Julius Caesar Anticipation Guide Name: - Evan Jack - Date

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Julius Caesar Anticipation Guide Name:____Evan Jack__________


Below are some true-false statements that deal with the play Julius Caesar. Think about each
statement and circle either true or false depending on your thoughts and feelings on the
statement. Then, you need to write down a justification for why you chose true or false.
Lastly, we will discuss your answers. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers!

1. T F It is sometimes acceptable to betray your friends.

Reason: it depends but if someone is truly your friend, I see no reason why you would betray them.

2. T F It is better to have only one best friend.

Reason: I would say yes because you can grow with them.

3. T F When life gets tough, it is okay to commit suicide as a means of escape.

Reason: There is no moral negative about killing yourself.

4. T N F Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Reason: Power permeates all things in society (see: Foucault’s analysis) so it doesn’t matter.

5. T F It is never right to kill another person.

Reason: Morality is not absolute in action, therefore you can’t really answer this question.

6. T F The more success and power you have, the more people dislike you.
Reason: I can’t really make an absolute determination.

7. T F It is better to listen to the advice of your peers than that of your family/spouse.
Reason: Again it depends on the situation and advice

8. T F In certain situations, it may be necessary for a political leader to bend or break the rules for the
good of the country.
Reason: This could be true.

9. T F There is such a thing as fate.

Reason: One can’t really say

10. T F Personal morals and principles are more important than friendship.
Reason: Depends on the morals

11. T F Life without personal liberty is not worth living.

Reason: I can’t really say.

12. T F “My country right or wrong” is not just a slogan; it is every citizen’s patriotic duty.
Reason: The state is a metaphysical fiction.
Subject 1: Leadership

What makes a good leader? What qualities should a leader possess?

It would be a contradiction to say that one can be the leader of the state and be good.

In our Declaration of Independence, it states that if a government no longer serves the purpose of the governed,
then it is the right of the citizens to abolish it. Does this include assassination? When is assassination justified?
Justice is not an objective metric, so we can’t really say.

Subject 2: Friendship

Whom should one owe more loyalty to, their country or their friend? Why? Do you think your answer is
different than someone from 20 years ago? 50? 100?
A friend, because the state is a metaphysical fiction.

How far would you go to obtain revenge on someone or some group who ruined the life of your best friend?
I have no idea, probably pretty far.

Is there anything for which you would betray a friend?

I have no idea.

What is more important to you, friendship or your personal principles/values? Would you compromise your
values for a friend?
It depends on the values I’m compromising.

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