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FALL 2020, CARE 91

Date of submission: WEEK 10

NAME: ……Tamanna…………………….

ID: ……4300289………………………………





Demonstrate effective interview techniques

Assignment #4 – 20%)

Make sure you have completed the assessments 1, 2 & 3 before attempting this assignment.

Answer all the following questions in paragraph format:

1) Why do you want to work for this company? Why are you interested in this job?

According to my research this company could provide me with the numerous

opportunities to learn & experience more, develop new abilities and showcase my skills.
My skills and qualifications meets the job requirement. I am always ready learn more,
experience different and explore more. I would love to bring this passion to KPG
Analytics, and this relationship would be mutually beneficial.

2) Have you done this kind of work before?

I’ve done work in the field of customer service and organizational area and I believe that
my experiences in different fields/companies have gave me the ability to identify which
company requires which kind of employee in their company, which plays quiet important
role in the field of HR as you are expected to choose the best for the company.

3) What kind of training or qualifications do you have?

I have more than 1 year of experience in customer service in multiple companies, gas
attendant experience, security officer experience at different locations like office
buildings, front desk, condos, and banks. I am expecting my Business diploma in
December 2020, and I’ve certification of CPR and Smart Serve.

4) Tell me about yourself. Why should we hire you?

I consider myself to be a dedicated individual who possesses excellent verbal and written
communication skills. I feel that a relationship with your company would be mutually
beneficial, as my educational background, CSR experience, and qualifications would
make me a perfect fit for your Human Resource position. This opportunity would also
allow me to refine my skills in a new working environment.

5) What do you do in your spare time?

My favorite activity is to do something creative in my free time like experimenting with

cooking, painting, and learning new skills either in games like chess or sudoku. I am
always to seek out different and interesting mind games. Sometimes reading motivational
books is another thig that I like to do, to improvise myself when I lack somewhere in my

6) What do you think of working in a group?

Working in a group is really great thing to improve the productivity of a team/company

as it leads to different & innovative ideas, breaks complex task into parts, refines
understanding, variety of perspectives, build trust and strong interpersonal skills. The
opportunity to work with other always provides you with the distinct benefits.

7) How do you react to instruction and criticism?

Instructions and criticism are the factors that needs to be handled carefully and politely
otherwise the consequences could be destructive. For example: if the instructions for the
operations in a company not followed carefully than it could lead any kind of harm to
anyone and if the criticism is not handled carefully and politely it could make your life
hell at work because you would be working same people.

8) With the kind of work experience, you have had, do you think this job would bore

I’ve experience in multiple companies as a representative in customer service, as a gas

attendant, and as a security officer and as I’ve played different roles with different
companies, I believe that I’m a perfect fit for this position of Human Resource officer
because I know what kind of company requires which skill in the prospective employees.
In my opinion this job would give me a new opportunity every time, which would not
give me any chance to get bored.

9) Why did you choose this line of work?

I choose this job because I am passionate to enter the field of HR as it would be great
platform for me to showcase my skills, gain new & lifetime experiences and work on my
abilities also. I meet most of the requirements for the job. In this kind of profession, we
encounter with different kind of people and from each one of them we learn abundance of

10) How well do you work under pressure or tight deadlines?

There are times when extreme pressure can prompt stress. However, I am very skilled at
balancing multiple projects and meeting deadlines, this ability prevents me from feeling
overly stressed. For example: When I’ve several assignments due in a short period of
time, I mange the things by dividing my schedule/tasks.

11) How often were you absent from work in your last job? Have you ever had any
serious illness or injuries? Do you have any health problems?

I usually do not take days off from work unless I’ve urgent came up or I got sick when
my body requires rest and care so that it does not affect my productivity. I do not have
any serious illness, injuries, or any kind of health problems.

12) Have you ever been fired or quit a job?

Yes, I did quit a few times when I realized that the job is not right fit for me because I do
not want to waste my or the company’s time and the resources of company. But I do not
quit right away instead I try to improvise to the level I can, I put every effort into the job.

13) Why haven't you worked recently?

I am currently employed as a part-time security officer at Garda World.

14) What are your long-term goals or career plans?

My long-term goals are to find the best opportunity and stick to it for the rest whether it is
in any field. Once I got the right fit for me, I am willing to continue and improvise and
take my skills to a whole new level to expertise in that role.

15) What do you feel are your greatest strengths?

My greatest strengths of all times are ownership, co-operation, communication, work

ethics and time management. With these traits, I believe I can expertise any kind of work
because these are the basic and most important skills required by any company.

16) What do you feel are your weaknesses?

My greatest weakness is that I sometimes have a hard time letting go of a project. I am

the biggest reviewer of my work, and I can always find something that needs to be
improved or changed. To help myself improve in this area, I give myself deadlines for
revisions. This helps ensure I am not making changes at the last minute.

17) How would you describe your last employer?

My supervisor was solid willed, which occasionally made it hard to convey new ideas,
however, we generally figured out how to work it out and discover solutions that were
best for the organization.

18) What five words would be describe you?

Ambitious, detail-focused, creative, natural leader, and results oriented.

19) What did you like about your last job?

It was friendly and fun atmosphere to work, where anyone would love to go for work.
The leadership team was also very good, co-operative, hardworking and fun too.

20) Why did you leave your last position?

I left that job because Sometimes an amazing opportunity comes up that matches
perfectly with your interests and when that happens, nobody lets that go.

21) What are your long-range goals?

My long-term goals are to find the best opportunity and stick to it for the rest whether it is
in any field. Once I got the right fit for me, I am willing to continue and improvise and
take my skills to a whole new level to expertise in that role.

22) What kind of machines or equipment have you worked with?

I have worked with different software like Microsoft office, monitoring equipment’s,
POS systems, alarm systems, cooking equipment in restaurants, and scanning systems.

23) What type of salary are you looking for?

My salary range is flexible. I would, of course, like to be offset fairly for my decade of
experience and sales record. However, I am open to considering specific numbers once
we have discussed the details of the position.

24) What do you know about our company?

Kpg Analytics Inc. is a company governing under the Canada Business Corporations Act.
In Mississauga, ON. KPG is talented and experienced industry leaders including senior
managements from Fortune 500 companies.

25) Do you have any other skills of experiences that we have not discussed?

We have talked about huge numbers of my skills, abilities and experiences that make me
a solid competitor, including my experience working with customers and my written and
verbal communication abilities. Moreover, I am very good at empathetic skills. I can see
the situation from other person's perspective.

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