Int 1 Workshop 1 PDF

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Introduction to


Nadeem Iqbal

Lahore School of Aviation

What is Internship

– Internships are off-campus experiential learning activities designed to provide

students with opportunities to make connections between the theory and
practice of academic study and the practical application of that study in a
professional work environment
– Internships offer the opportunity to “try out” a career while gaining relevant
experience and professional connections
– Internships are completed under the guidance of an on-site advisor and a
faculty supervisor, who in combination with the student will create a framework
for learning and reflection

– Gain practical experience within the business environment.

– Acquire knowledge of the industry in which the internship is done.
– Apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a controlled work setting.
– Develop a greater understanding about career options while more clearly defining
personal career goals.
– Experience the activities and functions of business professionals.
– Develop and refine oral and written communication skills.
– Identify areas for future knowledge and skill development.
– Help give Reflection on the internship experiences.
Internship Policy Statement

– Searching, applying, doing internships and getting

internship completion certificates, all are sole
responsibility of the students. (Departmental initiatives in
this regard are just a favour for the students)
– All internships are subject to prior approval by the Deputy
Head of Department.
– Since the internship course requires students to get
professional experience off campus, no on campus
internship will be permitted
Internship Course Structure

Internship-I will Prepare you for

doing internship professionally Internship
Internship-II will help you
prepare, submit and defend
your Internship Project

Internship-I Internship-II
(Semester 7) (Semester 8)
Internship Employers
Civil Aviation Authority

Airports (Allama Iqbal International Airport, Sialkot

International Airport etc.)

Airlines (PIA, Emirates, Air blue etc.)

Flying clubs (Air Eagle, Hybrid, Airborne etc.)

Travel Agencies

Travel Management Companies

Internship (Step by Step)

1. Learn Need and

2. Plan for 3. Seek Internship 4. Apply for 5. Get Internship
importance of
Internship opportunities Internships Acceptance

8. Learn how to 10. Write down

6. Doing Internship 7.Enrol Internship 9. Enrol Internship
design Internship Internship report
with full spirits Course-I Course-II
reports under Supervision

11. Submit the Final 12.Present/Defence

Internship Report Internship Project 13. Get final Grades
for evaluation Report
Pre-Internship Requirements

– Enroll internship course I or II as per the policy of the department/university

– Apply for Internship openings in your preferred organizations
– Get Acceptance for internship from the organization
– Fill the Intern Information Form, attach the Internship acceptance letter and
submit to admin department at LSA
– Get allocation of faculty advisor by the department
– Agreement to Accept Intern (your supervisor fills out and submits)
– Learning Objectives Agreement, (signed by both you and your supervisor).
During Internship Requirements

– Finalize a work schedule with your supervisor.

– Be Professional (Be regular, punctual and dressed professionally)
– Perform well on the job. The Internship supervisor can fire any intern who is
not performing satisfactorily or who is causing problems. If this occurs, the
intern's grade will be an F.
– Maintain a daily time/activity logs and get it signed by your site supervisor
– Write weekly reports (Describing what you did that week, how you did that,
what new thing you learnt, what contents you applied from your coursework
and what challenges you faced in doing the assigned tasks
– Conduct interviews wherever you feel necessary to boost your learning and
understanding of the systems
Post-Internship Requirements

– Submit a final report (typed, edited and proofread and properly formatted)
reflecting on what you learned and gained (and perhaps what you expected to
learn, but did not) from your internship.
– Submit copies of portfolio materials (stories written, video- or audiotapes,
(compliance with ethical code of conduct is must) etc.
– Prepare a PowerPoint/Prezi presentation as per given sample/contents on the
report that you have submitted
– Present/Defence in front of the Internship evaluation panel following the
given schedule (Prior approval of the Faculty advisor is must) for final grades
Academic Deliverables

1. Internship Project Report (Signed by Site Supervisor and Faculty

– Activity and Time Log (Signed by Site Supervisor)
– Summary Paper of Experiential Learning (Signed/Graded by Faculty Advisor)
– Interview (video/Audio) recording + interview transcripts
– Critical review of the internship experience with recommendations

2. Internship Project Presentation

Internship Code of Conduct

Be regular
Be Professional
Be Punctual

Be Formal

Obey org. rules n regulations,

Accept Org.
code of conduct
code of ethics

Be energetic
Stay motivated Take initiatives
Seek opportunities for learning
Discuss ideas and inputs with site supervisors/faculty advisors
Ask questions
Depict thirst for Explore new things
learning Do homework for every next day’s tasks
Be effective and efficient
Maintain the log of activities and experiences
Maintain work Keep writing your experiences on daily basis
records Keep on sharing your writeups with your academic supervisor and getting inputs/feedback for further improvements
Develop professional linkages with the key professionals
Standards Based Grading
Levels and Descriptions
Grade book Score
Level Name Description
(Out of 10)
Student is extremely well qualified and exceeds the
Exceeds 10
Meets Student is well qualified and meets the standard.

Student is qualified and approaches the standard.

Approaching Some growth or additional evidence of standard mastery is 8
Needs Significant There is little evidence that the student is qualified and
Improvement significant growth and improvements are needed.
Extremely limited evidence of mastery in demonstration of
Limited Evidence 5/6
the standard.
No Evidence No evidence 0
The overall breakup of
Criteria Marks

Meet the deadline (1 x 10) 10

Internal Supervisor Biweekly Evaluation

(10 Meetings) Quality of the work submitted (2 x 10) 20

Internship Project Report Ref: Project Evaluation Rubric 40

Project Defence Presentation Presentation Evaluation Rubric 20

External Supervisor Evaluation External Supervisor Evaluation Rubric 10

Total 100
Course Plan
Course Plan
Supervisor Consent

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