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Book 1 

Plant lovers 
By Zayani  
Chapter 1 
Hi, My Name is Sadie Lewis​, I’m in 6th grade, I love 
Nature, fresh air, And… CATS! I really want a cat really 
bad, but my dad’s allergic to every single fluffy cute pet in 
the world. He can’t even go to my friend Mia’s house 
because she has a dog. The thing is, I could have a fish 
or a gecko but I don’t want that. So my mom says then I 
can’t have a pet then. 
It all started after math class. Mia and I (Sadie 
Lewis) push through the crowded middle school lunchroom 
and sit at the table we always sit at.  
“ Wasn't that math quiz sooooooo loooong!”  
“ Yup… soooo hard.” Mia replied while staring at the 
popular squad sitting at the next table.  
The popular squad AKA​ ​T​H​E ​P​O​P​ S​Q​U​A​D​. The most 
popular girls in Expo School of Fine Arts(ESFA): Tiffany 
Fintworth, Kate Lovette, and Ivy Wellington. Tiffany is 
popular because she's a model for the Justice clothing 
store. She’s always on magazines and commercials. Kate 
is popular because her family owns a billion dollar candy 
company called: Lovette’s Bubble Gum. Lastly Ivy 
Wellington, the most popular of them all, plays the lead 
character in the really popular tv show: The Cooking 
“ Remember the time when Tony from 1st grade farted on 
the teacher’s desk!?!” I say giggling. 
“ Yup… soooo hard.” Mia says, still staring at the 
popular squad.  
“ Mia, Miaaaaa! Why aren’t you laughing? You always 
laugh at that story?”   
“ Sorry, it’s just, I really want to sit with the popular 
squad, you know, they’re sooooo cool!” She says with a 
sigh still admiring the Princesses of ESFA.  
“ So you don’t think I’m cool?” I ask. Mia just looks at 
the ground. 
“ You know what, if that’s what you want you can sit 
with them, but you have to pinky promise that you’ll still 
hang out with me too.” I say with my pinky out. 
“ I pinky promise.” Mia says holding up her pinky.  
We hook our pinkies together, tighter than an old pair of 
shoes that don’t fit anymore. Mia starts walking to the 
table of princesses. Then I look down at the table and I 
notice that her lunch tray is still there at her spot.  
“ You forgot your lunch tray!!” I say, with an even sadder 
Mia takes the tray and takes a seat at the popular 
Chapter 2 
After school I head off to Mr. Leonard’s Plant 
nursery, Where I work. 
“ Good afternoon Sadie, still no luck with that cat 
you’ve always wanted,” said Mr. Leonard. 
“ Still no luck.” I say without even looking at Mr. 
“ What’s wrong Sadie?” He asks me.  
“ Well today at lunch Mia said she wanted to hang out 
with the “ POP SQUAD” so I just let her go with them 
because I want her to be happy.” I say with a big sigh.  
“ Well life is like that sometimes you know. Here take this 
plant, it’s called a Pothos. Take it home and care for it, 
just like a pet” he says gently placing the plant in my 
hands. The plant had long vines and beautiful green 
leaves with white lines on them. 
“ But I don’t have money!” I say with a chuckle. 
“You know I can't keep pets in my house. They won’t even 
let me have a plant in the house. My parents hate rats 
and bugs!” I say giving back the plant. 
“Trust me Sadie it's fine your parents won’t mine. You can 
have it for free.” He says giving me back the plant with a 
“ Ok, if you say so.” I say taking the plant.  
I start walking home thinking about what tomorrow is 
going to be like. It’s probably going to be boring. Mia's 
probably going to be sitting at the “Pop Squad” table. I 
looked down at my plant  
“Hmmmmmm, what should I name you?” I said glaring at 
the plant .  
“ I’ll name you Crystal!” I say.​ O​ n the side of the plant 
there was a note taped to the pot that said. 
Water this plant twice a day,  
care for it and talk with it too!  
With a little bit of sun and kind words to say,  
this plant will be a good friend to you!   
Mr. Leonard 

When I get home I say  

“Mom I'm home and I brought a plant!!” I yell when I get 
In the house. 
“ Ok then I have to put it in YOUR room not my kitchen. 
I don't know what bugs to get in.” She says. 
I go into my room and put my plant down on my purple 
shelf. I sign I wonder what tomorrow is going to be like, 
probably be awful, no friends nothing to do and me is 
probably going to be with the pop Squad. I say in my 
Chapter 3 
The next day I wake up, put on my clothes, eat breakfast 
and start heading to school. 
When I get to school, I walk slowly and sadly to my 
locker. I straggle behind my classmates as they run into 
homeroom to meet their friends. I took a seat at my desk 
which was right behind Mia’s desk.  
“Good morning students, today we have a new student!” 
says our home room teacher, Mrs. Gremsims. I see Mia 
waving at me from the desk in front of me. I waved back 
with a fake smile. She passes note to where the popular 
girls were, which was Tiffany. A girl comes into the 
classroom. She has short brown hair, creamy skin, a 
purple and pink parrot sweatshirt to Center hair, a blue 
and white striped dress and a Royal blue backpack with 
yellow stars on it. 
“ This is Kari Yaotto everyone, She’s just moved here from 
“ Um Hi,” she says. 
“ Did you go to the Nickelodeon Universe?” Asked Tony 
really loudly without raising his hand. 
“ Thank you Tony, but next time please raise your hand.” 
“ Yeah, we go there once a year.” she says. 
“ Kari, you can sit next to Sadie Okay.” says Mrs. 
“ Now remember the book fair is tomorrow. Max’s mom is 
leading the book fair right max.” 
“ Yep!” said max. 
When it was time for lunch I sat at the table that Mia 
and I always sat at. I take a bit of my turkey and cheese 
sandwich. Then something unexpected happened. Kari sat 
next to me without saying a word! 
“ Um, hi.” I say admiring her breathtaking jewelry. 
“ Hello.” She says studying my fake smile. 
“ I can move if you want,”  
“ No, no, no, you can stay.” I say looking at Mia doing 
makeovers with the pop squad. 
“ Where are your friends?” She asked me like she knew I 
had no friends but she was checking to make sure.   
“ Oh my friend she um, with someone else.” I say not even 
look at her jewelry anymore. 
“ I’m so sorry about that.” She says putting her hand on 
my shoulder. 
“ Do you like the show Project M​ C​?” She asked me. 
“That's my favorite show!” I say  
“I want to know more about you.” She said. 
So I talked about my life and she did get a lot of time but 
we also had some differences. 
When the lunch bell rang she asked me. 
“ Do you want to be friends?”  
“ Sure.” I say. 
“ See you later.” Kari said leaving for her next class. 
I’m so happy and glad I got a new friend. Now I don’t 
have to worry about anything! 
Chapter 4 
That day after school, I water Crystal and start talking to 
“ Oh Crystal, I can't believe I made a new friend I wish 
everyone had someone to talk to like you and me.” I say to 
Crystal. She said nothing 
“ Yeah, that’s what I thought.” I say getting out my 
“ Soooo, how was your day??” I ask Crystal. She said nothing 
“ Well I hope it was good.” I say starting my math homework. 
“ Do you like math?” I ask her. She said nothing again. 
I talked to her for the whole night. Then I got a great idea! I 
get great ideas all the time but this one… was probably my 
The next day, I went to my home room. 
“ Kari! I have this great idea, do you like plants?” I ask her. 
“ Yes, I adore plants.” She says while eating some crackers. 
“ Great, now I was thinking we could make a plant business, 
but the plants aren’t just plants, they’re pets too,” 
Kari liked the idea. Then I was going to ask Mia if she wanted 
to join. But I think she was too busy hanging out with the pop 
“ Do you want to come to my house after school?” she asked 
“ Ok. I need to tell my mom first though.” I say. 
Next was science class. I sat at an empty table. Then a 
boy sat next to me. I did not recognize him, but I think he was 
my age. 
“ Hello.” He said. 
“ Hi.” I say. 
“ I’m Joey ​Thompson​. My family is from Australia, I just moved 
here two weeks ago. What’s your name.” He asked. 
Wow, he moved here from Australia! That’s far! I could tell 
because of the accent   
“ I’m Sadie, Sadie Lewis.” I say shaking his hand. 
“ So, um, I like your bag.” He said pointing at it. 
“ Oh, this old thing, well thanks, I like your shirt.” I say back. 
“ Thanks.” he said with a smile. 
“ Ok class, today I wanted to tell you that in the next 4 weeks 
you and a partner will work on a science fair project.” 
Announced Mr. Yelth. 
“ Yay, we have to do nerdy stuff.” Said Ivy sarcastically. She 
was also putting on lipstick.  
“ I love Science!” Said Joey, 
“ Me too.” I say. 
“ Well you two are super dorky nerds.” Said Ivy shouting her 
Then Mia said something so mean! 
“ Yeah, those losers are sooooo nerdy.” She said putting on 
some eye shadow. 
I was so shocked that I yelled at her! 
stopped, I had a great Idea, a solution, a resolution! 
“ I don’t really care anymore Mia, because I got ​NEW 
“ New friends.” said Mia, kind of sadly. 
“ Yep ​NEW ​ friends. So if you don’t want to be my friend 
anymore, I guess I will just hang out with them.” I say. 
“ Oh, ok.” she said going back to putting makeup on. There, now 
she knows how it feels. 
Then I had another idea. 
“ Hey Joey, do you like Plant’s?” I ask him. 
“ I like flowers. Not the green plants though.” He said. 
“ Do you want to be a part of my Plant lovers business?” I 
asked him. 
“ Ok.” He said. 
Chapter 5 
After school. I went to Kari’s house. When I got 
there, I looked up at the house. It was a two story house. 
It was yellow, and had lots of windows. I’ve never seen a 
house so beautiful before here in Florida. I knock on the 
“ Hi!! Come in, Come in!!!” She says open the door for me 
to walk in. The house was beautiful. It had a big kitchen, 
a beautiful shadleler in the living room. She led me 
upstairs where her room was. Her room has pink walls, a 
canopy pink bed, she also has almost all the graphic 
novels in the world! Not really though.  
“ Follow me.” She says showing me the way into a little 
space in the wall!   

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