Complaint - Fed. Court - Amended - SAVE MANUALLY - Accept Not Accepart

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RAMSAY … - page 1 of 99

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................... 2
JURISDICTION AND VENUE.................................................................................................................5
STATUTORY AND REGULATORY BACKGROUND ........................................................................ 10
INJURIES................................................................................................................................................ 29
MY PRIOR ACTIONS ............................................................................................................................39
133.VIOLATION OF MC CO Ch. 26, Art. IV. Sec. 26-98 (b)........................................................... 41
137.VIOLATION OF FLORIDA CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE X, SECTION 11............................42
140.VIOLATION OF U.S. CONSTITUTION AMENDMENTS.......................................................43
142.VIOLATION OF U.S. CONST. AMEND. VIII...........................................................................43
147.VIOLATION OF U.S. CONST. AMEND. V ..............................................................................44
152.VIOLATION OF U.S. CONST. AMEND. VI .............................................................................45
157.VIOLATION OF U.S. CONST. AMEND. XIV, SEC. 1 .............................................................45
162.VIOLATION OF U.S. CONST. AMEND. I ................................................................................46
165.VIOLATION OF U.S. CONST. AMEND. IV .............................................................................47
EST LEX” .......................................................................................................................................... 48
172.VIOLATION OF 42 U.S.C. § 1983..............................................................................................48
177.VIOLATION OF 42 U.S.C. § 1985..............................................................................................49
182.VIOLATION OF 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968 - (RICO ACT).........................................................50
192.VIOLATION OF TITLE II OF THE ADA (42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12134; 28 C.F.R Part 35):......51
200.VIOLATION OF THE REHABILITATION ACT (29 U.S.C. § 794; 28 C.F.R. Part 42)............52
209.VIOLATION OF MORE LAWS..................................................................................................53
217.VIOLATION OF MORE DECISIONS OF THE COURTS.........................................................54
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PRAYER FOR RELIEF...........................................................................................................................58

CERTIFICATION AND CLOSING........................................................................................................ 60
CERTIFICATE/PROOF OF SERVICE................................................................................................... 60
POST SCRIPTUM...................................................................................................................................62
APPENDICES......................................................................................................................................... 63
Appendix A - Florida Supreme Court issued its one-page order denying review...............................63
Appendix B - The 3rd District Court of Appeal of Florida (3DCA) filed its opinion on March 7,
Appendix C - CC dismissed my claim................................................................................................ 65
Appendix D - SCC's Judge Ptomey dismissed my first claim due to lack of “Notice Of Intent To Sue
Under Florida 768.28”.........................................................................................................................66
Appendix E - “Judgement” by Judge Ptomey in the Criminal Court that
I trespassed even though I swam lawfully.........................67
Appendix F: The GMAT report shows that my performance at the
integrated reasoning section decreased 41 pp, 77.4%, two months
after the wrong arrest........................................... 68
Appendix G: I complained also to Dr. Carlos Sandoval, psychiatrist,
about the Defendants' disregard for my health, and the mental
injuries that Defendants caused me unlawfully; he can be reached at


3 Honorable Court,

1. Plaintiff alleges the following:

2. Plaintiff will be referred to as ”Plaintiff”, or ”I” as I, the Plaintiff myself, will have written this.
6 Defendant Rick Ramsay, in his private capacity and in his official business capacity as the Sheriff of
Monroe County, and his attorneys will be referred to as ”RR”. All of the Defendants collectively shall
be referred to as the Defendants. Monroe County will be referred to as MC; Key Largo as KL. Other
9 terms and acronyms will be defined as they appear. If I do not know which Defendants are guilty for a
violation, I will use the term “Offenders”. I use bold letters to emphasize and ease the reading.
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3. The Monroe County, FL, Sheriff's Deputies (MCSDs) acted under color of state or local law, and
“considered” my lawful swimming which was therapeutic, as trespassing and illegal lobstering and
3 committed wrong, false and injuring arrest and detention for 6 nights starting on 8/11/15 in Key Largo
(KL), FL, USA. They did not provide proper investigations, conditions and services, which injured me
severely and permanently. They had no probable cause, and used cruel and unreasonable force and
6 punishment. MCSDs have reduced severely my integrated reasoning skills -see Appendix F with
the GMAT report-, which has not served any public interest. Thus, they have destroyed directly
at least 20% -proximately, at least 50%- of my intellectual skills; and have caused me PTSD; and
9 have caused me new and worsened old brain injuries which manifest as recurring headaches,
insomnia, nausea, poor balance, anxiety, depression, attention deficit, memory deficit, and other
physical or psychological symptoms. Their abuses have worsened my previous health issues -right
12 elbow and shoulder pain; back and neck pain, and other physical conditions-. I still suffer from
the severe medical problems caused by their brutality.

4. Hampton Inn (HI) employees Paul Thomas, Chavone Wilson, and one whose name I do not know,
15 thus I call the person J. Agent, committed criminal “swatting” by lying to Law Enforcement Employees
(LEEs), which injured me severely and permanently. I call them Group HI which includes HI and its
involved employees.

18 5. Judges Ptomey and Garcia of the Court of Monroe County (CMC), FL, CMC, the judges of Florida's
Third District Court of Appeal (3DCA), 3DCA, and their other involved employees and agents, and
Florida Department of Financial Services (FDSF) with its involved employees and agents (I call them
21 Group State Courts) acted under color of state or local law, and did not provide proper investigations
and judicial and legal services, which injured me.

6. Before my injuring arrest and detention starting on 8/11/15 in Key Largo, FL, USA -and even further
24 back in time, since June 2003 when a van has injured and disabled me because of the lack of the
"TWO-WAY BIKE ROUTE" warning sign- to the present, Officials of the State of Florida (FL) and
Monroe County (MC), FL, have acted under color of state or local law, and have failed to provide for
27 my recovery the assistance for housing, legal care and health care, for reason of my disabilities, lack of
income due to disabilities, lack of savings due to disabilities, race, ethnicity, color, national origin, and
religion, which injured me and made me vulnerable to more abuses by others. I call Group MC those
30 liable, which includes MC, MC Department Of Social Services, KL Mayor/Commissioner Office, KL
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Mayor/Commissioner Sylvia Murphy, MC Administrator Roman Gastesi, State of Florida Department

of Financial Services (FDFS) and their other involved employees and agents. FDFS and the persons in
3 charge of the FDFS at all the relevant times are liable for not providing proper auditing of and not
correcting the public services in MC.

7. Defendants have discriminated against me and injured me because the color of my skin turns -due to
6 a protective reaction- from white to bronze1 during exposure to sunlight-, my health status has been
disabled by abusive incidents and attacks, my religion is Rational-Scientific Christianity and Human
Rights, my political preference is for Ethical Democracy and Laws, I was born in Romania (current
9 member of EU and NATO), outside USA (I became a citizen of the USA by naturalization in 2002), my
ethnic origin is Moldovan-Romanian.

8. Respectfully, I ask the Court to accept my motions, forms, pleadings, and other communications as
12 they are or assist me in correcting them. Indeed, due to the mental injuries that the Defendants caused
or aggravated, such as depression, anxiety, headaches, memory problems, lack of concentration and
attention, and other undiscovered yet issues, I am not able anymore to read and memorize all the rules
15 of procedures promptly and completely -directly, at least 20%, proximately, at least 50%-. Furthermore,
I have no money to hire lawyers for my case because my injuries stop me from keeping a job that
would provide income for me to pay the lawyers' fees. In addition, I can not find an attorney to help me
18 with this case on a contingency basis due to the many work-hours needed compared to the low income
potential for an attorney -please order the legislators in Florida to respect the Constitution of the USA,
which forbids cruelty, corruption and abuses, and to eliminate all abusive limits for remedies, as the
21 state of Oklahoma did recently; “the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that arbitrary caps on pain and
suffering damages imposed by the Legislature are unconstitutional. In 2009, the majority in the
Legislature pushed through legislation to limit pain and suffering damages despite repeated warning
24 that it was unconstitutional.”
justice-damages-cap/. ”Only 16% of those who reported having civil legal problems during the past
year received assistance [in all Florida].”

1 “the Whiter one appears, the more the suspect will be protected from police force.”; “whites received, on average,
longer prison sentences if they had Afrocentric features.”
force-on-suspects-who-look-really-really-white. My skin is completely white only during winters
but notify all that my education made me be against crimes during all seasons, no matter how tanned
my skin is.
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2018-budget-request#footnoteref5_lle1m3b, March 2019. For proper justice and civilization and for the
progress of our country, urgently, please create or ask the legislators to create a new Public Office with
3 a name such as “Public Civil Attorney Assistance for Mentally Injured Persons”, that must offer - free
or for credit or loan given from the public budget - professional, independent legal help in civil cases to
me and other persons in similar situations, who do not have anymore the necessary mental capacities
6 promptly and completely to study, understand and memorize the Laws and Courts' Procedures to
represent themselves to prove their complaints on time. If the Legal System does not offer professional,
independent legal help, free or for credit or loan given from the public budget, in civil cases to victims
9 who cannot prove their complaints themselves promptly because they lack the necessary mental skills
after an injury, and when attorneys will not take their cases due to lack of available time or other
reasons, then the victims will not be able to prove their claims, thus will not be compensated, and the
12 perpetrators will not be punished, thus will be encouraged to cause more suffering even to more
persons, and even kill, thus to vitiate and impair more our communities. We need to stop and offer
professional treatments to heal all offenders ASAP to prevent any future harm to anyone else. There is
15 no country that will provide a civil attorney free of charge or on credit for a person with cognitive
injuries and disabilities if no private attorney is available on contingency. Let's make such assistance a
civil right in all countries.
18 query=map+countries+where+free+civil+public+attorney+for+person+with+cognitive+disabilities&ca

9. Please allow me to file all my future documents by using the Court's electronic system to save
21 valuable resources by not printing and mailing. Please send all your communications to me by email.

10. Please approve trial by jury and chose independent Judge and Jurors.


11. The claims alleged herein arise pursuant to U.S. Constitution Amendments, Section 533 of the
Public Health Service Act (42 USC § 290cc-33), Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
27 42 U.S.C. § 1983, § 1985, § 1988 and § 12131, et seq., 29 U.S.C. § 794 (Rehabilitation Act), Florida
Constitution, Article X, Section 11, Monroe County (MC), FL, Code of Ordinances (CO), Ch. 26, Art.
IV., Sec. 26-98 (b), and other laws.

30 12. This Court has jurisdiction over this action under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1345, because it involves
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claims arising under federal law -see 42 U.S.C. § 12133- and under 28 U.S.C. § 1343(a)(3). This Court
has supplemental jurisdiction over the state law cause of action asserted in this Complaint pursuant to
3 28 U.S.C. § 1367.

13. The Court may grant the relief sought in this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201-02, 42 U.S.C. §
1985, 34 U.S.C. § 12601 -punishes misconduct of law enforcement (civil enforcement)-, 18 U.S.C. §§
6 241, 242 -punishes misconduct of law enforcement (criminal enforcement)-, and other laws.

14. Venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1391 because all or a substantial
portion of the events or omissions giving rise to this cause of action took place within this district, and
9 because Defendants are located in this district.


15. Plaintiff is a private person. Plaintiff has the following mailing address: c/o CILK - Center for
12 Independent Living, 103400 Overseas Hwy. #243, Key Largo, FL 33037; Mobile cell phone: 305-615-
0061, Emails:,

16. To compensate me for their injuring, abusive actions or omissions, and to correct their services,
15 Plaintiff files this action against the following main Defendants:

17. Monroe County (MC), located in Florida, The Office of the Commissioner (OC) of District 5 of
MC -which includes the City of Key Largo (KL)-, Commissioner Sylvia Murphy,
18, of District 5 of MC, in her private capacity and her official business
capacity; MC Administrator Roman Gastesi,, in his private
capacity and his official business capacity. “The County Administrator does not oversee functions
21 handled by Monroe County's five elected Constitutional Officers. The Constitutional Officers are Clerk
of Courts, Sheriff’s Office, Tax Collector, Property Appraiser, and Supervisor of Elections. The
following departments fall under the direct supervision of the County Administrator: […] Social
24 Services (SS)” -; MC, SS, OCKL,
Commissioner Sylvia Murphy, and MC Administrator Roman Gastesi, have acted under color of state
or local law, and have failed to provide me -for my recovery- housing and other social services,
27 including health care and legal care for a person with disabilities, for reason of my disabilities, lack of
income due to disabilities, lack of savings due to disabilities, race, ethnicity, color, national origin, and
religion, which injured me more and unreasonably, and made me vulnerable to more abuses by others.
30 Even though I was injured and disabled in 2013 due to the illegal lack of a required public traffic sign,
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which has caused me pain during some rowing and lifting, I still have had to live in my anchored boat
because MCSS has not provided me with public housing, and I had to do my swimming therapy in
3 open public water where I was arrested and detained wrongly and abusively. MCSD should have
warned me only about the local, obscure rule to swim without snorkel during 7 days, and should not
have arrested me and injured me, and MCSS should have provided me with public housing and should
6 have given me a pass at the YMCA or other properly heated pool. MCSS knew or should have known
about the lack of professionalism of the LEEs but MCSS did nothing to protect me. MC acted under
color of state or local law and injured me unreasonably. I call them Group MC (MC, SS, OCKL,
9 Commissioner Sylvia Murphy, and MC Administrator Roman Gastesi). Truly, I was placed on a
waiting list in KL but Group MC moved other, more recent applicants ahead of me, thus I have
been homeless. Please ask FBI to investigate the abusive changes on the lists. Moreover, they
12 knew or should have known about Neece Center, the recovery shelter in Key West, but have not
told me about it -even though Neece Center is not proper, lawful for health recovery, it is less
torture than wrong, disabling arrest and detention-. Please investigate whether the elected
15 officials in MC and FL -and their employees, agents or contractors- lied about their education to
be employed in posts with higher salaries, for which they were not qualified, thus they injured me
and others -for example, MC -and all South FL- have not built sufficient public housing, thus the
18 waiting lists are very long and actually closed most of the time. I volunteer for the construction of
new public housing. Please investigate whether the funds for the public recovery housing in South
FL have been embezzled. Please compare how the officials in MC and in all South FL have
21 developed South FL -including the extent of South FL's public housing and other community
services- with what the best, civilized, and advanced laws and practices in the USA and the world
require; and the causes of the long and closed lists for the public recovery housing in South FL.

24 18. Deputy Cody Kern (DK) and Deputy Madnick (DM) employed by the Sheriff Department of
Monroe County (SDMC), Key Largo, FL, in their private capacities and their official business
capacities, for not providing proper Law Enforcement services, including investigations and safe
27 conditions during detention in vehicle; they acted under color of state or local law to arrest me without
any cause, which injured me unreasonably. They have reduced severely my integrated reasoning
skills -see Appendix F with the GMAT report-, which has not served any public interest. Thus,
30 they have destroyed directly at least 17% -proximately, at least 50%- of my intellectual skills;
and have caused me PTSD; and have caused me new and worsened old brain injuries;
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19. The Sheriff Department of Monroe County (SDMC), FL, and Rick Ramsay (RR),, in his official capacity as Sheriff of Monroe County, in his private capacity, and
3 in all his other capacities; he is represented by Gregory J. Jolly at Purdy, Jolly, Giuffreda & Barranco,
P.A., Attorneys, 2455 East Sunrise Boulevard, Suite 1216, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304, telephone
(954) 462-3200, telecopier (954) 462-3861, e-mail:; RR and SDMC are liable for
6 not providing proper training and law enforcement (LE) services, including investigations and
detention conditions and services; RR and SDMC acted under color of state or local law to arrest me
without probable cause, which injured me unreasonably. I call RR, DK, DM, SDMC and FDSF with its
9 involved employees and agents Group RRa.

20. Other Sheriff Deputies of SDMC, whose names I do not know, thus I call them John Jail 1-?, John
Deputy 1-?, in their private and their official business capacities, for not providing proper Law
12 Enforcement services during my detention; they acted under color of state or local law and injured me
unreasonably; I call them, RR, SDMC and FDSF with its involved employees and agents Group RRb;

21. DK, DM, John Jail 1-?, John Deputy 1-?, and the Sheriff Department of Monroe County (SDMC),
15 FL, are represented by General Counsel Patrick McCullah,;

22. Judges Ptomey and Garcia of the Court of Monroe County (CMC), FL, in their private and their
official business capacities, CMC, the judges of Florida's Third District Court of Appeal (3DCA) in
18 their private and their official business capacities, and 3DCA -I call them Group State Courts, which
includes FDFS- for not providing proper Judicial and legal defense services; they acted under color of
state or local law and injured me unreasonably by conspiring to abuse me and hide the abuses;

21 23. The legislators -I call them J. Legislator 1-? or Group Legislators- who conspired to enslave many
lawful citizens, and voted laws which were against the U.S. Constitution, for example, voted against
the provision of the services of the Public Defender free of charge as US Constitution requires; they
24 acted under color of state or local law and injured me unreasonably;

24. Florida Department of Financial Services (FDFS) and the persons in charge of the FDFS at all the
relevant times, J. Finance 1-?, in their private capacities and their official business capacities, whose
27 registered agent is Kelly Hagenbeck, Administrator, South Tort Claims Unit, Division of Risk
Management,, 200 E. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-
0338; ph. (850) 413-3122. They monitor the activities of SDMC, CMC, Monroe County and its
30 Administrators, Mayors and Commissioners. They are liable for not providing proper auditing and
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correcting of MC's LE, Judicial, and Social Services, and of 3DCA's Judicial Services; they acted under
color of state or local law and injured me unreasonably.

3 25. SDMC, MC, MC Social Services, KL Mayor/Commissioner Office, MC Courts, 3DCA, FDFS,
their supervisors, and their other involved employees and agents (I call them Group Gov, which
includes Groups RR, State Courts, and MC) violated my rights under U.S. Constitution Amendments,
6 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12134 (Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as
amended), 42 USCS § 2000e (Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended), 42 U.S.C. § 1983, § 1985, and §
1988, 29 U.S.C. § 794 (Rehabilitation Act), and other laws; and all the laws' implementing regulations.

9 26. Group MC which includes MC's Department of Social Services violated my rights under the laws
in the above paragraph and also my rights under Section 533 of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC
§ 290cc-33).

12 27. Group RR and Group State Courts (I call them Group LE) violated my rights under the laws in the
above two paragraphs and also my rights under Florida Constitution, Article X, Section 11, and Monroe
County (MC), FL, Code of Ordinances (CO), Ch. 26, Art. IV., Sec. 26-98 (b), and under the legal,
15 moral and ethical principle “Lex iniusta non est lex”.

28. Remedies are offered by 29 U.S.C. § 794a, 42 U.S.C. § 1985, 34 U.S.C. § 12601 -punishes
misconduct of law enforcement (civil enforcement)-, 18 U.S.C. §§ 241, 242 -punish misconduct of law
18 enforcement (criminal enforcement)-, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201-02, and other laws; and their implementing
regulations. Please order Defendants to enforce the laws and compensate me for injuring me

21 29. Monroe County, Mayor/Commissioner Office, the Sheriff Department of Monroe County (SDMC),
CMC, 3DCA, and FDFS are public entities under 42 U.S.C. § 12131(1), and thus are subject to Title II
of the ADA, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12134, and the implementing regulation, 28 C.F.R. Part 35; they
24 receive federal funding, thus are subject to Section 504 of the RA, 29 U.S.C. § 794, and the
implementing regulation, 28 C.F.R. Part 42.

30. Each previous defendant acted under color of state or local law, and have failed to provide me
27 public services for reason of my disabilities, lack of income due to disabilities, lack of savings due
to disabilities, race, ethnicity, color, national origin, and religion.

31. Additional Defendants are:

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32. Hampton Inn (HI), 102400 O/S Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037, franchise of Hilton Worldwide;
Hampton Inn's employees -not properly trained or hired or both- committed criminal “swatting” by
3 lying to LEEs. See another case against employees of Hampton Inn at

33. In their private and official business capacities, employees of Hampton Inn, individuals Paul
6 Thomas, Chavone Wilson, and J. Agent, who committed criminal “swatting” by lying to LEEs.


9 34. U.S. Const. Amend. VIII: Even if I committed a crime, which I did not, the U.S. Const. Amend.
VIII prohibits one's cruel and unusual punishment.

35. U.S. Const. Amend. VI: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy
12 and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been
committed […]; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for
obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.”

15 36. U.S. Const. Amend. XIV, sec. 1: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State
shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United
18 States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

37. U.S. Const. Amend. IV guarantees “The right of the people to be secure in their persons”, prohibits
21 unreasonable seizures.

38. U.S. Const. Amend. V guarantees the right to due process, prohibits self-incrimination.

39. U.S. Const. Amend. I guarantees the freedom of speech.

24 40. U.S. Const. Amend. IX protects rights not enumerated in the Constitution.

41. 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968 - The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act

provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an
27 ongoing criminal organization. The RICO Act focuses specifically on racketeering and allows
the leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes they ordered others to do or assisted them in doing.
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42. 34 U.S.C. § 10228 and 42 U.S.C. § 2000d,  et seq. and their implementing regulations, including 34
C.F.R. Part 104.4, prohibit both individual instances and patterns or practices of discrimination on
3 ground of disability, race, color, or national origin; and offer individual remedial relief for the victim
and changes in the policies and procedures of the agency to remedy violations.

43. Section 533 of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC § 290cc-33) prohibits discrimination on the
6 basis of age, race, color, national origin, disability, sex (gender), or religion in Projects for Assistance in
Transition from Homelessness.

44. Under 42 U.S.C. § 12131 et seq. (Title II of the ADA), a public entity cannot “den[y] the benefits of
9 [its] services, programs, or activities” to a qualified individual with a disability, or subject any such
individual to discrimination. 42 U.S.C. § 12132. The DOJ has promulgated regulation 28 C.F.R. Part 35
implementing Title II, which states that a public entity may not (1) “[d]eny a qualified individual with a
12 disability the opportunity to participate in or benefit from [its] aid, benefit, or service,” 28 C.F.R.
§ 35.130(b)(1)(i); (2) “[a]fford a qualified individual with a disability an opportunity to participate in or
benefit from [its] aid, benefit, or service that is not equal to that afforded others,” id. § 35.130(b)(1)(ii).
15 I may file a private lawsuit for violations of these statute to seek individual relief for myself, in addition
to changes in the policies and procedures of the law enforcement agency.

45. 29 U.S.C. § 794 (Rehabilitation Act) and the implementing regulations, including 28 C.F.R. Part 42
18 prohibit discrimination by State and local law enforcement agencies that receive financial assistance
from USA's DOJ.

46. 34 U.S.C. § 12601, 18 U.S.C. §§ 241, 242 punish misconduct of law enforcement.

47. 42 U.S.C. §1983 (Reconstruction Civil Rights Act): “Every person who, under color of any statute,
ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects,
or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof
to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be
liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress.” The
remedies allowed under a constitutional § 1983 claim include: compensatory and punitive damages; an
injunction; and declaratory relief. Smith v. Wade, 461 U.S. 30, 51 (1983).

21 48. 42 U.S.C. § 1985: In case that 42 U.S.C. § 1985 applies here (if we prove more probably than not
that it was a conspiracy which involved any defendants), I notify you that I was born in Romania
(current member of EU and NATO), outside the USA, thus I am part of a different racial group from
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the Defendants, which make me an easier target of corruption or malice. “Essential to the claim,
however, is that the conspiracy be motivated by racial animus." Word of FaithWorld Outreach Ctr.
3 Church v. Sawyer, 90 F.3d 118, 124 (5th Cir. 1996).

49. State of Florida's Constitution, Article X, Section 11 states “The title to lands under navigable
waters, within the boundaries of the state, which have not been alienated, including beaches below
6 mean high water lines [MHWL], is held by the state, by virtue of its sovereignty, in trust for all the
people. Sale of such lands may be authorized by law, but only when in the public interest. Private use
of portions of such lands may be authorized by law, but only when not contrary to the public interest.”

9 50. Monroe County (MC), FL, Code of Ordinances (CO), Ch. 26, Art. IV.- DIVING AND
snorkeling prohibited (Sec. 26-98) states

12 51. “(a) It is a public nuisance and is unlawful for any person to dive or snorkel in any manmade
water body or marina, or within 300 feet of an improved residential or commercial shoreline beginning
three days prior to the opening of and during the entirety of the lobster mini-season and for the first five
15 days of commercial lobster season2.

52. (b) Nothing in this article shall prohibit diving incidental to vessel or dock maintenance, provided
the diver performing the maintenance lawfully displays a diver down flag and otherwise complies with
18 the requirements of F.S. ch. 327, or diving and snorkeling in front of his or her property to the center
line of the canal or 100 feet of open water [which was my case, thus DK -hired and trained by RR who
was in charge of SDMC- arrested me illegally and abusively; my boat had been anchored lawfully in
21 Tarpon Basin (TB) since 2013 and RR's employees should have known me and my lawful situation and

24 53. CO Sec. 26-96. - Intent and purpose: “The intent and purpose of this article is to protect and
promote public health, safety and welfare and abate the destruction of property, deleterious
environmental effects, and criminal trespass that results from the close proximity of divers to public

2. Commercial lobster season means the period of time designated for harvesting of lobster,
currently from August 6 through March 31 of the following year, authorized by the Marine Fisheries
3 Department of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission pursuant to Section 68B-
24.005, Florida Administrative Code, as amended from time to time.
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and private property, as well as from the interactions and explorations by divers of docks, piers, and
bulkheads in search of spiny lobster during the lobster mini-season and commercial lobster season.
3 Such activities constitute a public nuisance. This article shall be effective in both incorporated and
unincorporated Monroe County to the extent that no conflict exist with a municipal ordinance as
provided in Art. VIII § 1(f) of the Florida Constitution.” ibid.

6 54. CO Sec. 26-99 - “Penalties” states “Any person cited for a violation of this article shall be deemed
charged with a noncriminal infraction [(The penalty for a civil traffic infraction is usually a fine
and costs but not arrest.)], shall be cited for such an infraction, and shall be cited to appear before the
9 county court. Citations shall be issued pursuant to F.S. § 327.74, (uniform boating citations [but not
for trespassing]) by any law enforcement agency authorized to issue such citations. The civil penalty
for any such infraction is $50.00 […] not to exceed $500.00 […] The county court, after a hearing [,but
12 not arrest -please see below why the arrest was not necessary-,] shall make a determination as to
whether an infraction has been committed. […] infraction must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.”.

55. The U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) forms part of customary international
15 law and is a powerful tool in applying diplomatic and moral pressure to governments that violate any of
its articles. “In Filartiga, the court stressed the importance of the UDHR and the Declaration on the
Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture. […] U.N. declarations […] become
18 recognized as laying down rules binding upon the States. Filartiga v. Pena-Irala, 630 F.2d 876, 883 (2d
Cir. 1980). The court further stated that 'the Universal Declaration has become, in toto, a part of
binding, customary international law.'” - UN Documents in US Case Law, by Paul Hellyer, 2007,
21 Marshall-Wythe Law Library, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, UDHR requires all
to “act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and
24 security of person.”, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment.”, “the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals”, “independent
and impartial tribunal”, ”No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.” -Universal Declaration of
27 Human Rights, GA Res 217A (III), UN GAOR, 3rd session, 183 plen mtg, UN Doc A/810 (10
December 1948).

VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 14 of 99

56. At all times material hereto, Defendant RR who was elected in 2012 Sheriff in Monroe County, FL,
USA, has acted under color of state or local law, has managed the Sheriff Department of Monroe
3 County which includes Key Largo, has employed, trained and licensed deputies, and is liable for the
acts and omissions of the officers, agents, servants and employees committed while in the course and
scope of their employment with the Sheriff Department of Monroe County.

6 57. At all times material hereto, RR and his involved deputies acted under color of state or local law,
and were officers and/or agents, and/or employees of the Sheriff Department of Monroe County, and
were acting in the course and scope of their agency and/or employment, so that the Sheriff Department
9 of Monroe County and its supervisor, FDFS, are vicariously liable for their active negligence,
recklessness, hateful malevolence or corruption in the handling and treatment of SPATARU, as further
alleged herein. SDMC and FDFS have existed under the laws of the State of Florida and of the USA.

12 58. While I was riding my bicycle lawfully, a van hit me, Plaintiff SPATARU, on 06/04/2013 in Key
Largo, FL, due to the lack of the "TWO-WAY BIKE ROUTE" warning sign as required by the FL and
Federal Departments of Transportation, for which I started a lawsuit in 2017 in the FL Court -it is now
15 at the Supreme Court of the USA, see Valentin Spataru vs. Florida DOT, et al.; below USSC, the case
numbers are 3D18-2142, 3D17-2295 (, 17-
CA-291-P -. I had immediate pain in my left knee, left leg, left foot, left middle-upper back, and palms,
18 due to the three impacts caused and to my turning in the air to avoid falling on my head and breaking
my neck but to fall on my hands and feet. Violent, tearing pain appeared in my neck when I woke up
one morning, a few days after the accident. I contacted Attorney Serghei Gherman who sent me to Mrs.
21 Levy, chiropractor, for treatments which included manipulations of joints (which did not heal me but
caused me, as part of a conspiracy, also new pain in my right elbow, right shoulder, left hip, and in my
middle-upper vertebral joint, for which I started a lawsuit in 2015 in the local, MC, FL, Court). As
24 therapy for my injuries, Mrs. Levy asked me to swim, which I did in FL state, public, water near my
live-aboard sailboat which was anchored in Tarpon Basin, Key Largo, FL.

59. At all times material, Defendants DK, DM, RR, SDMC, Judge Ptomey owed Mr. SPATARU,
27 Plaintiff, a duty to exercise reasonable care in the investigation, handling and treatment of Mr.
SPATARU, and failed to exercise that standard of care expected and required in Key Largo, in FL, in
the USA, and in the other countries of the United Nations.

30 60. The Monroe County Sheriff's Deputies Kern and Madnick acted under color of state or local law
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 15 of 99

and “considered” my swimming which was therapeutic and legal, as illegal swimming or lobstering
and committed wrong and injuring arrest and detention starting on 8/11/15 in Key Largo, FL, USA.

3 61. The A/C in the overheated car of Deputy Kern (DK) did not function inside the back but I was
detained anyway there, even though I complained about the unacceptable, unendurable heat, and
requested cooling for the ~ 30' transportation to jail; moreover, DK did not even open the windows in
6 the back side which was separated from the front by a thick divider, thus I overheated which injured
me. Truly, the air gets very hot and humid in August in Florida, and even hotter in a car; it is illegal in
Florida to leave children or pets in a car, as a child dies in less than 10' from hyperthermia. DK should
9 have reported the A/C issue to his superiors, Madnick or RR, and used another car with an air-
conditioner that worked, but he did not, which was abusive and must be punished. DK's local superior,
Deputy Madnick, said later, unofficially that himself had no duty to check every vehicle every day;
12 however, RR had a duty to hire, train, and supervise properly, to create a culture of respect and care for
every human being, including me, and terminate and revoke the professional licenses of abusive

15 62. In addition, DK did not let me take my credit card to pay the bail to be released ASAP; and DK did
not let me take my phone to have my friends' numbers to call to pay the bail.

63. At all times material, RR had a duty to design reasonably safe procedures to hire, train, test,
18 supervise, evaluate and otherwise control the deputies who injured me; to design reasonably safe
transportation and detaining procedures and conditions, and to maintain and keep all conditions
reasonably safe; to design and conduct reasonably checks of employees and conditions; to design, test,
21 and implement a proper system for reporting emergency issues, such as car A/C's malfunction; and to
warn of perils.

64. On 08/11/2015, at around 4:30 PM, I, Plaintiff was a public invitee of the State of Florida, based on
24 its Constitution -Article X, Section 11-, to swim even with snorkel and swimming goggles -essential for
swimming safety- in the Tarpon Basin (TB) which is public water in Key Largo (KL), adjacent to the
Government Center, 102050 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, Florida, and Hampton Inn (HI), 102400
27 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, Florida, and I was lawfully at the subject location, swimming lawfully
with a snorkel not farther than 100 feet from my property, a lawfully anchored sailboat in open water.

65. RR breached his duty of care, acted under color of state or local law, and injured me unreasonably
30 on 08/11/2015, at around 7 PM, when:
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 16 of 99

66. his deputies Kern and Madnick breached their duty of care, acted under color of state or local law,
and injured me unreasonably by arresting me, the Plaintiff, wrongly and deceitfully from a FWC boat,
3 and without probable cause and a warrant;

67. DK transported me harmfully ~30 minutes even though a car with proper A/C was available;

68. detained me harmfully in the Plantation Key jail over night without medication and access to law
6 library, without a proper mattress for my back pain and without a proper pillow for my neck pain;

69. then transported me harmfully ~120 minutes at ~2 AM to the jail's hospital in Key West;

70. and detained me in the Key West jail's “hospital” for 6 more days without medication, without a
9 proper mattress for my back pain, without a proper pillow for my neck pain, and without a proper warm
sweater for the cold inside temperature -and my requests for them were not answered.

71. The abuses permanently affected my body, including my mind. Please order RR and all LEEs in FL
12 and USA to use only police cars that provide proper air conditioning for all, and that LEEs handcuff the
detainees loose enough and with the arms in the front not the back of their bodies during transportation
to avoid body injuries. Please order the jail's medical requests system to be overhauled, redesigned
15 because the current system does not work, impairs people -and even kills-. Indeed, RR has hired wrong
persons, as, for example, the article “Florida Keys deputy arrested after road rage incident” shows at .

18 72. Truly, the air in the back of the Police car was too hot for me, and I told DK but DK acted under
color of state or local law and detained me in the “cooking” back compartment for the ~ 30'
transportation to jail anyway. My body, including my brain, overheated and I felt almost suffocated.
21 The hyperthermia has destroyed directly at least 17% -proximately, at least 47%- of my
intellectual skills -see Appendix F with the GMAT report-; and has caused me PTSD; and has
caused me new and worsened old brain injuries which manifest as recurring headaches,
24 insomnia, nausea, poor balance, anxiety, depression, attention deficit, memory deficit, and other
physical or psychological symptoms. I still suffer from the severe medical problems caused by
DK's brutality. Truly, hyperthermia damages the body permanently (“At these high
27 temperatures, body proteins and the membranes around the cells in the body, especially in the
brain, begin to be destroyed or malfunction [,thus neurons will be short-circuited]. The extreme
heat can affect internal organs, causing breakdown of the heart muscle cells and blood vessels,
30 damage to internal organs, and death.” Heat Stroke (Hyperthermia) - Harvard Health, Jan 4, 2013,
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 17 of 99
hyperthermia). In addition, I was not properly hydrated, which worsened the effects of
3 hyperthermia; please order RR to ensure that an accused person is not dehydrated during
detention (“risk of hyperthermia include: Being dehydrated.” Jun 27, 2012, Hyperthermia: too hot
for your health | National Institutes of Health (NIH,
6 releases/hyperthermia-too-hot-your-health-1). Indeed, as professionals, RR and his deputies, knew or
should have known about hyperthermia and dehydration. The lack of proper air conditioning in a
heated car is very bad torture and illegal, against the U.S. Const. Amend. VIII which prohibits cruel and
9 unusual punishment. It is undeniable that government agencies lead by rogue, pathocratic people have
tortured citizens, for example, during the CIA’s human “experimentation” discussed in Orlikow v. U.S.,
682 F.Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988), during secretly administered lysergic acid diethylamide discussed in
12 United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669 (1987), and during military chemical “experimentation” as
discussed in Congressional Committee Report 103-97, 103d Congress, 2d Session, S. Prt. 103-97 (Dec.
8, 1994). In addition, I quote from, "Psychopaths [and
15 sociopaths] differ from normal people in that they lack the ability to relate emotionally to others. As a
consequence, they have a terrifying ability to treat others not as human beings but as things to be
exploited, tortured or killed, as they see fit.", and indeed, RR and his conspirators tortured me.
18 "Predators use charm, manipulation, intimidation, and violence to control others and to satisfy their
own selfish needs. Lacking in conscience [, soul, remorse, fear of consequences] and in feelings for
others, they cold-bloodedly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and
21 expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret.”, and indeed, all offenders are very charming
and cold-blooded. More quotes: “Psychopaths are not technically insane. They don't have a
psychosis, like schizophrenia. They are experts in appearing normal.”, "the question is how to stop
24 the powerful from doing as much damage as they can to us.", “While you try to 'understand' [and
help] the psychopath, they are secretly calculating how best to cause you the most suffering.", "The
prevalence of sociopathy in the United States seems to be increasing. The 1991 Epidemiologic
27 Catchment Area study, sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, reported that in the fifteen
years preceding the study, the prevalence of antisocial personality disorder had nearly doubled among
the young in America.", "Countries ruled by psychopaths become corrupt and brutish police states
30 constantly at war with created and imaginary enemies. The population becomes paranoid,
neurotic, and ultimately secondary psychopaths. In a psychopathic culture, everyone must adopt a
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 18 of 99

ruthless attitude as a survival strategy.", "The psychopath enjoys making others suffer. Just as
normal humans enjoy seeing other people happy, or doing things that make other people smile, the
3 psychopath enjoys the exact opposite.", "Real power is unelected. Politicians change, but the power
structure does not. The Network […] operates behind the scenes, for its own benefit, without ever
consulting those who are affected by its decisions. The Network is composed of individuals who
6 prefer anonymity. They are 'satisfied to possess the reality rather than the appearance of power.'
This approach of secretly exercising power is common throughout history because it protects the
conspirators from the consequences of their actions. […] A primary tactic for directing public opinion
9 and "government" policy is to place willing servants in leadership positions of trusted institutions
(media, universities, government [,including law enforcement], foundations, etc.). If there is ever
a major backlash against a given policy, the servant can be replaced.”, “Historically, those who
12 establish sophisticated systems of domination are not only highly intelligent; they are supremely
deceptive and ruthless. They completely ignore the ethical barriers that govern a normal human
being's behavior. They do not believe that the moral and legislative laws, which others are
15 expected to abide by, apply to them." Please find the others in the conspiracy “network”,
including the masterminds, add them as defendants, and order them to compensate me and to
stop the abuses. Indeed, "The truth is the only thing worth working towards.”, “True conscience
18 raises us above the example of [sick-]animal behaviour set by the pathocrats.". Indeed, the evil
“Network” is active; “The sheer numbers of people complaining of being targeted, including people
with post-graduate degrees and a lifetime of achievements, and the similarities in symptoms [-
21 psychological and physical symptoms resulting from intentional harassment-], tend to outweigh a
dismissive response based on charges of anecdotal evidence or group paranoia”, http://www.rob-, viewed on May 5th, 2019. Indeed,
24 my torture by Offenders was premeditated, injuring aggression. The OrC's leader has targeted me for
my whistle-blowing. Indeed, RR's “unofficial” “guidelines” “encouraged” LEEs' unreasonable and
abusively violent “tactics” on targeted individuals like me. Indeed, in my case too, there was no real
27 need to arrest and detain me.

73. I wrote a complaint to FL Office of the Inspector General,, on Jan 21, 2016, with no answer about the results of the
30 investigation. However, “Police must not be allowed to investigate themselves but must be subject to
independent and unbiased civilian oversight” and “'Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 19 of 99

get you killed', Bruce Springsteen”-

74. Starting in June 2013, after a van hit and injured me in Key Largo due to lack of the required
3 warning bike route traffic sign, I commented in public about suing FL Department of Transportation
and others, thus I antagonized the decision-makers in the State of Florida and Mo. Co, and their
supporters, instruments and friends, including RR and his employees; they retaliated illegally by
6 conspiring for and committing my abusive and injuring arrest. We need to be able to talk in public
without any retaliation, about the debilitating effects of corruptioni due to which many streets in Key
Largo did not have the required bike route traffic sign and there were no proper community services in
9 South Florida, such as victims funds, free or on credit health recovery hospital/home/hotel, and health
and legal care for injured persons. We need to be able to ask for and monitor investigations of criminals
who infiltrated our country's private or public organizations, including our local governments. Indeed,
12 U.S. Const. Amend. I guarantees the freedom of speech. Indeed, RR is used by or part of a conspiracy
which abuses and causes “accidents” and injuries to people who comment about the corruption and
other abuses; and which helps some service providers such as some attorneys, insurance brokers or
15 agents, doctors and other health care providers make more money or receive other benefits or
kickbacks when “accidents” happen to people. Please investigate, prosecute and stop the abusive
conspiracy. Beyond a reasonable doubt, Defendants were part of or manipulated instruments of a
18 conspiracy group that wanted to benefit from the corruption of the public services and works, such as
the construction of the bike route in Key Largo without the proper traffic warning signs (how much
money were stolen by not installing the signs?), which caused an accident that injured me badly.
21 Indeed, Judge Ptomey had a corrupt interest when he kept me in jail then convicted and sentenced me
for trespassing to make me pay ~$6003 to MC from which he benefits as its employee and to make me
hire attorneys -part of his occupational, conspiratorial, and social group- in MC, who thus will make
24 more money; then, Judge Garcia blamed the lack of hearing transcript even though he could and should
-according to the laws- have reconstructed the hearing. Moreover, brutal RR's deputies and conditions
have caused me injuries that would need attorneys, insurance brokers or agents, doctors who must be
27 paid large sums. Please request FBI to investigate, prosecute and stop the abusive local or regional

3 “For the cities and towns relying heavily on fines, though, multiple headwinds could pose problems.
Mounting legal and political movements are targeting cuts to fines and court fees.” Addicted to
Fines: A Special Governing Report,
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 20 of 99

conspiracy. Please make sure that the investigators are not part of the criminal conspiracy4, also by
analyzing the solving rates of the LEEs; historically, most unsolved crimes have been committed by the
3 investigators or their family or friends.

75. Moreover, I believe that the heads of the organized crime (OrC) clans ordered my elimination, at
least mental, due to my comments, even though constructive, regarding permissive USA financial
6 laws passed by the Congress upon the “advice” of “lobbyists” (more than $28 billion has been spent on
lobbying in the United States in 2017 -,
even though the financial crimes of the years 2001-2003 and prior years should have stopped the
9 lobbyists. I have had the Master's Degree in accountancy from University of Georgia, USA, since the
year 2000 and the Master's Degree in financial management from the Academy for Economic Studies,
Romania, since 1997, which convinced the accounting mega-company Deloitte to hire me in 2002 for
12 the Atlanta, GA, USA, international taxation department, helped me to obtain the Certified Public
Accountant (CPA) license in 2003 and gave me the knowledge to understand and comment against the
permissive financial laws that cannot prevent fraudulent financial management and recover the stolen
15 money. Indeed, 147 tightly knit companies, through their 147 CEOs, appear to be able to exert control
over 40 percent of the entire global business network: “37 million companies and investors globally,
[…] there is a core of 1318 companies with interlocking ownerships who are essentially involved with
18 or able to influence the actions of the other 42,000 or so transnationals. The transnationals in turn can
influence the behaviors of other companies and even nation states [, including the USA, thus the
top managers of the transnationals can decide for their own benefit the prices, salaries, even the
21 taxes, monetary and credit policies -including the interest rates-, who perform the public
contracts, then who audit them, etc., which can increase corruption, thus lower the quality of all
public services; and many can suffer]. In terms of economic weight, the 1318 companies
24 represent 20 percent of global operating revenues, and collectively through share ownership they
own the majority of the world’s leading firms, representing a further 60 percent of global
revenues [for a total of 80%]. Within the 1318 lies a so-termed “super-entity” of 147 tightly knit
27 companies […] able to exert control over 40 percent of the entire international business
4 “the FBI agent ended up going down also for taking bribes and for the 1973 murder of a Bulger
target in Florida. He will die in prison.” -
history/whitey-bulger-5-pop-culture-takes-on-boston-irish-mob-legend. “Around June 1984, the Key
West Police Department located in Monroe County, Florida, was declared a criminal enterprise
under the federal RICO statutes […] running a protection racket for illegal cocaine smugglers.”
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 21 of 99

network.“ -
companies/article/540323. Truly, today, more than $30 trillion -more than 10% of the value of the
3 planet- in cash, real estate titles, shares and bonds from all countries are deposited in tax havens – such
as the City of London- mostly by the organized crime (OrC) and their instruments, which give them
almost unlimited money to conspire and commit more crimes. “Parliaments of the Western liberal
6 democratic model in general are there for plutocratic manipulation; that is their purpose”-
world-order/, but please ensure that it is not the situation in the USA anymore. Please ask the legislators
9 to vote proactive laws to prevent frauds and recover the stolen assets 100% plus at least 10% for every
year when the assets are missing. Please sue all the legislators who voted the bad laws; and all the
government officials who decided the monetary and credit policies that created the financial crises for
12 the unjust enrichment of the perpetrators and their instruments, and the unjust poverty of many victims.
“Suppressing and otherwise hiding […] key information is a massive deception which does not serve
the public and only serves to allow the bankers to easily become excessively powerful and corruPart”ii
15 Please order the legislators, DOJ, FBI and SEC to compile and post on their websites a list of all the
frauds since at least the Independence of the USA, that shows what percentages of the initial losses
were recovered, and links to the Courts' files and to the investigators' files, for the public to aid the
18 recovery; a list of all the abusive officials in every country since at least 1800, including all their
descendants, for the public to boycott them and their businesses -and even to sue them-; a list of all the
slave owners and their financiers, in every country, including all their descendants, and how much they
21 spent with their slaves compared with the normal salaries for such work and productivity, for the public
to boycott them and their businesses until they compensate -if they have not done it- and treat the
suffering descendants of all their slaves and all the victims of such psycho-sociopath descendants, and
24 to monitor all for new abuses of human rights; and a list of all the slave traders and their financiers,
including all their descendants, also to boycott them -until they compensate all- and monitor them for
new abuses of human rights. I volunteer to assist the research. Let's counteract and stop the organized
27 crime by putting safety and care for every person first in our communities. Our communities must
ensure that all companies, organizations, government departments, products and services are and will
be safe for all. Please ensure that we will have safe communities with no abusesiv and “accidents” in the
30 future.

76. Indeed, it is diabolical for a group to affect one mentally with hyperthermia and other excessive
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 22 of 99

stresses then to accuse one of not having acted properly on time to appeal the confusing order of Judge
Ptomey! Moreover, unfortunately, I have experienced myself also torturous 1. hacking of my PC and
3 unwanted changes to my files and foldersv, 2. attacks with air-borne sound or electromagnetic waves
gunsvi vii, and telepathy or brain waves guns to tire me, to make me to move away (even let my damaged
boat float away in the ocean with me in it) to unknown areas and people, shut up about an issue, or
6 abandon a lawsuit, 3. "acting" "people" who want to induce me with a hypnotic voice from my back,
side, or even front to do something ("do not complain”, "fight and do not let them arrest you", "do not
read that, you waste your time", "do not think too much to write that, no one will read it”, which were
9 bad advice). For more details, see the article by a former manager of a gang-stalking “syndicate”,, also in the file at!
AoQWyvOQcbRYguZol-nwxAvkelWRQw. Please stop them and order them to compensate me and
12 the other victims; please request all public and private law enforcement departments (including DHS,
CIA, NSA, FBI, ICE/Border Patrol, private security companies, vigilante organizations such as
Neighborhood Watch) to take me off of their enemies lists they have, and order them to protect me
15 from any harm; please demand the criminal prosecution, arrest, detainment, treatment -“Evidence
suggests behaviour can improve over time with therapy, even if core characteristics such as lack of
empathy remain. […] A person with antisocial personality disorder may also be reluctant to seek
18 treatment and may only start therapy when ordered to do so by a court“,, and permanent sterilization -if their
malign psychopathy will be genetically transmitted more than 51%5-, under battery, cruelty, terrorism
21 and other laws, of all involved in my false arrest and imprisonment, torture, in the conspiracy to
deprive me of constitutional rights, in the causation of my injuries, in my non-consensual treatment and
experimentation, and in other crimes not yet identified; please order them to compensate me and stop
24 abuses. I offer to volunteer to monitor legally and ethically such offenders and suspects of future

77. Moreover, I believe that the heads of the organized crime (OrC) clans ordered my elimination, at

5 “For both genders, Fearless Dominance exhibited a moderate negative genetic correlation with Int.
Moreover, further analysis revealed that 66% of the phenotypic covariance between these variables was
3 due to genetic contributions. Conversely, Impulsive Antisociality exhibited a moderate positive genetic
correlation with Ext, with 76% of the phenotypic covariance between these variables due to genetic
factors. […] the current data suggest that Fearless Dominance and Impulsive Antisociality may derive
6 from separate etiological processes that are substantially genetic in nature”,
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 23 of 99

least mental, due to my comments, even though constructive, regarding the failed USA's 'war on
drugs.' Truly, the 'war on drugs' actually became a war of those who control or manipulate the Law-
3 Enforcement Chiefs, such as those in South Florida, to eliminate the drug traffickers who are not in
their “importing”/trafficking network (which is so effective that one can buy from the “accepted
distributors” an illegal drug like THC, cocaine, crack, heroin or flakka in 15-45' as simply as one can
6 buy a Domino's pizza -, and which is hugely profitable as the general
criminalization raised the price of, for example, cocaine at least 75 times from ~$2 per gram – the
highest price in Colombia- to $150 in the United States, thus a transport that costs $1 million will
9 bring $75 million but many social issues, too, thus we need to find the best ways to stop the illegal
trade, and we must be free to raise public concerns). Truly, our communities must study and adopt
from the success of the clinical decriminalization in countries such as Portugal and Switzerland
12 (which allocate public funding -$2 per gram of cocaine not $150!- for supervised administration of the
safe quality drugs and thus eliminate most of the crimes and violence and generated diseases –
15 successful-drug-policies). I believe that OrC wants to get rid of people like me, unfavorable to the
illegal traders, as I believe that most illegal traders care only about their profits and not about the real
well-being of their clients; indeed, I was offered on the street to buy illegal drugs -I did not buy any-
18 but I was not told about their adverse effects, and was not asked, as one expects from doctors or
healers, about my illnesses that could be made worse by the drugs. Indeed, due to my comments, even
though constructive, regarding drugs, I have become OrC's target, and they use all possible methods to
21 annihilate their targets, including me, without suffering any consequences.

78. Moreover, I believe that OrC in FL ordered my elimination, at least mental, thus their
“instruments” have caused injuring “incidents”, due to my discovery and whistle-blowing of a tactic
24 they use to hide the illegal source of their wealth. Pedro A. Suarez sold me their small sailboat in 2012,
and I gave him and his wife, Svitlana Khramtsova, a $5,000 loan in December 2012 to buy a bigger
boat for themselves. They have “disappeared” and not returned my money, thus I sued them -see 2017-
27 000266-AP-01 and 2017-000081-AP-01. Doing research, I discovered that they are most probably
involved in illegal drug trafficking, and used their illegal profits to purchase a $800,000 apartment on
their mother's name, Conchita Suarez -see https://miamidade.county-
30 and
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 24 of 99

Moreover, Pedro Suarez could pay bonds of $11,500 when he was arrested for robbery/armed weapon,
according to
3 minage=40&maxage=51&sex=&county=&chargecode=&fname=pedro&fpartial=True&lname=SUAR
EZ&startdate=&enddate=, but he did not return my $5,000 even though I needed my money for basic
and health care expenses; indeed, he is a ruthless criminal. Please request IRS and FBI to investigate
6 the sources of their wealth and stop their criminal activities; and the sources of all others' wealth to
ensure that they were legal not criminal activities.

79. Moreover, I believe that the heads of the organized crime (OrC) clans ordered my elimination, at
9 least mental, due to my comments, even though lawful and constructive, regarding OrC's
manipulation, infiltration and corruption of governments -including LE and Courts-, mas-media,
corporations, and other organizations by OrCviii.

12 80. The dismissal of my previous case against RR by Judge Garcia, then by the Florida State Courts,
for the lack of the transcript from the hearings by Judge Ptomey was against the U.S. Const. Amend. V
which guarantees the right to due process. Certainly, the judges of Florida's Third District Court of
15 Appeal (3DCA) and Monroe County Civil Circuit Court (CC) -I call them Group State Judges- have
had illegally-undisclosed conflicts of interest -please ask the FBI, NSA, etc. to investigate them-
against me, and common interests with each other and the other Defendants -or their managers if
18 Defendants are organizations-, such as common investments -please investigate whether the funds for
the A/Cs of the cars of the SDMC have been embezzled-, businesses, political affiliation, religion,
ethnic origin, country or state or area of birth or domicile, first spoken language, race, or other
21 conflicting interests. Their abusive adversity has affected my case and my life unfairly and brutally so
far. Moreover, Group State Judges has discriminated against me and injured me because the color of
my skin turns -due to a protective reaction- from white to bronze during exposure to sunlight-, my
24 religion is Rational-Scientific Christianity and Human Rights, my political preference is for Ethical
Democracy and Laws, my health status has been disabled by abusive incidents and attacks, I was born
in Romania (current member of EU and NATO), my ethnic origin is Moldovan-Romanian. Truly, title
27 18 U. S. C. § 242 provides that judges are liable for criminal acts committed under “color of law”. As
provided in 18 U.S.C. § 3331(a), the U.S. District Court must impanel a special grand jury when
requested -and I request it- to investigate whether organized crime is occurring in the community in
30 which it sits. This could include, for instance, organized drug activity or organized corruption in
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81. Indeed, Defendants injured me due to their corruption, discrimination, and at the orders of OrC or
due to manipulations by OrC.

3 82. RR and his employees knew, or in the exercise of reasonable care should have investigated and
known, that the Plaintiff was lawfully swimming according to MC CO, Ch. 26, Art. IV, Sec. 26-98 (b)
and Florida's Constitution, Article X, Section 11, was not causing any problems, was not trespassing
6 and should not have been arrested, detained, transported and convicted. Judge Ptomey said in 2019
“unofficially” that he did not know that I was swimming for therapy, not to catch lobsters; however, he
should have inquired why I was swimming, as it was part of his duties. The deputies who arrested me
9 abusively and injured me knew or should have known too. I told Deputy Cody Kern after he
handcuffed me that he was making a mistake, but Deputy Madnick (DM), his chief, asked him to arrest
me anyway.

12 83. The employees of Hampton Inn, Paul Thomas, Chavone Wilson, and unknown front desk agent, J.
Agent -Group HI-, lied to LEEs that I caused problems to any guests, and made a bogus, criminal,
swatting call to LEEs. Swatting is a form of abuse in which someone reports a false emergency to get
15 authorities to descend on an address in maximum force. A case is described by
BBVn019#page=2: "A California man [,Tyler R. Barriss,] was sentenced [-see United States v. Barriss,
18 6:18-cr-10065,] to 20 years in
prison for making bogus emergency calls to authorities across the U.S., including one that led police to
fatally shoot a Kansas man [, Finch,]. Police have said the officer who shot Finch thought he was
21 reaching for a gun because he moved a hand toward his waistband [-but Finch was not armed and tried
actually to lift his falling pants, as you can see at, The Wichita Eagle-]. Prosecutors declined
24 to charge the officer”, nevertheless, Finch's family sued the city, see Finch et al v. Wichita, Kansas, City
of et al 6:2018cv01018, US District Court for the District of Kansas, . Indeed, in my case, even
27 though I have been and am against illegal revenge, due to my comments, even though constructive,
regarding the organized crime, I have become its target, and they use all possible methods to annihilate
their targets, including me. Please investigate -and order FBI to investigate, too, and report ASAP- why
30 Group HI lied and why LEEs -with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public interest- did
not investigate properly to see that my arrest would be illegal; please investigate to discover who
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ordered for me to be injured and silenced and order the conspirators to compensate me and stop my and
others' harassment and attacks.

3 84. From June 2003 to the present, Group MC has acted under color of state or local law, and -with
deliberate indifference to my health and to the public interest- has failed to provide housing, legal care
and health care for a person with disabilities, which injured me more and made me vulnerable to more
6 abuses by others. Truly, I was placed on a waiting list in KL but Group MC moved other, more
recent applicants ahead of me, thus I have been homeless. Please ask FBI to investigate the
abusive changes on the lists. Moreover, they knew or should have known about Neece Center, the
9 recovery shelter in Key West, but have not told me about it -even though Neece Center is not
proper, lawful for health recovery, it is less torture than wrong, disabling arrest and detention-.
Please investigate whether the elected officials in MC and FL -and their employees, agents or
12 contractors- lied about their education to be employed in posts with higher salaries, for which
they were not qualified, thus they injured me and others -for example, MC -and all South FL-
have not built sufficient public housing, thus the waiting lists are very long and actually closed
15 most of the time. I volunteer for the construction of new public housing. Please investigate
whether the funds for the public recovery housing in South FL have been embezzled. Please
compare how the officials in MC and in all South FL have developed South FL -including the
18 extent of South FL's public housing and other community services- with what the best, civilized,
and advanced laws and practices in the USA and the world require; and the causes of the long
and closed lists for the public recovery housing in South FL.

21 85. Deputy Cody Kern came to my anchored boat with a FWC boat and -with deliberate indifference to
my health and to the public interest- arrested me wrongly and abusively for trespassing, without prior
warning of any violation, without probable cause, and without a warrant as U.S. Constitution Amend.
24 IV -Search and Seizure- requires; truly, he deceived me to enter the FWC's boat from my live-aboard
sailboat anchored in Tarpon Basin; then, threateningly, he shouted to me to “get out of” Monroe County
ASAP, which I have interpreted as an order to avoid further “inconveniences”, and which was an
27 aggravated assault (I wanted to move away but was not able to move due in part to the health issues RR
worsened or caused -please advise me where to go to be safe). Please order all LEEs to wear video and
sound recording cameras and record all their actions.

30 86. DK forced me -with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public interest- to ride ~30
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minutes thus I overheated in the overheated car of Deputy Kern (DK); the A/C did not function in the
back but I was detained anyway inside, even though I complained about the unendurable heat and
3 requested cooling; moreover, DK did not even open the windows in the back which was separated from
the front by a thick divider, thus I overheated which injured me severely and permanently.

87. DK forced me -with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public interest- to ride 30
6 minutes with very tight handcuffs and my arms behind my back, which caused me more injuries and
pain in my back, shoulders and arms.

88. Illegally, the Officers who arrested me did not allow me to take my phone and credit card to pay the
9 bond, and I had not memorized any phone numbers of friends to call from jail for assistance. The bail
bond agents could not help me to pay the bond. The jail did not allow me to access Internet Banking to
pay the bond. The attorney firms I found in Yellow Pages did not accept collect calls from me.
12 Therefore, I had to wait six days in jail until a friend found out and paid the bond. Please order RR to
provide at least two ways for inmates to access their credit cards (through phone or internet), so they
can pay the bond. In addition, please order RR to make sure during the arrest that the accused ones
15 know friends' phone numbers and take a credit card with them so they can pay the bond or call friends
to pay. Furthermore, please allow both the Police Officers and the Public Defenders to access Internet
Banking on behalf of the inmates to help them pay the bond or email inmates' friends.

18 89. Moreover, John Jail 1, RR's Deputy who checked me in the jail in KL convinced me not to ask for a
public defender, which was against my interest. Please order LEEs, including RR, to give each detainee
a written advice for the assistance by a public defender (Pu.De.), which explains the complexity of the
21 legal system, the independence of the Pu.De., and the remedies if the Pu.De. is incompetent.

90. John Jail 2 thought that I attacked a LEE because I was detained in the solitary confinement cell
-even though I requested it myself to John Jail 1 to avoid the noisy common cell to be able to read-,
24 thus he did not allow me to make enough phone calls to ask for help, shouted, and almost attacked me;
after a while, his colleague probably told him about my request for a silent area, thus he did not hit me
at all but he was still suspecting me of something I did not commit; please ask RR to stop all abuses
27 and violence. Please ask legislators in all the USA -and even in all the other countries- to ban corporal
“punishment” -and especially hits to or other kinds of attacks to the head, mind, and abdomen- at all
ages, as it injures and disables permanently (Parents and educators should convince by explaining the
30 bad consequences of improper behavior.).
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91. When John Jail 1 joked about my attacking officers with a book, I thought I might joke, too, -and I
was right that no book there had a hard cover to become really dangerous-. I did not plan to attack
3 anyone; and I did not mean to disrespect anyone when I suggested that officers should study more, too,
to be more professional, and even become licensed attorneys. Please implement obligatory annual
continuing education courses and tests, including about logic and health issues caused by improper
6 conditions, with a minimum passing grade of 85/100, for all LEEs in all USA and even all countries of
the planet.

92. Judges Ptomey and Garcia of the Court of Monroe County (CMC), FL, and CMC acted under color
9 of state or local law, and, with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public interest, did not
provide me proper, ethical Judicial servicesix, which injured me.

93. Moreover, I was kept in jail and its hospital without medical treatment and therapy, with deliberate
12 indifference to my health and to the public interest; I was not given my prescribed drugs, which caused
me more anxiety and depression. That was more very bad torture. Please order RR to offer and to
provide the prescribed medicine and health care to inmates because their absence makes people sicker
15 and even kills. The jail should screen all's health, especially the mental one, and offer health care to
those who need and want. The purpose of detention is educating and healing not causing more health
issues by torturous conditions and omissions.

18 94. In addition, with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public interest, the food in jail did
not provide enough nutrients, and I had no money to purchase food from the expensive store of the jail.
My health was affected permanently because I could not consume enough vitamins, minerals, proteins,
21 and other nutrients. Please order RR to provide nutritional supplements to all inmates because without
them people will get weaker and sicker and even die. Nutritional supplements cost under 5 cents per
day per person. Otherwise, they will be released with expensive, incurable, and even unmanageable
24 mental and non-mental health problems that will cost all of us much more tax money and trouble.

95. Moreover, with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public interest, Group RRb did not
provide proper sunlight in the jail and jail hospital, which caused me more anxiety and depression.
27 Please order the jail hospital to install big windows or a system of mirrors so that inmates get proper
sunlight, essential for their recovery and well-being.

96. Furthermore, due to the detention prolonged by Group State Courts, I could not go to take the
30 Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) as planned, for which I had studied 6 months, 12-15
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hours a day, almost every day; moreover, I could not go to take care of my anchored boat which needed
checks and pumping of the bilge water; all caused me more anxiety and depression. My performance
3 at the integrated reasoning section of the GMAT decreased -see Appendix F- 41 pp, 77.4%, from
immediately above bottom 53% in 2014 (which I attained even though, abusively, I was not allowed
to wear a hat to protect my head from the blowing cold air from the A/C above) to immediately
6 above bottom 12% (even though I was allowed to wear two hats) when I took it ten weeks after the
wrong arrest, due 90% to the brain health issues that Group RR caused or worsened; thus, the graduate
schools did not accept me in their PhD programs; and, due at least 90% proximately to Group RR and
9 the other Defendants, I am still not able to study properly to take the GMAT again and get a better
grade or take LSAT or other tests. Indeed, Group RR have reduced severely my integrated
reasoning skills, which has not served any public interest. In conclusion, Group RR has destroyed
12 directly at least 20% -proximately, at least 50%- of my intellectual skills; and has caused me
PTSD; and has caused me new and worsened old brain injuries which manifest as recurring
headaches, insomnia, nausea, poor balance, anxiety, depression, attention deficit, memory deficit,
15 and other physical or psychological symptoms. I still suffer from the severe medical problems
caused by their brutality. Truly, “No law enforcement official may inflict, instigate or tolerate any act
of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, nor may any law enforcement
18 official invoke superior orders or exceptional circumstances such as a state of war or a threat of war, a
threat to national security, internal political instability or any other public emergency as a justification
of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
21 Moreover,
Group LE further destabilized my life by removing me from my other activities and my home.


97. Indeed, RR, SDMC, FDFS, and their involved employees and agents -Group RR- caused me new
and worsened my old

27 98. -brain, mental and emotional issues when Group RR: 1. caused my brain's over-heating ~30
minutes in the car used by DK; truly, hyperthermia damages the body permanently (“At these high
temperatures, body proteins and the membranes around the cells in the body, especially in the
30 brain, begin to be destroyed or malfunction [,thus neurons will be short-circuited]. The extreme
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heat can affect internal organs, causing breakdown of the heart muscle cells and blood vessels,
damage to internal organs, and death.” Heat Stroke (Hyperthermia) - Harvard Health, Jan 4, 2013,
3 In addition, I was
not properly hydrated, which worsened the effects of hyperthermia; please order RR to ensure
that an accused person is not dehydrated during detention (“risk of hyperthermia include: Being
6 dehydrated.” Jun 27, 2012, Hyperthermia: too hot for your health | National Institutes of Health (NIH, Indeed, as
professionals, RR and his deputies, knew or should have known about hyperthermia and dehydration.

9 When Group RR: 2. caused my over-cooling for 6 days due to lack of warm clothes inside the jail; 3.
did not allow me to pay the bail bond immediately because DK who arrested me did not allow me to
take my phone and credit card to pay the bond, even though I had not memorized any phone
12 numbers of friends to call from jail for assistance; 4. did not allow me, due to the wrong arrest and
detention, to take the Graduate Management Admission Test as scheduled, and to take care of my
anchored boat; 5. caused loss of my reputation; 6. detained me 6 nights and days without my
15 medication, pillow, access to law library, proper nutrition, proper mattress; 7. convinced me not
to ask for a public defender, which was against my interest; 8. did not allow me to make enough
phone calls to ask for help, shouted, and almost attacked me. Group RR acted with deliberate
18 indifference to my health and to the public interest. Skin pores with visible blood -most probably,
it was haematohydrosis- were my symptoms of the extreme stress the defendants caused me. The sweat
glands all over our body are supplied by small blood vessels which, under extreme stress, can break
21 and blood can leak. Then, germs can enter blood vessels and cause diseases. The lack of air
conditioning in a heated car and other proper basic conditions necessary for civilized living is
very bad torture, deliberate indifference to my health and to the public interest, and illegal,
24 against the U.S. Const. Amend. VIII which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Truly, “any
recourse to physical force which has not been made strictly necessary by his own conduct
diminishes human dignity and is, in principle, an infringement’ of the right to freedom from
27 torture and inhuman or degrading treatment.” Indeed,
Group RR has reduced severely my integrated reasoning skills -see Appendix F with the GMAT
30 report-, which has not served any public interest;

99. -emotional issues, right elbow and right shoulder issues and upper and lower back issues
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 31 of 99

when a deputy handcuffed my hands too tight behind my back for ~30 minutes, which worsened
my cartilage, ligaments and tendons injuries, which manifest as scary pain inside the elbow joint during
3 effort, for example, after carrying a regular laptop backpack by hand for 1', during even only one pull-
up, after even only one push-up, or after 5 minutes of medium rowing effort; which manifest as scary
pain in my right shoulder area during even only one push of a 6x2x4 wood bar; the colder the weather
6 is, the faster the pain appears and the more intense it is.

100. -emotional issues, upper and lower back and neck issues when a deputy transported me
almost 100 miles from Tavernier to Key West in a bus without the proper shock absorbing
9 system, which worsened my permanent damages of the cartilages, ligaments and tendons, which
manifest as breath-stopping pain inside a middle-upper vertebral joint after 1-2 hours of lifting
intermittently to check and clean various 10-20 pound objects, as alarming pain after carrying a laptop
12 computer backpack for only 20' on my back during temperature of around 70 F, which is not even cold
weather, as alarming pain when I drive my car on rough or winding roads, and during other activities.

101. -emotional issues, upper and lower back, and neck issues when a deputy did not provide
15 proper mattress and pillow for my 6 nights in the jail.

102. In conclusion, Group RR has destroyed directly at least 20% -proximately, at least 50%- of
my intellectual skills; and has caused me PTSD; and has caused me new and worsened old brain
18 injuries which manifest as recurring headaches, insomnia, nausea, poor balance, anxiety,
depression, attention deficit, memory deficit, and other physical or psychological symptoms. Its
abuses worsened my previous health issues -right elbow and shoulder pain; back and neck pain,
21 and other physical conditions-. I still suffer from the severe medical problems caused by their

103. Moreover, I have suffered

24 104. -mental, emotional, and other health issues when Group MC has acted under color of state or
local law, and -with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public interest- has failed to provide
housing, legal care and health care for a person with disabilities; when Group HI called and lied to
27 LEEs to injure me; when Group RR arrested me wrongly and deceitfully without probable cause and
warrant; when DK shouted to me threateningly to “get out of” Monroe County ASAP; when Group
Legislators conspired to enslave many citizens, and voted laws which were against the U.S.
30 Constitution, for example, voted against the provision of the services of the Public Defender free of
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charge as US Constitution requires; and when Group State Courts, including Judge Ptomey and the
Court of Monroe County (CMC), FL, have excluded me from participation in, and denied me the
3 benefits of the services of the Judicial System, including proper investigations, trial by an impartial
jury, the assistance of a Public Defender. Even though I wanted to do public volunteering for the
services of the Public Defender, Judge Ptomey did not accept.

6 105. Indeed, it is diabolical and satanic for a group to affect me mentally with brain injuries and
other excessive stresses then for Judge Ptomey to violate my rights, and for Judge Garcia of CC
(then Judges at FL's Higher Courts -3DCA and SC-) to accuse me of not having acted properly
9 appeal the confusing order of Judge Ptomey to preserve my rights. Please order all government
employees to pass an ethics test every year to keep their jobs {the test can use educational, ethics texts
about abusive rulers, including Pilate, Herod, Caiaphas, the Imperial Roman Claudian dynasty, Hitler,
12 Stalin, their abusive bankers and financiers, their abusive tactics and instruments, the suffering they
caused, and their final, unavoidable, premature downfall. For example, Pilate, hired by the Imperial
Roman Claudian dynasty to lead the peace-keeping forces of the commercial roads in a part of Levant,
15 followed the “advice” of Herod, the head of the local army of 40,000 soldiers
-, and of Caiaphas, the head of the
Persian-Pharisee “clergy”, and executed Jesus who was actually a peaceful activist for ethical
18 democracy and human rights, including taxation with representation and public auditing. Jesus was
explaining to people the abuses and lies of the Persian-Pharisee "clergy" who were spending the
people's donations for clergy's luxurious lifestyle instead of for public services such as crime victims'
21 funds, cleansing bath houses, hospitals and housing for the injured, and the safety of the roads -please
order the re-audit by independent professionals of all the public services at all levels in the USA after
the year 2010 or 2000 or even 1800; and the public publishing of all the reports-. The abusive rulers did
24 not want to lose their abusive revenues and privileges, and conspired to kill him. However, not long
time after the execution, all involved in his killing lost all their “privileges”. Caiaphas, the High Priest
of the Temple and the de-facto ruler of the worldwide Jewish community at that time, was removed
27 from office and a luxurious life and lived quietly on his small property near Galilee –; Herod and Pilate
were removed too and exiled. The Imperial Roman Claudian dynasty -they also burned all central
30 Rome to build a bigger, more luxurious, and “safer” ruling palace, and blamed the peaceful, ethical
Christians- ended by suicide after the citizens revolted against the Praetorian Guard of the oligarchic
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clan to prove their suffering and determination.} Today's abusive governmental officials should
immediately stop the abuses, return their illegal benefits to the public budgets, compensate their
3 victims, including me, and educate the citizens about the importance of continuing monitorization by
all citizens of the activities of their public officials; or they will have to live only with Supplemental
Security Income (SSI) from Social Security Administration (SSA).

6 106. I proved all the legal elements of excessive force under color of law, too: I did nothing to justify
any offensive actions and force, I suffered a foreseeable and direct harm, I was a member of a specific,
defined or limited group by ethnic and national origin, color -my skin tans during exposure to sunlight-,
9 the law enforcement officers willfully disregarded my safety, and the law enforcement officers acted
under the color of law to create a danger that would not have been present absent such conduct. Indeed,
the lack of consequences for LEEs will contribute to more instances of injuries and brutality, therefore,
12 please order Defendants to compensate me; see cases at
Truly, there are increasing reports in the media of aggressive officers who attack specific individuals
without provocation when the person is of a certain ethnicity –
15 15-Police-Force.pdf,

107. All the wrong acts, conditions and omisions were abuses and caused me new injuries and
18 aggravated old injuries. My medical records are at!
AoQWyvOQcbRYgoNCQJznnbGd4p89eQ?e=On1Rr5 and!

21 108. My health issues -including those which RR and the other Defendants caused or aggravated-
induced other, subsequent brutal injuries to me in 2016, which almost killed me, and added to my
permanent pain and suffering; see the medical records at the links above. A summary is at
24!AoQWyvOQcbRYguY8d6Q41WLDshViUw (Please excuse that some cells are
empty, but I have no time to finalize it; please let me know if you need it completed.).

109. In consequence, unfortunately, due at least 20% -proximately at least 50%- to RR and the other
27 Defendants, I have not been able to maneuver and control a sailboat anymore; I have not been able to
keep other physically demanding jobs; I have not been able to get an office or similar job due to my
mental issues; thus I have had no proper income for a normal, decently comfortable life. In addition,
30 the quality of my life has diminished abruptly and diabolically severely because I have not been able
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 34 of 99

anymore without pain to row even only my small 8.5' tender boat against a current caused by even only
15 mph wind to reach my live-aboard sailboat where I have slept, sailboat which has been anchored
3 only 100 yards from shore in the small, 1 mile wide, thus more protected, Tarpon Basin in Key Largo,
FL; I have not been able anymore without pain to lift myself even only 4' to climb on my sailboat from
my tender boat, and properly sail; my enjoyment of life diminished abruptly and severely because I am
6 not able anymore to properly sail, swim, row even a small boat, even only climb in a sailboat without
pain, ride a bicycle, exercise, dance, play tennis, soccer, and other sports, travel with a backpack. I
cannot fulfill any longer my plan to sail with a sailboat to islands such as Hawaii, Tahiti, Seychelles,
9 Madagascar, Cyprus, Crete, Corfu, Malta, Sardinia, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Iceland, and
others, and around the coasts of all the continents. I had to stop living in an anchored live-aboard boat
with a tender boat with oars, and even a motorized tender boat will not solve all the problems caused by
12 my injuries, including my brain injury.

110. In consequence, when, because the required effort was too much for my weakened body, I was not
able to row to my anchored boat where I slept, even though I requested MC to provide proper housing
15 and health care, I had to sleep in overfilled rooms at stressful, noisy and poorly run and maintained
homeless shelters at Miami Rescue Mission (for example, the shower water is too hot, the restroom has
no proper ventilation, there is no refrigerator, there are up to 24 people in one room, which is too much
18 for proper relaxation, meditation, sleep and recovery), Miami Salvation Army (for example, they use
the speakers to make very loud announcements even at 12 midnight, therefore, the sleep is not relaxing;
in addition, they gave me a bed on top of another bed even though I told them that it would be painful
21 for me to climb due to my injuries, and I am not allowed to stay inside between 8:30AM and 5PM),
Marathon Independence Cay (for example, the shower water does not drain properly, the restroom has
no proper ventilation, the refrigerator does not have enough space, there is no locker thus a dishonest
24 roommate stole my phone during one night, I am not allowed to stay inside between 8:30AM and 6PM,
there are up to 6 people in one small room, which is too much for proper relaxation, meditation, sleep
and recovery), Key West Neece Center (there were up to 12 people in one room, and its restroom has
27 no proper ventilation thus the smell of fecal matter enters the dorm), or Key West KOTS (for example,
years old, open snack bags were thrown behind the 50 foot long, commune, platform bed; dirty clothes
which smell toxically were allowed inside, I was not allowed to stay inside between 8:30AM and 6PM,
30 and the shower water was too hot.) (Please ask the shelters to fix the issues); if the shelters have no bed,
I have to sleep in my car which is not healthy and restful, plus it is dangerous as I received even death
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threats from an unknown person once. Please request the DOH and CDC to build enough healthy and
safe health recovery houses with maximum two persons per room for proper privacy -and with private
3 rooms (even small ones are better than none) for anxious persons-, to audit all the health recovery
houses/shelters, and to install a suggestion box at each one with the names of the managers and
auditors. Furthermore, I have been approved to be a resident at the Marathon's Heron House for
6 Persons with Disabilities (MHPD), but I will not be allowed the first two months to leave, thus I will
not be able to mail anything, not even this document; therefore, I cannot live there, and I need to find
another home by adventuring in unknown places, or sleep in my car to be free to mail you. In addition,
9 MHPD has two beds in every bedroom, and sharing a bedroom with a person with disabilities will be
too stressful.

111. Indeed, Group RR battered me by intentional harmful conditions, including injuring hyperthermia,
12 and I have proved the essential elements of aggravated battery: 1. Group RR intentionally did acts
which resulted in severe harmful contacts with me; 2. I did not consent to the harmful contacts by
Group RR; 3. The harmful contacts by Group RR caused severe injuries, damage, loss and harm to me.
15 Battery is a felony in Florida if it causes great bodily harm; indeed, Group RR caused me permanent
disabilities which are great bodily harm.

112. Group RRa assaulted me when DK threateningly shouted to me to “get out of” Monroe County
18 ASAP, which I have interpreted as an order to avoid further “inconveniences”, and which was an
aggravated assault.

113. In addition, RR and the other Defendants caused me intentional infliction of emotional distress
21 (IIED), and I have proved the essential elements of IIED: (1) RR and the other Defendants' extreme
and outrageous conduct, including aggravated assault, with either the intention of, or reckless disregard
for, causing emotional distress, (2) my having suffered severe or extreme emotional distress and (3)
24 actual or proximate causation.

114. As a further direct and proximate result of the injuries sustained due to the aforementioned
negligence or carelessness or malevolence or corruption of RR and the other Defendants, Plaintiff
27 suffered severe new mental and non-mental bodily issues and worsening of old health issues; endured
having treatments for his injuries for which he continues to suffer, has incurred medical expenses in the
past and will continue to incur such expenses in the future; has experienced and will continue to
30 experience pain and suffering; suffered physical handicap, disability, mental anguish, loss of time, loss
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of past earnings, loss of current earnings and earning capacity in the future, aggravation of preexisting
injuries and conditions, inconvenience, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life; and other unknown
3 yet damages that the law would allow. All of these injuries are permanent and continuing in nature.

115. Here is the calculation of the income that I could have earned with a sailing business6 which I had
to stop due at least 20% -proximately at least 50%- to my injuries and aggravations caused by
6 Defendants, the additional expenses partly caused or increased by Defendants, and the punitive sum:

Per Year, Y. 1 to 30 Per Year, Y. 31 to 60

Minimum Income if I were not disabled $60,000 $45,000
Regular Social Sec. Disability Benefits $12,132 $12,132
Difference lost $47,868 $32,868
Additional Medical Treatments $7,200 $7,200
Additional Medical Insurance & Drugs $3,600 $3,600
Fin. Manag. Fees $16,500 $16,500
Total damages per year $75,168 $60,168
Total for the period $2,255,040 $1,805,040
Total for life $4,060,080
Punitive = Total*4 $16,240,320
Grand Total $20,300,400
116. Indeed, Defendants are responsible for at least 20% of the grand total, therefore, please order RR
to pay me at least $4,060,080 for the injuries, pain and suffering that Defendants caused me.

9 117. Moreover, my mental injuries that Defendants caused or aggravated have impaired my mind;
unfortunately, my recurring headaches and other mental problems such as nausea, focus issues, reduced
reasoning speed and profundity, memory weakness, and depression stop me from the rigorous
12 intellectual activities needed to obtain a PhD or Law Degree. The Master's Degrees which I have

6 A Ship or Boat Captain can expect wages of around 56000 to 84000 depending on seniority - ; In 2007, a charter boat captain's
average income was $65,000 per year -
boat-coverage/ ; a fishing charter in Destin, Florida charges between $165 and $200 per hour for up
to six people. … Going out 200 days a year, this would equate to an annual profit around $34,300
(after the captain has been paid). - Thus,
an owner-operator Boat Captain could make at least $7,500 per month, which is $90,000 per year.
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 37 of 99

received in the years 1997 and 2000 prove that I had had the mental abilities to do any intellectual
activities including getting a acknowledged Law Degree, PhD or MBA, or running an accounting
3 business, which I cannot do anymore, and which could have brought me income of at least $145,000
per year, that means at least $12,000 per month, as a licensed CPA. Here is the calculation of the
income that I could have earned with an accounting business which I cannot run anymore due partly to
6 my mental injuries caused or aggravated by RR, of the additional expenses partly caused or increased
by RR, and of the punitive sum:

118. Indeed, RR is responsible for at least 20% -proximately at least 50%- of the grand total, therefore,
9 please order RR to pay me at least $7,200,000 for the injuries, pain and suffering that RR caused me. If
I could obtain a solid, recognized, more advanced Law Degree, I could earn on average even more than
$300,000 per year, which is not possible any more due in part to RR, thus I should request at least
12 $14,400,000 compensation from Defendants. Truly, I have an uncle's cousin, architect, whose wealth is
almost $10,000,000 today, and he spent the rest of his income only on the best products and services;
he took refuge around the year 1973 in California, USA, due to “political” issues in Romania, but he
15 was never tortured anywhere, thus he could work with all his abilities and skills, which brought him
deserved abundance, and proves that I could have had such abundance -as the Apple does not fall far
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 38 of 99

from the tree- if I had not been tortured; I cannot ask him for legal assistance because his email, along
with other more than one million emails, was hacked in 2012 by Yahoo criminals, most probably part
3 of OrC which uses also the “tactic” “isolate and 'employ' or destroy”. Regarding my past, even though I
took refuge in 1997 in Georgia, USA, due to the lack of accountability from the politicians in Romania,
my work for abundance was sabotaged. Indeed, after 2016, due at least 20% -proximately at least 90%-
6 to Defendants, I could work only with less than 15% of my abilities and skills, which brought me
undeserved poverty and suffering. Please help me to live decently and recover to be able to work with
all my abilities and skills.

9 119. In case you are not convinced about Defendants' malevolent or corrupt intent, I include the
accusations of their negligent or careless acts and omissions. They have failed to exercise the standard
of care commensurate with and expected from professionals in the community, county, region, State of
12 Florida, USA, and United Nations Countries. I prove "by a preponderance of the evidence" or "more
likely than not" the four elements of the cause of action for negligence: 1) the Defendants owed a duty
of care, 2) the Defendants' duty of care was breached by the Defendants, 3) the Defendants' negligence
15 was the cause of my new injuries and the aggravation of old injuries; and 4) I was in fact injured.

120. In September 2017, Hurricane Irma, the biggest ever recorded in FL, as big as the top five prior
hurricanes combined -thus, it was not natural and aleatory but created by a Superpowerful God- caused
18 extensive destruction in Florida ($50 billion -
timeline-damage-costs-4150395 ); consequently, to avoid future punishing catastrophes, please, prove
to God and his, her or its angry angels that you can manage its Earth properly. Please order all local,
21 state or federal law enforcement employees to investigate properly all allegations before arrests, not to
detain and transport accused or convicted persons in an injuringly hot, suffocating vehicle which has no
air conditioning and has all windows all the way up; not to arrest and detain anyone without allowing
24 them to take a credit card and the phone numbers of friends and acquaintances; not to detain anyone in
jail without proper nutrition, proper warm clothing, medication, proper mattress, pillow, access to law
library, legal counsel. Please order all legislators not to vote laws which are against the U.S.
27 Constitution, and to vote proactive laws to prevent financial and other frauds and recover the stolen
assets 100% plus at least 10% for every year when the assets are missing. Please order Monroe County,
including Mayor/Commissioner Sylvia Murphy to provide proper recovery housing, legal care, health
30 care, and the other services required by law or civilized life. Truly, I was placed on a waiting list in
KL but Group MC moved other, more recent applicants ahead of me, thus I have been homeless.
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Please ask FBI to investigate the abusive changes on the lists. Moreover, they knew or should
have known about Neece Center, the recovery shelter in Key West, but have not told me about it
3 -even though Neece Center is not proper, lawful for health recovery, it is less torture than wrong,
disabling arrest and detention-. Please investigate whether the funds for the public recovery
housing in South FL have been embezzled. Please compare how the officials in MC and in all
6 South FL have developed South FL -including the extent of South FL's public housing and other
community services- with what the best, civilized, and advanced laws and practices in the USA
and the world require; and the causes of the long and closed lists for the public recovery housing
9 in South FL.


12 121. My prior actions were in the courts of the State of Florida, where I sued only Mr. Rick Ramsay
in his official capacity as the Sheriff of MC:

122. The Florida Supreme Court (FSC) issued on December 19, 2018, a statement denying review. A
15 copy is attached at appendix A. My relevant records below are also at!
AoQWyvOQcbRYgawF5ktxtqJD3UDUCw. I was not allowed by FL law to appeal in FL. The
Supreme Court of The United States (SCU) did not accept certiorari, see case VALENTIN SPATARU
18 vs R. RAMSAY in his official capacity as SMC, nr. 18-9492 (SCU 18-9492). I did not appeal as I did
not know that I was allowed by the law of the USA to appeal.

123. The 3rd District Court of Appeal of Florida (3DCA) filed its opinion on March 7, 2018. A copy
21 is attached at appendix B. The court’s opinion is published at 239 So.3d 763 (2018). It is also at 118.

24 124. The Circuit Court of Monroe County (CC)'s Judge Garcia dismissed my claim for failure to appeal
the criminal court's judgment on time, even though a conspiracy group had affected me mentally with
hyperthermia and other excessive stresses, which had impaired my cognitive skills, including reasoning
27 and even my perception of my own cognitive decline at my arraignment in 2015 and afterwards, and
my understanding of the legal process and of my rights and obligations. Judge Garcia filed the
dismissal of my claim on March 6, 2017, which I appealed to 3DCA. A copy of the dismissal is
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 40 of 99

attached at appendix C. The CC’s dismissal opinion should be also at

125. The Small Claims Court of Monroe County (SCC)'s Judge Ptomey dismissed my first complaint,
3 due to lack of “Notice Of Intent To Sue Under Florida 768.28”. See Appendix D. I sent the Notice but I
have received no answer, thus I sued again in CC.

126. The “judgement” by Judge Ptomey in the Criminal Court that I trespassed -even though I swam
6 lawfully according to MC CO, Ch. 26, Art. IV, Sec. 26-98 (b) and Florida's Constitution, Article X,
Section 11- is at Appendix E.


127. The allegations contained in the preceding paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

128. Group HI violated the laws against making a bogus call and lying to LEEs.

12 129. SDMC, MC, MC Social Services, KL Mayor/Commissioner Office, MC Courts, 3DCA, FDFS,
their supervisors, and their other involved employees and agents (I call them Group Gov, which
includes Groups RR, Courts, and MC) violated my rights under U.S. Constitution Amendments, Title II
15 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.S.C. § 1983, § 1985, § 1988 and § 12131, et seq.,
29 U.S.C. § 794 (Rehabilitation Act), and other laws.

130. Group MC which includes MC Social Services violated my rights under the laws in the above
18 paragraph and also my rights under Section 533 of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC § 290cc-33).

131. Group RR and Group State Courts (I call them Group LE) violated my rights under the laws in the
above two paragraphs and also my rights under Florida Constitution, Article X, Section 11, and Monroe
21 County (MC), FL, Code of Ordinances (CO), Ch. 26, Art. IV., Sec. 26-98 (b), and under the legal,
moral and ethical principle “Lex iniusta non est lex”.

132. Remedies are offered by 29 U.S.C. § 794a, 42 U.S.C. § 1985, 34 U.S.C. § 12601 -punishes
24 misconduct of law enforcement (civil enforcement)-, 18 U.S.C. §§ 241, 242 -punish misconduct of law
enforcement (criminal enforcement)-, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201-02 and other laws. Defendants -and their
managers if Defendants are organizations- are personally liable, jointly and severally, for their
27 violations.
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133. VIOLATION OF MC CO Ch. 26, Art. IV. Sec. 26-98 (b)

134. My swimming with a snorkel was actually allowed and not consider infraction by MC CO Ch. 26,
3 Art. IV. Sec. 26-98 (b). Truly, I was snorkeling in the open, public water not farther than 100 feet from
my property, my lawfully anchored live-aboard sailboat, thus my snorkeling was allowed by the MC
CO. Moreover, the fact that I was not aware of MC CO Ch. 26, Art. IV. Sec. 26 -due to the lack of signs
6 about MC CO Ch. 26, Art. IV. Sec. 26 and to my lack of knowledge that a local CO may override the
State Constitution- does not except me from the protection of CO Ch. 26, Art. IV. Sec. 26-98 (b) which
allowed my snorkeling. Therefore, I did not violate Sec. 26-98(a) because it did not apply to me, and
9 RR, SDMC, DK, DM, and Judge Ptomey had no probable cause of actions against me; they violated
the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Const., 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and § 1985, and Madiwale v. Savaiko, 117
F.3d 1321, 1324 (11th Cir. 1997), thus a cause of action for damages may be asserted by me against
12 them according to Brown v. City of Huntsville, Ala., 608 F.3d 724, 734 n.15 (11th Cir. 2010). Indeed,
my plea of no contest at the arraignment hearing then at the criminal trial in 2015 regarded snorkeling
lawfully in the public water nearby -within 100 ft from- my boat, thus it did not establish probable
15 cause for my arrest, detention and conviction for trespassing on private property, and it did not preclude
a challenge of the legality of my arrest, detention and conviction by way of a civil suit for false, wrong,
abusive, injuring and negligent or malevolent or corrupt arrest, detention and conviction in state or
18 federal courts. A voluntary surrender to the authorities still constitutes a seizure under the Fourth
Amendment. Albright v. Oliver, 510 U.S. 266, 271 (1994). Please punish all offenders under 34 U.S.C.
§ 12601 and 18 U.S.C. §§ 241, 242, too.

21 135. According to MC CO Ch. 26, Art. IV. Sec.s 26-98 and 99, if I had no right -but I had actually the
right- to snorkel, the citation should have been issued pursuant to F.S. § 327.74, (uniform boating
citations), but not for trespassing; furthermore, the penalty should have been $50, not to exceed $500,
24 but not arrest, hyperthermia for ~30 minutes in a car heated like a cooking oven by the sunlight and
without A/C, then 6-night detention with hypothermia, lack of proper nutrition, medication, mattress,
pillow, ... -all with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public interest- then 6-month
27 probation, and ~$600.

136. Even if Group LE had a right to charge me for trespassing or boating, which Group LE would not
have, the charges of $600 are excessive; and as my income was zero due to my disabilities and SSA.
30 Indeed, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Eighth Amendment’s Excessive Fines Clause is an
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 42 of 99

incorporated protection applicable to the states under the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause,
which incorporates and renders applicable to the states Bill of Rights protections “fundamental to our
3 scheme of ordered liberty,” or “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition.”The Excessive
Fines Clause carries forward protections found in sources from the Magna Carta to the English Bill of
Rights to state constitutions from the colonial era to the present day. Excessive fines undermine other
6 liberties, the Court stated. They can be used to retaliate against or chill the speech of political enemies.
Timbs v. Indiana, #17-1091, 203 L. Ed. 2D 11, 2019. Truly, Groups LE and Legislators have abused
me. Please order Groups LE and Legislators to stop all abuses, including charging excessive fines.


138. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

139. Florida Constitution, Article X, Section 11 allows a person to swim and use beaches below the
12 mean high water lines with or without a snorkel; in addition, “Florida courts have recognized […]
bathing as protected public interest” -Florida Bar Journal, Sovereignty Lands in Florida: It’s All About
Navigability (Part I), January, 2002, Volume LXXVI, No. 1,
15 journal/?durl=%2Fdivcom%2Fjn%2Fjnjournal01.nsf%2FAuthor
%2F8435886355600CBB85256B280076F439. Indeed, even though I did not touch any HI's property
because I swam below the MHWL and rested -to avoid further injuries during my swimming therapy-
18 only on land underwater, and HI does not own any land under the water below the MHWL, I was
arrested, detained and convicted under Fla. Stat. 810.08.2b (2015) for trespassing on HI's property,
which was wrong and abusive. Moreover, U.S. Const. Amend. I guarantees the freedom of speech,
21 including my freedom to tell and warn other swimmers about the local issues, such as the local bay
water pollution caused by the fertilizers and pesticides used in FL and brought in the bays of KL by the
rivers and currents; and about the lack of the "TWO-WAY BIKE ROUTE" warning signs, which has
24 caused many accidents. And to talk about the best solutions. In September 2017, after Hurricane Irma, I
experienced myself another type of pollution of the local bay water due to the sewage spillover during
the storm surge; the color and smell of the bay water was proof that a neighbor did not joke about it
27 previously -he had said that HI would have evacuated sewage in the bay, which I had not believed
because I had thought that a bad smell had been caused by the sulfurous water from under some rocks-.
In addition, higher tides cause the sewage spillover, too; and in the future the rise in the level of the
30 ocean will increase the problems because the sewage system will be flooded more often. Please order
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 43 of 99

MC and FL to check the bays water at least during higher tides if not weekly. They have known or
should have known about such pollution but they have not notified me to not do my swimming therapy
3 in the polluted bay, which was intentional biological attack with sewage germs.


141. Defendants -and their managers if Defendants are organizations- are personally liable, jointly and
6 severally, for their constitutional violations.


143. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

9 144. Even if one committed a crime, which I did not, the U.S. Constitution Amend. VIII prohibits one's
cruel and unusual punishment.

145. DK, DM, RR, SDMC and FDSF with its involved employees and agents ( I call them Group RRa)
12 injured me by the ~30' transportation to jail in the hyperthermic, “cooking” car. Moreover, Group RRa
must compensate for the other torturous abuses: DK did not let me take my credit card to pay the bail to
be released; DK did not let me take my phone to have my friends' numbers to call them to pay the bail;
15 RR tortured me during detention in jails and in the SDMC's bus, too, see the facts above for details.
They knew or should have known they would injure me with their unreasonable actions or omissions.
Also, FDSF knew or should have known that they would injure more people without probable cause,
18 and should have stopped funding them until they would have complied. Indeed, “While current
paramilitary training paradigms develop the skills to physically combat these evils, they do not do an
adequate job of acknowledging and proactively addressing the [e]ffect of these exposures on the
21 spiritual and emotional wellbeing of officers, the effects of which can be seen in the characteristic
range of maladaptive behaviors (burnout, departmental discord, alcohol abuse, domestic abuse [, citizen
abuse,] etc) that plague police organizations and most probably the institution of policing at large. [...]
24 the performance of law enforcement duties is a learned behavior [-but LEEs should not use the
behavior that they see at the uneducated, criminal individuals-. … ]. The concomitant negative impact
on the communities served by such law enforcement officers is thus manifest.”
fall_forensic_examiner_feemster_addressing_the_need_for_multidimensional_training.pdf. Moreover,
“ A non-requisite hierarchy is one in which promotions may be based on numerical measures of success
30 by numbers (number of arrests, cases closed etc) or longevity instead of demonstrated proficiency in
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 44 of 99

application of the knowledge, skills and abilities”. Idem. Please revoke the professional licenses of all
LEEs, including RR and DK, who abused me; and interdict them to work as public or private LEEs
3 until they pass proper, federally approved LE exams which teach the best practices in the USA and the

146. MC, MC Social Services, KL Mayor/Commissioner Office, KL Mayor/Commissioner Sylvia

6 Murphy, MC Administrator Roman Gastesi, FDFS and their other involved employees and agents (I
call them Group MC) are liable for cruel and unusual punishment by not providing after my accident
on June 4th, 2013, proper housing and other social services, including health care and legal care, which
9 injured me unreasonably.


148. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

12 149. Group State Courts violated U.S. Const. Amend. V which guarantees the right to due process.

150. Regarding my claim against Group RRa -DK, DM, RR, SDMC and FDSF with its involved
employees and agents- for injuring me by wrong arrest and wrong one-night detention, without
15 probable cause, and without a warrant, if the Court dismisses my claim without due process, for my
failure to appeal Judge Ptomey's judgment on time, even though a conspiracy group -Groups RR and
Group JP (the Court of, and Judge Ptomey, and FDSF with its involved employees and agents (I call
18 them)- has affected me mentally with hyperthermia and other excessive stresses, which have impaired
my reasoning, my understanding of the legal process, and even my perception of the true extent of my
own cognitive decline that the Offenders have caused me, at my arraignment in 2015 and afterwards,
21 the Court will violate U.S. Const. Amend. V and will affirm the prior and encourage future cruel and
undue actions, abuses and injuries.

151. Regarding my claims against Group JP for wrong detention for 5 nights then wrong conviction,
24 and regarding my claims against Group RRb -RR, SDMC, John Jail 1-?, John Deputy 1-?, and FDSF
with their involved employees and agents- for injuring detention, by dismissing my claims without due
process, the Court will violate U.S. Const. Amend. V again and encourage future cruel and undue

7 For example, see

4/exercises.html; OHCHR, Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials,; Germany:
Low Crime, Clean Prisons, Lessons for America, Jeff Rosen, TEDxMountainView,; Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice.
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 45 of 99

punishment, abuses and injuries.


3 153. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

154. U.S. Const. Amend. VI states that “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right
to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury […] to have compulsory process for obtaining
6 witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of Counsel for his defense.” But Judge Ptomey did not
allow a jury, did not ask me about witnesses in my favor, and did not allow Public Counsel to defend
me, neither at the arraignment nor at the trial, which were actions against the U.S. Constitution, which
9 must be punished.

155. U.S. Const. Amend. VI requests that “the accused shall enjoy the right […] to be confronted with
the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor“ but Judge
12 Ptomey did not offer or ask me to confront in Court any person who had accused me of a crime, which
must be punished.

156. Group State Courts violated U.S. Const., injured me, therefore, Group State Courts must
15 compensate me.


158. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

18 159. According to MC CO Ch. 26, Art. IV. Sec.s 26-98 and 99, if I had no right -but I had actually the
right- to snorkel, the citation should have been issued for a non-criminal, civil traffic infraction
pursuant to F.S. § 327.74, (uniform boating citations), but not for trespassing; furthermore, the penalty
21 for the infraction should have been $50, not to exceed $500, but not arrest, hyperthermia for ~30
minutes in a car heated like an oven by the sunlight and without A/C, then 6-night detention with
hypothermia, lack of proper nutrition, medication, mattress, pillow, ... -all with deliberate indifference
24 to my health and to the public interest- then 6-month probation, and ~$600.

160. U.S. Const. Amend. XIV, sec. 1 stipulates that “nor shall any State deprive any person of life,
liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
27 protection of the laws.” But Group RR arrested and detained me abusively without probable cause, for
a fictitious non-criminal, civil traffic infraction that they converted illegally to a misdemeanor
-trespassing-. Group RR arrested and detained me abusively, for at least 6 nights -the Deputies for one
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 46 of 99

night, then Judge Ptomey approved wrongly and abusively for the rest; all was cruel and unusual
punishment. Defendants in Group LE violated U.S. Const. Amend. XIV, sec. 1 . The penalty for a civil
3 traffic infraction is only a fine not arrest. In addition, even if my arrest were allowed, DK, DM, and
Judge Ptomey would know or should know that my arrest was not necessary to make sure that I would
come to the hearing because a. I was not able to sail away due to my injuries from June 2013, and
6 Group LE should have checked my records at MCSS and MC Health Department -please make it a law
in all USA and even the world for the LEEs to check the medical records, too, to stop the arrest if the
injuries that the arrest can cause are bigger than the benefits to the public-, b. my boat motor's propeller
9 was not operational to move the boat, and its maximum speed would have been only 5-7 knots per
hour, c. I had and have always cooperated fully with LEEs, and d. I could have paid the deputy the fine
immediately with a credit card; indeed, my arrest was illegal, without any cause.

12 161. Moreover, U.S. Const. Amend. XIV, sec. 1 stipulates that “No State shall make or enforce any law
which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States”, therefore, please
identify and order to compensate me all legislators who voted laws which were against the Constitution
15 of the U.S.A., which guarantees the free services of the Public Defender (even though I wanted to do
public volunteering for the services of the Public Defender, Judge Ptomey did not accept; moreover, I
would have paid the fee later if the services of the PD had proved satisfactory), and the trial by an
18 impartial, public jury.


163. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

21 164. U.S. Const. Amend. I guarantees the freedom of speech, including my right to comment about
suing and ask others to help me sue MC and FL DOT for the illegal lack -which has injured me
severely and permanently in June 2013- of the required "TWO-WAY BIKE ROUTE" warning traffic
24 sign, even if it antagonized the decision-makers of MC and FL; and to comment about the illegal and
immoral lack of community services such as 1. victims funds, and 2. free or on credit recovery
hospital/nursing home/hotel, and health care and legal care for injured persons. Please investigate
27 whether the funds for the signs, recovery housing, and other services have been embezzled and by who;
or have not been requested at all from the public budgets to silence the victims with more abuses. We
need to be free to comment about potential criminals who infiltrated our country's public or private
30 organizations and governments. Free speech is essential for the timely corrections of abuses. Without
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 47 of 99

free speech, abuses will become systemic, which will impair communities and soon destruct the whole
nation; “the First Amendment provides American people with a 'marketplace of ideas.' Rather than
3 having the government establish and dictate the 'truth', freedom of speech enables the truth to emerge
from diverse opinions.”


6 166. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

167. Indeed, my arrest was without any cause or a warrant, which was an abuse against the US Const.
Amend. IV -Search and Seizure- that guarantees “The right of the people to be secure in their persons.”
9 Truly, I was allowed to snorkel by Florida Constitution, Article X, Section 11 and MC CO, Ch. 26, Art.
IV, Sec. 26-98 (b). In addition, other people were snorkeling in the state-owned water area near
Hampton Inn, no LEE warned me, but DK arrested me, which was illegal, unreasonable and an injuring
12 abuse. Furthermore, there had been no sign on the beach of HI or buoy on the adjacent water to warn
swimmers of MC CO, Ch. 26, Art. IV., Sec. 26-96 to 99, even though Sec. 26-96 invalidated Florida
Constitution, Article X, Section 11- thus people could not know about the strange -and abusive- 5-day
15 restriction upon all snorkels, including those for the safety of the swimming therapy. Please ask all
local governments in the USA -and even all world- to post all local rules clearly in all relevant
locations. Moreover, I was arrested on 08/11/2015, which was the sixth day after the start on August 6th,
18 2015, of the commercial lobster season, and not during the first five days of commercial lobster season,
as CO Ch. 26, Art. IV. Sec. 26-98(a) required for the snorkeling infraction to exist. Furthermore, an
infraction did not require arrest. In addition, my arrest had not been necessary to make sure that I would
21 have come to the hearing, because of the above reasons. Moreover, I was arrested, detained and
convicted under Fla. Stat. 810.08.2b (2015) for trespassing on HI's property, even though HI does not
own any water -or land under water- in TB. My arrest was wrong and abusive. Indeed, RR did not have
24 any cause to arrest and detain me for any crime; and Judge Ptomey did not have cause to detain me
more, then convict me. My plea of no contest at the criminal trial in 2015 regarded snorkeling lawfully
for my therapy in the public water nearby my boat, thus it did not establish probable cause for my
27 arrest, detention and conviction for trespassing of private property, and it did not preclude a challenge
of the legality of my arrest, detention and conviction by way of a civil suit for false, wrong, injuring
and abusive, malevolent or corrupt arrest, detention and conviction in state or federal courts. Indeed,
30 the arrest was without probable cause and warrant, which was an abuse against me and the US Const.
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 48 of 99

Amend. IV.

168. Moreover, a Florida Keys state attorney prosecutor who was employed by MC during the period
3 relevant for my case shot himself mortally because he lost his job after the citizens voted a new state
attorney in MC. The MC chief assistant state attorney, “Manuel 'Manny' Madruga, fatally shot himself
inside his home in November 2016 after nearly three decades of handling criminal cases in the Florida
6 Keys.” Miami Herald,
keys/article116033753.html. Truly, “Impulsive-aggressive personality disorders [… were] independent
predictors of suicide”. Besides, “hostile/antisocial
9 personality features may cluster in suicidal individuals”. Therefore, please review all the cases that he
and his team has handled, and review all the persons whom he has employed and who have employed
12 him, as it is very probable that he had suffered from impulsive-aggressive and antisocial personality
disorders for a long time, thus he and his team had committed abuses against and injured many persons,
including me.


170. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

18 171. Truly, 1: “Lex iniusta non est lex” (English: An unjust law is no law at all; originating with St.
Augustine, the motto was used by St. Thomas Aquinas), and 2: “common law tradition gives judges a
dual mandate: to apply the law and to develop it. There is no conflict between their official duty and
21 their moral responsibility. Consequently, judges have the authority -[...] even the obligation- to refuse
to enforce” unjust laws - Douglas E. Edlin, Judges and Unjust Laws: common law constitutionalism
and the foundations of judicial review, 2010,
24 “Douglas E. Edlin uses case law
analysis, legal theory, constitutional history, and political philosophy to examine the power of judicial
review.” idem. Therefore, certainly, by having enforced unjust FL laws which prohibit the provision -as
27 US Constitution requires- of the services of the Public Defender free of charge and of trial by an
impartial jury, the judges of FSC, 3DCA and CC have proved their conspiracy against me.

172. VIOLATION OF 42 U.S.C. § 1983

30 173. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 49 of 99

174. I have proved that 1) Defendants in Group Gov have subjected me to illegal, abusive conducts or
omissions that have occurred under color of state or local law; 2) the conducts or omissions have
3 deprived me of rights guaranteed under federal law or the constitution; and 3) I have suffered injuries
including humiliation, frustration, and distress.

175. Group Gov has acted intentionally and with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public
6 interest, and has known or should have known about their illegal, abusive acts or omissions.

176. The remedies allowed under a constitutional § 1983 claim include: compensatory and punitive
damages; an injunction; and declaratory relief. Smith v. Wade, 461 U.S. 30, 51 (1983).

177. VIOLATION OF 42 U.S.C. § 1985

178. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

9 179. I have proved the elements of a claim for civil conspiracy by Defendants, which are: “(a) an
agreement between two or more parties, (b) to do an unlawful act or to do a lawful act by unlawful
means, (c) the doing of some overt act in pursuance of the conspiracy, and (d) damage to plaintiff as a
12 result of the acts done under the conspiracy.” Raimi v. Furlong, 702 So. 2d 1273, 1284 (Fla. 3d DCA
1997). There is no requirement that each co-conspirator commit acts in furtherance of the conspiracy; it
is sufficient if each conspirator knows of the scheme and assists in some way. Charles v. Fla.
15 Foreclosure Placement Ctr., LLC, 988 So. 2d 1157, 1160 (Fla. 3d DCA 2008). “The gist of a civil
action for conspiracy is not the conspiracy itself, but the civil wrong which is done pursuant to the
conspiracy and which results in damage to the plaintiff.” Blatt v. Green, Rose, Kahn & Piotrkowski,
18 456 So.2d 949, 951 (Fla. 3d DCA 1984); Morris USA Inc. v. Boatright, 2017 WL 1356285 (civil
conspiracy claim holds co-conspirators liable for “harm caused by other members of a conspiracy to
commit an intentional tort.”); Walters v. Blankenship, 931 So.2d 137, 140 (Fla. 5th DCA 2006). In
21 addition, the crime of criminal conspiracy is committed when a person conspires with one or more
persons to commit a criminal offense. Florida Statute 777.04(3). The applicable penalties are
determined by the underlying crime intended to be committed.

24 180. Certainly, Group LE (SDMC, MC Courts, FDFS, their supervisors, and their other involved
employees and agents -including RR, DK, DM, other deputies, Judge Ptomey, Judge Garcia-, other
involved state judges) has had illegally-undisclosed conflicts of interest against me, and common
27 interests with each other and the other Defendants -or their managers if Defendants are organizations-,
such as common investments -please investigate whether the funds for the A/Cs of the cars of the
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 50 of 99

SDMC, and the other funds, have been embezzled-. Group LE has conspired against me and my rights
and interests.

3 181. 42 U.S.C. § 1985 renders conspiracies civilly actionable, thus please order all Defendants to
compensate me for their conspiracy against me.

182. VIOLATION OF 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968 - (RICO ACT)

6 183. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

184. I have proved that Defendants violated RICO, too, which injured me. “Under RICO, a person who
has committed "at least two acts of racketeering activity" drawn from a list of 35 crimes -27 federal
9 crimes and 8 state crimes- within a 10-year period can be charged with racketeering if such acts are
related in one of four specified ways to an "enterprise". [Indeed, Respondents have created an
"enterprise" of corruption since at least the year 2003 to obtain money illegally by embezzlement.] […]
12 A civil RICO action can be filed in state or federal court. Both the criminal and civil components allow
the recovery of treble damages (damages in triple the amount of actual/compensatory damages).
Although its primary intent was to deal with organized crime, Blakey said that Congress never intended
15 it to merely apply to the Mob. He once told Time, "We don't want one set of rules for people whose
collars are blue or whose names end in vowels, and another set for those whose collars are white and
have Ivy League diplomas."”
18 Law
enforcement authorities describe organized crime as “a continuing and self-perpetuating criminal
conspiracy, having an organized structure, fed by fear and corruption, and motivated by greed.” Please
21 punish Respondents and their crime partners under RICO, too. All required elements of a RICO
claim are present; repeated acts (a RICO pattern), constituting specific crimes (predicate acts),
committed in specific ways by an identifiable group of people (a RICO enterprise) who control,
24 corrupt and influence unlawfully all Respondents. In another case, a Judge, Ciavarella, “got
kickbacks from the facility where he sent those kids. No wonder the hearings often lasted only two
minutes, Ciavarella got up to a million dollars for putting hundred of innocent children behind bars.
27 The courts wised up to his plans, and eventually sentenced Mr. Zero Tolerance to 27 years in prison.
Following his sentencing, nearly 4,000 of Ciavarella's previous convictions were overturned.”
30 they-tried-to-destroy. “The judges were charged with RICO after allegedly committing acts of mail and
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 51 of 99

wire fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, and honest services fraud. The judges were accused of
taking kickbacks for housing juveniles, that the judges convicted of mostly petty crimes, at a private
3 detention center. The incident was dubbed by many local and national newspapers as the "Kids for cash

185. 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968 (RICO Act) provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of
6 action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. The RICO Act focuses
specifically on racketeering and allows the leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes
they ordered others to do or assisted them in doing.


187. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

12 188. Group MC has, by reason of disability, age, race, color, national origin, disability, sex (gender), or
religion excluded me from participation in, and denied me the benefit of the Projects for Assistance in
Transition from Homelessness after 06-04-2013 when a van hit me due to lack of required bike route
15 sign.

189. Defendants acted intentionally and with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public
interest and knew or should have known that they had not provided the benefit of their services to such
18 a person.

190. As a result of their discrimination, I have suffered injuries including humiliation, frustration, and

21 191. Unless restrained by this Court, Defendants will continue to engage in the conduct and practices
set forth above, that deprive persons of their rights and will continue to cause harm to those persons.

192. VIOLATION OF TITLE II OF THE ADA (42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12134; 28 C.F.R Part 35):

24 193. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

194. Group MC has, by reason of disability, excluded me from participation in, and denied me the
benefits of, proper recovery housing, legal and health care services after June 04, 2013, when a van hit
27 me due to lack of required bike route sign.

195. Group State Courts, including Judge Ptomey and the Court of Monroe County (CMC), FL, have,
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by reason of disability which made me pauper, excluded me from participation in, and denied me the
benefits of the services of the Judicial System, including proper investigations, trial by an impartial
3 jury, the assistance of a Public Defender, which CMC provides to inmates without disabilities, or
otherwise discriminated against me, in violation of 42 U.S.C. § 12132 and 28 C.F.R. Part 35.

196. Group RRa, including RR, DK, DM, SDMC, and FDFS, has, by reason of disability, denied me
6 proper investigations, A/C during transportation in a cooking car, then Group RRb, including RR,
SDMC, FDFS, denied me -while in detention in jail, thus helpless- medication, proper warm clothes,
nutrition, mattress and pillow, in violation of 42 U.S.C. § 12132 and 28 C.F.R. § 35.160.

9 197. Defendants acted intentionally and with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public
interest and knew or should have known that they had not provided the benefit of their services to a
person with disabilities.

12 198. As a result of their discrimination, I, qualified individual with disabilities have suffered injuries
including humiliation, frustration, and distress.

199. Unless restrained by this Court, Defendants will continue to engage in the conduct and practices
15 set forth above, that deprive persons with disabilities, of their ADA rights and will continue to cause
harm to those persons.

200. VIOLATION OF THE REHABILITATION ACT (29 U.S.C. § 794; 28 C.F.R. Part 42)

18 201. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

202. KL Mayor/Commissioner Office, MC, SDMC, CMC, the higher state courts, and FDFS are
programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.

21 203. SDMC, CMC, the higher state courts, and FDFS have, also by reason of disability, excluded me, a
qualified individual, from participation in, and denied me the benefits of, the programs and activities
they provide to inmates without disabilities, or otherwise discriminated against me, in violation of 29
24 U.S.C. § 794 and 28 C.F.R. Part 42.

204. MC has denied me recovery housing or assistance in transition from homelessness, and health and
legal care for a person with disabilities.

27 205. SDMC and FDFS have denied me proper A/C during transportation, and while in detention,
proper warm clothing, nutrition, medication, mattress and pillow, in violation of the law and ethics.
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206. Defendants acted intentionally and with deliberate indifference to my health and to the public
interest and knew or should have known that they had not provided the benefit of their services to a
3 person with disabilities.

207. As a result of their discrimination, I, qualified individual with disabilities, have suffered injuries
including humiliation, frustration, and distress.

6 208. Unless restrained by this Court, Defendants will continue to engage in the conduct and practices
set forth above, that deprive persons with disabilities of their rights and will continue to cause harm to
those persons.


210. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

211. Defendants violated the laws against aggravated battery. Indeed, Defendants battered me by
12 intentional harmful conditions, acts and omissions including injuring hyperthermia, and I have proved
the essential elements of aggravated battery: 1. Defendants intentionally did acts and omissions which
resulted in severe harmful contacts with me; 2. I did not consent to the harmful contacts by Defendants;
15 3. The harmful contacts by Defendants caused severe injuries, damage, loss and harm to me. Battery is
a felony in Florida if it causes great bodily harm; indeed, Defendants caused me permanent disabilities
which are great bodily harm.

18 212. Group RRa violated the laws against aggravated assault when DK threateningly shouted to me to
“get out of” Monroe County ASAP, which I have interpreted as an order to avoid further
“inconveniences”, and which was an aggravated assault.

21 213. Defendants violated 34 U.S.C. § 10228 and 42 U.S.C. § 2000d,  et seq. and their implementing
regulations, including 34 C.F.R. Part 104.4, which prohibit both individual instances and patterns or
practices of discrimination on ground of disability, race, color, or national origin; and offer individual
24 remedial relief for the victim and changes in the policies and procedures of the agency to remedy
violations. Truly, Defendants have discriminated against me and injured me because the color of my
skin turns -due to a protective reaction- from white to bronze during exposure to sunlight-, my health
27 status has been disabled by abusive incidents and attacks, I was born outside the USA (I became a
citizen of the USA by naturalization in 2002). Defendants abused a helpless “alien” and disabled
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214. Defendants violated 42 U.S.C. § 12131, et seq., 29 U.S.C. § 794, and their implementing
regulations, including 28 C.F.R. Parts 35 & 42, which prohibit discrimination against people with
3 disabilities, and I have suffered from disabilities from past “accidents” at the time Defendants tortured
me, which has increased the harm of the injuries they have caused me. They knew or should have
known about my disabilities. Therefore, Defendants discriminated against a person with disabilities.

6 215. Moreover, Defendants violated the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
Article 1 of UDHR requests all to “act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood”, which
Defendants have not respected.

9 216. Defendants violated the laws against intentional infliction of emotional distress. Indeed,
Defendants caused me intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED), and I have proved the
essential elements of IIED: (1) RR and the other Defendants' extreme and outrageous conduct,
12 including aggravated assault, with either the intention of, or reckless disregard for, causing emotional
distress, (2) my having suffered severe or extreme emotional distress and (3) actual or proximate


218. The allegations contained in the previous paragraphs are incorporated by reference.

219. According to the US Supreme Court decision, Marbury vs. Madison, 1803, which has never been
18 challenged much less overturned, any law that is passed in the United States, or any of its territories,
which is contrary to the Constitution is void. This would apply to rules, regulations, ordinances and
directives too.

21 220. Brandon v. Holt, #83-1622, 469 U.S. 464 (1985), rejected a claim of qualified immunity for the
director and allowed the addition of the city as a party. “Anti-social behaviours are actions that harm or
lack consideration for the well-being of others. [...] Anti-social behaviour also develops
24 through social interaction within the family and community”,
social_behaviour. In Obrycka v. City of Chicago, #07 C 2372, U.S. Dist. Court (N.D. Ill.), Obrycka, a
bartender who was beaten-up abusively by the Police, proved that the city had a persistent widespread
27 custom or practice of protecting officers from citizen complaints, and was awarded $850,000 in
compensatory damages by the jury. The defendant officer tried to intimidate and threaten the victim, as
DK did in my case. The “city’s de facto policy and the code of silence ‘shock the conscience’ because
30 the alleged policies allow for police brutality and misconduct unjustifiable by any governmental
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 55 of 99

interest”, ibid. In further support of her code of silence theory, she presented the expert testimony of Dr.
Steven Whitman, a statistician. He found that due to the “code of silence” the sustained rates for
3 force-related complaints against Chicago police officers over the eight years prior to 2007 were
statistically significantly lower, 0.5% in 2004 -please order RR to report the rates for KL and MC; and
FDFS for all FL per every city and area; please order all LEDs in the SUA to provide LEE's use of
6 force data and excessive force complaints data to the FBI-, than the national average sustained rates
reported in the Bureau of Justice Statistics 2006 Citizens Complaints About Police Use of Force
Report for the national average for all departments (8%) or the national average for larger
9 departments like Chicago (6%). “Police officers are most often the only witnesses to police abuse of
citizens’ rights. The paramilitary nature of most police agencies creates a closer relationship amongst
police officers. Various forms of retaliation are frequent to police employees who break the Code
12 of Silence.”, In Blair v. City of Pomona, #98-55548,
223 F.3d 1074 (9th Cir. 2000), an officer asserted with sufficient evidence that he had faced retaliatory
adverse employment consequences and threats for reporting misconduct by fellow officers which
15 included not only leaving early and drinking on duty but actual crimes including stealing money,
throwing a couch upon a suspect while executing a search warrant, and, taking heroin from one suspect
and planting it on another, which shows the abuses caused by the Code of Silence. A TN officer
18 resigned after two complaints of brutality, and he promised the police commissioner of
Chattanooga, TN, that he would not apply to work in Tennessee, Alabama or Georgia but would
go to South Florida, “When police officers overstep their
21 authority, there is often a decline in public confidence that can diminish a department’s legitimacy.”
ibid. Many Police officers outran misconduct, felonies and became police chiefs,
24 sheriffs-misconduct-criminal-records-database/2214279002/: “The USA TODAY Network identified
32 people who became police chiefs or sheriffs despite a finding of serious misconduct, usually at
another department.” A criminal background check, “wouldn’t have turned up the then-sealed
27 criminal file or any of the other debris spilling out.” ibid. Please ensure that all criminal files in the
USA and even in all other countries show always all relevant unethical facts for the ethical hiring of
LEEs. Please order all Departments of Law Enforcement (DLEs) in the USA, including MC Sheriff, to
30 install enough video cameras on and film with clear sound all LEEs; and to inform all personnel that
the occurrence of “code of silence” conduct could subject the involved personnel to serious disciplinary
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consequences including termination and revocation of their professional licenses and certificates.
Revocation of professional licenses and certificates will lessen the amount of police -see
3 and Fla. Sta. 843.06- and Courts
misconduct, and enhance their professionalism, thus please revoke the certificates and professional
licenses of all the Defendants, and prevent them from continuing to serve in any government, law
6 enforcement and Court in any state in the USA and even on the rest of the planet until they compensate
me and pass 99% of testing questions regarding ethics and human safety and rights.

221. Rightfully, “the absence of a transcript of the hearing does not require [dismissal of claim]
9 under Applegate v. Barnett Bank of Tallahassee, 377 So. 2d 1150 (Fla. 1979). See, e.g., SPCA Wildlife
Care Ctr. v. Abraham, 75 So. 3d 1271, 1275 (Fla. 4th DCA 2011); Ronbeck Constr. Co. v. Savanna
Club Corp., 592 So. 2d 344, 348 (Fla. 4th DCA 1992).” Benedetto v. U. S. Bank N. A., 181 So. 3d 564,
12 566 (Fla. 4th DCA 2015). “We conclude that the circuit court applied the incorrect standard of
review by denying relief [to Plaintiff]”, Moore v. Dep't of High. Saf. & Motor Vehs., 169 So. 3d 216,
219 (Fla. 2d DCA 2015). In addition, Fla. Rule App. P. 9.200(b)(4), A Statement of the Evidence in the
15 Record on Appeal, states “On those occasions in which the proceedings were not reported or a
“transcript is unavailable, the appellant may prepare a statement of the evidence or proceedings from
the best available means, including the appellant’s recollection.” Therefore, Judge Garcia of CC and the
18 judges of Florida's Third District Court of Appeal (3DCA) injured me by not providing proper judicial
services, and must compensate me and stop the abuses.


223. 1. It should not prohibit at all swimming with snorkel and goggles, as they are safety equipment
for the protection of swimmers and the underwater environment. “From 2005-2014, there were an
24 average of 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States —
about ten deaths per day”,
factsheet.html. Very probably, all who drowned did not use goggles and snorkel for safety during
27 swimming. Indeed, I had used a snorkel -when I had and took one- during my swimming to be able to
detect ASAP any dangerous sea wildlife and rocks to avoid injuries; and to swim without affecting
anything underwater. Indeed, when I had swum alone in isolated areas in the past, wild creatures had
30 bitten or stung me many times and a threatening large fish with killingly long and sharp teeth had come
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to me once but I had seen it early with my goggles and had been ready to confront it with a protective
pole and protect myself, which made it go away; in addition, a neighbor boater, Gregory Jennings, had
3 said he had seen a crocodile in the area in the spring of 2015 and the local newspaper had printed
articles about big crocodiles and snakes in the region; indeed, the file at -also at
pages 34-37 of the Record on Appeal from CC to 3DCA- show descriptions and graphic pictures of
6 other persons' encounters, many even deadly, with wild sea creatures; therefore, asking people to swim
away from other swimmers and without goggles and snorkel is a crime which should be punished.
Indeed, I had no equipment to catch lobsters or to cause destruction of property or deleterious
9 environmental effects. I was not using a snorkel to search for or catch lobsters or cause destruction, but
to protect myself and the environment.

224. 2. There are no lobsters in Tarpon Basin due to the lack of rocky bottom for them to hide, and
12 FSC ruled that a law cannot be upheld where there is zero evidence that it actually does what it was
purportedly intended to do. N. Broward Hosp. Dist. v. Kalitan, 219 So. 3d 49, 57 (Fla. 2017) (holding
law unconstitutional because “there [wa]s no evidence […] justifying [it]”); Estate of McCall v. U.S.,
15 134 So. 3d 894, 909 (Fla. 2014) (plurality) (finding law unconstitutional because “the available
evidence fail[ed] to establish a rational relationship” between the law and its purported purpose); id. at
921 (Pariente, J., concurring) (finding same law unconstitutional because there was “no evidence . . .
18 that would justify” it). Indeed, I have never hunted for or caught any kind of lobster, including spiny
lobster, and have not even been able to due to my injuries caused in June 2013 in Key Largo by the lack
of bike route sign; the primary purpose of the Mo.Co. CO, Ch. 26, Art. IV Sec. 26-98 (a) is to harass
21 some people to stop free speech, not to protect them, which is criminal conspiracy and racketeering.
Please investigate and prosecute the local legislators who voted for the rule.

225. 3. Even though the title of CO Ch. 26, Art. IV is “DIVING AND SNORKELING PROHIBITED
24 DURING LOBSTER MINI-SEASON”, ARTICLE IV Sec. 26-98 (a) prohibits snorkeling during the
first five days of commercial lobster season too, thus, the ordinance was not and is not lawful due to
its limiting title, and does not apply to the commercial lobster season anyways. Please order all
27 legislators to get education regarding the writing of laws.

226. In conclusion, please also order MC to repeal CO Ch. 26, Art. IV.
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227. I re–allege and incorporate by reference each and every allegation contained in all previous
3 Paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.

228. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that the Court, to compensate me and stop future abuses against me
and others, grant judgment in favor of Plaintiff and declare that

6 229. SDMC, MC, MC Social Services, KL Mayor/Commissioner Office, MC Courts, 3DCA, FDFS,
their supervisors, and their other involved employees and agents (Group Gov, which includes Groups
RR, Courts, and MC) violated my rights under U.S. Constitution Amendments, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-
9 12134 (Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended), 42 USCS § 2000e
(Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended), 42 U.S.C. § 1983, § 1985, and § 1988, 29 U.S.C. § 794
(Rehabilitation Act), and other laws.

12 230. Group MC which includes MC Social Services violated my rights under the laws in the above
paragraph and also my rights under Section 533 of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC § 290cc-33).

231. Group RR and Group State Courts (I call them Group LE) violated my rights under the laws in the
15 above two paragraphs and also my rights under Florida Constitution, Article X, Section 11, and Monroe
County (MC), FL, Code of Ordinances (CO), Ch. 26, Art. IV., Sec. 26-98 (b), and under the legal,
moral and ethical principle “Lex iniusta non est lex”.

18 232. Plaintiff prays that the Court order

233. Defendants jointly and severally to pay me $7,200,000 for causing new permanent and severe
injuries, pain and suffering, and for worsening of my old injuries; exclusive of costs and interests, as
21 well as pre-judgment and post-judgment interest and costs as allowed by law.

234. RR, DK, and all LEEs to ensure that one is not overheated, cold or dehydrated during
transportation or other detention; and order all Agencies, Departments and Units of Law Enforcement
24 to teach to all employees the human rights and to care; give at arrest written advice for the assistance
by a public defender and explain the complexity of the laws and legal system.

235. all LEEs to install video cameras in all rooms, vehicles and uniforms of LEEs to film all future
27 interactions;

236. all organizations to have at least annual psychiatric evaluations of all their managers and
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employees; and after the smallest sign of cognitive and behavioral issue; and treat the sick promptly;

237. all judges to approve the services of the Public Defender for credit or public volunteering or free;

3 238. all Defendants to provide training to their employees regarding their obligations under U.S.
Constitution Amendments, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12134 (Title II of the ADA), 42 USCS § 2000e (Civil
Rights Act of 1964, as amended), 42 U.S.C. § 1983, § 1985, and § 1988, 29 U.S.C. § 794
6 (Rehabilitation Act), MC CO, Ch. 26, Art. IV, Sec. 26-98 (b), Florida Constitution, Article X, Section
11, and their implementing regulations; and under all other relevant laws;

239. all Defendants to take such affirmative steps as may be necessary to restore, as nearly as
9 practicable, each identifiable person aggrieved and harmed by Defendants’s discriminatory conduct to
the position that he or she would have been in but for Defendants' conduct;

240. DOJ, FBI to investigate, prosecute and stop the abusive conspiracies; and request all public and
12 private law enforcement departments (including DHS, CIA, NSA, FBI, ICE/Border Patrol, private
security companies, vigilante organizations such as Neighborhood Watch) to take me off of their
enemies lists they have, and order them to protect me from any harm or abuse.

15 241. Please revoke the professional licenses of all who abused me; and interdict them to work in similar
public or private posts until they pass proper, federally approved exams which teach the best practices
in the USA and the world.

18 242. Please enjoin Defendants, their officers, agents, employees, and all other persons and entities in
active concert and participation with Defendants from denying individuals with disabilities, with
certain characteristics, or of certain national origin equal participation in and equal opportunity to
21 benefit from their services, programs, and activities, or otherwise subjecting such individuals to
243. For proper justice and civilization and for the progress of our states and country, and even other
24 countries, please create urgently a new Public Office with a name such as “Public Civil Attorney
Assistance for Mentally Injured Persons”, that must offer - free or for credit or loan given from the
public budget - professional, independent legal help in civil cases to victims like me, who became
27 intellectually impaired and do not have anymore the necessary mental capacities promptly and
completely to study, understand and memorize the Laws and the Courts' Procedures to represent
themselves to prove their complaints.
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244. Please provide any further relief as the court deems equitable and just.

245. I ask respectfully for trial by jury on all issues in an Independent Court.


Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11, by signing below, I certify to the best of my knowledge,
6 information, and belief that this complaint: (1) is not being presented for an improper purpose, such as
to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost of litigation; (2) is supported by
existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for extending, modifying, or reversing existing law; (3) the
9 factual contentions have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, will likely have evidentiary
support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery; and (4) the complaint
otherwise complies with the requirements of Rule 11.

12 I agree to provide the Clerk’s Office with any changes to my address where case–related papers may be
served. I understand that my failure to keep a current address on file with the Clerk’s Office may result
in the dismissal of my case.



I HEREBY CERTIFY that, on 11/06/20, a copy of this document was sent via e-mail to

18 1. Rick Ramsay, represented by Gregory J. Jolly at Purdy, Jolly, Giuffreda & Barranco, P.A., Attorneys,
2455 East Sunrise Boulevard, Suite 1216, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304; Telephone (954) 462-3200,
Telecopier (954) 462-3861, E-mail:;

21 2. The Sheriff Department of Monroe County (SDMC), FL, is represented by General Counsel Patrick
McCullah,; 5525 College Road, Key West, FL 33040;

3. Deputy Cody Kern (DK),, and Deputy Madnick (DM),,
24 other Sheriff Deputies of SDMC, whose names I do not know, thus I call them John Jail 1-?, or John
Deputy 1-?. They were employed by the Sheriff Department of Monroe County, Key Largo, FL, and
are represented in their official capacity by, 5525 College Road, Key West, FL
27 33040;

4. Judge Ptomey of the Court of Monroe County (CMC), FL,, 118 N Rolling Hill Rd,
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 61 of 99

Tavernier, FL 33070-2027 , United States, Cell: 305-852-7155;

5. Circuit Judge Garcia of the Court of Monroe County (CMC), FL, 16th Circuit, 88820 Overseas Hwy,
3 Tavernier, FL 33070-2057, Office: 305-852-7165, Cell: 305-852-7165, Fax: 305-852-7113,; the address of his private residence is unknown;

6. CMC, represented by Court Administrator's Office, Monroe County Sixteenth Judicial Circuit,
6 Freeman Justice Center, 302 Fleming Street, Key West, FL 33040, (305)292-3423,;

7. Florida Department of Financial Services (FDFS), represented by its Division of Risk Management,
9 Kelly Hagenbeck, Administrator, South Tort Claims Unit,, 200 E.
Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0338; ph. (850) 413-3122;

8. Monroe County (MC) and its County Administrator, Roman Gastesi, gastesi-roman@monroecounty-
12, represented by Bob Shillinger, County Attorney,, 1111 12th
St. Suite 408, Key West, FL 33040, Ph: (305) 292-3470, Fx: (305) 292-3516;

9. Mayor/Commissioner Office and Commissioner Sylvia Murphy, City of Key Largo, 102050 O/S
15 Highway, Suite 234, Key Largo, FL 33037; Phone: (305) 453-8787,,
represented by Bob Shillinger, County Attorney,;

10. The legislators, J. Legislator 1-?, who voted laws which were against the U.S. Constitution. I ask
18 the state legislators of my district to identify and serve all the individuals who are guilty; I ask
legislator Senator Anitere Flores,,,, 11401 SW 40th Street,Suite 465, Miami, FL 33165, (305) 222-
21 4117; and Representative Holly Raschein,,
MemberId=4562&SessionId=89, Suite 10, 99198 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037-2437,
24 (305) 453-1202;

11. Hampton Inn, 102400 O/S Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037, franchise of Hilton Worldwide whose
Registered Agent Name & Address are Corporation Service Company, 1201 Hays Street, Tallahassee,
27 Fl 32301 -no email service is offered, why?-;

12. Employees of Hampton Inn, individuals Paul Thomas, Chavone Wilson, and unknown front desk
agent, J. Agent. Because I do not know their domiciles and email addresses, I will serve them at their
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 62 of 99

employer's location, Hampton Inn, 102400 O/S Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037.

13. The Judges at 3DCA and FSC, who were involved in my related, previous case in the state courts. I
3 serve them at the FL courts website portal;


6 Valentin Spataru

c/o CILK - Center for Independent Living

103400 Overseas Hwy. #243, Key Largo, FL 33037

9 Mobile cell phone: 305 615 0061, Email:,

Date of signing: 11/06/20



I would like to write more and review my Petition again but I have no more ideas and energy due to my
15 injuries. Please let me know your questions to answer them. Most probably, due to my legal actions in
Courts, on July 14, 2019, in Miami Beach, FL, two persons -ordered or “suggested” by OrC- hit
without cause my head again and my face, and caused me more brain issues -such as pain, headaches,
18 imapaired reasoning, and nausea-, and new open facial wounds. The emergency CT of my head/brain
was done by Mount Sinai Medical Center due to my complaint about pain and my visible head trauma
-see Due to my new injuries, I am even slower mentally, thus I need to think
21 very much time about and to check many times what I write. Please pray too for my recovery and that
of the offenders.
Our country needs more separation of powers to be juster and avoid corruption. Please initiate the
24 creation at every level, local, state, federal, United Nations, of a new public department, the Public
Auditor, independent of all political parties; the Director of the Public Auditor shall be voted as the
President of the country is. The Public Auditor will audit professionally all the public activities
27 annually and prosecute all abusers and all politicians who do not respect their electoral promises.
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 63 of 99

“Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have
done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40) “There is no justice when even a single voice goes unheard.” (1
3 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1-3, John 14:26, John 16:26)


Appendix A - Florida Supreme Court issued its one-page order denying review
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 64 of 99

Appendix B - The 3rd District Court of Appeal of Florida (3DCA) filed its opinion on March 7,
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 65 of 99


Valentin SPATARU, Appellant,

3 v.
Rick RAMSAY, etc., Appellee.

No. 3D17-671.

6 [Lower Tribunal No. 16-704-P]

District Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District.

Opinion filed March 7, 2018.

9 An Appeal from the Circuit Court for Monroe County, Lower Tribunal No. 16-704-P, Luis M. Garcia,

Valentin Spataru, in proper person.

12 Purdy, Jolly, Giuffreda & Barranco, P.A., and Gregory J. Jolly (Fort Lauderdale), for appellee.



15 Affirmed. See Santa Rosa Cty. v. Administration Com'n, Div. of Admin. Hearings, 661 So.2d 1190,
1193 (Fla. 1995) (observing that "Florida courts will not render, in the form of a declaratory judgment,
what amounts to an advisory opinion at the instance of parties who show merely the possibility of legal
18 injury on the basis of a hypothetical `state of facts which have not arisen' and are only `contingent,
uncertain, [and] rest in the future.'" (quoting LaBella v. Food Fair, Inc., 406 So.2d 1216, 1217 (Fla. 3d
DCA 764*764 1981)) (additional citations omitted))); Behm v. Campbell, 925 So.2d 1070 (Fla. 5th DCA
21 2006)(holding that defendant's plea of no contest, accompanied by a withhold of adjudication of guilt,
nevertheless established probable cause for the defendant's arrest and precluded a collateral challenge
of the legality of that arrest by way of a civil suit for false arrest).


Appendix C - CC dismissed my claim

VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 66 of 99
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 67 of 99

Appendix D - SCC's Judge Ptomey dismissed my first claim due to lack of “Notice Of Intent To
Sue Under Florida 768.28”

Appendix E - “Judgement” by Judge Ptomey in the Criminal Court that I trespassed even
though I swam lawfully
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 68 of 99
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 69 of 99

Appendix F: The GMAT report shows that my performance at the integrated reasoning section
decreased 41 pp, 77.4%, two months after the wrong arrest.

Indeed, Group RR has reduced severely my integrated reasoning skills, which has not served any
public interest. In conclusion, Group RR has destroyed at least 20% of my intellectual skills. I still
6 suffer from the medical problems caused by their brutality.
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 70 of 99

Appendix G: I complained also to Dr. Carlos Sandoval, psychiatrist, about the Defendants'
disregard for my health, and the mental injuries that Defendants caused me unlawfully; he can
3 be reached at

Guidance/Care Center Inc.
6 585 Ne 92nd St

Miami Shores, Florida 33138-3162

Phone: (305) 926-7782

9 or

99198 Overseas Hwy Ste 5

Key Largo, Florida 33037-2437

12 Phone: (305) 434-7660

Fax: (305) 451-8019

VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 71 of 99

i Police officer, received 15 ½ years in prison for her involvement in a drug trafficking conspiracy,
pled-guilty-conspiracy, April 17, 2019. "Police officer with the Village of Biscayne Park pleaded guilty
today in federal court in Miami to conspiracy to deprive a person of his civil rights and deprivation of
civil rights under color of law.”
guilty-federal-court-conspiracy-deprive-civil-rights-and. Moreover, “severe shortcomings in the police
investigation that implies potential corruption or criminal misconduct on the part of the police. […] the
court procedure […] led to a gross miscarriage of justice […] the police officer M. Plassiard who
handled his case is either incompetent or corruptly acting on external instructions. […] Neither the
judge nor any of the psychiatrists or police officers can reach the conclusion that M. Laroche must be
delusional simply because he claims to be harassed by the [corrupt] intelligence agencies. • This is
especially not a valid judgement as there are international conferences entirely dedicated to the
crimes committed by the [corrupt] intelligence agencies, for example the Covert Harassment
Conference that was also attended by the famous NSA whistle-blower William Binney. • There
are also whistle-blowers from the intelligence agencies, for example the ex-MI6 agent Carl Clark,
who confirm that the psychological and electromagnetic warfare program that M. Laroche
claims to be a victim of is real and is affecting thousands of innocent victims. • The Wikileaks Vault
7 releases even included the evidence of over 1500 victims of the intelligence agencies who were
already begging for the attacks against them to be stopped 10 years ago. The number of victims has
only exploded since then.”
katherine-horton-sur-mon-faux-accident-juin-2017-english.pdf. “[Dr Duncan:] You are at the heart of
the program to break you down in every way financially, mentally, social supports, etc. But from an
outsiders perspective, they only see you doing it to yourself.”

“Many military officers illegally rake in tons of money with false contracts which benefit those officers
and contracting companies. They obviously don't want their accounts to be properly audited. […] a top
U.S. general exposing major war manipulations, click here. For more on military corruption […] are
[…] available here. […] war manipulations and advanced weapons developments often being used
against civilians, click here.”

“the FBI never even charged Osama bin Laden with the crimes of 9/11 because they had insufficient
evidence? […] extensive use of the weakest of claims—claims made under torture […] If you wish to
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 72 of 99

read an admirable summary of the evidence against the official account of the WTC destruction, I refer
you to a recent publication that can be obtained from the website of Architects & Engineers for 9/11
Truth. It is entitled, Beyond Misinformation: What Science Says About the Destruction of World Trade
Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7. […] the three buildings were brought down by planted explosives and
other agents of destruction […] the founding event in the War on Terror is a fraud. […] the U.S.
government agencies that promote the fraudulent event, including the FBI, are aware of the fraud and
have been engaged in a major cover-up. They are, at the very least, accessories after the fact. […] there
is a taboo in place in Canada (as in the U.S.) that punishes people, including members of Parliament,
who raise questions about the FBI account of 9/11. 2. Observation: a familiar pattern of human history
becomes clear to those who study the 9/11 event: threat leads to feelings of unity, and feelings of unity
facilitate and shape the reaction: (a) the sacrifice civil rights at home and (b) a willingness to use force
against a perceived enemy. 3. Observation: In the case of the 9/11 event in the U.S. the reaction phase
encouraged (a) a willingness at home to surrender traditional rights and freedoms and (b) a willingness
to use military force abroad. 4. Claim: the 9/11 attacks were not carried out by Islamic extremists but
were managed from within the U.S. to manipulate the population and to intimidate the U.S. Congress
into supporting the reaction desired by the perpetrators. […] the pattern includes not only attack on
enemy states but also sacrifice of civil rights at home. Here is where the anthrax attacks scored their
biggest victory. Attorney General John Ashcroft had introduced what would later be called the Patriot
Act shortly after 9/11 and had made it clear to Congress that he wanted it passed immediately. But there
was resistance. Both the population at large and Congress began to recover from the 9/11 attacks, and
as they did so their willingness to sacrifice civil rights began to diminish. The anthrax attacks saved the
day for Ashcroft by ensuring that both population and Congress remained sufficiently intimidated to
accept the Patriot act. The act was passed on October 26, 2001. The connection between its passage and
the anthrax attacks is very clear. There were two powerful Democratic senators whose actions were
slowing down passage of the Patriot Act. One was Tom Daschle, whom I have mentioned previously.
The second was Patrick Leahy, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Anthrax letters were sent
out to Daschle and Leahy immediately after they resisted a deadline for passage of the bill
proposed by Vice-President Dick Cheney. How odd that al-Qaeda and Iraq would have had a
special hatred of Democratic senators who slowed down the Patriot Act!”, “The Physical
Intimidation of Legislatures”,
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 73 of 99

ii “by creating credit (money) using the fractional reserve system, bankers can legally claim credit to 10
times or more the amount of any [deposit]. Now you can understand the foundation upon which global
banking empires are built. […] suppressing and otherwise hiding this key information [,and
allowing banks to give predatory loans -and charge huge fees for the “privilege” of a loan-] is a
massive deception which does not serve the public and only serves to allow the bankers to easily
become excessively powerful and corrupt [and more predatory].[…] The foundation for the Federal
Reserve system was crafted in the utmost secrecy in 1910 at the Jekyll Island resort by several
powerful men with very close ties to the Rockefellers, the J.P. Morgan family, and the Rothschilds —
the richest and most powerful families in the world at that time [, due to abusive monopolies]. A
version of the legislation crafted eventually passed in 1913 over the objections of many who feared that
turning over control of the nation's money supply to a consortium of private bankers would
inevitably only produce more riches for the ultra rich at the expense of the general public.
Virtually everyone agrees that the Fed is highly secretive. Wikipedia lists other criticisms of the Federal
Reserve […] : '[…] One group of criticisms, typified by the Austrian School, criticize the Federal
Reserve as an unnecessary and counterproductive interference in the economy. […] lack of
accountability or culture of secrecy […] a scheme to enrich a few wealthy bankers at the expense
of the public. […] Nobel Economist Milton Friedman said he 'prefer[s] to abolish the federal reserve
system altogether.' [13]. Ben Bernanke, [former] Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal
Reserve, stated: 'I would like to say to Milton [Friedman] and Anna [J. Schwartz]: Regarding the
Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it
again.' [22] [23] [, but they did it again, which showed in 2007] […] The Federal Reserve is
neither truly federal, nor a full reserve. It is not owned or directly controlled by the United States
government [and they pay very little taxes compared to the damage they cause to the
unsuspecting public]. The fact that the words 'United States Federal Reserve System' are printed
on every U.S. bank note thus raises serious questions.' We recommend these revealing
documentaries on money and the banking cover-up: - Monopoly Men (45 min.) - Money, Power & Wall Street (PBS - 4 hours) - The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World (PBS)

VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 74 of 99 - Money Masters (210 min., transcript available here)

[…] blatant manipulations by top bankers, click here. A more thorough history of the development of
banking and more is available here. For a top professor's 10-page summary of the powerful role of
bankers throughout history, click here. […] proposals for empowering change, see the American
Monetary Institute's website at And for a highly decorated U.S. General's
essay revealing huge manipulations and profiteering by major banks in wartime, click here. For lots
more, see our Banking Corruption Information Center at this link[…] To contact those close to
you, click here. Urge them to study and bring publicity to this important topic. Learn more about
major money manipulations and what we can do about it in this powerful lesson from the
free Insight Course. Explore inspiring ideas on building a brighter future by reading this short essay.”

Furthermore, "The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to
create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system
of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a
feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived
at in frequent private meetings and conferences.", Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, Chapter 20.
Carroll Quigley was a professor of history at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976. He also taught
at Princeton and at Harvard […] Below are key excerpts on the history of money and banking from
Prof. Quigley's masterpiece Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time.[…]

Money Power -Controlled by International “Investment Bankers”- Dominates Business and

Government: On the whole, in the period up to 1931, bankers, especially the Money Power controlled
by the international “investment bankers”, were able to dominate both business and government. They
could dominate business, especially in activities and in areas where industry could not finance its own
needs for capital, because investment bankers had the ability to supply or refuse to supply such capital.
Thus, Rothschild interests came to dominate many of the railroads of Europe, while Morgan
dominated at least 26,000 miles of American railroads. […] they funneled capital to enterprises
which yielded control and away from those who resisted.

These firms were controlled through interlocking directorships, holding companies, and lesser banks.
They engineered amalgamations and generally reduced competition, until by the early twentieth
century many activities were so monopolized that they could raise their noncompetitive prices
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 75 of 99

above costs to obtain sufficient profits to become self-financing. But before that stage was reached a
relatively small number of bankers were in positions of immense influence in European and American
economic life. As early as 1909, Walter Rathenau, who was in a position to know (since he had
inherited from his father control of the German General Electric Company and held scores of
directorships himself), said, "Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the
economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves."

The Power of “Investment Bankers” Over Governments: The power of “investment bankers” over
governments rests on a number of factors, of which the most significant, perhaps, is the need of
governments to issue short-term treasury bills as well as long-term government bonds. […] to tide over
the shallow places caused by irregular tax receipts. As experts in government bonds, the “international
bankers” not only handled the necessary advances, but provided advice to government officials and, on
many occasions, placed their own members in official posts for varied periods to deal with special
problems. This is so widely accepted even today that in 1961 a Republican investment banker
became Secretary of the Treasury in a Democratic Administration in Washington without
significant comment from any direction.

Naturally, the influence of bankers over governments during the age of financial capitalism (roughly
1850-1931) was not something about which anyone talked freely, but it has been admitted frequently
enough by those on the inside, especially in England. In 1852 Gladstone, chancellor of the Exchequer,
declared, "The hinge of the whole situation was this: the government itself was not to be a
substantive power in matters of Finance, but was to leave the Money Power supreme and
unquestioned." On September 26, 1921, The Financial Times wrote, "Half a dozen men at the top of
the Big Five Banks could upset the whole fabric of government finance by refraining from
renewing Treasury Bills."”

iii Furthermore, NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, 1971 by Gary Allen with Larry Abraham,
writes “We believe that many of the major world events that are shaping our destinies occur because
somebody or somebodies have planned them that way. If we were merely dealing with the law of
averages, half of the events affecting our nation's well-being should be good for America. If we were
dealing with mere incompetence, our leaders should occasionally make a mistake in our favor. We shall
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 76 of 99

attempt to prove that we are not really dealing with coincidence or stupidity, but with “planning”
and “brilliance”. […] In 1953, one of these men, Norman Dodd, headed the Reece Committee's
investigation of tax-free foundations. When Mr. Dodd began delving into the role of international
high finance in the world revolutionary movement, the investigation was killed on orders […] .
According to Mr. Dodd, it is permissible to investigate the radical bomb throwers in the streets, but
when you begin to trace their activities back to their origins in the "legitimate world," the political iron
curtain slams down. […] there is a king-financing business and to those who can ensure collection it is
lucrative indeed. […] Like a business, no government can borrow big money unless willing to
surrender to the creditor some measure of sovereignty as collateral. Certainly international bankers who
have loaned hundreds of billions of dollars to governments around the world command considerable
influence in the policies of such governments. But the ultimate advantage the creditor has over the king
or president is that if the ruler gets “out of line” the banker can finance his enemy or rival [even if
the credit is predatory]. Therefore, if you want to stay in the lucrative king-financing business, it is
“wise” to have an enemy or rival waiting in the wings to unseat every king or president to whom you
lend. If the king doesn't have an enemy, “you” must create one.

Preeminent in playing this game was the famous House of Rothschild. Its founder, Meyer Amschel
Rothschild (1743-1812) of Frankfurt, Germany, kept one of his five sons at home to run the Frankfurt
bank and sent the others to London, Paris, Vienna and Naples. The Rothschilds became incredibly
wealthy during the nineteenth century by financing governments to fight each other. According to
Professor Stuart Crane: "If you will look back at every war in Europe during the Nineteenth
Century, you will see that they always ended with the establishment of a 'balance of power.' With
every reshuffling there was a balance of power in a new grouping around the House of Rothschild
in England, France, or Austria. They grouped nations so that if any king got out of line a war would
break out and the war would be decided by which way the financing went.

Researching the debt positions of the warring nations will usually indicate who was to be
punished. In describing the characteristics of the Rothschilds and other major international bankers,
Dr. Quigley tells us that they remained different from ordinary bankers in several ways: they were
cosmopolitan and international; they were close to governments and were particularly concerned
with government debts, including foreign government debts; these bankers came to be called
"international bankers." (Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p.52) One major reason for the historical
blackout on the role of the international bankers in political history is that the Rothschilds were Jewish.
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 77 of 99

Anti-Semites have played into the hands of the conspiracy by trying to portray the entire
conspiracy as Jewish. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The traditionally Anglo-Saxon J.
P. Morgan and Rockefeller [-who are actually “Christian” descendants of Anglo-Saxon-Norman
landlords mixed with Hebrew Bedouins whose ancestors owned slaves and thus accumulated very
much gold; “Communists, like the super rich families, are not the enemies of MONOPOLY
CAPITALISM: they are the foes of FREE ENTERPRISE."
illuminati08d82a020d68c0cc22d1341ca64c1fae53592.html-] international banking institutions
have played a key role in the conspiracy. But there is no denying the importance of the Rothschilds
and their satellites. However, it is just as unreasonable and immoral to blame all Jews for the crimes of
the Rothschilds as it is to hold all Baptists accountable for the crimes of the Rockefellers. The Jewish
members of the conspiracy have used an organization called the Anti-Defamation League as an
instrument to try to convince everyone that any mention of the Rothschilds or their allies is an
attack on all Jews. In this way they have stifled almost all honest scholarship on international
bankers and made the subject taboo within universities. […] Actually, nobody has a right to be
more angry at the Rothschild clique than their fellow Jews. The Warburgs, part of the Rothschild
empire, helped finance Adolph Hitler. There were few if any Rothschilds or Warburgs in the Nazi
prison camps [which used poorer people or dissidents as forced labor -descendants of slaves/serfs
or mixed persons, who were maltreated as ancient slaves or captured persons were-]! They sat
out the war in luxurious hotels in Paris or emigrated to the United States or England. As a group,
Jews have suffered most at the hands of these power seekers. A Rothschild has much more in common
with a Rockefeller than he does with a tailor from Budapest or the Bronx. […]

Nothing drives government deeply into debt like a war; and it has not been an uncommon practice
among international bankers to finance both sides of the bloodiest military conflicts. For example,
during our Civil War the North was financed by the [psychopathic] Rothschilds through their
American agent, August Belmont, and the American South through the Erlangers, Rothschild
relatives. […] Professor Quigley reveals that these international bankers who owned and controlled the
Banks of England and France maintained their power even after those banks were theoretically
socialized. The American system is slightly different, but the net effect is the same ever increasing
debt requiring ever-increasing interest payments, inflation and periodic scientifically created
depressions and recessions. […] The establishing of the Federal Reserve System provided the
"conspiracy" with an instrument whereby the international bankers could run the national debt up to the
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 78 of 99

sky, thereby collecting enormous amounts of interest and also gaining control over the borrower.
During the Wilson Administration alone, the national debt expanded 800 percent.

Two months prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the conspirators had created the
mechanism to collect the funds to pay the interest on the national debt. That mechanism was the
“progressive” income tax […] Leftist ideology and platform were made to order for the elitist Insiders
because it aimed at concentrating power in government. The insiders knew they could control that
power and use it to their own purposes. They were not, of course, interested in promoting competition
but in restricting it. Professor Gabriel Kolko has prepared a lengthy volume presenting the undeniable
proof that the giant corporate manipulators promoted much of the so-called "progressive legislation" of
the Roosevelt and Wilson eras-legislation which ostensibly was aimed at controlling their abuses, but
which was so written as to suit their interests. […] The best way for the Insiders to eliminate this
growing Competition was to impose a progressive income tax on their competitors while writing the
laws so as to include built-in escape hatches for themselves. Actually, very few of the proponents of the
graduated income tax realized they were playing into the hands of those they were seeking to control.
[…] The conspirators now had created the mechanisms to run up the debt, to collect the debt, and (for
themselves) to avoid the taxes required to pay the yearly interest on the debt. Then all that was needed
was a reason to escalate the debt. Nothing runs up a national debt like a war. And World War I was
being brewed in Europe. […] So-called "Prussian militarism" did exist, but it was no threat to conquer
the world. […] Most people today believe the Communists were successful in Russia because they
were able to rally behind them the sympathy and frustration of the Russian people who were sick of the
tyranny of the Czars. This is to ignore the history of what actually happened. While almost everybody
is reminded that the Bolshevik Revolution took place in November of 1917, few know that the Czar
had abdicated seven months earlier in March. When Czar Nicholas II abdicated, a provisional
government was established by Prince Lvov who wanted to pattern the new Russian government after
our own. But, unfortunately, the Lvov government gave way to the Kerensky regime. Kerensky, a so-
called democratic socialist, may have been running a caretaker government for the Communists. He
kept the war going against Germany and the other Central Powers, but he issued a general amnesty for
Communists and other revolutionaries, many of whom had been exiled after the abortive Red
Revolution of 1905. Back to mother Russia came 250,000 dedicated revolutionaries, and Kerensky's
own government's doom was sealed.

In the Soviet Union, as in every Communist country (or as they call themselves-the Socialist countries),
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 79 of 99

the power has not come to the Communists' hands because the downtrodden masses willed it so. The
power has come from the top down in every instance. […] The Bolsheviks were not a visible political
force at the time the Czar abdicated. And they came to power not because the downtrodden masses of
Russia called them back, but because very powerful men in Europe and the United States sent them in.

Lenin was sent across Europe-at-war on the famous "sealed train." With him Lenin took some $5 to $6
million in gold. The whole thing was arranged by the German high command and Max Warburg,
3 through another very wealthy and lifelong socialist by the name of Alexander Helphand alias "Parvus."
[…] by November, through bribery, cunning, brutality and deception, they were able (not to bring the
masses rallying to their cause but) to hire enough thugs and make enough deals to impose out of the
6 gun barrel what Lenin called "all power to the Soviets." The Communists came to power by seizing a
mere handful of key cities. In fact, practically the whole Bolshevik Revolution took place in one city-
Petrograd. It was as if the whole United States became Communist because a Communist-led mob
9 seized Washington, D. C. It was years before the Soviets solidified power throughout Russia.

[…] these two German "patriots" neglected to mention to the Kaiser their plan to foment a Communist
revolution in Russia. The picture takes on another dimension when you consider that the brother of
12 Max Warburg was Paul Warburg, prime mover in establishing the Federal Reserve System and who
from his position on the Federal Reserve Board of Directors, played a key role in financing the
American war effort. (When news leaked out in American papers about brother Max running the
15 German finances, Paul resigned from his Federal Reserve post without a whimper.) From here on the
plot sickens. For the father-in-law of Max Warburg's brother, Felix, was Jacob Schiff, senior partner in
Kuhn, Loeb & Co. (Paul and Felix Warburg, you will recall, were also partners in Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
18 while Max ran the Rothschild-allied family bank of Frankfurt.) Jacob Schiff also helped finance Leon
Trotsky. According to the New York Journal-American of February 3, 1949: "Today it is estimated by
Jacob's grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about 20,000,000 dollars for the final triumph of
21 Bolshevism in Russia." […] Schiff spent millions to overthrow the Czar and more millions to
overthrow Kerensky. He was sending money to Russia long after the true character of the Bolsheviks
was known to the world. […] evidence indicates that the bankrolling of the Bolsheviks was handled by
24 a syndicate of international bankers, which in addition to the Schiff-Warburg clique, included Morgan
and Rockefeller interests. Documents show that the Morgan organization put at least $1 million in the
Red revolutionary kitty.* Still another important financier of the Bolshevik Revolution was an
27 extremely wealthy Englishman named Lord Alfred Milner, the organizer and head of a secret
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY … - page 80 of 99

organization called "The Round Table" Group which was backed by Lord Rothschild […] 'the
Bolsheviks, after victory, transferred 600 million roubles in gold between the years 1918 and 1922 to
3 Kuhn, Loeb & Company [Schiff's firm].' […] America were at war with Germany and were allies of
Czarist Russia. To free dozens of German divisions to switch from the Eastern front to France and kill
hundreds of thousands of American and British soldiers was nothing short of treason. […] Russia was
6 the one major European country without a central bank. In Russia, for the first time, the Communist
conspiracy gained a geographical homeland from which to launch assaults against the other nations of
the world. The West now had an enemy. […] In the Bolshevik Revolution we have some of the world's
9 richest and most powerful men financing a movement which claims its very existence is based on the
concept of stripping of their wealth men like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs,
Morgans, Harrimans, and Milners. But obviously these men have no fear of international Communism.
12 It is only logical to assume that if they financed it and do not fear it, it must be because they control it.
[…] You must have an "enemy" if you are going to collect from the King. The East-West balance-of-
power politics is used as one of the main excuses for the socialization of America. Although it was not
15 their main purpose, by nationalization of Russia the Insiders bought themselves an enormous piece of
real estate, complete with mineral rights, for somewhere between $30 and $40 million. […]
establishing a world government whereby a clique of super-rich financiers would control the world
18 under the guise of “Socialism”. The American subsidiary of this conspiracy is called the Council on
Foreign Relations and was started by, and is still controlled by “Leftist” international bankers. […
Schiff's] firm, Kuhn Loeb and Co. bankrolled the first five year plan for Stalin, Schiff’s partner and
21 relative, Paul Warburg, engineered the establishment of the Federal Reserve System while on the Kuhn
Loeb payroll, Schiff’s descendants are active in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) today. […]
The admitted goal of the CFR is to abolish the Constitution and replace our once independent Republic
24 with a World Government. CFR members have controlled the last six administrations. Richard Nixon
has been a member and has appointed at least 100 CFR members to high positions in his
administration. […] the international bankers have an enforcer arm within Russia to keep the Soviet
27 leaders in line. The organization may be SMERSH, the international Communist murder organization
described in testimony before Congressional Committees and by Ian Fleming in his James Bond books.
For although the Bond novels were wildly imaginative, Fleming had been in British Navy intelligence,
30 maintained excellent intelligence contacts around the world and was reputedly a keen student of the
international conspiracy. […] At Versailles, this same clique carved up Europe and set the stage for
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World War II. As Lord Curzon commented: "It is not a peace treaty, it is simply a break in hostilities."
In 1933, the same Insiders pushed FDR into recognizing the Soviet Union, thus saving it from financial
3 collapse, while at the same time they were underwriting huge loans on both sides of the Atlantic for the
new regime of Adolph Hitler. In so doing they assisted greatly in setting the stage for World War II, and
the events that followed. In 1941, the same Insiders rushed to the aid of our "noble ally," Stalin, after
6 his break with Hitler. In 1943, these same insiders marched off to the Teheran Conference and
proceeded to start the carving up of Europe after the second great "war to end war." Again at Yalta and
Potsdam in 1945, they established the China policy … later summarized by Owen Lattimore: "The
9 problem was how to allow them [China] to fall without making it look as if the United States had
pushed them." The facts are inescapable. In one country after another Communism has been imposed
on the local population from the top down. […] Communism is an arm of a bigger conspiracy to
12 control the world by power-mad billionaires (and brilliant but ruthless academicians who have shown
them how to use their power) […] this conspiracy is not made up solely of bankers and international
cartelists, but includes every field of human endeavor. Starting with Voltaire and Adam Weishaupt and
15 running through John Ruskin, Sidney Webb, Nicholas Murray Butler, and on to the present with Henry
Kissinger and John Kenneth Galbraith, it has always been the scholar looking for avenues of power
who has shown the "sons of the very powerful" how their wealth could be used to rule the world.
18 […] Other equally important segments which work to foment labor, religious and racial strife in order
to promote socialism have been described in numerous other books. These other divisions of the
conspiracy operate independently of the international bankers in most cases and it would certainly be
21 disastrous to ignore the danger to our freedom they represent.

It would be equally disastrous to lump all businessmen and bankers into the conspiracy. One must draw
the distinction between competitive free enterprise, the most moral and productive system ever devised,
and cartel capitalism dominated by industrial monopolists and international bankers. The difference is
the private enterpriser operates by offering products and services in a competitive free market while the
cartel capitalist uses the government to force the public to do business with him. These corporate
socialists are the deadly enemies of competitive private enterprise. […] When one discusses the
machinations of these men, Liberals usually respond by saying, "But don't you think they mean well?"

However, if you think with logic, reason and precision in this field and try to expose these power
seekers, the Establishment's mass media will accuse you of being a dangerous paranoid who is
"dividing" our people. In every other area, of course, they encourage dissent as being healthy in a
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"democracy." […]

If you wish to establish national monopolies, you must control national governments. If you wish to
establish international monopolies or cartels, you must control a world government. After the Armistice
on November 11, 1918, Woodrow Wilson and his alter ego, "Colonel" House (the ever present front
man for the Insiders), went to Europe in hopes of establishing a world government in the form of the
League of Nations. […] House wrote that the conspiracy was to insinuate "itself into the primaries, in
order that no candidate might be nominated whose views were not in accord with theirs." Elections
were to become mere charades conducted for the bedazzlement of the booboisie. The idea was to use
both the Democrat and Republican parties as instruments […] for strategic reasons Lord Rothschild
was subsequently removed from the forefront of the scheme. Professor Quigley reveals that Lord
Rosebury "replaced his father-in Law, Lord Rothschild, in Rhodes' secret group and was made a
Trustee under Rhodes' next (and last), will."

The "secret society" was organized on the conspiratorial pattern of circles within circles. Professor
Quigley informs us that the central part of the "secret society" was established by March, 1891, using
3 Rhodes' money. The organization was run for Rothschild by Lord Alfred Milner, discussed in the last
chapter as a key financier of the Bolshevik revolution. The Round Table worked behind the scenes at
the highest levels of British government, influencing foreign policy and England's involvement and
6 conduct of WWI. According to Professor Quigley:

"At the end of the war of 1914, it became clear that the organization of this system [the Round Table
Group] had to be greatly extended. Once again the task was entrusted to Lionel Curtis who established,
in England and each dominion, a front organization to the existing Round Table Group. This front
organization, called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, had as its nucleus in each area the
existing submerged Round Table Group. In New York it was known as the Council on Foreign
Relations, and was a front for J. P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small American
Round Table Group. The American organizers were dominated by the large number of Morgan
'experts,' … who had gone to the Paris Peace Conference and there became close friends with the
similar group of English 'experts' which had been recruited by the Milner group. […] Joseph Kraft
(C.F.R.), however, tells us in Harper's of July 1958, that the chief agent in the formal founding of the
Council on Foreign Relations was "Colonel" House, supported by such proteges as Walter Lippmann,
John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles and Christian Herter. […] It had to be made to appear that the C.F.R.
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in America, and the R.I.I.A. in Britain, were really independent bodies, lest the American public
become aware the C.F.R. was in fact a subsidiary of the Round Table Group and react in patriotic fury.
[…] According to Quigley, the most important [psychopathic] financial “dynasties” in America
following WWI were (in addition to Morgan) the Rockefeller family; Kuhn, Loeb & Company;
Dillon Read and Company and Brown Bros. Harriman. All were represented in the C.F.R. and
Paul Warburg was one of the incorporators. The Insider crowd which created the Federal Reserve
System, many of whom also bankrolled the Bolshevik Revolution, were all in the original membership.
In addition to Paul Warburg, founders of the C.F.R. included [psychopathic] international financial
Insiders Jacob Schiff, Averell Harriman, Frank Vanderlip, Nelson Aldrich, Bernard Baruch, J. P.
Morgan and John D. Rockefeller. These men did not create the C.F.R. because they had nothing
better to do with their time and money. They created it as a tool to further their ambitions. The C.F.R.
has come to be known as "The Establishment," "the invisible government" and "the Rockefeller foreign
office." This semi-secret organization unquestionably has become the most influential group in
America. […] The policies promoted by the Council on Foreign Relations (C.F.R.) in the fields of
defense and international relations become, with a regularity which defies the laws of chance, the
official policies of the United States Government. [… CFR is the] recruiting ground for ranking
officials." Kraft, incidentally, aptly titled his article on the C.F.R., "School for Statesmen — an
admission that the members of the Council are drilled with a "line" of strategy to be carried out in
Washington. […] A second world war would greatly enhance the opportunity for establishment of
World Government. The financing for [psychopathic] Adolph Hitler's rise to power was handled
through the [psychopathic] Warburg-controlled Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam and later by the J.
Henry Schroeder Bank with branches in Frankfurt, London and New York. Chief legal counsel to the J.
Henry Schroeder Bank 'was the firm of Sullivan and Cromwell whose senior partners included John
Foster and Allen Dulles [,psychopaths], (See James Martin's All Honorable Men, Little Brown Co.,
New York, 1950, p. 51. See also Quigley, p.433.) […] While the Insiders are serving champagne and
caviar to their guests in their summer mansions at Newport, or entertaining other members of the social
elite aboard their yachts, their [psychopathic] agents are out enslaving and murdering people. And
you are next on their list. […] They have used the prestige that their wealth, their social position,
and their education have given them to lead their country toward bankruptcy [-of the others while
they get richer-,] and military debacle [,and death in war zones of the most aggressive and
patriotic citizens who, if they lived long enough and discovered the truth, would have made sure
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that, in Ethical Courts of Law, the “insiders” would have paid for their lies and abuses]. They
should look at their hands. There is blood on them […] 'The Bilderberger Advisory Committee forms
an even more inner circle' than the Steering Committee. […] such an event held in secret makes a
mockery of the democratic process. […] As the British statesman and Rothschild confidante
Benjamin Disraeli wrote in Coningsby: "So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed
by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." […]
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, [is] head of the secret, “one world” Bilderberger movement […]. A
former Nazi SS storm trooper ("We had a lot of fun"), [psychopathic] Bernhard now works with the
[psychopathic] Rothschilds and [psychopathic] Communists to promote a World Super State of the
[psychopathic] elite. […] Isn't it “nice” to have changes in America's role in the world decided
upon by Bernhard, Rothschild and Rockefeller? There is real “democracy” in action […].

The [psychopathic] Rockefellers assigned their public relations agent, Ivy Lee, to sell the American
public the idea that the Bolsheviks [who killed tens of millions persons] were merely misunderstood
“idealists” who were actually kind benefactors of mankind. […] For fifty years the Federal Reserve-
CFR-Rockefeller-lnsider crowd has advocated and carried out policies aimed at increasing the
power of their satellite, the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, America spends $75 billion a year on
defense to protect itself from the enemy the Insiders are building up. […] A machine gun is still
considered strategic and therefore may not be shipped to the Communists, but the tools for making the
machine guns and the chemicals to propel the bullets have been declared "non-strategic." Meanwhile,
nearly 50,000 Americans have died in Vietnam. The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese receive 85
percent of their war materials from Russia and the Soviet bloc nations. […] Only the absence of a
formal declaration of “war” in Vietnam keeps the Eatons and Rockefellers from being actionable
for treason [(let's sue them for cheating that injured millions of people)]. […] When Communist
dictators visit the U. S. they do not visit the laborers or union leaders, but hobnob with industrial
leaders. There is little, if any, attempt by the Red dictators to identify with the working class. […] Since
the Rockefellers have contracted to arrange for patents for the Soviets, they are by dictionary definition
Communist agents. Would it not be more accurate to define the Communists as Rockefeller agents?
[…] If a criminal goes up and down the streets shouting at the top of his lungs that as soon as he
gets hold of a gun he is going to kill Joe Doaks, and you learn that Doaks is secretly giving guns to
the criminal, one of two things must be true. Either Doaks is a fool or all the shouting is just
"show biz" and the criminal secretly works for Doaks. The Rockefellers are not fools. […] The
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press, quite 'naturally', remains silent about killing American soldiers by proxy.

[…] once a significant number of [restrictions on liberty] -perhaps five has been imposed, we can
rationally conclude that the remainder would not be far behind and that the fight for freedom
and the preservation of the Republic has been lost in this country.


1. Restrictions on taking money out of the country and on the establishment or retention of a foreign
bank account by an American citizen.

2. Abolition of private ownership of hand guns.

3. Detention of individuals without judicial process.

4. Requirements that private financial transactions be keyed to social security numbers or other
government identification so that government records of these transactions can be kept and fed into a

5. Use of compulsory education laws to forbid attendance at presently existing private schools.

6. Compulsory non-military service.

7. Compulsory psychological treatment for non-government workers or public school children.

8. An official declaration that anti-Communist organizations are subversive and subsequent legal action
taken to suppress them.

9. Laws limiting the number of people allowed to meet in a private home.

10. Any significant change in passport regulations to make passports more difficult to obtain or use.

11. Wage and price controls [, artificial limits to legal remedies to be paid by government or its
employees] […]


13. Any attempt to restrict freedom of movement within the United States.

14. Any attempt to make a new major law by executive decree (that is, actually put into effect, not
merely authorized as by existing executive orders.)

[…] let's "end run," the conspiracy. Here's how: […] The conspiracy may be able to stifle publicity
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on this book and keep it off the magazine rack at your local supermarket, but they can't stop you from
distributing it. […] Start your "end run" in your own precinct now. Lists of registered voters are
available from your County Registrar. […] [Y]our local Congressional candidate must be forced to take
a public stand on the Council on Foreign Relations, its goals, and its power in the federal government.
And once your candidate is elected you must make sure that he does not submit to the incredible
pressure which will be put upon him in Washington to compromise his principles […] then keep your
eagle eye on your Congressman and his voting record. […] With [200] million "end runs" being
made […] , you can, and will, rout the conspiracy, turn the tide of history and prevent the enslavement
of yourself and your family. Remember, seeds planted […] will pay off not only this year, but [in 2 and
4 years]. If we do not build a large counter-[psychopathic dictatorship] base now the ball game will be
lost.” NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, 1971 by Gary Allen with Larry Abraham, ISBN:
0899666612,, or

Moreover, “Socialism was a humanitarian catastrophe. Communism was not really a new or radical
idea, even in 1917. It was simply a clever repackaging of the old, old story that the king knows best.
That the state should decide how to plan and run society. It matters not whether his name is Rameses or
Augustus or Suleiman or Henry or Napoleon or Adolf or Vladimir or Josef or Mao or Fidel or Kim or
Hugo. It’s the same recipe. […] Free-market ideas are often the very opposite of business and corporate
interests. We need to call out not just the worst examples of crony capitalism, but an awful lot of what
passes for capitalism today — a creature of subsidy that lobbies governments for regulatory barriers to
entry. As Adam Smith said, 'People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and
diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public.' […] To be a follower of Adam
Smith was to be […] against imperialism, militarism, slavery, autocracy, the established church,
corruption and the patriarchy. […] 'societies that use markets extensively develop a culture of co-
operation, fairness and respect for the individual [(including me; please order Offenders to compensate
me)]'. […] 'nations with very low levels of economic freedom are 14 times more prone to conflict than
those with very high levels.' […] markets do not just make people richer, they make people nicer too,
less likely to fight and more likely to help each other. It’s obvious really: if you want to sell somebody
something, or buy something from somebody, it pays not to kill them, or annoy them. […] Nor
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was the crash of 2008 caused by too much free enterprise – not if you understand the role played by the
Chinese government in driving down its exchange rate, the role played by the Federal Reserve in
keeping down the cost of debt, and above all the role of government regulations in forcing Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac into the sub-prime lending business, where they could fuel a sub-prime boom on the
back of government interest rates. The lie that the crisis was a crisis of free markets, as opposed to
crony corporatism, has long been exploded among serious scholars. […] support for free
enterprise is the very opposite of support for big business” -The case for free-market anticapitalism
– CapX,

The "big" international criminal bankers (BICB) stole more than 2 trillion dollars:

The "big" international criminal bankers (BICB) financed in 1914 the German Kaiser and his Austrian
3 and Hungarian allies to attack Romanians and other ethnic groups and nationalities, and after the
Romanian national treasure was sent to and reached the allies in Moscow's Kremlin to be guarded there
by the allied Russian Government, BICBs also financed the Moscow's killer "communists" who took
6 over Russia by assassinations and terror, and have never returned most of the Romanian national
treasure -including almost 100 tonnes of priceless, collectible, XIX-century gold coins- and its legal
interest; the total loss would be today more than 2 trillion dollars, 100,000 for every Romanian citizen
9 alive. Romania was a big producer of gold, gasoline, timber, cereals and other products, but BICBs
caused great losses and damages to Romania and its citizens –more than 335,000 soldiers died during
WWI,, and much of its national treasure
12 was “confiscated” in 1917. BICBs do not care about any country, including the USA, but only about
increasing their wealth; indeed, 30 trillion dollars are in tax heavens today, and a big part is owned or
“controlled” by BICBs. They financed also Stalin, Hitler, and other demented and terrorist despots;
15 BICBs have used many times the resources of the “Wall-Street” in New York, USA. Let's vote
legislation to make it illegal and punishable by life in prison for USA's citizens and institutions to
finance abusive, predatory wars and despots. Again, in 1940, Stalin invaded Romania and took a part in
18 NE, while Hitler took a part in NW. Even after Romania allied with France, UK, USA, and their allies,
including Soviet Union, a unit of Stalin's army stole again in 1947 most of the new Romanian national
treasure, including more than 200 tonnes of gold bullions. Truly, BICBs caused great damages and
21 losses to Romania and many other countries (fortunately, Poland, with the help of Romania, too,
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shipped its valuables to Canada in 1939, and all the valuables were safely recovered). Let's assist
Romania -which is still under nefarious BICBs' influence, thus the politicians (and others) in Romania
3 and other countries who talk about the stolen treasures are silenced illegally; I am harassed, too, by
BICBs' criminals-, to sue BICBs, their descendants, Russia's officials from 1916 until today and their
descendants, to recover the Romanian national treasures stolen by them. If BICBs keep control of their
6 huge, illegally-gained wealth, they will use it to rob more countries and will be a danger to all the
planet, as they are psychopaths, too, most probably.

9 Please ensure that this will never happen in the USA and even all world:


61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State

12 35,236,000 + 38,000,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill
20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State
10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime” -

iv “A book, 'Socialism, Fascism, and the Tyranny of Big Government' by Michael Dahlen shows how
18 tyrants enslave their nations and destroy them -and finally themselves and their families but after their
nations suffer very much-. Please do not allow any group to create a tyranny and abuse people. Please
do not condemn me to the deadly poverty and disability that the Offenders caused me by injuring me,
21 especially my brain. Please help me continue to expose the new lies, deceptions, and abuses of the
organized crime. “In popular political discourse, fascism and socialism are portrayed as polar
opposites. The former is pegged on the far Right, the latter on the far Left. But this categorization is
24 flat-out wrong. Despite their superficial differences, fascism and socialism—along with Nazism and
theocracy—are fundamentally the same. They are all examples of statism and totalitarianism. These
systems oppose freedom, liberty, and individual rights. They impose one-party rule, control or abolish
27 private property, and censor or oppress racial, religious, political, and ideological enemies. They also
seek to export their particular brand of tyranny throughout the world. Whether the goal of a tyrant is
achieving utopia, enforcing God’s will, or establishing a master […] race, the results are always the
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same: purges and show trials, man-made famines and concentration camps, war and mass murder.”, accessed in April 2019.

v Please review the video recordings of one male dressed in black, and prosecute him and his
“coworkers” hackers at the Public Library in the South Beach area of Miami Beach, while I wrote my
6 “Brief for the Petitioner” (Brief) to the Supreme Court of The United States (SCU) for case
VALENTIN SPATARU vs R. RAMSAY …, nr. 18-9492 (SCU 18-9492) the weeks before May 21,
2019; hackers made me lose more than 50 of hours of work.

vi “Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man's Mind! Late last year, James Walbert went to court, to
stop his former business associate from blasting him with mind-altering electromagnetic radiation.
12 Walbert told the Sedgwick County, Kansas panel that Jeremiah Redford threatened him with "jolts of
radiation" after a disagreement over a business deal. Later, Walbert, said, he began feeling electric
shock sensations, hearing electronically generated tones, and getting popping and ringing sounds in his
15 ears. On December 30th, the court decided in Walbert's favor, and issued a first-of-its-kind order
of protection, banning Redford from using "electronic means" to further harass Walbert. [...]
exotic non-lethal weapon concepts like the so-called telepathic raygun, the system which beams
18 sound directly into your skull, and the "voice of god" talking fireball. […] electromagnetic brain
assaults are being taken seriously. Walbert's cause is supported by Jim Guest, a Republican member
of the Missouri House of Representatives.”
21 blasting-that-mans-mind/. In addition, the government has been developing potentially lethal "non-lethal
weapons" for decades, as evidenced by released FOIA government documents,, and the in-depth Washington Post article on
24 psychological manipulations available at

Truly, “Human Rights created the United States" - Jimmy Carter-, therefore, no person should be
allowed to violate the Human Rights, thus to destroy our Republic. Please order all to compensate me
27 properly for their continuing abuses which caused me mental and emotional injuries.

vii “Particle Physicist Dr. Katherine Horton argues […] that the 5G network is intended as a Directed
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Energy Weapon system that aligns with the goals of the global “elite” to enslave humanity. […] awaken
and change our collective trajectory […] [Katherine has] a PhD from prestigious Oxford University.
[…] At Oxford, Dr. Horton worked as a research fellow at St John’s College, […] she conducted
systems analysis research of the English legal system, economies, the financial system, currencies,
as well as white collar crime and organised crime. […] Dr. Horton says that stalking and other such
activities ramped up in November 2011, as she was attending a High Court case in London as part of
her systems analysis research into the English legal system. She says she was openly being stalked on
her way home from court and started noticing a thug waiting for her outside her home every morning to
follow her to the train station. Attempts to face these forces head-on, through the courts and
through activism, have lead to a rise in these attacks upon her which include not only human
intimidation but torture through Directed Energy Weapons. You can read more details about her
experiences on her Stop 007 website, which among other things offers support and legal guidance
for Targeted Individuals. Trying To Contextualize The 5G Network: […] these are the true modern
weapons of “warfare” of today, not the ballistic weapons that we still see portrayed in movies and
talked about in geopolitical conflicts. She also employs her knowledge and personal experience of the
‘Targeted Individuals’ phenomena, as well as her run-ins with the shadow government and their
military and intelligence tentacles to create a broad context for what the 5G network really is:
'everybody assumes that 5G is just a better 3 and 4G […] 5G is a fundamentally different system. […]
have all the Directed Energy Weapons systems shut down, which includes also satellite weaponry,
weaponry hidden in cars, weapons carried by gangstalkers in rucksacks […] , 5G is, if you like, the
state system. It encapsulates everything. It can do a bit of everything and it will be everywhere. So your
5G system is like a gangstalker with a Directed Energy Weapon in his rucksack who shoots you in the
face as you’re walking behind him, […] it can also instantly kill. […] the 5G system should be best
imagined as […] this shadowy group that has infested the government, taking over every city on
the planet and every village and even the smallest town and even the, you know, the forest, where
you think there is nothing, and putting up hidden machine guns that follow you and your family
pointing right at you and these are, you know, set sharp so that they can shoot you dead at the
speed of light if somebody so wishes. Ok? So that is the best description of the 5G system that I have.

[…] this system is killing people right now. And now, the only question is: the time lag between us
‘realizing,’ accumulating a critical mass, and shutting this system down, and arresting the
criminals–whoever thought of putting this into the mange, knowing full well [the consequences]–now
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that time delay pretty much maps out how many people are going to die, ok? And this crime
cartel…they know what they’re doing, and their goal is to kill as many people as they possibly can, and
that is because they realize that with the population growing and the Internet coming in, they cannot
hold the same type of control on humanity–it is mathematically impossible to hold the same type of
control on humanity–that they used to have, you know, back in the 1980s, even the 1990s and the
control they had up until the 1990s was pretty much the control they had going back to Biblical
times, and Babylonian times and before.' […] a weapons system that can target any individual they
choose. […] they are just helping to accelerate human awakening.

'global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and
economic opportunity' - Zbigniew Brzezinski, “Major Foreign Policy Challenges for the Next US
President,” International Affairs, 85: 1, (2009), page 53.“ Was 5G developed as a Directed Energy
Weapon system?, See also “is 5g able to kill - Google Search”, “Don’t count on your local newspaper to cover this.
Corporate media seems to have turned a dangerously blind eye on this legislation, ignoring the
threat against democracy while the very bill itself was authored by California Senator Ben Hueso; one
of the biggest recipients of telecom industry contributions in California. In the meantime, the
wireless industry is pushing this through so quickly it is ignoring the Internatonal EMF Scientists'
Appeal to the United Nations. As of March 22, 2017, the appeal has received 225 signatures from 41
nations “to the United Nations asking the UN and all its member states in the world, encouraging
the World Health Organization (WHO) to exert strong leadership in fostering the development of
more protective EMF guidelines about health risks, particularly risk to children and fetal
development. By not taking action, WHO is failing to fulfill its role as a preeminent international
public health agency.” […] Even more alarming is the 1996 Telecommunications Act that bans any
local government from making a decision based upon negative health impacts from the wireless
industry. In other words, this is a 20 year-old gag-order that was placed upon the American
people before they had any clue what an expanded and amped up wireless network could look
like. Meanwhile, leaders from around the world  take the harmful effects much more seriously; […]
“Switzerland, Italy, France, Austria, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Israel, Russia and China
have set RF exposure limits 100 to 10,000 times less than the USA. They recognize that there can be
non-thermal biological effects from wireless radiation.” Ultimately, these nations are assuming The
Precautionary Principle  that states  “if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to
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the public, or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus (that the action or policy
is not harmful), the burden of proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking that action.””
“The first reported injury of 5G in a news report comes from Switzerland, where 5G has been launched
in 102 locations.   The weekly French-language Swiss magazine L’Illustré  interviewed people living
in Geneva after the 5G rollout with alarming details of illness. In their article, With 5G, We Feel
Like Guinea Pigs,  posted July 18, 2019, they report neighbors met to discuss their many common
symptoms and many unanswered questions. See also First Report of 5G Injury from Switzerland.
[…] Florence City, Italy, put the brakes on 5G, citing the Precautionary Principle. The vote was 18  of
19 councilors present in favor of a ban in March 2019. […] 'Former WHO employee, Olga Sheean,
offers another perspective and reviews the realities of industry influence with regards to wireless
radiation and why we need to challenge this harmful and manipulative industry.'  The PDF can be viewed here.“ Truly, “Bloomberg News acquired a memo by retired Air Force
Brigadier General Robert Spalding that noted, “The more connected we are, and 5G will make us the
most connected by far, the more vulnerable we become.” Spalding, who retired after serving on the the
National Security Council last year, wrote that once “China” controls the IoT in America, it will be
able “to weaponize cities,” adding, “Think of self-driving cars that suddenly mow down
unsuspecting pedestrians. Think of drones that fly into the intakes of airliners.” Nevertheless,
Spalding’s initial NSC plan to ban Chinese telecom equipment was resisted by the U.S. wireless
industry. Then came the disruptive “pivot to Asia” by the Trump administration and the arrest in
December 2018 of a senior Huawei executive, chief financial officer Ms. Meng Wanzhou, by
Canadian authorities at the request of the United States. Criminal Indictments [:] The U.S. case
against Huewei was revealed in criminal indictments that lay out 23 charges alleging that Huawei
violated sanctions and stole intellectual property while engaging in a pattern of lies to U.S.
authorities and business partners for more than a decade. Prosecutors also alleged that Huawei gave
bonuses to employees who stole the most valuable information and posted it on an internal website.
[…] the major player in the implementation of 5G networks. […] Polish authorities arrested a
former Polish security official and a Huawei sales director and charged them with spying for
China. Warsaw will prohibit Huawei from its 5G network and is asking its NATO allies to join
the ban. […] recognize the security threats posed by 5G systems built by China. It will happen
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when they realize that the dragon waiting in the digital shadows is China’s [psychopathic tyrants' and
their world wide psychopathic partners'] plan for […] dominance.”
“Have you already Forgotten about Smoking, Nicotine […] along with all those lying CEO's,
Government and Medical Experts? This is not the next Industrial Revolution, This is an invasion
an assault on your health and your ability to think, reflect and react to your own self inflicted
slavery. 5G is designed to keep the world exactly the way it is. [...] BREAK THE CHAINS THAT
BIND YOU […] Collective Evolution tells us that we must […] deal with what is going on. Until we
can face our participation with the heinous crimes that our government, industry officials and media
are committing we continue to embolden the same powers that have brought humanity and the world to
its knees. THIS 5G enslavement is being established based on your addiction to technology and a world
of things. It could not be more obvious -- it is even called the Internet of Things and it is to be based on
weapons grade telecommunications technology known as 5G (5th generation wireless
technology). MK Ultra will be considered child's play compared to what is coming. […] your
wealth and health are being farmed by evil men. The evil men are certainly linked to the Rothschilds
and the Rockefeller clans, the Illuminati, The Occult bloodlines, The Masons, Skull and Bones, Knights
of Templar and others too secret to talk about. They are all part of an evil swat team that have been
suppressing, oppressing and controlling your belief systems for decades. All information that
exposes the elitists’ and globalists’ agendas or corporate profits have been branded as Fake News by
none other than the main purveyor of fake news themselves - Mainstream Media (MSM) and their
friends at Amazon, Facebook, Google,  YouTube and Twitter who are all censoring  incriminating
evidence. This media cartel will readily sacrifice truth and free speech to ensure that Americans
remain uniformed and in fact  misinformed as one fabricated crisis (false flag attack) after
another is conceived, executed, lied about and then covered up. […] Facebook recently hired
10,000 trolls to search their membership for people that question […] government honesty and
integrity related to terrorism. Google has changed their search algorithms and YouTube is censoring
videos that implicate the governments's involvement in  9/11 - when in fact - these propositions
are often the most rational summation of the facts. […] Your abdication of responsibility for
what occurs in your own neighborhood is where it all begins.

It is here where Pay to Play first starts. […] a telecommunications architecture that has already been
weaponized. […] Our current  system is not complementing and enhancing who we are. It is about
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training us all to be hamsters. We are being suppressed and controlled. The entire planet is in"lock
down" and 5G will be the final solution. […] Weaponizing 5G will be required to
3 prevent humanity from breaking the chains of slavery. Surround us with millions of smart gadgets
and AI devices and then drown us in 5G radiation. If we get out of line, control our thoughts and
punish us. Make sure we continue to rely on MSM to prevent the truth from ever reaching
6 the citizens. Life as it is now should come packaged with a warning - potentially harmful if taken
as prescribed by government and media.  The USA has become a gigantic corporation driven by
fear, bribery, greed, death and mind control. […] Why do you think it is being rolled out so fast
9 without any testing? The evil elite are desperate! They want to wrap things up before the science of
Quantum Physics makes it obvious just how powerful we are, just how suppressed and controlled we
have become and just how easy it is to rid this country of evil. You see we keep looking in the wrong
12 place, where we have no control. Psychopaths , occult blood lines and the forces of evil dominate
the high end of this country. BUT there is no evil with you. For you are the foot soldiers you carry
out the deeds. You drop the bombs and shoot strangers,  install the cell towers and manufacture
15 toxins in our air water and soil. We keep thinking if only we could vote them out of office, if only
they would find conscience, when it is you that are responsible. Without the foot soldiers evil
world cannot exist. [… MSM took] concepts from Edward Bernays' book, "Propaganda",  beyond
18 anything he would have dreamed possible. Even George Orwell would be shocked. […] The
Nuremberg Trials […] showed that feigned or even a real ignorance of evil does not eliminate one's
personal responsibility for respecting and honoring life. Organizations like  Amazon,  Google,
21 Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, AIPAC, Southern Poverty Center are all setting examples for bribery,
control and censorship. Add the Banking Cartel, MSM, Big Pharma, MIC, Hollywood and industry and
government, and you have named most of our masters. It doesn't matter that it is legal for tobacco
24 companies to market cigarettes to 11 years olds in third war countries, or that drug research
findings are routinely altered by the very drug companies that are doing the testing […] Tobacco
kills more than 480,000 people annually – more than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, illegal drugs,
27 murders and suicides combined. Tobacco costs the U.S. approximately $170 billion in health care
expenditures and more than $150 billion in lost productivity each year. When we ever get a handle on
the health consequences that excessive radiations has on humanity, those of us still standing will be
30 appalled. […] Quantum Science that has been repressed by both Mainstream Science, Mainstream
Education and Mainstream Media for years […] redefines matter as consciousness. [See] The Secret
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Life of Plants, Emoto's  amazing water crystals, Global Conscious Project at Princeton, Bruce Lipton
and the Power of Belief, Lyne Taggert and the Intention Experiment, The Secret, …; the quantum
3 world is bringing back character, morality, love, openness, kindness,  integrity, caring,  empathy,
consciousness to our culture as science and spirit become one. […] A recently unclassified report
from the Pentagon has revealed an investigation into using laser beams for putting voices in
6 people's heads, using lasers to trigger uncontrolled neuron firing, and slowly heating the human
body to a point of feverish confusion. Read more at:
voices.html#jCp. They are called Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD), pictured here, that can deliver
9 any sound at a distance, [any] words directly into the ears [… Solution:] Every school system could be
directly wired, and with no speed loss, and NO, let me repeat, NO radiation would be emitted to our
children. “

“How to Fight Back: The most effective and enduring problems for any government institution,
including the Secret Services, are created by court cases and administrative procedures that take a lot of
their time and threaten to reveal a lot about their crimes and the officials involved in the criminality.
Bullets and poison (as used by the Secret Services) are the most harmful in the short term but in the
long-term not the most powerful. Meanwhile, court cases and the wheels of justice turn very slowly but
are capable of grinding even the most powerful institutions and individuals into the dust. In fact, court
cases are even more powerful than the police because, unlike the police, they produce permanent public
disclosure in society that can never be erased again and that can be referenced as a precedent in all
subsequent litigation. The vast majority of victims and expert witnesses experience the most severe
intimidation and assaults preparing and attending litigation. That is precisely because that is
when the Secret Services are most vulnerable. They have a lot to lose and every single court case
causes lasting damage to their operations, reputation and career prospects that can never be
repaired. For this reason, your goal should be to stay calm and solid like a rock throughout
whatever drama the Secret Service stage in your life, and keep your eye on the longer term goal
of grinding the Directors of the Secret Services and their agents into the dust with your court case
and the other court cases that you support. […] The more dangerous and psychopathic the
opponent, the safer you are by confronting him head on and not trying to appease him. Once a
system is so out-of-control that it has descended into open criminality, the only non-violent way to
cycle it back to the rule of law is to use the police and the courts to revert it back step by step. This is
difficult when those systems are in turn captured, as is the case in most countries. However, it can
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be done when there is a concerted, simultaneous effort by many individuals and small groups at
the same time. For further information checkout the FAQ and the Research Library.” “you are clearly a targeted person as the
statistical likelihood of suffering all those offences and incidents together is as good as zero in
“normal life” (meaning for the vast majority of the population). However, for targets, all of these
occur at extremely high rate. Another indicator is that if you suffer systematic damage or deterioration
to your health or good looks, it also implies targeting as these sick degenerates love to mutilate
victims for sport. Another indicator is systematic destruction of your finances, your social life or
your marriage and family life. […] The scary truth is that at least 1% of the population are clinical
psychopaths. These people have no empathy and are driven by an insatiable lust for power and control
over others. Furthermore, 10-20% of the population are sadists or feel sexual arousal watching
sadistic acts. The secret services attract these people like a magnet since under the cover of
secrecy they can live out their predilections. […]

The pyramidal hierarchy of these organisations as well as their strict compartmentalisation

(need-to-know principle) result in sadistic psychopaths capturing sections and climbing to the
3 top. At that point, the organisation falls into Deep Capture by these disturbed individuals.

This is a statistical process but entirely predetermined by the points above. Therefore, it is not a
question of ‘if’ but rather ‘when’ this will be the case. Unless an organisation takes active steps to
6 weed out psychopaths, which the intelligence agencies don’t (much the opposite actually), Deep
Capture by psychos is the end result. This happens in every country. And eventually, these
psychopathic systems collaborate and then merge. Thus, what victims describe is not in the least
9 surprising to a systems analyst. It is what you should expect.”
“Start Making Demands 18. At the end of each of the Black/White/Hero Lists write a section called
"Demands" where you list your demands that you will be making to - punish the criminals - indemnify
12 & reward the victims and helpers - get justice for the injured & the dead. 19. Under demands for the
criminals you write the maximum legal penalty available for the offence that they have committed.
Where the death penalty is available, demand it even if you are against the death penalty. If you
15 don't, they'll laugh. […] If you DON'T demand death they will get a friendly nod & 2 complimentary
Thai hookers. […] You have a right to confront and charge all of your criminal abusers. It is illegal to
use classification to cover-up crimes. It is a fact that all perpetrators are on some payroll!
18 Demand to be told who the criminals were who did that to you! 24. The entire global terror, assault,
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mutilation and kill system is a strict matrix organisation with clear line managers, payrolls and
chains of command going to the top. Demand to be told the entire chain of command to confront
3 each perpetrator in court. 25. The entire global attack system has clearly defined money flows using
the standard BACS and SWIFT payment systems and tons of communication data between the
perpetrators. Demand to be given access to the entire financial records and communication data
6 of this criminal enterprise! 26. If you're blocked with lies about "national security", reply that in a
situation of Deep Capture such rules enable high treason and crimes against humanity, as your
case proves. Classification, NDAs, gagging orders become UNCONSCIONABLE CONTRACTS!!
9 Unconscionable contracts are null and void in court. […] 30. Sound the Twilight Bark Emergency
Alert globally. Like so:” . "6. Identify the
12 key infrastructure that needs to be recaptured. For example media, police, judiciary. Focus on your
local paper, station, court. 7. Identify the criminals. Find out which neighbour, police officer, judge or
other person is involved. 8. Collect evidence against them. Turn every offence they commit into court-
15 actionable evidence against them. 9. Aim to shut down the criminals permanently. Aim for court
action to jail the criminals or to give them death penalties. 10. Actively help others along the way.
Pull each other up to get better. Mutual support ratchets everyone upwards into a better and
18 better state." . “Dr Kilde died
on the 8th Feb 2015, after being irradiated brutally for several days with Directed Energy Weapons.
[…] was a Finnish physician and a guiding light in the fight against these crimes against humanity. […]
21 complained for years about being harassed and attacked by the Norwegian Secret Service. She had her
home broken into, her documents were removed (and then reappeared years later), and her neighbours
harassed her. 1:00:10 Dr. Rauni Kilde showing documents proving NSA and GCHQ Directed Energy
24 Weapons system against civilians. 1:17:34 Postal interference by neighbours, surveillance and
harassment by car patrol. Guilty of her murder: Kjell Grandhagen […] was the Head of the Norwegian
Intelligence Service when Dr. Rauni Kilde was brutally murdered with Directed Energy Weapons in
27 2015. By that time, Grandhagen had been responsible for the systematic terror campaign against Dr.
Kilde for the 6 years he had been in office. […] she was openly abused by her neighbours in her remote
rural community in Norway. This bears the clear hallmarks of the Norwegian Secret Service networks.
30 Grandhagen neglected his duty to protect the Norwegian people against terrorism and instead appeared
to have been working as an agent of the global crime cartel. For these crimes against humanity, Kjell
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Grandhagen ought to receive the death penalty in the upcoming war crime tribunals.”

viii “Soon after the social media “purge” of independent media sites and pages this past October, a
top neoconservative insider — Jamie Fly — was caught stating that the mass deletion of anti-
establishment and anti-war pages on Facebook and Twitter was “just the beginning” of a
concerted effort by the U.S. “government” and powerful corporations to silence online dissent
within the United States and beyond.”

“Following Special Agent Gunderson's retirement, he continued his lifetime of public service in a
campaign to expose rogue elements operating within the United States government, financed by
6 international criminal operations involving gambling, drugs, illegal surveillance, gang-stalking,
prostitution, child abuse, rape, kidnapping, and human trafficking. As this American hero testified, a
child will sell at a covert auction for up to $50,000. MK-ULTRA, PROJECT MONARCH, and the
9 ECHELON PROGRAM are some of the black operations run by rogue elements in the CIA and NSA,
against which Special Agent Gunderson fought. As he testified, "These make the FBI's former
COINTELPRO program, which I worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like Sunday
12 school." In his fight, Ted Gunderson exposed criminal operations like The Seekers, who ritually abuse
children in satanic rituals, and who continue to kidnap and rape American children every day.”
15 lifetime-of-work-for-freedom

ix “At the bottom are crooked cops and [...] crime lab technicians who lie (and take bribes) to
frame people for murder and other crimes. At the bottom are also sheriffs, magistrates, and a
mix of doctors, nurses, and elderly care providers who prey on old people – drugging them up,
making them wards of the state, and then stealing their estates. And then there are the [persons]
sentenced to prisons that pay kickbacks for each head of cattle delivered.

At the top […] are the Deep State and Shadow Government where criminal dealings at the
national, state, and local levels are legalized. […] the agricultural, military, pharmaceutical, prison,
and water complexes are allowed to poison us, kill us, drug us, incarcerate us, and poison us again.
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[…] This book does for judges and prosecutors charged with nurturing public justice, what Joaquim
Hagopian’s free online book, 'Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, and the Deep State', does for all of
the pedophiles in high places – including Presidents, major media anchors and other celebrities,
scientists, and – yes, judges and high-profile lawyers. [We need to teach all that the purpose of life
is not sex with minors, which is hurtful and illegal for all, but having a healthy family in a healthy
community on a healthy planet, and raising ethical children.] That story is yet to be told because
the Mossad, the CIA, and the FBI are central to that story and use blackmail and intimidation to
prevent the story being told by the mainstream media […]

It is worth listing the most serious types of prosecutorial misconduct below […]:

Charging a suspect with more offenses than is warranted

Withholding or delaying the release of exculpatory evidence

Deliberately mishandling, mistreating, or destroying evidence

Allowing witnesses they know or should know are not truthful to testify

Pressuring defense witnesses not to testify (including intimidation and lying to that end)

Relying on fraudulent forensics experts

During plea negotiations, overstating the strength of evidence

Making statements to the media designed to arouse public indignation

Making improver or misleading statements to the jury

Failing to report misconduct when it is discovered

To which I would add: opening cases and managing cases for political and financial gain.

I would also point out that too many defense attorneys at all levels, local, state, and national, are
too ready to throw their client to the wolves and overlook prosecutorial misconduct in order to
avoid “burning bridges” relevant to their own advancement. […] Worth a Look: Book Reviews on
Government Corruption, Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Dereliction of Duty (Defense), Worth a
Look: Book Reviews on Dereliction of Duty (Health)”.

Please provide ethical Judicial services.

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