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Tarasov Dmytro PE-20-5

Exercise 7
1)–What is the job of your father?
–He is actually a psychologist, but now he doesn’t work. You know that the level of unemployment is
getting bigger and bigger every year.
2) –How are you? You don’t look very well today. Has anything happened?
–Nothing. I usually feel tired in the morning.
3)I don’t understand why John is behaving selfish. Usually he is not like that.
4) –Are you going to Emma’s party tonight?
–So, I don’t know yet. And you? I would rather stay home, If you don’t mind.
5) –I’m sorry, what time does plane to Berlin takes off?
–One minute please, I am going to look. Flight 502 departs at 7:45.
6) –Every Thursday, my friends and I usually play tennis, but this week we are going on a picnic together in
order to spend the whole day in the fresh air.
7) –Did you hear that Carry and John are going to get married on August 13 at the St. Paul’s Cathedral at
noon? Here is an invitation to the wedding ceremony!
–Is that true? I have to call my mother immediately!
8) –Your parfume has such a pleaseant smell. What is their name?
–Thanks. It is Envy me from Gucci.
9) –How does the movie end?
–The main hero escapes from a prison, gets stolen million pounds from a bank safe and flies to the
Caribbean, although the police follow him!
–Wooow! This movie is worth watching.
10) –The sun rises in the East, goes down in the West. The moon revolves around the Earth… or otherwise.
Dad, help me! I confused everything again.
11) –I’d like to talk to Mr. Brown, please.
–I am afraid that he is not available at the moment. He is in an important meeting with FBI agents. Call
back later!

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