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Danielle Parker

Kendra Vair

EDUC 350/386

25 April 2019

My Time at Conrad Ball: A Narrative

My time at Conrad Ball Middle School has been nothing short of magical. I remember

the first day as if it were yesterday, partially because I arrived horrendously early, but also

because it was the first day of an experience I had no idea that would change my life for forever.

Before Conrad Ball, I had never experienced such a positive and inclusive environment for

practicum. I had gone to a community college first in my hometown and had a couple of

practicum experiences, but none like this.

From day one, Conrad Ball has proven itself to be an inclusive, student-centered, caring

environment and I have loved every minute of it. On the very first day, I knew that this was

going to be a fantastic experience. I feel so incredibly fortunate to have you as an instructor,

Susan Boyle and Savannah Miller as mentors, and all of the amazing kids I have. I have known

for a really long time that I wanted to be a teacher and to work with kids, but this experience has

just further affirmed that passion that I have to be in the classroom and teaching our future.

My previous experiences, looking back on them, really have done nothing to prepare me

and feed my soul like this one has. I have learned and grown so much, and I would recommend

Conrad Ball and you, Kendra, to anyone who has not yet taken EDUC 350/386 over and over

again. I have learned so much and I cannot even begin to express my gratitude. Before I walked

into CBMS, I had no idea how to lesson plan, I was not confident that I could relate to middle
school kids, I didn’t think I wanted to or was open to teaching middle schools, and truly so much


My previous practicum experience with Literacy and the Learner was not positive and I

felt like I was not supported by my mentors or the instructors leading recitation. I was weary

about coming to another middle school and have another experience, but CBMS completely

changed my mind. I would absolutely love to teach middle school kids, and I would love to work

at a school like Conrad Ball. Everyone that I have gotten to work with are phenomenal. These

kids have taught me so much, probably way more than I have taught them.

I have had so many big learning this semester. I have learned how to lesson plan (and

how to do it properly), how to build even more positive relationships with kids, the importance

of systems and structures, the importance of building a culture of error and a positive and

inclusive classroom community, and so much more. This experience will stick with me for

forever and it is very near and dear to my heart.

I rounded off this experience with a night at the T-bird Turn Up- a carnival put on by the

school for all of the middle schoolers and in-coming 5th graders. I spent an hour there and I had a

blast every minute I was there. From free popcorn to life size Jenga and line dancing, the night

was way more fun than I thought it would be. The whole school came together- students,

teachers, staff, it was incredible. I saw some of my kids, met some new ones, and played Jenga

until I couldn’t anymore. The middle schools I went to never did anything like that, and it made

my heart so full knowing that these kids are in a community where the adults present will go

above and beyond for them. Every kid deserves that.

My next steps are EDUC 450 in the Spring of 2020, student teaching in the Fall of 2020,

and teaching while getting my master’s degree in Literature at Colorado State University. I am
going to miss Conrad Ball so much and it pains me to have to move on, but I will never forget

this experience. It has had such a positive impact on me and I feel nothing short of winning the

educational lottery. I had not one, but three amazing mentors and a classroom full of amazing

and dynamic kids who taught me more than I could possibly imagine. I would absolutely love to

come back and do my student teaching here. In the meantime, I just want to say thank you for

letting me be a part of your community and giving me such an amazing experience. I am

eternally grateful and cannot wait to continue to move forward in my educational career toward

being a teacher.

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