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To ensure an adequate watch is maintained at all times so as to monitor safe and efficient shipoperation and
2. ACTIONS2 . 1 C E R T I E F I C A T I O N
The officer in charge of the navigational or deck watch shall be duly qualified appropriate to theduties related to
navigational or deck watchkeeping.The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall be duly
qualified appropriate to the duties relatedto engineering watchkeeping.Booklet form licenses must be available
for inspection proper authorities.
2 . 2 V O Y A G E   P L A N N I N G
The intended voyage shall be planned in advance, taking into consideration all pertinent information,and any
course laid down shall be checked before the voyage commences.The chief engineer officer shall, in
consultation with the master, determine in advance the needs of the intended voyage, taking into consideration
the requirements for fuel, water, lubricants, chemicals,expendable and other spare parts, tools, supplies and
any other requirements.
2.2.1Planning prior to each voyage
Prior to each voyage the master shall ensure that the intended route from the port of departure to the firstPort
of call is planned using adequate and appropriate charts and other nautical publications necessary for the
intended voyage, containing accurate, complete and up-to-date information regarding those
navigationallimitations and hazards which are of a permanent or predictable nature and which irrelevant to the
safenavigation of the ship..1
Passage Planning
Thorough passage planning is vital to safe navigation.Passage planning is the formulation of a comprehensive
plan accounting for safe and efficient transit of thevessel from berth to berth. The planning process, the plan
itself , the execution, and the Monitoring of the plan all safeguard against undetected errors and enhance safe
navigation.When voyage orders are received, the master must establish a detailed plan for the voyage. The
plannedroute should embrace the entire transit, from berth to berth, including those waters where a pilot will
be on board.The master must determine that the vessel is fit and prepared in all respects to undertake the given
voyage,and that the depth of water at both origin and destination ports and route is sufficient for her to
alwaysremain afloat.

The guidelines and principals outlined in this manual, in applicable company directives, as well as the principals
and practice of good sea ship are to be adhered to in the preparation of the passage plan. Thefollowing must be
taken into consideration when planning, routes:a . D e p t h o f w a t e r r e l a ti v e t o d r a ft , m a k i n g
d u e a l l o w a n c e f o r   s q u a t .   b . E s t a b l i s h e d t r a ffi c s e p a r a ti o n
s c h e m e s . C.Availability and reliability of navigati onal aids, both conventi onal and
electronic.d . C a p a b i l i t y a n d c o n d i ti o n o f t h e v e s s e l a n d h e r e q u i p m e n t . e.Potenti al
situati on in event of breakdown (in relati on to the possibility of  such occurrence on a lee
shore etc.).f . C u r r e n t   a n d   ti d e s . g . A n ti c i p a t e d
t r a ffi c   c o n d i ti o n s . h . W e a t h e r i n c l u d i n g a r e a s w h e r e r e d u c e d v i s i b i l i t y m a y b e
e x p e c t e d . i . A d v i c e   a n d   r e c o m m e n d a ti o n s .  j. Navigati onal warnings aff ecti ng
the area. The above listing is not intended to be all-inclusive. Other factors pertinent to the voyage in
questions areto be given due consideration.The passage plan is to be clearly established and so written and
depicted that it is fully understood by allthe navigating officers.Prior to commencing a voyage, courses
and appropriate informational notations are to be drawn on themost suitable charts. They form an important
part of the passage plan, are to be thoroughly checked andapproved by the master, and are not to be altered
without the master's authorization. Voyage plan routewaypoints are to be entered in electronic navigational
equipment as appropriate.On vessels equipped with Integrated Bridge System (IBS) equipment, appropriate
data entries relating tothe planned route and safety margins are to be made and reviewed such entries shall
include but not belimited to:
Voyage plan route waypoints.
Electronic chart display (ECDIS) and electronic charts with appropriate corrections.
. V o y a g e g r a p h i c s w i t h a p p r o p r i a t e c o r r e c ti o n s .
Safety Margins and alarm settings.
Turn data for waypoint course changes [rate/radius].

Electronic chart data and referencing registration entries or digitizer use (made for the paper charts to be used
enroute).On Integrated Bridge System equipped vessels the planned route data is to be entered prior to
sailingand a "test run" made as practicable; with attention paid to safety margins, boundaries off-alarmsettings
etc.The plan is not to be inflexible and may be amended by the master at any time in the interests of safety and
efficiency.Records of passage plans used previously are to be carefully maintained , as they are a valuable

The guidelines and principals outlined in this manual, in applicable company directives, as well as the principals
and practice of good sea ship are to be adhered to in the preparation of the passage plan. Thefollowing must be
taken into consideration when planning, routes:a . D e p t h o f w a t e r r e l a ti v e t o d r a ft , m a k i n g
d u e a l l o w a n c e f o r   s q u a t .   b . E s t a b l i s h e d t r a ffi c s e p a r a ti o n
s c h e m e s . C.Availability and reliability of navigati onal aids, both conventi onal and
electronic.d . C a p a b i l i t y a n d c o n d i ti o n o f t h e v e s s e l a n d h e r e q u i p m e n t . e.Potenti al
situati on in event of breakdown (in relati on to the possibility of  such occurrence on a lee
shore etc.).f . C u r r e n t   a n d   ti d e s . g . A n ti c i p a t e d
t r a ffi c   c o n d i ti o n s . h . W e a t h e r i n c l u d i n g a r e a s w h e r e r e d u c e d v i s i b i l i t y m a y b e
e x p e c t e d . i . A d v i c e   a n d   r e c o m m e n d a ti o n s .  j. Navigati onal warnings aff ecti ng
the area. The above listing is not intended to be all-inclusive. Other factors pertinent to the voyage in
questions areto be given due consideration.The passage plan is to be clearly established and so written and
depicted that it is fully understood by allthe navigating officers.Prior to commencing a voyage, courses
and appropriate informational notations are to be drawn on themost suitable charts. They form an important
part of the passage plan, are to be thoroughly checked andapproved by the master, and are not to be altered
without the master's authorization. Voyage plan routewaypoints are to be entered in electronic navigational
equipment as appropriate.On vessels equipped with Integrated Bridge System (IBS) equipment, appropriate
data entries relating tothe planned route and safety margins are to be made and reviewed such entries shall
include but not belimited to:
Voyage plan route waypoints.
Electronic chart display (ECDIS) and electronic charts with appropriate corrections.
. V o y a g e g r a p h i c s w i t h a p p r o p r i a t e c o r r e c ti o n s .
Safety Margins and alarm settings.
Turn data for waypoint course changes [rate/radius].

Electronic chart data and referencing registration entries or digitizer use (made for the paper charts to be used
enroute).On Integrated Bridge System equipped vessels the planned route data is to be entered prior to
sailingand a "test run" made as practicable; with attention paid to safety margins, boundaries off-alarmsettings
etc.The plan is not to be inflexible and may be amended by the master at any time in the interests of safety and
efficiency.Records of passage plans used previously are to be carefully maintained , as they are a valuable

source of reference information for future plan preparation.

. 2 R o u t e   D e t e r m i n a ti o n
Consistent with the safety of the vessel, and in compliance with applicable company and governmentalrouting
requirements for specific areas, the master is responsible for the selection of routes so that thevessel is
navigated in the most efficient and economical manner. Safe navigation is to be the paramountconsideration
and time and distance saving secondary to it.
. 3 W e a t h e r   R o u ti n g
The company encourages the careful use of weather routing services for ocean voyages or when navigatingin
typhoon or hurricane areas. The master is always at liberty to disregard advice received from a weather routing
service if, in his judgment there is no advantage in following such advice.The use of these services does not
relieve the master of the normal responsibility for safe navigations nor does it permit discontinuation of the
reception and analysis of normal weather reports.
. 4 T r a ffi c   S e p a r a ti o n   S c h e m e s
Established traffic separation schemes whether mandatory or voluntary are to be followed unless
specialcircumstances preclude this. Except in emergent circumstances, a vessel shall not be navigated against
theflow of traffic in a separation scheme.Tanker Vessels shall avoid those areas which are designated to be
avoided by tankers.Locations, terms, definitions and general principles of traffic separation and routing are
contained inInternational Maritime Organization (IMO) publications which are on board of company
vessels.Information on new schemes or revisions to existing schemes will e forwarded to vessels and shall be
notedon the charts.
. 5 C o u r s e   a n d   S p e e d
At all times course and speed shall be set so as to provide an adequate margin a safe maneuver in the eventof
an unanticipated emergency situation.The economic objectives of time and distance saving are to be secondary
to safe navigation, and are to bedisregarded whenever the master deems it necessary, prudent and seaman like
to do so.
. 6 S e l e c ti n g C h a r t s ,   P u b l i c a ti o n s a n d H y d r o g r a p h i c   I n f o r m a ti o n
When selecting charts for navigation, the largest suitable scale should be used. Only the latest editions andfully
corrected charts and publications are to be used. An up-to-date index of all charts and publications on board
must be maintained. The requirements for the forthcoming voyage shall be carefully checked andany necessary
charts or publications must be acquired before sailing.
If in exceptional circumstances, such as due to a change of orders, the best chart for use in a pilotage area isnot
on board, the chart must be ordered through the local agent and placed aboard with the pilot.Masters must
ensure that charts and hydrographic publications are kept fully corrected from current Noticesto Mariners,
navigational warnings and other sources.Extreme care is to be used in the preparation, modification, and
correction of electronic charts (ECDIS),electronic ARPA navigational line overlays, due to the potential for grave
consequences in event of error.Prior to utilization, such vessel produced material is to becarefully checked for
accuracy an officer other than the originator Records of correction of such materialsare to be maintained in a
manner similar to those used for paper charts.Hydrographic information is to be obtained via NAV-TEX
equipment if installed. Radio officers are tocopy radio hydrographic information as broadcast.The master,
trough the designated navigating officer, must ensure that all navigating watch officers are provided with
updated information relative to the performance of their duties.
2 . 2 . 2 V e r i fi c a ti o n   a n d d i s p l a y o f p l a n n e d   r o u t e
When the route planning is verified taking into consideration all pertinent information, the planned routeshall
be clearly displayed on appropriate charts and shall be continuously available to the officer in chargeof the
watch, who shall verify each course to be followed prior to using it during the voyage.
2 . 2 . 3 D e v i a ti o n f r o m   p l a n n e d   r o u t e
If a decision is made, during a voyage, to change the next port of call of the planned route, or if it isnecessary for
the ship to deviate substantially from the planned route for other reasons, then an amendedroute shall be
planned prior to deviating substantially from the route originally planned.
2 . 2 . 4 N a v i g a ti o n   i n   H e a v y   W e a t h e r
The master shall observe present and forecast weather conditions closely at all times and shall, if necessary,alter
course and speed to avoid heavy weather that might damage the vessel or endanger those on board.They of the
vessel, cargo, personnel, and environment always take priority over any other consideration.The master shall
obtain all available pertinent weather reports and facsimile maps. A close study of thisinformation is to be made
in connections with local weather conditions as observed on the vessel, in order that the track of approaching
storms or dangerous conditions may be determined and avoided if deemedadvisable.
2 . 2 . 5 V e r y   L a r g e W a v e s   D u e t o W i n d a n d   C u r r e n t   E ff e c t s
Masters must consider the effect on sea conditions when winds are contrary to currents. For example, thevery
large waves sometimes experienced in the Agulhas current and the Gulf Stream occur when wind andcurrent
are opposed. Many ships have been severely damaged or lost due to these waves. When conditionsare
conducive to the formation of such waves immediate action must be taken to lead out the ship of theflow of the

2 . 2 . 6 S e a P a s s a g e
Sea passage begins at the point where in the judgment of the master the engines can be safely taken off "stand
by" following port maneuvering.Sea passage ends at the point where engines are placed on "stand by" for the
approach to a port.The engine room shall be given one more hour's notice prior to the ending of sea passage
and ample notice prior to commencing sea passage.
2 . 2 . 7 S p e e d i n R e s t r i c t e d W a t e r s
When underway in rivers, harbours or other restricted waters, the vessel's speed shall be regulated so as
tocomply with local speed restrictions and to avoid damage to shore installations, moored vessels, and tows.
2.2.8 Bunkers
Voyage orders to the vessel will indicate whether one-way or round-trip bunkers are to be taken, or
whether any limitations as to bunker requirements are needed due to the vessel arriving at shipyard, or other
specialreasons.Prior to sailing, the master is to ensure that there are adequate bunkers aboard for the planned
voyage plus asafe margin of reserve.A guideline in calculating a safe margin of reserve is 20% of the bunkers.The
safe margin of reserve should not be less than 3 days consumption, but only in exceptionalcircumstances should
more than 7 days be necessary..Due allowance shall also be made for bunkers which will be consumed tank
cleaning, ballast changing,cargo heating, and during anticipated port delays.If bunker inventory upon sailing
varies significantly from voyage order recommendations, the officialissuing the voyage orders must be advised.
2.4 WATCHKEEPING AT SEA2.4.1 General. 1 P r i n c i p l e s
The master of every ship is bound to ensure that watch keeping arrangements are adequate for maintaininga
safe navigational watch. Under the master's general direction, the officers of the navigational watch
areresponsible for navigating the ship safely during their periods of duty, when they will be particularly
concerned with avoiding collision and stranding. The safe watches are maintained at all times.The chief engineer
officer of every ship is bound, in consultation with the master, to ensure that watchkeeping arrangements are
adequate to maintain a safe engineering watch at all time.
. 2 P r o t e c ti o n   o f   m a r i n e e n v i r o n m e n t
The master, officers and ratings shall be aware of the serious effects of operational or accidental pollutionof the
marine environment and shall take all possible precautions to prevent such pollution, particularlywithin the
framework of relevant international and port regulations.
2 . 4 . 2 N A V I G A T I O N A L   W A T C H . 1 G e n e r a l
The officer on watch is the master's representative and is responsible to him for the safe navigation of thevessel,
and for strict compliance With the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, pertinent
laws and regulations, and the master's standing and night orders.The safety of crew, ship, cargo and
environment is dependent upon the alertness and conduct of those onwatch. It is the officer's duty to ensure
that the highest standards and requirements of good seamanship aremaintained at all times. This is particularly
relevant to the keeping of a proper lookout.Watch officers must fully understand the various underway watch
conditions, and their required dutiesunder these conditions as specified in this manual. In cases of doubt, the
master is to be consulted promptly.
Responsibility of Conn.
The officer of the watch continues to be responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel, despite the presence
of the master on the bridge, until the master informs him specifically that he has assumedresponsibility. When
the master so informs the watch officer, the watch officer shall verbally the transfer of responsibility to the
master. Such change of Conn. shall be recorded in the Deck Logbook.
Deck Officers when joining a vessel and prior to standing a watch should be read this Guidance and thestanding
orders, as well as familiar with the use and proper operation of all the navigational equipment on board with the
advantages and limitations of each piece of navigational equipment and with maneuveringcharacteristics of the
vessel, and they shall then sign their names to signify that they have read theGuidance and standing orders
and familiar with all of above.A good watch keeper is someone who:- h a s   a s o u n d   k n o w l e d g e
of the principles involved;-is guided by the appropriate rules
a n d   r e g u l a ti o n s ; - l o o k s o u t f o r , a n d r e c o g n i z e s w h e n
o p e r a ti o n s g o w r o n g   w a y ; - i s   c a p a b l e o f a c ti n g o n h i s
o w n   i n i ti a ti v e ; - k n o w s   w h e n t o   c a l l   a s s i s t a n c e .
If in exceptional circumstances, such as due to a change of orders, the best chart for use in a pilotage area isnot
on board, the chart must be ordered through the local agent and placed aboard with the pilot.Masters must
ensure that charts and hydrographic publications are kept fully corrected from current Noticesto Mariners,
navigational warnings and other sources.Extreme care is to be used in the preparation, modification, and
correction of electronic charts (ECDIS),electronic ARPA navigational line overlays, due to the potential for grave
consequences in event of error.Prior to utilization, such vessel produced material is to becarefully checked for
accuracy an officer other than the originator Records of correction of such materialsare to be maintained in a
manner similar to those used for paper charts.Hydrographic information is to be obtained via NAV-TEX
equipment if installed. Radio officers are tocopy radio hydrographic information as broadcast.The master,
trough the designated navigating officer, must ensure that all navigating watch officers are provided with
updated information relative to the performance of their duties.
2 . 2 . 2 V e r i fi c a ti o n   a n d d i s p l a y o f p l a n n e d   r o u t e
When the route planning is verified taking into consideration all pertinent information, the planned routeshall
be clearly displayed on appropriate charts and shall be continuously available to the officer in chargeof the
watch, who shall verify each course to be followed prior to using it during the voyage.
2 . 2 . 3 D e v i a ti o n f r o m   p l a n n e d   r o u t e
If a decision is made, during a voyage, to change the next port of call of the planned route, or if it isnecessary for
the ship to deviate substantially from the planned route for other reasons, then an amendedroute shall be
planned prior to deviating substantially from the route originally planned.
2 . 2 . 4 N a v i g a ti o n   i n   H e a v y   W e a t h e r
The master shall observe present and forecast weather conditions closely at all times and shall, if necessary,alter
course and speed to avoid heavy weather that might damage the vessel or endanger those on board.They of the
vessel, cargo, personnel, and environment always take priority over any other consideration.The master shall
obtain all available pertinent weather reports and facsimile maps. A close study of thisinformation is to be made
in connections with local weather conditions as observed on the vessel, in order that the track of approaching
storms or dangerous conditions may be determined and avoided if deemedadvisable.
2 . 2 . 5 V e r y   L a r g e W a v e s   D u e t o W i n d a n d   C u r r e n t   E ff e c t s
Masters must consider the effect on sea conditions when winds are contrary to currents. For example, thevery
large waves sometimes experienced in the Agulhas current and the Gulf Stream occur when wind andcurrent
are opposed. Many ships have been severely damaged or lost due to these waves. When conditionsare
conducive to the formation of such waves immediate action must be taken to lead out the ship of theflow of the
2 . 2 . 6 S e a P a s s a g e
Sea passage begins at the point where in the judgment of the master the engines can be safely taken off "stand
by" following port maneuvering.Sea passage ends at the point where engines are placed on "stand by" for the
approach to a port.The engine room shall be given one more hour's notice prior to the ending of sea passage
and ample notice prior to commencing sea passage.
2 . 2 . 7 S p e e d i n R e s t r i c t e d W a t e r s
When underway in rivers, harbours or other restricted waters, the vessel's speed shall be regulated so as
tocomply with local speed restrictions and to avoid damage to shore installations, moored vessels, and tows.
2.2.8 Bunkers
Voyage orders to the vessel will indicate whether one-way or round-trip bunkers are to be taken, or
whether any limitations as to bunker requirements are needed due to the vessel arriving at shipyard, or other
specialreasons.Prior to sailing, the master is to ensure that there are adequate bunkers aboard for the planned
voyage plus asafe margin of reserve.A guideline in calculating a safe margin of reserve is 20% of the bunkers.The
safe margin of reserve should not be less than 3 days consumption, but only in exceptionalcircumstances should
more than 7 days be necessary..Due allowance shall also be made for bunkers which will be consumed tank
cleaning, ballast changing,cargo heating, and during anticipated port delays.If bunker inventory upon sailing
varies significantly from voyage order recommendations, the officialissuing the voyage orders must be advised.
2.4 WATCHKEEPING AT SEA2.4.1 General. 1 P r i n c i p l e s
The master of every ship is bound to ensure that watch keeping arrangements are adequate for maintaininga
safe navigational watch. Under the master's general direction, the officers of the navigational watch
areresponsible for navigating the ship safely during their periods of duty, when they will be particularly
concerned with avoiding collision and stranding. The safe watches are maintained at all times.The chief engineer
officer of every ship is bound, in consultation with the master, to ensure that watchkeeping arrangements are
adequate to maintain a safe engineering watch at all time.
. 2 P r o t e c ti o n   o f   m a r i n e e n v i r o n m e n t
The master, officers and ratings shall be aware of the serious effects of operational or accidental pollutionof the
marine environment and shall take all possible precautions to prevent such pollution, particularlywithin the
framework of relevant international and port regulations.
2 . 4 . 2 N A V I G A T I O N A L   W A T C H . 1 G e n e r a l
The officer on watch is the master's representative and is responsible to him for the safe navigation of thevessel,
and for strict compliance With the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, pertinent
laws and regulations, and the master's standing and night orders.The safety of crew, ship, cargo and
environment is dependent upon the alertness and conduct of those onwatch. It is the officer's duty to ensure
that the highest standards and requirements of good seamanship aremaintained at all times. This is particularly
relevant to the keeping of a proper lookout.Watch officers must fully understand the various underway watch
conditions, and their required dutiesunder these conditions as specified in this manual. In cases of doubt, the
master is to be consulted promptly.
Responsibility of Conn.
The officer of the watch continues to be responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel, despite the presence
of the master on the bridge, until the master informs him specifically that he has assumedresponsibility. When
the master so informs the watch officer, the watch officer shall verbally the transfer of responsibility to the
master. Such change of Conn. shall be recorded in the Deck Logbook.
Deck Officers when joining a vessel and prior to standing a watch should be read this Guidance and thestanding
orders, as well as familiar with the use and proper operation of all the navigational equipment on board with the
advantages and limitations of each piece of navigational equipment and with maneuveringcharacteristics of the
vessel, and they shall then sign their names to signify that they have read theGuidance and standing orders
and familiar with all of above.A good watch keeper is someone who:- h a s   a s o u n d   k n o w l e d g e
of the principles involved;-is guided by the appropriate rules
a n d   r e g u l a ti o n s ; - l o o k s o u t f o r , a n d r e c o g n i z e s w h e n
o p e r a ti o n s g o w r o n g   w a y ; - i s   c a p a b l e o f a c ti n g o n h i s
o w n   i n i ti a ti v e ; - k n o w s   w h e n t o   c a l l   a s s i s t a n c e .
The officer on watch is to carry out his duties in accordance with this Manual, the company standingorders, and
the master's orders given verbally or in writing.The master shall determine the courses to be made good and
shall instruct the watch officer accordingly.The standing orders signed by the master shall be signed by each
officer before taking his first watch on acompany vessel to signify that the officer has read the standing orders
and is familiar with them.The master may add to the standing orders at his discretion,IA night order book shall
be kept in which the master will enter his orders to the watch officer beforeturning in. Each officer shall read
and sign the orders before taking over the watch.
. 3 L o o k o u t
Company policy as well as law requires that every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout
incompliance with rule 5 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 and shallserve
the purpose of - m a i n t a i n i n g a c o n ti n u o u s s t a t e o f v i g i l a n c e b y s i g h t a n d h e a r i n g , a s
w e l l a s b y a l l a v a i l a b l e means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions;- s o a s t o
m a k e f u l l a p p r a i s a l o f t h e s i t u a ti o n a n d o f   t h e r i s k o f c o l l i s i o n , s t r a n d i n g a n d
o t h e r   hazards to navigation;- a n d a d d i ti o n a l l y , t h e d u ti e s o f t h e l o o k o u t s h a l l i n c l u d e
t h e d e t e c ti o n o f s h i p s o r a i r c r a ft i n distress, shipwrecked persons, wrecks, debris and other
hazards to safe navigation.The look-out must be able to give full attention to the keeping of a proper look-out
and no other duties shall be undertaken or assigned which could interfere with that task.A proper lookout is
to be maintained by making intelligent use of people and equipment. Reliance onradar alone is not
sufficient.The duties of the look-out and helms person are separate and the helms person shall not be
consideredto be the look-out while steering, except in small ships where an unobstructed all-round view
is provided at the steering position and there is no impairment of night vision or other impediment tothe
keeping of a proper look-out.The officer in charge of the navigational watch may be the sole lookout in daylight
provided that oneach such occasion:a ) t h e s i t u a ti o n h a s b e e n c a r e f u l l y a s s e s s e d a n d i t h a s
b e e n e s t a b l i s h e d w i t h o u t d o u b t t h a t i t is safe to do so-
 b)full account has been taken of all relevant factors, including, but not  limited
t o : - state of weather,-
visibility,- traffic density,- proximity of dangers to navigation, and the attention necessary whennavigating in or
near traffic separation schemes; and
assistance is immediately available to be summoned to the bridge when any change in thesituation so
requires.A l o o k o u t , h a v i n g n o   o t h e r d u ti e s ,   w i l l b e   p o s t e d : -
I n   o r   a p p r o a c h i n g h e a v y   t r a ffi c . - I n   o r   a p p r o a c h i n g
a r e a s   o f   l o w v i s i b i l i t y . - A r r i v i n g a t   o r d e p a r ti n g f r o m a p o r t   o r i n r e s t r i c t e d
w a t e r s p a s s a g e . From sunset to sunrise and during any other periods as directed by the master or officer
on the watch.When circumstances warrant, additional lookouts shall be posted in accordance with the master's
best judgement.In determining that the composition of the navigational watch is adequate to ensure that a
proper look-outcan continuously be maintained, the master shall take into account all relevant factors such as:-
v i s i b i l i t y , s t a t e o f w e a t h e r a n d s e a ; - t r a ffi c d e n s i t y , a n d
o t h e r a c ti v i ti e s o c c u r r i n g i n t h e a r e a i n w h i c h   t h e   v e s s e l   i s   n a v i g a ti n g ; -
t h e   a tt e n ti o n   n e c e s s a r y   w h e n   n a v i g a ti n g i n   o r n e a r   t r a ffi c s e p a r a ti o n
s c h e m e s   o r   o t h e r r o u ti n g measures;- t h e   a d d i ti o n a l   w o r k l o a d
c a u s e d   b y   t h e   n a t u r e   o f   t h e   s h i p ' s   f u n c ti o n s , i m m e d i a t e o p e r a ti n g requirements and
anticipated maneuvers;- t h e   fi t n e s s f o r d u t y   o f a n y c r e w   m e m b e r s o n   c a l l w h o a r e
assigned as members of the watch;-knowledge of
a n d   c o n fi d e n c e   i n   t h e   p r o f e s s i o n c o m p e t e n c e o f t h e
s h i p ' s   o ffi c e r s   a n d   c r e w ; - the experience of each officer of the navigational watch, and the familiarity 
of that officer withthe ship's equipment, procedures, and maneuvering capability;- activities taking place on
board the ship at any particular time, including radio communicationactivities, and the availability of assistance
to be summoned immediately to the bridge whennecessary;- the operational status of bridge instrumentation
and controls, including alarm systems,- rudder and propeller control and ship maneuvering characteristics;
- the size of the ship and the field of vision available from the conning position;- the configuration of the
bridge, to the extent such configuration might inhibit a member of thewatch from detecting by sight or hearing
any external development; and- any other relevant standard, procedure or guidance relating to watch-keeping
arrangements andfitness for duty.Lookouts shall be posted where they can best perform under the existing
circumstances, preferably as far forward as possible.The watch officer must see that the lookouts are alert,
properly clothed, relieved or rotated on station asnecessary, and properly trained and instructed as necessary
with regard to what to look for and how toreport.When ratings stand lookout for the first time, they should be
accompanied by an experienced lookout untilaffirmatively demonstrating to the master's satisfaction their
ability to stand lookout alone.The lookout shall report to the officer of the watch the condition of the running
lights every half hour fromsunset to sunrise.
. 5 O ffi c e r L e a v i n g B r i d g e
The officer in charge of the navigational watch is on no account to leave the navigating bridge when thevessel is
under way unless properly relieved by the master or another licensed officer.The officer in charge of
the navigational watch shall not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if thereis reason to believe that the
latter is not capable of carrying out the watch keeping duties effectively, inwhich case the master shall be
6 R e l i e v i n g   t h e   w a t c h
The officer coming on watch must be sober, fully alert and fit in all respects to make over the watch,including
having adjusted to night vision during hours of darkness. Relieving officers shall not take over the watch until
their vision fully adjusted to the light conditions.The officer coming on watch shall:a . A r r i v e o n t h e
bridge at least 10 minutes before bell.
Examine the chart and the passage plan, checking:1)Ship's positi on, which is to  be confi rmed
by personal when possible. 2 ) P r e s e n t c o u r s e a n d s p e e d . 3 ) P r o g r e s s o f   t h e
ship throughout the previous watch.
4)Courses to steer throughout the coming watch and two hours
t h e r e a ft e r . 5 ) N a v i g a ti o n   m a r k s i n s i g h t   o r e x p e c t e d t o b e   s i g h t e d
d u r i n g   t h e   w a t c h a n d t w o h o u r s thereafter. Navigation marks in sight are to be checked by personal
observation using astopwatch to confirm characteristics of lights.6 ) N a v i g a ti o n a l h a z a r d s
o r   p o t e n ti a l d a n g e r s w h i c h t h e   s h i p i s e x p e c t e d t o p a s s d u r i n g t h e forthcoming watch
and the two hours thereafter.C.Be aware of the total navigati onal and traffi c circumstances,
parti cularly with regard to the closest point of approach (CPA), time to CPA and course and speed of
other ships in thevicinity.
Read and sign the master's night order book or other written instructions.
Familiarize with:1)The passage plan in eff ect (for  the period of  the forthcoming watch plus  two
hours).2 ) T i d e s a n d c u r r e n t s a n ti c i p a t e d d u r i n g t h e s a m e p e r i o d . 3 ) E x i s ti n g a n d
f o r e c a s t w e a t h e r   c o n d i ti o n s . 4 ) P r e v a i l i n g
v i s i b i l i t y . 5 ) C u r r e n t   r a d i o   a n d   o t h e r   n a v i g a ti o n   w a r n i n g s . 6 ) W o r k o n
d e c k w h i c h m a y r e q u i r e a c ti o n t o a s s u r e o f p e r s o n n e l . 7 ) V e s s e l ' s
t r i m   a n d d r a ft   a n d a n y o p e r a ti o n s i n   p r o g r e s s w h i c h m a y   c a u s e a
change.8 ) V e s s e l   s t a t u s   w i t h   r e g a r d   t o   m a c h i n e r y   o r   a n y   i t e m   w h
i c h   m a y   a ff e c t   t h e   a b i l i t y   t o maneuver.9 ) S t a t u s   o f   e l e c t r o n i c
n a v i g a ti o n   e q u i p m e n t . 10)Status and mode of operati on of the  following as they relate
to integrated Bridge  System:a ) s t e e r i n g m o d e / a u t o p i l o t .   b ) R o u t e
t r a c k i n g m o d e . c)Electronic chart in use / route in
u s e . d ) S p e e d   i n p u t   s o u r c e . e ) P o s i ti o n fi x i n g e q u i p m e n t
i n   u s e . f ) S a f e t y m a r g i n / w a r n i n g a l a r m s e tti n g s . g ) T u r n i n g m o d e i n u s e
a n d s e tti n g s   i f   a c ti v e . h ) D a t a l o g g i n g i n t e r v a l s . 1 ) A R P A s t a t u s a n d
s e tti n g s , t r a ffi c b e i n g m o n i t o r e d . Check the compasses and course recorder as follows:1 ) C h e c k
t h e n a v i g a ti n g c o m p a s s a g a i n s t t h e g y r o c o m p a s s . 2 ) C h e c k t h e
n a v i g a ti n g g y r o a g a i n s t   s t e e r i n g r e p e a t e r . 3 ) C h e c k t h e s t e e r i n g r e p e a t e r
a g a i n s t a l l o t h e r r e p e a t e r s , i n c l u d i n g t h e c o u r s e r e c o r d e r , radar and D.F.4 ) C h e c k t h e
s t e e r i n g r e p e a t e r a g a i n s t t h e m a g n e ti c s t a n d a r d a n d s t e e r i n g
compasses.5)Check that all the compass courses are as shown on the
w h e e l h o u s e b l a c k b o a r d / i n d i c a t o r    board and accordance with the track checked on the
chart.6 ) C h e c k t h a t t h e c o u r s e   r e c o r d e r i s   o p e r a ti n g , t h a t t h e c l o c k i s   c o r r e c t
( o n   G M T ) , a n d n o t e any adjustment made in the logbook and the recorder roll.
When all the foregoing has been completed, and the relieving officer is satisfied that he is familiar withthe
situation and that all is in order, the watch shall be formally relieved by a verbal exchange of gyro andstandard
compass courses.If at any time, an officer in charge of a navigational watch is to be relieved when a maneuver or
other action to avoid any hazard is taking place, the relief of that officer be deferred until such action has
beencompleted.The! officer going off watch shall:
 Never leave the bridge until the watch has been formally relieved.
After compasses have been checked and the watch officer has been formally relieved, write up andsign the log,
transcribing any appropriate entries from the bellbook and noting "compasses checked" toindicate that the
required compass checking routine has been followed.C . B e s u r e   t h a t t h e r e l i e v i n g
o ffi c e r   i s   f a m i l i a r w i t h   t h e   s i t u a ti o n   a t t h e ti m e o f   r e l i e f   a n d   i s   i n a l l respects fit
and capable of taking over the watch.
Pass all pertinent information to the relieving officer.
Assist the relieving officer in the required compass checks.E S i g n t h e c o u r s e r e c o r d e r r o l l
a n d m a k e n o t a ti o n s f o r t h e p a s t w a t c h w i t h b r i e f e x p l a n a ti o n
f o r   deviations from planned course.If for any reason the relieving officer refuses to take over a watch, or the
officer on watch thinks therelieving officer unfit to safely accept the watch, the master is to be called
immediately. The master will take appropriate action in such circumstances..7
Performing a navigational watch
The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall:-
k e e p   t h e   w a t c h   o n   t h e   b r i d g e ; -in no circumstances leave the
b r i d g e u n ti l p r o p e r l y r e l i e v e d ; - c o n ti n u e t o b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e s a f e
n a v i g a ti o n o f t h e s h i p , d e s p i t e t h e p r e s e n c e o f
t h e m a s t e r   o n   t h e   b r i d g e ,   u n ti l   i n f o r m e d   s p e c i fi c a l l y   t h a t   t h e   m a s t e r   h
a s   a s s u m e d   t h a t responsibility and this is mutually understood; and- n o ti f y t h e m a s t e r w h e n
i n a n y d o u b t a s t o w h a t a c ti o n t o t a k e i n t h e i n t e r e s t o f s a f e t y . During the watch the
course steered, position and speed shall be checked at sufficiently frequentintervals, using any available
navigational aids necessary, to ensure that the ship follows the plannedcourse.
a ) P o s ti n g   C o u r s e s
Steering compass courses are to be kept posted on the blackboard/ indicator board in the wheelhouse
andentered in the deck logbook for each change of course and for each hour of the watch.
b ) S h i p ' s   P o s i ti o n 1
Whenever potential dangers to navigation exist frequent fixes shall be taken to assure
that the position of the ship is positively known and is in conformity with the planned track.. 2 S u c h fi x e s
s h a l l b e c r o s s - c h e c k e d t r o u g h   t h e u s e o f   m o r e t h a n o n e fi x i n g m e t h o d , t h u s
r e d u c i n g the risk of grounding as a result of error or failure of navigational equipment.. 3 S o u n d i n g s
must be taken when making a landfall, when the vessel is  in restricted or
s h o a l waters and at any other time when they may assist in establishing the position of the vessel.. 4 W h e n
e l e c t r o n i c fi x i n g i s i n u s e , e i t h e r d i r e c t l y , o r v i a I n t e g r a t e d B r i d g e S y s t e m
e q u i p m e n t i f   installed, frequent cross-checking or confirmation of position shall be made by other
availablemeans and based upon other data. When possible such verification shall be by visual means.Otherwise
alternative means available such as: visual bearing/radar range, multiple radar ranges,. 5 W h e n i n
o r   a p p r o a c h i n g a r e a s o f p o s s i b l e n a v i g a ti o n a l h a z a r d , t h e   m a s t e r   m u s t
d e t e r m i n e a  point in time or soundings at which, in the absence of a reliable 1.9x, the vessel will be
stoppeduntil such time as the vessel's position is determined and it is found safe to proceed.. 6 W h e n o u t o f
s i g h t   o f l a n d , t h e s h i p ' s p o s i ti o n m u s t b e fi x e d b y   e v e r y a v a i l a b l e m e a n s a n d
w h e n  possible, be fixed by morning and evening star sights and daily sun sights. Such fixes must becross-
checked with whatever other means are available such as: GPS, Loran C, Decca, TransitSATNAV, Radio Direction
Finder (RDF).. 7 T h e d e s i g n a t e d n a v i g a ti n g o ffi c e r i s t o a c ti v e l y p a r ti c i p a t e i n
o b t a i n i n g t h e n o o n p o s i ti o n . . 8 A n y s i g n i fi c a n t d i s c r e p a n c y b e t w e e n t h e o b s e r v e d
p o s i ti o n s a n d t h e d e a d r e c k o n i n g p o s i ti o n o f   the ship must he brought to the attention of the
master, the conning officer, and (if present on the bridge) the pilot..9A buoy should not be relied on
as the sole means of fi xing a positi on, nor used in a range, unless there is no other choice or its
position has been confirmed by other observations. Extreme cautionis to be exercised in areas where ice flows
or other forces may displace buoys from their charted positions.. 1 0 F i x e s o b t a i n e d b y m u l ti p l e
r a d a r r a n g e s a r e g e n e r a l l y t o b e p r e f e r r e d t o t h o s e u ti l i z i n g r a d a r    bearings due to
the inherent accuracy of radar ranging and limited accuracy of radar bearing.Targets for positi on-fi xing by
radar must be  carefully selected.  Isolated rocks, beacons and the  likewhich are clearly defined
and not subject to shift with wind and current are preferred.
c)Danger Bearings and Safety limits1
Danger bearings, sextant safety angles and similar methods are to be used in those circumstanceswhere such
use will ensure safe navigating limits for the vessel's track.. 2 W h e r e t h e i n s t a l l e d e l e c t r o n i c
n a v i g a ti o n e q u i p m e n t , i n c l u d i n g r a d a r , A R P A , a n d I n t e g r a t e d Bridge Navigation Systems
have capability to define safety limits and guard zones, such
features are to be utilized to the fullest extent possible to ensure safe transit.. 3 P r a c ti c e s s u c h a s
p a r a l l e l i n d e x i n g , d e fi n i n g a l a r m p r o x i m i t y t o d e p t h c u r v e s o n E C D I S
c h a r t equipment, and the implementation of guard zones are to be used as a matter of routine.. 4 O n I B S
e q u i p p e d v e s s e l s ,   " w h a t i f ' s i m u l a ti o n s a r e t o b e r u n t h r o u g h t h e p l a n n e d
v o y a g e t o the extent possible, with particular attention paid to track limits and grounding avoidancelimits
and settings.
d ) I d e n ti fi c a ti o n o f N a v i g a ti o n a l L i g h t s
Positive identification of navigation lights (lighthouses, buoys, beacons, etc.) shall be made using astopwatch
and not by visual associations only.The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall have full knowledge of
the location and operation of all safety and navigational equipment on board the ship and shall be aware and
take account of theoperating limitations of such equipment.The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall
not be assigned or under- take any duties which wouldinterfere with the safe navigation of the ship. No talking
shall be permitted with the man at the wheel or the lookout in the line of duty.Officers of the navigational watch
shall make the most effective use of all navigational equipment at their disposal.When using radar, the officer in
charge of the navigational watch shall bear in mind the necessity to complyat all times with the provisions on
the use of radar contained in the International Regulations for PreventingCollisions at Sea, in force.In cases of
need, the officer in charge of the navigational watch shall not hesitate to use the helm, enginesand sound
signaling apparatus. However, timely notice of intended variations of engine speed shall begiven where possible
or effective use made of UMS engine controls provided on the bridge in accordancewith the applicable
procedures.The engineer on watch is to be notified in the followings, circumstances:
As soon as it appears the engine maneuvers may be required. Notice one or more hours in advance isdesirable.
One hour or more before end of sea passage.C . B e f o r e   c o m m e n c e m e n t   o f   s e a   p a s s a g e .
One or more hours before requiring an additional steering power unitunit.
One hour before requiring an additional generator unit.(f) When reduction of visibility
threatens.g . W h e n   a i r t e m p e r a t u r e   d r o p s t o 0 oC.
One or more hours before the inert gas system is required.
One or more hours before the hydraulic power pack unit is required.
One or more hours before the deck cargo crane is required.k . W h e n e v e r t h e v e s s e l ' s m a c h i n e r y
o p e r a ti o n m a y   b e a ff e c t e d b y w e a t h e r o r   o t h e r e x t e r n a l c o n d i ti o n changes.Officers of
the navigational watch shall know the maneuvering characteristics of their ship, including itsstopping distances,
and should appreciate that other ships may have different handling characteristics.Details of the maneuvering
characteristics of each ship are to lie prominently displayed in the wheelhouse.Maneuvering information is to be
given for both light and loaded conditions, and is to show the lowestconstant engine RPM at which the ship can
safely steer, and details of turning circles and stoppingdistances as may currently be required by national
regulations and international recommendations.All information posted should be for calm weather, no current
and deep water conditions with a cleanhull. These facts should be clearly noted on the data displayed with a
warming that the vessel's responsemay significantly change under different conditions, including shallow
water.The company offices issue instructions concerning trials to obtain maneuvering data pertinent to
their  particular fleets.A proper record shall be kept during the watch of the movements and activities relating to
the navigationof the ship.It is of special importance that at all times the officer in charge of the navigational
watch ensures that a proper look-out is maintained. In a ship with a separate chartroom the officer in charge of
thenavigational watch may visit the chart room when essential, for a short period for the necessary
performance of navigational duties, but shall fist ensure that it is safe to do so and that proper lookout is
maintained.Operational tests of shipboard navigational equipment shall be carried out at sea as frequently
as practicable and as circumstances permit, in particular before hazardous conditions affecting navigation
areexpected. Whenever appropriate, these tests shall be recorded. Such tests shall also be carried out
prior toPort arrival and departure.The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall make regular checks to
ensure that:Iti tle person steering the ship or  ti tle automati c pilot is steering the correct
course;.2the magneti c  and gyro compasses are to be compared  at the change of the  watch at
sea and atleast once every 30 minutes thereafter, as well as after each change of course. The compassesshall
be checked frequently by observation, and the error determined after each change of course, or at least once
each watch, if possible, when there is no change of course.
Full data regarding each observation shall be entered in the compass observation book. The error of all
compasses and the deviation of the magnetic compasses shall be entered in the deck logbook,and due
allowance made for courses steered and in the application of bearings;.3the automati c pilot is tested
manually at  least 10 minutes once  a watch; before entering waters where navigation may require
special caution the manual steering system shall be tested;.4the navigati on and signal  lights and other
navigati onal equipment  are functi oning properly. The running lights shall be tested one half hour
before sunset;.5the Unmanned Machinery Space controls,  alarms and indicators are
functi oning  properly. Tests of whistle, telegraph, telephones and general alarm bells shall be making at
noon eachday before entering restricted water or as might be required by national or local regulations.The
whistle shall not be tested when the presence of other vessels might result in it beingmistaken for a passing
signal.On ship fitted direct bridge control of engine systems, prompt and effective engine response shall be
tested prior to entering restricted waters and at any time it is anticipated that maneuvering control may be
needed.The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall bear in mind the necessity to comply at all times
withthe requirements in force of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. The officer
of thenavigational watch shall take into account:1the need to stati on a person to steer the ship and
to put the steering into manual control in good time to allow any potentially hazardous situation to
be dealt with in a safe manner; and.2that with a ship under automati c steering it is highly
dangerous to allow a situati on to develop to the point where the officer in charge of the navigational
watch is without assistance and hasto break the continuity of the look-our in order to take emergency
action.. 3 A u t o m a ti c s t e e r i n g   ( g y r o c o n t r o l ) n o r m a l l y w i l l   b e u s e d   d u r i n g   o p e n s e a
p a s s a g e s .   T h e steering mode will be changed over automatic to manual steering:
For any emergency situation.
For all maneuvers to avoid ship traffic.c . W h e n e v e r t h e s t e e r i n g c h a r a c t e r i s ti c s o f   t h e   s h i p
m a y b e a ff e c t e d b y s h a l l o w   w a t e r   and/or weather.
For training purposes at the master's discretion.
Whenever the master or officer on watch considers it necessary.. 4 A l l d e c k o ffi c e r s m u s t b e
t h o r o u g h l y f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e   p r o p e r m e t h o d o f c h a n g i n g s t e e r i n g modes.The
changeover procedures for each vessel are to be posted for ready reference close to the steering position. Any
change of steering mode must be made or directly supervised by the officer on watch.Helmsmen are not to
make any steering mode changeover, or interfere with or operate the steeringmode controls in any way, unless
supervised by the officer on watch. Change of steering mode is to be noted in the Deck Logbook and on the
course recorder roll.Officers of the navigational watch shall be thoroughly familiar with the use of all electronic
aids carried, including their capabilities and limitations, and shall use each of these aids when appropriateand
shall bear in mind that the echo- sounder is a valuable navigational aid.The officer in charge of the navigational
watch shall use the radar whenever restricted visibility isencountered or expected, and at all times in congested
waters, having due regard to its limitations.The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall ensure that
range scales employed are changed atsufficiently frequent intervals so that echoes are detected as early as
possible. It shall be borne in mind thatsmall or poor echoes may escape detection.Whenever radar is in use,
the officer in charge of the navigational watch shall select an appropriate rangescale and observe the display
carefully, and shall ensure that plotting or systematic analysis is commencedin ample time.
Calling the Master
The master must keep the bridge watch officer advised of his whereabouts at all times when the vessel is atsea,
The watch officer must not hesitate to call the master at any time when in doubt, or when assistance isrequired.
The master is to be called before a doubtful situation becomes an
emergency, and early enough to ensurethat he has sufficient time to
analyze the problem.
The watch officer may sound two short rings on the general alarm bell to call the master when he is notavailable
by normal communications.The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall notify the master 
1 if restricted visibility is encountered or expected;. 2 i f t h e t r a ffi c   c o n d i ti o n s o r   t h e m o v e m e n t s
o f   o t h e r s h i p s a r e c a u s i n g c o n c e r n ; .3 if difficulty is experienced in maintaining course;. 4 o n
f a i l u r e t o s i g h t l a n d , a n a v i g a ti o n m a r k o r t o o b t a i n s o u n d i n g s b y t h e e x p e c t e d
ti m e ; .5if, unexpectedly,  land or a navigati on mark  is sighted or a change in  soundings
occurs;.6on breakdown or  failure of the engines, propulsion machinery remote control,
steering gear or  any essential navigational equipment, alarm , indicator or if doubt exists with regard to
theaccuracy of such equipment;. 7 i f t h e r a d i o e q u i p m e n t m a l f u n c ti o n s ; .8in heavy
weather, if in any doubt about the possibility  of weather damage;. 9 i f   t h e   s h i p m e e t s a n y
h a z a r d   t o   n a v i g a ti o n , s u c h   a s   i c e   o r   a d e r e l i c t ; . 1 0 u p o n r e c e i p t   o f   a d i s t r e s s
c a l l ; .11if cross-checking of positi on reveals a  signifi cant disparity between positi on
observati on and electronically generated position in use; and.12in any  other situati on where the
offi cer of the  watch is in any doubt or requires  assistance.Despite the requirement to notify the
master immediately in the foregoing circumstances, the officer incharge of the navigational watch shall in
addition not hesitate to take immediate action for the safety of theship, where circumstances so require .
The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall give watch keeping personnel all appropriateinstructions
and information which will ensure the keeping of a safe watch, including a proper look-out.When the vessel is
being conned the master with or without assistance of a pilot, watch officers are to assistto the fullest
extent possible. In keeping with the Bridge Team concept of bridge operation, at all timesevery deck officer on
duty on the bridge must be aware of the intended track, the voyage plan in progress,and alert to the overall
navigational and traffic situation to the maximum extent possible. There must be afree exchange of information
between bridge team members.To this end the master must keep bridge team members apprised of
intended maneuvers as fully ascircumstances permit. In the event of the master personally operating bridge
controls, (such as makingautopilot course changes, changing engine control settings, etc.), the practice of
announcing the "order" tothose present on the bridge is to be adhered to. This is imperative to keep bridge
team members informedand can also assist helmsman and lookout performance as well.Bridge team members
noticing factors pertaining to the safe navigation of the vessel must nothesitate to call them to the attention of
the cognizant team member.
. 1 C l e a r w e a t h e r
The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall take frequent and accurate compass bearings
of approaching ships as a means of early detection of risk of collision and bear in mind that such risk may
sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing change is evident, particularly whenapproaching a very large
ship or a tow or when approaching a ship at close range. The officer incharge of the navigational watch shall also
take early and positive action in compliance with theapplicable International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea, 1972 and subsequently check that such action is having the desired effect.In clear weather,
whenever possible, the officer in charge of the navigational watch shall carry outradar practice.
.2Restricted visibility
When restricted visibility is encountered or expected, the first responsibility of the officer in chargeof the
navigational watch is to comply with the relevant rules of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions
at Sea, with particular regard to the sounding of fog signals, proceeding at asafe speed and having the engines
ready for immediate maneuver.
Definitions of Deteriorating and Restricted Visibility
For the purposes of this manual, and for reference when issuing Instructions to watch officers, themaster shall
establish and clearly define two conditions of low visibility. These will be referred to as"deteriorating" and
"restricted" visibility's. "Deteriorating" visibility is a range of visibility fromabout 5 miles down to about 2.5
"Restricted" visibility is a range of visibility from about 2.5 miles down to zero.Deteriorating and restricted
visibility upper and lower limits will vary according to changingcircumstances.In setting visibility range limits, the
following factors must be taken into consideration:a . T h e e x p e r i e n c e o f t h e w a t c h o ffi c e r ( s ) ,
both deck and engine.
The status of the ship's plant.c . T h e m a n e u v e r i n g c a p a b i l i ti e s o f t h e s h i p .
The operating condition of the radar/ARPA equipment.
 Navigational restrictions which might restrict bold course alterations before the effect of speedreduction can be
brought about by engine use.
Traffic type, density and flow pattern(s) in the area. It should be recognized that head-to-headclosing speeds of
upwards of 40 knots are not uncommon, coupled with increased ship inertia.g . T h e n e e d f o r s t a n d b y
p e r s o n n e l a n d   t h e ti m e r e q u i r e d b e f o r e t h e y a r e a b l e t o b e o n s t a ti o n a n d ready
to assist.By written order and verbal instruction, the master shall ensure that deck watch officers are
completelyaware of the actions to be taken when restricted visibility is expected or encountered.
Deteriorating Visibility - Actions by Watch Officer
 When the range of visibility diminishes to the
state as set by the master, the watch officer shall:
Inform the master.
Ensure that all radar/ARPA equipment is in operation. Check radar/ARPA operation andupdate plot.c . C a l l
helmsman if not already present, engage hand steering.
Instruct and post lookouts as required.
Inform the engine room.
Energize navigation lights if not on.
Record actions taken in the Deck Logbook.
Restricted Visibility - Actions by Watch Officer
When the limit of visibility diminishes to the
state as set by the master, the watch officer shall:
Place engines on stand by so as to have engine room preparations made for full range of orders,and reduce
speed as required for safe navigation.
Call the master promptly. The master will set the appropriate steaming watch and will assignwatch personnel to
the duties required. Any change of Conn. must be clearly stated andlogged.c . C h e c k t h a t t h e
r a d a r s / A R P A a r e o p e r a ti n g p r o p e r t y ,   a n d   u p d a t e   p l o t .   W h e n t h e m a s t e r t a k e s the
Conn., with or without the assistance of a pilot, the watch officer will normally assume theradar watch. If
conditions warrant, the master may assign a different officer to this duty, but
there must be no confusion as to duty assignments.
Call personnel as required for the steaming watch set the master.
Instruct and post additional lookouts as required.f. Sound appropriate signals as required by the
Rules of Navigation to Avoid Collision at Sea.g . E n g a g e   h a n d s t e e r i n g ,   i f   s ti l l   i n   a u t o m a ti c .
Comply with the Rules of Navigation to Avoid Collision at Sea.
Record steaming watch set and other actions taken in the deck logbook.
Sudden Reduction of visibility
When visibility suddenly becomes "restricted" without prior indications of deterioration, the watch officer shall:
Take action promptly as required by the circumstances. The conning officer must know whichmethod will most
quickly and safely bring the ship to a stop if this emergency action isrequired.
Comply with the provisions of section above.
The use of radar does not license a vessel to proceed at speeds immoderate for the circumstances or toneglect
to keep a proper lookout. Information obtained from radar may indicate a lesser speed than if nosuch data were
available.Proper radar plots and use of ARPA are to be made at all times when navigating in restricted
visibility.Courses/speed changes are dangerous without detailed information as to the target CPA (closet point
of approach), time to CPA, course and speed. These factors must be determined if the bearings of closingtargets
are not altering sufficiently to assure passing.If these factors cannot be ascertained for any reason, extreme care
must be exercised and speedreduced or the vessel stopped as required. The conning officer must not hesitate to
take all way off theship if necessary in these circumstances.ARPA equipment shall always be utilized when its
use will contribute toward the safe navigation of the vessel. Caution is to be taken that own ship heading and
speed data input is maintained current atall times to preclude the generation of erroneous information. The
"Trial maneuver" capability of installed ARPA equipment is to be utilized to provide projected target information
for proposed coursealternations.Radar must not be used as a means of edging a vessel into port under
conditions which are normally prohibitive. In such conditions, it should be used as an aid in taking the vessel to a
safe anchorage.Similarly, radar must not be used to sail from a port conditions which would otherwise be
prohibitive.It should be recognized that the reduction of speed in restricted visibility provides additional time
for the assessment of radar plots and the determination of required action.
Anchoring Due to Restricted Visibility
When in the master's opinion circumstances justify it, the vessel may be brought to anchor until such
time as conditions improve and the voyage can be safely resumed.
. 3 I n   h o u r s   o f   d a r k n e s s
The master and the officer in charge of the navigational watch, when arranging look-out duty, shall havedue
regard to the bridge equipment and navigational aids available for use, their Mutations; procedures
andsafeguards implemented.
. 4 C o a s t a l a n d c o n g e s t e d w a t e r s
The largest scale chart on board, suitable for the area and corrected with the latest available information,shall
be used. Fixes shall be taken at frequent intervals, and shall be carried out by more than one methodwhenever
circumstances allow.The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall positively identify all relevant
navigation marks.
Navigation with Pilot on boardGeneral Policy
The master must employ a pilot whenever the safe navigation of the vessel or local regulations make
thisnecessary or advisable.The presence of a pilot aboard in no way relieves the master of responsibility for the
safe navigation of thevessel which he must continue to oversee.
Pilot - Monitoring Actions
The master and watch officers must remain and attentive to the pilot's handling of the vessel. They mustcounsel
the pilot at any time they judge the pilot to be in error or otherwise neglecting the safe navigationof the
vessel.On some occasions the pilot may issue instructions relative to conning the ship to the helmsman, the
watchofficer, and the tugboats. The master must be in a position to hear all of these instructions which
aredeemed to be instructions of the master unless modified or rescinded by the master.
The silence of the master is equivalent to an
approval of the pilot's
Should the pilot fail to act on the master's counsel when the master judges the safety of the vessel to
be jeopardized, the master must take action as appropriate to secure the safety of the vessel. Full details
must be entered in the Deck Logbook.The watch navigation officer check all courses ordered and shall
constantly monitor the vessel's progressthrough pilotage waters by frequently plotting on the chart.The master
must insist that the pilot comply with the appropriate Rules of Navigation to Avoid Collision atSea observe speed
restrictions when navigating rivers and narrow channels and when passing close to piers,small craft underway or
at anchor, vessels with tows and moored vessels.
Pilot - Order Communications
The telegraph or bridge engine control must always be operated by the watch navigation officer or
themaster. Engine orders must be repeated and their execution checked by the watch navigation officer.Helm
orders must be repeated by the helmsman and checked for proper execution by the watch navigationofficer or
master.It is of special importance that extra care is taken by the master and deck watch officers when the
pilot'snative language is different from that of the helmsman or themselves.
Pilot - Action in Case of Doubtful Competence
If any doubt exists as to the pilot's competence in local navigation or expertise in handling the vessel, themaster
must take positive action to obtain a licensed pilot. Such action includes proceeding to a suitableanchorage and
waiting until another pilot is available.If no alternative exists, the master must take extraordinary precautions to
monitor and verify the pilot'sactions.
Pilot/Master Data Exchange
When the pilot/mooring master boards, he shall be advised by the master:
If at sea:1 ) V e s s e l ' s p r e s e n t h e a d i n g a n d   c o m p a s s e r r o r , i f a n y . 2 ) G r o u n d s p e e d   a n d
s p e e d   o f t h i s   t h r o u g h   t h e w a t e r . 3 ) P o s i ti o n   o f   h e l m . 4)Positi on of  vessel by
bearing and distance from  a prominent  navigati on mark. 5 ) D e t a i l s o f c l o s e -
b y   t r a ffi c . 6 ) D r a ft ,   t r i m ,   a n d   d e p t h o f w a t e r   b e l o w
k e e l . 7)Perti nent  details of the vessels' handling characteristi cs. 8 ) A n y l i m i t a ti o n s i n
o p e r a ti n g a b i l i t y , w h a t e v e r t h e c a u s e .
If in port:1 ) V e s s e l ' s   s t a t e o f   r e a d i n e s s . 1 2 ) D r a ft , t r i m ,   a n d   d e p t h
b e l o w k e e l . 3 ) P e r ti n e n t d e t a i l s o f v e s s e l ' s h a n d l i n g
c h a r a c t e r i s ti c s . 4 ) A n y l i m i t a ti o n s i n o p e r a ti n g a b i l i t y , w h e t h e r d u e t o
m a l f u n c ti o n o r a n y o t h e r c a u s e . The pilot can then assume his duties on the vessel.The master and
the pilot shall then discuss the Forthcoming operation and both must have a clear understanding and
agreement of all aspects of it.The following shall be among the points they consider:-
P l a n n e d   n a v i g a ti o n a l   r o u t e .
- S t a t e o f ti d e a l o n g   r o u t e a n d   a t   b e r t h . - D e p t h o f w a t e r a l o n g
route, making due allowance for squat.- S p e e d a t
v a r i o u s   p o i n t s   a l o n g r o u t e . - L i m i ti n g c o n d i ti o n s w h i c h w o u l d c a u s e
o p e r a ti o n t o b e a b a n d o n e d .   F o r e x a m p l e , r e d u c e d visibility or wind.-
A l t e r n a ti v e a c ti o n i f o p e r a ti o n i s a b a n d o n e d . - U s e o f
anchors (planned and emergency).- M a n e u v e r s r e q u i r i n g
t u g s . - N u m b e r   a n d   p o w e r   o f   t u g s . - D i s p o s i ti o n   o f  
t u g s . - U s e   o f   s h i p   o r   t u g   l i n e s ? - C o m m u n i c a ti o n s p r o c e d u r e s ,
from ship to shore, and from ship to tug.-
C r e w   s t a n d b y   r e q u i r e m e n t s . -The side of the vessel to
be against the deck when moored,-Maximum wind force acceptable
during mooring and unmooring.- D e t a i l s o f t h e   m o o r i n g
a r r a n g e m e n t . -Sequence and method of line handling during mooring and
unmooring.-Whether pilot is to be changed, together with the method and
p o s i ti o n w h e n c h a n g i n g p i l o t . - D i s e m b a r k a ti o n   p o s i ti o n . -
M e t h o d o f d i s e m b a r k a ti o n .
Pilots - Embarking/Disembarking - Pilot Ladders/Pilot Hoists
A deck officer and an unlicensed crew member must be standing by at the boarding point whenever pilots board
or leave the ship. An unlicensed crew member standing by along is not sufficient.Pilots ladders must always be
maintained in a good, clean condition and every precaution shall be taken toensure the safety of the
embarking/disembarking pilot.Pilot ladders shall:- B e i n o n e l e n g t h : t w o o r   m o r e l e n g t h s
shackled or lashed together are not acceptable. - B e k e p t s o l e l y f o r
e m b a r k a ti o n / d i s e m b a r k a ti o n o f p i l o t s . - B e fi tt e d   w i t h s p r e a d e r s
m i n .   1 8 0   c m   l o n g a p a r t   t o p r e v e n t   t w i s ti n g . - B e r i g g e d s o t h a t e a c h s t e p r e s t s
fi r m l y a g a i n s t t h e s i d e o f t h e s h i p w i t h t h e l o w e s t s t e p 2 f e e t (60 cm) above the water
or to height required by pilot.- B e r i g g e d w e l l c l e a r o f a l l d i s c h a r g e s a n d w a t e r
o u t l e t s . - B e   r i g g e d   a t   a p l a c e   w h e r e a   g o o d   l e e c a n b e g i v e n . -Be rigged
w i t h m a n - r o p e s   w i t h k n o t s m i n . d i a m e t e r 2 8 m m   i f r e q u i r e d b y p i l o t . When the
distance from sea level to the point of access to the ship is more than 9 meters, then the pilotladder shall be so
rigged that the pilot can transfer from it to an accommodation ladder to gain access, or some other equally safe
means of access must be provided.Accommodation ladder should lead aft. max. 55
slope lower platform horizontal rigging handrails preferred. Pilot ladder must extend at least 2m above lower
The heaving lines are always to be provided.A life buoy with self-igniting light and 27 meters of buoyant line
must always be at hand at the point of embarkation when embarking/disembarking pilots.When a pilot hoist is
used, an additional ladder must be rigged in the immediate vicinity of the hoist towithin about 60 cm of the
water.Pilot hoists are to be maintained in a good condition at all times. Particular attention is to be paid to
thecondition of the falls and the power unit.Pilot hoists are to be thoroughly checked by a licensed officer prior
to use each time they are used.
. 6 S h i p   a t   a n c h o r
A licensed deck officer shall supervise the letting go and weighing of anchors.This officer will keep conning
officer constantly informed as to the amount of chain out, its direction, and tension.The anchor windlass is to
be inspected regularly by the chief officer and the chief engineer, and maintained to thehighest possible
standards,Anchors shall be kept ready for immediate use at all times while the vessel is underway in restricted
waters, but theriding pawls are to be left dawn until just before letting go.Each anchor shall be fitted with a
suitable anchor buoy. Anchor chains, shackles and pins shall be inspected whenanchors are being heaved in. Any
deficiencies discovered shall be corrected at the earliest opportunity. Chains shall be marked with the
customary turns of wire and painted links indicate the amount of chain in use.While at anchor, the officer in
charge of the navigational watch shall:Idetermine and plot the ship's positi on on the appropriate
chart as soon as practi cable;.2when circumstances permit, check  at suffi ciently frequent
intervals whether the ship is remaining securely at anchor by taking bearings of fixed navigation marks
or readilyidentifiable shore objects but shall never be greater than one per hour to detect any dragging. Alog
entry shall be made in each instance;. 3 e n s u r e t h a t p r o p e r l o o k - o u t i s
m a i n t a i n e d ; . 4 e n s u r e   t h a t   i n s p e c ti o n r o u n d s   o f   t h e   s h i p a r e   m a d e
p e r i o d i c a l l y ; 5 o b s e r v e m e t e o r o l o g i c a l a n d ti d a l c o n d i ti o n s a n d t h e s t a t e o f t h e
s e a ; . 6 n o ti f y t h e m a s t e r a n d   u n d e r t a k e a l l n e c e s s a r y m e a s u r e s i f t h e s h i p d r a g s
.7ensure that the state of readiness of the main engines and other machinery is
i n a c c o r d a n c e with the master's instructions;. 8 i f v i s i b i l i t y   d e t e r i o r a t e s ,
n o ti f y   t h e   m a s t e r , , .9ensure  that the ship  exhibits the  appropriate lights and shapes and
that appropriate sound
signals are made in accordance with all applicable regulations; and.10take measures to Protect
the environment  from polluti on by the ship and comply withapplicable pollution regulations.
Anchoring in ice
Unless no alternative is available, masters should not attempt to anchor in or near ice, especially instrong
currents. Ice can cause very large strains on the anchor chains or the loss of anchor andchains..7
Helicopter OperationsGeneral
Except as modified by this manual helicopter operations shall be conducted in accordance with
therecommendations contained in the International Chamber of Shipping document: Guide toHelicopter/Ship
Operations> Revised Edition: 1987, or the latest edition.
Policy on Helicopter Use
The use of helicopter services to company vessels for routine operational purposes is approved by LSCsubject to
the service being judged, cost effective, beneficial. The company office will advise on the statusof approved
helicopter services.In addition, helicopters may be used in an emergency situation or when it is an operational
necessity suchas when embarking and disembarking pilots at such ports where helicopters are the only means
for carryingout embarkation/disembarkation of pilots for certain type/size of vessel.
Shipboard Sites and Markings
Shipboard sites and markings for helicopter operations should be in accordance with and as detailed in
theInternational Chamber of Slipping (I.C.S.) Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations.
Shipboard Procedure During Helicopter Operations
When engaged in helicopter operations, vessels must always be on standby conditions, whether at anchor
or underway. Should it become necessary to alter course or speed during an operation, the helicopter pilotmust
be informed immediately by V.H.F. Radio.Tanks must be vented to atmospheric pressure about one hour before
operations and then the ventsmust be closed. All valves openings in the cargo system must be tightly closed and
no trace of gasmust be evident when permission is given for the helicopter to take up position over
the vessel. Thiscondition must be rigidly maintained irrespective of dispersal conditions from wind and rotor
downdraft.All aerials together with standing and running rigging in the vicinity of helicopter operations are to
belowered or secured well clear of the maneuvering area. Masters must, on every occasion, specificallycheck
against this type of obstruction and advise the helicopter pilot accordingly.
Request for Helicopter Service
Request for emergency helicopter service, or routine helicopter service for which prior approval of the company
office has been obtained, shall be sent through the ship's agent or appropriate body.
. 8 A r r i v a l P r e p a r a ti o n s
All preparations for entering port shall be made sufficiently in advance so that there is no delay in
vesseldocking , cargo handling, or transaction of ship's business.Such preparations include but are not limited to
the following items:. 1 Having mooring lines on deck and ready for use.. 2 H a v i n g   fi r e - fi g h ti n g
e q u i p m e n t r e a d y   f o r   u s e . ·3 Rigging derricks to handle cargo and/or bunker/cargo
hoses.. 4 H a v i n g u l l a g e m e a s u r i n g e q u i p m e n t a t h a n d o n t a n k t o p s f o r
tanker 5 H a v i n g   a l l p o r t p a p e r s p r e p a r e d . 6Informing the agent,
a s   a p p r o p r i a t e , o f   r e q u i r e m e n t s   i n a d v a n c e b y 7 F i tti n g c o r r e c t s i z e   r e d u c e r s   t o
manifolds for
t a n k e r s . 8 H a v i n g   n o ti c e s   i n d i c a ti n g   g r a d e s   t o   b e   h a n d l e d ,   i n   p o s i ti o n   o
n   c a r g o   f o r   t a n k e r s . Port and terminal information issued to vessels indicates the size of the
shore loading arm, or hoseconnections. For terminals where loading arm or hose connection data is lacking or
whenever any doubtexists, the master should communicate by radio with the agent and request such
information sufficiently inadvance of arrival to ensure that the correct reducers are properly fitted prior to
berthing - (for tankers).Prior to port arrival or departure, all navigation equipment, communications equipment
including lightsand whistles, the engine telegraph or bridge control unit, and the steering gear are to be
tested. Notationsto this effect shall be made in the Deck Logbook and Engine Logbook.,The arrival and
departure checklists in this Manual detail items to be checked.Prior to entering or leaving port, all department
heads must be notified so that they can make thenecessary preparations.The chief officer is responsible to the
master for securing the vessel for sea and preparing for arrival andshall report pertinent facts to the master and
the bridge watch officer. An inspection is to be made toensure that hatches to peak tanks, double bottoms and
similar watertight closures are secured beforenavigating in restricted waters.Hydraulic Power shall be kept on
deck machinery whenever the vessel is moored, anchored, or underwayin port.The master is responsible for the
prevention of smuggling of goods, carriage of banned substances andillegal entry of individuals carried on board
his vessel.Prior arrival at a port the master must search the ship for stowaways, contraband, narcotics, and
materials restricted by national law at the next port of call. All instances where contraband, narcotics
or stowaways have been found shall be reported to the Local Custom's or Port Authorities on arrival. Themaster
shall retain evidence for Custom's action and shall cooperate with any further Custom's searchrequirements.The
Master must inform the company office whenever any illegal substances are found aboard his ship.All events
are to be recorded in the Deck Logbook.
The bellbook is to be kept by the officers on watch when leaving and entering port, when navigatingin close
waters, when maneuvering in restricted visibility and at any other time when maneuvering.The officer keeping
the bellbook will initial the entries.The following items are to be recorded in the bridge bellbook:
Signals given to engine room and exact time. On vessels fitted with automatic engineorder/revolution logger
systems, the only orders to the engine room that need to berecorded are "Stand-by Engines", "Finished with
Engines", "Full Away on Sea Passage"and "End of Sea Passage". Certain concise notations as to why engine
orders wheregiven are required, even when automatic engine order/revolution logger systems are inuse , such
as "reduced speed to pass dredger".
Time and distance of each navigational aid and landmark when abeam.c . C o u r s e s s t e e r e d w h e n
p i l o ti n g b y c o m p a s s .
 Name of pilot and time of boarding and leaving.
 Name of each tug used and the time it arrives alongside and departs.
RPM to be developed for each telegraph signal.g . A l l o t h e r i n f o r m a ti o n p e r ti n e n t t o t h e
vessel's movement.
The Deck Logbook shall be a full and accurate account, by watches of the navigation and activitiesof the vessel
at sea and in port.At sea it shall indicate conditions of the wind, sea and weather, and navigational information
whichwill permit the track of the vessel to be plotted from the information contained. All tests of navigational
and emergency, equipment, drills, inspections, changes of time; cargo, ballast or  bunker operations; casualties,
and unusual occurrences shall also be recorded.,In order to avoid financial loss by owners if cargo is damaged
the carrier will have to demonstratethat he has fully and properly cared the cargo and all commercial records
must be accurately done
during loading, carrying and discharging of cargo.In port it shall be kept in a similar 
manner insofar as applicable, and shall also show cargo, ballast or  bunker loaded or discharged, and drafts,
deadweight, trim and list arriving and sailing.The Deck Logbook is to be sighed by the officer on watch at the
conclusion of the watch.The master is to sign the Deck Logbook each day.
2 . 4 . 8 B O T T O M   D A M A G E
In the event of it being necessary to inspect double bottom and/or peak tanks to determine the existence or the
extent of bottom damage, great care must be taken to eliminate the possibility of unnecessary
additionalflooding. The tank should always be sounded prior to opening, and the cover must be slacked off
slowly.Company safe tank entry procedures are to be followed.
. 3 R a d i o   D i r e c ti o n   F i n d e r
The accuracy of the radio direction finder (RDF) should be checked at intervals by comparison of radio
directionfinder bearings with visual bearings, and the results recorded in the radio direction finder logbook.The
radio direction finder shall be calibrated at least after each dry dock repair period, or more frequently as
themaster thinks fit. The calibration/correction scale shall be posted close to the radio direction finder set.
. 4 E l e c t r o n i c   P o s i ti o n   F i x i n g   S y s t e m s
Masters and navigating officers are expected to make full and proper use of the GPS, Loran C, Decca,
TransitSATNAV and other similar systems. This will require familiarity with the operating procedures for each
equipmentinstalled.Separate performance/ repair history logs are to be maintained for each equipment .The
accuracy of the navigation systems is to be periodically checked by using positions of known accuracy and
theresults are to be entered in the performance and deck logbooks.The electronic navigation systems are to be
left operating continuously whenever possible and they are to be checkedfor function and accuracy prior to
Gyro Compass
The third officer is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the gyro compass and related
equipment.Gyro equipment shall be used and serviced strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions.The master gyro compass is to be left operating unless there is cause to secure it. If secured, it is to
be started insufficient time to permit settling on the Meridian before getting underway.The master gyro,
repeaters and course recorders are to be synchronized and checked before getting underway.
Any malfunction in the gyro equipment is to be immediately reported to the master, as well as being noted in
thedeck logbook.
Strict attention is to be paid to the compass checking procedures specified in correspondinginstructions.
. 6 C o u r s e   R e c o r d e r
Course recorders are to be operated on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and will be kept in operationwhenever
the vessel is underway or at anchor.Any course recorder failure must be immediately noted in the deck logbook
and the company office is to benotified by the fastest means possible.
Roll Notations and Retention
The following notations shall be made and initialed on the course recorder chart roll:- E a c h d a y t h e s h i p ' s
n o o n p o s i ti o n , w h e t h e r b y fi x o r d e a d r e c k o n i n g , t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e d a t e and a
notation that the recorder clock and settings have been checked.- I m p o r t a n t d e v i a ti o n s f r o m t h e
s h i p ' s c o u r s e a s p l a n n e d b y t h e m a s t e r , a s m a d e t o a v o i d traffic, navigation hazards or
emergency situations.- O t h e r i m p o r t a n t d a t a , s u c h a s t h e ti m e w h e n p a s s i n g h e a d l a n d s
a n d fi g h t s w h e n c o a s ti n g . Used course recorder rolls are to be stored aboard for 3 years. If removed
prior to this, arecord is to be kept of their removal, disposition, and return.In case of an accident to the vessel,
the entire course recorder roll shall be removed from the recorder even if only partly used, properly identified
with the ship's name and date in ink, signed by themaster, and the officers on watch at the time of the accident,
and shall be retained on board pendinginstructions from the company office.
. 7 M a g n e ti c C o m p a s s
The third officer is responsible for care of the magnetic compasses. If any doubt exists as to theaccuracy of the
magnetic compasses, the vessel must be swung to determine the errors and newdeviation tables prepared.If
assistance is required for the adjustment of magnetic compasses, the master, when the permission
fromcompany office is received, has to request the services of a compass adjuster as soon as
practicable.Particular attention should be given to the condition of the magnetic compasses after
extensive repairsor when the vessel has been on one heading for a considerable period of time.The magnetic
compasses should be adjusted after each dry dock repair period, or more frequently asthe company
requirements or the master thinks fit. Magnetic compass binnacles are to be kept coveredwhen not in
use. Binnacle foundations are to be inspected periodically.
OffCourse Alarm
In vessels so equipped, the "off-course alarm" must always be set to give timely warning of undesiredcourse
. 8 S e x t a n t s
Officers are expected to maintain the sextant which they are using in a proper error free condition,regardless of
whether it is personal or company property.The third officer is responsible for seeing that company
owned sextants are sent ashore for maintenancewhen necessary..9
The third officer is responsible for the care of the ship's chronometers. Manual chronometers shall bewound
with extreme care at the same time each day. Batteries of quartz chronometers are to be changed atthe
manufacturers recommended intervals. Chronometers are to be serviced in accordance withmanufacturer's
recommendations.Chronometers shall be kept on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).Each chronometer shall be
compared with time signals daily and the error on Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) determined and entered in the
chronometer rate book. When time checks cannot be obtained for any reason, the error shall be calculated and
noted accordingly..10
Ships' Clocks
The third officer is responsible for the winding, setting and care of all ship’s clocks except those in theradio room
and machinery spaces.Clocks on the bridge and in the engine room shall be synchronized at noon each day and
also prior togetting underway and at the end of sea passage.All ship's clocks except the radio room clock are to
be kept on ship's time. The radio room clock shall be kept on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)..11
Echo Sounder and Hand Lead
The third officer is responsible for the care of the echo sounder, shallow water indicators and hand lead.The
accuracy of echo sounder and shallow water indicators should be checked against the handle lead linewhen the
opportunity arises while the vessel is at anchor.The radio officer may be called upon to assist in the repair and
maintenance of echo sounder equipment.

.12Meteorological Instruments and Hydrometers
The third officer is responsible for the care of all meteorological instruments and
hydrometers. Barometer accuracy shall be checked at least every two years against known standards.
. 1 3 B i n o c u l a r s
The third officer is responsible for the care of the ship's binoculars.At least two pair of binoculars are to be kept
on the bridge in good condition at all times while the vessel isunderway.Binoculars are not to be opened
by vessel personnel. If internal cleaning or adjustment is necessary, theyare to be sent to a reputable instrument
maker or exchanged through the company office.
. 1 4 S e a r c h l i g h t s
The third officer shall be responsible for the care of the ship's searchlights. They shall be tested at
frequentintervals to ensure their readiness for immediate use.
.15Flags and Signals Equipment
The third officer is responsible for care of the vessel's visual signaling equipment, distress lights
and pyrotechnics. At least one full set of international code flags shall be on board at all times ready
for immediate use. National ensigns, required for the trade in which the vessel is engaged, are to be kept on
hand in goodcondition.The national ensign of the vessel's country of registry is to be flown from the stem or gaff
from 08.00 tosunset while in territorial waters. In certain waters it may be obligatory for the vessel's national
ensign to be flown day and night in which case such requirements shall be met.When in foreign ports vessels
shall fly the national ensign of the country in which the port is located at thefore truck, in accordance with that
country's regulations. If no regulation exists, it shall be displayed duringthe same hours as the vessel's national
ensign while the vessel is in port.Soiled or torn flags should be replaced at the first opportunity.International
custom shall be followed with respect to dipping the ensign to naval vessels of allnationalities.Aldis lamp
batteries shall be kept fully charged at all times and a supply of spare lamps shall be maintainedon board.
. 1 6 D e c k   F l o o d   L i g h t s
Deck flood lights are to be tested regularly and operated as necessary to dry out.Deck flood lights shall not be
covered due to fire hazard..17
Pyrotechnics and Distress Signals
Pyrotechnics and Distress Signals shall be always maintained in good condition according to theappropriate
standards.Out of date line throwing rockets and pyrotechnic distress signals shall never be used for
practice purposes.
Bridge Radio
Bridge radio equipment use should be restricted to the ship's navigational requirements and communications
for official company business.Bridge-to-bridge VHF use is mandatory for all vessels in United States waters.The
bridge VBF radio must be operating and properly monitored when the vessel is underway or at anchor.The
watch officer must feel free to use this equipment as needed, especially to determine the maneuvering
intentionsof other vessels.The watch officers are expected to know the proper channels to be used. For the
services required a proper VHFradio telephone log is to be kept.The radio officer is responsible for the care and
maintenance of this equipment, and for the administration of anycharges associated with its use..19
Portable walkie-talkie Radios
The radio officer is responsible for the maintenance of the intrinsically safe portable VHF/UHF radio
equipment.The VHF/UHF sets and spare batteries are to be kept fully charged. It is the responsibility of each
officer to look after the set he is using and report any defects to the radio officer, When no radio officer is
assigned and officer is to be appointed by the master to maintain the portable radio equipment.
. 2 0 T e s ti n g   p r i o r   t o   g e tti n g u n d e r w a y
About one hour before sailing time the third officer shall test the navigation and communications equipment.
. 2 1 S t e e r i n g G e a r Additional Power Units
When operating in or approaching port limits, in restricted water, in areas of heavy traffic, in areas of
reducedvisibility and at any time when the master calls for a standby condition, an additional steering gear
power unit shall be placed in operation while units may be operated in parallel.
On vessels where this cannot be done, the valves and switches should be lined up so that the standby
steering gear power unit can be put into operation with the least delay.The additional steering gear power
unit shall be placed in operation in good time, and while the vessel isstill clear of close traffic and navigational
hazards.The bringing into operation of additional steering gear units shall be recorded in the Deck Logbook.
Steering gear shall always be tested prior to getting underway, and after the starting of an additional power
unit, when it is safe to do so, by putting the rudder hard over both ways.Engineer on watch visually
check position of rudder and cross check with Watch Officer, on bridgedirection of rudder movement and angle
achieved.Prior to departure from port, the test shall include, as appropriate, the following:
( a ) M a i n   s t e e r i n g   g e a r   ( b ) A u x i l i a r y s t e e r i n g g e a r   (c)All
remote steering gear control systems( d ) R u d d e r a n g l e
i n d i c a t o r s ( e ) P o w e r f a i l u r e a l a r m s Such testsshall be recorded
in the Deck and Engine Logbooks.
EmergencySteering  Stati ons
The vessel shall be steering from the after steering station at least once every three months. A record of this test
is to be made in the deck officers' logbook.The test is to include direct control from within the steering gear
compartment, the communications procedure with the bridge and, where applicable, the operation of
alternative power supplies.
. 2 2 A d d i ti o n a l   G e n e r a t o r s
When maneuvering in restricted waters or when, the master calls for a standby condition, additionalgenerators
shall be placed in operation to provide a steady source of power available on the failure of generator unit.
2 . 5 W A T C H   K E E P I N G
On any ship safely moored or safely at anchor under normal circumstances in port, the master shall arrange for
an appropriate and effective watch to be maintained for the purpose of safety.Special requirements may be
necessary for special types of ships' propulsion systems or ancillary equipment and for ships carrying hazardous,
dangerous, toxic or highly flammablematerials or other special types of cargo.
When vessels are laid up special instructions will be issued by the company office.Whenever a vessel is berthed,
the master should develop a contingency plan on how best totake the ship off the berth in the event of
an emergency, such as a fire at the shore installation.Such a plan should allow for the possibility that no tugs or
pilots may be available at the timewhen the emergency makes it necessary to take the ship out of the berth.A
Night Order Book shall be maintained in which the Master or Chief Officer shall enter anyorders relative to
handling cargo, ballasting ship, or any other matters requiring specialattention.When vessel is in port, a Night
Order Book shall be read and signed by Deck Officer before thewatch.A port directory shall be maintained and
kept available to the officer on watch in port. It shallindicate telephone numbers or other means of contacting
firefighters, police, physicians,hospitals, the Coast Guard, the agent, and others needed for
emergency assistance withoutdelay, together with details of any special procedures for emergency notification
required bylocal authorities.The vessel must be searched for contraband, narcotics and stowaways before
sailing from a port. The results of the search must be recorded in the Deck Logbook.,
2 . 5 . 2 W A T C H   A R R A N G E M E N T S . 1 G e n e r a l
Arrangements for keeping a deck watch when the ship is in port shall at all times be adequateto:1. ensure the
safety of life, of the ship, the port and the environment, and the safe operationof all machinery related to cargo
operation;. 2 o b s e r v e   i n t e r n a ti o n a l , n a ti o n a l   a n d l o c a l   r u l e s ;   a n d .3 maintain order and
the normal routine of the ship.The master shall decide the composition and duration of the deck watch
depending on the conditions of mooring, type of the ship and character of duties.If the master considers it
necessary, a qualified officer shall be in charge of the deck watch.The necessary equipment shall be so
arranged as to provide for efficient watchkeeping.The chief engineer officer, in consultation with the master,
shall ensure that engineering watchkeepingarrangements are adequate to maintain a  safe
engineering watch while in port.  When deciding
thec o m p o s i ti o n   o f   t h e   e n g i n e e r i n g   w a t c h ,   w h i c h   m a y   i n c l u d e   a p p r o p r i a t e   e n g i n e
- r o o m   r a ti n g s ,   t h e
following points are among those to be taken into account:I o n a l l s h i p s o f   3 , 0 0 0 k W   p r o p u l s i o n
p o w e r a n d o v e r t h e r e s h a l l a l w a y s   b e a n o ffi c e r i n charge of the engineering watch;. 2 o n
ships of less than 3,000 kW propulsion power there may be, at the masters
d i s c r e ti o n and in consultation with the chief engineer officer, no officer in charge of the engineeringwatch;
and. 3 o ffi c e r s , w h i l e i n c h a r g e o f a n e n g i n e e r i n g w a t c h , s h a l l n o t b e a s s i g n e d o r
u n d e r t a k e a n y task or duty which would interfere with their supervisory duty in respect of
the ship's machinery system.
. 2 T a k i n g   o v e r   t h e   w a t c h General
Officers in charge of the deck or engineering watch shall not hand over the watch to their relieving officer if they
have any reason to believe that the latter is obviously not capable of carrying out watchkeepingduties
effectively, in which case the master or chief engineer shall benotified accordingly. Relieving officers of the deck
or engineering watch shall ensure that all members of their watch are apparently fully capable of performing
their duties effectively.If, at the moment of handing over the deck or engineering watch, an important operation
is being performedit shall be concluded by the officer being relieved, except when ordered otherwise by the
master or chief engineer officer.The master shall determine the vessel's sailing time, and this is to be
conspicuously posted at the gangwayas soon as possible after arrival at a berth.
Taking over deck watch
Prior to taking over the deck watch, the relieving officer shall be informed of the following by the officer
incharge of the deck watch as to:I t h e m i n i m u m d e p t h o f t h e w a t e r a t t h e b e r t h o r
a n c h o r a g e d u r i n g t h e w a t c h a n d t h e f o l l o w i n g two hours, the ship's draught, the level and
time of high and low waters; the securing of themoorings, the arrangement of anchors and the scope of the
anchor chain, and other mooringfeatures important to the safety of the ship; the state of main engines and their
availability for emergency use;.2If the vessel  is at anchor, determine the positi on of the vessel  by
means of visual cross bearing or by the prudent use of electronic navigational aids including echo sounder,
if visual bearingsare not possible, and compare it to the original ship's and anchor position..3all work to be
performed on board the ship; the nature, amount  and dispositi on of cargo loaded or remaining,
and any residue on board after unloading the ship;
.4the level of water in bilges and ballast tanks;.5the signals or lights being
exhibited or sounded,6the number of crew members required to be on board
a n d t h e p r e s e n c e o f a n y o t h e r p e r s o n s o n  board;. 7 t h e s t a t e   o f   fi r e -
fi g h ti n g
a p p l i a n c e s ; - , .8 any special port regulations;. 9 t h e   m a s t e r ' s   s t a n d i n g   a n d   s p e c i a l
orders;. 1 0 c h e c k t h e   w e a t h e r f o r e c a s t ; .11ascertain that the
a p p r o p r i a t e s i g n a l s a r e b e i n g d i s p l a y e d ; . 1 2 a s c e r t a i n w h i c h o ffi c e r s   a r e
a b o a r d ; . 1 3 c h e c k t h e p o s t e d s a i l i n g ti m e ; . 1 4 d e t e r m i n e t h e
a v a i l a b i l i t y o f   k e y s t o   l o c k e d s p a c e s ; . 1 5 t h e l i n e s o f c o m m u n i c a ti o n a v a i l a b l e
b e t w e e n t h e s h i p a n d s h o r e p e r s o n n e l , i n c l u d i n g p o r t authorities, in the event of an
emergency arising or assistance. being required;.16any other circumstances  of importance to the
safety of the ship, its crew, cargo or   protection of the environment from pollution;
and. 1 7 t h e   p r o c e d u r e s   f o r   n o ti f y i n g   t h e   a p p r o p r i a t e   a u t h o r i t y   o f   a n y   e n
v i r o n m e n t a l   p o l l u ti o n resulting from ship activities.Relieving officers, before assuming charge of the
deck watch, shall verify that:. I the securing of moorings and anchor chain is adequate-,. 2 t h e a p p r o p r i a t e
s i g n a l s o r l i g h t s a r e p r o p e r l y e x h i b i t e d o r s o u n d e d ; .3safety measures and fi re
protecti on regulati ons  are being maintained;.4they  are aware  of the nature of any  hazardous
or dangerous cargo being loaded or  discharged and the appropriate action to be taken in the event of
any spillage or fire;: . 5 n o e x t e r n a l   c o n d i ti o n s   o r c i r c u m s t a n c e s i m p e r i l t h e
s h i p a n d t h a t i t d o e s n o t i m p e r i l others.
.3Performing the deck watch
The officer in charge of the deck watch shall:.1make rounds  to inspect  the ship at appropriate
intervals (one per hour);. 2 p a y p a r ti c u l a r a tt e n ti o n t o : .2.1the conditi on and
securing of the gangway, anchor chain and moorings, especially at the turn of  the tide and in
berths with a large rise and fall, if necessary, taking measures to ensure that theyare in normal working
condition,.2.2the draught, under-keel clearance and the general state of the ship, to avoid
dangerous listi ng or  trim during cargo handling or ballasting,
weather and sea state,.2.4the observance of all regulati ons concerning  safety
and fi re protecti on,. 2 . 5 t h e   w a t e r   l e v e l i n b i l g e s   a n d   t a n k s , .2.6all persons on board
and their locati on, especially those in remote or enclosed spaces, and.2.7the exhibiti on
and sounding, where appropriate, of  lights and signals;.3in bad weather, or on receiving a
storm warning, take the necessary measures to protect the ship,  persons on board and
cargo;.4take every precauti on to prevent polluti on of  the environment  by the ship;.5in an
emergency  threatening the safety of  the ship, raise the alarm, inform the master, take
all possible measures to prevent any damage to the ship, its cargo and persons on board, and, if necessary,
request assistance from the shore authorities or neighboring ships;.6be aware of the ship's stability
conditi on so that, in the event of fi re the shore fi re-fi ghti ng authority may be advised of the
approximate quantity of water that can be pumped on board withoutendangering the ship;. 7 o ff e r
a s s i s t a n c e t o s h i p s   o r p e r s o n s   i n d i s t r e s s ; .8take necessary precauti ons to prevent
accidents or damage when propellers are  to be turned; and.9enter  in the appropriate log-
book all important  events aff ecti ng the ship
such as:. 9 . 1 a l l   t e s t s   o f   e q u i p m e n t ; . 9 . 2 d r a ft s   a n d   d e
a d w e i g h t   a r r i v i n g   a n d   s a i l i n g ; .9.3details of cargo/ballast handled
w i t h p e r ti n e n t d e t a i l s o f t h e o p e r a ti o n ;
.9.4water salinity on arrival at and prior to departure from a
b e r t h ; . 9 . 5 w e a t h e r   i n f o r m a ti o n ; . 9 . 6 c a r g o   s e g r e g a t
i o n , t y p e   a n d
l o a d i n g   r a t e ; . 9 . 7 i n s p e c ti o n   o f   s h i p ' s   c o n d i ti o n   t o   c o n fi r m o f
s e a w o r t h i n e s s ; . 9 . 8 N o ti c e
o f   R e a d i n e s s   t o   l o a d ; . 9 . 9 t a n k s   ( h o l d s ) i n s p e c ti o n
b y s u r v e y o r s ; . 9 . 1 0 a n y s p e c i fi c i n s t r u c ti o n s c o n c e r n i n g
t h e   c a r g o ; . 9 . 1 1 a n y n o ti c e o f p r o t e s t i s s u e d b y   v e s s e l   o r
r e c e i v e d ; . 9 . 1 2 p r e c a u ti o n t o m i n i m i z e t h e   r i s k   o f   o i l
s p i l l s ; . 9 . 1 3 a n y   i n f o r m a ti o n p e r ti n e n t   t o t h e o p e r a ti o n o f t h e v e s s e l
o r   i t s   p e r s o n n e l ; . 9 . 1 4 n o t a ti o n   o f   s e c u r i t y   i n s p e c ti o n s ; . 9 . 1 5 d e t a i l s
o f m a x i m u m B e n d i n g M o m e n t a n d S h e a r F o r c e o n s a i l i n g . The officer on watch
shall careful attention as to be given to ensure that:1the gangways, gangway safety nets,
accommodati on ladders, and pilot ladders are properly rigged, illuminated during darkness, and kept
at safe condition at all times when the vessel is at a berth or at anchor;.2the gangway, accommodati on
ladder, or pilot ladder is adjusted to meet with the changes in the ship's draft or tidal conditions
and that it is kept clear of obstructions;.3a life ring with  27 meters of buoyant line with a light
att ached shall be kept at hand thegangway, accommodation ladder, or pilot
ladder;. 4 a d e q u a t e   l i g h ti n g i s   t o b e   p r o v i d e d   a t n i g h t ,   e i t h e r
b y   m e a n s   o f a   s p o t l i g h t   o r b y p o r t a b l e floodlights of an approved type;.5the
gangways, accommodati on ladders, and pilot ladders shall be  repaired as necessary and
shall be taken out of service immediately if damaged. Non-skid treads shall be replaced when wont.An
approved safety net shall be used with all ships gangways and other similar gangways..6all
persons boarding or leaving the vessel  must do so by way of the gangway,
accommodati onladder, or pilot ladder. No person shall be permitted to board or leave the vessel until a
proper means of access is available.Security Patrols and following precautions are to be taken:1when the
vessel is at a berth, the offi cer of the  watch shall make a careful inspecti on of the vessel at
least once during each hour. If the officer of the watch is unable to make this inspection, thenanother member
of the watch shall be assigned to do so;.2In additi on to the foregoing, during  the night, watch
personnel shall make a security inspecti on of unfrequented parts of the vessel, at one hour intervals of
not more than two hours to detest anyoutbreak of fire or other dangerous condition;.3On completi on
of each of the foregoing inspecti ons, an  appropriate entry shall be made in the Deck Logbook;
.4All precauti ons are to be  taken to prevent unauthorized persons boarding the  ship;..5The
possibility that a hijack or sabotage att empt may be made against a vessel cannot be
enti rely disregarded. The probability of such an attack varies and is largely dependent upon the area inwhich
the vessel is trading, current world political activities and the vessel's registry;.6The master is to take any
steps he considers necessary  including employing shore-based security guards to assist vessel
personnel in maintaining security;. 7 S e c u r i t y g u a r d s , w h e n e m p l o y e d , s h o u l d b e f r o m a
r e p u t a b l e s e c u r i t y o r g a n i z a ti o n a n d b e selected with the advice of the local agent;. 8 I n t h e
e v e n t o f   a n a tt a c k o n t h e s h i p o r a h i j a c k a tt e m p t , t h e p r e s e r v a ti o n o f t h e l i v e s
o f v e s s e l  personnel is to be placed above all other considerations;.9Visitors shall be permitt ed aboard
company vessels only in accordance with governmental and terminal regulations, company
instructions, and with the permission of the master;.10 The company office will issue further information
and direction with regard to security whennecessary.All unoccupied spaces, including the bridge, the radio
room, an d personnel quarters are to be locked in port.This is particularly important with regard to those places
which contain valuable property.The third officer is responsible for the security of the binoculars
and navigational and meteorologicalinstruments in port.The officer on watch shall measure the density of the
water immediately following arrival at, and prior todeparture from, a berth. The measurement taken prior
to sailing shall be taken shortly before completion of cargo operations, if loading so that the proper adjustments
can be made to the draft.The measurements are to be recorded in the Deck Logbook.Before testing the engines
when the vessel is at a berth or at anchor, the engineer officer on watch mustobtain the permission of the deck
officer on watch.Prior to granting such permission, the deck officer on watch shall see that all the mooring lines
are tight, thegangway is secure, and the propeller is clear.During engine testing the Chief Officer must be on
bridge and orders to engine have to be done by him.
2.5.3Watch in port on ships carrying hazardous cargo and on tankers
(on top of previous requirements).1
The master of every ship carrying cargo that is hazardous, whether explosive, flammable, toxic, health-
threatening or environment polluting, shall ensure that safe watchkeeping arrangements are maintained. On
ships carrying hazardous cargo in bulk, this will be achieved by the ready availability on board of a dutyqualified
officer or officers, and ratings where appropriate, even when the ship is safely moored or safely atanchor in
port.On ships carrying hazardous car-o other than in bulk, the master shall take full account of the
nature,quantity, packing, and stowage of the hazardous cargo and of any special conditions on board,
afloat andashore.
. 2 W a t c h   a r r a n g e m e n t s
A licensed deck officer shall be on duty at all times while the vessel is in port, except when the vessel is ana laid-
up status.The officer on watch shah be up and about the decks during the watch and shall not leave the
vessel, excepton duty in the immediate vicinity, until property relieved.The officer on watch in port is to be
guided by the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers & Terminals(I.S.G.O.T.T.) and is to follow Master's
orders, Senior Officer's instructions, the requirements of thisManual and other related company Standing
Orders for Deck Officers. No officer shall be assigned sole watch duties appertaining to cargo handling unless he
is adjudged to besufficiently conversant with the Master's and Company’s requirements in this
regard. Specificrequirements are to be emphasized by the Head of the Department on the basis of this Manual,
theInternational Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals, Company instructions, and Shore
Terminalrequirements when appropriateEmergency towing off wires are to be rigged in accordance with
the International Safety Guide for OilTankers & Terminals (I.S.G.O.T.T.) or as required by local regulations.
When in port, foam monitors, if fitted, are to be kept ready for use. Foam monitors in proximity to thecargo
manifold should be directed toward the manifold.If foam monitors are not fitted, hoses and portable foam
equipment are to be rigged to cover themanifold area.Portable dry chemical fire extinguishers are to be placed
on each side of the cargo Manifold. The firemain should, when possible, be kept under pressure from ship or
shore supply. If the fire main is notunder pressure, the fire pump is to be on standby and ready for immediate
. 3 P e r f o r m i n g t h e d e c k w a t c h
During cargo or ballast operations make a round of the vessel to determine that all operations,
pollution prevention, safety, and security requirements are being met.The vessel shall be maintained in position
alongside the dock as to avoid undue strain on hoses or rigidcargo arms. In specific locations it may be necessary
to take on ballast to maintain the proper freeboard for hoses and rigid cargo arms.Mooring lines shall always be
secured to bitts and should never be left on which drums except when
secured to winches specially designed for this purpose. The officer on watch shall make sure that mooringlines
are attended to as necessary to ensure that they do not become excessively slack or taut.Cargo hoses are to be
carefully watched and tended as necessary to prevent their becoming nipped betweenthe ship's side and the
dock structure.The officer on watch and officers and ratings engaged in bunker, ballast, or cargo handling
operations musttake all precautions to prevent any spills or leakage.The officer on watch is to ensure that the
requirements of this Manual are complied with and shall pay particular attention to the
following:. 1 p l u g g i n g   o f   s u p p e r s ; 2 operation of sea valves and cargo pumps
when commencing to load ballast;. 3 c l o s i n g a n d s e a l i n g o f s e a v a l v e s a n d o v e r b o a r d
d i s c h a r g e v a l v e s . The waters around the ship are to be kept under constant surveillance to detect
any pollution.When in port, a warning sign shall be posted at the gangway or accommodation ladder soas to be
most visible to persons boarding the vessel. The sign shall read:WARNING: NO OPEN LIGHTS NO SMOKING NO
VISITORSBefore testing the engines the cargo hoses are to be disconnected.
SOLAS- STCW-78/95- ISM Code- Bridge Procedures Guide
Deck Log Book - Navigational Operation Check Lists- P a s s a g e P l a n n i n g F o r m w i t h
Check List- M a i n t e n a n c e   r e c o r d   l o g s - E r r o r  
L o g s 1.
To describe response to human error.
2. Procedure
The officers in charge of the navigational watch must be remembered that a ship is moving and needs to
becontrolled with respect to navigation and collision avoidance. Typical errors and faults can arise throughthe
following omissions:· F a i l u r e t o c o m p l e t e a t a s k w h e n
r e q u i r e d . *Ignorance of the ship's dimensions and
b e h a v i o r . * U n d e t e c t e d d i ff e r e n c e   b e t w e e n   i n t e n d e d t r a c k a n d t r a c k m a d e
g o o d . *Not monitoring manual or auto helm wander, ruder indicators,  compasses and
course recorders.· N o t m o n i t o r i n g   e n g i n e c o n t r o l s o r
i n d i c a t o r s . · U n r e s o l v e d d i ff e r e n c e b e t w e e n   g r o u n d s p e e d
and RPM.· M e a s u r i n g b y s i n g l e t e c h n i q u e . · U n r e s o l v e d
c r o s s - t r a c k e r r o r . · N o t m o n i t o r i n g
v i s i b i l i t y . · N o t   b r i e fi n g   t h e   l o o k o u t . · N o t   s e a r c h i n g  
v i s u a l l y . * Searching solely by radar.· N o t a k i n g   c o m p a s s
b e a r i n g . · N o t   m a k i n g   a   r a d a r / A R P A /   p l o t . Making decisions on
inadequate knowledge of target behavior.· N o t d i s p l a y i n g l i g h t s o r   s o u n d i n g
s i g n a l s . · W r o n g l y   a p p l y i n g   t h e   C o l r e g s . · O m i tti n g   t o   i n s p e
c t   t h e   s h i p . · O m i tti n g t o m o n i t o r t h e l o c a ti o n a n d w o r k i n g o f t h e
c r e w . · M i s t a k i n g t h e c o r r e c t i d e n ti fi c a ti o n o f a l i g h t , l a n d m a r k o r n a v i g a ti o n a l
a i d v i s u a l l y , o n r a d a r o r o n t h e chart.
The errors can be avoided:
* Plan ahead and know what to expect.* Develop safe routines and habits to ensure most safe practices are
covered under normal operations,whilst leaving time and energy to solve difficult problems.
Check and monitor others and expect others to decks and monitor you.* A p p l y s e l f   c h e c k i n g
h a b i t s   t o a l l   a c ti v i ti e s o n   t h e   b r i d g e : a ) c h e c k w o r k i n g s a ft e r fi r s t
r e s u l t s   h a v e b e e n o b t a i n e d ;  b)formulate approximate results before working  out
detailed calculati on; c ) p l a n a h e a d - e s ti m a t e , a t t h e ti m e o f t a k i n g o v e r   t h e w a t c h ,
t h e p o s i ti o n i n w h i c h t h e s h i p w i l l b e at the end of the watch;d ) c h e c k t h e
d i s t a n c e   b e t w e e n fi x e s   t o   v e r i t y   t h a t t h e s p e e d   i s   a s e x p e c t e d ; e ) c h e c k a
p a r a l l e l i n d e x   w i t h   a p o s i ti o n fi x ; f ) d o n o t r e l y o n o n e m e t h o d o f
fi x i n g w h e n a d d i ti o n a l m e t h o d s a r e a v a i l a b l e ;
g) use check list.
· B e a w a r e o f   w h a t   c a n   g o w r o n g . · B e a w a r e
o f   h u m a n   m i s t a k e s . · U n d e r s t a n d   h o w   e r r o r s   o c c u r . ·Disc
ipline yourself each watch to:a ) p l a n   a h e a d ;  b)set up
s a f e r o u ti n e s ; c ) c h e c k y o u r s e l f ; d ) c h e c k a n d m o n i t o r
o t h e r s . · S t a r t e a c h   w a t c h b y a d o p ti n g t h e   a b o v e   p r i n c i p l e s . · A v o i d
b e c o m i n g t o o p r e o c c u p i e d w i t h a p a r ti c u l a r i n s t r u m e n t , p a r ti c u l a r l y
r a d a r . · M a i n t a i n a n o u t w a r d v i s i o n a n d s i t u a ti o n a l a w a r e n e s s . · B e
prepared to admit a mistake, learn from the incident and work out a
w a y t o a v o i d r e p e a ti n g i t i n future.* Keep alert during ocean passages by moving around the
Annex I : Ordering, completing, storage and correction of charts and nautical publicationsprocedures GENERAL PROVISIONS-1
Due to the constant changes in navigational situation charts and nautical publications becomeobsolete
comparatively soon after their issue. Hence it is necessary to keep charts and nautical publications update as
safety of navigation depends to a great extent on their correctness.1 - 2 S y s t e m a ti c c o r r e c ti o n
a n d a m e n d m e n t o f i n f o r m a ti o n i n t h e c h a r t s   a n d i n   n a u ti c a l
p u b l i c a ti o n s   i n order to keep them update, i.e. In conformity with actual situation at sea (location) is
calledcorrection.1 - 3 T i m e l y n o ti fi c a ti o n o f s e a f a r e r s o f a l l c h a n g e s i n
n a v i g a ti o n a l s i t u a ti o n a n d s a i l i n g c o n d i ti o n s a t seas and oceans shall be carried out
by:1 - 3 - 1 T r a n s m i s s i o n o f n a v i g a ti o n a l i n f o r m a ti o n b y r a d i o : ·
in accordance with World System of Navigational Warnings
(Coastal Warning) in accordance with regional systems of navigational
warnings.* L O C A L   W A R N I N G   -   t h r o u g h   V H F   r a d i o   s t a ti o n s ,  
a n d   a l s o   t h r o u g h   p i l o t s - ,
· S o m e c o u n t r i e s   c o n ti n u e t o
b r o a d c a s t   i n f o r m a ti o n   t h r o u g h   t h e i r   n a ti o n a l   s y s t e m s
s u c h   a s HYDROPAC, HYDROLANT USA.1 - 3 - 2 R e p o r ti n g   n a v i g a ti o n a l   i n f o r m a ti o n
t h r o u g h   t h e   f o l l o w i n g   p u b l i c a ti o n s :  Notices to Mariners by hydrographic offices
 Notices to Mariners of the BritishAdmiralty, The Defense Mapping Agency in the USA etc.)1 - 3 -
3 p u b l i s h i n g :

of additions and summary corrections to nautical publications

insets for separate sections of nautical charts1 - 3 - 4 R e p u b l i c a ti o n   o f   c h a r t s
a n d   n a u ti c a l   p u b l i c a ti o n s .
DOCUMENTS2 - 1 O r d e r i n g   o f
B r i ti s h   p u b l i c a ti o n s
2 - 1 - 1 O r d e r i n g o f B r i ti s h c h a r t s , b o o k s a n d c o r r e c ti v e d o c u m e n t s b y
t h e s h i p s o f t h e s h i p p i n g c o m p a n y s h a l l  be made from the company
with which the shipping company made an agreement telex 884934/KELHUE
ENGLAND Telephone - 0815006166, fax 08115598535 (the company has 6 service offices in Great Britain
and 5 in Canada).The order shall be made as preliminary agreed with the head of the chart division of the
shipping company, with theexception of the ships which are automatically supplied by
2 - 1 - 2 D e l i v e r y   o f   t h e o r d e r e d   n a v i g a ti o n a l   p u b l i c a ti o n s   s h a l l b e m a d e
under control
toany port of the World ocean within 3  days. It is necessary to state the port of desti nati on
and fulladdress of the agent.2 - 1 - 3 I f t h e s h i p d o e s n o t c a l l a t B r i ti s h
ports but sails to other ports of the world, the order with
shall not be less than 5 charts or books, otherwise it is advisable to order charts (correctivedocuments) from the
agent directly in the port of destination, keeping the head of the chart division andtechnical superintendent of
the Shipping Company informed of the order made without fail.2 - 1 - 4 B r i ti s h c h a r t s o f t h e
r e g i o n s o f t h e B a l ti c a n d N o r t h s e a s , W e s t e r n a n d E a s t e r n
c o a s t s o f E n g l a n d , Ireland and the Straits of Gibraltar may be ordered in the Chart division of the
Shipping Company. Inthis case prices for the Shipping Company's ships will be 15% lower than the starting prices
for Britishcharts as the Shipping Company is a distributor of K.H.The delivery of the charts ordered in
the Chart Division of the Shipping Company is made through Material and Technical Supply
Service in a container with provision. - or jointly with the change of crew.
2-1-5Aft er receiving Briti sh charts/books ordered it is necessary to send by radio
acknowledgement of the receipt of the charts/books to 2 addresses:
Riga Charts Division Mr. Tokarevitch and tech. superintendent of the vessel
indicating the number of Dispatch Note.
2 - 1 - 6 A n y   c l a i m s   c o n c e r n i n g   t h e   s h i p s '   s u p p l y   w i t h B r i ti s h c h a r t s / b o o k s
against the company
a s w e l l a s r e t u r n o f p u b l i c a ti o n s s e n t b y m i s t a k e s h a l l b e a d d r e s s e d t o :
T e l e x 8 8 4 9 3 4 , F a x 0 8 1 1 5 5 9 8 5 3 5 , P h o n e - 0815006166 for Return Despatch Instructions, stating
the reason.
2 - 2 O r d e r i n g   o f   R u s s i a n   p u b l i c a ti o n s
2 - 2 - 1 R u s s i a n n a v i g a ti o n a l   p u b l i c a ti o n s f o r t h e s h i p s o f   t h e   S h i p p i n g
C o m p a n y ,   w h i c h d o   n o t   t r a d e i n the ports of Riga, Ventspils shall be ordered ahead of time (5-10
days) in Riga Charts Divisionof LSC via tech. superintendent of the vessel.  Delivery of the charts,
books and correcti ve documents ordered shall be made through Material and Technical Supply Service in a
container with provision or with the change of crew.2 - 2 - 2 T h e o r d e r o f t h e R u s s i a n
n a v i g a ti o n a l p u b l i c a ti o n s i n f o r e i g n p o r t s ( K l a i p e d a , T a l l i n n ,
S a i n t Petersburg, Murmansk, Archangelsk etc.) Is made only on agreement with the Head of
RigaCharts Division of the Shipping Company via tech. superintendent of the vessel.2 - 2 - 3 T h e s h i p s
calling at basic ports (Riga, Ventspils) shall make orders for
n e c e s s a r y n a v i g a ti o n a l  publicati ons not later than 2 days prior to arrival in the port
with the indicati on of the
agent.D e l i v e r y   o f   t h e   o r d e r   s h a l l   b e   c a r r i e d   o u t   b y   t h e   a g e n t s   o f   t h e   s e
r v i c i n g   c o m p a n i e s   o r   navigati onal mates of the master shall receive necessary
publicati ons directly in the Charts Division of the LSC.2 . 2 . 4 A ft e r r e c e i v i n g n a v i g a ti o n a l
p u b l i c a ti o n i t i s n e c e s s a r y t o a d d r e s s t h e a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t o f
thereceipt of the charts/books by radio to: Riga Charts Division Tokar
e v i c h   a n d   t o   t e c h superintendent of the vessel, with the indication of the date and number.
3 C O M P L E T I O N   O F   T H E   S H I I P ' S  
S E T   O F   C H A R T S   A N D   N A U T I C A L
The Compulsory list
of charts and nautical publications comprising a ship's set is defined by theshipowner.When completing the
ship's set is it is necessary to take into account plans of carriages fixing the ship on a particular shipping line,
possible variants of changing the area of sailing.3-2
The Master
of the ship has the right to complete the established ship's set.
3-3The ship's set shall comprise the following charts
a n d   n a u ti c a l
3 - 3 - 1 N a u ti c a l n a v i g a ti o n a l c h a r t s a c c o r d i n g t o t h e s e t e s t a b l i s h e d
by the shipowner. General charts of the scale 1: 1 00000 for open region and 1:
5 0 0 0 0 0 f o r c o a s t a l r e g i o n s s h a l l b e k e p t f o r a l l  possible variants of the ship's sailing,3 - 3 -
2 R a d i o n a v i g a ti o n a l c h a r t s i f t h e r e l e v a n t r e c e p ti o n f a c i l i ti e s   a r e   a v a i l a b l e o n
the ship.3-3-3Electronic charts if the appropriate equipment is available on the
ship and with the permission of
the shipowner.3 - 3 - 4 A u x i l i a r y   c h a r t s   a n d   n o m o g r a p h s : a ) c h a r t s f o r
g r e a t - c i r c l e s a i l i n g  b)boat charts meant for provision of life
b o a t s c)hydrometeorological charts for informati on on  currents, high sea, ti des, ice, winds, fog
and dangerous phenomena and other hydrometeorological elements.d)nomograph No 90199 to
defi ne initi al course  during great-circle sailing 3-3-
5 Nautical publications and guides for sailing:a ) s a i l i n g   d i r e c ti o n s   b ) l i g h t s   a n d  
s i g n s c ) r a d i o t e h n i c a l f a c i l i ti e s d)transmission schedule of  navigati onal and
hydrometeorological noti ces for seafarers.e)Navigati on  tables for fi xing the ships positi on
using radio navigati onal systems f ) r u l e s   o f   s a i l i n g 9 ) c h a r t s   a n d
b o o k s   c a t a l o g u e s h)hydrometeorological atlases and tablesi ) r e f e r e n c e
b o o k s
4 R E G I S T R A T I O N ,   S T O R A G E ,   W I T H D R A W A L   A N D   H A
4 - 1 R e g i s t r a ti o n o f c h a r t s ,   b o o k s
a n d   n a u ti c a l   p u b l i c a ti o n s   i s   k e p t   i n   S h i p ' s   C h a r t i n d e x .   I t s
fi r s t  part contains numeration of folios (sets) and the regions they cover. The availability of charts per each
Folio is noted in the second part. Two or three folios contain books and other  publications. In the third part all
the charts, books and other publications with the dates of their issue are noted. The ships automatically
supplied by
receive from it theship's Charterindex already corrected.4 -
2 T o g e t h e r   w i t h   t h e   S h i p ' s   C h a r ti n d e x
supplies Chart Correction Log whichindicates all the charts and books of the ship's set in consecutive order. This
book allows themaster to check quickly the condition of correction at the given moment.4 - 3 A l l
c o r r e c ti v e d o c u m e n t s s h a l l   b e   s t o r e d   i n a   s p e c i a l p l a c e i n t h e
c h a r t   r o o m   a n d i t i s n e c e s s a r y to keep records of them with indication of place and date
of receipt.4 - 4 T h e f o l l o w i n g   d o c u m e n t s s h a l l b e k e p t
a c c u r a t e l y fi l e d   i n   s e p a r a t e fi l e s : · C o p i e s
o f   o r d e r s   f o r   c h a r t s a n d   n a u ti c a l
p u b l i c a ti o n s · W a y b i l l s f o r   t h e c h a r t s
a n d   n a u ti c a l p u b l i c a ti o n s
r e c e i v e d · P r o t o c o l s   f o r   t h e   c h a r t s   a n d   n a u ti c a
l   p u b l i c a ti o n s   e l i m i n a t e d · M o n t h l y s t a t e m e n t s i n
e s t a b l i s h e d f o r m o n t h e c h e c k o f c o r r e c ti o n o f
t h e   s h i p ' s s e t
Annual inventory reports of the ship's set with the indication of the date of issue4 - 5 C h a r t s
f r o m   t h e   s h i p ' s   s e t   s h a l l   b e r e p l a c e d
b y   n e w   o n e s : * If NTM declares them unsuitable for navigational purposes (in case
of replacement with a new edition)* In connection with wear and tear due to constant use when sailing in one
and the same region.4 - 6 N e g l e c t e d c o r r e c ti o n i s   n o t   t h e r e a s o n   f o r   t h e
chart replacement by the new ones.4-7The charts
a n d   n a u ti c a l   p u b l i c a ti o n s   w h i c h b e c a m e u n s u i t a b l e
o r   d e c l a r e d   u n s u i t a b l e   f o r   navigational purposes shall be eliminated only after delivery
to the ship of the new charts and publications instead of the eliminated ones.4 - 8 t h e
s h i p ' s   s e t   o f   t h e c h a r t s ,   n a u ti c a l   p u b l i c a ti o n s   a n d   c o r r e c ti v e
d o c u m e n t s   s h a l l   b e   t r a n s f e r r e d according to the report of the appropriate format
(this Manual 
  Appendix IV-I).
4 - 9 T h e p e r s o n a c c e p ti n g   t h e s h i p ' s s e t   o f   c h a r t s   a n d n a u ti c a l
p u b l i c a ti o n s i s o b l i g e d : · T o c h e c k   a c t u a l a v a i l a b i l i t y o f
t h e c h a r t s a n d n a u ti c a l p u b l i c a ti o n s o n t h e
s h i p * T o   m a k e   s u r e t h a t t h e   c o r r e c ti o n   h a s b e e n m a d e
a c c o r d i n g   t o t h e   l a t e s t i s s u e s   o f   N T M a n d   o t h e r   corrective
documents· T o r e p o r t t o t h e m a s t e r o f t h e s h i p o n t h e
s t a t e o f c o r r e c ti o n o f t h e   c h a r t s a n d
n a u ti c a l  publications· T o   c h e c k t h e   a v a i l a b i l i t y   o n   t h e   s h i p o f
t h e   c o r r e c ti v e   m a t e r i a l , t h e   r e g i s t r a ti o n   l o g
a n d   t h e   fi l e of navigational information
received· T o   b e c o m e   f a m i l i a r   w i t h   t h e   p r e v i o u s   a
c c e p t a n c e   r e p o r t s 4-10All remarks on the
s t a t e   o f   r e c o r d s ,   r e p o r ti n g , s t o r a g e , c o r r e c ti o n o f   c h a r t s
a n d   n a u ti c a l  publications and also all infringements revealed during the check shall be reflected in
theacceptance report.4 - 1 1 A ft e r s i g n i n g t h e a c c e p t a n c e r e p o r t t h e n a v i g a ti n g
o ffi c e r w h o t o o k o v e r   s h a l l b e a r f u l l responsibility for the charts and nautical publications
received and their correction.4 - 1 2 W h e n o n e m a s t e r o f   t h e s h i p t r a n s f e r s
c o m m a n d o v e r t h e s h i p t o a n o t h e r m a s t e r t h e n a v i g a ti n g officer reports to the
master in writing on the availability of charts and nautical publications andthe state of their correction.4 -
13Once a year a commission appointed by the master shall take
s t o c k s   o f   t h e   s h i p ' s   s e t   o f   c h a r t s ,  books and nautical publications, making a report, a copy of
which shall be addressed to RigaCharts Division Mr. I.Tokarevich5
5 . 1 D u ti e s   a n d   r e s p o n s i b i l i t y   o f   t h e   m a s t e r   a n d
n a v i g a t o r s
5 - 1 - 1 T h e m a s t e r o f t h e s h i p s h a l l ·Check
a v a i l a b i l i t y o f t h e   c o r r e c t e d n a v i g a ti o n a l c h a r t s
a n d   n a u ti c a l   p u b l i c a ti o n s   n e c e s s a r y
f o r   t h e voyage· C h e c k   a v a i l a b i l i t y   o f   c o r r e c ti v e  
d o c u m e n t s * D u r i n g t h e   p e r i o d   o f   s a i l i n g
e x e r c i s e   c o n t r o l   o v e r   r e c e i v i n g o f n a v i g a ti o n a l
i n f o r m a ti o n , transmitted by radio,
and ti mely correcti on of the charts and nauti cal publicati ons in accordance with it· I f
n e c e s s a r y i n v o l v e o t h e r n a v i g a t o r s t o a s s i s t t h e
n a v i g a ti n g o ffi c e r i n c o r r e c ti o n o f t h e c h a r t s and navigational
guides.5 - 1 - 2 T h e n a v i g a ti n g   o ffi c e r ( t h i r d o r s e c o n d   m a t e ) i s o b l i g e d : To
make collecti on of charts and sailing instructi ons for the forthcoming voyage; to correct
charts andsailing manuals according to the
and other navigati onal informati on transmitt ed by the radio; to keep records of the ship's set of
charts and nautical publications and corrective documents.
5 - 1 - 3 o n c o m p l e ti o n o f c o r r e c ti o n t h e n a v i g a ti n g o ffi c e r i s   o b l i g e d t o   i n f o r m t h e
s h i p ' s n a v i g a t o r s   a b o u t t h e most important changes in navigational situation, declared in
for the anticipated region of sailing.5 - 1 - 4 t a k i n g   i n t o   c o n s i d e r a ti o n t h e i m p o r t a n c e   o f
i n f o r m a ti o n p u b l i s h e d i n t h e fi r s t i s s u e s o f  
of Hydrographic Departments of fleets ship's navigators shall study carefully and sign the first issues of 
and be guided by them in their practical activity.5 - 1 - 5 H a v i n g c o m p l e t e d t h e c o l l e c ti o n o f
c h a r t s a n d n a u ti c a l p u b l i c a ti o n s a s w e l l a s t h e i r c o r r e c ti o n   t h e navigating officer is
obliged to report to the master on the availability
of * G e n e r a l   c h a r t s   f o r   t h e   w h o l e   r e g i o n   o f   f o r t h c o m
i n g   s a i l i n g · P l o tti n g   c h a r t
s * S p e c i fi c   c h a r t s   a n d p l a n s   o f   t h e
ports of departure, arrival and planned ports of call* A l l
n e c e s s a r y n a u ti c a l p u b l i c a ti o n s a n d n a v i g a ti o n a l
g u i d e s * A l l   m a j o r c h a n g e s   i n   n a v i g a ti o n a l   s i t u a ti o n   f o r
t h e   r e g i o n   o f a n ti c i p a t e d   s a i l i n g
5 - 2 C h a r t   c o r r e c ti o n
5-2-1Sets of charts for the forthcoming voyage shall be corrected on
receipt of 
and other correctivedocuments. Their correction shall be completed prior to the ship's sailing.5 - 2 -
2 A l l   o t h e r c h a r t s o f t h e s h i p ' s s e t s h a l l b e c o r r e c t e d o n c o m p l e ti o n o f t h e
c o r r e c ti o n   o f t h e s e t o f c h a r t s f o r   the Forthcoming voyage. The ship's set is not subdivided into
categories in respect of correction.5 - 2 - 3 T o   f a c i l i t a t e   a n d t o
s p e e d   u p   c o r r e c ti o n   i t   i s   a d v i s a b l e t o u s e : Half yearly and annual Cumulative lists of
NTM of Russian Federation and schedules to them or annual CumulativeList of Admiralty Notices to
in which the charts and nautical publications are given in the ascending order of 
their admiralty numbers and the numbers of NTM are indicated according to which they must becorrected.
Weekly chart collection list for the ship's automatically supplied by
wherethe numbers of notices according to which they must be corrected are marked.Chart Correction Tracing
(supplement to NTM. To the ship's automaticallysupplied by KH delivered together with NTM.5 - 2 - 4 C h a r t
c o r r e c ti o n s h a l l   b e   s t a r t e d w i t h t h e   l a t e s t   i s s u e o f  
and be made indescending order of numbers.5 - 2 -
5 C o r r e c ti o n   s h a l l   b e   m a d e   i n   t h e   f o l l o w i n g   w a y : On receipt of 
all notices according to which the ship's set is to becorrected shall be entered into Chart Correction Log in red
ink On completion of correction the notice shall be crossed by one line New data shall be marked on the chart in
red ink , the old data marked by dotsor lines shall be crossed out and the texts crossed by a thin line.According
the correction of charts shall be made in the similar way but using an ordinary, black, wellsharpened pencil.To
make it more conspicuous if necessary the place of correction shall beencircled in pencil and the number of the
notice, date and signature of the person who made the correction shall be written down as well. The
chartnumber corrected according to this notice, the date and the signature of the person who made
the correction shall be written down on the notice itself.5 - 2 - 6 I t   i s   n o t   a l l o w e d t o m a r k o n
t h e   c h a r t s   a n y o b j e c t s   o r   c o r r e c t t h e   l o c a ti o n o f   objects marked on the chart
according to the coordinates stated in sailingdirections, descriptions of lights and. signs or other nautical
publications.5 - 2 - 7 O n   t h e c o m p l e ti o n   o f c o r r e c ti o n
a c c o r d i n g t o
the name and the number of NTM according to which the corrections on the chart were made shall bewritten
under the frame in the bottom left comer of the chart the date of the latest
issue examined andsignature shall be put in the table placed on the free space of the chart.the sample of
inscriptions made during correction is shown in Fig. 1.5 - 2 - 8 T h e c h a r t c o r r e c ti o n
a c c o r d i n g   t o   r a d i o n a v i g a ti o n a l   r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g t h e change in navigational
situation of the current voyage shall be made by thewatch officer immediately and shall be reported to the
master. The navigatingofficer shall reexamine the completeness of the correction made. The number and date
of the latest
shall be indicated in pencilunder the bottom frame of the chart.
5 - 3 C O R R E C T I O N

5 - 3 - 1 T h e m a i n s c o p e   o f   w o r k o n c o r r e c ti o n
o f   n a u ti c a l   p u b l i c a ti o n s   s h a l l b e c a r r i e d out during the ship's stay in the port.If the stay
in the port is short and it is impossible to make all the correction prior to the ship's departure for the
forthcoming voyage it is allowed to makeit according to the stages of the passage, so that the scope of the
correctionmade would ensure the passage of the ship for not less than three days.5 - 3 - 2 T h e
c o r r e c ti o n o f   t h e n a u ti c a l p u b l i c a ti o n s
s h a l l   b e   m a d e   b y   s ti c k i n g   t e x t   - cuttings from
or by hand.5 - 3 - 3 N o t e   o n   c o r r e c ti o n   s h a l l b e m a d e o n
t h e   c o r r e c ti o n   r e c o r d s l i s t p l a c e d i n t h e  beginning of each manual.The sample
of inscriptions made during correction of charts
 NTM issue
number   N o D a t e S i g n a t u r
Fig. I
5 - 4 C O N T R O L   O V E R C O R R E C T I O N   O F T H E   S H I P ' S   S E T
5 - 4 - 1 T o e n s u r e   c o n t r o l o v e r   c o r r e c ti o n o f   t h e   s h i p ' s   s e t   o f   c h a r t s ,
b o o k s   a n d   n a u ti c a l  publications all ships of the shipping company shall send to Riga Charts Division
theship's set correction examination report every month in accordance with the formestablished as at the last
day of the month.5 - 4 - 2 I f   o n t h e s h i p   t w o   c h a r t s   s e t s a r e a v a i l a b l e - E n g l i s h   a n d
R u s s i a n , t h e s e t b e i n g u s e d shall be corrected, but the corrective documents shall be consistently
completed for  both sets and have no omissions.
ANNEX IV : Company’s Information and Requirements while navigation in specialareasNAVIGATION
The Sound, Little and Great Belts- Navigation in Straits without a pilot's assistance is permitted to the Masters
whoare well familiar with the area of sailing and have adequate experience in the ship'snavigation.- Masters
having an interval in sailing in straits for 6 months or more shall take a pilot for the first passage after such
interval.- Navigators newly appointed to the Master's position are obliged to take pilots,irrespective of their
work experience on this ship.Subsequently after the Master has gained adequate sailing experience every
specific-independent passage through straits shall be authorized by safety and qualityassurance
department.1.2.The Dardanelles and the Bosphore .In accordance with The Strait of Istambul, Sea of Marmara and the
Strait of CanakkaleRoutening Guide, approved by the Maritime Safety Committee at 63rd Session in May,1994
the Masters of foreign ships are strictly recommended to use pilot services in theBosphorus and Dardanelles
straits. LSC firmly confirms that the compliance with theserequirements is compulsory for the Masters.
Passage planning, through the Kiel canal is carried out by Tanker, Dry Cargo and Reefer Fleet
Departments . If the Master considers it reasonable in a given voyage tosail through the Kiel Canal due to sea
and weather conditions the Master shall agreehis intentions with the relevant and appropriate shipping
company's departments.
The passage through the Kiel Canal is prohibited if any faults have been found on theship which restrict the
ship's manoeuvrability, so safety of passage cannot be assuredand the Kiel Canal requirements and regulations
are not compiled with.
3 . N A V I G A T I O N   I N   I C E
When sailing to ports closed by ice it is not advisable to enter the ice area beforereceiving the appropriate
instructions from the ice-breaker, Harbour Master or therelevant ice information service of the coastal state.-
In heavy ice conditi ons in the Balti c straits the management of the Shipping, company may take
the decision prohibiting navigation in straits without pilotage,as ice-breakers render assistance in the
fi rst place to the ships having a pilot on  board.
4 . N A V I G A T I O N
The Master shall be confi dent that he has studied all regulati ons about sailing in territorial
waters of the relevant state whose territorial waters the ship will pass.- Any ship's stop in territorial waters, if it
is not connected with the ship's call tot h e p o r t o f d e s ti n a ti o n o r w i t h a n e m e r g e n c y a b o a r d
s h i p , i s p r o h i b i t e d ( f o r   example: for carrying out drills).- If the ship is stopped in territorial
waters due to sea and weather conditi ons,accident aboard ship or entrance to territorial
waters for rendering assistance to another ship, it is necessary to obtain permission of the appropriate
authorities of the coastal state.- Entrance to the restricted areas and staying there is prohibited. Passage
throughthe restricted areas is permitted by definite fair-ways and under pilotage,.
In case of heavy storm, icing-up, heavy ice the Master's power to 
t a k e   t h e following decisions is not limited : whether to proceed to the place/port of shelter or to undertake
other measures for ensuring safety of the crew, ship/cargo, but heis obliged to inform the shipping
company immediately on the following : ti me,  positi on, speed ship/cargo conditi on, intended
acti ons aimed at improvement of  situation on the ship.
When crossing the ocean and by the route English Channel-Gibraltar 
i t   i s available to use recommendati ons and route forecasts of hydro meteorological
service of the Republic of Latvia.Request for service, if possible, is sent 24 hours prior to going out to the
ocean tothe address: RIGA, WEATBER.It should be noted that the service is not free and corresponding accounts
when presented are paid by the shipping company.
To exercise personal control over the state of affairs on the ship and its technicalcondition,
the Master shall
make rounds of 
the ship at
least once
week. The factof the ship rounds shall be registered in the ship's Log Book.
The following principles and operational guidance should be taken into account by Master andWatchkeeping
Arrangements for keeping a watch when the ship is in port
should-   ( a ) e n s u r e   t h e   s a f e t y   o f   l i f e   s h i p   c a r g o  
a n d   p o r t   ; -   ( b ) o b s e r v e   i n t e r n a ti o n a l   ,   n a ti o n
a l   a n d   l o c a l   r u l e s -   ( c ) m a i n t a i n   o r d e r   a n d   t h e  
n o r m a l   r o u ti n e   o f   t h e   s h i p   . The ship's Master should decide the
composition and duration of the watch depending on theconditions of mooring, type of the ship and
character of duties .A qualified Deck Officer should be in charge of the watch.The necessary equipment should
be so arranged as to provide for efficient watchkeeping.
The Officer of the watch should not hand over the watch to the relieving Officer if he has anyreason to believe
that the latter is obviously not capable of carrying out his duties effectively, inwhich case he should notify the
Master accordingly .The relieving Officer should be informed of the following by the officer being
relieved(a)the depth of water at the berth,  ship's draught, the level and ti me of high and
lowwaters ; fastening of the mooring , arrangement of anchors and the slip of the chain,and other features of
mooring important for the safety of the ship ; state of mainengines and availability for emergency use ;
(b)all work to be performed on board  the ship , the nature,  amount and  dispositi on  of cargo
loaded or remaining , or any residue on board after unloading
ship( c ) t h e l e v e l o f w a t e r i n   b i l g e s   a n d b a l l a s t   t a n k s ( d ) t h e s i g n a l s : o r
lights being exhibited
(e)the number of crew members required to be on board and the presence of
a n y o t h e r    persons on board(f) the state of fire - fighting appliances
( g ) a n y s p e c i a l p o r t r e g u l a ti o n s   ; ( h ) t h e M a s t e r ' s s t a n d i n g a n d
s p e c i a l o r d e r s ( i ) t h e l i n e s o f c o m m u n i c a ti o n t h a t a r e a v a i l a b l e b e t w e e n t h e
s h i p a n d t h e d o c k s t a ff o r    port authorities in the event of an emergency arising or assistance being
required ;(j) other circumstances of importance to the safety of the ship and protection of theenvironment from
pollution.The relieving Officer should satisfy himself that :( a ) f a s t e n i n g s
of moorings or anchor chain are adequate(b)the appropriate signals or lights
a r e p r o p e r l y h o i s t e d a n d e x h i b i t e d ( c ) s a f e l y m e a s u r e s a n d fi r e p r o t e c ti o n
r e g u l a ti o n s a r e b e i n g m a i n t a i n e d ( d ) h e i s a w a r e o f t h e n a t u r e o f a n y
h a z a r d o u s   o r d a n g e r o u s c a r g o b e i n g l o a d e d o r   discharged and the appropriate action in the
event of any spillage or fire( e ) n o e x t e r n a l c o n d i ti o n s o r c i r c u m s t a n c e s i m p e r i l t h e s h i p
a n d t h a t h i s o w n s h i p d o e s not imperil others .
, at the moment of handing over the watch , an important operation is being, performed itshould be concluded
by the Officer being relieved , except when ordered otherwise by theMaster.KEEPING A WATCHThe Officer of
the watch should:( a ) m a k e r o u n d s t o i n s p e c t t h e s h i p   a t a p p r o p r i a t e i n t e r v a l s ( b ) p a y
p a r ti c u l a r a tt e n ti o n t o : (i)the conditi on and fastening of  the
gangway, anchor chain or moorings, especially at the turn of the tide or in berths with a large rise and fall
and if necessary, take measures to ensure that they are in normal working condition;( i i ) t h e d r a u g h t ,
u n d e r k e e l c l e a r a n c e a n d t h e s t a t e o f t h e s h i p t o a v o i d d a n g e r o u s listing or trim during
cargo handling or ballasting
( i i i ) t h e   s t a t e   o f   t h e   w e a t h e r a n d s e a ; (iv)observance of all regulati ons concerning
safety precauti ons and fi re protecti on ; ( v ) w a t e r l e v e l   i n   b i l g e s   a n d
t a n k s ( v i ) a l l p e r s o n s o n b o a r d a n d t h e i r   l o c a ti o n , e s p e c i a l l y t h o s e i n r e m o t e
o r   e n c l o s e d spaces ;( v i i ) t h e e x h i b i ti o n o f a n y s i g n a l s   o r l i g h t s (c)in
bad weather , or on  receiving a storm warning ,  take the necessary measures to  protectthe
ship , personnel and cargo ;( d ) t a k e e v e r y p r e c a u ti o n t o p r e v e n t p o l l u ti o n o f t h e
e n v i r o n m e n t b y h i s o w n s h i p ; (e)in an emergency threatening the safety  of the
ship , raise the alarm, inform the Master, take all possible measures to prevent any damage to the ship
and, if necessary, requestassistance from the shore authorities or neighbouring ship ;(f) be aware of the state
of stability so that , in the event of fire , the shore fire-fightingauthority may be advised of the
approximate quantity of water that can be pumped on boardwithout endangering the ship( g ) o ff e r
a s s i s t a n c e   t o s h i p s o r   p e r s o n s i n d i s t r e s s   ; ( h ) t a k e   n e c e s s a r y   p r e c a u ti o n s   t o
p r e v e n t a c c i d e n t s   o r d a m a g e w h e n p r o p e l l e r s a r e t o   b e turned ;
(i) enter in the appropriate log-book all important events affecting the ship
H . S T A N D I N G O R D E R S F O R O F F I C E R S
GENERALThe officer of the watch is the master's representative and his primary responsibility at all times is
thesafe navigation of the ship. He should at all times comply with the applicable regulations for
preventingcollisions at sea.It is of special importance that at all ti mes the offi cer of the watch
may visit the chart room, whenessenti al, for a short period for the necessary performance of
his navigati onal duti es, but he should  previously satisfy himself that it is safe to do so and ensure that an
efficient look-out is maintained.The offi cer of the watch should bear in mind that the engines are
at his disposal and he should not hesitate to use them in case of need. However , timely notice of
intended variation., of engine speedshould be given where possible. He should also know the handling
characteristics of his ship, including
its stopping distance, and should appreciate that other ships may have different handling characteristics.The
officer of the watch should also bear in mind that the sound signalling apparatus is at his disposala n d
he should
n o t   h e s i t a t e   t o   u s e   i t   i n   a c c o r d a n c e   w i t h   t h e   a p p l i c a b l e   r e g u l a ti o n s   f o r   p r e v e n ti
n g collisions at sea.TAKING OVER THE NAVIGATIONAL WATCHT h e r e l i e v i n g o ffi c e r o f t h e w a t c h
s h o u l d e n s u r e t h a t m e m b e r s o f h i s w a t c h a r e f u l l y c a p a b l e o f    performing their duties,
particularly as regards their adjustment to night vision.The relieving offi cer should not take over the
watch unti l his vision is fully adjusted to the light conditions and he has personally satisfied himself
regarding:( a ) s t a n d i n g   o r d e r s a n d o t h e r s p e c i a l i n s t r u c ti o n s o f t h e m a s t e r r e l a ti n g
t o n a v i g a ti o n o f t h e ship;( b ) p o s i ti o n , c o u r s e , s p e e d a n d   d r a u g h t o f t h e   s h i p ;
a n d   p r e d i c t e d   ti d e s ,   c u r r e n t s ,   w e a t h e r ,   v i s i b i l i t y
a n d   t h e   e ff e c t o f   t h e s e factors upon course and speed;( d ) n a v i g a ti o n a l s i t u a ti o n ,
i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o t h e f o l l o w i n g : ( i ) o p e r a ti o n a l c o n d i ti o n o f
a l l n a v i g a ti o n a l a n d s a f e t y e q u i p m e n t b e i n g u s e d o r   likely to be used
during the watch;
( i i ) e r r o r s   o f   g y r o   a n d m a g n e ti c c o m p a s s e s - , ( i i i ) p r e s e n c e a n d
m o v e m e n t o f s h i p s i n   s i g h t o r k n o w n t o b e i n t h e   v i c i n i t y - ( i v ) c o n d i ti o n s a n d
h a z a r d s   l i k e l y   t o   b e e n c o u n t e r e d d u r i n g h i s   w a t c h ; ( v ) p o s s i b l e e ff e c t s   o f h e e l ,
t r i m w a t e r d e n s i t y   a n d   s q u a t o n u n d e r k e e l c l e a r a n c e . If at the time the officer of the watch
is to be relieved a manoeuvre or other action to avoid anyhazard is taking place, the relief of the
offi cer should be deferred unti l such acti on has been completed.WATCH ARRANGEMENTS( a ) T h e
c o m p o s i ti o n o f t h e w a t c h s h a l l a t a l l ti m e s b e a d e q u a t e a n d
a p p r o p r i a t e t o the prevailing circumstances and conditi ons and shall take into account
the need for maintaining a proper look-out.( b ) W h e n d e c i d i n g t h e c o m p o s i ti o n o f t h e
w a t c h o n t h e b r i d g e w h i c h m a y i n c l u d e appropriate deck ratings, the following factors,
inter alia, shall be taken into account( i ) a t   n o   ti m e   s h a l l t h e
b r i d g e   b e   l e ft   u n a tt e n d e d ;
( i i ) w e a t h e r c o n d i ti o n s ,   v i s i b i l i t y a n d w h e t h e r   t h e r e i s d a y l i g h t   o r d a r k n e s s ;
( i i i ) p r o x i m i t y o f   n a v i g a ti o n a l h a z a r d s w h i c h m a y   m a k e i t
n e c e s s a r y   f o r t h e officer in charge of the watch to carry out additional navigational duties;
( i v ) u s e   a n d   o p e r a ti o n a l c o n d i ti o n   o f   n a v i g a ti o n a l
a i d s   s u c h   a s   r a d a r   o r   e l e c t r o n i c   p o s i ti o n - i n d i c a ti n g   d e v i c e s   a n d  
o t h e r   e q u i p m e n t   a ff e c ti n g   t h e   s a f e navigation of the ship;( v ) w h e t h e r t h e s h i p   i s   fi tt e d
w i t h a u t o m a ti c s t e e r i n g ; ( v i ) a n y u n u s u a l   d e m a n d s o n t h e
n a v i g a ti o n a l w a t c h t h a t m a y   a r i s e a s a r e s u l t of special operational
circumstances.FITNESS FOR DUTYThe watch system shall be such that the efficiency of watchkeeping officers
and watchkeepingrati ngs is not impaired by fati gue.  Duti es shall be so organized that the fi rst
watch at the commencement of a voyage and the subsequent relieving watches are sufficiently rested
andotherwise fit for duty. NAVIGATION( a ) T h e i n t e n d e d v o y a g e s h a l l b e p l a n n e d i n
a d v a n c e t a k i n g i n t o c o n s i d e r a ti o n a l l  pertinent information and any course laid down
shall be checked before the voyagecommences.( b ) D u r i n g   t h e   w a t c h   t h e   c o u r s e   s t e e r e d ,
p o s i ti o n a n d s p e e d   s h a l l   b e c h e c k e d   a t sufficiently frequent intervals, using any available
navigational aids necessary, to ensurethat the ship follows the planned course.( c ) T h e
o ffi c e r   o f   t h e   w a t c h   s h a l l h a v e f u l l
knowledge of the location and operationof all safety and navigational equipment on board the ship and shall be
aware and takeaccount of the operation limitations of such equipment.( d ) T h e   o ffi c e r i n   c h a r g e   o f
a   n a v i g a ti o n a l   w a t c h s h a l l n o t b e   a s s i g n e d o r u n d e r t a k e any duties which would interfere
with the safe navigation of the ship. NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT( a ) T h e o ffi c e r o f t h e w a t c h
s h a l l m a k e t h e m o s t e ff e c ti v e u s e o f a n n a v i g a ti o n a l equipment at his disposal.
( b ) W h e n u s i n g   r a d a r ,   t h e   o ffi c e r o f   t h e   w a t c h s h a l l b e a r i n m i n d t h e
n e c e s s i t y   t o comply at all times with the provisions on the use of radar contained in the applicable
regulations for preventing collisions at sea.( c ) I n c a s e s o f n e e d t h e o ffi c e r o f t h e w a t c h
s h a l l n o t h e s i t a t e t o u s e t h e h e l m , engines and sound signalling apparatus. NAVIGATIONAL
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBELITIES( a ) T h e o ffi c e r i n c h a r g e o f   t h e w a t c h s h a l l   :
(i)keep his watch on the bridge which he
s h a l l   i n   n o   c i r c u m s t a n c e s l e a v e until properly relieved;( i i ) c o n ti n u e t o
b e   r e s p o n s i b l e   f o r t h e   s a f e   n a v i g a ti o n o f   t h e s h i p , d e s p i t e   t h e  presence
of the master on the bridge, until the master informs him specially thathe has assumed that responsibility and
this is mutually understood-,( i i i ) n o ti f y   t h e m a s t e r w h e n i n a n y d o u b t   a s   t o   w h a t
a c ti o n t o t a k e i n   t h e interest of safety-( i v ) n o t h a n d   o v e r t h e   w a t c h t o
t h e   r e l i e v i n g o ffi c e r i f h e h a s   r e a s o n   t o  believe that the latter is obviously not
capable of carrying out his dutieseffectively, in which case he shall notify the master accordingly.( b ) O n
t a k i n g o v e r t h e w a t c h t h e r e l i e v i n g o ffi c e r s h a l l s a ti s f y h i m s e l f a s t o t h e ship's
estimated or true position and confirm its intended track, course and speed andshall note any dangers to
navigation expected to be encountered during his watch.( c ) A p r o p e r r e c o r d s h a l l b e k e p t o f t h e
m o v e m e n t s a n d a c ti v i ti e s d u r i n g t h e w a t c h relating to the navigation of the ship.LOOK-OUTIn
addition to maintaining a proper look-out for the purpose of fully appraising the situationand the risk of
collision, stranding and other dangers to navigation, the duties of the look-outshall include the detection of
ships or aircraft in distress, shipwrecked persons, wrecks anddebris. In maintaining a look-out the following shall
be observed( a ) t h e   l o o k - o u t m u s t   b e   a b l e t o g i v e   f u l l a tt e n ti o n t o t h e k e e p i n g o f
a   p r o p e r   l o o k - out and no other duties shall be undertaken or assigned which could interfere with thattask;
( b ) t h e   d u ti e s   o f t h e l o o k - o u t   a n d   h e l m s m a n a r e s e p a r a t e a n d t h e h e l m s m a n
shall not  b e   c o n s i d e r e d   t o   b e   t h e   l o o k -
o u t   w h i l e   s t e e r i n g ,   e x c e p t   i n   s m a l l   s h i p s   w h e r e   a n unobstructed all-
r o u n d   v i e w   i s   p r o v i d e d   a t   t h e   s t e e r i n g   p o s i ti o n   a n d   t h e r e   i s   n o impairment of night
vision or other impediment to the keeping of a proper look-out. The officer in charge of the watch
may be the sole look-out in daylight provided that on
each such occasion:( i ) t h e   s i t u a ti o n h a s   b e e n c a r e f u l l y   a s s e s s e d   a n d   i t h a s   b e e n
e s t a b l i s h e d   w i t h o u t doubt that it is safe to do so;( i i ) f u l l   a c c o u n t   h a s b e e n
t a k e n   o f   a l l r e l e v a n t   f a c t o r s   i n c l u d i n g ,   b u t   n o t limited to:- state of weather,,,-
visibility;- traffic density;- proximity of danger to navigation;- the attention necessary when navigating in or near
traffic separation schemes; :( i i i ) a s s i s t a n c e i s   i m m e d i a t e l y a v a i l a b l e t o   b e
s u m m o n e d t o   t h e b r i d g e w h e n anychange in the situation so requires.
PROTECTION OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENTThe master and offi cer in charge of the watch shall be
aware of the serious eff ects of operati onal or  accidental pollution of the marine environment and shall
take all possible precautions to prevent such pollution particularly within the framework of relevant
international and port regulations.This Recommendation contains operational guidance of general application
for officers in charge of anavigati onal watch, which masters are expected to  supplement
as appropriate.  It is essenti al thatofficers of the watch appreciate that the efficient performance of their
duties is necessary in the interestsof the safety of life and property at sea and the prevention of pollution of the
marine environment.PERIODIC CHECKS OF NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENTOperati onal tests of shipboard
navigati onal equipment should be carried out at sea as frequently as  practicable and as
circumstances permit, in particular when hazardous conditions affecting navigationare expected; where
appropriate these tests should be recorded.The officer of the watch should make regular checks to ensure
that( a ) t h e h e l m s m a n o r t h e a u t o m a ti c p i l o t i s s t e e r i n g   t h e c o r r e c t c o u r s e ; (b)the
standard compass error is  determined at least once a watch and, when possible,after any major
alteration of course; the standard and gyro compasses are frequently comparedand repeaters are synchronized
with their master compass;( c ) t h e   a u t o m a ti c   p i l o t i s t e s t e d m a n u a l l y   a t l e a s t o n c e
a   w a t c h ; (d)the navigati on and signal lights and other navigati onal equipment are
functi oning  properly.The echo-sounder is a valuable navigational aid and should be used whenever
AUTOMATIC PILOTThe officer of the watch should bear in mind the necessity to comply at all times with the
requirementsof Regulati on 19 Chapter V of the  Internati onal Conventi on for the Safety of Life
at Sea, 1974.  Heshould take into account the need to station the helmsman and to put the steering into
manual control in-good time to allow any potentially hazardous situation to be dealt with in a safe manner. With
a shipunder automatic steering it is highly dangerous to allow a situation to develop to the point where
theofficer of the watch is without assistance and has to break the continuity of the look-out in order to
takeemergency action. The changeover from automatic to manual steering and vice versa should be made by, or
under the supervision of a responsible officer.
ELECTRONIC NAVIGATIONAL AIDSThe officer of the watch should be thoroughly familiar with the use of
electronic navigationalaids carried, including their capabilities and limitations.RADAR T h e   o ffi c e r   o f   t h e
w a t c h   s h o u l d   u s e t h e   r a d a r   w h e n   a p p r o p r i a t e   a n d   w h e n e v e r   r e s t r i c t e d visibility is
encountered or expected, and at all times in congested waters having due regard toits limitations.Whenever
radar is in use, the offi cer of the watch should select an appropriate range scale, observe the
display carefully and plot effectively.The offi cer of the watch should ensure that range scales
employed are changed at suffi ciently frequent intervals so that echoes are detected as early as possible.It
should be born in mind that small or poor echoes may escape detection.The offi cer of the watch should
ensure that plotti ng or systemati c analysis is commenced in ample time.In clear weather, whenever
possible, the officer of the watch should carry out radar practice. NAVIGATION IN COASTAL WATERSThe largest
scale chart on board, suitable for the area and corrected with the latest availableinformation, should
be used. Fixes should be taken at frequent intervals
whenever circumstances allow, fixing should be carried out by more that one method.The officer of the watch
should positively identify all relevant navigation marks.CLEAR WEATHER The offi cer of the watch should
take frequent and accurate compass bearings of approachingships as a means of early
detecti on of risk of collision; such risk may someti mes exist even
when an appreciable bearing change is evident, particularly when approaching a very large shipor a tow or
when approaching a ship at close range.  He should also take early and positi ve
i n   c o m p l i a n c e   w i t h   t h e   a p p l i c a b l e   r e g u l a ti o n s   f o r   p r e v e n ti n g   c o l l i s i o n s   a t   s e a   a n
d subsequently check that such action is having the desired effect.RESTRICTED VISIBILITYWhen restricted
visibility/,is encountered or expected, the first responsibility of the officer of the watch is to comply with
the relevant rules of the applicable regulations for preventingcollisions at sea, with particular regard to the
sounding of fog signals, proceeding at a safespeed and having the engines ready for immediate manoeuvres. In
addition, he should:( a ) i n f o r m   t h e   m a s t e r ; ( b ) p o s t a p r o p e r l o o k - o u t a n d
h e l m s m a n a n d , i n c o n g e s t e d w a t e r s , r e v e r t t o h a n d steering immediately;
( c ) e x h i b i t   n a v i g a ti o n   l i g h t s ; ( d ) o p e r a t e a n d   u s e t h a t   r a d a r . It is
important that the officer of the watch should know the handling characteristics of his ship,including its
stopping distance, and should appreciate that other ships may have differenthandling characteristics.CALLING
THE MASTER The officer of the watch should notify the master immediately in the following circumstances:
( a ) i f r e s t r i c t e d v i s i b i l i t y   i s   e n c o u n t e r e d o r   e x p e c t e d - , (b)if the traffi c conditi ons
or the movements of other  ships are causing concern-, ( c ) i f   d i ffi c u l t y i s
e x p e r i e n c e d   i n   m a i n t a i n i n g c o u r s e ; ( d ) o n f a i l u r e t o s i g h t l a n d , a n a v i g a ti o n m a r k
o r t o o b t a i n s o u n d i n g b y t h e e x p e c t e d time;( e ) i f , u n e x p e c t e d l y , l a n d o r
n a v i g a ti o n a l m a r k i s s i g h t e d o r c h a n g e i n s o u n d i n g occurs;( f ) o n t h e b r e a k d o w n o f
t h e e n g i n e s , s t e e r i n g g e a r o r a n y e s s e n ti a l n a v i g a ti o n a l equipment;( g ) i n h e a v y
weather if any doubt about the possibility of weather damage;(h)if the ship
m e e t s a n y   h a z a r d t o   n a v i g a ti o n , s u c h   a s i c e o r d e r e l i c t s ; ( i ) i n a n y   o t h e r
e m e r g e n c y o r   s i t u a ti o n   i n   w h i c h h e i s   i n a n y d o u b t . Despite the requirement to notify the
master immediately in the foregoing circumstances, theofficer of the watch should in addition not hesitate to
take immediate action for the safety of theship, where circumstances so require.WATCHKEEPING PERSONNEL
The officer of the watch should give watchkeeping personnel all appropriate instructions andinformation which
will ensure the keeping of a safe watch including an appropriate look-out.SHIP AT ANCHOR -In all circumstances,
while at anchor, the officer of the watch should(a) determine and plot ship's position on the appropriate chart
as soon as practicable;when circumstances permit, check at sufficiently frequent intervals whether the ship
isremaining securely at anchor by taking bearings of fixed navigation marks or readilyidentifiable shore objects;
( b ) e n s u r e   t h a t a n e ffi c i e n t l o o k - o u t   i s   m a i n t a i n e d ; ( c ) e n s u r e t h a t a n i n s p e c ti o n
r o u n d s o f t h e s h i p a r e m a d e p e r i o d i c a l l y ; ( d ) o b s e r v e m e t e o r o l o g i c a l a n d ti d a l
c o n d i ti o n s a n d t h e s t a t e o f t h e s e a ; ( e ) n o ti f y t h e m a s t e r a n d u n d e r t a k e a l l
necessary measures if the ship drags anchor;(f)ensure that the state
o f   r e a d i n e s s o f t h e m a i n e n g i n e s a n d o t h e r m a c h i n e r y i s i n accordance with the master's
instructions;( g ) i f v i s i b i l i t y   d e t e r i o r a t e s , n o ti f y t h e m a s t e r a n d c o m p l y w i t h t h e
a p p l i c a b l e r e g u l a ti o n s for preventing collisions at sea;( h ) e n s u r e   t h a t t h e s h i p e x h i b i t s t h e
a p p r o p r i a t e l i g h t s a n d s h a p e s a n d t h a t a p p r o p r i a t e sound signals are made at all times, as
required;( i ) t a k e m e a s u r e s t o p r o t e c t   t h e   e n v i r o n m e n t f r o m   p o l l u ti o n   b y   t h e   s h i p
a n d c o m p l y   w i t h applicable pollution regulations.
ANNEX VIII: Sailing in heavy weather
Having received gale warning the following should be taken into consideration:- s e a w o r t h i n e s s o f t h e
s h i p h a v i n g r e g a r d t o c a r g o c h a r a c t e r , l o c a ti o n a n d f a s t e n i n g ; -
s a f e   o p e r a ti o n o f   t h e   m a i n   e n g i n e ; - f u e l   r e s e r v e ; -
s h i p ' s p o s i ti o n a n d   c o u r s e w i t h r e g a r d t o s t o r m y a r e a ; -
n a v i g a ti o n a l   d a n g e r s   i n   t h e   a r e a ; - l o c a ti o n o f   s h e l t e r s   - p o r t s   a n d
s a f e   a n c h o r a g e s   o n t h e s h i p ' s c o u r s e . 1.
Preparation of the ship
·1. Inform the crew.. 2 F a s t e n   s h i p ' s   e q u i p m e n t .
.3Check and if necessary strengthen cargo fastenings..4Check safe
a n d h e r m e ti c s e a l i n g o f   h o l d s , w a t e r ti g h t   c l o s i n g s , s o u n d i n g
t u b e   p l u g s , working condition of return valves, if possible put blinds on ventilation ducts.
Fit storm pendants..6Check ship's stability In  case of necessity make ballasti ng/ reballasti ng to
avoid freesurfaces in tanks.
2 . S a i l i n g i n   s t o r m y   c o n d i ti o n s : 1
Take regular weather forecasts.2. Keep systematic look-
out of the actual meteorological situation, length, height, wavefrequency, and direction. See to the
ship's avoiding dangerous rolling and pitching.. 3 S e e t o t h e   w a t e r l e v e l i n b i l 2 e s a n d d r a i n
t h e m r e g u l a r l y . .4Daily check cargo fastenings, make  refastening and  change the
damaged fastenings.. 5 S e e t o t h e r e g i m e o f l i q u i d s t o r e s c o n s u m p ti o n , a v o i d f r e e
more than onetank at a time.. 6 R e g u l a r l y c h e c k m e t a c e n t r i c h e i g h t r e g a r d i n g r o l l i n g
f r e q u e n c y . T a k e n o ti c e , t h a t  preciseness of this method is considerably reduced if metacentric
height is less than0,2m and there are large free surfaces of liquid cargoes..7Prior to course and/or speed
change check if the ship's positi on as a  result of  suchmanoeuvre may be changed for the worse. Bear
in mind that course alteration on thewave may result in considerable list.8 T a k e i n t o c o n s i d e r a ti o n
t h a t w a t e r   o n d e c k -   r e d u c e s   s t a b i l i t y . .9During the work on the open  spaces instruct
personnel accordingly and strictly. comply with safe operation requirements.
3.Case of emergency - constant listI
In case of emergency immediately inform the shipowner. Remember, let the alarm beunnecessary or premature
than delayed., 2 U n s y m m e t r i c a l r o l l i n g i s t h e e v i d e n c e o f c o n s t a n t l i s t . . 3 P r i o r t o a n y
c o n c r e t e s t e p s w i t h r e g a r d t o e q u a l i z a ti o n -
state the reason of 
constantlist !!!
.4Prior  to equalizati on  upgrade stability  using all possible  means..5Alter  course and change
speed so that the ship  is in the most favourable situati on regarding rolling and pitching..6If
possible, turn  the ship to  the shelters- ports or under the  shelter of the coast.7In case of
small stability  reserve do not try to  pump liquid  cargoes from tanks on one side into tanks on the
other side, as it will cause additional free surfaces and reducestability. Take ballast not in all tanks at a time but
start with those free surfaces inwhich less influence stability.8 T a k i n g i n t o c o n s i d e r a ti o n c o n c r e t e
s i t u a ti o n fi r s t t e s t b y p r e s s u r e o r d r a i n t h o s e t a n k s which already have free
surfaces.. 9 T a k e b a l l a s t a s q u i c k l y a s p o s s i b l e .   D o n o t s t o p t a k i n g b a l l a s t u n ti l t h e
t a n k i s f u l l even if at the beginning of this operation the list is increased.. 1 0 S t o p e q u a l i z a ti o n i f
a n g l e o f h e e l i s l e s s t h a n 5 d e g r e e s , n o t t o a l l o w t h e s h i p t o s h i ft
on the other side.
4 . S a i l i n g   i n   l o w   t e m p e r a t u r e s
1. Watch carefully air and see water temperature, ship's splashes and water freezing on ship's upper
deck structures.. 2 I n c a s e o f d a n g e r o f b e i n g c o v e r e d w i t h
i c e   C h e c k   s h i p ' s s t a b i l i t y   t a k i n g i n t o account icing
up.. 3 I n f o r m   t h e   c r e w ,   p r e p a r e i c e -   f r i g h ti n g   e q u i p m e n t , c h e c k   d e c k
l i g h ti n g . . 4 C h o o s e   c o u r s e   a n d s p e e d t o m i n i m i z e i c i n g u p . . 5 T a k e
i c e   fi g h ti n g m e a s u r e s w i t h o u t d e l a y : f r e e i n g f r o m   i c e , l e a v i n g i c i n g   u p a r e a
o r   going for the shelter of the coast, etc. Ice fighting should be made from the beginning and up to the end of
icing up.. 6 I n t h e p r o c e s s o f f r e e i n g f r o m i c e fi r s t o f a l l f r e e
s t o r m p o r t s a n d u p p e r d e c k   structures, masts and spars. Changing ship's
positi on regarding wind and waves, carry out freeing from ice from the wind side.. 7 S a f e t y r u l e s
should be complied with. Crew members working on the open
s p a c e s should be dressed in life jackets with safety
lines.. 8 D u l y   i n f o r m   t h e   s h i p o w n e r   o f   t h e   s h i p ' s   c o
n d i ti o n   a n d   a l l   t h r e a t e n i n g circumstances.
Lying in the port / at the road
Having received gale warning:. I Keep main engine in readiness..2Haul and in case of necessity fasten
additi onal mooring lines..3If the wind strengthens  stop cargo operati ons, watch carefully
mooring lines,  get the shipready to leave the berth..4Lying  at the road the ship shall be ready to
heave up anchor in compliance with  conditi ons of  the ship's staying, protection and weather forecast.
The ship shall heave up anchor and put tosea for storming if her safety can not be guaranteed at the road.
Annex IX : Emergency towage
Ways of emergency towage depend on the type of the tow and the towing vessel,
equipment,damages and their scope, weather conditions and area of sailing.There are two basic types of
by a trading vessel
by a salvage tugboat.
Specifi c character of towage by/of a trading vessel is determined by the necessity to
installtowing  equipment if  there is no established gear, as well as by a limited availability of
meansfor making a towing line and absence, in many cases, of precise data for calculations required.
Prior to commencement of operations the following should be
detailed:1 .
Methods of fastening the towing, equipment on the tug and the tow.2 . M e t h o d s   o f t o w a g e
d e p e n d i n g o n   d a m a g e s a n d t h e t y p e o f   e m e r g e n c y   t o w i n g   e q u i p m e n t ( fore or aft ) .
3.Usage of the tug's or the tow's equipment to arrange a towing
line.4.Methods of passing and taking in of a towing line.
Methods of on-science communications using VHF, lights, sound signals andflags during the period of
operations.6 . M e t h o d s o f e m e r g e n c y l e t   g o   o f   t h e t o w i n g
line.7.Towing speed depending on the length and strength of
t h e a v a i l a b l e t o w i n g   l i n e a n d taking into account weather conditions and region of
sailing.8 . S a f e t y m e a s u r e s w h i l e p a s s i n g o r f a s t e n i n g t h e t o w i n g
l i n e . 9 . A c ti o n s o f   b o t h s h i p s a t   c o m m e n c e m e n t o f t h e   t o w a g e , s l a c k e n i n g a w a y
o r   heaving up the towline, at finishing the towage and at the completion of thetowage and let go of the
tug.The same things should be defi ned for towage by
a tug boat,
  b u t i n t h i s e v e n t t h e t a s k i s simplified as the tug is provided with an established
towage equipment.Prior to commencement of the operations the staff employed for this purpose on the ship /
shipsshould be instructed in detail on observance of safe working practices.Directions given by the tug in respect
of towage should be immediately carried out by the tow.During the towage operation the following should be
kept in mind:1
To avoid dangerous tension in the towing line the latt er should have a slack equal to the wave
height.2.Although the  stopped propeller increases resistance to movement, the tow keeps  the
course better.3.If possible, the tow should use  its own steering gear, otherwise the rudder
blade should be  put straight.4 . I f t h e M . E . i s o p e r a ti v e ,   i t s h o u l d b e u s e d o n l y
on the tug's order.
During the towage operation a continuous watch over the towing line should be posted onthe ship and means
should be provided for emergency let go of the tug.

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