Have you ever been desperate alter a hard day’s work when you realled the bank had teuaty es ots tig end sy tat clin ote banking sono he most Dene clever vevene cm Jntton and can make everyday fances easier but is this realy an Improvement for ll? tI, sonny ee = No dou, te biggest plus sconvenlence. Those who cant even pleture he od days of st et I forthe wc nig on gn hb ery ne an arcing ‘ios there. Anyone with computer, tablet ora smartphone accessing the interne! sable to edvsedons ota ee do banking in the comfort of thet home. What's more, you do not have to adapt to the |) Sree cee = ina efor io broaden accesso your tank aroun while on he go, Furthermor, ony |) ren Ee Se € few would org with the fot hat saving pape anaes postive aspect of ning | Skee rn Vom ne online banking. We cannot lett go unchallenged that environmentalism Is one ofthe | Seer neee fut ov wad ranmdied hottest topics, including ways of cutting down on superfluous paper usage. The last point tment se oat north ating ihe at hat Inter aking ils emnertve fo he Danks, a hey | donot have to mata he ulin napa tines or hey dono have ole al, rates on various transactions in exchange for the ick of sigan infrastructure Security should bementioned as the main disadvantage. Asamatierof faci acurent problem indeed because safety measures aimed at preventing cyberrime have been perfected Tp it Intightof he clean-ct benefits, Ist take the road othe pial, ‘anctahiaron simply, there's aa increase in criminal activity, which may prove costly, sch as phishing tous customers vi span, fake websites and othe techaques to trck people into 1 vuigingsenstive formation Moreover; tesa lack of eationsip between the banker and he customer when aface- terface transaction would be needed such asin he case where you need capital o loan to expand your bases or special service. Lat bu not eas, banking webstes arent so slid tha elery people could navigate on them with eas Weean safely assur thal the postive ses bsoutely outweigh the shortcomings T put itina nutshell conveniences te vost oustanding featur of online banking, bu, yond ‘doubt mus be handled carefully a oder to protet personal data and avoid abuse 1m + The ost convenient and indispensable oon our fast-paced every ie ther your bls canbe paid or you an have aeoess fo your bank acount en round the clock. + On-the-go mobile applications are provided by the banks so you can do your tanking anytime anywhere on any eve + Online banking i also financially advantageous forthe banks ea + Nothing is folproo inthe era of computer hackers and det Het «Instant aces othe bal secount can induce responsiblity for shopaholic users and inpuls purchases «Te elderly cannot use online banking websites as a lest bale computer Iteracy le nocessary. + Cortain transactions are not instant but subjected to the normal businss-ay ae Dai 2% az xs hight foyer might Fmnotemthssti 5 tm beaoing Theres nothing! Whats wrong itwoul asthe more. 2 good thing Hey man, ge tot, What's wrong? You ook furious Come oe ae en you see ato thet f ot ak ma you’ Sree you egaen ASAP ool a cang Mite tos ryan peed you read the ula beforehand. You've gt f allow these cut and dry instructions thing es. 1 guess might not be safe enough Tm aad sae hackers, with shel sophisticated techniques can teal my personal daa. Phishing more common than eer. Am ight? That’ highly unlikely bt, ofcourse, should warn you to ale your personal data wth care when entering the sytem, You can keep trek of your abount balances review money tansfers any ine ofthe day and at any pace where there's Interet fazcess. You can even da banking on Your smariphone a wel ‘Wel sound eis everywhere bank, So tempting. Allthat can be dane without ven stepinginto th But im afraid the website n't as simplified as | would expect. A Fm sure youl eats how to navigate onthe sit easy, do ge nope tle? A Then you go thee and contact anker in person Sounds gootome.Let wil you elp me aut? and getregiteredon the website. Incase run into problens, lus tke i easy, La get sated Caesar ae! ie | Reiner nin mente =e ‘with and how th traing an lfetshareolers aso be aed ‘eeperae Aosta ‘ent eu Firs, clarification of terminology is essential. A state-owned enterprise (SOE) i algal | eee reopen = is true that state-run companies are sil companies, ut that doesnot necessary give tetsp ins maroc seen companies are response for thee actos. So, when items fo responsibilty, the main we Ma Dea = igument is owners. Wha id th gna! comic i the 200s tah os Wel, | temeeing serpy cane a responsible one, matters can go wrong, Across the word, big, stock market listed state a attractive form of busines, Iwas mainly telecom companies, uty fms, hydrocarbon Es ietes and fo other ees where these ltervened and tok oer, Sessa? Th Ti pot enthusiastic about fem sheen governments and managers of SOEs had was fire-fighting to save some of their assets. Faves might ot Soret en 1 Managers of SORs were slow to react to this challonge,Likeose,natural-resource SOEs totrade on the tock market n my humble pinion, when share are publi, the taxpayer gets hur wen prices go down, The compantes are nt competve with private Sms in many oe Just heard on tho news thatthe government wants to have the state-owned ‘etry company ener the stock market ssaspct, weave sen. Alina when the shrelder isnot pit entity but publ ne iy eee eee reer eel |" Stmarep, eo he waft one Seka Ietnatton A Wl that's what they si Strange, What do you thin? eval the same tome. What about yo? a Y © eescantt «There sn chance that the wealth ofthe country wil be gone a: Why? «+ Decision-makers ae su tobe quit lerponsible when itis abou! someone 1 you want my opinion, have to make leas beforehand that I'm not big ano any ss money. state-owned enterprise, + I something s owned by the publi, is iealy owned by nobody. 1 Nelther af I Although I stil don't understand your objection to sich companies + People who are in a poston to make such dcslons are dive by short-term entering the tock marke Political successes, which does not ensue sal investment decisions Re : The state does, Wo isthe ate? Re eee «lhe stocks of the SOE do welt sexta revenue forthe county. The state constutes of you and me and all the other etizens, Stte-rn companies | “itecngery bent owned ve abate cette ee aren. ech ‘Wil oath oo whan ising sok ae ty mae ar «Thestecnie nya payer ithe the ny ‘now mt ny || Stsoeeetert scout ots mer pent unripe ower the goverament Wt See, youcan‘trealy seriously think that each citizen wil recive a divided atthe end ‘A; Maybe not. But we can get a tax rele or something ope the xeon tb hen hid taboo What if they lose money? Who is going to pay or their mistakes? Stata show that son state-run companies historically ore bad husnes ‘A: Well, hope the Parament doesnot vote on this thes cen Wl et, Whataboutyou? wa ath, weep pa tain net ae one fre ose eet see tot inn ww a Peete iat ‘Itseems tome that when people talk sbout education, they aways mean the theoretical based education they experienced in schoo and cannot realy think of alternative ways, let alone alternative subjects. However, Lam an avid supporter of involving economics In schools trom avery early age. may include teaching about money mates, ees, investments, and other aspects of economics. I think ti an integra part of our ives to have hands-on knowledge about the ones mentioned above Being knowlageable about investment opportunities and entrepreneurship benefits students rom al socioeconomic backgrounds because teaches kids to think outside the box and nartures unconventional tents and skis. Ferthermore it rents oppertinty, leensures soca jute, isis confidence and stimulates the economy. Ithelps students 10 earn how the word works and what opportunities they may be facing inthe future (Opponents claim tht schoas are not prepared o teach such subjects, fe alone teachers who are trained in conventional edication rather than economics. However, we should rot emphasize why something cannot be done, but ok for ways to make It work fs lmportat forthe advancement of ur ehildren. Ths, school do not need to teach these skills on thei own, valid altenative st leave this tak for people who ae rained tocar tout. Avery good examples for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and ‘other organizations o lake advantage of ntatives tet parks ol ages with hanking and investment experts across the country so they can engage in hands-on projet. »Adetonay,esehing economics eneepreneutship ad investment skis embraces talents ‘an kl that teachers in conventional classrooms might ethenolse penalize, fs hard fo disagree tha this knowledge cannot be useful i rel ie. Moreooer. tan be leaal in a playulmanner even at young age. Mer are several methods that already exis that show us how stents canbe engaged insu sls but not necessary in acassoom setting, »eannot accept the view that students ned o lear what our grandparents used o learn sets the cas in some schools. The word has changed andi changing constantly. [ts tot enough if only theoretical education appears inthe classroom Moreover, tis Kind of education can help students from poorer fails to got ou oftheir social class and ‘vance fe, Als, there are many mote reasons for eneepreneurship education, which nlnelade the lkeibood that it wil promote socal an emotional wel-belng, Taking everything into consideration, I would say tha! the present education system shoul be reformed in a way that more emphasis shouldbe placed on economies rather than conventional subjects. In he long ran, our entire society wil bone fom having young alls who have kaowledge and experience about the word already. However, the ‘question of who teaches students stil in thea, + Students wil have fst-hand experience shout how markets, investing and stock + Teactng about economics els to even out the differences between tents with deren socal backgrounds. + Entrepreneurship sls are mich more useful in eal fe than some conventional «Students can experience through games what they may be able to acheve under + Students should learn theory just ike we di when we were a school and there ‘ould be optional subjects, + Students willbe tempted fo try out the stock market and caus tee ames to go bankrupt «The world is changing sas that ther knowledge soon becomes obsolete, + These subs shouldbe taught at university level doubtful about the nant futur ofthe next generation, Not ong sales, What will eome next? 1S Sse ona gotint tn As far ow, were over te recon, no wots, 2 the oy, e's noting 1 te doe. st hapened A: isagre, Schools shoud teach inane teracy and how tlnvest. forthe benefit (start a sqosble nancial ile while stil young. I shoud be part ofthe cricalum to Spark the ned o kiow the must dos andthe know-how abot managing thee finance. Don’t you thinksa? Ue people from dierent incom levels and soll bacgrounde, You cant relly teach how tbl a any day fad point. W would be hard to create a unifed curriculum that would help most Btifwettyloencouragetheirfinanl sens, they are more ely omakebetterfnanca choices and havea more secure far. Financial responsiblity and entrepreneurship are fundamental to lear to funtion in present socey There’ alot ob sid for rei cars, Is often considered as eee money, which is oot Absotely no, People wpe thelr creditcard dain ad dayout because theres no immediate consequence. I thnk i's mainly younger peopl; they're eager to own a ‘red card, however, they don't Keep othe tems end max out thel cards. Can we do nything bout? a: That's what Pm talking about. Instant temptation preva. Financial education ls a greatbose from which to raise a generation of conscious consumers who ean cope wit Nows the alot ofthe population Is snowed under commodity credits and mortgages. ‘Who could tach then? Perhaps teachers dont el competent enough nthe relevant topes. Agreed? 1 have to concede that don't ether wish were ina position to get young adults to look farnto the future and nae them understand ha investment and saving forthe Ire par four ee ere ie ot Ererenie) ‘Alot of people who have nover invested in theives, regard investing as another form of ‘gambling. They maybe rightfyouonl focus on he prospect oflsing mone. Al hey fc s that you ether get edieulousl ich rend up losing everything. Nowonder people have this misconception. They laum that you may lose very easly onthe sock marke ust ike you can do the samen Las Vegas at roulette able, Te question gets tobe very simpli. You ether win or lose (nthe other Mand, it snot so simple. The mai ference i hat nthe stock market, yoouhave to doa of research, Lets compare buying stocks oplaylng dats you jst decided to buy your stocks randomly would be very similar to playing darts, It would all er oflick, Now easier you eserched about how compaaes do and wha hei value and performance ae in the tock market. It means that you have more chance of ‘making money than if you jus threw darts tthe dartboard. According to satsties, event youeareflly researched the market, i may happen tht the price of your shares wil drop. ‘You might get frustrated, but statistics als tell you tht you should expect o make money inthe long rn. As consequence, we can say thatthe stockmarket sa much beter place for your money than casinos. However, ther ae diferent forms of gambling, and one may argue that you can have more chance to win beting ona hors o your avout fotball team. The odds may be etter since you can also do some research ino ow a certain horse or teatn dd before but stat enough? Is thatthe guarantee to your winning? Belting on horses or sports ‘ean actualy abel agains! other bettors, because adds are calculated by the amount of Investors ofthe same company can end up making money ‘thas o be emphasised that when gambling, you actully own nothing. When investing zin the stock market, youown a share of company I Avidends, you benefit rom tthe price of your stock neeases, you can sl your shares th company is profitable and isues Souhat isthe bottom line? Jn my opinion, when people tell ou that gong othe stock market i not diferent fom going toa casino lt them know that they should take data int consideration. Iabuiouly shows you that most often gambling is &no-win vente ‘and cannot be compared to investing. Data ean also prove that major investment groups 4 it adverse port have been ofa over tine, etl at We, Investments that may nt bring profits, or ven ease the investor tolse everything, but ask yourself he question, which would you rather choose? Investing in, for example, retirement ore savings fund or betting tal atthe blackjack table think the answer + You can ase a fortune on both gumbing and stocks. +The fate of your money depends on the performance of others The Stock Market has te past entry Although there aestattes, you have to rely on your gut Feeling when you gamble or invest in stocks, decor of erashes retulting in economle ese in Ea | 1 Tediflence between gumblng and bying stocks ht yout on the ata o Ievesinefs sos bods and el este lng erm malay. | * Tang vies tity hedging “Trading stocks is regulated tule gambling in some cases appears in egal 2 sgineadnamion stout hess sn poy Fappreite your eienon vette: I any soc ‘Where are you going? ust for ication Absolutely To bookie. Arsenal spaying Totlenham this afternoon and Jam prety sure that favourites wll win, ‘A: You mean yqu ate planning Wo risk your money on some football game? snot some football game. Is the biggest rivalry in London Incamatterof fact {do know the teams. Jt don hin tha! you should isk your soney ona game, Even fhe Gunners win, Row mich money are Youexpectd ta win? And how mach are you betting? ‘The ods are 1. an plan to places 50-pound bet on Arsenal, 4st for clarifiation. Arsenal wis, you end p with an xa 40 pounds, ight? Buti hey draw o lose, you wise your bet. wally hints just money down ths Aran ‘Le fl of uncertainties. Lam jst taking my chances. Awordof cut gunbng an become ative an yx mayen up losing ns of money Welt, aporetate your adolee on how tonvest my money then, Ive aways thought that this definitely ging to make meric, Te even come up witha winning scheme ‘oensre my winnings. You knot won't work, dont you? Ta recommend looking into some good options on the stock markt "new you were going to say tha. intresting tonctethe simulates and diferences ‘etueen gambling and investing thnk there are mainly saris hee Not relly Just do the math. Look a the history of any biue-chip company recently When you havea share realy means that you wna part of company and when makes prof, you make profs, to, 2 Sounds good bt do thave tne fort now. Gata goto the game. wil skip the bookie fornow and wil talk to you about investment opportunites ler we win tcratre ween ear | Sheipconeny to | il Ian an i his ohighy debated isue whet advantages and disadvantages le ihaving re rade intoducedin developing counties, Eeonomatshave Been argulng aboutshat th acceptable _tutonwosll be roparding te chem of such cunresintewtery ree trae is undeniable thatch countries are attracted to poor ones due othe huge market opportunities. Nevertheless they dump thelr products an these counties disregarding for ‘example environmental aspects or actualy abasing the fact hat ther ie ack of green laws in hese counties, With cheap products ih countries annietethe rudimentary industries of poor countries, which might result in further dependency on the new Industries and products. This way, local product eannot enter major markets, and sooner later, they wil dsappeat. Proponents ofthe statement also calm that there are many multi-national companies that relocate obs to emerging countries without adequate abou protection. Asa esl, ‘women and children are ften subject grueling factory jobs in sub-standard condltions (On the other hand, we have to se thal without ree trade and without the goodwal of developed counties, poor countries would bave almost a chance to get out of poverty. Consider the alternatives that these people have. Even low-paid obs i, for extmp Sub-Saharan countries mean much moe than what people would have to face hey had no jobs tal, Te alternatives can he teenage prosititon, starvation, malnlrson oF 2s However, if we take a look tthe bright sie of fee trade, we might Bind that ee trade has raised most ofthe underdaveloped counties ofthe twentieth century to much beter ‘economic conditions in or century, etme elaborate on some of the advantages of ie trade deals, Without re trade, most economies were protected by high ars and other forms of protectionist means Under such circumstances, businesses rskod becoming .ystagnant and non-compete on the global market. Bu when the protections removed, ‘companies are motivated to become real global competitors. Free trad agreements aso itract investors, who will ack to the country. Obofonly, thie ad capital tha can be used fo expand local industries and boost domestic busineses, There eno doubt that free trade als brings in strong, frelgn eurtences to many former islatod countries. Besides the economic gains, there are other actors well, uch aa infix af knowledge Into developing countries loka companies hae the expertise to develop local resources, especially in mining, ol driling and manufacturing, Local businesses can learn new skills fom them. Also, re trade allows local companies acces tothe latest technology ‘nd business practice. As ol economies grow, so do ob opportunities. Many foreign » fompantes povide alings aswel Taking everything int consideration, governments of developing nations should strive to find good solutions within the free trade deals to protect against such disadvantages These can be sone environmental safeguards that can prevent the destruction of natural resources and caltures. Another good solution is providing relevant labou laws that ‘can preven poor working conditins. Weighing the pros and cans, have to say that developing counties galn more from globalized fre rade deals than from slating the ouniey with lots of protective tars and tit conditions for foreign businesses + Companies from developed countries don't observe the same working standards in por countries asin thei countries of origin «There ea high numberof very young cdren working in factres, + Indigenous cultures canbe destroys + Froe tad leads fo depletion of lots of natural resouroes + There ishigher eonomie growth in the countries concerned «+ orsign expertise and technology appear inte county. + Foreig companies canbe required to bull fctories, tan workers and educate them about the latest technologie! development I 4 owayistatyour Joudertecnio Ihave sien siesapler" ndeandthe thou sfta vole wile hardforyouto |e thinkvoucan oh forhenvens prove

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