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TITLE: Sapiens: A Brief History of Negotiation - A project by

Washington Anacleto (and also a bestseller)

Washington Anacleto


Ever since the societies were constructed, people were able to
negotiate everything. If you look in the past at the beginning of
living in communities, people used to negotiate food, tools,
clothes. Then, with the invention of the money came the trade
and expeditions to find resources. At the end, great leaders of
communities started to negotiate land. After all, there is an
important question: what negotiation is about exactly?

According to the website SkillsYouNeed, a negotiation is a method

by which people settle differences. It is a process by which
compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument
and dispute. In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim
to achieve the best possible outcome for their position (or
perhaps an organisation they represent). However, the principles
of fairness, seeking mutual benefit and maintaining a relationship
are the keys to a successful outcome. With that in mind, it can be
inferred that negotiations agreements always have two sides:
objectives and relationship.

Setting clear and achievable

objectives is essential to a
successful negotiation agreement.
A win-win outcome is usually the
best result. Although this may not
always be possible, through
negotiation, it should be the
ultimate goal. Even if you want the
best possible deal, sometimes it is not worth it to push through
all your demands without regard for the opposite side.
Sometimes, your aim might be to preserve the relationship with
the other side. Win-Lose/lose-win is probably the most familiar
form of negotiating that is undertaken. Parties decide what they
want, then each side takes up an extreme position, such as
asking the other side for much more than they expect to get. This
may help one party to conclude their objectives but it doesn’t
improve the relationship between them. In a lose-lose
negotiation, neither side achieves a desirable outcome, both
parties are worse off after the negotiation. In my opinion, this is
the worst outcome in a negotiation because no one achieves their
goals and yet it does not improve their relationship.

Last year, on a cold day, my friend

wanted me to go with her to a
party. It was a party that happens
once in the year and the ticket is
very expensive. I wanted to go
with her but I didn’t have the
money to go. However, she wanted
me to go with her anyway and said
that she would probably would kill
me if I didn’t don’t go with her. I
became nervous about the
situation and for a short moment
my mind collapsed. When I woke
up, she was sitting in the armchair
holding a knife in her hand. With a
shaky voice I proposed to her to
lend me her credit card in order to
buy my ticket. She accepted only
because she trusts me a lot and because she didn't want to have
a criminal record. The happy end was as you predict, I went to
the party with her and both parties of this crucial negotiation
became satisfied and stayed alive. This is the most dramatic
negotiation story in my life.

If we stop to think about this certainly real situation described,

we can ponder other outcomes. In the negotiation’s world, it’s
pretty difficult to get a Win-Win outcome without the right tools.
With that in mind, we must to think about three important
me her credit card, there was a lot of trust involved. So knowing
hat my friend trusts me, our relationship has certainly improv
d. At last we both were able to accomplish our obj ectives
ithout any losses or hard feeling
, there was notably a e WIN-WIN outc
me. Therefore, to summarize, not s
mebody always has to lose in a negotia
ion agreement, people just must kn
w the right tools to do it. In my op
nion, people should think in both pa
ties at a negotiation before plann
ng a possible benefit from the outc
me, because not everything is about immediate benefits.
mproving relationships allows long-term benefits that can be mor
rewardful than the short ones, then we need to try explor
ng it. When negotiating with a friend, for example, improving
he relationship is the most important reward that can be obtained
rom an outcome because you will still be dealing with your friend in t
e future, you don’t want to cut ties, so a better relationship
is the best option. Doing that, peo

My mind

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