DSPFAP: Distribution Systems Power Flow Analysis Package Using Matlab Graphical User Interface (GUI)

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DSPFAP: Distribution

Systems Power Flow

Analysis Package Using
Matlab Graphical User
Interface (GUI)
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Nigde University, Nigde, Turkey
Department of Electronics Engineering, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli 41400, Turkey

Received 17 June 2007; accepted 5 October 2007

ABSTRACT: This paper describes a software package whose purpose is to provide a tool
to be used for load flow analysis in Power System Analysis courses. The software package
which is called Distribution Systems Power Flow Analysis Package (DSPFAP) uses the graphical
user interface (GUI) capabilities of Matlab. The main advantage of the developed package is
that the load flow analysis can be achieved in both transmission and distribution levels. The
package facilitates different forward/backward sweep-based algorithms to be used for the
distribution systems and conventional NewtonRaphson, GaussSeidel algorithms for the
transmission system load flow analysis. In addition to that, effect of voltage dependent load
models and effects of DGs on the distribution systems load flow solution can be investigated
using the program. It is also possible to use conventional algorithms for distribution system
load flow analysis in the package. The package can freely be downloaded from the website:
http://www.gyte.edu.tr/Dosya/102/power/. ß 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ 18:
113, 2010; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com); DOI 10.1002/cae.20209

Keywords: load flow analysis; distribution systems; sweep-based algorithms; Matlab;

graphical user interface


The usage of computer simulations in the classroom is

Correspondence to M.H. Hocaoglu (hocaoglu@gyte.edu.tr). gaining popularity for particularly power engineering
ß 2009 Wiley Periodicals Inc. education [1,2]. It is appreciated that, most of the


computer simulation studies require a GUI that makes ments, computational efficiency and robust conver-
user interaction easier and more effective when gence characteristic, forward/backward sweep based
compared with classical text based approaches [3]. algorithms have gained the most popularity for
A successful GUI not only facilitates easy and distribution systems load flow analysis. These sweep
effective data preparation process but also allows post based algorithms generally take advantage of the
processing of the results and most importantly permits radial network topology and consist of forward and/or
the user to see everything at once. Accordingly, there backward sweep processes. The forward sweep is
are number of studies [1,2,4] that enable most of the mainly consists of node voltage calculation by using
power system studies to be thought at a user friendly Kirchooff’s Laws [1014] or making use of the well-
environment. Although the load flow analysis, as known bi-quadratic equation [1520] from the
a major part of the power system engineering, is sending end to the far end of a feeder or laterals,
properly being thought by using various programs, and the backward sweep is primarily branch current
these programs, generally, deal with transmission and/or power summation from the far end to the
systems and as a result the special requirements of sending end of the feeder and laterals. In addition to
distribution system studies are not treated. the branch current and/or power, the node voltages are
Load flow analysis is an important issue in power also computed at the backward sweep process in some
system planning and operational studies. In the last sweep-algorithms [14,17].
few decades, efficient and reliable load flow solution In electrical power systems, load modeling is a
techniques, such as; GaussSeidel, NewtonRaphson difficult problem due to the fact that the electrical
[5,6], have been developed and widely used for power loads of a system comprise residential, commercial,
system operation, control and planning in trans- industrial, and municipal loads. It should also be noted
mission level. Although there was no need to the load that, variation of the loads over time and number of
flow analysis in distribution level, historically, devel- uncertainties, spanning from economic parameters
opment in the distribution automation such as; using to the weather conditions, significantly increase the
real-time application programs (SCADA systems), complexity of load modeling process. On the other
and installation of Distributed Generations necessitate hand, aggregate load models, which represent the
the power flow analysis in the distribution level as load as an algebraic equation, have extensively being
well. However, it has repeatedly been shown that the used for various power system studies to understand
conventional NewtonRaphson and GaussSeidel and analyze the system behavior under various
methods may become inefficient in the analysis of conditions. Traditionally, most of the conventional
distribution systems, due to the special features of load flow methods, for transmission and distribution
distribution networks, that is, radial structure, high systems, use the constant-power load model. The
R/X ratio and unbalanced loads, etc. These character- constant-power load model is highly questionable,
istic features make the distribution systems power especially for a distribution system where most of the
flow computation different and somewhat difficult to buses are uncontrolled. Therefore, incorporation of
analyze as compared to the transmission systems proper modeling of loads is particularly important
when the conventional power flow algorithms are for the load flow analysis in distribution level.
employed [7]. As a result, a robust and efficient power Accordingly, a number of studies, found in the
flow solution method which must be able to contain literature, deal with the effects of static load models
the special features of distribution systems is required. on the load flow solution of the distribution systems
Recently, many researchers have paid attention to [5,16,17,20].
obtain the load flow solution of distribution networks Distributed generation (DG) is defined as the
and, accordingly, various methods are available in the generation which is dispersed throughout a utility’s
literature to carry out the analysis of balanced and service territory and either connected to the utility’s
unbalanced radial distribution systems [820]. distribution system or small and grid isolated. DG
Methods developed for the solution of ill-conditioned technologies include Photovoltaic, Wind Turbines,
radial distribution systems may be divided into two Fuel Cells, small and micro sized turbine packages
categories. The first type of methods [8,9] is utilized and so on. These technologies are entering a period of
by proper modification of existing methods such as, rapid expansion and commercialization. During the
NewtonRaphson and GaussSeidel. On the other last decade many electric power systems around the
hand, the second group of methods [1020] is based world have been deregulated and DG is predicted to
on forward and/or backward sweep processes using play an increasing role in the electric power system of
Kirchooff’s Laws or making use of the well-known the near future. The introduction of DG sources on
bi-quadratic equation. Due to its low memory require- distribution system can significantly impact the flow

of power and voltage condition at customers and For a distribution line model, given in Figure 1,
utility equipment [21]. These impacts include; Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law can be written in complex
form as
Voltage support and improved power quality
Loss reduction V r þ Is Z
s ¼ V ð1-aÞ
Transmission and distribution capacity release
Improved utility system reliability. r ¼ V
V s  Is Z ð1-bÞ
In fact, power system operation may be adversely where V s and V
r stand for phase voltages at bus s and
impacted by the introduction of DGs if certain bus r, respectively. Is , represents the line current and Z

minimum standards for control, installation, and is the line impedance. In Kirchoff’s formulation based
placement are not maintained. For the proper sweep algorithms, developed in Refs. [1014], the
installation and placement, realistic load flow analysis forward sweep is mainly node voltage calculation
has to be performed. As a result, DGs can be modeled from the sending end to the far end of a feeder or
as a PQ or PV nodes in distribution systems load flow laterals using Equation (1-b) for each branch, and the
analysis [10,19,22]. For PQ units, the models are backward sweep is primarily branch current calcu-
identical with constant power load models, except that lation from the far end to the sending end using
the current is injected into the bus [22]. For PV units, Kirchoff’s Current Law. In addition to the branch
the connected bus is modeled as a PV node and to current, the node voltages are also computed in
keep its voltage at the desired level, reactive power backward sweep by using Equation (1-a) in some
generation is calculated [10,19]. If the computed sweep-based algorithms, that is, Ref. [14].
reactive power generation is out of the reactive power For the same line, given in Figure 1, the quadratic
generation limits, then the reactive power generation equation can be written in terms of line sending and
is set to that limit and the unit acts as a PQ node. Since receiving ends voltage magnitudes and line receiving
DGs are, normally, smaller in size when compared end power, as given in Ref. [15], as follow
with the conventional power sources, the constant PQ
model is, commonly, found to be sufficient for the Vr4 þ 2Vr2 ðPr R þ Qr XÞ  Vs2 Vr2 þ ðP2r þ Q2r ÞZ 2 ¼ 0
distribution system load flow analysis [22]. ð2Þ
In this paper, we present an educational software
package which is called Distribution Systems Power where Vs and Vr stand for phase voltage magnitudes at
Flow Analysis Package (DSPFAP) and developed in bus s and bus r. Z is the magnitude of the line
Matlap’s GUI. The package allows the student to impedance. yz, ds, and dr stand for phase angle of the
achieve distribution system load flow analysis using line impedance and bus voltages, respectively. The
different sweep based algorithms and conventional maximum real root of Equation (2) gives the line
load flow algorithms in the Power System Analysis receiving end voltage magnitude. The quadratic
courses. It can also facilitate the incorporation of equation can also be written in terms of line sending
voltage dependent loads and DGs into load flow end powers instead of receiving end powers, as given
analysis. Moreover, the package can also be used for in Ref. [16];
transmission system load flow analysis by using sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
conventional NewtonRaphson and GaussSeidel ðP2 þ Q2 ÞZ 2
Vr ¼ Vs2  2ðPs R þ Qs XÞ þ s 2 s ð3Þ
algorithms. Vs

where Ps and Qs stand for line sending end active and

reactive power, respectively. The second type of
sweep algorithms, given in Refs. [1517], is devel-
oped by solving quadratic equation (Eq. 2) or using
Equation (3) for every branch in the forward sweep
Due to its low memory requirements, computational
efficiency and robust convergence characteristic,
forward/backward sweep based algorithms have
gained the most popularity for distribution systems
load flow analysis in recent years. These sweep based
power flow algorithms can be classified in two
categories which are Kirchoff’s formulation and
bi-quadratic equation based algorithms. Figure 1 A two-bus distribution network.

process and branch power is updated in the backward

process for the load flow solution of radial distribution RPs þ XQs
a¼1 ð5-cÞ
networks. Moreover, there are some sweep based Vs2
algorithms [1820] utilized by modification of the
quadratic equation (Eq. 2) in different form due to its RQs  XPs
b¼ ð5-dÞ
requirements of special solution techniques that may Vs2
be computationally expensive. Luo and Semlyen [18], In the study of Satyanarayana et al. [20], authors
developed an algorithm for radial and/or weekly developed an algorithm for balanced radial distribu-
meshed networks. Longitudinal and transversal volt- tion systems. The algorithm consists of forward
age drop equations, given in Equation (4), is used for voltage calculation and backward power and current
the calculation of the node voltage magnitudes and summation. In the forward process the node voltage of
phase angles in the forward process and branch power each branch is computed using Equation (6) in the
including losses is updated in the backward process. network, and each branch power including power
losses updated in the backward process. Maximum
RPs þ XQs
DV 0 ¼ ð4-aÞ node voltage mismatch is used for the convergence
Vs criteria in the algorithm.
XPs  RQs  
DV 00 ¼ ð4-bÞ Qr 1
Vs fr ¼ tan ð6-aÞ
Vr ¼ ðVs  DV 0 Þ2 þ DV 002 ð4-cÞ K ¼ Vs2  2Pr ðR þ X tan fr Þ ð6-bÞ
DV 00
dr ¼ ds  tan1 ð4-dÞ K þ ½K 2  4ðR2 þ X 2 ÞP2r x sec2 fr 1=2
Vs  DV 0 Vr ¼ ð6-cÞ
In Ref. [19], Equation (5) has been used for the
The general structure and main features of the
node voltage calculation in the forward process and
forward/backward sweep based algorithms, imple-
each branch power including power losses updated in
mented in this paper, are tabulated in Table 1. In
the backward process.
the second Column of Table 1, the algorithms which
can also be applied to the unbalanced distribution
r Þ ¼ a ReðV
ReðV s Þ  b ImðV
s Þ ð5-aÞ networks are shown. In Column 3, how the node
voltages of the system are calculated is briefly
ImðV s Þ þ a ImðV
r Þ ¼ b ReðV s Þ ð5-bÞ explained. In the algorithms, the branch power or

Table 1 General Features of Forward/Backward Sweep-Based Algorithms

Voltage calculation Backward sweep

Forward Backward Branch Branch

References Unbalanced sweep sweep current power Convergence criterion
Max. active and reactive power
[10] — Eq. (1-b) — H — mismatch in each node
[11] H Eq. (1-b) — H — Max. node voltage mismatch
[12] H Eq. (1-b) — — H Max. node voltage mismatch
[13] H Eq. (1-b) — H — Max. load current mismatch
[14] H Eq. (1-b) Eq. (1-a) H — Source node voltage mismatch
[15] — Eq. (2) — — H Total power losses mismatch
[16] — Eq. (3) — — H Max. node voltage mismatch
[17] — Eq. (2) Eq. (1-a) H H Max. node voltage mismatch
[18] — Eq. (4) — — H Max. node voltage mismatch
[19] — Eq. (5) — — H Max. node voltage mismatch
[20] — Eq. (6) — — H Max. node voltage mismatch
Unbalanced: That can also be applied to the unbalanced distribution networks.

2 3 2 32 3
current which is calculated in backward sweep is B1 110 I2
given in column 4. The convergence criterion of each 4 B2 5 ¼ 4 010 54 I3 5 ð9-aÞ
algorithm is given in Column 5. B3 001 I4


ALGORITHM FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION The constant BIBC matrix has only non-zero
OF FORWARD/BACKWARD SWEEP BASED entries of ‘1’, and can be composed by a building
ALGORITHMS TO THE RADIAL algorithm given in Ref. [13]. The building algorithm
DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS is repeated here for convenience;
The structure of many distribution systems is like a Procedure (1): For a distribution system with
tree with several laterals and sub-laterals. The root m-branch and n-bus, the dimension of the BIBC
of tree is the feeding node or supplying substation. matrix is mx(n  1).
Due to this special structure of distribution system, Procedure (2): If a line section (Bk) is located
a topographical method is used for identifying the between Bus i and Bus j, copy the column of the ith
nodes beyond all branches which helps to find the bus of the BIBC matrix to the column of the jth bus
exact current and power flowing through all branches. and fill a ‘1’ in the position of the kth row and the
The method is based on the bus-injection to branch- jth bus column.
current (BIBC) matrix developed in Ref. [13]. In the Procedure (3): Repeat Procedure (2) until all the
load flow solution, the load current can be calculated line sections are included in the BIBC matrix.
using their active and reactive power, and bus voltages
as; After the calculation of Branch Current Matrix
Pi þ jQi (B), using Equation (9-b), transferred power from
Ii ¼ i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n ð7Þ each branch can easily be computed for a distribution
system with m-branch sections, n-bus as
where Vi is the node voltages, and n is the bus number
of the system and the symbol, *, refers to complex Pline ðiÞ þ jQline ðiÞ ¼ Vði þ 1ÞB ðiÞ i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m
conjugate operator. A sample distribution system is ð10Þ
given in Figure 2 to demonstrate the calculation of
Thus, forward/backward sweep-based algorithm
BIBC and branch current (B) matrices. After the
which has only forward node voltage calculation
calculation of the load currents, branch current
using Equation (1-b) or quadratic equation, given in
equations can be written by applying Kirchoff’s
Equations (3)(6), can be applied to the whole system
Current Law to the system as follow;
by using a computer algorithm running on the
B1 ¼ I2 þ I3 conventional bus branch oriented data format such
B2 ¼ I3 ð8Þ as given in Ref. [23] which is called DF matrix in this
B3 ¼ I4 paper. The proposed computer algorithm is summar-
ized step by step in the following section and in the
From the last equation BIBC matrix can be form of a flow chart in Figure 3.
obtained as
Computer Algorithm

Step 1: Initialize the iteration counter, that is, it ¼ 1

and the bus voltages of the system, that is,
V1 ¼ V2 ¼ V3 ¼ . . . ¼ Vn ¼ Vs and Vs is generally
chosen as 1 pu. in distribution systems.
Step 2: Compute BIBC matrix using procedures
Step 3: Calculate load currents using Equation (7)
and branch current matrix (B) using Equation (9-b).
Step 4: Calculate active and reactive power trans-
ferred from each branch using Equation (10) and
Figure 2 Sample radial distribution network. initialize a counter, that is, i ¼ 0.

Where j and j1 show line’s sending and receiving

ends bus number, respectively. The column of j2
and j3 of bus branch oriented data format (DF
matrix) are show branch resistance and reactance,
Step 7: Calculate ith line receiving end bus
voltages using forward voltage formulation of the
particular load flow algorithm.
Step 8: Check the counter, if i ¼ m go to Step 9,
otherwise return to Step 5.
Step 9: If the convergence tolerance is reached go
to Step 10, otherwise set the iteration counter as
it ¼ it þ 1 and go to Step 3.
Step 10: Print results.


Developed package, called DSPFAP, consists of one

main window that allows user to solve load flow
problem for distribution and also for transmission
systems. All of the program routines of the package
use Matlab m-files, version 7.0. The main window,
given in Figure 4, divided into three sections called
System Data, Load Flow Algorithms, and Load Flow
Results. The System Data Section provides user to
input the system load and branch data in the form of
IEEE common data format, that is, given in Ref. [23].
These branch and load data can be typed in using the
branch data and load data textbox which are displayed
by clicking Bus and Line data button as given in
Figure 5, or can be loaded from a file using IEEE Data
Format button. The system data can also be saved as a
text file named as ‘‘filename.dsf’’ using Save button,
and then it can be loaded using Open button as given
in Figure 6. It is also possible to use static load model
like given in Equation (11) by including np and nq to
the load data matrix in the System Data Section of the
package as can be seen from Figure 5.
P ¼ Po ð11-aÞ
Q ¼ Qo ð11-bÞ
where np and nq stand for load exponents, Po and Qo
stand for the values of the active and reactive powers
Figure 3 Flow chart of the developed computer
at the nominal voltages. V and Vo stand for load bus
voltage and load nominal voltage, respectively.
Special values of the load exponents can cause
Step 5: Set the counter as i ¼ i þ 1. specific load types such as 0: constant power, 1:
Step 6: Read the data from the DF matrix constant current, 2: constant impedance. The expo-
(s ¼ DF(i,j), r ¼ DF(i,j1), R ¼ DF(i,j2), X ¼ DF(i,j3)). nents could also be form of fractions such as battery

Figure 4 Main window of DSPFAP. Input and output data are given and seen at this
window for distribution or transmission systems.

Figure 5 Data input on the main window of DSPFAP.


allows using only conventional load flow algorithms

by pacifying sweep algorithms when the transmission
systems are analyzed.
The Load Flow Algorithms Section of DSPFAP
consists of conventional and sweep-based algorithms
as can be seen from Figure 5. This section allow
the user to solve the load flow problem of the
radial distribution systems using different sweep based
algorithms which are developed by using Kirchhoff’s
Voltage Law and quadratic equation for the voltage
calculation and to solve the load flow problem of
the transmission system using conventional New-
tonRaphson and GaussSeidel algorithms which
are coded by using Matlab [24]. It is also possible to
Figure 6 Data loading on the main window of apply these conventional algorithms to the radial and/or
DSPFAP. weakly meshed distribution systems. All forward/
backward sweep algorithms has been computerized
charge, industrial motors, Fluorescent Lamps [17]. using the topographical method, given in Network
Moreover, the program allows the user to incorporate Topology Based Algorithm for the Implementation of
of DGs into load flow analysis as a single-phase Forward/Backward Sweep Based Algorithms to the
constant complex power generation device, like the Radial Distribution Networks Section, that is, develop-
model given in Ref. [22]. Active and reactive power ed to compute the branch current and power as a result
generations data can be entered by the user in the load of branch receiving end voltage in radial networks. The
data section using dedicated textbox. The system bus last section of the package, called Load Flow Results,
number, base power and voltage, and convergence provides the user to see the result of the load flow
tolerance value are given using their textbox and then solution, that is, bus voltage magnitudes and their phase
the load and branch data can be controlled by using angles, load powers, line currents and transferred
Control Data button. The Control Data button also powers which are displayed by clicking their related

Figure 7 Power flow results.


Table 2 Voltage Magnitude of Radial Distribution Test Systems

12-bus 33-bus/[20] 69-bus/[20]

Package Package Package

Bus F/B sweep Package PFlow F/B sweep Package PFlow F/B sweep Package PFlow
No. [10] N.R. [25] [10] N.R. [25] [10] N.R. [25]

2 0.99433 0.99433 0.99434 0.99703 0.99703 0.99704 0.99997 0.99997

3 0.98902 0.98902 0.98903 0.98290 0.98290 0.98291 0.99994 0.99994
4 0.98057 0.98057 0.98057 0.97539 0.97539 0.97540 0.99985 0.99985
5 0.96983 0.96983 0.96983 0.96796 0.96796 0.96797 0.99903 0.99903
6 0.96654 0.96654 0.96654 0.94948 0.94948 0.94949 0.99009 0.99010
7 0.96376 0.96376 0.96375 0.94596 0.94596 0.94598 0.98080 0.98081
8 0.95533 0.95533 0.95532 0.93230 0.93230 0.93230 0.97858 0.97859
9 0.94730 0.94730 0.94729 0.92596 0.92596 0.92598 0.97745 0.97746
10 0.94448 0.94448 0.94448 0.92009 0.92009 0.92010 0.97245 0.97246
11 0.94358 0.94357 0.94357 0.91922 0.91922 0.91923 0.97134 0.97136
12 0.94337 0.94337 0.94336 0.91770 0.91771 0.91772 0.96818 0.96820
13 0.91153 0.91153 0.91153 0.96526 0.96527
14 0.90924 0.90924 0.90924 0.96236 0.96237
15 0.90781 0.90781 0.90780 0.95949 0.95950
16 0.90643 0.90643 0.90643 0.95895 0.95897
17 0.90438 0.90438 0.90437 0.95807 0.95809
18 0.90377 0.90377 0.90375 0.95806 0.95808
19 0.99650 0.99650 0.99650 0.95760 0.95761
20 0.99292 0.99292 0.99293 0.95730 0.95731
21 0.99222 0.99222 0.99223 0.95682 0.95683
22 0.99158 0.99158 0.99158 0.95681 0.95683
23 0.97931 0.97931 0.97933 0.95674 0.95675
24 0.97264 0.97264 0.97266 0.95658 0.95660
25 0.96931 0.96931 0.96931 0.95641 0.95643
26 0.94755 0.94755 0.94757 0.95634 0.95636

Not available due to singularity problem

27 0.94499 0.94499 0.94500 0.95633 0.95634
28 0.93354 0.93354 0.93355 0.99993 0.99993
29 0.92533 0.92532 0.92533 0.99986 0.99986
30 0.92177 0.92177 0.92177 0.99974 0.99974
31 0.91760 0.91760 0.91760 0.99972 0.99972
32 0.91669 0.91669 0.91670 0.99961 0.99961
33 0.91641 0.91641 0.91642 0.99935 0.99935
34 0.99902 0.99902
35 0.99895 0.99895
36 0.99992 0.99992
37 0.99975 0.99975
38 0.99959 0.99959
39 0.99955 0.99955
40 0.99954 0.99954
41 0.99885 0.99885
42 0.99856 0.99856
43 0.99852 0.99852
44 0.99851 0.99851
45 0.99841 0.99842
46 0.99841 0.99842
47 0.99980 0.99980
48 0.99855 0.99855
49 0.99471 0.99471
50 0.99416 0.99416
51 0.97855 0.97856
(Continued )

Table 2 (Continued )
12-bus 33-bus/[20] 69-bus/[20]

Package Package Package

Bus F/B sweep Package PFlow F/B sweep Package PFlow F/B sweep Package PFlow
No. [10] N.R. [25] [10] N.R. [25] [10] N.R. [25]
52 0.97854 0.97855
53 0.97466 0.97467
54 0.97141 0.97143
55 0.96694 0.96696
56 0.96257 0.96259
57 0.94010 0.94012
58 0.92904 0.92906
59 0.92476 0.92478
60 0.91974 0.91976
61 0.91234 0.91236
62 0.91205 0.91207
63 0.91166 0.91169
64 0.90976 0.90979
65 0.90919 0.90921
66 0.97129 0.97130
67 0.97128 0.97130
68 0.96785 0.96787
69 0.96785 0.96787

buttons as can be seen from the bus voltages of 12-bus it can be concluded that the load flow solution of
radial test system in Figure 7. In the package, the Close the test systems are quite accurate and the developed
button provides to close system data or load flow result power flow analysis package is robust and reliable for
on the main window and the New button allows to load the load flow problem in radial distribution systems.
or type in load and branch data of different power Moreover, it is also concluded that the standard power
system after the load flow analysis of any system. flow program (PFLOW) face to convergence problem
when it is applied to the large radial distribution
networks, that is, 69-bus radial test system.
TEST EXAMPLES DG modeling is evaluated by adding DGs at
different buses on radial distribution test systems and
Several distribution and transmission networks are the load flow result of 12-bus and 33-bus test systems
used to test the reliability of the developed power flow with DGs are given in Table 3. System power losses
analysis package (DSPFAP). From the analyses, it is with and without DGs are also given in Table 3. From
concluded that all results obtained by using different the table, it is clearly seen that the package concurs
sweep and conventional load flow algorithms which with standard power flow program (PFLOW) when
are used in the package are in close agreement. The DGs are incorporated into the load flow analysis. The
maximum difference between the bus voltages conventional NewtonRaphson and the sweep algo-
computed by using different algorithms is lower than rithm of the package are converged in almost the same
0.00003 pu. for the value of 104 which is used for the voltages when compared with the result of standard
convergence tolerance. The node voltage magnitudes power flow program (PFLOW). Absolute difference
of the radial distribution test systems obtained by between voltage magnitudes is lower than 0.00003 pu.
using the forward/backward sweep algorithm, devel- It is also seen that, as expected, incorporation of DGs
oped in Ref. [10], and NewtonRaphson algorithm into distribution systems causes to decrease of the
are given in Table 2 with the result of a standard power system active and reactive power losses, and increase
flow program, PFLOW [25], designed by using of the system voltage level when compared with
Newton’s Method and sparse matrix techniques. The the load flow result of the distribution test systems
power flow result of the 12-bus distribution test given in Table 2. Results show that the package is
system can also be seen in Figure 7. From the results, also robust and reliable for load flow analysis of

Table 3 Voltage Magnitude and Total Losses of Radial Distribution Test Systems With DGs
12-bus system with DGs located at bus-6 and 33-bus system with DGs located at bus-5 and
bus-12, PDG ¼ %10 of total active power, bus-18, PDG ¼ %10 of total active power,
QDG ¼ %7 of total reactive power QDG ¼ %7 of total reactive power
Package F/B Package PFlow Package F/B Package PFlow
Bus No. sweep [18] N.R. [25] sweep [18] N.R. [25]
1 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
2 0.99542 0.99542 0.99542 0.99761 0.99761 0.99761
3 0.99129 0.99129 0.99129 0.98658 0.98659 0.98659
4 0.98493 0.98493 0.98493 0.98137 0.98137 0.98137
5 0.97733 0.97733 0.97733 0.97633 0.97634 0.97634
6 0.97512 0.97512 0.97512 0.96098 0.96099 0.96099
7 0.97286 0.97286 0.97286 0.95869 0.95870 0.95870
8 0.96650 0.96650 0.96650 0.95096 0.95098 0.95098
9 0.96111 0.96111 0.96111 0.94816 0.94817 0.94817
10 0.95962 0.95962 0.95962 0.94583 0.94585 0.94585
11 0.95941 0.95941 0.95941 0.94555 0.94556 0.94556
12 0.95975 0.95975 0.95975 0.94514 0.94515 0.94515
13 0.94402 0.94403 0.94403
14 0.94390 0.94391 0.94391
15 0.94453 0.94455 0.94455
16 0.94561 0.94563 0.94563
17 0.94862 0.94864 0.94864
18 0.95043 0.95044 0.95044
19 0.99708 0.99708 0.99708
20 0.99350 0.99350 0.99350
21 0.99280 0.99280 0.99280
22 0.99216 0.99216 0.99216
23 0.98301 0.98301 0.98301
24 0.97637 0.97637 0.97637
25 0.97305 0.97306 0.97306
26 0.95908 0.95909 0.95909
27 0.95655 0.95656 0.95656
28 0.94525 0.94527 0.94527
29 0.93713 0.93715 0.93715
30 0.93362 0.93364 0.93364
31 0.92951 0.92954 0.92954
32 0.92861 0.92863 0.92863
33 0.92833 0.92835 0.92835
Power losses with Ploss ¼ 11.9918 kW Ploss ¼ 133.48 kW
DGs Qloss ¼ 4.7019 kWAr Qloss ¼ 91.88 kWAr
Power losses Ploss ¼ 20.6919 kW Ploss ¼ 210.78 kW
without DGs Qloss ¼ 8.0578 kWAr Qloss ¼ 142.86 kWAr

distribution systems with DGs. Similarly, the package analysis in Power System Courses at the graduate
was also validated on different transmission systems and undergraduate levels is presented. It is designed in
by using conventional NewtonRaphson and Gauss Matlap’s GUI environment and tested on different
Seidel algorithm and found to be reliable. transmission and radial distribution systems. From the
test examples, it is observed that the load flow solution
CONCLUSIONS of the systems is quite accurate. The package allows
students to rapidly gain experience and knowledge
In this paper, a software package called DSPFAP in transmission and distribution system load flow
for distribution and transmission systems load flow analysis and load flow algorithms especially forward/

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Ulas Eminoglu was born in Kars in Turkey, M. Hakan Hocaoglu was born in Hatay in
on November 25, 1978. He received the BSc Turkey. He received the BSc and MSc
degree in Electrical-Electronics Engineering degrees from Marmara University, Turkey.
from Inonu University in 2000 and MSc He obtained the PhD degree in 1999 from
degree in Electrical-Electronics Engineering Cardiff School of Engineering, UK. From
from Nigde University in 2003. He joined 1988 to 1993, he worked at Gazinatep
Gebze Institute of Technology in 2003 as University, Turkey as a Lecturer. Since
research assistant and has studied distribution 1999, he has been with the Electronics
systems load flow analyses and power Engineering Department of Gebze Institute
electronics. He has completed his PhD in 2007 at Gebze Institute of Technology, Turkey as an Assistant Professor. He is a member
of Technology and is currently working for Nigde University, of IET.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering as an
Assistant Professor.

Tuba Gözel was born in Konya in Turkey.

She received the BSc degree in Electrical-
Electronics Engineering from Selcuk Uni-
versity in 1994 and MSc degree in Electrical-
Electronics Engineering from Gebze Institute
of Technology in 2002. She has worked as
research assistant and has continued to PhD
program at the same institute.

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