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Using Systems Engineering to Create a

Framework for Evaluating Industrial
Symbiosis Options
Bertha Maya Sopha,1, * Annik Magerholm Fet,2 Martina Maria Keitsch,3 and Cecilia Haskins2

Industrial Ecology Programme and Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Høgskoleringen 5, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trond-
heim, Norway
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, NO-0130 Oslo, Norway

Received 14 December 2008; Accepted 3 March 2009, after one or more revisions
Published online 9 June 2009 in Wiley InterScience (
DOI 10.1002/sys.20139

Motivated by the success of industrial symbiosis at Kalundborg, Denmark, there have been many attempts
to establish industrial symbiosis around the world. Modeling the complex system that underlies an
industrial symbiosis provides much needed understanding of these interactions in the planning stage.
Therefore, guidance and/or a framework are needed to identify “what to model” and to keep the modeling
process on track. This paper applies systems engineering to create a framework for modeling industrial
symbiosis. The proposed framework provides a practical road map for the modeling process that connects
relevant concepts and techniques. A case is introduced to illustrate use of the framework. © 2009 Wiley
Periodicals, Inc. Syst Eng 13: 149–160, 2010

Key words: industrial symbiosis; systems engineering; framework

1. INTRODUCTION change of waste, byproducts, and energy, and to reduce the

use of virgin raw materials and pollution. Industrial Symbio-
Today’s industrial practices are regarded as unsustainable sis is characterized by physical exchange of materials, energy,
[Mirata, 2005, Ehrenfeld, 2000]. Firms have faced increasing water, and/or byproducts between collaborating business
pressure from consumers and from governments to become partners. Implementing industrial symbiosis in the form of
more environmentally responsible. There have been many eco-industrial parks (EIP) is seen as a model for more envi-
attempts to seek more sustainable practices through the ex- ronmentally responsible production [Gertler, 1995; Haskins,
2006, 2007; Mirata, 2005]. The term industrial symbiosis was
coined to describe the situation in Kalundborg, Denmark,
* Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed (e-mail: where they have created a highly integrated industrial system;;; that optimizes the use of byproducts, water cascades, and minimizes the waste that leaves the (EIP) system. Many
projects have been conducted to replicate the success of
Contract grant sponsor: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU) industrial symbiosis at Kalundborg, Denmark in other parts
of the world. Such examples can be found in Rotterdam, The
Systems Engineering Vol. 13, No. 2, 2010 Netherlands [Baas, 1998], Forth Valey, Scotland [Harris and
© 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Pritchard, 2004], Montreal, Canada [Dias and Yates, 2001],


Tampico, Mexico [Young, 1999], Brownsville, Texas [Martin • Political/regulatory/legal: Caused by various environ-
et al., 1996] and Kwinana, Australia [Bossilkov, van Beers, mental laws and regulations, e.g., overarching environ-
and van Berkel, 2005], to name a few. However, development mental policies, nature and implications of relevant
of industrial symbiosis entails much research including gen- laws and regulations, and relevant fiscal elements
eration and screening of synergy, developing engineering and (taxes, fees, fines, levies, subsidies, and credits).
technology platform, and enabling mechanisms for imple- • Informational: The right people have the needed infor-
mentation [Haskins, 2006]. mation at the right time, for example, access to relevant
A complex system is any system featuring a large number information, availability of timely and reliable informa-
of interacting components (agents, processes, etc.) whose tion from a wide spectrum of areas to the right parties,
aggregate activity is nonlinear (not derivable from the sum- and continued review of information.
mations of the activity of individual components) and typi- • Organizational and institutional: The intended ex-
cally exhibits a hierarchical self-organization under selective change might not fit in the current corporate organiza-
pressures. Despite the fact that industrial symbiosis is com- tional structure in terms of trust, openness,
plex, it still needs to be designed and managed. Controlling environmental maturity, level of social interaction and
the design will always involve both engineering as well as a mental proximity, local availability of decision-making
management [Sage, 1981], and tools that support both as- power, organization history, nature of interaction
pects. among industry, policy makers and regulators, and so-
The consequences of decisions in a complex system are, cial embeddings (degree of familiarity).
by their nature, difficult to predict and understand. In order to
gain some insight into the effects of decisions in dynamic This paper applies systems engineering to build a frame-
complex systems, modeling and simulation models are com- work for modeling of industrial symbiosis as well as provid-
monly used. Models create a view of the systems that exposes ing a practical road map for connecting some relevant
the connections between the parts of the system and their techniques in the modeling process.
interactions. Through simulation, the effect of time and space The structure of this paper is as follows. This paper will
compression on the system uncovers interactions that would first introduce the multidisciplinary context of the problem
normally unfold over lengthy time periods. Even though these domain, before presenting a system methodology, and pro-
models are approximations of the real world, information posing a framework for deriving a model of industrial sym-
gained through simulation can support decision-making proc- biosis. A case study is offered for illustration of the application
ess. Moreover, the simulation can play a valuable role as tools of the framework. The paper closes with some discussion and
to better understand behaviors and interactions in complex conclusions about the work.
system [Rizzoli, Davis, and Abel, 1998]. Modeling and simu-
lation support the view of many potential alternative futures.
Industrial symbiosis literature points out that the barriers 2. MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONTEXT
and success factors range from lack of technical and economi-
This section extends the discussion of the multidisciplinary
cal appeal, organizational arrangement, the nature of the
context for industrial symbiosis presented by Haskins [2006].
decision making process, awareness related to information
and know-how, and actors’ attitudes toward the relationships
to be formed [Ehrenfeld and Gertler, 1997; Korhonen, 2001; 2.1. Industrial Ecology and Industrial Symbiosis
Heeres and Vermeulen, 2004; Wolf, Eklund, and Söderström, Industrial ecology, an emerging field, provides a new concep-
2005; Fichtner et al., 2005]. There is, therefore, a strong need tual framework for understanding the impacts of industrial
for a systemic approach to better understand the full implica- systems on the environment. One goal of industrial ecology
tions of the decision to create these relationships [Fiksel, is to change the perception of the linear nature of our industrial
2006]. Lack of information may pose a problem for further systems, where raw materials are used and products, bypro-
dissemination of eco-industrial park practices [Eilering and ducts, and waste are produced, to the acceptance of a cyclical
Vermeulen, 2004]. This is in line with the study conducted by system perception where the waste is reused as energy or raw
Mirata [2005] and Heeres and Vermeulen [2004] on the de- materials for another product or process. However, there is
velopment and functioning of industrial symbiosis that de- much discussion and debate over its definition as well as its
pends on the various factors rooted in the different domains: practicality.
Some industrial ecologists assert that the power of the
• Technical: An exchange is technically feasible in terms industrial ecology approach lies in its “objective scientific
of physical, chemical, and spatial attributes of in- and foundation.” As a “science of sustainability” [Allenby, 1995],
output streams, compatibilities between needs and ca- the tasks are limited to deliver “pure facts” to company
pacities, availability of reliable and cost-efficient tech- managers or political decision-makers. Other interpreters go
nologies. in the opposite direction. Ehrenfeld [2000] argues, for exam-
• Economic: An exchange might be economically sound ple, for an interpretative approach to this field of study. He
or economically not risky from a company perspective further states a need for competing paradigms in the field:
in terms of costs of virgin inputs, value of waste and positivism and natural science tradition on the one hand,
byproduct streams, transaction and opportunity costs, historicism, hermeneutics, and phenomenology, on the other.
size of capital investment and discount rates. Regarding the historical development of industrial ecology,

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Frosch and Gallopoulus, who coined the name of the concept larly important. Recent studies tend to look at industrial
in a “philosophical” introduction in 1989, warned about the ecosystems, industrial metabolism, and industrial symbiosis
philosophical imperfections of industrial ecology, especially from a biological and engineering point of view. However, the
those related to ecosystems metaphor [Frosch, 1992]. In the languages of economics and technology are different, and
following years, especially in the mid and late 1990s, the having the combined viewpoints strengthens our under-
cultural dimension of industrial ecology became almost as standing of the benefits of industrial symbiosis. Reducing
important as the technological and ecological [Keitsch, 2006]. environmental impacts and even making more efficient use of
Today, industrial ecology implies diverse philosophical resources does not seem to be enough to make a symbiosis
and methodological features. Industrial symbiosis is an appli-
happen. There was also another attempt to use biological
cation of industrial ecology that shows this diversity best.
There are various definitions of the concept with different models in the business context as proposed by Fairtlough
implications. Several terms are used interchangeably in the [1995] that illustrates the use of biological analogies in busi-
literature [Ayres and Ayres, 1996; Chertow, 2000; Cox, Black- ness thinking and discusses the interaction between competi-
stone, and Spencer, 1995; Gertler, 1995; Lowe, Moran, and tion and cooperation. It is obvious that such innovative
Holmes, 1996; NCWI, 2004]. These terms can vary depend- thinking requires innovative concepts. Industrial ecology can
ing on the system boundaries, specifics of the project, and its then be a rich source of concepts as well as source of inspira-
management umbrella or geographical location. However, tion and creativity towards sustainability.
they have one thing in common; they attempt to create a
system by exchanging material/energy with collaboration 2.2. Supply Chain Management
among companies within region/geographic proximity whose
objectives are to improve economic, environmental, and so- There are burgeoning sources that discuss the definition of
cial performance. The basic concept of industrial symbiosis supply chain management. From many definitions [Lambert,
is man’s attempt to learn and apply ecosystem principles to Stock, and Ellram, 1998; Lummus and Vokorka, 1999;
an industrial system. Monczka and Morgan, 1997; Quinn, 1997; Simchi Levi,
Table I presents ecosystem principles applied to natural Kaminsky, and Simchi-Levi, 2003], a supply chain could be
and industrial ecosystems as proposed by Korhonen [2001]. summarized as all the activities that concern flow of materials,
The most well-known example is the eco-industrial park at flow of information, and flow of funds from the point of origin
Kalundborg, Denmark, which represents a highly integrated to the point of consumption. Supply chain management aims
industrial system that commercially exploits production to coordinate and integrate all the activities into seamless flow
byproducts and minimizes the waste that leaves the system as
of processes. Hassan [2006] discusses advantages of treating
well as representing a win-win economic-environmental situ-
ation among the actors [The Kalundborg Centre for Industrial the supply chain as a system.
Symbiosis, 2008]. The main goal of supply chain operations is customer
Early studies of industrial symbiosis are dominated by the satisfaction. To meet this goal, the integration of material and
technical and economic perspectives. As early as 2003, Co- information flow is needed. The most important aspect in
hen-Rosenthal and Musnikow [2003] challenged the reduc- managing a supply chain is to manage the link between each
tionist and engineering approaches in industrial ecology, by node within the chain to synchronize the entire supply chain
stressing the importance of a solid understanding of the so that the effective and efficient flow of material, information
functioning of industrial networks and the role of human and funds will be achieved by integrating supply and demand
resources. Therefore, the link to business models is particu- management within and across companies.

Table I. Ecosystem Principles Applied to Natural and Industrial Ecosystems

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2.3. Business Strategy Systems engineering could be defined both as a discipline

and a process [Asbjørnsen, 1992; Blanchard, 1990]. As a
Business strategy refers to aggregated operational strategies discipline, it deals with the analysis and design, the operation,
of a single firm or that of a Strategic Business Unit [SBU) in and the maintenance of large integrated systems in a total life
a diversified corporation. It is about the way in which a firm cycle perspective. It takes into account technology, manage-
competes in its chosen arenas. Business strategy is the process ment, legal aspects, social and environmental issues, finance
of specifying an organization’s objectives, developing poli- and corporate strategies to shape total systems integration. As
cies and plans to achieve these objectives, and allocating a process, systems engineering supports the acquisition of a
resources to implement the plans [Warren, 2004; Barney, system for consumer use or the process of bringing a system
1991; Tichy, 1983]. It provides overall direction to the whole into being; the process employed in the development of
enterprise. Business strategy must be appropriate for its re- systems from the point when a need is identified through
sources, circumstances, and objectives. The unique feature of production and/or construction and ultimate deployment of
this concept is its approach to allocating resources (tangible that system for consumer use.
or intangible) to meet its objectives. Today, however, systems engineering is widely utilized in
a range of applications and industries. One application of
2.4. Systems Theory and Systems Thinking systems engineering as a method that is relevant to this article
has been proposed by Fet [2002], who proposed systems
Systems theory was initially proposed in the 1940s by the engineering as an appropriate method for Industrial Ecology,
biologist, Ludwig van Bertalanffy [Laszlo and Bertalanffy, able to encompass the various methods such as cleaner pro-
1972]. The concept emphasizes that real systems are open to, duction (CP), life cycle assessment (LCA), design for envi-
and interact with, their environments. Compared to the tradi- ronment (DfE), environmental management system (EMS),
tional theory, systems theory shifts the focus from a closed- environmental performance evaluation (EPE), and environ-
system to an open-system perspective; from parts to the mental auditing (EA) for environmental assessment and man-
organization of the parts; from static to dynamic processes. agement. Fet maintains that systems engineering is an
Using systems theory, all phenomena can be viewed as a web effective tool to integrate distinct disciplines and technologies
of relationships among elements, and all systems have com- in complex systems into an overall unified purpose.
mon patterns, behaviors, and properties that can be under-
stood and used to develop greater insight into the behavior of 2.6. System Dynamics
complex phenomena and to move closer toward a unity of
science. System dynamics was first developed in the 1950s by Jay W.
Systems thinking is derived from systems theory as a Forrester [Sterman, 2000] as a method for understanding the
discipline to view systems from a broad perspective that dynamic behavior of complex systems over time. It deals with
includes seeing overall structures, patterns, and cycles in internal feedback loops and time delays that affect the behav-
systems, rather than seeing only specific events in the system. ior of an entire system and related systems, and has evolved
into a widespread approach for modeling nonlinear, dynamic
Systems thinking provides a framework to understand the
systems and the behavior characteristics of a multi-minded
System dynamics differs from other approaches to study
system [Senge, 1980].
complex systems in its use of feedback loops and the use of
stocks and flows. These elements help to describe how even
2.5. Systems Engineering seemingly simple systems display baffling nonlinearity. The
Systems engineering has been in the domain of the technical approach uses differential equations to represent changes in
stocks and flows and considers nonlinearity, feedbacks, and
community [Bahill and Gissing, 1998]. It can be viewed as
delays. The basis of the method is the recognition that the
the application of engineering techniques to the engineering
structure of any systems—the many circular, interlocking,
of systems, as well as the application of a systems approach
sometimes time-delayed relationships among its compo-
to engineering efforts [Thomé, 1993]. Systems engineering nents—is often just as important in determining its behavior
originated in the fifties and sixties in the large military and as the individual components themselves.
space development program. Wymore [1976] pointed out that Table II presents a summary of the concepts, their distinc-
systems engineers should use interdisciplinary teams to state tive features, and the contribution to the concept of industrial
the problem, identify the system’s functions and require- symbiosis.
ments, define performance and cost figures of merit, investi-
gate alternative designs, and test the system. This process is
recursive and iterative, and much of it is done in parallel. 2.7. Contributions from Social Science
Various definitions of systems engineering appear in the To achieve an adequate understanding of the interplay be-
literature [Asbjørnsen, 1992; Blanchard, 1990; Sage, 1981, tween humans and their environment requires knowledge and
Thomé, 1993]; however, a common thread can be found insight from social science. The interdisciplinary approach is,
among them. Systems engineering is a multidisciplinary field therefore, essential for solving complex system problems
dedicated to managing design so that all elements are inte- because it allows a problem to be studied from different angles
grated to provide an optimum, overall system as contrasted [McNeill, Garcia-Godos, and Gjerdåker, 2001]. One of the
with the integration of optimized subelements. practical methods to understand the complexity of industrial

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Table II. Concept, Distinctive Features, and Contribution to the Industrial Symbiosis

symbiosis is stakeholder/actor analysis [Xiaoyun, 2000]. Systems theory and systems thinking are utilized in the
Such analysis identifies all actors involved, their multiple conceptual study stage because of their character of expand-
interests and objectives, and particularly their interactions or ing to take into account larger and larger numbers of interac-
interfaces [Mitchell, Agle, and Wood, 2004]. tions as an issue is being studied, instead of isolating smaller
In addition, communication with the stakeholders is in- and smaller parts of the system, to formulate a system’s view
valuable since the stakeholders can explain what is needed of a problem and to see the “big picture.” Systems theory
and why and how the needs will eventually contribute to serves as a bridge for areas to engage in interdisciplinary
decisions. One possible approach that allows communication dialogue and advance ideas for their own autonomous frames
with and among stakeholders is the use of scenarios built into as well as within the area of systems science itself. Therefore,
a simulation. The main purpose of developing scenarios is to systems theory and systems thinking are used to define what
stimulate thinking about possible occurrences, possible as- the system is and how it functions. Moreover, the concepts
sumptions relating these occurrences, possible opportunities help to give better understanding of relationship between
and risks, and possible courses of action [Jarke, Bui, and subsystems by integrating concepts such as industrial ecol-
Carrol, 1998]. The scenario study can be performed by means ogy/industrial symbiosis, supply chain management, and
of qualitative method such as interview, brainstorming, and business strategy.
workshop. These methods enable involvement of the stake-
holders from early stage of modeling as the model will be built
for and with stakeholders.

The major challenge in industrial symbiosis is to address
social and technical issues in the modeling. The subject of
industrial symbiosis has natural interdisciplinary interactions.
This section discusses the reasoning to utilize systems the-
ory/thinking, systems engineering, and system dynamics and
configure these three concepts to build a systems methodol-
ogy for application in further study. Figure 1 depicts the triad
that builds the systems methodology. Within the triangle are
three circles that represent the various concepts, their contri-
bution to the methodology, and their interactions. Figure 1. Systems methodology for modeling industrial symbiosis.

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Systems engineering efforts are concerned with the appro- Method. The SE Process is composed of steps that are adopted
priate definition, development and deployment of a system from Fet’s 6-step systems engineering process [Fet, 2002].
[Sage, 1997]. Systems engineering is for solving problems, Each step explains the task as well as its objective. The SE
not only for clients but with clients [Sage, 1980]. According Process is mainly divided into two parts, defining the problem
to the International Council on Systems Engineering, this and designing the solution. The separation is a unique char-
discipline is an interdisciplinary approach and a means for acteristic of interactive design. According to Ackoff [1999,
enabling the realization and deployment of successful sys- page 138], “We fail more often not because we fail to solve
tems. Adopting systems engineering as a process method in the problems we face, but because we fail to face the right
modeling industrial symbiosis will help to assure that the problem. We have been taught how to solve problems but
correct system is modeled, and that the system is modeled never how to define one.” Defining the problem is addressed
correctly. in steps 1–3, where the main focus is to answer the questions
System dynamics will be utilized as modeling tool. System what is the problem, why has the problem occurred, what is
dynamics models the system behavior as a number of inter- needed, and what is the expectation. The problem solution is
acting feedback loops, balancing and reinforcing, and delay achieved in steps 4–6 by trying to answer the question of how
structures. to solve the problem. If the design cannot then produce a
The interactions between the circles that have specific desired outcome, then, most probably, the problems lie in the
contributions will be utilized as systems methodology for environment, and the focus of change should be directed
modeling industrial symbiosis. The effective systems method- outward. All the processes are conducted iteratively, repre-
ology lies at the interaction of four foundations: (1) holistic sented by closing loops for each step.
thinking; iteration of structure, function and process, (2) op- A Method mirrors each step of the SE Process. These
erational thinking; dynamics of multi-loop feedback systems, methods are for the most part qualitative methods, such as
chaos, and complexity, 3) self-organization; movement to- interviews, brainstorming, literature study, survey, field study,
ward a predefined-order sociocultural model, and (4) interac- and workshop. A combination of methods could also be
tive design; redesigning the future and inventing ways to bring utilized. Use of these methods is proposed to facilitate the
it about [Gharajedaghi, 2006]. It is believed that the proposed communications between stakeholders and modeler as well
systems methodology above resonates with the effective sys- as communication amongst stakeholders.
tems methodology. The systems methodology is intended to
provide a means to define problems and to design solutions.

4. PROPOSED FRAMEWORK 5.1. Case Background

The proposed framework for creating an industrial symbiosis This section introduces a case in order to describe the com-
model as presented in Figure 2 consists of two parts, the plexity of industrial symbiosis and to illustrate the usefulness
Systems Engineering (SE) Process and the corresponding of the proposed framework towards the case. Many attempts
to establish industrial symbiosis have been conducted around
the world. There is also an attempt, initiated by Statoil, to
develop an industrial symbiosis in Mongstad, Norway.
The Mongstad pilot project is being conducted to investi-
gate how Mongstad, as an industrial site, can increase its value
added and resource efficiency. The refinery at Mongstad
produces a large amount of unutilized heat as a byproduct.
Seawater used as cooling water in the refinery processes is
directly discharged to sea with a temperature of approxi-
mately 25ºC. The Norwegian government has established
regulations that Statoil is not allowed to increase the sea
temperature within 5 km by more than 5ºC with these dis-
charges. Statoil, therefore, wants to improve its environmental
performance by reducing the thermal waste from cooling
water by directing this water to other purposes.
Inspired by the industrial symbiosis at Kalundborg, Den-
mark, the idea to apply cooling water to aquaculture was
conceived. Statoil leveled a 14,000 m2 area in the immediate
surroundings of the Mongstad refinery for aquaculture pur-
pose. Thermal aquaculture is a method for using heated efflu-
ents productively. Heated discharge water from the plants
represents a large thermal energy source for maintaining the
temperature of a culture medium in a range that is optimum
Figure 2. Framework for industrial symbiosis modeling (after Fet for the growth of some aquatic species. Technical problems
[2002]). include the reliability of heated discharge water, unscheduled

Systems Engineering DOI 10.1002/sys


shutdowns, and cost of production and adding a treatment from the state about aquaculture operation). A specific ques-
plant to take care of fish wastes [Yarosh, 1971]. tion raised on the case is will waste heat utilization by
Mongstad Vekst, as a coordination body in this case, con- aquaculture be beneficial for both parties in the long term,
ducted the technical-feasibility study to evaluate the operation and under what conditions?
at Mongstad as a potential source of heated water for fish To answer the question above is not as simple as it looks.
farming through direct use or heat exchangers. Based on the The valuation method for investment analysis such as Dis-
study, the refinery cooling water is a source of relatively high counted Cash Flow (DCF), Net Present Value (NPV), Interest
and stable water temperatures that are attractive to marine fish Rate of Return (IRR), or Benefit-Cost Analysis could be used
farms on land and establishing aquaculture at Mongstad was [Newnan, Eschenbach, and Lavelle, 2004]. However, they are
determined to be technically feasible [Havbruksrapport, not sufficient since they are bottom-up approaches that only
2003]. Mongstad Vekst is also providing the infrastructure for regard financial criteria, without strategic design or other
delivering cooling water to aquaculture operation as well as strategic issues, such as collaboration. As Baumann [2004,
attracting potential aquaculture companies into the site. The page 293] stated, “the different ways of managing industrial
possible types of species to be raised in aquaculture at Mong- production lead to different environmental performance,”
stad are cod, halibut, and turbot. However, Mongstad Vekst meaning the industrial performance does not depend on solely
only has a license for growing the latter species. the technology but also depends on how it is managed.
However, the situation today is that aquaculture companies All the components above as well as their relationships
have not made use of this prepared site, in spite of their must be properly addressed when analyzing industrial sym-
proclaimed interest. Based on interviews conducted with the biosis. However, it is very difficult to see the effect of one
aquaculture companies, the main reason for slow adoption is component due to changes in other components because each
that they are questioning the economic feasibility of the component is interlinked with each other and the results are
venture. not just simply the sum of their contributions. The uncertainty
and the nonlinearity then cause a dynamic and complicated
5.2. Case Analysis state.
The purpose of an industrial symbiosis model of this case
In considering an aquaculture business venture, there are a is to simplify the representation of the system in a way that
number of important decisions to be made. Deciding which supports analysis of the performance of the system. In this
aquaculture species to produce is the first step that needs to case, modeling becomes a decision-making support tool that
be determined. Each species has its own potential and con- helps the stakeholder(s) to identify benefits and risks of using
straints, biological, and economic. The principal question is the prepared site.
can this species be raised and sold for a profit? For each
species under consideration, it is critical to study not only the
production methods, but also markets available and operation 6. APPLICATION OF THE FRAMEWORK
as well as anticipated costs, market price, and expected profits
[Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2007]. This section applies the 6-step processes of the framework
There are additional advantages and disadvantages for towards the case. It should be noted that the work proposed
aquaculture firms when joining an industrial symbiosis. The in this section was not actually conducted during the project.
factors that positively support the aquaculture are the avail- Step One: Identify Need. This is the first stage of the
ability of cooling water at a reasonable price, the prepared modeling definition in which the problem analysis is con-
infrastructure location, and the license for turbot farming. In ducted. In this stage, the research question is defined in order
this case, the fish species and the location are decided. The to determine the boundary of the system. Qualitative method
negative factors that inhibit aquaculture establishment are the is utilized in order to formulate a problem definition that
high investment cost and the high labor cost. identifies those elements that can be controlled and those that
The potential for aquaculture is related not only to techni- cannot, as well as elements that are influential but cannot be
cal feasibility but also to future markets for the products. The controlled. The scope of the question will help decide the
uncertainty of the future markets for the fish products is a boundary of target systems.
challenge. In addition, legal and regulatory restrictions such To understand what is needed and the rationale, stake-
as water quality and water rights may influence the viability holder analysis is utilized. This analysis exposes the major
of the idea. The condition at Mongstad could be contrasted commonalities shared between different actors, their conflicts
with successful aquaculture attributes that correspond to (1) and the tradeoffs. Table III describes the most influencing
experience/skill, (2) market knowledge (market access, price, stakeholders in the system as well as their needs. The method
level of competition, when to produce), (3) species site selec- of interview, field study, and brainstorming could be utilized.
tion requirement, (4) appropriate system design, and (5) busi- Based on the analysis above, one conclusion is that there
ness management experience [Anonymous, 2003; Asche and is a need for a decision support tool that could help the
Khatun, 2006; Lichtkoppler, 1993; Pomeroy, 2007; Ström- aquaculture company stakeholders to assess environmental
bom and Tweed, 1992]. and economic feasibility before joining the industrial symbio-
Summarizing, the profitability of aquaculture is dependent sis, as well as to identify barriers and support factors.
on market (level of competition, marketability), production Step Two: Define Requirements. In this step, the identi-
and distribution (operation, source of good quality water, fied needs are translated into requirements. Requirements
staffing, business structure), and legal aspect (requirement could be broken down into several investigative subquestions,

Systems Engineering DOI 10.1002/sys


Table III. Stakeholder’s Needs

for example, what are the possible approaches to meet the formance determined in the previous step, the next question
needs and what are the critical properties that a feasible is what or which processes drive the performance?
approach must have? The main purpose is to yield a preliminary general model
A parallel consideration is to specify the requirements for of the systems, its elements/components, their dynamic rela-
modeling an industrial symbiosis. In this case, the modeling tionships, and, finally, the conceptual model (systems archi-
must be: tecture). The output of this step is a conceptual model that is
presented as closed loop diagram. Scenario building brain-
1. Physically able to represent the system as realistically storming and workshops are useful methods. An examination
as possible, employing the critical representation of of the relationships between state variables and any existing
reality as seen by stakeholders archetypes and theories is conducted, and if there is no arche-
2. Informative for the stakeholders in terms of economic type or theory, experts in the relevant discipline will be
and environmental performance indicators previously interviewed. The model will then be enhanced by discus-
defined by stakeholders sion/interview or by using the Delphi method. There is a
3. Capable of including the system as-is and the what-if tradeoff of complexity—usability. Iterations are conducted to
scenarios to identify barriers and support factors. achieve the optimum model that meets the objective. This step
ends after consensus is reached.
Step Three: Specify Performance. In this step the ques- Step Five: Design and Improve. After the conceptual
tion that needs to be answered is what indicators should be model is built, the next step is then formulation and formali-
used to meet the requirements and what is the expected zation. The aim is to establish the theoretical, logical, and
performance? The next step is thus to examine the perform- mathematical relationships among variables in the closed-
ance indicators and the preferred trends of behavior over time loop diagram. The values or the range of values of the avail-
of indicators as well as to determine certain influencing able parameters are defined. These could be obtained from
variables in the case. This can help reveal systems archetypes secondary data sources such as databases, archives, or pre-
at work because they depict the “signature” behavior patterns vious research. Unavailable parameter data can be determined
that each of archetype typically shows. Focusing on the pat- by judgment. This step is conducted iteratively until the
tern of observed data reduces the common temptation to stakeholders agree upon the analytical model.
force-fit a problem into a particular archetype storyline. Step Six: Implementation. In this step, tests will be
Table V describes possible expected performance derived conducted based on the experiment plan (scenarios) which
from the requirements. The methods to define the appropriate specifies the purpose, circumstances, and predicted output.
indicators are by literature review, interview, field study, or Experimenters will list the procedures and parameters used;
survey. record the phenomena and findings for each experiment as
Step Four: Analyze. This is a very important step in well as record communication process during simulation.
conceptualizing a model. In this case the system dynamics Furthermore, all the reports are collected and distributed. The
modeling approach is selected. Based on the expected per- result of this experiment is then reflected towards the research

Table IV. Stakeholder’s Requirements

Systems Engineering DOI 10.1002/sys


Table V. Possible Performance Specification

questions. If it is found unsatisfactory the iteration is con- is used as decision support tool by stakeholders as well as used
ducted. as learning tool by modeler.
Moreover, the proposed framework can be adopted for any
project in establishing industrial symbiosis since this frame-
7. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION work is used to derive the needs and requirements needed
specifically by the case. Further work remains to examine the
Industrial symbiosis, as a complex system, is difficult to effectiveness of the framework as a method.
envisage and appreciate, but needs to be understood for plan-
ning and implementation. Modeling potential scenarios is one
approach to understand the interactions among components ACKNOWLEDGMENT
for supporting the decision making process. Since modeling
an industrial symbiosis is intricate due to its complexity, a Financial support provided by Norwegian University of Sci-
guideline for such models is needed. The aim of this article is ence and Technology (NTNU), Norway, is gratefully acknow-
ledged. The authors thank the four anonymous reviewers for
to create a framework for evaluating industrial symbiosis
their insights toward the improvement of this paper.
options using modeling.
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Bertha Maya Sopha is a Ph.D. candidate in the Industrial Ecology Programme and Department of Energy and Process
Engineering, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). She earned a bachelor of science from
the Chemical Engineering Department of Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, and a master’s degree from
the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg,
Sweden. The educational background has given her the blend of technical and managerial perspectives. Her research
interest is in the area of complex systems, investigating the mechanism of how actors and the networks involved in a
system cause the emergent phenomena.

Annik Magerholm Fet is a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), where she is an
expert in environmental management, systems engineering, and life-cycle analysis. She currently leads multidisciplinary
initiatives within NTNU for Global Production and Corporate Social Responsibility. She is also the Director of Education
and Research for the Norwegian Systems Engineering Council and holds a position as board member of the Environ-
mental Product Declaration (EPD) Norway.

Martina Maria Keitsch is a senior advisor and researcher at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. She has a
doctorate in philosophy in the field of environmental ethics and aesthetics. She has worked for over 15 years in the
design area, mainly with eco-industrial design, CSR, design theory, environmental ethics, systems methodology, theory
of science and aesthetics.

Systems Engineering DOI 10.1002/sys


Cecilia Haskins is an American living and working in Norway and blending the best of both cultures into her personal
and professional life. After earning her Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from NTNU, she has conducted postdoctoral
research on innovative applications of systems engineering to sociotechnical problems such as those encountered in
software development, sustainable development, and global production systems. Her educational background includes
a BSc in Chemistry from Chestnut Hill College and an MBA from Wharton, University of Pennsylvania. This
combination has contributed to her ability to understand issues with an insider’s view of both the business environments
and the technical solution domains. She has been recognized as a Certified Systems Engineering Professional since

Systems Engineering DOI 10.1002/sys

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