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Informative Speech Outline

Name: Austin Eggers
Date: November 6, 2020
Topic reviewed: _____

Topic: Live, Virtual and Constructive Training (LVC)

General Purpose: To Inform

Specific purpose: To inform my audience about. … three main types of

training currently being used for US JTAC’s. (Joint Terminal Attack

Thesis: In this speech, I will … Show what is LVC training and what each
part means to the overall picture. Using just one part of LVC, live for
example, can be very costly but being able to augment training using
virtual training, a JTAC may have a better experience.

I. Attention: LVC training incorporates Live, virtual and
constructive training into a singular training mission. This can
include live aircraft and ordnances, virtual reality or AI controlled
II. Relate statement: The use of LVC training makes JTAC’s more
efficient in their jobs.
III. Credibility: I have worked for AFRL at WPAFB for four years
as a Systems Engineer for the JTAC TRS Dome.
IV. Preview: I will be showing you a major concept that is very
important today for JTAC training. LVC training is used every day all
around the world.

I. Live Training
A. Live training includes real world assets. This can be
anything from people to aircraft.
B. Pros/Cons of using just Live Training

(transition) The next best thing to live training is virtual training.

II. Virtual Training

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A. Virtual training is all digital assets. Everything in the

mission has no live component.
B. Pros/Cons of using just virtual training. This also includes
training requirements that have to be met using live training and
some requirements that can be satisfied using virtual training.

(transition) When a training mission requires no live assets or virtual

interaction, constructive training is used.

III. Constructive Training

A. This type of trying is all computer AI controlled training.
Useful only for higher level training that needs a “big picture” type of
B. Pros/Cons of using constructive training. This type of
training has no outside input and is solely an AI mission. Not really
useful for JTAC’s on the ground.

(transition) Combined, these three types of training form LVC training.

I. Summary: When using all three types together, a JTAC can get
effective postive training at a cost that is less than just Live training.
Each on their own, have disadvantages that would make them not
viable, but together they are strong.
II. Closing: JTAC’s rely on effective and timely training. In a perfect
world, JTAC’s would only use Live training. Costs and available
range time are the biggest reasons why Live training is not always
the best option. That is why LVC training is a major piece to any
JTAC’s overall training.


Hint: To help remember how to properly list your references in APA or MLA
format go to:

"Secure Live Virtual Constructive Advanced Training Environment – Air

Force Research Laboratory". Afresearchlab.Com, 2020,
virtual-constructive-advanced-training-environment/. Accessed 20 Sept

"Bohemia Interactive Simulations". Bisimulations.Com, 2020,
virtual-training-ig. Accessed 20 Sept 2020.
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Audience analysis information:

In the space below discuss how you have tailored your speech for this
particular audience. Consider discussing specific choices you’ve made
regarding your speech organization, language choices, sources, delivery
style, visual aids, etc.

1. Describe your audience demographics and explain how you have

adapted your speech for this audience.

My audience demographic does not contain or has a small amount of

people that have previous military experience. This means that I
cannot use military jargon and have to not include technical aspects
that the audience would not comprehend.

2. Describe your audience interests and knowledge toward this topic

and explain how you have adapted your speech to their interest and
knowledge level.

Since there are zero previous JTAC’s in the audience, there will a
lack of knowledge on the topic. I will have to give an overview of a
JTAC and what they do before I can start informing them about LVC
training. The best way to do this is to show some pictures or videos
in the background of my speech that give visual context.

3. Describe your audience psychological expectations (values,

attitudes and beliefs) toward your topic and how you have adapted
your speech based on your understanding of their psychological

From the responses I have received I have no knowledge of any

postive or negative attitudes or beliefs about military training. I will
try and keep my speech neutral on the stance of military. (i.e not
providing training for making solider better killers)

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