Infografia Presente Continuo - Luis Torres

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Negative sentences

If you are clear about the previous step, you

I would like to start with this explanation of will have no problem building negative
the present continuous in English saying sentences with the present continuous. It
what it is for. This time is used to talk about will only be to put the verb «to be» in its
actions that are in progress. That is, the negative form.
activity or event to which we refer is
happening in the present moment.

Keep in mind that this grammatical time is

also known as progressive present. So when
you listen to your English teacher in class
talk about "present continuous" and then
studying in an English grammar book you
see that they call it "present progressive" do
not be confused, they are the same thing.

Affirmative sentences
How do we make the present continuous? We
are going to need the verb “to be”, which we
already studied in the previous topic, and a
verb adding the ending “-ing”. Therefore, the
structure is:

The present continuous with
I already know what you are thinking, that
if I have said that the continuous present is
something that happens at this precise
moment, as it is that it is also future. This is

No, it's not crazy. This is the exciting thing

about languages that many tools give you.

Interrogative phrases
The construction of the interrogative We saw earlier that if you say for example: I
sentences with the continuum in English is am taking an exam. This is continuous
present. but, if you add at the end of that
very simple. All you have to do is put the "to
be" at the beginning and add the question sentence a word that refers to the future
mark and that's it. like: Tomorrow, next year, in June, at
Christmas, etc. We would be giving it a
future value.

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