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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. ​Delete all blue text​ and replace it with your own.

Name of Teacher 
Jasmine Guardado

Lesson Overview
Grade Level Spanish 2
Estimated Time Needed 45 minutes
Student will review present tense ending of infinitive verbs. Students will later work
with the teacher to fill out a present tense conjugation chart of infinitive verbs from
their chapter vocabulary. Students will then create a sentence for each pronoun
Lesson Description using some of the verbs from the Conjugation Chart in order to describe what they
or someone else is doing.
Essential question: Que haces?

(1) Interpersonal communication: speaking and writing. The student negotiates

meaning through the spoken and written exchange of information in rehearsed and
unrehearsed situations in a variety of contexts. The student uses a mixture of short
statements and sentences with appropriate and applicable grammar structures
Content Area Standards
and processes at the specified proficiency levels. The student is expected to:
(A) ask and respond to questions about everyday life with simple elaboration in
spoken and written conversation;

Technology Standards
TLW ​identify and use​ the present tense endings of -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in order
to describe everyday activities.

Vocabulary in Para Empezar Texas Autentico 2:

Students will be using Google Classroom to access the Google meet as well as
their warm up and daily work.
Technology Resources Youtube: Beginner Spanish Verb Conjugation Video
Nearpod Live of video: ​

Texas Aútentico Spanish 2

Conjugations Anchor Chart
Other Resources
Sentence Practice ​Jamboard

Lesson Procedures 
A step-by-step description Describe how each stage of the
This template is built of the scope and sequence lesson will be managed, Cite specifically what resources
on the traditional of lesson activities, with including role of teacher and for this activity will be used, and
“Madeline Hunter” estimated time on task learners (who is doing what at describe in detail how they will
noted in parentheses for each point), location (e.g., be used.
lesson structure.
each step. In other words, classroom, computer lab,
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
completely describe the flow outside), and any special Note who will be using the tool and
of the lesson-the content to considerations, such as for in what ways. Note any safety
be presented, and the differentiated instruction. considerations needed.
strategies to be used.
Include actual words you
will use and questions you
will ask students. Consider
items such as: parts of the
lesson that might be difficult,
and how you will know
whether you can go on; how
to ensure that students
completely understand
directions before releasing
them to work independently;
and what students will do if
they finish their work early.
TLW watch a short
nearpod video over the
present tense of verbs
and answer the Nearpod, The student will
questions following the TSW watch the video on
play the video and at the
video on ​nearpod live. Nearpod through Google
end of the video the
Focus/Anticipatory  What were the verbs Meet.
student will answer the
Set​ ​(motivational hook) that were conjugated in TTW take attendance at
open ended questions that
the video? this time and watch
appear when the video is
What type of verbs students for engagement.
were they?
Conjugate one of the
words in present tense.
(5 minutes)
TLW review the ending
of -ar, -er, and -ir verbs
on google​ slides​.

- Look at the TS follows along with the

endings for all
teacher via Google Meet
Content-input  three types of with the Google Slides. The student will use google
(Could include content infinitive verbs,
TTW review the Present slides to reference back to
outline, presentation, What do you
Tense of -ar, -er, -ir verbs the present tense endings
questioning, modeling, notice? and answer any questions of infinitive verbs.
examples) - How can you
the students may have.
use this

Guided Practice  TLW will complete two TS follows along with the The teacher will use the
(identify students who examples on the teacher to listen to and conjugation chart which is
failed to master lesson Present Tense understand how to use the very much like a
objectives.) Conjugation Chart with conjugations chart. multiplication chart to help
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
the teacher. As well as students practice
complete 12 sentences conjugations of infinitive
on the Jamboard. verbs. The students will put
GT students will create a finger on the verb and
a word puzzle using 10 another finger on the
of the verbs on the TTW demonstrates how to pronoun and move down
conjugation chart. until they meet. Then the
fill out the conjugations
(These word puzzles students will use the verbs
chart and model how to
will be used in the use it. on the conjugation chart to
students review write 12 simple sentences
Then TTW also
packets at the end of for each pronoun on a
demonstrates how to fill out
the chapter.) google jamboard.
the Jamboard.
GT students will create a
- How can we word puzzle using the
use the verbs on the conjugation
conjugation chart at least 20 terms.
chart to learn
new verbs?
(Help us find
and study
by looking at
the patterns.)
- What are those
- Where have
you seen or
The student will use the
conjugation chart which is
very much like a
TLW fill out the present multiplication chart to help
them practice conjugations
TLW complete the tense conjugations of verbs
present tense provided in the Conjugation of infinitive verbs. The
Independent Practice  conjugation chart Chart then write 12 students will put a finger on
the verb and another finger
(reteaching and independently and type sentences for each
on the pronoun and move
enrichment) their sentences on the pronoun using the verbs
TT facilitates the students down until they meet. Then
jamboard for
the students will use the
completion. with filling out the
verbs on the conjugation
conjugation chart.
chart to write 12 simple
sentences for each
pronoun on a google
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
GT students will create a
word puzzle using the
verbs on the conjugation
chart at least 20 terms.
TLW come together as
a class and discuss
some of the verbs that
were conjugated and
share some sentences
TS will respond to the Students will use menti to
they created on a
collab board to answer the write down what verbs
collab board.
following questions: were easy for them and
- What are some
which verbs were hard?
verbs that were What are some verbs that
were easy for you to Then students will share a
Closure  easy for you to
conjugate? sentence or two that they
wrote on their jamboard to
- Which ones were Which ones were harder?
share with the class. The
harder? Did you see a pattern?
Share a sentence you teacher will facilitate
- Did you notice a
discussion and use this
pattern? wrote on jamboard.
time to provide feedback.
- How would we
continue to use
the conjugation
chart throughout
the year?

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations 

Special Education  Will need to complete a conjugation chart in a separate small group with the teacher
Students  and write 6 simple sentences instead of 12.
English Language 
I would have them create a word puzzle for present tense of ser on ​​t or on
Gifted and Talented 

Potential Challenges/Plan B 
Potential challenges may be that students are not able to conjugate verbs on their own in which we will make
the chart a whole group assignment and fill out together as well as focus strictly on one type of verb either -ar,
-er, -ir. We will make the sentence activity for another day and provide students with more videos and
resources for more practice and comprehension.

Students will complete a​ quizizz​ quiz to assess their comprehension of present tense conjugations.

Notes and Credits 

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